Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, June 1, 1904


- The other day Bruce Root, of Vernon, lost a horse for which he had refused $150 in cash.
- J.J. Reardon left for Carrington, North Dakota, Friday evening. He will not move his family until August.
- Mr. Weatherwax has been given charge of the Standard Oil company’s interests at Mason City. This is considered a satisfactory promotion for him.
- William E. Hefley intends going to Carrington, North Dakota, in a short time to take charge of the mechanical department of Mr. Reardon’s newspaper.
- Mrs. P.J. Hester returned to her home at Carrington, North Dakota, Wednesday after a delightful visit with relatives and friends in this locality.
- Mrs. Alfred Frederick and son Walter and her mother, Mrs. Miller, of Clayton county, left for Kinbrae, Minnesota, Saturday morning or a brief stay. Mrs. Frederick’s sister lives there.
- E.B. Larmon, editor of the Pomeroy Herald, has become insane and has been taken to Cherokee. Clare Ryder, of Manson, will try his hand at the paper and the list of delinquent subscribers.
- Mrs. Anna Kendall and son, formerly of Mallard, were in this city Saturday. They had been living in Chicago for some time, but have decided to locate at Pocahontas. Mrs. Kendall has many warm friends in this city.

A.C. Brown the Father of Twins
Word was received here Tuesday that A.C. Brown and wife, of Estherville, were the proud parents of a fine pair of twin girls, born to them Monday, May 22d and that he mother and babies were doing nicely. All we have to offer is that A.C. must be in a hurry to fill that big house. We drink to the health of the girls.—West Bend Journal.


Suicide at Spencer
Chris Mickleson, whose home was on West Fourth street, west of the high school building, committed suicide by hanging, Tuesday evening in the coal house of his son, Chris, on east Third street.—Spencer News.

Fell on Upturned Pitchfork.
Carl Miller, a farmer near Harris, slid off a load of hay. A pitchfork had just preceded him and stood with the tines up. One tine entered the neck just at the point of the large artery, but fortunately the bleeding was not serious.—Sanborn Pioneer.

An Awkward Post Driver.
G.S. Rutter met with a painful accident one day last week which nearly cost him the loss of his left hand. He and another party were driving posts and Mr. Rutter got his hand on top of one just as the mall came down with great force. No bones were broken but his fingers were terribly mangled.—Spencer Reporter.

Skin Grafting at Clarion.
Dr. Best worked quite a “skin game” yesterday. He took with him three young fellows from this place to Florence, where he secured seven others who were willing to surrender portions of their cuticle for the purpose of patching a new epidermis on the burned leg of the little DuBois boy. In all about 150 patches were used, covering a space extending from close to the knee to the ankle and nearly two-thirds around the leg.—Clarion Democrat.

Bicycle Accident at Algona.
Little Vesta Weaver, the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Weaver, had her collar bone broken Saturday in a collision with a bicycle, while crossing Call street from the Thos. F. Cooke residence corner. She was on the street crossing when one of the Carey boys rode rapidly down the street. When he discovered the girl he was too close to stop in time to stop the collision. He picked her up and carried her to her home. Vesta’s sister had her collar-bone broken some two years ago since in a fall from a door step, but it is not to be supposed that such fractures are hereditary in the family.—Upper Des Moines Republican.

John Rutledge goes to Ayrshire today to accept a position in the Citizens’ Savings bank of which P. O’Grady is cashier. He intended going to Dolliver but was offered a better salary by Mr. O’Grady. It will be pleasant for him to be located so close to home.


- Miss Bridget Walsh, of Austin, Minnesota, is here visiting her mother and other relatives.
- Mrs. Wm. Sammin and children went to Ayrshire Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. Corley.
- Mrs. W.J. Black went to Iowa Falls last Wednesday to visit relatives for a couple of weeks.
- Frank Grout was up from Britt Monday to march with Company K in the Memorial parade.
- Mrs. N.P. Shadbolt of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, is visiting her son, H.C. Shadbolt, of this city.
- L.H. Mayne was called to Wapello Saturday to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Ms. Wm. Mayne.
- Mrs. Homer Hayes of Sanborn and George Fonten, of Pocahontas Center, were here the last of the week to see their mother, who has been very ill for several days.
- Among those who were in town last Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian’s little child were Mrs. Munch, Sr., John Munch and Mrs. Susie Engler, of Whittemore, and George Munch of Lone Rock.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Towey, of Lost Island township, Tuesday of last week.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barney Elsenbast, of Lost Island, during the past week.
- Miss Alberta Harrison has gone to Fern Valley township to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Houghton.
- Ray Crouch returned Friday from Clinton where he had been on a three weeks’ visit with his brother, Art, and other relatives.
- Miss Alma Taylor and her aunt, Mrs. Lewis, of Worthing, South Dakota, left Saturday for St. louis to attend the exposition.
- H.J. Huskamp was in from Independence township Monday to march with his old comrades of 1861 to 1864. He never fails to do his part to make our annual Memorial doings successful.
- D.B. Roberts has located at North Pasadena, California.
- A marriage license has been granted to Charles Hantelman and Kate Votteler.
- Will McNally established a record in laying sewer pipe Monday. With his gang of men he laid 420 feet in 10 hours.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Moore moved to this city from Hampton last week. C.E. Taylor will give up charge of Mr. Moore’s elevator today.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adrian lost their little boy, aged ten months, Wednesday. The funeral was held Friday. The parents have the sympathy of their many friends.
- Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wright of Fairfield lost their little child, aged five months,. It died rather suddenly. They have the sympathy of their many friends and neighbors.

Leaves for Ireland Today.
This evening Charles O’Flynn will leave over the Rock Island for his old home in Ireland to visit his father and other members of his family and old friends for six weeks or two months. He will reach New York Friday and will sail on a Cunnard line steamer Saturday. His object in going at this time is to be present at the ordination of his brother Patrick, who will soon come to the United States, take a special course at the Washington university, and, in due time, assume active priestly duties under Bishop Conaty, of Los Angeles, California. Mr. O’Flynn may visit London and Paris before his return, though he had not yet made definite arrangements to do so. The Democrat wishes him a safe journey and a most enjoyable stay among the dear friends and the blissful scenes of his childhood days. He is a hard, tireless worker and he well deserves the vacation and the trip he proposes to take.

Mrs. J.C. Spooner is Dead.
Mrs. J.C. Spooner died at her home in Vernon township Wednesday. The funeral was held Thursday. The services were conducted at the M.E. church in that township Thursday and the interment was in the new cemetery close by. Mrs. Spooner was the first person to be buried in it. Mr. and Mrs. Spooner formerly resided at Luverne, Iowa, and later lived near Mallard. Last spring they moved to Vernon and lived on one of M.L. Brown’s farms. The deceased leaves a husband and one or two small children. She was a worthy woman in every way and her death at a time when her care and attention were so much needed will be sincerely mourned by all who knew her.

Mrs. Chris Conlon Died This Morning.
As we go to press we learn that Mrs. Chris Conlon, whose long and lingering illness had been reported in these columns, died at her home in Great Oak township this morning at 4:10. She leaves a husband and five small boys to mourn her loss. She was about 38 years of age. The funeral will probably be held Friday. The services will be conducted at Assumption church. Full particulars will be given in our next issue.

James R. Fife is at Rest.
    Mr. James R. Fife, whose serious condition was announced in last week’s Democrat, passed away at his farm home in Emmetsburg township Thursday afternoon at 2:44. Several days previous he underwent a surgical operation for hernia, though he had felt fairly well prior to that time. The attending surgeons were Drs. Van Gorden and Davies. A couple of days later it was thought best to re-open the abdomen to make an adjustment. A change for the worse quickly followed and the patient gradually became worse until death relieved him of his sufferings. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon and was very largely attended. There were from 110 to 112 teams in the procession. Brief services were conducted at the residence by Rev. S.R. Beatty, pastor of the M.E. church. There were many beautiful floral offerings., the gifts of friends, of whom the deceased had many. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. H.W. Beebe, Gray Gowans, F. Illingworth, A.H. Keller, E.P. Barringer, and Mr. McDonnough.
    The deceased was born near Petersborough, Ontario, February 16, 1872. He came to this county with his parents in March, 1886 and, except when he attended school, he spent most of his time on the farm. His father died January 3, 1897, and subsequent to that time he and his brother managed the place. The latter, William, one sister, Miss Mary and the mother are the surviving members of the family.
    The deceased was one of the most exemplary young men in Palo Alto county. No one knew him but entertained for him the highest regard. He was unassuming, pure minded, courteous, honest, punctual, a devoted son and brother- a clean, high-minded Christian gentleman. We might say much more concerning his praiseworthy career, but we wish to quote the words of his zealous pastor and intimate friend, Rev. S.R. Beatty, who pronounced the eulogy over his remains.
    “To my mind, he represented the ideal type of manhood-morally clean and sound and a Christian. He was by nature modest and retiring, thoughtful and kind to all, honest and square in his dealings. His integrity was never questioned and strongly commended him to his associates and to the business world. He considered every proposition from the standpoint of right and wrong and in all judgments, aimed to be just. Intensely loyal in his friendship, he could tolerate no shame nor deceits of human nature. He was sensitive but optimistic. In fact he was a gentleman by birth, education, and instinct, a commmoner, but the best of his kind. His was the character that was reflected in the old Scottish covenanters- the character that represents the triumph of progress and development, that makes for good in the upbuilding of communities and commonwealths, the character that has compelled admiration by all men in all lands. His personality and influence will be missed, greatly missed by his relatives and by his friends. There is a good man gone.”

Graduate with Honors
The High School Commencement Exercises a Success.

