Iowa Old Press

The Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 5, 1905

Palo Alto County Sends Three Inmates For the Penitentiary -- Crouch, Murray And Foster Are Taken

Court adjourned Saturday evening, but not until three Palo Alto County men were found guilty of crime and sentenced to the penitentiary.

The Crouch case was taken up a new Monday morning of last week and all day was spent selecting a jury. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in taking the testimony of the various witnesses. The case was given to the jury Friday afternoon and in less than an hour's time they brought in a verdict of guilty of rape. Mr. Crouch was sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of seven years. His attorneys filed a petition for an appeal and the bond was placed at $1800 and being unable to obtain a stay bond Mr. Crouch was forced to go to Anamosa. A cash bond of $1000 was furnished by Crouch himself but the other $800 could not be raised. Thomas Murray's trial was of short duration, and being found guilty of an attempt to bribe a juror, he received a sentence of five years in the penitentiary. Guy Foster of Ayrshire pled guilty to the charge of housebreaking and his term in the penitentiary was set at three years. On Monday morning these three were taken to Anamosa by Deputy Sheriff Williams, who was accompanied by county auditor T. R. Martin.

Foster is a young man and his downfall has been brought about mainly by drink. This lesson will probably suffice to teach him that there are better things in life for him and they are worth seeking. This term can be cut to six months by good behavior. Thomas Murray is no stranger to the Iowa penitentiaries, for this is the third time he has been there. Reform does not seem to have any charm for him. F. Crouch has been engaged in business in this city for many years. He is a man fifty-eight years of age and has a wife and family. There is no prejudice among our citizens against him or his family, but it was almost the unanimous opinion of those who hears the testimony that he was guilty and that the punishment was just. The plaintiff in this case was not a woman possessing over brilliant qualities of mind and hence the enormity of his crime was considered greater. 

Morris -- Hofstetter

At 730 this evening will occur at the marriage of Mrs. Ross Hofstetter and Mr. Charles A. Morris, at the home of the groom's brother, a short distance east of Emmetsburg. Reverend S. R. Beatty will associate and a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties will be present to witness the ceremony. The bride has been a resident of this city for many years and is widely and universally respected for her real worth as a woman. She is a lady of amiable disposition and pleasing manner and possesses many qualities of true womanhood and will make an able helpmate. The groom came to this county from Indiana about four years ago and for three years resided in Freedom township. Last year he moved to Silver Lake. He has made many friends while here. He is an honest and industrious young man and life is full of promise for a successful career for him and his bride. They will begin housekeeping at once on their farm in Nevada township. May success and happiness attend them through life.

Hymer -- Barringer

At high noon today, at the home of the bride's parents at Ruthven, will occur the marriage of Miss Orie I. Barringer and Mr. G. Crite Hymer. Dr. W. L. Lewis of Morning Side College, Sioux City will perform the ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barringer of Ruthven and is an accomplished and amiable young lady. The groom is a young man from Denver, Colorado, where the newly wedded couple will make their home.

They met at Morning Side College where both were attending school. They will leave this evening for Denver. May happiness and success be theirs through life.


-- Mr. and Mrs. Mertis started Tuesday for North Dakota where they will make their future home.
-- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Feaster celebrated the 27th anniversary of their wedding day on Sunday. Mr. Feaster's brother was here from Nebraska and was in attendance at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Feaster are among the very estimable people of the community and have a large circle of friends who are sincere in wishing them many happy returns of the day.
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gramm on March 29. The time will be short until a happy father will be listed as "old man" or "the governor".

-- Mrs. Irmiter and son went to Chicago Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Irmiter’s aunt.

-- Mr. Yeager, who bought the Brown hotel took possession last week. Captain and Mrs. Brown returned to their old home in Emmetsburg.

-- Miss Agnes Conlon is now working in Mrs. Scott's millinery parlors
-- Charles Myres and family left Friday for superior, Minnesota, where they will make their future home
-- Harry Doyle went to Brookings, S. D., where he has secured a position in the Western Union Telegraph office
-- Mrs. Clyde Seymour and brother, Ed McNamara left Sunday evening for her new home in Indiana. She will stop off in Chicago for a short visit with W. H. Ferguson.
-- Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Conlon and Miss Anna Jackman returned from Twin Falls, Idaho, Friday morning. They will make their future home here. Mrs. Conlon was in poor health while there and that is why they returned to Iowa.
-- One day last week Thomas Condon traded his farm and Great Oak to H. H. Jacobs for the St. James hotel. Dan O'Neil will continue to manage the hotel for Mr. Condon. Mr. Jacobs left Friday for Twin Falls, Idaho. Mrs. Jacobs will remain for the few weeks visiting friends before her final departure for the West. The Jacobs family are among the old time residents of Emmetsburg and will be missed from our city. May success attend them.
-- T. H. Taylor received a telegram a few days ago announcing the death of his nephews son, who was drowned in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. The message merely contain the news of the drowning and at that time the body had not been found, and Mr. Taylor does not know how the drowning occurred. The deceased, Raymond Gaylord, was a young man of 24 years of age and was married about a year ago. His father, Gene Gaylord, is the brother of Henry Gaylord Freedom township.
-- Mrs. William Ruthven went to Ruthven Monday evening to visit friends for a few days. She will attend the marriage ceremony of her niece, Miss Ora Barringer, while there
--J. B. Morris traded his residence property Saturday for the Ideal café, formerly owned by J. G. McNamara. Mr. Morris took possession at once than the café is now being run under his management.
-- The Racket Store on Broadway owned by L. M. Howell was sold the latter part of the week to a Mr. Wiltsey from Malcolm, Iowa. Mr. Howell is here from Bode and he and Mr. Wiltsey are busy envoicing the goods. The new proprietor will assume charge at once.
-- Arthur Baker sold his interest in the tray line to John Barrickman the latter part of the week and Mr. Barrickman took possession at once. Mr. Baker has gone to Bowbells, N. D., where he will work during the summer.
-- Sheriff Coakley has official charge of a saloon, a drugstore and a bowling alley. Just see all that a county office brings with it
-- Mrs. W. H. Tollifson was down from Estherville several days last week visiting her sister, Mrs. John Allen.

