Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, January 4, 1905

Luke Torpey of Ayrshire, Dead

Luke T. Torpey passed away at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday after an illness of 14 weeks. For the last 11 weeks he had been bedfast. Death was the result of a general breaking down of the system. About a year ago Mr. Torpey met with a mishap in alighting from a wagon, striking his side on the wheel and injuring him internally. At the time of the accident no attention was given it and he suffered only a slight inconvenience from its effect. As time passed he complained of his side, which caused him great agony. When taken down it was decided to operate upon him as the only means of relieving his suffering. After the operation he improved slowly for a few days but his vitality was not equal to the emergency and his life ebbed slowly, until death relieved him of his sufferings. During his long illness he was conscious except for a few hours Sunday. He regained consciousness in the evening and talked to the members of his family and all who were in the room. From Sunday on his death was only a matter of a few hours and he breathed his last surrounded by his family. He realized the end was near and courted death that he might be believed from his bed of pain.

Mr. Torpey formerly resided in Ruthven before moving to Ayrshire and was well-known throughout the county. He was unassuming in his manners, charitable and just, and his death will be mourned by his large circle of friends. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Friday) morning at nine o'clock from the Catholic church.

Luke T. Torpey was born in the County Galway, Ireland, in 1839. He came to America in 1846, locating in Pennsylvania where he remained for 32 years. On November 13, 1864, he was united in marriage to Miss Bridget E. Colihan at Ashland, Pennsylvania, who, together with five children -- 2 sons and three daughters -- survive him. In 1878 he moved to Iowa where he has since resided. For the past five years he has lived in Ayrshire. -- -- Ayrshire Chronicle

-- Mrs. Benjamin Quigley and child, of Savanna, Illinois, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCormick.
-- Mrs. Moyer, of Arlington, who had been here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Linderman, for a week, returned home Monday.
-- Mr. Charles C. Miller and Miss Ida M. Spooner, of Ottosen, were married in Emmetsburg Wednesday, Dr. Jackson officiating.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch Thursday. The Democrat congratulates.
-- Mrs. Peter Black left for Worthington, Minnesota, Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Nicholas.
-- Charles Guerdet will return to Kenmare, North Dakota, this week. His mother and the other members of the family will move there in the spring. He is highly pleased with the country.

-- a son was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy Jr. of Emmetsburg Township. This makes them a family of three boys and one girl. The Democrat congratulates.
-- a marriage license has been issued to Fred F. Dudgeon and Bertha S. Kirtz.
-- Mr. Justus D. Moodie and Miss Bertha Ansinger, of Mallard, were married in this city Wednesday, Dr. W. T. Jackson officiating. The Democrat offers congratulations.
-- Mr. Rufus A. Hastings, of Ayrshire and Miss Mabel Bixby, of Whittemore, were married at the M. E. Parsonage in this city in the afternoon, Reverend S. R. Beatty officiating. They will make their future home on a farm near Ayrshire. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations.

Mrs. William H. Beck Dies Suddenly

Mrs. William H. Beck. died suddenly Monday morning, of apoplexy, at her home in this city. She arose as usual, called several members of the family, and was preparing to do her washing when she was stricken. Dr. Powers was called but before he reached the house she had passed away. The funeral services were held at the residence Tuesday morning. There were conducted by Reverend S. R. Beatty. The remains were taken to Morrison, Grundy county, for burial. The interment took place at three o'clock this afternoon.

Mary Amanda Knowles was born in the state of Maine in 1851. This made her age 53. When white young her parents moved to Black Hawk county. October 5, 1875 she was married to William H. Beck. Eight children were born to them, five of whom are living. All reside in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Beck came to Palo Alto County about seven years ago. For some time they lived on a farm just west of town at present owned by Edward McNally. 

The deceased was respected by those who knew her and had many warm friends. Her taking off, under the circumstances named, was indeed a sad surprise to her husband and family. All have the profound sympathy of the community.

Mrs. Alger, of Ruthven, dead

Mrs. Alger, mother of Perry Alger, of Ruthven, died Friday. She was about 75 years of age. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church at Ruthven Sunday. A son was absent in Minnesota and could not reach home until yesterday. Hence the delay.

William Hefley Sells out

William Hefley has sold its fixtures and stock of liquors to Peter Daily. He retains the building and lot. Mr. Daily, at Monday evenings meeting of the city council, obtained consent to continue the business under the ordinance governing such affairs. He recently sold his saloon at Cylinder to George Kliegl. Mr. Hefley intends leaving for Idaho about January 10. He will be accompanied by his son W. E.


-- Mrs. Jenkins and daughter, of Jenkins Station, have been here the past 10 days visiting with her brother, Mr. Truesdall.