    The High School assembly room was filled to its capacity last Friday evening by an appreciative audience. It was commencement day for the class of 1904 and our citizens showed their interest in the work of the schools and the program of the evening by their presence, their keen interest in the production and the hearty and generous applause given the graduates in turn.
During the afternoon the juniors had decorated the rooms with the class colors in streamers bunting and flowers, ferns and palms were tastefully arranged among the platform.
    The invocation was given by Dr. W.T. Jackson. The Glee club followed with a chorus.
    The program was made up of correlated subjects- the general topic being “the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.” One member of the class, Alice C. Bragg, was taken sick the day before and to the great regret of all, was unable to attend.
    Jennie Aukema had first position on the program, her topic being, “The Class.” It included the class history and the prophecy and was an interesting review of the trials and triumphs of the class through the grades of the school, as well as a vision of twenty years later, showing the wonderful achievements of the members in their chosen life work.
    Albert Joynt and Ray McCarty had historical subjects, the former “Territorial Growth of the United States,” and the latter, “What the Exposition Commemorates.” Both were carefully prepared and full of interest and timely information on these topics of the year.
    “Will the Exposition Pay?” was answered in the affirmative by Frances Giddings. Her treatment of the subject included an account of the preparation or the exposition with an outline of what the visitor may see upon the grounds and while predicting financial success, pointed out that, though it might prove a failure financially, it is certain to be a great success from almost every other point of view. Her advice to visitors to the exposition was to make careful plans before going and be systematic in their sight-seeing while there.
    The High School quartette rendered a plantation melody in a pleasing manner and responded to an encore with “My Father’s Comical Mule,” which brought down the house. While they sang, a crayon sketch of the music by Lloyd Refsell, was shown on the platform and caused much merriment.
    Margaret Appleby described a river trip from McGregor to St. Louis mentioning the points of interest passed on the way and the impressions of the city and the exposition as seen upon arrival.
    Gertrude Chapman then gave a detailed and very interesting account of a visit to the exposition mentioning the chief displays and attractions to be seen upon the Pike and other parts of the grounds.
    Then came Lloyd Refsell, the cartoonist of the class, with his illustrated lecture describing Uncle Zeke’s experiences at the fair. His charts showed clever work in sketching in colors. The boys call Lloyd “Our McCutcheon” and there is no doubt that he will achieve marked success in that line.
One of the numbers ever given upon such an occasion in Emmetsburg was “Art and Architecture of the Exposition” by Margaret Fluke. It was a critical review of the progress of art and architecture from the earliest ages to the present time., being he expression of the passions and sentiments of all races, and contrasting the ideal with the sordid. The exposition is very largely a display of art and architecture in which we see the aspirations and achievements of all people as well as our own. It is an epitome of our best and a foreshadowing of what is yet to be achieved.
    Fred Paulsen gave an account of some of the things the exposition could not have, mentioning many of the recent improvements and prospective inventions not ready for exhibition at this time.
    The advice to juniors, always part of the commencement program, was given by Adele Bowden. It was a choice number and contained the customary warnings, wise and otherwise, which always come from the graduating class.
    Mary Crowley won the class honors, her record on examinations throughout the high school course being he highest made by any student. As valedictorian she acquitted herself most creditably. Her address was excellent throughout and the farewell words to the school board, teachers and classmates were especially earnest and sympathetic.
    Mr. Blackmar, in presenting the class for diplomas, took occasion to impress upon the members as well as all others present, the value of the high school course as a means of developing mental power. In this practical age it is mind power rather than much knowledge that is needed. The purpose of the course is to train the mind to think , the heart to feel, and the will to act. These graduates are not trained to do any special task but have minds, hearts and wills so trained that they are able and willing to do useful work. His parting words to pupils, teachers, patrons and directors were spoken with a heart full of kindly feeling for all.
    Dr. Powers, president of the board, presented the diplomas, congratulated the class on their completion of the course, and expressed the hope that their lives would always reflect credit upon the school. On behalf of the board he praised the work of the retiring superintendent, and wished him success in his new field. The class song, “Friendship, “ closed the evening program.

Tara’s Disastrous Storm
The dailies give the following account of the disastrous windstorm that visited Tara, a small station west of Ft. Dodge, Tuesday evening of last week: “Details of last night’s storm showed that it covered a large area and did much damage to buildings. A number of horses and live stock were killed in the pastures. A farm house was partly burned, a wrecked chimney permitting sparks to ignite the roof. The corn cribs of the Des Moines Elevator company at Tara were blown down. The farm house of John Banell was lifted from its foundation and turned upside down. Jon Conlee, a tramp from Scranton, Pa., was caught in the wreck of the eastbound Illinois Central freight train , at Tara, here the wind blew two box cars loose from the train and rolled them into a ditch and he was severely injured. The Central school house near Moorland was turned around on its foundation. The farm house of L.D. Stone, four miles south, was wrecked. Much damage was done to the new asphalt paving in progress of construction in this city.”


Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, June 8, 1904


Charles W. Graves, Accused of Wife Murder, Permitted to Plead Guilty to Manslaughter.
Charles W. Graves, accused of wife murder, who is alleged to have saturated his victim with kerosene after murder had been committed and then deliberately applied the torch, was permitted to plead guilty to manslaughter at Des Moines. The limit is eight years.
Saved from a life sentence in the penitentiary by a single burst of enthusiasm on the part of a juror, Graves was to have been tried for the second time in the Polk county criminal court at Des Moines for murdering his wife and burning her body. Graves was found guilty of the deed of which he was accused and the verdict being murder in the first degree the jury recommended life imprisonment. But during the trial, when the state’s attorney struck back wittily at the accused’s attorney in a lively repartee, one of the jurors clapped his hands. Then when he entered the jury room he stated to the jurors he had known the Graves family all his life and they were “a bad lot.” This blocked the pronouncing of a sentence as the court explained it could hardly be considered a man had a fair trial with such a juror on the bench. The defense in the first trial was epilepsy but this proved so weak it is said it would not have been used again to save the man’s life.

Prominent Iowan Dead.
Former Lieutenant Governor Benjamin F. Gue died suddenly last week of heart failure, while out for a walk near his residence in Dews Moines. He was seventy-six years old. MR. Gue was one of the founders of the Republican party and was elected by it to the upper and lower branches of the state legislature at different times and was made lieutenant governor in 1865. He was United States pension agent for Iowa and Nebraska eight years, one of the founders of the state college of agriculture and of Iowa’s pioneer law makers’ association and was also a prominent newspaper man.

Two Escape Jail.
Dr. A.E. Rodgers and August Lueth, prisoners in the county jail at Tipton, beat their jailer into insensibility last week and escaped. One is still at large. August Lueth was serving a ten-year sentence for kidnapping the aged Mrs. Telsrow and holding her for $50,000 ransom. Dr. Rodgers was convicted of forgery and an attempt was recently made to secure a pardon for him from Governor Cummins. Lueth was later recaptured at Durant.

Acquitted of Murder.
One of the most sensational murder cases in this state terminated in court at Winterset in the acquittal of William Thornburg who had been indicted for murder in the first degree for killing Fred Peacock. The acquittal was on the ground of self-defense. A family feud caused the murder, which occurred March 4 last.

Donohue Will Return.
Governor Cummins has notified the state department at Washington of his withdrawal of the request for the extradition of John Donohue, wanted in Sioux City on a charge of embezzlement and now held under arrest for the Irish police at Killarney. Donohue has consented to return to Iowa and stand trial.

Farmer Kills Himself.
Emery F. Morris, a wealthy farmer of Iowa Falls, committed suicide at the hospital for insane at Independence last week. He attempted to cut his throat, but was discovered and while the attendants were securing bandages he tore his throat with his hands causing death.

Fell to His Death.
Michael Houser, and old resident of Iowa City, fell from a ladder which he had placed against his house to make some repairs. The distance was only seven feet, but his age made the internal injuries he suffered serious and he died some three hours after the accident.

J.J. Kane and daughter Bridget, John Higley and wife, Wm. Harrison, Capt. Holman, and Mesdames George B. McCarty, W.J. Brown, H.W. Burnard, Henry Beckman and C. S. Duncan went to Mason City yesterday to attend the state G.A.R. encampment. Several more intend going this morning. Arrangements have been made for a great demonstration so that our citizens are assured of a good time.

A.Scott Ormsby left for Kentucky Friday evening for a brief visit with relatives. His sister, Miss Alice, will return with him to Davenport to attend the commencement exercises at St. Katherine’s hall. Mrs. Ormsby and Miss Dell Tyson will later meet him in Chicago and from there they will start east on their automobile trip.

Mr. Larkin of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Doyle, of this place. He is a cousin of Mrs. Doyle and Mrs. Ford.

- A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Treadgold last Thursday.
- Miss Myrtle Ballard recently returned from Dixon, Illinois, where she had been taking a commercial course.
- Miss Maude Adams, of Hampton, arrived here Friday evening to visit her brother, H.R. Adams and famly.
- Miss Maggie Shea is expected home from Cedar Falls today where she has been studying short hand and stenography for several months.
- E.P. McEvoy informs us that the Sample school house in Booth township was badly damaged by lightning one evening about a week ago.
- The Times says that the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Brennan, of Graettinger, fell down and broke one of his collar bones. Dr. Nase is attending him.
- J.D. Francisco, of Brooklyn, Iowa, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. John Davidson, of Cylinder, for some time and has been tuning pianos in this city and neighboring places during his brief stay. He claims to have spent twenty-two years at the business.
- The following are the officers of the Friday Club, of this city, chosen to serve during the coming year.: President, Mrs. George H. Baker; vice-president, Mrs. W.J. Black; secretary, Mrs. W.R. Millham; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. J.H. Hinkley.


Double Wedding Near Ruthven.
We are informed that a double wedding was solemnized at the Gould home four miles northwest of this city last eening. The contracting parties were Bert A. Smith and Nellie G. Gould, and Edwin C. Ruthven and Mary H. Gould. The Free Press joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous married life.—Free Press.

Sad Accident Near Sanborn.
Tuesday evening James McCarty and wife went to call on Mr. and Mrs. Rosenbaum, four miles southeast of Sheldon, and the two men were standing in the barn door after putting out the horse when a storm came up and a bolt of lightning passed in the barn door. Mr. Rosenbaum was instantly killed and Mr. McCarty stunned . The former had a wrench in his pocket and his flesh was badly burned near it.—Sanborn Pioneer.

Colonel Busby About Again.
Col. Busby blew into town last night. His gray head and G.A.R. button got him a night’s lodging. The Colonel is an eccentric character known in the printing fraternity for years. He is of an excellent family who would readily care for him, had an honorable ware record, but has tramped most of the time since the war. He has a brilliant intellect which dissipation has only partially dimmed, and he is a practical printer.—Laurens Sun.

An Affectionate Husband.
Truman Scott, of Dickens, was brought before Justice Chamberlain on the charge of disturbing the peace. Scott is addicted to using alcoholic drinks and has made life a terror for his family and neighbors. He carried a revolver and is reported to have threatened the lives of members of his family and others. Justice Chamberlain held Scott to the grand jury and required bonds for keeping the peace. He was unable to furnish bonds and went to jail.—Spencer News.


- Joe Shea left for Des Moines Wednesday where he has secured a position with a portfolio company.
- David Joynt left yesterday for South Dakota. He may invest in some land before returning home.
- Mrs. Art Keller came down from Reading, Minnesota, Sunday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. Maxon, who is very ill.
- John Farrell was down from Inwood the last of the week attending the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Chris Conlon.
- Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Olson of Whittemore, spent Sunday in this city with the latter’s parents, MR. and Mrs. John Higley.
- Miss Tillie Hoyer, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Schendel, returned to her home at Morris, Minnesota, Monday evening.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Egan Monday. The Democrat extends congratulations.
- Miss Alice Breen is making a short visit with her aunt, Mrs. M.F. Brennan, of Great Oak, while enroute to her home in Minnesota.
- Word was received in this city the first of the week that a sister of Mrs. Adrian, Sr., had died in Wisconsin. The latter has been in that state for some time visiting.
- Mrs. Helmar, who has been here for some time visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stemets, went to Wagner, S.D. last Wednesday to visit another daughter, Mrs. Walter Kennedy.
- Mrs. Pratt Roberts, of Graettinger, died at DeSmet, S.D. last Tuesday and was buried at Graettinger Friday. She was a daughter of Eli Craven. She leaves two small children.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Greehey on Saturday. The father has, of course, grown three feet taller and has resolved henceforth to be an early riser. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to the worthy parents.
- Sunday, Mrs. N.E. Maxon, of this city, underwent a trying surgical operation for the removal of a tumor. However, it was quite successful and she is doing as well as could be expected. Dr. O’Brien has charge of the case.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godfrey Thyle announce that the marriage of their daughter, Ethelyne Genevieve, to Mr. Harry Pfiffner will take place at Trinity church on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 22nd, at three o’clock. All friends are invited to be present.

Miss Winnifred Dayton has been chosen principal of the Curlew schools at a salary of $500 per year. She is a most deserving young lady and ranks high as a teacher. The Democrat congratulates her on her good fortune and the people of Curlew on the wisdom of their selection.

Robert Francis, of Minneapolis, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Fitzgerald of this city, mother of S.P. Fitzgerald. He had no seen her for 36 years.

