Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Wednesday, July 6, 1904


- Miss Millner, of Traer, is visiting her sister, Mr.s S.P. Crisman.
- The Forest City Summit is celebrating its 37th anniversary. It was established in 1867
- Mrs. McGonagle, of Council Bluffs, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E.S. Ormsby, of Park Hill.
- Albert Dickinson, of Osgood, was at Clinton last week attending the marriage of his brother Harry.
- A new residence is being built on the old Elmer Johnson farm east of Emmetsburg. Frank Meyers has the contract.
- Mrs. L.O. Vernon of Mason City, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C.R. Van Gorden, of this city, during the past week.
- Mrs. S.P.Crisman is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Fallensbee, of Des Moines. The latter is accompanied by her little daughter.


Will Consult Dr. Senn
Mrs. Preston Fahnestock and son Otto left Minneapolis last Sunday evening for Chicago. Mrs. Fahnestock has been sufering from a severely sort throat and goes to consult Dr. Senn of Chicago.—Graettinger Times.

Is Not a Cess Pool.
Matt Mersch says he made that big ditch across from his farm to carry off the water and not for a cess pool. A few days ago somebody threw a 200 pound dead hog in the ditch and it floated down into his pasture. Now he would like the man that put it there to come and get it. He promises to make somebody sorry if he finds out who did it.—West Bend Journal.

Team Fell Through Bridge
An accident which luckily resulted in no harm, occurred at the Lost Island bridge last Thursday. A team belonging to Mr. Gould was being driven across the bridge with a load of dirt when the section over which they were going gave way and let them down into six feet of water. They were quickly unhitched and swam to shore.—Ruthven Free Press.

Found Hanging in an Apple Tree.
The lifeless body of Mrs. Katherine Ciska, the aged aunt of Frank Durschmidt, a wealthy farmer living one half miles west of Tara, was found early Sunday morning hanging from the branches of an old apple tree in the yard in front of the farm house. Mrs. Ciska was past 71 years of age, and mildly deranged, and to this fact the suicidal death is attributed.—Ft. Dodge Chronicle.

Scared to Death by Lightning.
Mrs. Sarah Dwinall, seventy-six years of age, living in Portland township, expired during a thunderstorm early Monday morning, June 20th. After a loud clap of thunder Mrs. Dwinall cried out that she had been struck by lightning. The family hastened to her bedside, and in a few moments she was dead, but it is certain that the house had not been struck by lightning, as no sign was to be found in the morning, and no other person in the house received any shock. Her physician explains that Mrs. Dwinall had a weak heart, and probably in that condition she was literally frightened to death.—Algona Upper Des Moines Republican.

Always Some One to Claim Property.
Sibley, June 30th.—When the body of Peter Johnson was found last week, and Fred F. Hokuff made a confession of murdering the man, it was though all interest would drop in the case and it would ret until the September term of court, when Hokuff would be likely to receive his just reward. But such is not the case. The subject of who is entitled to Johnson’s estate, valued at $12,000, is now being freely discussed by the people. It transpired that Peter Johnson had an illegitimate daughter. This fact has been established without a single doubt. He frequently spoke of his child at Gibson City, it is said, to his neighbors. Miss Anna Paulson, of Gibson City, Illinois, claims to be that daughter, and has secured the firm of Hunter & McCallum, of Sibley, to look after her claim in the matter. A number of blood relatives of Johnson’s have been found by Detective Davenport in Illinois and a brother in Missouri, and, so far as could be ascertained by him, none but the husband of a sister living near Gibson City, Illinois, would make any effort to defeat Miss Paulson’s claim. He intimated that he would procure counsel and make a contest.

I will take in sewing at my house just east of the residence of Thomas Higgins. Special attention will be given to fine hand sewing.—MRS. CLARA DICE.

Small waists no longer in style. It’s the round plump waists that come by taking Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea that’s all the go. 35 cents. Tea or tablet form. All Druggists.

I handle the finest line of wall paper in Emmetsburg. Call at my residence and see my samples. Just west of Robert Shea’s store.—H. DIMLER.

Mary had a little lad
Whose face was fair to see,
Because each night he had a drink
Of Rocky Mountain Tea.
All Druggists.