-- Born: to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Russel on Thursday, a son. And "days" is the biggest man in town

South Vernon
-- Mrs. Bruce Root enjoyed a visit from her brother-in-law, Mr. Wines, during the holidays. He departed Monday for Faribault, Minnesota.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, of LaSalle county, Illinois, have been visiting at the Galloway home for the past week. Mr. Fitzgerald is a brother of Mrs. Galloway

-- born: to Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Glenn, January 1, a boy.
-- Mrs. McDonald, of Graettinger, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Griffin, of this place.
-- Clifford Ferguson returned home Saturday after he week's visit with his aunt, Mrs. Adams, of Des Moines.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, January 11, 1905


Died at Inwood
Mrs. W. Tilson died at Inwood, Iowa, Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Tilson was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Barringer, of this city. She was married a few years ago and moved to England where she has since resided. -- -- Ruthven Appeal

Many Jack Rabbits at Fenton
The Fenton Reporter says that from December 5 to December 24, only 19 days, Henry and John Lengerman and Otto Nemits shot 100 jack rabbits and 175 small rabbits. The largest number killed in any one day was 26, all jack rabbits, and one other day they succeeded in getting 23. The boys think this is a good record that can't be beat in this part of the country. -- -- Algona Upper Des Moines Republican

-- Miss Ketchen has sold some of her Canadian land, taking an improved farm near Wesley in trade. She makes a nice profit on a deal.
-- E. V. McDonnell of Chicago, came in Sunday morning for a few days visit with relatives and friends. He is manager of a department in Marshall Field and Co.'s new store.
-- Mr. and Mrs. David Starr left for Sioux City Friday morning. They will visit relatives in several Nebraska towns and will spend a week or 10 days with their daughter at Riverton.
-- D. N. Guthrie has traded his flouring mill at Milford for a tract of Alabama land. Many of the old settlers of the county had to go to Milford during years gone by to get their milling done.
-- Frank Duffy has been hired by the school board to run the engine in the high school building. The salary is $40 per month. The position is a responsible one. There were many applicants for it.
-- J. P. Mulroney and family of Mallard, left last week for Colorado Springs, Colorado, and will remain there for some time. They have many friends in this county who regret to see them leave but hope for an early return.
-- Miss Lizzie Jones went to Mason City Saturday and is visiting friends there this week. She had been spending the holidays with her parents in this city. She is a milliner at St. Paul and we'll go to that place from Mason City.
-- W. J. Brown has received some Apache Indian goods from his nephew, John Harrison, who has been through Arizona with a surveying party recently. The articles will make a nice addition to W.J.'s collection of curios and he is justly proud of them. There is a small basket supposed to have been made by Geronima's first wife, a necklace made and worn by Chilchuna’s wife and a war club secured from old Chief Talklai himself. Mr. Harrison goes to old Mexico and promises to send curios gathered on the trip.

-- Floyd Brown left for his home at Jefferson Tuesday evening after a short visit with his uncle, W. J. McCarty.
-- Ralph Law returned Saturday morning from Savannah, Illinois, where he was called on account of the serious illness of his sister.
-- Franklin Peddie will leave soon for Texas where he will make his future home. He will have charge of his father's rice field at that place.
-- Mrs. Rose Haeger and daughter, Helen, of Elmore, Minnesota, arrived Thursday for a few days visit with her niece, Mrs. Thomas Caldwell.
-- Mrs. Smith and daughter returned to their home at Iowa Falls Sunday evening. They had been visiting Mrs. Smith’s sister, Mrs. W. J. Black.
-- Miss Lutie Wallace returned to her home at Parker, S. D. Saturday. She had been visiting her sister Mrs. A.L. Chapin. She is a teacher in a public school at that place.
-- James Uriell returned Tuesday evening from North Dakota where he had been spending the holidays with his brothers. He also visited relatives at St. Paul for a couple of days.
-- Bert Hughes left yesterday for Sioux Rapids where he will make a short visit with relatives. He will go from there to his home at Osakis, Minnesota. Bert's many Emmetsburg friends regret to see him go.

Mrs. Henry Kane Dead

On Thursday morning of last week Mrs. Henry Kane died at her home in south part of town after an illness of a few weeks. She had contracted a severe cold which soon affected the lungs. She had been up and around only a few days before and even the night before her death was so cheerful that the relatives attending her did not suspect the end was so near. Rev. Father Smith officiated at the funeral at the Catholic church on Saturday morning.

The case is one of the saddest that has occurred in the community for years and the husband and sisters have the heartfelt sympathy of all. The deceased was well known as Miss Nellie Laughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Laughlin. Her father died when she was but seven years of age and her mother passed away when she had reached the age of eleven. For some years she made her home with Mrs. James Kane in Walnut Township. She was married five years ago. Last March the family came to town where Mr. Kane engaged in business. She leaves two children, a boy and a girl. Two sisters, Mary and Maggie, and one brother, Thomas, survive her.