Were Pleasantly Surprised.
Misses Alyce and Anna Dwyer came up from Barnum recently for a few days’ visit with their sister, Mrs. Thos. Condon of Great Oak township. They were most agreeably surprised on Sunday evening by a crowd of pleasure loving young people who assembled at the Condon home to aid in making their visit a pleasant one. The evening was sent in cards, music and dancing until the wee hours of morning when the guests departed for their several homes Monday, on the south bound passenger from Mallard, cherishing a high opinion of the Great Oak people as entertainers.

Laid to Rest.
    Last week brief mention was made of the death of Mrs. Chris Conlon, of Great Oak township, who passed away Wednesday morning. She had been quite ill for several months, though she had been steadily failing for a year or more. She had suffered intensely and death, though a source of deep anguish to her husband, family and other relatives, was a kind relief to her. The funeral was held Friday forenoon. Though the morning was rather wet and stormy, there was a large procession, many coming from Ayrshire and other distant places. There were a number of exquisite floral offerings, the gifts of sympathizing friends and neighbors. The pall bearers were M.E., John H., William, P.F. and James Conlon and Frank Hand. The services sere held at Assumption church. Very Rev. J.J. Smith celebrated a requiem high mass. The sermon was preached by Father Carroll, of Ayrshire. It was an effort such as only a clergyman of his superior ability could prepare and deliver. Father Carroll has for years been recognized as a close student and a decidedly strong man in the pulpit, but those who heard him in Friday’s admirably prepared and impressively delivered discourse are convinced that he is steadily growing stronger and better and that he is entitled to front rank among the ablest priests of the diocese. When he had closed his remarks, the funeral procession wended its way to St. John’s cemetery where all that was mortal of the loving mother and devoted wife was tenderly laid to rest.
    Margaret Malloy was born in Allamakee county, May 3, 1867. In 1883, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Malloy, moved to this county and settled on a farm in Great Oak. The deceased had good educational advantages and when she grew to womanhood she taught school for several years. She ranked high in her calling and her services were eagerly sought by those who know of her ability in the school room. In November, 1887, she was united in marriage to Mr. Chris Conlon. They settled on a farm in the same neighborhood in which she lived. Five sons were born to them, who still survive. They are William J. Raymond, Frank, Charles and Robert. Besides the husband three brothers and one sister of the deceased also mourn her untimely death.
    The deceased was a plain, retiring, unassuming woman. She was thoroughly familiar with the exacting and serious duties of her station in life and possessed the mildness, simplicity, and cheerfulness that contribute so much towards the satisfaction, enjoyment and comfort of others. Those qualities endeared her to friends and neighbors and made her home life one that might well be envied by others. To the fulfillment of her obligations as wife, mother, neighbor and friend, she consecrated the ardent hope and the anxiety of a sincere, unselfish heart. Conscience, trained, fortified, guided by all with which religion can enlighten and influence it, directed her in her constant, unfaltering devotion to the manifold obligations that her church, her home and society required of her. She never sought distinction or preference. To her duty, cheerfully ad faithfully performed, meant far more than the honors or the plaudits that the world could bestow. Gloom that appeals strongly to stout hearts has settled about the peaceful fireside so often gladdened by her presence, and sorrow has touched sensitively the feelings of those whose hopes and affections were so long and so tenderly entwined with hers in sweet, domestic love and contentment, but he who watches over sorrowed homes as well as over troubulous seas will give strength and consolation to the bereft and make their present affliction, if borne with Christian patience and meekness, the forerunner of greater spiritual as well as temporal blessings and benefits. To those who mourn, the sympathy of all is generously extended.

Mrs. C.N. Hayes is Dead.
Mrs. C.N. Hayes, who left this city early in May, died a short time ago of quick consumption at her home at Dickinson, North Dakota. She leaves a husband and one child who is but a few months old. Mr. Hayes was in charge of the office of Edwards, Woods & Co. for several months. He is now an operator for the Northern Pacific railway company at Dickinson.

W.F. Murphy, the Architect, Dead.
W.F. Murphy, the well known architect of Waterloo, died of pneumonia Saturday morning. He was widely known and had many warm friends throughout the state especially among contractors and builders. He was an occasional visitor to Emmetsburg and submitted a preliminary sketch for the Emmetsburg Opera house in the competitive contest held less than a month ago. His drawings were quite satisfactory and a number of the members of the board strongly favored him to prepare the plans and specifications, but on the final vote the contract was awarded to Mr. Fisher, who represents a St. Paul firm.

A.C. Kunath Cuts Loose.
Threatens to Kill His Wife and Burn their Home.
A.C. Kunath, of Graettinger, was brought to this city Thursday and lodged in jail, charged with attempting to do great bodily injury to his wife, who is a daughter of Mr. Meredith. A week ago Tuesday night, it seems, he went on a lark and raised Ned in general. He threatened to use a razor on Mrs. Kunath and to burn the place in which they were living. She managed to keep out of his way until help arrived, when he was taken in charge by Marshal Blum and landed in the calaboose. Wednesday he was given a preliminary hearing before Justice Cameron and was held to await the action of the grand jury. His bail bond was placed at $200 which he could not furnish. Hence he was brought to this city and placed under the court house as stated. Saturday, however, Mrs. Kunath came to Emmetsburg and asked to have him released on his own bond. Deputy Sheriff Williams describes the meeting of the two who, but a short time before had been violently separated, as one that appealed piteously to the stoutest heart. Mrs. Kunath was, of course, sorry for what had happened, but she was forced to protect herself. Kunath sobbed and bawled and refused to be consoled. He said he never before fully realized how much he loved his wife and he promised that he would, in the future, be a perfect angel, if released. As the fellow really seemed sorry for what he had done, M. Williams and the county attorney, who were moved to pity by the touching scene they had witnessed, decided to be merciful. Accordingly, Mr. Kunath was released on his own bond, though he was not permitted to live with his wife for three months, during which time he will have ample opportunity to demonstrate his sincerity. He must practice total abstinence, keep good company, attend church regularly and do everything else that is required of the model citizen. In the mean time, the charge stands against him and, if he proves himself a man by next October, the county attorney will probably recommend a dismissal of the action against him. If, however, he don’t reform, he will find the journey before him a long and rough one. Mr. and Mrs. Kunath were married about a year ago and have a child. The Democrat hopes the unfortunate fellow will show that he has the right kind of stuff in him and that he will redeem his promise.

J.C. Spooner Arrested for Incest.
    J.C. Spooner, a farmer living in Vernon township, was arrested Thursday and brought to this city, charged with the crime of incest. He has not yet asked for a preliminary hearing and has not been able to secure any one to bail him out. However, his brother, who also lives in Vernon, has taken up the matter and may succeed in having him released until the next term of court, which will be held in October.
    Mr. Spooner’s wife died two weeks ago. It appears that she was a widow when he married her and had a daughter, aged 16, who lived with them. The latter is said to have a child several months old and it is alleged that Spooner is the father of it. 
    There are other charges of a revolting character,. Such people should, of course, be taken in charge by the proper authorities. The accused moved to Vernon township from the south part of the county a few months ago. He has been living on one of Mr. Brown’s farms. He lived near Luverne, Kossuth county, before coming to Palo Alto.

Mr. Charles Hantleman and Miss Kate Vottler were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vottler, of Fairfield township, last Wednesday evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Georgie and was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends. At the close of the brief rite, a reception was held, which was followed by feasting and festivities lasting for several hours. The groom is a most creditable young man and possesses the qualities that merit and win success. The young lady who has given him her heart and hand is a member of one of the best families in the community in which she resides and has well earned the esteem in which all who have met her hold her. The Democrat wishes Mr and Mrs. Hentleman a successful, gladsome journey though life.

Were Wedded at Osage.
Mr. E.W. Carpenter, of this place, and Miss Lulu Seekins were married at the home of the bride at Osage, Iowa, Wednesday, June 1st. They arrived in this city Saturday evening and are comfortably located in one of Mrs. Acers’ residences in the first ward. Mr. Carpenter is an artistic painter and has business rooms over the Joynt & Wollner implement store. He is a genial, companionable young man and has, during his year’s residence in Emmetsburg, made many friends. The bride is one of Osage’s best young ladies and has impressed most favorably all who have met her. The Democrat extends hearty greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter.

E.W. Schempf Sells to N.A. Steil.
E.W. Schempf has sold his interests in the Val Blatz cold storage establishment in this city to N.A. Steil, who will conduct the same in connection with his retail business. Mr. Schempf intends going to Watertown, Wisconsin, to take charge of the street car system of that city. He was inspector of the system at Milwaukee for several years. His home is at Watertown.

Ten Graduates at Graettinger.
The graduating exercises of the Graettinger school were held at the opera house last Friday evening, when a class of ten bright boys and girls received diplomas for the completion of the ten years’ course of study The hall and gallery were crowded and the entire program was carried out so as to please and gratify the teachers, the directors and patrons. For a class so young the orations were exceptionally good. The though and language as well as the clear distinct delivery and natural expression indicated thorough preparation and a mastery of the subjects treated. Besides the ten short orations by the graduates there was a piano duet by Mrs. and Miss Bond, two piano solos by Miss Rutledge and a number of vocal selections by the ladies’ quartet consisting of Mrs. D.C. Tipp and the Misses Jenswold, Larsen and Dalen.
The invocation was by the Rev. E.L. Stevens and the presentation of diplomas by B.J. Bergeson. The stage decorations were in white and green-the class colors, with the class motto, “Only the Dawn,” tastefully arranged in the background.
“The Achievements of a Century”…Ward Noble.
“Opportunity”…Albertine Dalen.
“The Influence of Christianity”…Lura Ferguson.
“Character as a Factor in National Growth”…Marie Eidaness.
“Education the Chief Factor of Civilization”…Myrtle Franklin.
“Our Antagonists are Our Benefactors”…Lizzie Jensen.
“ American Ideals”…Lee Ganfield.
“The Relation of Temperance to Civilization”…Mary Cullen
“Music”…Carrie Mitchell.
“Valedictory”…Agnes Spies.


- Mrs. Lahiff, who had been here taking care of her niece, Mrs. Kane, has returned to her home in Clare.
- Mrs Jake Kongsbach and children are visiting relatives at Bradgate.
- A reception was held last week at the home of Mrs. Simpson in honor of Mrs Bert Ferguson who will soon leave for her new home in Washington.
- Invitations are out announcing that the marriage of Mr. Louie Dorweiler, of Ottosen, and Miss Barbara Mersch, of this place, will take place today at the home of the bride.

- Chas. Carmichael has sold his farm at Ayrshire to P. O’Grady.
- Frank Smith has sold his farm to E.G. Ridenour for $60 per acre. Mallard farms sell for good prices no matter how times are.

- Hans Duus, of Lost Island township, has completed a fine residence on his farm north of Fallow. Mr. Duus is one of our most enterprising farmer citizens.

- Mrs. E.S. George and children were passengers to Milford Monday morning where they will visit her mother.
- Mrs. A.L. Lande and children left on Monday morning for North Dakota where Mr. Lande is engaged in the hardware business.
- On Monday evening Mrs. Coolidge entertained a party of young people in honor of her sister, Miss Gertrude Stamp, who is here visiting her.

- Mrs. Nellie Follet has returned from Waterloo where she had been called by the death of her brother, Art Howard.
- Ed Carrigan is seriously ill. It is thought that a blood vessel in his head has bursted. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery.
- At the recent meeting of the school board Miss Ethel Glenn was re-elected primary teacher. Miss Glenn has taught here for some time and is well liked by pupils and parents.