- Fostoria, Clay County, has been given a rural route.
- John Gibson has been taken to Cherokee for treatment of the drink habit.
- Mrs. W.T. Krieger went to Ocheyden last week for a visit with her parents.
- Mrs. Amundson, of Estherville, was down visiting her sister, Miss Fanny Collins.
- Perry Alger has returned to Ruthven from California and will again be given charge of the farmers’ elevator.
- Rev. Fred Whitford and Miss Addie Chapin are to be married today at he home of the bride’s parents at Ayrshire.
- Miss Nolan, sister of M.N. Nolan, has been quite ill during the past week at the home of her cousin, C.T Nolan.
- Mrs. J.M. Reasoner arrived here from Battle Creek, Michigan, Saturday, for a visit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Poland.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baldwin, of Spencer, are visiting at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Nichols.
- Telegraph operators are said to be very scarce at present. Of late years very few boys and girls have been learning how to handle the key board.
- Alfred Underwood, postmaster of Ocheyedan, died a few days ago. He was also editor of the Press of that place. He sold the paper the day before he passed away.
- Miss Daily, of Estherville, sister of Father Daily, was visiting Miss Bridget Cullen, of this place,last week. She left Friday evening for Chicago to be absent for some time.
- Patrick Walsh went to Sioux City Friday where he has work.
- John Box has rented the Conley bowling alley and lunch room.
- Fred Allum arrived here from Oklahoma City this morning for a visit with his mother and other relatives.
- Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Murphy will commence housekeeping in M.M. Maher’s residence in the third ward.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of Hastings, Nebraska, are here visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Troyer.
- Mr. Doyle, of Ponca, Nebraska, who had been visiting his uncle, O.P. Doyle, returned home Friday morning.
- Miss Stella Roach arrived home from Estherville where she had been working in a millinery establishment.
- Mrs. P. Carroll, and her sister, Sister Mary DeSales, left for Ackley Saturday forenoon to visit friends for a short time.
- Miss Grace, of Sioux City, is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Doyle, of Emmetsburg township. She will remain for some time.
- Fred Lawless came home from Chrles City Sunday morning. He had been there with a $3,000 horse which he sold for J.B. Morris.
- Mrs. J.M. Poland arrived home Wednesday evening from Nebraska for a short stay. She had been giving lessons there in fancy work and will return in a short time.
- Wm. Murphy and daughter, of St. Paul, Minnesota, visited with the former’s uncle, Peter Jones, of this place, the last of the week. They will return home this morning.
- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Conzemus Tuesday morning.
- Miss Eva Schirmer went to Carroll Saturday to visit at the home of her brother Harry.
- Mr. Elias Hoverston and Miss Martha Johnson were married last Wednesday by Rev. A.H. Gjevre.
- Salima Mahomet, an Arabian peddler, is in jail at Spencer charged with attempting to rape a 13-year-old girl.
- Dr. W.T. Jackson went to Cedar Falls Wednesday to conduct and examination for candidates for the ministry.
- Marriage licenses have been issued to Geo. Horwadh and Mary Jooh, and to Fred W. Whitford and Addie M. Chapin.
- Mrs. J.W. Brennan has her large new residence completed and will move into it at once. It is a very neat structure.
- Mr. Beach and daughter, Mrs. Smith, went to Sioux Falls Saturday to visit at the home of the former’s son, Will Beach.
- Mrs. Charles McCormick and son Charles are home from Freeport, Illinois, where the latter had been taking medical treatment.
- We notice by the Enterprise that Master Maynard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Capp Sargent of Eldora, is quite sick with scarlet fever.
- Tuesday of last week, Mr. Wm. A. Hagedon and Miss Bertha Fuller, of Ruthven, were married in this city by Justice Atkinson.
- There was quite a scrap Saturday evening between a couple of our citizens in which one of them used a knife quite freely. The latter, Jack Conlon, disappeared and has not been heard from since.
- The Spencer News says: “Mike Hester, of Emmetsburg, was in Spencer Thursday , having come here to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Marlow. Mr. Hester is a leading farmer of his section of country, and we found him a well informed and interesting gentleman.”
- P.F. Maguire and son were over from Ayrshire Friday. Mr. Maguire recently traded for a half section farm near Parkersburg, South Dakota, and may go there in time to live on it. Land sells at from $30 to $75 per acre in that locality. He still retains his residence at Ayrshire.
- Sister Mary Placentia, of Fort Dodge, arrived in this city Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. Theodosia Fitzgerald, and other relatives in this locality. She teaches music at the new academy in Fort Dodge.
- The Tribune Publishing Company has incorporated. The incorporators are J.P. Kirby, T.J. White, Anna Donovan, James Dunigan and Patrick Jackman, Jr. The capital stock is $5,000.
- Monday afternoon about 3 o’clock Thos. Burns was shot in the leg by the accidental discharge of a 32-caliber rifle. It made an ugly and painful wound. Dr. O’Brien was called and dressed the injured limb and reports his patient progressing nicely.
- Frank W. Roblin, of Spirit Lake, died at the Presbyterian hospital at Chicago last week of lumpy jaw. He was operated on several times during the past year, but without success. He is suppoed to have contracted the disease from an animal.

Were Married Wednesday
Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Kurton Whitson, of Oaconna, South Dakota, and Miss Mabel Letson were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Lstson, of this city, Dr. W.T. Jackson officiating. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present to witness the affair. Mr.and Mrs. Whitson left for Jefferson, Iowa, Thursday to spend a week or ten days visiting the former’s parents, after which they will return to Emmetsburg and then go to Oaconna to live on their farm located near that place.
The bride is a young lady who has long enjoyed well deserved popularity. She has spent all her life in this community and with her growth to years of maturity there has been a corresponding growth of esteem for her by friends and acquaintances. The groom is said by those who have met him to be a young gentleman of industry and personal worth. He met his chosen one while living on his homestead in South Dakota, she also having filed a claim in the same neighborhood. The Democrat joins their many friends in offering herty good wishes for their health, happiness and prosperity.

Were Married Today.
Mr. E.A. Branagan and Miss Fanny Guerdet were united in marriage at the Graettinger Catholic church this morning, Father Kelly officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Louise Guerdet and the groom by Mr. Joe Joyce. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s mother in Vernon township, only a few relatives being present. Mr. and Mrs. Branagan will leave this afternoon for Colman, South Dakota, to commence housekeeping. Personal compliments from the Democrat will not be in order in this particular instance, except that we wish the newly married people a blissful, prosperous career.

Well Entertained by Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Doyle
Thursday evening about 250 invited guests assembled at the home of MR. and Mrs. O.P. Doyle, of Emmetsburg township, and spent a very pleasant evening. Mr. Doyle has an immense barn which has as smooth a floor as any hall in Emmetsburg. The Harmonia orchestra was secured for the occasion and all present enjoyed until two o’clock one of the best dances of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle spared no effort to entertain their guests and to convince them that the country is the place for a real good time. The affair was chiefly in honor of Mr. Doyle, of Ponca, Nebraska and Miss Grace, of Sioux City, who have been visiting them.

Ashburn – Friis.
Mr. Elmer B. Ashburn and Miss Mary Friis were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood of this city last Wednesday, Justice Atkinson officiating. The Democrat wishes the happy couple wealth, and a pleasant hymeneal journey.

James Vaughan Dead.
James Vaughan died at Bellingham, Washington, Tuesday. We clip the following from the Daily Reveille, of that place:
“James Vaughan, aged 58 years, died at St. Joseph’s hospital at 4:30 o’clock yesterday morning of tuberculosis. Deceased came to this city last January from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and is the father of John Vaughan, proprietor of the Whitson Dye Works at 1249 Elk street. He was a member of the order of Knights of the Maccabees. Besides his wife an dson John J. Vaughan, who are with him here, he leaves five sons and four daughters residing in the east. The funeral services will occur this afternoon at 2 o’clock from the funeral parlors of W.H. Mock & Son, Rev. Geo. R. Varney, of the First Baptist church officiating. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery.”