Father of Mr. Branagan, Editor of the Democrat, Passes Away

John Branagan, father of W. I Branagan, died Saturday at Mercy Hospital, Dubuque, where he was taken about a month ago for treatment. The funeral took place at Lawler yesterday. The services were held at the Church of our Lady of Mt. Carmel and were conducted by the pastor, Reverend father Leahy.

As the deceased was well known to many of our citizens, a few words concerning his life and personal traits, given through the columns of his son's newspaper will not be out of place.

Mr. Branagan was born in the parish of Kilmore, Ardnaree, in the county of Sligo, Ireland, December 12, 1817. When he was a child his parents moved to Baal, and were later residents of Ballina, both places being located in the County Mayo. He was an only child and had hardly reached the years of manhood with both his father and mother died and he was left to travel life's journey alone.

In 1843 he bade adieu to his native land and went to Lancaster, England, where he worked six years for the Jesuit fathers who conducted Stonyhurst college. On April 16, 1849, he sailed for America and landed in New York June 5, after a perilous voyage of seven weeks. He located at Burlington, Vermont, where he lived until 1854, when he decided that the far west afforded the best opportunities to those of limited means. He came to Chicago which was then a small place and giving but little promise of the splendor it has attained. Soon after his arrival in Chicago he moved to Rockford, Illinois.

There he was married in 1856 to Margaret Gray. In the same year they came to Clermont, Fayette County, Iowa, settling on a farm, where they remained for 19 years. In 1875 they move to Chickasaw County where they lived on a farm until 1896 when they retired from active work and moved into Lawler.

Their family consisted of six sons and three daughters -- Joseph C., Patrick, James A., William I., Mary A., Edward A., Margaret E., and Maria B.. The oldest son died in 1892 and the oldest daughter passed away in 1901. The other sons and daughters survive and the wife and mother is at present so ill that no hopes are entertained for her recovery.

Having known the family for so many years the writer had a fair opportunity of forming an estimate of the career indeed of the deceased who lived and toiled in the sunshine and storm for almost a century. Mr. Branagan was, until about a year ago, a close, observing student of public affairs and kept well informed on the topics of the day. He was a ready and interesting talker and always took an active, earnest part in matters that demand the attention of all good citizens. He was always very careful of his conduct. He had no use for tobacco or intoxicating liquors, neither could he tolerate the use of profane nor obscene language. He was a man of strong religious convictions and he never failed to comply with the duties of the Catholic Church of which he was a member. Few of the exiles of Erin felt more keenly than did Mr. Branagan for trials and afflictions of the land of his birth. Well may those who know him only as a loving son and daughter have found this kind, exemplary and dutiful parent, treasure the recollections of a long and ennobling life he spent.

The editor of the Democrat has spent almost twenty years in Emmetsburg and the host of friends he has made in town and county would join in extending to himself and his brothers and sisters the sincere sympathy tendered by 

Miss Gregg of Ruthven Dead

On Wednesday, January 4, Miss Avis Irene Gregg died at the home of her parents in Ruthven. She had been teaching at Laurens since September and was taken sick just at the close of the term before the holidays. The funeral services were held at the Christian church at two o'clock Friday afternoon, being conducted by Elde Klein, of Spencer, and the interment was in the Ruthven Cemetery. Miss Gregg was born at Vermontville, Michigan in April, 1868 and came with her parents to Clay County in 1879. In 1881 the family moved to Ruthven where they have resided since. The deceased was well and favorably known as a popular dry goods clerk and later as a teacher. The father, mother and one sister survive her.

A. M. Fish and Mrs. Jerusha Smith were married at the home of the bride in this city last Wednesday evening. These people are both well known here and are held in high esteem by all their acquaintances. The Democrat offers congratulations.


Strange Method of Suicide
Mrs. C. W. Alexander, a woman well along in years, burned herself to death in an outhouse at an early hour one morning last week at Des Moines. She had secured possession of a can of kerosene with which she drenched her night dress and going to the outhouse set herself on fire. The husband aroused, rushed to the scene of the fire, but was not able to see his wife on account of the smoke. After the fire had burned itself out, the body, terribly charred, was discovered in a corner. Worry over the health of her two daughters is supposed to be the cause of her action.

Indicted for Murder
Murder in the first degree was a charge under which Beverly Walker was arraigned in a court of Justice Christie at Des Moines last week. It was alleged that he killed Thomas Bradley in a fight at Marquisville and that the murder was willful and premeditated. His bond was fixed at $1800. Being unable to furnish this amount he was taken to the county jail.

Evidence Points to Murder
With an order of the court to justify their actions, two sons of L.T. DeLong, a wealthy Clarke County farmer, who died suddenly four months ago, secretly exhumed the body of their father, caused a chemical analysis of the stomach to be made and have produced sufficient evidence to warrant the governor of Iowa in affixing a reward for the murderers, which he did.