- Mrs. H.E. Shartle left Saturday evening or Garner where she will spend a month visiting her mother.
- Mrs. Ole Williamson, who died last Saturday morning from blood poisoning was buried Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church in this city, Rev. L.O. Wigdahl officiated.
- A.L. Furlong and James F. Nolan left Tuesday morning for Excelsior Springs, Missouri, where they will remain for some time for the benefit of their health. Mr. Nolan will also take in the St. Louis exposition before returning home.
- Saturday morning the remains of John Barringer were brought home from Chicago. He died last Thursday. The funeral was held Saturday morning at 11 o’clock from the M.E church. He was laid to rest in Highland cemetery. The sympathy of all is extended to the sorrowing relatives.

- Master Earl Pender, of Emmetsburg, spent a few days visiting his aunt, Mrs. Daily, of this place.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, June 15, 1904

- In the last session of the board of supervisors, George H. Keightly was appointed justice of the peace, to fill vacancy, in West Bend township. 
- Joseph Byerly, formerly of Pocahontas county, was drowned in the Vermillion river, in South Dakota a few days ago, while out boating.
- Mrs. Seymour and daughter of Pinkneyville, Illinois, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Ms. J.G. McNamara. They will remain for several weeks.


Miss Bachman Secures Good Position.
Miss Ruth Bachman has been appointed assistant piano instructor for the coming school year in the Buena Vista college. The young lady is a talented musician and her many friends are pleased to know that she has been chosen for the position which speaks so well for her progress in her studies in so short a time.—Estherville Enterprise.

Was One of Our Old Settlers.
Mrs. Tedford received a telegram this week announcing the death of her brother-in-law, H.A. Bateman, of Snohomish, Washington. Mr. Bateman was one of the early settlers of this community and moved away about a year ago, since which time he has been failing rapidly. Death resulted from an attack of kidney trouble. He was about 70 years old.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

An Old Landmark Gone.
An old landmark, the Milwaukee hotel, is no more. It was burned to the ground Tuesday night. Between two and three o’clock in the night the fire broke out, and no one knows how it started. The building was beyond the fire limits and no water could be got to it and therefore its destruction was total. It was owned by W.L. Joselyn and was occupied by Mr Glanbitz [or Glaubitz], who was keeping hotel there. We presume it will not be rebuilt.—Algona Courier.

The Summer Girls on Hand.
The summer girls have commenced to arrive at the resorts and are frequently seen on the streets. They are clothed in the usual indescribable costumes of fair young resorters, presumably intended to be “catchy”. Such a delusion and attendant jar, to the unoffending natives! If the country girl should practice like indifference in dress she would get the laugh on every corner. It makes a difference who adopts the ridiculous in dress and manners. – Spirit Lake Beacon.

From the Advance

Mr. Fred E. Klinge and Miss Caroline K. Johnson were married at the Presbyterian church in West Bend, May 8, Rev. Forde officiating. The principals in this happy affair are well and favorably known by many of our readers. The groom is the trusted manager of the H.L. Jenkins Lumber company’s yards at Rodman and is a social favorite wherever known. The bride is a daughter of John Johnson, one of Fern Valley’s prosperous farmers. The Advance joins with other friends in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Klinge.

Mr. Louis Dorweiler, of Ottosen, and Miss Barbara Mersch, of West Bend, were married at Estherville June 8th. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dorweiler and possesses his good share of the sterling characteristics of the family. He is manager of the Inter State Lumber company’s yard at Ottosen. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mersch and is an admirable young woman in every respect. Mr. and Mrs. Dorweiler have the best wishes of all their many acquaintances.

Murder at Sibley.
A dispatch from Sibley, dated Friday, says: “Charged with murdering his employer, cremating his body in a strawstack and appropriating his property, including a fine farm near Melvin, Fred Hokuff was bound over to the grand jury in $10,000 bonds. The crime charged is the murder of Peter Johnson, who disappeared February 13, 1903. Hokuff protests his innocence, but has told various stories to account for Johnson’s absence.

Have Lost Their Little Girl.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Finnel of Mallard, lost their baby girl, Marion Edla, Sunday, aged two years and nine months. The funeral was held Monday. The services were conducted at the residence by Rev. S.E. Beatty, of this city. The burial was in the Rush Lake cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Finnel have the sympathy of all who know them in their sorrow.

A Prize Several Desire to Win
Quite a number of the pupils in the highest three grades of St. Mary academy are making an effort to secure theA.O.H. medal for proficiency in Christian doctrine. This medal is awarded each year and it has encouraged industry and zeal in this important line of study. The contest is decided by a written examination. The prize will be awarded at the commencement exercises on the evening of June 24.


Accused of Trying to Blackmail.
At Muscatine Robert Morrison, son of County Clark Joseph Morrison, and Charles Stoker, both aged nineteen, were arrested by federal officers on charges of sending letters to Peter Musser, a prominent lumberman, threatening to kill him and his daughter unless he deposited a large sum of money in a secret place. The first letter was sent about two weeks ago and demanded $1,000. No attention was paid to it and a second and third letter were send [sic] demanding $4,000, the last was severe it its threats. Suspicion pointed to the young men and they were arrested.

Iowa Man Head of Order.
The supreme lodge of Mystic Workers of the World closed a three days’ session last week at Janesville, Wis. W.I. Cunningham of Anamosa, Ia., was elected supreme master. The next meeting will be held in Peoria, in 1906.

Child Burned to Death
With his body charred and flesh quivering from fire which burned every vestige of clothing the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wakeman, of Hinton, Ia., died last week. Mr. Wakeman, who is a well known business man of Hinton, was burning some rubbish near his barn when the child got too near and his clothing was ignited.

Died at 105 Years.
Mrs. Christina Lang, aged 105 years, the oldest woman in Iowa, died last week at the orphanage of the St. Francis, Dubuque, death resulting from a paralytic stroke. She was born in Germany and came to this country sixty years ago, settling in Dubuque county. She is survived by two grandchildren.

Colored Oleo Barred.
The Iowa supreme court has affirmed a decision of the Iowa court prohibiting the sale of colored oleomargarine unless the state dairy laws are complied with. The suit was brought by the Iowa dairy commission against the Armour Packing company, and was in the nature of a test. The Armours contended that the oleomargarine was made the color of yellow butter through natural processes in its manufacture and that dealers were not compelled to exhibit the label. The first indictment was quashed through technicalities. Upon the second trial the state secured the a favorable verdict and an appeal was taken. The supreme court holds that it is not enough for the packing company to prove that their oleomargarine is made yellow through the natural process, but that it is a violation of the state law to sell any color and kind of oleomargarine without the label.

T.L. Jackson, of Ruthven, Missing.
    Word was received in this city Wednesday evening to the effect that Tom Jackson, who had been working in Dickinson county, had drowned in Okoboji lake. From the meagre reports received it seems that he had hired a boat and rowed out on to the lake but as he did not return , the owners went in search of the and found it in the lake and in the boat were Mr. Jackson’s coat and a letter which we give below:
    “Who ever find this will please notify my relatives that my body now lies at the bottom of Okoboji lake. The barber at Arolds Park will know who it is, you show him this. The misfortune I made of hurting myself caused me great pain, greater than I could bear. I have suffered so much the last few days I have concluded to put myself out of misery. It has almost set me crazy at times so if my body is never found I hope it will rest where it now lies.
T.L. Jackson.”
    Mr. Jackson was well known in this vicinity and the community will be greatly shocked to learn of his rash act. At this writing we have been unable to learn as to the recovery of his body.—Free Press.


- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. Sullivan, of Graettinger, Sunday.
- L. Reihsen is having his meat market connected with the city water plant.
- A new boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Platt, who live in south Vernon.
- J.M. Sturtevant will build W.J. Black’s new residence. It will cost in the neighborhood of $4,000.
- Mrs. Nels Simonson and her sister, Miss Oskerson, returned from Blue Earth, Minnesota, Friday evening.
- Fred Engler was called to Cassville, Wis. Last week to attend the funeral of an aunt who died at that place. His little daughter, Veneta, accompanied him.
- Wm. McNally, son of Myles McNally, went to Sioux City Sunday evening. From there he will go to Red Oak to work for Hanrahan & Shepherd on a sewerage contract.
- Cards are out announcing that Mr. George Sturtevant and Miss Gertrude Blanchard are to be married June 22nd. The ceremony will be performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millham.
- A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. L. Reihsen Sunday.
- Paul Bley, of Lotts Creek, visited his parents at Mallard Monday.
- E.J. McEvoy has accepted a position in the state bank of Dolliver, of which Mr. Stillman is cashier.
- Mrs. J.P. Marsh, and mother, of Paxton, Illinois, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Marsh of this city.
- Miss Lizzie Anderson of Humboldt, arrived in this city a few days ago to assist her sister, Mrs. Orres in the Elite café.
- Mrs. Cotton, who was here visiting her mother, Mrs. Fonten, returned to her home in Minnesota a few days ago.
- Miss Lizzie Jackman went to Mason City Monday evening to take care of Mrs. Geo. B. McCarty and Mrs. W.J. Brown.
- J.F. Keller, Thos. Slater, John Brunnemer, Henry Beckman, and Mr. and Mrs. Mane were at Mason City Wednesday attending the G.A.R. doings.
- Henry Oelfke has returned from MacCausland and has accepted a position in Moore Bros. Elevator. He worked in it before Mr. Moore went to Hampton.
- John H Hester, of Walnut township, is building a fine new residence. We knew that all the corn and hogs he had been selling would soon bring him to the front financially.
- A marriage license has been issued to Thos. J. Smith and Winnifred Anglum.
- Mrs. C.W. Hodgkinson of St. Paul is visiting her numerous relatives in this city.
- Chas. Abel, of Des Moines, visited his sister, Mrs. Maxon, of this place, the first of the week.
- Mr. Barnum arrived home Monday and is looking quite hearty. We understand that he will soon start out soliciting for M.A. Mugan.
- M. Roache is the champion potato raiser of the third ward. His patch shows that he has not been visiting his neighbors during the past month.
- The Graettinger Times says: “P.C. Jackman will soon let the contract for the erection of a model residence on his farm east of town. Pat believes in getting he cage before he gets the bird.”
- Misses Nellie Laughlin, Edna White, Laura Agnew, Minnie Young and Bridget Brennan have gone to Cedar Falls to attend the Iowa Normal school.
- Miss Lutie Wallace, of Parker, South Dakota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.B. Chapin. She teaches at Parker. She clerked in Mr. Gowans’ store several years ago.
- A few days ago, Mrs. Galloway, of Vernon, received word that one of her brothers died in Livingston county, Illinois, but she was unable to go there to attend the funeral.
- C.H. Cookinham, Miss Etta Torey ad Mrs. Mae Steenson have been chosen to teach the Ayrshire schools during the opening year. Miss Barfoot resigned as teacher in the intermediate department.
- Clinton Hoagland, of Vermillion, South Dakota, visited his uncle, H. Hoagland, of this city, Friday evening. He was on his way home from Evanston, Illinois, where he had been attending he Northwestern university.
- Wednesday Dr. J.C. Davies shipped his household goods to Boise, Idaho, where he has decided to locate for the practice of his profession. Mrs. Davies and the other members of the family will go this week. The Democrat wishes them success and hopes that they will enjoy their new home.
- Martin Joynt arrived home from Iowa City Saturday. Next year he will complete the medical course in the Iowa State University. He says there is more talk about Chancellor McLean in other parts of the state than at Iowa City. Mr. Joynt thinks crops are looking fully as well in this section as in Johnson county.