A.F. Lough, of Estherville, Killed at St. Louis Friday.
A.F. Lough, one of Estherville’s leading citizens and proprietor of the Enterprise, was run over by a street car at St Louis Friday and killed. They had been attending the exposition. Mr. Lough was for many years very active in the political affairs of Estherville. He was an ardent prohibitionist and established the Enterprise for the purpose of personal vindication. He also enjoined the city in the water works and electric light deal, of which the public has heard so much during recent years. The case was carried to the supreme court and attracted a great deal of attention. Something like $16,000 was involved in the transaction. The deceased was wealthy and was a persistent fighter, but he was not a man of any ability as a writer. Mrs. Lough is the only surviving member of the family.
The sad accident occurred at 3105 Olive street. Mr.and Mrs. Lough had just returned from a theatre to the place where they were rooming. He felt warm and tired and started across the street to get a glass of ice cream soda, Mrs. Lough saying she did not care for any. He stepped aside as a street car was passing and did not notice one coming in the opposite direction. The latter one struck him, crushing his skull and breaking his legs. He was taken to a hospital for treatment, but he lived only two hours. Mrs. Lough was prostrated by the awful news and was unable to leave her room for two days after the sad affair happened. Mr. and Mrs. Lough were in a party of ten or twelve from Estherville who were attending the exposition.


- Rev. Sterns, of St. Louis, is visiting his cousin, Mrs. James McGinty.
- Mrs. Matt Rinks and family went to Clarion to spend the summer with her mother.
- Mrs. Marso, of Parker, South Dakota, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schreiber.

- Miss Elda Law has been assisting her aunt, Mrs. Bowers, near Havelock. After this week she will leave for Humboldt, where she will spend a month or two visiting friends and relatives. She will be sadly missed by her many friends. We hope she will decide to return soon, as she is one of our best young ladies and we like to have her with us.

The Wages of Iowa Railway Men.
The following figures concerning daily wages paid to Iowa railway employes, which are taken from the state commissioner’s report, will be found interesting to many. General officers, $5.94; other officers, $4.64, general office clerks, $2,00; station agents, $1.79; other station men, $1.53; engine men, $3.81; firemen, $2.20; conductors, $3.56; other trainmen, $2.01; machinists, $2.22; carpenters, $3.08; other shopmen, $1.75; section foreman, $1.79; other trackmen, $1.17; switchmen, flagmen, watchmen, $2.25; telegraph operators and dispatchers, $1.97; all other employes and laborers, $2.02.

J.P. Downs reports that his little boy who recently had one of his eyeballs injured by knife blade and who has been in a hospital at Mason City for several days, is doing as well as could be expected. However, it will take sometime before the attending occulist can tell whether he will lose the sight of the organ.

E.J. Higgins has purchased a half interest in the Postoffice pharmacy of D.J. Lyman. The latter, we understand, intends leaving soon for St. Louis to take in the exposition. Success to the new firm.


Monument for Iowa Soldiers.
Governor Cummins has named the commissioners to build a monument to the memory of Iowa soldiers who died at Andersonville prison, Messrs. W.A. Brewer and M.T. Russell of Des Moines, D.C. Bishard of Altoona, M.V. Evans of Beaman and Captain Tompkins of Clear Lake. The commission will hae the expenditure of $11,500 for this purpose. The Iowa Association for Prisoners of War has been laboring for this for many years and the appropriation was made at the last session of the legislature.

Egged Out of Town.
John Minstreman, a farmer, was pulled form his buggy, beaten and egged out of Coon Rapids by a of boys and men. It had been reported that he was abusing his wife. Several of the mob have been arrested.

Accidentally Shoots Himself.
Charles Schultz, operator at Jackson Junction, accidentally shot himself while fooling with a revolver.

Chicken Cure for Insanity.
What has been reported as one of the most remarkable instances of a peculiar case of cure of insanity is reported from the state insane hospital at Clarinda. The patient was a man named Miller, who was sent to the hospital about six years ago. He was violent and manifested homicidal and suicidal tendencies, feared some one was after him to kill him and was prepared to take his own life. One day an attendants took him along down to the big chicken house where several incubators were hatching out chickens. He became interested at once and asked to take charge of that work and was given the task of watching the incubators. This was three years ago. He was not paroled. He had remained until long after it became evident he was a new man. And until he got started in the chicken business he was the craziest of the lot. Another crazy man has been put at the chicken yards and the hospital authorities have hope of him.

Sent to Prison for Murder.
At Sioux City, Walter Williams was sentenced to prison for fifteen years for the murder of Orville Johnson, both negroes. Williams pleaded guilty. Last spring Williams laid in wait for Johnson and slashed his victim’s throat. The trouble was over the affections of Nellie Jacobs, a notorious negress.

Emmetsburg Democrat;Wednesday, July 13, 1904


- William Blom, Graettinger’s marshal, was a business visitor to Emmetsburg Friday.
- Miss Rose Cordingly, of Algona, has gone to England to visit relatives.
- Curtin Beck left yesterday for a month’s visit with relatives at Dakota, Illinois.
- Mrs. C.J. Shauger returned last week after an extended visit with relatives near Swea City.
- Misses Ida and Drucy Wright left last Wednesday morning for New York where they intend making an extended visit with relatives.
- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kollasch, of Fern Valley township, Wednesday. The Democrat offers congratulations.
- We see by the West Bend papers that Dr. T.E. Martin has gone to Jefferson, Texas, where he will probably located for the practice of medicine.
- Bert Hirleman, of Spencer, is now in the employ of the Palo Alto Telephone company, of this city. Last year he had charge of the Emmetsburg system. He is a good lineman and a most deserving young man.