Aged Man Murdered
Christian Wolmsdorff, aged 80 years, living at Brighton, Jefferson County, was found dead as a result of a blow on the temple, inflicted with a blunt instrument, presumably an ax, as the dead man's ax was later found in its usual place, covered with blood. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of death by the hands of an unknown person.

Serious Crime Charged
David Parks and James Masher were arrested at Boone charged with rape. They were seen at three o'clock one morning emerging from a hallway with Mabel Rogan, a girl fourteen years of age.

Prominent Man Dead
Colonel A. A. Rodman, grand captain general of the Grand Commandery Knight Templars of Iowa and author of Rodman's Tactics, is dead of apoplexy at Washington, Iowa.

Women Heroic in Blizzard
Not a death is reported as a result of the recent blizzard in Iowa, but reports are just coming of deeds of heroism, many of them performed by school ma’ams in the country districts. Miss Rilla Coates of Ames, teaching in Grundy County, spent a night alone in her schoolhouse. In the afternoon she took several of the pupils through the storm, and then started for her own boarding place, but was unable to reach it. She returned to the schoolhouse and remained all night. In Webster County Nellie Romaine was badly frozen in taking her smaller pupils home. A Winnebago County schoolteacher took home two little ones belonging to a wealthy widower and was compelled to remain all night. While the wind howled outside the widower sat up with the school ma’am and in-between armfuls of wood he proposed and was accepted. There will be a wedding right after the end of the school term.

For Fraudulent Use of Mails
Clayton D. Smith, a young man of Cedar Rapids, was arrested by the federal officials, on the charge of using the mails to attempt to defraud and was held to the grand jury. Smith, who claims to be publisher of the Iowa Advertiser, has been sending out thousands of circulars offering to place ads in 50 publications at ridiculously low rates. One of his victims demanded sample copies of all publications, which were not forthcoming, and complaint was made to the officials.

Released on Bond
Francis E. Seery, recently sent to the penitentiary for 18 years for the murder of Michael Moynihan, has been released under a $10,000 bond. He will take the case to the Supreme Court. Seery was sent up from Benton County.

Killed by a Heavy Log
Near new Sharon, Joe Reeves, while felling trees, was pinned down by a heavy log. He was extricated but had been so badly crushed that he died an hour later.

Thomas Faces Murder Charge
For the third time Charles Thomas will be put on trial at Des Moines for the murder of Mabel Scoffield in Des Moines in 1899. An indictment has been found by the grand jury upon evidence which has been ignored by a half dozen grand juries in succession. The theory of the defense is that Thomas is persecuted; that Mabel Scoffield died by her own hand, and that the large reward offered has been the chief incentive of private detectives and the young man must now make a fight for his life. The remains of Mabel Scoffield, a pretty girl from Macksburg, Iowa, were taken from the Des Moines River in October, 1899. Tracks were found leading to the river and the affair was credited as a suicide. Mrs. Scoffield had been staying at the Thomas home. Thomas was a hackdriver with none too good a name. After the remains had been embalmed the coroner of the county gave the girl’s stomach to an expert chemist, and traces of chloral were discovered. Later it was found that Thomas had bought chloral at an East Des Moines drugstore and he was placed under arrest. He proved that he had been driving a hack at a funeral in Valley Junction at the time the girl was supposed to have died, and the case was dismissed. A year later and another information was filed and the case was again tried. It was shown that the embalming fluid used upon the remains might have contained the drug and Thomas was liberated. His indictment by the present grand jury was based upon the affidavit of a physician known by the name of Dr. Taylor, unknown to the city, but who claims to have lived there at the time of the death. He asserts that he was called to the Thomas home and met Charles Thomas, then an entire stranger, and Thomas told him that he'd given Mabel Schofield an overdose of poison and that she had died.

Emmetsburg Democratic; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, January 18, 1905

-- Mrs. William Dunkleberger, of Rock Rapids, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Early, of the city.

-- Mrs. Dr. Davis returned to Chicago Friday. She had been visiting her brother, W. J. Bowden, for some time.
-- Reverend and Mrs. E. Filkins returned to Rutland, Iowa, on Monday. They had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Treadgold.
-- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brady went to Holloway, Ohio, Thursday for a visit with relatives. Mr. Brady formerly resided in that state.
-- Dennis McCarthy arrived in the city of Duluth Friday evening. He went from here to correct your to visit his people, who live north of that place.
-- George Helgen arrived home from Charles City Thursday evening. He has a brother at that place. Another brother is in business in a small town south of there.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peddie left for Texas Monday where they will remain for some time. While there Mr. Peddie look after his rice plantation interests near Houston.