-- Abner Howard, the 18-year-old son of Robert Howard, a prominent farmer living near Plato, committed suicide. He had been sick all winter and the fatal act was committed while he was despondent.
-- Singleton Weaver, a resident of Muscatine since 1852, is dead at his home in that city, at the age of 77 years
-- While singing a song at his home in Muscatine, William Busch, a pioneer of that city, drop dead. He was 68 years old.
-- Christian Otton, a pioneer resident of Muscatine, died at his home in that city, the result of a stroke of paralysis at the age of 69 years.
-- M. L. Beem, a farmer living near Winterset, has mysteriously disappeared and his wife has asked the assistance of officers to find him.
-- William Hofmeister, an 11-year-old Davenport boy, fell and convulsions, while walking along the railroad tracks and died in a few moments.
-- Robert Terry, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terry of Ottumwa, set fire to his nightgown while playing with matches and was fatally burned. The house caught fire and was slightly damaged.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 5, 1905

-- L. J. O'Meara, of Minneapolis, visited his mother and sister, of this city, during the past week
-- Miss Susie Ruppert, of Mallard, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. William Conlon, of Terril, during the past week
-- Mr. Morling will do a great deal of tiling on the Frank Wells farm northeast of Cylinder, which he recently purchased
-- Miss Lizzie Dooley left for Fort Worth, Texas, Wednesday, to remain during the summer. One of her brothers lives there
-- Mrs. Kiley went to Ruthven Friday morning to join her family at that place. They left their Sunday for Scotland, S. D., where they will keep a hotel
-- Mrs. John Bailey and children went to Spencer Wednesday where they will make their future home. Mr. Bailey and one or two of the girls have been there for some time
-- J. H. Brennan, of Graettinger, formerly of Emmetsburg township, broke one of his legs last Wednesday while stepping from his buggy. He is quite fleshy. The Democrat hopes that his injury will not confine him to his home very long
-- Miss Mary Schenk returned from Whittemore Monday morning, where she had been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Keepers, for a short time


Slattery Killed near West Liberty

Conductor J. H. Slattery, well-known in this city, at one time passenger conductor between this city and Iowa Falls on the branch train, was killed at West liberty Thursday morning. He fell between two freight cars and his body was mangled. -- Estherville Democrat

Storms Lost a Hand

A very serious accident occurred yesterday in which Frances Storm lost a hand and got several shot in the chest. He and his companions had been out hunting and attempting to take the guns from the wagon one of them was accidentally discharged with the above result. The family have the sympathy of all. -- Humboldt Independent

Sudden Death at Algona Friday

Special to the register and leader from Algona, dated Friday, says: "Mrs. Mary C. Blackford died at two o'clock this morning at her home in this city, death resulting from a paralytic stroke, the effects of which she survived less than twenty-four hours. Mrs. Blackford was the wife of Hon. J. E. Blackford and her maiden name was Mary M. Call, sister of Ambrose A. Call in the late Judge Asa A. Call. She was born in Geauga county, Ohio, June 7, 1827, and married to J. E. Blackford at South Bend, Indiana, in the summer of 1846. The family removed to Algona in October, 1855, being among the very early settlers of northern Iowa, and have always been active in promoting very good work for the best interests of the section of the state in which they lived. Mr. J. E. Blackford, who survives his wife at the age of 80, is hale and hearty and will be remembered by the early residents of the state as being an active member of the legislature from 1858 to 1864, and grand matter [sic-master?] of the state grange movement for 10 or 12 years.

Jackson -- Noble

Mr. Roy Jackson and Miss Lillian Noble were married at Graettinger Thursday, Reverend E. L. Stevens, of that place, officiating. They went to some point in South Dakota on their wedding trip. They will live on a farm near Graettinger. The groom is the brother of Ray Jackson, of the city. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Jensen -- Paulson

Mr. Peter C. Jensen and Miss Helena K. Paulson are to be married today at 10:30 at the Norwegian Lutheran church in Lost Island Township. Reverend C. Krogh will officiate. The contracting parties will live on a farm in that neighborhood.

Many Changes This Week

The Waverley and St. James hotels and the McNamara restaurant have all changed hands during the past week. Mr. Kiley has given up the Emmetsburg house and Mrs. Gleason has moved to Ruthven. There is even another change but we shall not mention it at this time.