Ernie Steenson Goes to Fort Dodge Hospital
E.B. Steenson left today for Fort Dodge where he will receive treatment by the leading physicians of that place. He was accompanied by his father and Dr. Morton. Ernie is suffering from a stomach trouble which seems to baffle local doctors.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Lost an Eye Playing Ball.
Van Paisol, a young gentleman who belongs to the Ackley ball team, got hit with a ball at Iowa Falls the Fourth and it was the cause of his losing his eye. It bursted the ligaments of the eye ball and it had to be removed. Another young man had the side of his face blown off with a cannon cracker. He was lighting it with his cigar.—Garner Democrat.

The Right Kind of a Boy
Wood Cowan is money maker. He is not yet eighteen years old, but he works on the sewer with a shovel and gets $1.75 a day and is one of the best men on the job. He went to Bancroft on the Fourth and umpired a game of ball for which he got $5 and he won a foot race and got $5 for that. He has the disposition and the nerve to do things.—Algona Courier.

Made Money on Canadian Land.
Fred Barstow, wife and three children were here several days the past week visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry Johnson. Fred had been a resident of the King’s domain up in Assinibola, Canada, for the past few years and recently sold a half section farm at a good advance over what he paid for it. He likes the northern country and is going back soon.—West Bend Journal.

Spirit Lake’s $50,000 Hotel to be Raffled Off.
John Burmister is arranging for one of the largest drawings ever held in the northwest. He will sell fifty thousand tickets at $1.00 each on the Antlers Hotel, the holder of the lucky number to get the property. The Antlers is a new, modern eighty-room house which cost with furnishings upwards of $50,000. Mr. Burmister has decided to quit the business and takes this method of disposing of the property.—Beacon.

Mr. Furlong to Return to Fort Dodge.
We are informed that A.L. Furlong will leave this city some time in August and move to Ft. Dodge where he has purchased a half interest in a confectionery factory. Mr. Furlong departed on Wednesday for Onawa, Iowa, to look at some farm property in exchange for which he expects to trade his residence property in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Furlong have many friends here who will regret to see them leave but who will wish them success in their new location.—Ruthven Free Press.

Clarion’s Aged Pastor.
Rev. Sands, now in his 90th year, and whose ministry in this county reaches back over 37 years, says that as nearly as he can remember, the marriage solemnized by him last evening was the 176th since he came to this county. He was accompanied by his granddaughter, who keeps house for him, and they returned last night on the limited. He is a remarkably well preserved man for one of his years, retaining in good measure his mental powers and in an unusual degree his physical vigor.

- Lars Dunn, of Walnut township, is supplying the people of this vicinity with first class strawberries. He has about an acre of them. He can certainly take pride in the excellence of his strawberries.

Late Summer Millinery
Hats continue to be of the picturesque type, with sweeping plumes, flaring brims and high bandeaux giving a very pretty effect for the sultry summer days. In spite of the summer humidity, feathers are a favorite hat trimming. There are various ways of arranging the rich plumes, the most stylish, perhaps being the three short or medium length plumes in Prince of Wales fashion, though the long feather sweeping around the hat, and the end falling over at the back is much in evidence. All shapes can be fashioned of the new straws, which are so soft and pliable that frills, plaiting and, in fact, all the manipulations of the modiate are copied in them. The lingerie hats, which are so like children’s headwear, have established themselves for summer, to be worn with the dainty organdy, sheer lawn or s mull frock. All the thin, gauzy fabrics, simple models. For midsummer outings there are smart hats of pique duck and linen in a variety of shapes. The modest little tricorne is especially liked, and a band of the material or of ribbon, with perhaps a stiff quill, usually provides the trimming. Colors are well as white are seen in these hats. Children’s hats were never lovelier than they are this season, and there is an unlimited variety from which to select. The lingerie hat is perhaps the best liked. – From the Delineator for August.


- Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Wiley, of Curlew, visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin, of Spirit Lake, last week.
- John O’Reilly, of Grundy Center, is here to work in the Rock Island depot during Curtin Beck’s absence.
- Miss Kate Fogarty, of Clare, is spending a couple of weeks visiting her aunt, Mr. T. Sullivan of Graettinger.
- Misses Kate and Margaret Dietz, who had been visiting their brother. F.W. Dietz, returned to Gilmore City Monday.
- John Clancy, of Graettinger, was in Emmetsburg Monday. He left on the evening passenger for Kansas City. He will make his future home in Kansas.
- Miss Josie Patton is in Chicago visiting her sister, Mrs. W.D. Ferguson.
- W.T. Kane of Estherville, visited his sister, Mrs. M.N. Nolan, of this city, Saturday.
- Mrs. H.C. Darland was visited last week by her sister, Mrs. Dale Seevers, of Marshalltown.
- The postoffice at Beach has been changed to Manhartan with Joseph I. Myerly as postmaster.
- Miss Mary Moran went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Friday evening to visit relatives for some time.
- Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Lynch and family, of Aberdeen, South Dakota, are visiting relatives in this city.
- M.C. Kirby returned to Estherville Monday afternoon. He had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. B.E. Kelly.
- James McCoy went to Colman, South Dakota, where he will try and dispose of his threshing outfit.
- G.W. Appelby is at Mason City. He had been having trouble with his injured eye and went there to take treatment from an occulist.
- G.W. Cleveland, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, visited his sister, Mrs. L.D. Smith, of this place, last week. He was on his way to Emmet county, his old home.
- Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Baldwin, of Mendon, Illinois, arrived in Emmetsburg Thursday, July 7th, to visit their daughter, Mrs. O.M. Scott. They intend to spend the summer here.
- Mrs. Moran, mother of Mrs. F.G. McMahon, and Miss Mary Nugent, of West Bend, went to St. Paul Monday to visit friends and relatives. The latter intends going from there to Wisconsin to visit for a short time.
- Misses Josie and Nellie Patton returned from Chicago yesterday. They were accompanied by their nephew, Noel Ferguson.
- Mr. Delmar Miller, of Whittemore, and Miss Ida Walker, of this place, were married at Billings, Montana, Monday, July 4.
- Mr. Fisher, a Creighton college student, visited his uncle, Father Costello, of this city, several days during the past week.
- Mr. Richard S. Moore and Miss Harietta Daniels were married at the M.E. parsonage in this city last evening, Rev. S.R. Beatty officiating. The groom is from Corwith.
- Sunday night John Linenbach, of Fairfield township, lost a horse by lightning. He carried insurance in the County Mutual, Secretary McEvoy left for there yesterday to adjust the loss.
- Mr. Clive A. Davis of Dunnell, Minnesota, and Miss Lula C. Schmittger,of Huntington, Iowa, were married in this city Saturday, Dr. W.T. Jackson officiating.
- We are glad to note that genial George Boyle, of Whittemore, who was taken very ill July 4, is able to be about again. It’s almost impossible to keep a fat, hearty Irishman in bed for any length of time.
- The Milford Mail says: “ Jay, the little son of Jacob Graham, who was so badly scalded at the home of the Misses Zellar a couple of weeks ago, is still alive, but if the little fellow pulls through it will be after a hard fight for life.
- J.A. Rotan, formerly of Fort Dodge, and who is supposed to have relatives living in this community, committed suicide a few days ago by jumping into the Williamette river in Oregon. Bad health caused him to commit the rash act.
- Mr. Daniel A. O’Neill and Miss Minnie A. Oleson, were married Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Wright, of West Bend, by Justice Wright. They have begun housekeeping. The Democrat extends its best wishes to the happy couple.