Several Emmetsburgers Inured at Mason City Thursday.
In all 28 people were injured. Among the number were Mrs. Geo. B. McCarty, Mrs. W.J. Brown, Mrs. C.S. Duncan and J.J. Kane. The latter had his back injured and one of his hands badly lacerated. He is home and about. Mrs. Duncan was thrown through the car window and into a ditch. Surprisingly, her injuries were slight and she went to Wisconsin to visit relatives. Mrs. McCarty ad Mrs. Brown had a each a couple of ribs broken, their bodies bruised and the sides of their faces badly blackened. Mrs. Brown had also an ear badly torn Both are still at Mason City and are not able to come home. However, neither will have any permanent injuries. How fortunate that none of them were killed. We congratulate them on their escape.

John Butner Goes to Rockwell City.
    John Burner left for Rockwell City Thursday evening, where he has purchased an interest in an abstract office. Mr. Burner is an courteous, upright, competent young business man. He has many warm friends in this commuity, all of whom will join the Democrat in wishing him success in his new venture. Will Kirby will take his place in Mr. Linderman’s office. The latter is careful, painstaking and capable and will doubtless succeed in his new line of work.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kent of West Union, visited their son, H.W. Kent, of this city, several days during the past week. The write can remember Mr. Kent since 1868 when he was assessor of Dover township., Fayette county. He held the position for a long term of years. He was a thrifty, up-to-date farmer and he had the highest confidence of all who knew him. Ten or twelve years ago he retired and moved to West Union. He is now nearly 80 years of age. May health and strength be his for many years to come.

A Talented Newspaper Man.
Brother Larsen, of the Times, was down from Graettinger yesterday. He favored this office with a fraternal call. Mr. Larsen is more fortunate than most newspaper men. He understands the English, German and Norwegian languages.

Mr. C.E. Stover and Miss Martha A. Elston were married in this city Thursday, Justice Stedman tying the knot. The newly wedded pair will make their future home near Rolfe. The Democrat wishes them health and happiness.

News from Our Correspondents.

- Mrs. Crowder, of Laurens, visited her mother, Mrs. Lacy, of this place recently.
- James Stratton has secured the position as buttermaker in the new creamery.
- Miss Ethel Glenn left for Cedar Falls where she will attend the Iowa State Normal school.
- Jack Stover left for his home at Waukon Saturday, returning Tuesday with his family. They will occupy the Fisk cottage, which has been repainted and repapered.
- On Wednesday occurred the marriage of Martin Willwhite and Miss Ann Flesuer. They formerly resided in Illinois, but have lived in town a couple of years. They will live on the George Edwards farm.

- Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Plumley shipped their household goods to Algona Saturday. They have not yet decided where they will locate.
- E.G. Kelly and County Attorney Davidson, of Emmetsburg, were here Friday evening looking after matters in connection with the failure of E.M. Plumley.
- Joe Thompson, of Fenton, is our new painter and paper hanger. He is a first class workman. Any one desiring work in this lie should contact him.
- E.M. Plumley, of Cylinder, closed his store last Thursday. His creditors were about to close him out and so he concluded to close. Mr. Plumley is a good business man and we are very sorry to have him leave.

- Miss Zella Jones of Milford is visiting her sister, Mr.s John Redden, who has been sick during the past few days.

- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cullinson have been the proud parents of a baby boy since last Friday.

Clarion has a youthful forger named John Darkas. He is under arrest for raising the amounts called for in two money orders. Uncle Sam will teach him a lesson on the wisdom of being honest, which he should have learned several years ago.

Wednesday, June 22, 1904.

- Rev. Randall of Bryan, Ohio, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Randall, of this place.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Humphrey recently moved back to Emmetsburg from Sioux City.
- F.H Wells has been enjoying a visit for several days from his father, who lives at Annondale, Minnesota.
- Earl McGrath, of Eagle Grove, has been visiting his grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Treadgold, of this place, for several days.
- Fred Cross was up from Mallard Thursday. He recently returned from Wisconsin where he visited a brother for some time.
- We notice that Fred Daily, formerly of this place, now president of Dickinson County bank, is building a summer cottage at Crandall’s lodge.
- Thursday afternoon Archie Bryce’s team broke loose and dashed up street at a high rate of speed, running into Frank Gappa’s fine double carriage and damaging it pretty badly. Fortunately there was no one in either vehicle at the time the affair occurred.
- Mr. George Usher, of Mason City, and Miss Georgia Fitzsimmons, of Lawler, were married at the latter named place Wednesday morning. The groom is a brother of Guy Usher who made his home with John Dooley so long. He frequently visited Emmetsburg. 


Tom Stood at His Post.
Just at the hour of the Burt-Flemming wedding some one conceived the idea that it would be a good joke to turn in a fire alarm, as Tom Burt is chief of the fire department. The fire whistle brought out the fire company, caused a lady to faint and stirred up the town generally, but did not seem to jar Thomas in the least. He stayed right by the important event at which his presence was decidedly necessary. The fire boys and nervous citizens are very slow in catching onto the joke.---Spirit Lake Beacon.

She Was Cruel and Inhuman.
It is not often that a husband obtains a divorce from his wife on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Geo. W. Johnson, of Greenwood, obtained one here last Thursday for that very reason. He said that he was married at St. Jo. Missouri, last July and lived with his wife until May, when he had to sleep in the barn and do his own cooking, because she had threatened to poison him, and that he was afraid she would do so. Barslou tried to prevent him from getting a divorce, but Harrington & Dickinson won out for the abused husband. Any of us may have to sleep in the barn yet, for all we know, for the same reason.—Algona Advance.

- Mrs. Nellie McCarty is home from Davenport visiting her father and sister in this city.
- Edward Murphy of St. Paul, visited his uncle, Peter Jones, of this city, Thursday evening.
- A marriage license has been issued to Elias Horesten and Martha Johnson.
- There is a case of diphtheria at the home of Mr. Sampson east of Ruthven.
- Emery Moore has sold his barber shop at Ruthven to John Comer, of Mallard.
- Miss Hiltrude McEvoy, of Gilmore City, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McEvoy.
- Gipsy fortune tellers were numerous in town Friday. They were dirty and decidedly insolent.
- Quite a number of our citizens will go to South Dakota in a week or ten days to file for homesteads on the Rosebud reservation.
- Miss Lulu Blanchard of Seattle, Washington, is visiting her sisters, Miss Gertrude Blanchard and Mrs. Millham, of this city.
- The marriage of Mr. Harry Pfiffner and Miss Ethelyne Genevieve Thyle will be solemnized at Trinity church at 3 o’clock this afternoon
- Mr. George Sturtevant and Miss Gertrude Blanchard are to be married this evening at 8 o’clock t the home of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Millham.
- Michael Steil and James Dungan, Jr., left yesterday for Wagner, Indiana Territory, where the former’s brother Matt has opened a land office. They will probably be absent a week or ten days.
- Miss Lulu Wilcox is home from Jacksonville, Florida, where she has had charge of a mission school for colored children. She came by the way of St. Louis and spent a few days at the fair.
- Mrs. Barnhart, from Idaho, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Thos. O’Connor and Mrs. Lufkin, of this place. She will be remembered by many as Miss Anna Riley, who lived in this city about eighteen years ago.
- Mr. and Mrs. Hanrahan boxed up their household goods Saturday and left for Red Oak. Mr. Hanrahan, it is said, has a contract for a sewer at that place. We understand that he paid all his help before leaving. We are glad that he did this much.
- Joseph Garfield Wallesser, of Nashua, who won the Rhodes scholarship for Iowa, is a cousin of Schroeder Bros. And Mrs. Beckman, of this place. He was raided in Clayton county. It is needless to say that his local relatives feel proud of his achievement.

A.J. Hoffman, who lived in this city about eighteen years ago, died at Spirit Lake Friday as the result of a stroke of paralysis received a few days before. His remains were brought to this place Saturday and were taken to the home of Mr.and Mrs. J.C. Bennett. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. The services were conducted at Trinity church by Rev. W.V. Whitten, of Charles City, assisted by Dr. W.T. Jackson. The funeral was under the direction of the local Masonic lodge, the deceased having been a prominent member of the order. The G.A.R. post in Emmetsburg was also represented in the procession. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery where other members o f the family rest. Mrs. Hoffman, one son and one daughter survive. The son recently graduated from the medical department of the Minnesota State university.
Mr. Hoffman resided in Silver Lake township 34 or 35 years ago and was identified with the early history of our county and city. He was a commercial traveler and frequently visited Emmetsburg. He intended moving here several months ago, but could not secure a residence. Those who knew intimately spoke highly of him He must have been in the neighborhood of 60 years of age. Full particulars have not been handed us for publication.

Lost Their Little Girl.
On Wednesday occurred the death of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Mahan, of South Walnut, aged eight months. She had been sick but a short time,. The funeral was held Friday. The burial was in the Graettinger Catholic cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Mahan have the sympathy of their many friends throughout the county in the affliction that has visited their home.

Lost His House By Fire.
Daniel Murphy, Jr., of Emmetsburg township, lost his fine residence by fire Thursday morning. He was out in the field when the blaze started and did not get back in time to save anything but some of the furniture on the first floor. The house was a large well furnished one and hs loss will be heavy as he had only $600 insurance on it and $195 on the furniture. The adjustor of the Farmers’ Insurance company, of Cedar Rapids, was here Monday and settled for the loss. Mr. Murphy will rebuild at once.

Dropped Dead While Going to Church.
Mrs. D.r Voight, one of the oldest residents of Livermore, dropped dead Wednesday evening while going to church. She had prepared her residence ground for the accommodation of many who came to attend the old settlers’ picnic the following day, but she did not live to make the occasion enjoyable for them. Peter E. Jones, who knew the deceased well, says she was a most benevolent lady.

McCoy & Mulroney Sell to Kirby Bros.
McCoy & Mulroney have traded their livery outfit to Kirby Bros., who have rented the barn and will run the business in connection with their present barn. They will have a good trade and they are worthy of the patronage of the public. Mr. Mulroney will spend the summer on his farm. Mr. McCoy has not made any arrangements for the future. 

Sad Accident Near Laurens.
The other day while fishing in Pickerel lake near Laurens, Miss Braine, in attempting to change her position, fell out of the boat. She went under. A young man rescued her and brought her to shore, but she died in a few moments. A doctor who was summoned said that she was a victim of heart trouble aggravated by fright.

J.E. King Visits Emmetsburg.
J.E. King and son Horace were over from Algona Monday to attend the funeral of A.J. Hoffman. HE is now deputy auditor of Kossuth county. Harry is in California and Ed is traveling with a circus band. Mrs. King did not return to California. Mr. King looks hearty and practically as young and as fresh as he did when we first met him nineteen years ago. It is needless to say that he has many warm friends in Emmetsburg.

Dr. Martin of West Bend.
Edward Martin, of West Bend, is now an M.D. He recently graduated from the Northwestern university of Chicago. His is a bright, clever young man. The Democrat congratulates him on his success and bespeaks for him high rank in his chosen profession.