-- Mrs. E. J. Scott mourns the loss of her father, John C. Albright, of Belvidere, Illinois, who passed away Wednesday. He was 73 years of age. He had heart trouble.
-- Mrs. O.O. Williams left for Iowa Falls Thursday for a weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Cummings
-- Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Manson, was in Emmetsburg several days last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Illingworth
-- Mrs. M. E. Drummy, of Castle Grove, Iowa, was in this city over Sunday a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Drummy. She left Monday evening for Mason City where she has other relatives
-- Fred Miller has taken James Pender’s placed as bartender and W. H. Coonan’s saloon.
-- James Pender has purchased a half interest in his brother Will's saloon. The change took place the first of the month
-- Frank Conway has been chosen principle of the Mallard schools. He is a bright energetic young man. Success to him
-- Ray Taylor, a nephew of T. H. Taylor and Henry Gaylord, was drowned in the Rock river near Rockford, Illinois, Monday of last week. The body was recovered. He was 22 years of age.
-- Mrs. Margaret Gleason moved her family to Ruthven last week where she is interested in the Kennedy hotel with her sisters, Misses Mary and Lizzie Donlon. She will teach in a school near Ruthven during the summer.
-- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Nugent, of Vernon, are moving to Sioux City this week. Mr. Nugent will take charge of a force of men for John P. Wall, the well-known contractor. He had a splendid sale. His cows averaged $34.50 per head
-- Mrs. C. J. Seymour and children left for Bloomfield, Indiana, Sunday evening where she and Mr. Seymour will make their homes during the summer. She was accompanied by her brother, Ed McNamara. He will work for Mr. Seymour, who is a civil engineer
-- a few days ago M.A. Mullen, of Walnut township, sold 80 acres of his farm to a gentleman from Fort Dodge for $53 per acre. There are no buildings on it. This does not look very much like a decline in land values


-- Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wright on Saturday, a daughter.
-- Miss Minnie Young came over from Emmetsburg Sunday evening and commenced teaching Monday in the Pugsley school district east of town
-- Mr. and Mrs. Barney Nelson are rejoicing over the arrival of a new girl at their home on Friday
-- James Reed returned to Algona Saturday evening. He has been employed as harness maker at the J. Letson hardware store for the past two months
-- Alex Johnson returned Monday evening from his trip to Norway. He left here last July and has spent the time since then visiting his native land. Mr. Johnson's friends are glad to see him back again

-- Miss Laura Ferguson commenced teaching a term of school in the Buchanan school east of town Monday

-- Miss Odland began her school Monday. She is teaching in the Bronson district.
-- Miss Maggie Mulroney began her school east of town Monday


Aged Woman at Des Moines Claims over One Million Dollars of the Estate of the Late Millionaire William Rice

Mrs. J. J. Schuler, a washerwoman, claims over $1 million of the estate of the late William Rice of New York City. Rice, it is claimed, was murdered by his attorney, Albert Patrick, who is now serving a sentence in Sing Sing for the crime. There are few claimants to the estate which comprises $8 million in money, credits and New York and Texas lands. Peter Rice, a pioneer Pennsylvanian, was the father of William Rice and Mrs. Schuler. The elder Rice was never wealthy. After marriage Miss Rice moved with Schuler her husband to Iowa and the couple did not hear of the relatives. When the Patrick murder trial was on in New York city she read reports in the papers. The trial had passed before she thought of associating William Rice with herself. It was not until Mrs. Patrick, wife of Patrick, the murderer, and two lawyers visited Des Moines several months ago that Mrs. Schuler's mind was opened to the fact that she might be an heiress. She employed a firm of attorneys and now claims to the state are in shape to be forwarded to New York. The Schuler's reside in a suburb of Des Moines. Mr. Schuler is aged and infirm. His wife, at the age of 81, takes in washing for living. She has earned money to pay for prosecuting her search to family records by taking in washing by the day and sewing at night. She is one of the most remarkable octogenarians Des Moines.

Met a Horrible Death

David Copenhaver of Sloan, while cutting down a big oak tree, met a horrible death. He had cut it half through and fell, the trunk splitting. While the tree lay he proceeded with an ax to cut the remainder of the tree through. When he had cut through, two halves of the split trunk snapped back together, catching him by the body as he bent over to strike. Life was crushed out of him instantly. The chest and body had hardly an unbroken bone and the eyes were forced from their sockets.

Ancient Coins Found

Thirty pieces of silver, dating for centuries back, were last week found by Nicholas Goetzinger, while digging fencepost holes at Templeton. The money has evidently been in a roll, but the outer covering had dropped away. Some of the coins were minted by the electors of Prussia, others from Hungary, Flanders and Bavaria.

Iowa Law Student Drowned

Frank Byers, a junior law student at the University of Michigan, from Harlan, Iowa, was drowned while canoeing on the Huron river.

Eighth Set of Twins

The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley of Chariton was gladdened last week by the appearance of the eighth set of twins. One is a boy of eight pounds and the other a girl, weighing seven. The father, who served all through the Civil War, is 78 years old, but is hale and vigorous. The mother is 65. Besides the eight pair of twins, one other child was born the family, making a total of 17 children.

Kick in Head Crazes A Man

Ed Fountain, a blacksmith at Gaza, was kicked in the head by a horse while he was shoeing the animal and was made insane. He has wandered away and it is feared he has destroyed his life. The people of the little town are searching for the unfortunate man, who is respected and has a family.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 12, 1905

-- Thomas Dunn, of Grant, Iowa, has been chosen principle of the Havelock schools
-- Miss Fluke will teach in the schools of Iowa Falls during the coming year
-- Friday evening while splitting wood Mr. Greenfield had one of his fingers taken off. This is severe on him, as he depends upon his daily labor for a living
-- the Graettinger Times says: "Jake Stewart returned from a four month sojourn at his old home at Stratford, Canada, Tuesday. We are glad to see him back but his friends were disappointed when he did not bring a sweet tootsy-wootsy with him for a housekeeper."

Local Census Returns

The Census enumerators have found 473 people and Graettinger, 550 in West Bend, 169 in Curlew, 735 in Ruthven and 118 and Rodman. There are no reports yet from Ayrshire, Mallard, or Cylinder. Emmetsburg will have about 2500. Only one ward has yet been counted -- the third, which has 630 people. Walnut township has 675 people. West Bend township 54, Rush Lake 563, Freedom 450 and Booth 423. None of the townships named have been enumerated with the towns situated in them. The other townships have not yet reported.