Wives Should Be Careful
Manson women who are in the habit of pulling their husbands out of poker and crap games at all hours of the night should be careful. An Ireton woman turned that sort of trick on her husband a few nights ago and he stepped outside the door and shot himself dead. He was Cy Young, the noted baseball player whose home was originally at Paulina. -- -- Manson Democrat

Something Out Of the Usual
Mrs. Fannie Hegarty, the deputy county clerk, received one of the most unique letters recently that we ever saw. It was just plain, common old hard tack, such as the veterans used to have for their bill of fare in the 60s. It was from her son, who is on the battleship Missouri. It was addressed on the front and the stamp had been cancelled. It was mailed at Hampton Roads, Virginia. It came through without a scratch or break. -- -- Spencer Reporter

Father Died on Saturday, January 9 And Our Mother Passed Away on the Following Friday
Had Journeyed Together for Nearly Half a Century. Death Separates Them for Only Six Days

Last Friday morning, just six days after our aged father had passed away, our beloved mother was called to her eternal reward. For almost forty-nine years they had journeyed faithfully, happily, tirelessly together. God had blessed their motives and rewarded generously their endeavors, and it seemed his holy will that they should not long be separated. The sorrow of this double parting brought to those who had loved them so long and so fondly was, of course, painful to bear, but there is, after all, consolation in the thought that the companionship that had been so helpful, so genial for many, many years was broken for but a few days.

Sunday morning mother was laid to rest. A high requiem Mass was celebrated at the Church of our Lady of Mt. Carmel, by the pastor, Reverend P. Leahy. He spoke feelingly and constructively of the solemn responsibilities the Catholic Church imposes on its members when death calls one of the family or neighbor, of the frailties of human nature, and of the necessity of leading good lives.

Death is the most dreaded event of human existence. It frequently comes when not expected an offense which those who are summoned are least prepared to answer for the use of the blessings and opportunities that have been given them. It spares neither expectant, vigorous youth nor those upon whom the cares and burdens of years weigh heavily. Keen is the grief when the devoted brother, the fond sister, or the watchful, provident, patient father is summoned, but the saddest hour is experienced when the sweet, tender, loving mother, aged though she is, is called upon to take her final departure from those to whom she has so often and so unselfishly given comfort and solace beyond the power of human tongue to express She it is who's heaven-born inspirations are, long before the dawn of reason, manifested in the affections and emotions of the infant heart. She it is who, during blissful, happily remembered childhood, teaches us to love and to pray, to hope and strive for the blessings that are worthy to be treasured, to respect authority, and to prize the things that make life worth living. She it is who watches, guides and assists us in our youth with this many trials and anxieties, ever ready to warn against evil in danger, constantly prepared to aid in directing us in making our lives pure, exemplary, edifying. She it is whose deep solicitude for our welfare never ceases until her eyes have been closed for ever to earthly scenes, her lips sealed, and her voice heard for the last time in life's most endearing companionship. Such are the thoughts that the death of our dear old mother has suggested to us. We hope that they may not be glanced over eedlessly by those whose value fully and seriously the influence of the truly Christian mother on the life and conduct of her son or daughter. We know that our readers will pardon us for expressing the conviction that ours was among the most devoted, the fondest, the dearest, the best of mothers.

Mother was born at Riverstown, in the county Sligo, Ireland, February 15, 1826. She left her native land in June, 1851. Like thousands of other Irish young women saw a little to hope for in the cruelly governing country in which they were reared, she bade farewell to all who were dear to her and sought a whole New World thousands of miles away from the fireside, the hills and flower bedecked vales she loved so fondly. Our young men and young women of foreign parentage will realize the debt of gratitude our country owes to the emigrant girls of England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany and Scandinavia, who left their homes in native countries, most of them with out means, and many of them without a brother, sister or companion, and, overcoming the trials, temptations and disappointments of strangers in a foreign land, toiled patiently for years and finally achieved front rank among the most worthy and respected wives and daughters of our republic.

Our mother spent three years at Burlington, Vermont, later coming to Rockford, Illinois, where she was married to John Branagan, February 5, 1856. The family particulars were mentioned in the account of the death of our father in last week's Democratic.

Father and mother came to Clermont, Iowa, in 1856. They underwent most of the trials and discomforts of the pioneer citizens of our state, about which so much has been spoken and written. Providence was good to them. Death claimed no member of their family until 12 years ago, when their oldest son answered the final call. In their newly made graves both prepared within a week, they are sleeping side-by-side. In conclusion Christian gratitude prompts us to acknowledge that life would perhaps afford little of real, of lasting value to us, were it not for the good example they gave us. The thought of this -- the most treasured of the memories of their career and their deeds -- will, we evidently pray, be to the surviving members of our family an inspiration to loftier purposes and to more ennobling lives.