Stephen Murphy is Dead.
    Mr. Stephen Murphy, father of Michael Murphy, died at the home of the latter Monday night shortly before twelve. He had not been well for a couple of weeks, having been troubled with an attack of pneumonia. Still, no one considered his condition serious. Monday morning he was about but was not strong. His death, under the circumstances, was, of course, considerable of a surprise to his people. The funeral will be held today. The procession will leave the house at 9:30. Services will be conducted at Assumption church. The interment will be in St. John’s cemetery.
    The deceased was born in the County of Kerry, Ireland, in 1823, making his age 81. He was married, in his native country, to Ellen Scaunlan, in 1847. In 1848 they ame to the United States and settled at Lowell, Massachusetts, remaining at that place for two years. From there they moved to Hillsboro, Ohio, and later to Juneau county, Wisconsin, where they spent 14 years. In 1871 they became residents of Emmet county, Iowa. Their home was in the present neighborhood of Armstrong. In 1876 they came to Emmetsburg. Their place was in the southwest part of town and is at present owned by Jerry Flynn and others living on the same block. Mrs. Murphy died eight years ago. After that Mr. Murphy lived with his son Michael a short distance southeast of town. The latter is the only surviving member of the family except perhaps, another son- Bartholomew, the location of the latter being unknown. A son and a daughter died many years ago.
    Mr. Murphy was an unassuming quiet, honest old gentleman. He led a most exemplary life and his motives and his conduct were always above reproach. He would not knowingly harm any one. He was pleasant, agreeable and ever ready to do a neighborly act. His fellow citizens and friends respected him because of his sincerity and under all circumstances to do what was right between man and man. Such a life is a blessing to the community in which its influence is felt and its passing is mourned by all who recognize the value of true manhood and upright citizenship.

Mrs. John Redden is Dead.
    Mrs. Eleanor Jones Redden, wife of John Redden, formerly of Emmetsburg, died at Ruthven Friday evening, June 17th. The funeral was held Saturday. The remains were taken to Sacred Heart church at that place where services were conducted by the pastor, Father McCafferay, after which they were brought to her parents’ home near Milford where many intimate friends of the family gathered to attend the last sad rites and to listen to a few touching words concerning the sad affair by her pastor. The latter accompanied the funeral to the cemetery.
    Eleanor Jones was born in Mitchell county, Iowa, June 3, 1876. Some years ago her parents moved to Dickinson county. June 5, 1896, she became the wife of John Redden. They lived at Milford for some time. Then they moved to Emmetsburg, remaining for a few months after which they went to Ayrshire. Mr. Redden is a blacksmith by trade. Last year they located at Ruthven. The deceased leaves three little boys of promise to mourn the loss of a loving Christian mother such as all know Mrs. Redden to have been. The cause of her death was blood poisoning. She was 27 years of age.
    Mrs. Redeen was a convert to the Catholic faith and a most worthy one, this too, by the good will and best wishes of her people who believe in one faith in the home She will be sadly missed by all. The sympathy of the community is extended to the husband, children and the relatives. 

Married.- At the Catholic church in this city, on Wednesday morning, June 15th, Miss Winnifred Anglum to Mr. Thomas J. Smith, both of this place.
The young people are well and favorably known in this community. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anglum and a young lady of a mild, even disposition and possessed of the many qualities that tend to make a good wife. The groom is one of our most industrious farmers and a young man of worth. They will make their home for the present on the groom’s father’s farm north of town.
The Chronicle desires to be first in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Smith a long and prosperous life.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Supervisor Anglum’s Speedy Team.
Monday morning Supervisor Anglum had quite an experience while driving a team of colts from Ayrshire to Emmetsburg. Deputy Sheriff Williams, who had been out late at Curlew the night before looking after official duties, and who was doubtless in a hurry to get home, drove up behind him quite rapidly and rather unexpectedly when the latter’s team became frightened and started to run. Mr. Anglum pulled the reins but one of them broke. He and J.R. Martin, who was with him, had to sit still and hope for the best, while the horses ran furiously for over half a mile. However, they kept the road and were finally stopped. No one was injured and the buggy and harness were not broken. Mr. Anglum found it necessary to get clean clothes when he came to town, but he was well satisfied to do this since he did not have to pay the wagon repairer, a veterinary surgeon or a physician.

Married in New York Thursday
Mr. Dwight G. McCarty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. McCarty, was married at Ontario, New York, Thursday, June 16, to Miss Genevieve Craven of that place. Full particulars have not yet been learned, but we understand that Mr. and Mrs. McCarty will go by boat from Boston to Washington and from there to St. Louis to visit the exposition and will arrive in this city about July 1st. They will commence housekeeping in the residence lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Drybread. The groom will graduate in the law course at Harvard university this week, having spent three years at that institution. It is his intention to enter his father’s law office in a short time. The bride, as we understand is a graduate of Iowa college, where Mr. McCarty first met her. The groom is one of our very best young men. Having completed courses at one of Iowa’s leading colleges and the great university of Harvard, he is well equipped intellectually for the duties of his chosen profession. Aside from this he is self-reliant, studious, and is a gentleman of most exemplary habits. The Democrat joins his many friends in wishing him and his bonny bride a joyous career.

He Doubtless Thinks Marriage a Failure.
J.L. Anderson, of Swea City, has concluded that marriage is a failure. A dispatch from that place dated Thursday says: “When J.L. Anderson, who resides two miles northwest of this point, returned home from town Saturday evening he found his house in disorder and soon ascertained that his wife had run away, taking the baby boy and as much of the personal property as could be moved easily. It soon transpired that Mrs. Anderson had made arrangements with a liveryman to convey herself and baby to Ledyard, where it is supposed she took the midnight train for Deer Creek, Minn., where her mother resides. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were married about two years ago and have one child. The couple had apparently lived happily. Mr. Anderson is in good financial condition and had always been kind and indulgent to his wife. There is no apparent reason for her action. Mrs. Anderson is about twenty years old and good looking.

Speaks Highly of Cherokee Hospital.
M.W. Barnum, who recently returned form the Cherokee hospital, which gives treatment for the drink habit, says it is one of the best managed institutions in the country. Those who behave themselves will never have any reason to complain of being misused. The officers, he says, are capable, obliging and painstaking and all the help about the hospital are competent and conscientious. The patient must remain until cured. Mr. Barnum thinks that a man who is a victim of the drink habit to such an extent that he can not control himself ought to be willing to go to Cherokee for treatment. It is not dishonorable to make every effort possible to reform, while repeated drunkenness is continual source of annoyance and shame to a man and his friends. The leglislature has certainly done a wise and praiseworthy act in adding to our state asylums the department for the care of of inebriates. Mr. Barnum is, of course, grateful to our townsmen for their efforts to aid him.

- Edward Maynard and John Schucker have arrived home from St. Francis, Milwaukee, where they had been attending the seminary.

Mr. Claer Sr. is Dead.
Mr. Clear, father of Thomas Clear, of Ayrshire died at that place yesterday morning at five o’clock. He had been very ill for several weeks. Full particulars and the date of the funeral have not been learned. Mr. Clear was one of the pioneers of the county and was an upright and most worthy citizen in every way. The wife, two sons and one daughter survive.

Lightning’s Work Sunday Night.
Sunday night lightning struck Mr. Schneider’s granary north of Cylinder, damaging it slightly. Mr. Baldwin’s barn near Osgood was also damaged somewhat. Mr. Wood, who lives near Rodman, lost several head of young cattle and George Wiggen, of Booth township, lost a horse. All the above mentioned property was insured in the county Mutual. Mr. McEvoy started out Tuesday morning to adjust the losses.


Iowa Boy Murdered.
Harry Allen, aged fourteen years, living near Osceola, in Clarke county, was found lying bleeding in the road buy his brother last week. A bullet had pierced his forehead. He lived only long enough to say that he had been shot down by a strange man who rose from the bushes as he passed along the road. Officers, however, take little stock in the story and expect to find that some one living in that vicinity fired the fatal shot.

Arrested for Assault.
David Blackburn, a prominent citizen of Clemmons, has been arrested for assault with intent to commit murder. He attacked J.E. Mooney with a pitchfork. Mooney is in a serious condition. Blackburn furnished bonds.

Woman Burned to Death.
At Sharpsburg, Ia., Miss Pearl Thompson, aged twenty-five years, of Conway, Ia., was burned to death. She fainted and fell upon a hot stove and lived only five or six hours.

Pioneer Accidentally Killed.
Tom Crowley, a pioneer resident of Iowa City, was killed by falling from the fifty-foot Rock Island bridge. He had been dead about ten hours when found.

Two Young Iowans Dead.
An outing of the Burlington high school graduating class on the river ended in the drowning of Cecil Hall and Walter Goldithwaite by the overturning of a launch. The young men were accompanied in the launch by four classmates, three of them young women. They ran into a steam launch and were overturned. The young women were rescued through the efforts of their remaining companions and men on the steam launch.

President of Veterinary Association.
Dr. J. McNeal, dean of the veterinary college at Ames was elected president of the veterinary association which comprises the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, June 29, 1904


- John Weldon has gone to Minot, North Dakota, where he will work in a bank.
- William A. Keeper, of Whittemore, was on Wednesday allowed an increase of $8.00 per month on his pension.
- Mr. and Mrs. P.O Refsell are enjoying a visit from the latter’s nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Hughes of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Sister Mary DeSales, a member of the Presentation order, spent the last of the week with her sister, Mrs. Patrick Carroll, of Emmetsburg township.
- Wm. Hefley, Frank Warnke, F.L. Dorris, John Ellis, Chas. Adrian, Elmer Ellis, Jack Warnke and P.S. Brown attended the Stte Fireman’s tournament of Des Moines last week.
- Mrs. Martin B. Kane, of Ayrshire, left for Colorado Thursday where she will spend several months for the benefit of her health. She was very ill for several weeks during the past season and she thinks a change of climate will benefit her.


A Ringsted Pastor on Trial
Rev. Forde went to Armstrong Tuesday morning to sit as chairman on a trial in which Rev. C.W. Irwin, of Ringsted, Iowa, was suspended from the ministry. The trial was long and tedious, Mr. Forde returning Wednesday afternoon.—West Bend Journal.

Child Badly Scalded at Milford.
A sad accident occurred last Monday afternoon at the home of the Misses Zellar. Mrs. G.T. Harker was doing a washing and had a large candy pail on the kitchen floor about half full of scalding water. Little Jay Graham, who has made his home with the Zellars ever since he was a baby, was playing near by and accidentally fell into the pail. The pail was large enough for him to fall in, but was too small for him to get out readily and when removed he was badly scalded. When the clothing was removed from the little fellow the skin came off with it. Dr. Fuller was at once called, but he holds out but little hope for the recovery of the little one.—Milford Mail.

Decomposed Body of Peter Johnson Found Buried Under Stable.

    A dispatch from Sibley, dated June 22 says: Four feet under ground, in the stall of the barn at the Johnson farm, a short distance from this place, a searching party under the direction of Sheriff Stevens of Osceola county at noon today found the body of Peter Johnson, the farmer who disappeared a year ago in February.
    Fred Hokoff, Johnson’s hired man, who took charge of the place after Johnson disappeared, is in jail at Sibley, charged with murder and persistently maintains his innocence.
    The searching party was organized last night by G.B. Harding, of Sioux City, Sheriff Stevens and a couple of men employed for the purpose and this forenoon went to the Johnson place to search the barn, cave, shed and well. With an endgate rod the ground was prodded in the back stall of the barn and a soft spot discovered. One of the men bored down with a post hole auger and when he withdrew the instrument from the ground a piece of denim jacket was seen attached to it. Immediately the men set to work with spades and after excavating four feet the body of Peter Johnson, lying at full length, was discovered. The remains were in a decomposed state, but were removed without difficulty. A hole in the side of the head indicates death by a bullet.
J    ohnson, an eccentric and wealthy recluse, disappeared Friday, February 13, 1903. Fred Hokoff, residing not far from Johnson’s place, took possession of the farm under a pretended lease which he claims to have secured from H.H. Hanson, of Chicago, an alleged relative of Johnson. Hokoff’s story was that he took Johnson to Hartley, 12 miles away, the night of February 13th, and from there he went east, eventually reaching the old country. At times Hokoff claimed to have received letters from Johnson, but his stories were conflicting and the neighbors doubted.