In 1900 Graettinger had a population of 388, West Bend 538, and Ruthven 787. Emmetsburg had 2361. Ruthven shows a slight decline. Curlew and Rodman were not incorporated in 1900.

In a Record-Breaking Trip across the Northwestern

Boone, Iowa, April 6 -- Engineer Ward, of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, has broken the record on the eastern Iowa division of that road by driving his engine from Clinton to Boone, a distance of 202 miles, in 189 minutes.

Northwestern officials of Boone, to whose attention the above dispatch of the Associated Press was called, stated that it was engineer William Little, and not engineer Ward, who made a record-breaking run spoken of in the message. Engineer Little brought a train of five coaches, drawn by engine No. 998, from Boone to this city and just 189 minutes. The train conveyed a party of wealthy eastern people, who are on a transcontinental trip, and whose names were not announced. Conductor John Lawson had charge of the train, and Michael Kane fired the engine. The run is pronounced by local railroad men one of the fastest in the history of Iowa railroads.

The firemen mentioned is an Emmetsburg boy. He is the oldest son of J. J. Kane, of Emmetsburg township. As a rule the engineer gets most of the praise in such cases, but the man behind the shovel deserves most of the credit, for he it is who keeps the steam to the highest pitch by intelligent feeding. All honor to the humble firemen.

The $60,000 Deeter Damage Case Dismissed

Monday C. E. Cohoon, the attorney for the plaintiffs in the action of Nathan Ganfield, administrator, against J. A. Spies, for $60,000 for the shooting of Henry M. Deeter by Conrad Weigman something over a year ago, dismissed the case without prejudice. The defendant applied for a change of venue and strongly protested against the trial of the case in Emmet County. Plaintiff was, by Judge Quarton, offered a choice of three counties -- Clay, Dickinson, and Kossuth, but he refused to accept any of them on the ground that most of his witnesses live at Graettinger and that the car fare and other expenses that would be incurred in trying the case in any of the counties named would be too burdensome on the estate, Mr. and Mrs. Deeter being both dead and the three small children being practically penniless. B. E. Kelley and E. A. Morling argued for Mr. Spies and Mr. Cohoon for the Deeter people. As is usually the case in most affairs of this kind, there were many affidavits on both sides and they were signed by business and professional men and farmers of good standing, some stating that defendant could secure a fair trial in this county and others claiming that he could not.

As the matters stand, a new action can be commenced at any time with the unpleasant affair is doubtless endless, unless there should be unexpected developments.

-- Miss Kitty Wells went to Graettinger Saturday for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Doughty, of that place
-- a few days ago Mrs. Mary Merrier, of Humboldt, fell downstairs and broke her neck. Her death was instantaneous
-- Mrs. Dan Collins and Rutherford left for Gregory, S. D., Wednesday morning to join Mr. Collins on their Rosebud homestead
-- Paul Cuthbertson, who had been visiting his sister, Mrs. Chadwick, of Osgood, returned to his home at Toledo, Iowa Saturday.
-- Frank Gotch, the noted wrestler, has returned to his home at Humboldt to go into training for the recovery of the championship of the world
-- Mrs. Delmar Miller arrived in this city Wednesday from Billings, Montana, for a months visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Walker.
-- Mrs. F. Crouch returned from Plymouth Saturday where she had been attending the funeral of her father. She has the sympathy of all and her sorrow
-- a marriage license has been issued to Herbert E. Knudsen and Marie Norland.
-- Mrs. D. R. Alexander came down from Estherville Friday to visit her parents, Captain and Mrs. Soper
-- Mrs. Lydia Pierce, of Iowa Falls, returned home Monday. She had been here for a few days with her brother, Captain Prouty.
-- John Lewis, of Troy, N. Y., arrived in the city Friday for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Doyle
-- Mrs. O. C. Williams left for her home at Mitchell, South Dakota, Saturday. She had been here all winter with her daughter, Mrs. Morse
-- Mr. C. A. Morris and Mrs. Roza Hostetter were married at the home of Monroe Morris Wednesday evening, April 5, Reverend S. R. Beatty officiating. They will reside on the P. Mulroney Farm in Nevada township. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- Mrs. Mugan returned to her home at Jefferson Thursday after a week's visit with her son, M. A. Mugan. She is the daughter of Mrs. Brennan, Sr., and a sister of the Mesdames P. R. Jackman, M. Joynt, P. Leahy, and D. Sherlock, and Edward Brennan.
-- few retired farmers in this section of the county are so well fixed, financially, as Michael Hester, but he is as busy as a nailer every day. He has a fine home in this city, but he makes regular trips to his farm to help his boys with their spring’s work. He is hearty and vigorous and he enjoys work. He was always a hustler.
-- Friday night the literary society in the O.P. Doyle schoolhouse held its last session for the season. The question, "Resolved that the Philippine Islands should have a free government," was debated. The speakers on the affirmative side of the question were O. P. Doyle, T. F. Osborn, and W.T. Joynt; on the negative, J. D. Sherlock, Albert Joynt, and Daniel Doyle. The negative side won. The members of the society feel grateful to the public for the interest that has been taken in its exercises during the winter. The organization will be continued next fall and winter.


-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Hefley Thursday

-- Maurice Collins who has been here visiting with his brother and sister, of this place, during the last few weeks, returned to Minneapolis Thursday morning
-- Sevold & Sevold purchased the Paulson lunch counter and moved it into their restaurant. It is a fine improvement.
-- Mrs. Charles Manby came up from Klemme, Iowa, Wednesday evening to spend a few days visiting with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of this place.

-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Murphy Wednesday. The Democrat extends congratulations


With one suit for breach of promise, another for divorce and a third for property he claims to own hanging over his head, and confronted by a charge of forgery, which may send him to the penitentiary, U. S. Renne stands to lose a wife, a sweetheart, two farms with $30,000, and, in the end, his liberty.