[Pictures of both Mr. and Mrs. John Branagan are included with this article]

-- C. C. Miller, of Ottosen, will open a jewelry store at West Bend.
-- The Messrs. Lynch, who had been in the city visiting their brother, John Lynch, for several days, left for Ackley Saturday morning. One of the brothers, James, is a conductor on the Mexican Central Railway, but he has purchased a farm in northwestern Arkansas and will quit railroading. He is an interesting converser concerning Mexican life and customs.
-- Miss Theresa Jones, of Galesburg, Illinois, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, during the past week.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hafner lost their youngest child Saturday. The funeral was held Monday. They have the sympathy of many friends.
-- Mrs. George Harrison, who lives on the south side, was called to Aurora, Illinois, Monday evening by a telegram announcing the death of her father.
-- Mrs. George Kent and children, of Livermore, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, of this city, Saturday evening and Sunday. Mrs. Kent is the sister of Mrs. Jones.
-- Thomas Shea is now soliciting for the correspondence school of the Highland Park normal of Des Moines. Having spent several years as a student of the institution, he is well prepared to recommend it to the public.
-- J. H. Godden leaves for Vermont today to purchase the stock of marble for the coming year. He will go by way of Janesville, Wisconsin, where he will visit his mother for a few days. She is becoming quite advanced in years.
-- Sisters Mary Placentia and Mary Gerald, of Fort Dodge, visited relatives and friends in this city during the last of the week. The former is the daughter of Mrs. Fitzgerald and the latter of Mr. T. J. Duffy. Sister Mary Gerald teaches in Corpus Christi Academy and Sister Mary Placentia in the Sacred Heart Academy.
-- a marriage license has been issued to Henry A. Montag and Mary Luna Sloan, of West Bend.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Fanger, who lives near Rodman, lost their infant child a few days ago. Particulars have not been learned.
-- the Champion reports a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Brien, of Whittemore. The Democratic extends congratulations.
-- Nicholas Hoelzner, who had been visiting his son, Peter Hoelzner, of this city, for the past month, returned to his home in East St. Louis last evening.
-- Mr. John T. Waite and Miss Anna Heiden are to be married at Elkader tomorrow. They will make their future home near Fenton. John is a splendid young man. Though a little ahead of time, the Democrat wishes him and his chosen companion for life success.

Duffy -- Kirby

Mr. Frank Duffy and Miss Alice Kirby were married Tuesday morning at Assumption Church, Rev. M. J. Costello officiating. The groom was attended by Mr. William Laughlin and the bride by her sister, Miss Ellen Kirby. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kirby, of this city. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs. Duffy left for Sioux Falls on the westbound Milwaukee passenger where they will spend several days. On their return they will commence housekeeping in one of the J. C. Bennett cottages in the third Ward. The bride is widely known by our readers. She is a member of one of the pioneer families of Palo Alto and holds front rank among the very best young ladies of Emmetsburg. To know her is to esteem her. The groom has resided in this neighborhood for several years. Naught but words of praise can be said of him, for he is the most exemplary young man. He is upright, temperate, industrious, and frugal. He is an engineer and his efficiency in his chosen line is such that his services are eagerly sought by those who need them and are familiar with his ability. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Duffy.

Mrs. Paul Paulson Dead

Anna Marie Paulson was born the 24th of August, 1832, in Hibelund, North Schlesvig, Europe, and died the sixth of January, 1905, and so reached the age of 72 years, 4 months, 12 days. She was twice married, the first time, in 1857, to Daniel Westergard, who died 10 years later. Six children were born in this marriage, of whom two are dead, and the other four settled in Palo Alto county. In 1879 she was married the second time to Paul Paulson. The marriage was blessed with four children, of whom two are dead and two living in Palo Alto county. In 1880 she came to this county with her husband and children. After a two-month stay in Chicago, they came to Palo Alto county, where they have since resided. Many pleasures did they have in their native land, to meet the troubles and inconveniences that this part of the country -- at that time especially -- brought the first settlers. By toil and patience these troubles were done away with, but as the evening of this woman's life drew nearer, and after trouble was met with in the way of sickness. For seven years she had to be about in her house more than any other place. Yes, troublesome were the days, not only on her own part, but also to her husband, who had to take care of her. But let this be said to his honor, that he did his duty with patience and loyalty. Quiet and still were her last days, and quietly did she passed away from this world. Rest was her longing, and it came at last.

The funeral was held on Tuesday, January 10, and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery of the Danish Lutheran Church near Fallow. The funeral service was held in the church, and the minister of the congregation performed the ceremony and preached in Danish. Reverend Wigdahl from Ruthven was also present and delivered an excellent sermon in English. Large was the crowd that followed the remains to the last resting place. Mrs. Paulson leaves a husband and six children to mourn of the loss of a dear wife and mother. She will be missed but dearly remembered.


-- Mrs. Mitchell, of Minneapolis, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Sprout, and other relatives.
-- Mrs. Maggie Thompson, and sister, Miss Nelson, were recently at the Burg visiting their sister, Mrs. S. E. Aukema.