Wants $60,000 Damages.
Notice has been served on Mr. Spies, of Graettinger, that Mrs. Deeter, whose husband was shot by Conrad Weigman, Jr., last April, has commenced action against him for $60,000 damages. Mr. Cohoon, her attorney, will ask $2500 for his services in the case. Mr. Spies is said to be worth $400,000.

Wildey – Fahnestock.
Mr. Lester H. Wildey and Miss Amy Fahnestock were married yesterday at the home of the bride at Graettinger. Dr. W.T. Jackson, of the city, officiated. Several from Emmetsburg were in attendance. They will, we understand, make their future home at Minneapolis where the groom is engaged in the practice of law. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Fahnestock. She is an excellent young lady and is well and favorably known in this city. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations.

L.M.Cessna Dead.
Mr. L.M. Cessna, of Fern Valley township, died last Friday from the effects of a gastric ulcer. The services were held at the home of the deceased Sunday and the remains were taken to Nevada, Iowa, for interment. He was 44 years of age. He leaves a wife and three children. A brother from Nevada came to attend the funeral.

Brother Sherburne’s Experience at Rosebud.
The writer accompanied Wilson Hinkley and Joe Englund to Yankton Tuesday, where he registered for a chance to draw a $25,000 quarter section in the Rosebud. The town was not crowded and all returned Wednesday. Skin games were plentiful and suckers even more so. Gambling joints were wide open and no one drank water. Lodging and meals were reasonable. A pickpocket tapped a man at the Northwestern depot for five or six dollars. The police made little effort to catch the culprit. They seemed to be disgusted with a man who would attempt to leave town with so much money. Jay Murray and H.C. [or H.O.] Doyle, of Pocahontas, went out on the same train but will remain for a week or ten days to see the country. Crops nowhere along the line looked better than ours.—Laurens Sun.


- A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bateman, Sunday, July 10.
- Mrs. Turner, of Laurens, is visiting her son, Lew Turner, of this place.
- Mrs. P.L. Smith, of Rolfe, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Butcher.
- Mrs. Watopek, of Rolfe, visited her aunt, Mrs. Art Brown, the week of the fourth.


Collision of Freight Train Results in One Death and the Injury of Two Other Persons
Two freight trains in collision on the Northwestern road, four miles north of Logan, caused the fatal injury of Claud Dean of Dunlap, Ia., and the loss by fire of seventeen cars, mostly loaded. Fireman Charles Berry of Boone, had his leg broken and Engineer M. Bolinger, was badly injured about the body. Young Dean was caught in the wreckage and was frightfully burned, being scarcely recognizable. He, together with Berry and Bolinger are in the hospital at Boone. George Gilford of Dunlap, who was in the car with Dean, was unhurt. Train No. 114 was a time freight and train No. 119 was filled with merchandise. A defective car on 114 caused the sudden setting of the air brakes, derailing the train and throwing two cars of oil across the other track. No. 119 on the second track soon crashed into the wreck and fire ensued at once. The fire burned furiously until seventeen cars and contents were consumed. It was only by the hardest effort that the farmhouse of M.F. Little, which stood some distance away, was saved, so intense was the heat.

Policeman Shot Dead.
James Reed, a telephone lineman, shot and killed Policeman Dan Norton at Dubuque last week when the officers went to arrest him at the request of his wife. Reed had been drunk for some days, and threatened to kill his wife and children. As Norton and Policeman Barry were ascending the steps of Reed’s home, Reed appeared in the doorway and shot Norton through the heart, he falling dead in Barry’s arms. Reed shot twice at Barry but missed the mark, then ran down the street discharging his revolver and a rifle which he had also obtained. He was finally overpowered by the citizens.

Mystery Finally Solved.
A bolt of lightning which struck the hearse in which the body of Fidesta M. Haskins was bring borne to the cemetery at Ute, Ia., was the means of clearing up a mystery. Fifteen years ago Haskins, a prominent merchant of Clinton, Ia., went to Cedar Rapids to visit relatives, saying he should return in two weeks. He did not return. Years went by and finally his wife gave him up for lost. Last week she read that lightning had struck the hearse ,and investigation revealed to her that the body was that of her husband. Ute is only twenty miles from Clinton., and yet for fifteen years the husband had lived there.

Killed in a Handcar Wreck.
A drunken man asleep on the track derailed a handcar on the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City interurban near Marshalltown. Thomas McMann, aged thirty, residence unknown, was thrown from the car with such force that he died from his injuries. McMann’s head struck a rail and the concussion caused a blood clot on the brain. He was removed to a hospital, but remained in a stupor until his death. He was a member of the construction gang. The drunken man was uninjured.