Renne courted Mary Strohm at Smithland, Iowa, and secured her promise to become his wife. He postponed the wedding several times and she sued him for damages.

Laura A. Renne was living alone in Nebraska City. She was U. S. Renne's wife. When she heard that he was masquerading as a single man and courting another woman, she hurried to the scene and started the trouble.

What he was sued for breach of promise, Renne transferred his property to L.A. Renne. He then affected a settlement with Miss Strohm and filed a deed from L. A. Renne to himself. Now his wife says she did not sign the deed, and here is where the forgery charge is created.

And now his wife has sued for divorce and for a title to the property, and he is threatened with prosecution for signing her name to the deed.

Boy and Money Missing

After traveling all the way from deadwood, S. D., with $5,000 in gold in a bag to reach the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Leonard, in Muscatine, 15-year-old Richard Hoorigan disappeared with the money within two hours after his arrival. The grandmother is frantic and has asked the help of the police. The boy was the son of a prospector, who on his death sent him, with the savings of a lifetime, to the old home in Muscatine.

Prominent Man Suicides

Sherman Miller, a highly respected and prominent citizen of Ames, committed suicide one evening last week by blowing his brains out with a 32- Colts revolver. Miller had been having some domestic troubles, and it is to this that is attributed his rash act. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and was buried under their auspices. He leaves a wife and seven children.

Evidence of Murder

Evidence was introduced by the state in Osceola last week tending to show that Maude Stone, for whose murder Dr. Crofford of Lamont, was convicted and sentenced to a 13 year term in the penitentiary, went of her own accord to the Lamont sanitarium where she died under circumstances pointing to murder, and Crofford as the murderer. Crofford's attorney, who is a member of the Iowa legislature, after the conviction of his client, secured the enactment of a measure making second degree murder bailable, and although sentenced to prison nearly four years ago Crofford has not only enjoyed his liberty pending an appeal, but resumed the practice of his profession.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 12, 1905

How to Cook Husbands

A good many husbands are entirely spoiled by mismanagement and cooking, and so are not tender and good. Some women keep them too constantly in hot water; others put them in a stew; others freeze them; and others keep them constantly in a pickle. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be good and tender when manage this way, but they are really delicious when properly treated. In selecting your husband you should not be guided by the silvery appearance, as in buying mackerel, nor by the golden tint as if you wanted salmon. Be sure and select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to the market for him, as those brought to the door are always best. It is far better to have none then not to learn how to cook them properly. It does not make so much difference what you cook him in as how you cook him. See that the linen in which he is wrapped is white and nicely mended with the required number of strings and buttons. Don't keep him in the kettle by force, as he will stay there himself if proper care is taken. If he sputters or fizzes, do not be anxious, some husbands do this. Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call "kisses" but no vinegar or pepper on any account. A little spice improves them, but it must be used with judgment. Do not try him with anything sharp to see if he is becoming tender. Stir him gently the while, lest he stay too long in the kettle and become flat and tasteless. If thus treated you will find him very digestible, agree nicely with you, and he will keep as long as you want. -- Exchange


Kills Daughters Then Commits Suicide

Michael Nelson, a farmer living near the town of Poplar, killed his two daughters, aged 10 and 13 years respectively, and then committed suicide. The murder was not discovered until two o'clock in the afternoon, when county officers, summoned by the neighbors, broke open the door of the house. The two girls were found in bed, each with a bullet hole through the head. They had apparently been murdered as they slept. On the floor lay the body of Nelson, his rifle at his feet. Nelson had been suspected by the authorities of the murder of Francis Richardson, a wealthy moneylender, who disappeared seven years ago, and whose body has never been this recovered. An effort was being made to learn where the body could be found through the instrumentality of a spiritualist, and it is believed that Nelson, fearful that the blame might be laid at his door, killed his daughters, and himself rather than face the charge.

Spirits Tell of Murder

From the spirits of the dead, Mrs. A.E. Baker of Des Moines claims to have discovered the cause of the sudden disappearance of Frank S. Richardson, a prominent farmer living near Audubon, six years ago. Through her visions she claims to have seen a murder and has actually directed excavations near an old tree on the Richardson farm which have resulted in the finding of a human skeleton believed to be that of the missing man. When Richardson disappeared there was quite a sensation, and though many murder theories have evolved no trace of the man could be found.

Victim of Husband’s Vengeance

The body of Frank Ogden, a young farmer, was found in the yard of Claude Whistler in Moulton, with a bullet to the heart. Whistler has disappeared. Ogden and Mrs. Whistler were sweethearts before her marriage to Whistler.

State News in Brief
-- the new wage scale demanded by the teamsters of Dubuque from $10 to $11 a week has been granted
-- Theodore Merritt, a well-known Dubuque county farmer, has died of blood poisoning, the result of a pin scratch
-- Mrs. James White, a resident of Iowa since 1852, is dead at her home in Clinton, at the age of 82 years
-- Samuel Wood Tucker, a pioneer resident of Keokuk, is dead at his home in that city at the age of 85 years
-- Captain Norman E. Tibbals, a veteran Mississippi river captain, is dead at his home in Dubuque at the age of 71 years.
-- Five thousand dollars is bequeathed to National Spiritualist Association of Washington in the will of Samuel W. Tucker, a wealthy citizen of Keokuk, as filed for probate
-- Jacob E. Smith died very suddenly at Des Moines. An investigation leads to the belief that death was due to a ruptured blood vessel caused by an overdose of headache tablets.
-- Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley of Chariton are the parents of twins. The father is 78 years old and a mother 63. The babes are a boy weighing 8 pounds and a daughter seven, both healthy and well developed. This is the seventh pair of twins of which Bradley is father, having 17 children and all. He stands 6 feet 1 inch in height and weighs 180 pounds, being a powerful man physically. Both are colored and were slaves under General Bradley in Louisiana.
-- Harley A. Barclay, a waif, discovered that his right name is Harley Seedore, appeared before the Polk County court the other day and petitioned that it be changed accordingly. The request was granted.