-- Mr. George Jandl and Miss Rosa Mahys were married in the Catholic Church at this place Tuesday, Father Dobberstien officiating. We extend congratulations.
-- Walter Crabtree visited his sister, Mrs. George Schreiber, last week.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa; Wednesday, January 25, 1905

Geelan -- Leinenbach

Tuesday morning Mr. Henry W. Geelan, of Whittemore, and Miss Lillian Leinenbach, were united in marriage at the Catholic Church at Whittemore, Father Dullard officiating. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Thomas Geelan, of Ruthven, Miss Lizzie Bigley , of this city, was bridesmaid. After the ceremony the contracting parties and the immediate relatives partook of an elegant wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Leinenbach, of Fairfield township. In the forenoon Mr. and Mrs. Geelan drove to the city and took the southbound Rock Island passenger train for Chicago. They will visit that place and at Essex, Illinois, for some time, after which they will return to Whittemore and commence housekeeping.

The bride is, we understand, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leinenbach, who are among the most substantial and highly respected people of the eastern part of the county. She is a beautiful young lady and possesses many of the qualities that make womanhood lovable. She has a wide circle of friends and is fully deserving of the high favor in which she is held. Mr. Geelan is a junior member of the mercantile firms of O'Brien and Geelan, of Whittemore, which is one of the leading ones of that place. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Geelan, live in Highland township, this county. He is a most exemplary young gentleman, being bright, courteous, businesslike and at all times high-minded. He is in every sense a gentleman. The Democrat extends hearty greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Geelan.

-- Mrs. McGovern, of Whittemore, visited her mother, Mrs. Cullen, of this city, Wednesday.
-- Thomas McDonald was called to Nevada, Iowa, Thursday to see his father, who is very ill.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spainhower have gone to the Nobles county, Oklahoma, where they will make their future home.
-- Jim Fletcher is sending Estherville people to Oklahoma and Indian territory as fast as he can convince them that there is no place like the great Southwest. We hope that he will leave most of the people in our sister town where they are.
-- Father Daily of Estherville, mourns the loss of his sister, who died in Ireland a short time ago. Memorial services will be held at the Catholic church tomorrow for her. Father Daily has the sympathy of his numerous friends in this city in his bereavement.


State Superintendent Riggs is urging strongly the adoption of the central schoolhouse plan throughout the state. In fact it is doubtful if he is not a little imprudent in his zeal for a change which as yet lacks the approval of widespread experience. In a report recently published he speaks of the Terril school as follows:

"In Lloyd township, Dickinson County, the consolidated school was established in 1901, and opened in October with a fine modern school building costing $4000 in place of the eight old cross roads schools. The new building is fitted with every necessary convenience, while the old structures were deficient in every way. On the day that Mr. Riggs visited the school, 124 children were in attendance, while the enrollment is somewhat larger; the aggregate attendance is far above the aggregate attendance of the eight old sub district schools.

"Four teachers are maintained in this school, all of them as well fitted for their work as teachers of the average town school. The principal receives $80 per month and the grade teachers $45 each. The instruction in the highest room covers the ninth and 10th years work usually done in the city high school and goes far beyond the instruction ever possible in the old sub district schools.

"Seven covered wagons are employed in carrying the children to school in the morning and home again in the evening. They travel routes ranging from 5 1/2 miles to 8 1/2 miles in length, and the drivers are paid an average salary of $36.28 per month. In snow, rain or sunshine the pupils are safely and comfortably transported, while in the old days they took their own risk in walking through cold and wet. Now they are delivered at the school on time and tardy marks are a rare exception. The children regularly reach home between four and 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon."

Miss Scott's Father Is Dead

Sunday morning Miss Jessie Scott, of the Palo Alto County Bank, received a telegram announcing the death of her father, Alva S. Scott, at his home at North Fenton, New York. Miss Jessie had been home for several weeks visiting him and he was some better when she left there about 10 days ago. It seems, however, that he recently took a change for the worse and did not last long Mrs. Scott is still living. The sympathy of the community is extended to Miss Scott in her sad bereavement, for who does not feel keenly the loss of a devoted parent?

Michael Eichel Dead.

Michael Eichle died at the counting house last Wednesday after a rather brief illness. He was buried in Evergreen cemetery that evening. The services were conducted by Dr. W. T. Jackson. Mr. Eichle was 84 years of age. One daughter, Mrs. Schwint, lives near Mallard. The deceased worked in Mr. Reither’s meat market for a number of years. He was a quiet, inoffensive old gentleman.