Died at the Age of 84.
    At his house in this city, Tuesday morning at 4:30 o’clock occurred the death of Patrick Claer, Sr., aged 84 years, of complications of stomach trouble and general debility, from which he had been suffering for some time.
    The deceased was born in Wexford county, Ireland, March 17, 1820, where he lived until he was 27 years old. He came to America and settled at Toronto, Canada, in 1847, and worked for a number of years boating on the Grand river and afterwards gave attention to agricultural pursuits near Lucan, Ontario. In the year 1873 he moved to Palo Alto county, Iowa, and settled on what is now the Iowa site of Ayrshire. Mr. Clear has always been a thorough Christian, of Catholic faith, and a man of noble character, beloved by all who knew him. He is survived by two brothers, Chris Clear, of this county and Thos. Clear, of Ireland. Besides these, he leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter to mourn his loss. Funeral services were held in the church of the Sacred Heart, and interment took place in the Catholic cemetery. The entire community extends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

M.W. Barnum’s Sudden Death.
    M.W. Barnum died quite suddenly at the St. James hotel Thursday evening. At 10:00 p.m. a physician was summoned to treat him and at 11:30 life was extinct. His death was the result of heart trouble from which he had sufered more or less since June 14. His remains were taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Steel, on the south side. The funeral was held Sunday. It was under the directions of the Knights of Pythias, of which he was a member. The services were conducted at the M.E. church by Rev. S.R. Beatty. The interment wa in evergreen cemetery. The pall bearers were: C.E. Cohoon, E.L. Marsh, John Kurvink, L.H. Mayne, Geo. Downs and F.W. Dietz.
    Martin Wilber Barnum was born in the state of New York in 1843. He moved to Bridgeport, Wisconsin, when a young man. He was married to Miss Etta Hazen, of that place, in 1867. Three daughters were born to them, two of whom died when young. The third, Mrs. Steel, lives in this city. The deceased was the youngest of a family of eight children- four brothers and four sisters. Only one of the number still survives. Mr. Barnum was engaged in the general mercantile and machinery business at Eastman, Wisconsin, for fourteen years. After retiring, he traveled for several years. He came to Emmetsburg in 1896 and entered the employ of Mugan & Steil as solicitor, continuing in the work for eight years.
Mr. Barnum was naturally a kind hearted man. He was liberal to those in need and was perhaps his own worst enemy. He did not belong to any church, although he contributed towards the support of religious organizations. He doubtless felt, as most people do in their last moments, a desire to live that they may have an opportunity to make their peace with God. The relatives who survive have the sympathy of all who know them.


- J.M. Culley, of Ayrshire, visited his daughter, Mrs. Walker, of this place, Wednesday.
- Miss Lina Grout, of Mankato, Minnesota, is visiting her cousin, Miss Mamie Grout.
- Warren Sibert arrived here Tuesday from Waterloo for a visit with his sister, Mrs. J.M. Hoyer.
- John M. Neary arrived home from DePere, Wisconsin Sunday where he had been teaching in St. Norbert’s college during the past year.
- D.L. Daley visited during the past week with his son, Fred Daley, at Spirit Lake. The latter is president of one of the leading banks of that place.
- Mrs. T.H. Jennings is enjoying a visit from her mother who resides at Sioux City.
- Halver Jensen, an old resident of Graettinger, recently died near Laton, California.
- E.J. Higgins, Jr., recently passed a successful examination at Des Moines for a pharmacist. His marking was 90.
- Mrs. Joyce, of Emmetsburg township, left for Boulder, Colorado, Thursday to visit her son Edward for a few weeks.
- Miss Irene Wilcox, of Glennville, Minnesota, visited her cousins, the Misses Wilcox, of this city, last week. She returned home Friday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. M. Hester and Mrs. Edward Ryan were called to Spencer Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Marlow, a sister of Mrs. Hester who died at that place.
- Mr. Frances, who had been visiting his sister, Mrs. Fitzgerald, returned to St Paul Monday.
- It is reported that Mr. Herman Wolf and Miss Minnie Bahls, of this place, were married at Mason City last Wednesday, but we have not learned any particulars.
- Call on the city marshal and get a collar for your dog, or the howler may be missing one of these days. Mr. Cullen has orders to shoot all canines not having collars and tags.
- A.C. Bugentsein, the iron man, shipped a carload of household goods to Minneapolis last night where he intends to make his future home. John Orres will succeed him in the iron business.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Neary will leave today for Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where they will remain for a few weeks and longer if the climate agrees with Mr. Neary. The Democrat sincerely hopes that the trip may prove beneficial to him.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.D. McCarty went to Aberdeen, South Dakota, Wednesday to visit their son, who is a train dispatcher in a railway office at that place. From Aberdeen they went to Minneapolis to visit friends for a few days.


- Mr. Harry S. Dickinson and Miss Mabel Cody Feiner are to be married at Clinton this evening. The prospective groom is a son of Postmaster Dickinson of Osgood. He has been teaching in the Clinton schools for some time.
- Wm. Grace, of Boston, Massachusetts, has been visiting during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. McEvoy of this city. He is a cousin of Mr. McEvoy.
- Hon. H. Hoagland, of Emmetsburg, arrived in this city last evening and is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. John Jamison. Mr. Hoagland spent the winter in California and his friends hereabouts will find him looking well.—Oelwein Record.
- The graduates of the Ayrshire public schools this year are George Barfoot, Bernie Peyton, Harry O’Grady and Misses Rose Martin, Anna Maguire and Winnifred O’Grady. The Chronicle gies a very interesting account of the commencement exercises.
- Mr. and Mrs. P.F. VanGorden arrived here Monday evening after an absence of fourteen months. They visited relatives in Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, and southern Iowa. They are well pleased with their trip but are glad to be home again.
- The Democrat was in error last week in stating that Mrs. Barnhart was here visiting her sister, Mrs. O’Connor. It is another sister from Idaho, Mrs. Johnson, who is here and not Mrs. Barnhart. We did not know that Mrs. O’Connor had two sisters living in that state. Hence the error.
- Attorney Matt Joyce, of the firm of Joyce & Mulroney, of Missoula, Montana, visited relatives in this city Monday evening and Tuesday. He is a former Emmetsburg boy and is a bright, clever young man. We are pleased to hear that he and Mr. Mulroney have bult up a good practice in Missoula.
- C.J. McManus, of Kansas City, Missouri, has been visiting for a few days at the home of his brother, John McManus, of this place. He is manager of the saddler department of John Deere establishment at Kansas City. He lived in this vicinity 22 years ago. The country has changed so much he would not know it. He will visit his father and brother at St. Paul before returning home.

Married at Assumption Church this Morning.
    Mr. M.L. Murphy and Miss Lizzie Redmond were married at Assumption church this morning at 8 o’clock, Rev. M.J. Costello officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Maggie Redmond and the groom by Mr. Daniel Clare. The wedding breakfast was served at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins, of this city, where the bride has made her home for a number of years. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy will leave on this evening’s passenger train for St. Louis and will spend ten days or two weeks at the Louisiana Purchase exposition. On their return they will commence housekeeping in this city until next year when they will probably move into Mr. Murphy’s farm in Emmetsburg township.
    The bride has been a Palo Alto girl since childhood. She attended St. Mary academy for a number of years. She has taught school for several terms and has proven herself a capable, earnest worker. She is a young lady whose success in life has been solely the reward of personal merit. She is reserved and judicious, though she is in no sense lacking in ambition and energy. Mr. Murphy is one of the community’s most exemplary young men. To know him is to respect him, for his personal traits are such as to command the admiration of all thinking people. We know of no young man, who is more deserving of success in life than is genial, upright, candid M.L. Murphy. The Democrat joins the many friends ofhte contracting parties in wishing them health and happiness.

Pffiffner – Thyle
    Wednesday afternoon Mr. Harry Pfiffner and Miss Ethylen Thyle were united in marriage at Trinity church., Dr. W.T. Jackson officiating. Miss Hinkley was maid of honor and Misses Pfiffner, Brown, Jackson and Shadbolt were attendants. Miss Grace Watson was flower girl. Mr. Art Thiele was best man. Messrs. Joyce, Laughlin, Theile and Lyman acted as ushers. The bride was gowned in white crepe de cheine with chiffon trimming and wore a veil of tuile. She carried bouquets of pink peonies. The flower girl wore an accordian pleated dress of white silk. The groom, best man, and ushers were attired in conventional black, afternoon suits. The church was elegantly decorated for the affair and everything passed off smoothly. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, MR. and Mrs. C.G. Thyle. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. The home and lawn were grandly beautified for the occasion. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Pfiffner left over the Milwaukee for Chicago and from there went to St. Louis where they will spend a couple of weeks at the Louisiana Purchase exposition. On their return they will be at home to their friends at the residence of the bride’s parents.
    The bride is one of Emmetsburg’s most worthy young ladies. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Thyle, who have given her every advantage within their means. She is affable and prepossessing and has a wide circle of friends especially among the younger people of our city.
The groom, who is a son of Mr .and Mrs. H.J. Pfiffner, is a partner of C.G. Thyle in the jewelry business, and is one of Emmetsburg’s most enterprising, capable, respected young men. He has friends by the hundred and all who know him must admit that he is worthy of them, for he is a gentleman in all that the word implies. The Democrat wishes the happy pair a long, joyous, prosperous wedded career.

Were Married Wednesday Evening.
    Wednesday evening Mr. George D. Sturtevant and Miss Gertrude Edna Blanchard were married at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Milham in this city, Rev. S.R. Beatty, pastor of the M.E. Church, officiating. The bride was gowned in cream crepe de cheine and carried bride’s roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Lulu Blanchard, of Mitchell, South Dakota. The latter was gowned in white mull. The groom was attended by his uncle, Mr. George Southwell. Both were attired in conventional black. The parlors in which the ceremony was performed were as beautifully decorated as the genius, zeal and skill of toe in charge could suggest. Only a few relatives and invited guests were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant have commenced housekeeping in their handsome new residence on Main street.
    The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Blanchard, of Mitchell, South Dakota. She is a graduate of the University of South Dakota, located in that city. She is a young lady of musical as well as intellecutal attainments. She has lived in Emmetsburg during the past five years, during the greater part of which time she has taught music. She ranks among the very best young ladies of our community, her demeanor, self-reliance, and zeal in the lines in which she has been active being such as to win her the regard of those how have met her.
    The groom is the only son of Mr and Mrs. J.M. Sturtevant. He has resided in Emmetsburg since boyhood and is a graduate of the Emmetsburg high school. He was also a student at Cornell college for some time. He has, since leaving school, been engaged with his father as a contractor and builder and has given unusually close attention to business for one of this years. He is industrious, exemplary, upright, and courteous and can justly be called a model young man. 
    The Democrat extends earnest greetings to the newly wedded couple.

Sudden Death at Graettinger.
Thursday evening Wm. Coolidge died rather suddenly at Graettinger. He was about the streets of that place as usual during the day and went to the M.E. church in the evening to ring the bell for prayer meeting. Half an hour later he was found on the floor of the edifice in a most serious condition. He was taken to his home but soon passed away. He was a man of perhaps 60 years of age. The funeral was held at Graettinger Sunday. He was generally esteemed and his sudden taking off will be sincerely regretted by all who knew him.