-- on Wednesday last at 10:30 o'clock in the Danish Lutheran Church occurred the marriage of Miss Helena Paulson of Lost Island and Mr. Peter Jensen of Clay county. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Paulson and the groom is the son of Mr. Christen Jensen. Reverend Krough performed the marriage ceremony. The bridesmaids were Miss Manda Jensen, sister of the groom and Miss Guena Paulson sister of the bride. The best men were Jorgen Paulson brother of the bride and Mr. Mike Christensen. A large number of invited guests were present in the afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen are a most deserving young couple and their large circle of friends extend hearty congratulations and wish them a happy and prosperous married life.
-- born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Nyborg on April 2 a daughter, of course Jake is the happiest man in town

-- Mrs. George Slagle, who had been visiting her cousins, the Misses Haywood returned to her home at Mason City Friday morning.
-- Mrs. M. P. Bradley and children returned to their home Osgood Wednesday after visiting several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McEvoy.
-- Mrs. Abby Gardner Sharp visited her niece, Mrs. F. Meade several days last week. She was enroute from Des Moines to Arnold's Park, where she will take up her summer abode.
-- Mrs. Barnum, Mrs. Steele's mother and her two grandsons left Saturday morning for Croston, S. D., where they will make their future home. Mrs. Steele who is now of Forest City will join them in a short time.
-- Mrs. Catherine Adrian returned from Cassville, Wisconsin, Monday morning after an absence of several months. Her two nieces, Mrs. H. Beilhartz, of Cassville, and Mrs. A. J. Kuenster, of Chicago accompanied her on her return and will remain for an extended visit with Emmetsburg relatives.

Knudson -- Norland

At one o'clock today at the home of the bride's parents in Fairfield township will occur the marriage of Miss Maria Norland and Mr. Herbert K. Knudson. The marriage will take place in the presence of a large number of friends and Rev. Wigdahl, of Ruthven, will perform the ceremony.

The newly wedded couple will reside on a farm in Independence township.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. J.N. Norland, of Fairfield township, and has been one of Palo Alto county’s best teachers while she was engaged in this profession which was about three years. She is a young lady of intelligence and refinement, is amiable and prepossessing and is a decided favorite among her acquaintances.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Knutson, of Vernon, and is a young man of excellent habits and possesses the traits of character necessary to list him among the successful and respected citizens.

The Tribune extends heartfelt congratulations and wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Knudson a life of prosperity and happiness.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 19, 1905

Brief State Happenings
-- Mrs. Anna Soper has been granted a divorce at Des Moines on the ground that her husband was convicted as a swindler
-- George Kerr, a junk dealer at Darbyville, while walking on the Milwaukee tracks, was struck by a train and instantly killed
-- a thorough search is being made for the body of Valentine Heine in of Gilbertville, who disappeared three weeks ago. His friends and relatives firmly believe that he fell into the Cedar river and drowned
-- Harry Fogarty of Burlington, a pioneer resident of the city, accidentally turned on the gas in his room, and was suffocated before discovered. He was 84 years old
-- John Striegel, a Burlington carpenter, while temporarily insane, attempted to kill his wife and severely injured her as well as his son and daughter. The daughter was given a bad slash across the face with a knife.
-- W. E. Petty and wife of Montrose died on the same night, aged 72 and 68 respectively
-- Cyrus Spreecher, a pioneer resident of Crawford county, is dead at his home near Denison, at the age of 74 years.
-- Joseph A. Green, a pioneer resident of Des Moines county, is dead at his home near Burlington at the age of 77 years.
-- Albert Seabury, an old-time sea captain, who had twice circled the globe, is dead at his home in Bloomfield, at the age of 91 years
-- J. W. Carter of Des Moines went to the home of his father-in-law, M. McNeely, quarreled with him because he had opposed the marriage of his daughter to him and beat him over the head with a glass picture until he was almost dead. Indeed, it is feared McNeely will died of his wounds. Carter is under arrest.


-- born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Stanley last week a daughter
-- Mrs. Bert Butcher returned from Rolfe Wednesday where she had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith

-- born to Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson last Tuesday a boy

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson Thursday

-- Mrs. J. M. Resh is enjoying a visit from her mother Mrs. Barbara A. Miller of Fort Morris, Illinois

-- Tom Selle has sold his barber shop on Main Street to Roscoe Moses. Mr. and Mrs. Sele will go to Milwaukee to live. Mr. Selle left Tuesday evening. The Tribune wishes them success in their new home.
-- George G. Schreiber and wife are happy over the arrival of an 11 pound girl since Sunday. Last Friday George went to Des Moines and while there adopted the child who is two months and a half old. It is said that on Monday morning George stuck his head in a rain barrel yelling "Papa! Papa!" to see how it sounded, but we will not vouch for it. -- West Bend Advance
-- Mrs. John Higgins received a telegram Thursday evening from Dyersville announcing the serious illness of her father, who has been affected with cancer for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins left Friday morning for Dyersville
-- Charles Jackman returned to this city Tuesday evening from Olex, Oregon after an absence of nineteen years. During his absence he had been to the far west and had seen a great deal of the western country. He is the son of Mrs. Michael Jackman of this city and was well-known here years ago. His long absence has caused quite a change in him as has this place changed greatly to him during that time.