Victim of the Norge.
Nels Sanstoe, aged sixteen years, and a brother of Ole and Lars Sanstoe and Mrs. Emily Share of Radcliffe, in Hardin county, was a passenger on the Ill-fated steamer Norge, of the Scandinavian-American line, which struck the rocks 300 miles off the coast of Scotland July 4, and the relatives of the young man fear that he has perished. He was coming to Radcliffe to make his home with his brothers and sister.

Negress Aged 114 Dies.
The death of Mrs. Lucinda Bell, colored, occurred last week in Fort Dodge. Mrs. Bell was beyond doubt the oldest woman or even resident of Iowa at the time of her death, being 114 years of age last April. She lived through a youth of slavery in the South. She is remembered by gray-haired men who have known her during childhood as looking the same as at the time of her death.

Killed in a Fight.
As the result of a Fourth of July picnic at Sarpy Mills, a few miles south of Omaha, Charles Best of Mulvern, Ia., was killed, Frank Vincent of South Omaha was fatally shot and Pat Cahill and Willis McNeil were injured.

Former Mayor of Davenport Dead.
Former Mayor Frederick Heinz of Davenport died of apoplexy Sunday in New York. He was a prominent member of the American Bankers’ association. 

Boy Dies of Lockjaw
Frank Davenport, of Grinnell, aged thirteen, died last week of lockjaw, caused by a wound from a toy pistol some time ago. He was playing with his little sister when she discharged the toy, inflicting a powder burn. Nothing serious was expected and the boy attended the celebration at Montezuma on the Fourth.

Mack Jenkins Dead.
Mack Jenkins, who is alleged to have been a slave to drink for several years and had taken treatment in a vain attempt to break the habit, died of delirium tremens at Grinnell.

Emmetsburg Democrat;Wednesday, July 20, 1904


- Willie Tobin was a passenger to Whittemore Friday evening. He will work in Mr. Jennett’s livery barn at that place.
- Jack McCarty is no longer at Aberdeen, South Dakota. He went to Garrison, Montana, about a month ago where he reports that he has a better paying position at operating.
- Dan Donovan was down from Minneapolis Wednesday. He says that N.C. O’Connor, formerly of this place, and brother of Thomas O’Connor, has become one of the leading democratic politicians of that place. He is still running a job printing office.
- Miss Mary Washington of Ruthven visited friends in Emmetsburg Saturday. She is still considerable of an invalid, having had blood poison of the hand for three months. Her many Emmetsburg friends were pleased to see her about again.
- The Ruthven Free Press of Friday says: “ John Gibbs, who lives near Emmetsburg met with what may prove a serious accident on Monday while working on the grade at Lost Island bridge. Mr. Gibbs was cutting trees and in some way the ax slipped and struck him across the foot severing some of the tendons.”


Miss Walsh to Teach Music at Ayrshire
Miss Lottie Walsh of Emmetsburg, has started a class in music here and will in the future make regular trips to give lessons each week.—Chronicle.

Fred Wagner Registers for Homestead
Fred Wagner and Mr. Jorgenson started for Chamberlain, S.D. Wednesday morning where they expect to register for one of Uncle Sam’s free homesteads in the Rosebud reservation.—Whittemore Champion.

Ben Garthwaite Gets Scratched.
Ben Garthwaite’s face looks as though a catamount had got at it since his team threw him out of the mail wagon Saturday. Fortunately Ben’s injuries were mere scratches but he is too heavy to get wrestled around that way very often.—The Britt Tribune.


- Wesley Aldridge, one of Hancock county’s legal luminaries, was taken to the inebriate asylum at Cherokee last week.
- Miss Anna Drummy returned from Delaware county, Monday evening, where she had been visiting relatives for two weeks.
- Mrs. E.J. Scott returned from Mason City Saturday evening. She had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wrate of that place.
- C.F. Curtis is having his photograph gallery moved onto the lot north of the Reporter office. Messrs. Kelly and Hughes are making the change.
- W.L. Linderman returned from Fayette county last week where he had been called by the serious illness of his mother. She was much better when he left her.
- Mike Crahan, Rolfe’s merchant prince, died Saturday.
- Waldron Bros. , formerly of Great Oak, have sold their meat market at Terril.
- Mrs. M.F. Brennan left for Osakis, Minnesota, yesterday ,to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hughes.
- Mrs. Max Voight went to Spirit Lake last Wednesday. She will visit her daughter, Mrs. Bert Yarns.
- Mrs. Joe Layne and children went to Ottumwa yesterday to sped the summer at the home of her parents.
- Mrs. C.H. Potts and grandmother went to Pierre, S.D. yesterday to visit the former’s father, Cal LaBarre.
- Will Shea left for Watertown, Wisconsin, to attend the funeral of his grandfather, Richard Quinn.
- M. Conlon, James Cullen, Hugh Meehan and Wm. Patton went to Chamberlain yesterday to register for Rosebud quarter sections.
- Miss Carrie Oskerson returned to her home in southern Minnesota yesterday. She had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Nels Simonsen.
- H.C. Shadbolt was at Templar Park Thursday attending the Knights Templar doings. He is one of the prominent members of the order.
- The Appeal says that Gus Linden, of Ruthven, is now a full fledged pharmacist. He recently received his commission from the state board.
- Mr. Condon, who lives west of Fort Dodge, was in this city Friday. He is an uncle of Mr. Condon, of Great Oak township. He left here for Livermore.
- Charles Flynn was accompanied home from Ireland by a cousin whose name we have not yet learned.
- Mrs. W. Richards arrived here from Des Moines Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. H.D. Hubbard.
- Miss Mae Adams of Hampton was called to this city Thursday by the serious illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H.S. Adams.
- Mrs. P.M. Johnson, of Blackfoot, Idaho, Mrs. Thomas O’Connor’s sister, left for Toledo, Iowa, Thursday to visit her parents.
- Matt Gappa was in from Fairville Monday. He recently returned from St. Louis county, Minnesota, where he owns 200 acres of land. His son lives there. He reports that Minnesota has splendid crops this year.
- Miss Sarah McKernan, who visited relatives in this city shortly before the holidays, recently died at her home at Dubuque. She was a niece of J.F. O’Neill, formerly of this place, now of Armstrong.
- Bert Hughes has given up his position in Mr. Stemets’ drug store. He has gone to Storm Lake for a brief stay, after which he will come back to Emmetsburg and then go to Villard, Minnesota, to visit his parents. His health is not good and he intends taking a year’s rest.
- Sister Mary Gerald, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Duffy, of this city. She will teach in the new academy at Fort Dodge next year. 
- Last evening at 4 o’clock Mrs. E.E. Reed received the news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Wilcox, of Kimbrae, Minnesota. The deceased was 85 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Chas. And Orange Cornish and Mrs. Prater left for Kimbrae this morning to attend the funeral. The deceased was a grandmother of the latter named three.
- Richard Quinn, father of Mrs. Robert Shea, Mrs. Shortall, and Mrs. B. Bradley, died at Watertown, Wisconsin, Sunday morning. He was about 85 years of age and was an old resident of the place. The daughters named were all at his bedside when he passed away, as were also two of his granddaughters, the Misses Shea, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shea.