[Note: Eichel and Eichle transcribed as written in original]

-- R.D. Crowder, of Peyton, Iowa, is visiting his cousin, John C. Crowder of this place.
-- Clint Smith, of Chicago, visited his aunt, Mrs. J. H. Godden, over Sunday. The latter accompanied him on his return to Chicago Monday.
-- P. Weir was over for Whittemore Saturday. The death of our parents reminded him that his father and mother had died long ago within four days of each other. His father was nearly 100 years of age and his mother about 90. They lived in Ballina, in the County of Mayo, Ireland, where our father was raised. When Mr. Weir landed in Chicago, in 1860, having come directly from Ireland, he had only 50 centsleft. However, he had good grit and a strong right arm and he made considerable of the success of life. He raised a large family and has one of the best farms in Fairfield township. Men of his pluck and perseverance have accomplished wonders for our country.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hand Wednesday. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- M. Carrig, of Waterloo, visited his sister, Mrs. Charles Flynn, of this city, during the past week. He owns a farm in Silver Lake township and came up to see about it.
-- Leonard Richards returned to Herman, Minnesota, Sunday after a short visit with his sister, Mrs. S. D. Bickford.
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schendel Sunday. It is needless to say that their home is more joyous than ever.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Howland and family are home from Boise, Idaho, after an absence of two years. They will try farming in Palo Alto again.
-- D. E. Collins left for Bonesteel, South Dakota, Monday morning. He will live on his homestead for eight months. His family will move there in the spring. He has resigned as deputy treasurer.
-- Mrs. Benjamin Quigley and baby returned to Savannah, Illinois, Monday morning. She had been visiting her parents and other relatives in this city. She was accompanied on the return trip by her sister, Mrs. J. H. Knoblaugh.
-- A. D. Carnahan, of McPherson county, South Dakota, has been in this locality for several days visiting relatives and looking after business affairs. He has rented the Colburn farm near Ayrshire and will soon move his family onto it. He likes South Dakota pretty well but recently lost all his grain and live stock in a fire.
-- Mrs. Fonten is at present very low at the home of her niece, Mrs. Henry Kneer, and it is thought that she can not last long.
-- Mrs. E. J. Kilgore returned to Washington on Monday evening. She had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Atkinson, Jr., for several weeks.
-- Mrs. Ballard and Mrs. MacFarlane, who had been visiting their sister, Mrs. C. S. Wells, returned to their homes Thursday, the former to Chicago and the latter to Sullivan, Wisconsin.


The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Markham died Wednesday forenoon here of pneumonia. The funeral services were held at the church here Thursday afternoon. The burial was in Emmetsburg.


Miss Mary Martin Nolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nolan, of 227 S. 2nd St., this city, and Mr. Joseph J. Armstrong, of Butte, were married in St. Mary's Church at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, January 16, the pastor, Rev Joseph Sayer, officiating. Owing to the prevalence of smallpox the ceremony was not largely attended, though the church was comfortably filled with the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties.

St. Mary's Catholic Church never looked more beautiful than on this occasion. Carnations, palms and ferns were used as decorations on the altar and chancel, while long streamers of white tulle extended from the center to the four corners of the little church. Lovers knots of white satin ribbon aided in the scheme of decoration about the chandeliers, and 100 lighted candles served to make the artistic scene complete.

As the bridal party entered the church Miss Ella Kreiger, organist of the parish, played the Lohengren wedding march with rare effect. During the service Miss Louie Nolan, in a sweet voice sang, O Salutaria, and Miss Emma A. Darroch also ably rendered three selections from the choir loft. The charming bride, attended by Miss Helen Nolan, never looked fairer in her bridal gown of white crepe de Paris over taffeta, with draped bodice and pointe lace and sheared chiffon as trimming. She carried a white prayer book and her moline veil was caught with a brooch set with pearls, a gift from the groom. Miss Helen Nolan as maid of honor wore a pretty creation of white landsdowne over taffeta, the niting set off with a large picture hat, and carnations carried in her right hand. A.V. Corry, brother-in-law of the groom, acted as best man. Matthew Nolan, brother of the bride, and William Kavanaugh acted as acolytes.

Miss Nolan, who was the eldest daughter, was given away by her father in front of the altar, where the groom, who was the only son of Mrs. and Leonard Armstrong, of Butte, formerly of Portland, Oregon, took her for his own. Mr. Armstrong, who is an engineer by vocation, is well and favorably known in this part of the state, and was inspector for the North Pacific at this point during the construction of the present depot and shops.

As the nuptial party left the church the organ peeled forth the beautiful strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march. After leaving the sanctuary the bridal party and relatives repaired to the Nolan home, where a sumptuous breakfast had been prepared. The bride's late home was handsomely decorated with white carnations and roses, palms and smilax . Above the seats of the happy couple at table hung a wedding bell of white carnations and roses.

The members of the family present were Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nolan, Misses. Helen, Louie, Esther and Josie Nolan, Mr. Matthew Nolan, Mrs. and Leonard Armstrong, and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Corry. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan left on No. 1 for the coast. Upon their return to Montana, March 1, they will be at home to their friends in Butte.

Submitted by: C.J.L., Nov 2007


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County