Mrs. William Ward Dead

After an illness of seven or eight months duration, Mrs. William Ward died at her home in this city at 4:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 12. The funeral services were held at the Assumption Church at 1030 Friday and he remains laid to rest in St. John's cemetery.

Miss Nellie Sullivan was born in Tralee, county Kerry, Ireland, in 1869. When four years of age she came with her parents to this country and resided in New York until 16 years ago when she came to this city and has since made her home here. She was united in marriage to William Ward four years ago.

In September of last year she was taken sick and the following month was taken to the hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, where an operation was performed for cancer of the stomach. When she returned home she felt much better for a time but finally the disease overcame her strength and for several weeks but little hope has been entertained for recovery.

She leaves the three little sons, her husband and mother to mourn her loss. The sympathy of the community is theirs.

Mrs. Ward was a true Christian woman and always tried to perform every duty faithfully and well. Though never very strong she was a hard and earnest worker and was faithful in her endeavours to assist her aged father and mother while they were dependent upon her. She was a kind and dutiful wife and mother and her death is a source of great sorrow to those who are bereft of her care and companionship as a wife, mother and daughter.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 19, 1905

-- Mrs. J. M. Border, of West Bend, who was called to California recently to see a sister, writes home at the sister is dead.
-- Mr. and Mrs. O.O. Newcombe left for California Saturday, where Mr. Newcombe will work at his trade. We wish them success in their new home

Death of Mrs. William Ward

Mrs. William Ward, who had been quite ill for some time, died at her home in this city Wednesday morning. The funeral was held Friday. A requiem high mass was celebrated at Assumption church, Very Rev. J. J. Smith officiating. There were many beautiful offerings, the gifts of sorrowing friends. The burial was in St. John's cemetery. There was a large procession. The pallbearers were P. J. and M. L. Murphy, Edward McNally, P. F. McMahon, Michael Roach, and Thomas Donovan. Among those who were present from a distance to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mikesh and Miss Genevieve Mikesh of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Mikesh being a sister of Mr. Ward.

The deceased was a native of Tralee, county of Kerry, Ireland. Her maiden name was Ellen Sullivan. She was born in 1869. Her people came to New York when she was quite young. About 16 years ago they moved to this county and subsequently resided here. Mr. Sullivan died a few weeks ago. Mrs. Sullivan is still living. Several years ago Ellen became the wife of Mr. Charles Sturgis. Two sons -- Charles and Earl -- were born to them. The former is nine years old at the latter is six. Mr. Sturgis died five or six years ago. June 22, 1901, Mrs. Sturgis was united in marriage to William Ward. One boy -- Morgan -- was born to them. He is a bright promising child. He is three years old. The taking off of this devoted wife and mother at a time when but loving care and attention were so badly needed is sad indeed as it means the breaking up of a happy home. Mr. Ward did everything that a kind and providing husband could do to relieve the sufferings of his faithful companion and to restore her to health. She was taken to the well-known hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, during the winter, where she underwent a surgical operation. She rallied and it was thought that the relief given would be permanent but a few weeks brought a change for the worse. The sad result has already been told. The deceased was a kind unassuming Christian lady. She was distinctly a home woman and was, like all the others, wrapped up in the welfare and comfort of her husband and children. The profound sympathy of all is extended to the bereft husband and to those whose loss is most to be deplored -- the three motherless boys.

-- W. H. Hodges has opened a dry goods at grocery store in the old James Taylor building at Algona.
-- George Ireland and family departed Wednesday evening for Sheldon where they will make their future home.
-- James Moore returned to his home at Charles City Friday, after a two week visit with his sister, Mrs. T. Slater of this city

-- last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Truesdell, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Addie, to Mr. Law S. Alcorn, Rev. Stevens officiating. Both are very well-known and are among the most estimable people of this place. The groom is the manager of the Quael lumberyard at Hayfield, where they will make their future home. We extend our hearty congratulations

-- the census returns give Ellington township 471 people, Emmetsburg township 487, Fairfield apart from Cylinder, 672, Highland apart from Ruthven, 581 and Lost Island 686.
-- Mr. Lars E. Thompson and Miss Emma Knudsen will be married this afternoon at the home of the bride's parents in Vernon township, Rev. L.O. Wigdahl, of Ruthven will officiate.
-- H. H. Jacobs has, we understand, engaged in the ice business at Twin Falls, Idaho. The product sells for one dollar per hundred. Mr. Jacobs has various enterprises to look after at that place
-- Mr. Wring, of Lake Park, a nephew to Mr. Jacobs, has gone to Twin Falls where he has engaged in business. He purchased from Scott Hazen, formerly of West Bend, a lot for $2500. It cost the latter $250 less than a year ago.


Indian Girl Murdered

The body of a young Indian girl, Ma--Sha--Che, who disappeared from the reservation March 4, was found near Montour last week in a ravine, where it had evidently been concealed. The body was almost nude, and wounds showed that she had been murdered. The Indians had been searching for three weeks. She was the granddaughter of the chief and was last seen with an Indian named George Soldier, who was formerly the girl's husband. The Indians are greatly excited and will arrest Soldier.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, April 26, 1905

-- Miss Dorweiler has been chosen principal of the Fenton schools for another year
-- Dr. E. E. Morton, formerly of Ayrshire, has located at Curlew. He spent some time in Indian Territory. He is not the first doctor who has returned to Palo Alto after trying other fields.
-- Roscoe Moses is now in possession of the Main street barber shop, having purchased it of Thomas Selle. The latter has gone to Decorah where he has secured a position in a shop

Nearby News

An Old Scamp

J. Handy, a carpet weaver of Spirit Lake, was arrested Wednesday of last week by Sheriff Jones of Dickinson county and is now in jail in Spirit Lake. He confessed to taking liberties with little girls that he had enticed into his place of business. His victims are little girls ranging in age from seven to twelve years. Handy is a single man, an old soldier, and about 60 years of age. It does not appear that he is mentally deranged. -- -- Estherville Vindicator -- Republican


-- One of the saddest accidents that could have happened occurred here Monday morning, when the 15 months old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gammon accidentally drank a small quantity of gasoline. In spite of immediate medical attention, the baby died in about an hour after drinking it. Everyone here sympathizes deeply with the aggrieved father and mother in their sudden sorrow.