Alex Hemphill is Dead
Alexander Hemphill, who formerly lived near Ruthven, died at his home at Milford Monday, July 11, at the age of 67. He had been ailing for some time. He was the father of Lee Hemhill and was the leader of the Hemphill orchestra that was so well known to the early settlers of this locality. He was a native of Pennsylvania. He became a resident of Dickinson county in 1882. His death will be learned with sorrow by his many friends in this county.

Another Pioneer Passes Away.
Mr. Thomas Dawson, one of the pioneers of Palo Alto county, died at his home at mallard Thursday evening, at 7:00 after a brief illness, though he had not been in good health for seven or eight months. The funeral was held Saturday. Services were conducted at the Catholic church of that place by Father Roesler, the pastor. There was a large turnout, many friends and neighbors from this city being in attendance. The pallbearers were Patrick and J.T. Mulroney, William and Thomas Shea, W. Lodes and John Mertes, all of whom had been devoted friends of the deceased for many years. The remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at that place.
Thomas Dawson was born in the county of Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1819, making him 85 years of age at the time that he was summoned to eternal rest. He left his native land at the age of 19, shortly before the great tide of emigration to the western world. He landed at Halifax. He was married at Mineral Point, Wisconsin, in 1852, to Mary Brophy. Previous to that time he had lived for awhile at Milwaukee. Six years later MR. and Mrs. Dawson came to Palo Alto county and located on a farm in Nevada township. This was but two years after the original Irish colony was founded on the banks of the Des Moines northwest of this city. There was one settlement at the latter named place, one in Nevada township, which was known in the early days as “28”, because of the number of the section where the first location was made, and one in West Bend township. The following year the census was taken and there were only 131 people in the entire county. The total products of the county that year were 2507 bushels of corn, and 2965 bushels of potatoes, with possibly some wheat and oats. Such was the section now known as thrifty and populous Palo Alto when Mr. and Mrs. Dawson came here to make their home. Those were times when friends were prized and when acts of neighborliness were not likely to be forgotten. And they have not faded from the memories of the few who still survive to relate the trials, the hardships and the triumphs of those years that wil live in local history. The county was organized in 1858 and in the first election, which was held in October of that year, Mr. Dawson was elected a member of the board of supervisors. He served his fellow citizens conscientiously and faithfully and ever retained the confidence of those who mingled with him in pioneer life.
Thirteen sons and daughters were born to Mr and Mrs. Dawson seven of whom survive. There are two sons, Thomas and P.F., who are among the respected and substantial business men of Mallard. There are five daughters. They are Mrs. J.J. Mullen and Mrs H. Frost, of Waterloo, Mrs. J. Dawson, of Colorado, Mrs. P. Duffy, of Mallard, and Miss Kate, who is still at home. All were present to attend the funeral except Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. Frost, who could not be present.
For 46 years Mr. Dawson toiled tirelessly and judiciously to build up the county of which he was one of the founders. He was among those who led the way of progress. He lived to see his fondest hopes crowned with success. What achievements those 46 years witnessed in the world about him. He did his part cheerfully and without ostentation. He was a manly, upright citizen and was one of the most provident and dutiful of husbands and fathers. All who knew him honored him, because he was a man of the highest integrity. The community that knew him so long and so favorably mourns his death in union with those whose hearts have been saddened by his passing from the scenes of eartly care and weariness.

Want a Change of Venue
Judge Quarton will hold an adjourned session of court in this city Friday. Mr. Weigman, who is under indictment for shooting Mr. Deeter, has applied for a change of venue to some other county. The evidence and the arguments will be heard Friday. The case will doubtless be tried at the October term. As this will have considerable bearing on the $60,000 damage case against Mr. Spies, the court’s action on the petition to have the case tried elsewhere will be watched with considerable interest.

Had a Very Close Call.
Monday afternoon, while driving across the railroad track west of Mr. Shadbolt’s lumber yard, Patrick McBride was almost killed by the westbound passenger train. He did not see it coming and the engineer succeeded in stopping just as the pilot of the engine reached the vehicle. It was a very close call. It is fortunate that the train was not going at full speed.

E. Olson’s House Destroyed by Fire.
The farm residence of E. Olson two and one half miles north of Ayrshire was destroyed by fire Friday night. It was occupied by Mr. McNally. The latter did not save any of his furniture. The building was insured by the Farmers’ Insurance company, of Cedar Rapids, for $200. The furniture was not insured.

Charles Flynn Writes a Most Interesting Letter Concerning his Visit to Ireland.
But Crew Was Made up of Mostly Foreigners, Which is Not So Agreeable to an Iowan.