Entertained 100 at the Armory.
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W.H Coonan, Mr. and Mrs. James Pender, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pender, Mr. and Mrs. P.V. Hand, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Foy, Mr. and Mrs. John Moncrief, Mr and Mrs. E.J. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. David Joynt, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Doyle and Mr. and Mrs. P.E. Jones entertained about 100 of their friends at the Armory, which was exquisitely beautified for the occasion. Dancing began at 8:30 with a grand march, led by Mr and Mrs. F.G. McMahon,and continued until 1. The Harmonia orchestra furnished music for the occasion. Delicious refreshments were served during he entire evening and a light lunch was enjoyed at midnight. All present pronounced the affair one of the most enjoyable social events of the year. The hosts certainly proved themselves entertainers of taste and skill.

St. Mary’s Commencement Exercises.
    The commencement exercises of St. Mary academy were held at Court House hall Friday evening. The attendance was fair, though it was not so large as it ought to have been. The decorations for the occasion were delightfully pleasing. A large stage was erected in the place of the judge’s desk, from which handsomely ornamented temporary pillars extended to the ceiling. Streamers in the class colors, old rose and nile green, adorned the walls and the ceiling, blending most harmoniously with the beautifully frescoed walls of the court room. Palms, ferns, green boughs and flowers bedecked the stage, making the scenic effect most inviting.
    The graduate theme was, “The Power of Ideas and Ideals.” It was a most appropriate one for such an occasion. It bought prominently before the minds of those who had just completed their course of study, thoughts and suggestions that should frequently be given earnest consideration in every walk of life, for effort would be of little value without pure lofty ideals.
The introductory reference to the theme was assigned to Robert E Shea. His remarks showed studious research and careful preparation. He attached due importance to the tenacity with which those who attain distinction in every avenue of industry cling to their ideals, without which their careers would have been practically purposeless and, as a result, fruitless. He spoke slowly and clearly and with most pleasing effect. He was earnestly applauded for his effort.
    “Ideals of the Middle Ages” was the subject of Miss Josephine Murphy’s oration. She had evidently given much time and attention for her discourse showed historical scrutiny as well as rhetorical finish and argumentative arrangement. She spoke of the chivalrous spirit of the Crusaders and the zeal and labor of the monks of that time in preserving the treasures of antiquity when the barbarians overran Europe and threatened to destroy every vestige of Christian civilization. Her delivery was faultless and her most pleasing presence added much to the high favor with which her selection was received. Miss Murphy is a young lady of considerable promise.
    Miss Rose Laughlin’s subject was “An Ideal Rose.” Her introductory remarks were suggestive of the flora beauty and perfume the subject implied, but few were able to anticipate her line of thought or the conclusions that would follow. However, after she had spoken a few moments, there was no longer any uncertainty. Her efforts was a scholarly tribute to the life and attainments of the sainted Rose of Lima, whose career stands out as one of the most interesting and ennobling in the religious history of the western continent. The life and achievements of the Peruvian heroine are indeed a fitting example for the Christian womanhood of our land. The hearty applause that followed the close of Miss Laughlin’s oration left no doubt as to the satisfactory effort her utterances had made on the minds of her listeners. Earlier on the program she favored the audience with an interesting recitation entitled, “Unseen, Yet Seen,” in which she also showed more than ordinary familiarity with the art of elocution.
    “Class Ideals,” by Miss Anna Donahue was one of the very best orations of the evening. She was really the valedictorian. After speaking briefly, though thoughtfully, concerning the importance of high ideals for students who were about to go forth into the world to labor for the triumph of Christian progress and achievement, she referred feelingly to the great work that had been accomplished by St. Mary academy since its institution fifteen years ago and spoke gratefully of the sacrifice that the pastors, Sisters, and many parents had made that the growing up boys and girls of the community might have the advantages of a thoroughly Christian education. No graduate of St. Mary’s has toiled with more zeal and industry to make the most of her educational opportunities than has Miss Donahue and the recognition of her industry and her attainments by the Sisters of St. Mary’s is a source of pardonable pride to her many friends and acquaintances.
    The choruses and other musical numbers of the evening were also of a most pleasing character. Aside from several of the more experienced players, whose parts were accompaniments, the “Past and Present” on the piano, by Misses Bigley, Rutledge, Stone and Wells, was an exceedingly well rendered selection. Valse (Faust) by Misses Murphy, Crowley, Jackman and O’Connor was also well executed. “Norma” by Misses O’Connor and Stone was doubtless the leading musical selection on the program. The latter is becoming quite a musical artist. The former is not now, of course, a student at the academy.
    The Harmonia orchestra played at the opening and closing of the exercises, adding much to the entertaining feature of the evening’s program.
At the close of the exercises graduating medals and diplomas were awarded to Robert E. Shea, Josephine Laughlin, Rose Laughlin, and Annie Donahue, by the rector, Very Rev. J. J. Smith. The Hibernian medal for proficiency in Christian doctrine was awarded to Miss Vera Rutledge, who stood second in the examination. Miss NellieHannifan, who won the medal last year, also passed the best examination this year, but a rule was adopted not to give the medal twice to the same person. However, Father Smith gave Miss Hannifan a special prize of $5.00 in cash as a reward for the unusually good record she made.
    St. Mary academy continues to hold high rank among the educational institutions in this section of our great state. May its future be as prosperous as its past has been beneficial to the community in general. How could the efforts of the good Sisters, whose lives are one continuous sacrifice in the interests of education and religion be otherwise than successful?


- Mr. and Mrs. S. Tressler have returned from their visit to Montana. They brought their grandsons, Ben and Ned Brown, each a pair of mounted buffalo horns. Though they are pretty well along in years and Mr. Tressler, who is an old soldier, is blind, they enjoyed their trip very much. They have two sons, John and Will and one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Flynn, living there.

- Dennis McCarty, of Fargo, N.D., is here visiting his relatives.
- Mrs. J.A. Spies and daughter were passengers to Chicago Monday evening where she goes to consult a physician about her daughter’s health.
- A large number of our people attended the funeral of Wm. Coolidge, who died of heart failure last Thursday evening. The services were held in the M.E. church on Sunday forenoon.


Iowa Girl to go to China.
Miss Mary Reynolds of Sibley, Ia., who was graduated this year from Carleton college at Northfield, Minn., has been appointed by the faculty at Carleton to go to China and teach the children of the dowager empress. The college has a mission board in China and one of the missionaries is a favorite with the dowager empress. Through her the dowager sent her request for a teacher to Carleton college, and Miss Reynolds was chosen. She will go for two years at least and is waiting for the official notices so she may accept.

Iowa Cobbler Found Dead.
Thomas Callahan was found dead Sunday upon the floor of his little cobbler’s shop, where he lived alone, at Des Moines. His head was almost severed from his body by one blow of his shoe knife, which was found clenched in his hand. It is thought he had been dead for several days before the body was discovered. The police are working upon a theory of murder, as the room presents the appearance of having been the scene of a terrible struggle. Efforts are being made to locate his daughter, living in Nevada, Ia.

Boys Rescue Drowning Man.
At Tama, Ia., two lads, aged about nine, saved Harry Hockenberry from drowning last week. Hockenberry attempted to dive off a bank into the river and struck on a submerged log. He was made unconscious and was going under when the boys pulled him out.

Says He Slew Two Others.
That “murder will out” was exemplified at Muscatine last week when Sheriff Stuart received a letter from The Dalles, Ore., stating that Daniel Williams, sentenced to be hung there for murder, had been identified as the murderer of Mr. and Mrs. John Tumans near Muscatine two years ago. The brains of the Tumans were beaten out, the object of the murder being robbery.

Young Man Fatally Injured.
While working on the new barn being erected by F.E. Williamson in the south part of Hopkinson, Noah Winkler, a young man whose home is near Manchester, Ia., lost his hold while working on the top of the hay chute and fell a distance of thirty feet, striking on a beam in the basement and sustaining injuries from which he cannot recover.

Charles Flynn Says He Had an Unusually Rough Journey Across the Atlantic.

    Editor Democrat: I promised you I would send you a short account of my trip and tell you how I fred, so I shall try and keep my word.
I left Emmetsburg Wednesday, June 1st and after a hurried journey reached New York at 1:30 on the afternoon of Friday, June 3rs. I spent the balance of the day viewing the great city and its many interesting business places. The most active section I saw was at the piers of the steamship landings. I visited about two miles of them and there were all the while throngs of people coming and going. However, at seven in the evening everything was quiet, reminding one of the stillness of a graveyard.
    I stopped at the Stevens house on Broadway, which is directly across the street from the Cunard office. Close by are the Standard Oil buildings, which are 18 stories in height. An adjoining structure is 22 stories high.
    Saturday morning every one about the pier was busy getting baggage ready to load and check. There was not room for all the passengers and about 150 had to remain behind. I happened to be fortunate enough not to be among the latter number. As soon as I reached New York, I went to the Cunard office, where a clerk told me to go at once to the pier and have my ticket stamped, so as to insure my passage without delay. I did so and was among the first who were permitted to go on board.
    At 10 a.m. the Lucania backed away from the pier, swung around and steamed towards Sandy Hook.
    I made the acquaintance of a gentleman from St. Paul who had crossed the ocean several times and I must say that proved a most agreeable companion. As we sailed down the bay, he showed me the Statue of Liberty and other things of interest. At Sandy Hook the pilot left us and we started across the mighty deep.
    We had pleasant weather Saturday forenoon, Sunday and Monday forenoon, but during the afternoon the sea began to roll. We experienced a very rough night. Tuesday was no better. About 90 per cent of all on board were sick. I was among the number. I came on deck once and was glad to get back and lie down. Wednesday came and there was no change in the sea or the weather. I went on deck once but could not remain. In the afternoon I felt better, as did most of the other passengers. About midnight the sea calmed.
    At 5 a.m. Wednesday morning, by the aid of the wireless, the Lucania communicated with the Campania, which was 400 miles away. It had also experienced a very rough voyage and was then four hours behind scheduled time. Wednesday until the storm subsided there was a very dense fog and the fog horns were kept busy, so that few were able to sleep. Thursday conditions were more favorable and all on board felt considerably encouraged. I was ready for a meal. My friend brought me a piece of chicken, which was the first thing I had eaten since Monday night. You can imagine how it tasted. In a short time the passengers began to move about and to enjoy the sea breeze. The promenade deck was thronged and an enjoyable afternoon was passed.
    Friday the sun shone for the first time since Monday. The day was lovely. During the forenoon the crew began to get the mail ready. There were 1700 bags of it consisting of letters, papers and packages addressed to all parts of the world. At 2:30 in the afternoon we sighted the “Kerry Heads” but we were far from them. We had to keep about fifty miles south of the coast in order to keep out of reach of icebergs which are dangerous at this season of the year. At 8:30 the Lighter steamed beside us and our boat stopped. The pilot came on board and took charge of our vessel until it reached Liverpool. The mail and passengers were changed and at 9 o’clock we were in the custom house at Queenstown. I had stopped once more on the soil of the land of my birth. I need not tell you how happy I felt to be in dear old Ireland once more after my long, long absence. In a short time I was with those whom I had come so far to see- those who had waited so patiently, so longingly for my return to greet them again. I have, of course, found some sad changes but this I expected. At first the country that I used to know so well did not appear to me as it did when I was a boy, but it is now beginning to look once more homelike. I have not yet been about very much, but I am now pretty well rested and I intend to do some sight-seeing in a few days. I intend to visit some historic places and I hope I shall find them to write you about them.
    Before closing I wish to say that I found the officers and crew of the Cunard line courteous and obliging. They tried as best they could to make everything pleasant for the passengers, who were also kind and civil to one another. Most of those on board were natives of Sweden, who were returning to their native land to spend their vacations.
    I will close by sending my best wishes to my many friends, most of whom I am confident are your patrons.
Truly yours,
Milford, Cork, Ireland, June 7, 1904.

Submitted by: C.M.L.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County