-- Thursday evening occurred the death of Mrs. Ed Wrider of appendicitis. She leaves five small children, a husband and parents to mourn her loss. The funeral was held Saturday, the service is being conducted in Prairie View church. The internment was in the Curlew cemetery.

-- The marriage of Miss Maggie Fehlhauer, of West Bend, and Mr. M. W. Joynt, of Emmetsburg has been announced and will take place in the near future.


Accident to a Street Car in Dubuque

Thomas Moore was fatally hurt and three persons were severely injured in Dubuque Sunday as the result of a rupture of a brake chain on an electric car while descending Hill street. The car contains 16 passengers. It ran wild for 300 feet, left the track at a curve and tore the front out of that building. Moore, who was standing on the sidewalk, was struck by the car. His hip was broken and he was internally injured.

Woman Commits Suicide

A maiden sister of Mrs. Henry Plager, who had been spending the winter with Mrs. Plager, committed suicide at the Plager home at Grundy Center. She found some loaded shells while the family were in garden, she slipped out to where the guns were kept, opened her clothing over her heart, pointed the gun at her heart and pulled the trigger with a lath, and death resulted instantaneously.

Asylum for Mrs. Craven

The Des Moines county commissioners of the insane last week at Burlington adjudged insane Mrs. Nettie Craven, who once sued the estate of Senator Fair, alleging that she had been a common-law wife of the senator. Mrs. Craven became violent and attempted to escape by climbing through a window to the roof of the hotel, but was captured by attendants. She was taken to Mt. Pleasant asylum.

Farmer Kills Himself

Hugh McMillan, a farmer of Scott township, Fayette County, committed suicide last week with a shot gun. He was 35 years old, and leaves a wife and several children.

Descendent of Betsy Ross

Mrs. Rachel J. Wilson Albright, 93 years old, died last week at her home in Fort Madison. She was a granddaughter of Betsy Ross, who made the American flag

Bonfire Fatal to Woman

Mrs. John Hagestrom is dead at her home in Sioux City as a result of burns received while burning rubbish in her backyard. Her clothing caught fire and she was fatally burned. She was forty-one years of age and is survived by her husband and several children.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, April 26, 1905

-- Mrs. Kate King, a resident of Waterloo for fifty years, is dead at her home in that city, at the age of 72 years
-- Cornelius T. Peet, a resident of Delaware county since 1844, is dead at his home at Edgewood, at the age of 83 years
-- Frank M. Leet, a millionaire banker of Audubon, is dead. He owned 8,000 acres of land in Audubon and Carroll counties
-- Jacob Koons, a resident of Clinton for the past 40 years, is dead at his home in that city, at the age of 77 years in
-- Within twenty-four hours after securing a divorce Alice C. Bloss of Council Bluffs was married to Joseph R. Ratekin of Shenandoah
-- Postoffices discontinued: Carrollton, Carroll county, mail to Dedham; Coalville, Webster county, mail to Fort Dodge.
-- Two children of Byron Sweley, a farmer, burned to death in bed near Marshalltown. The house caught fire while the parents were at the barn
-- Will Ziemer, a farmer living near Hunting, withdrew his money, about $1600, from the bank, and leading a wife and three small children, eloped with a girl named Root, who had been working for the family.


-- Miss Edna Law recently received a letter from a wealthy and in Boston offering to educate her in music if she would come and make her home with her. Her aunt is in very poor health Miss Edna is her favorite niece. It has not been decided whether or not she will accept the offer, but if she does she will be missed here as she is very popular in this community.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Grewell Sunday

-- Miss Bertha Christopherson went to Estherville Saturday and visited with her uncle, Hans Nelson, over Sunday. Mr. Nelson is a fine fireman on the M. and St. L.
-- Andrew Gaard, of Frost, Minnesota, is visiting at the home of his uncle, O. Chrisopherson

-- Miss Mary Barta left Friday for her home at Ocheydon after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Kreiger. She was accompanied by her niece, little Marian Kreiger
-- Mrs. Beilharts, who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Katherine Adrian, returned to her home at Cassville Wednesday.
-- J.B. Large and wife were here between trains Friday evening. They were on their way to Dewitt, where they were called by a telegram which announced the sudden death of Mr. Large's brother, though no particulars were given.
-- the marriage of Mr. Frank Fitzpatrick and Miss Nellie Murphy of Ayrshire has been announced, and also has the marriage of Mr. Lars C. Jensen and Miss Maggie Christopherson of Lost Island township
-- Jack Box has sold his restaurant to Hugh Meehan, who is already taken possession. Mr. Box left Tuesday for Scotland and will be absent for some time. He received a cablegram Monday announcing the serious illness of his mother and asking him to come.
-- Miles McNally has been having considerable trouble with his eyes. His sight is failing so that it hurts him to read and often the strain is such that he can not read it all. He left Tuesday morning for Mason City to consult Dr. Murphy and he if he cannot assure a cure he will go on to Milwaukee for treatment.

Submitted by C.J.L.

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County