    Editor Democrat: I returned from Ireland Thursday morning after an absence of six weeks. I found the return trip most agreeable. The weather was bright and pleasant and the ocean was smooth. Not more than a dozen on board were sea sick on the voyage However, the trip was in some respects more agreeable going than it was returning. In going the passengers were mostly Americans or people who had become accustomed to our habits and customs In returning the passengers were largely foreigners and as such were not so companionable. Nor were they as well cared for by the ship’s crew, though I will say as a whole the officers and the people who work on the boat are as civil as one could expect. They are punctual and sympathetic and everything goes like clock work.
I wish to speak at length of many things in Ireland that came under my observation and which may prove interesting to your readers.
Conditions, of course, have changed greatly since I left my native land 25 years ago. The people have more advantages and more privileges. The world has been moving onward and England could not keep the people under her flag entirely out of the procession. The readers of the Democrat are aware of the new land bill that was recently enacted. Some have already made purchases under this measure, though as a rule, private ownership has not yet made much headway. This will come in the course of time. But the land holders are stiffening in their demands and will be benefited by the people’s delay. The average farm in the county of Cork, where my people live, comprises from 30 to 60 acres. A farmer with 60 acres keeps perhaps 20 cows. He sells his calves when they are from six to eight months old, at good prices, and he sends his milk to the creamery twice every day. He also raises considerable grain and hay and plenty of potatoes. The land is well tilled and everything is saved. Hay is now stored in barns on many farms. The only wonder is how people have saved their fodder so well heretofore because of the frequent rains. Some hay had been made when I left Ireland and I ate some new potatoes the day I was at Hollyhead, but they were very small. Grain will be ready to harvest about September 1st.
    The past six weeks have been the finest that Ireland has had for a year. There was very little rain while I was there and people were feeling encouraged. They credited me with bringing them warmth and enthusiasm.
    I found the climate delightful. I perspired only once while on my visit, which shows how mild the temperature is.
One thing I noticed in particular and that is the irregularity of the people in doing their daily work and their chores and in going to meals. They have their own time and, while many of them toil hard, they are not obliged to do everything at the right time as is the case in this country. Besides, they do not always work to the best advantage. There is a great deal in knowing how to make time and effort count. This is where the American excels. I reminded my old neighbors and friends of this fact and they felt thankful to me for my suggestions. I understand that this is true of working people in most countries of Europe. They do not do their work with anything like the ease that the Yankee does. You should not forget that we are all called “Yanks” on the other side of the water. Imagine what I would have said had some one called me a Yankee before I left Emmetsburg.
    However, you will see a great deal of American farm machinery in Ireland. I noticed McCormick, Deering, Plano, and other familiar farm implements at various places, but of course they are not in use to such a general extent as they are in this country, for as a rule the Irish farmer I far behind the Palo Alto tiller of the soil. American implements sell there at about the same figures that they do here.
    I did not notice any clothing stores in Ireland. Every small town has several tailors who will take your measure and make you a suit. N this account clothes are not any cheaper there than they are here, because in this country they are made in large quantities and largely by the aid of machinery. The same is true of boots and shoes, though I noticed American ready made shoes in several stores. The Irish shoe makers and tailors do not give you as good a fit as our American tradesmen, for the reason that they are not so closely in tough with the world of change and fashion as is the Yankee.
    Laborers are scarce in Ireland because of the great emigration to this and other countries during the past thirty years. Hence wages are pretty good, comparatively speaking and living is cheap because personal needs are not so many as on this side of the Atlantic.
    I felt an interest in the creameries in the section I visited. They are operated and conducted very much on the same plan that they are here but there seems to be half a dozen people working in each plant. This is more evidence of the ease, readiness and cheapness with which Americans do their work.
    The Emerald Isle has splendid macadamized roads. They were made to last and are very substantial. I had the use of a speedy horse and turnout while there and I traveled a great deal through the country viewing old familiar scenes and visiting relatives and friends. Throughout the world the Irish people are noted for their friendship and their hospitality, but nowhere have I observed them so genial and open hearted as in their own country My stay was one continued round of pleasure.
    Ireland is covered with villages, which are from two to four miles apart. Every village has its own post office, a few business houses, a church and school. Of course the great majority of the churches are Catholic. The schools are mostly in the villages. Male teachers have charge of the boys and the girls are taught by ladies. In many places there are excellent Catholic schools taught by the religious orders, but they are not so numerous as one would think in a country whose people are almost exclusively of one faith. The ordinary schools are national schools and are supported by public taxation. The discipline in these schools is good and the rules exacting. Ireland has made great progress in educational affairs during the past thirty years. A couple of centuries ago, history tells us, it was a crime punishable by death for a school master to follow his calling in that country because of the English penal code.
But Ireland has some advantages not possessed by us. It has the postal telegraph system. You can send a message from a postoffice in the island and have it delivered to a farmer or any one else living within a radius of three miles of the office for the small sum of twelve cents. In our own country the Western Union Telegraph company does what the government ought to do and the expense of such service costs from $1.75 to $2.50 and $3.00, depending on the distance it is to be sent after it is received. The Irish farmers also have had free rural mail delivery for many years- a blessing the Iowa farmer is just beginning to enjoy.
Cork, like Dublin, is a large, thirfty, neat, up-to-date city. Most of the business buildings are modern and the streets are well paved and clean. One can see as good a display in the window of a business house at Cork as he can in Chicago or New York thought it would not be so large. The business people are exceedingly courteous, though they quickly detect you, if you are an American, and you need not be surprised if some of them charge you American prices. In the hotels and restaurants, you pay practically the same prices for meals that you do here, though the cooking will not please you quite so well as will ordinary American victuals. Mutton is much more plentiful than beafsteak.
    Cork is a place of 80,000 people, but it has poor newspapers. The editors are able, but the publisher has not the taste for news that the American has. There is more real news in the Emmetsburg Democrat than in the Cork Examiner and its advertisements are neater and better arranged. One don’t understand how to appreciate local journalistic enterprise until he has traveled a distance from home.
Everywhere you find people interested in our great country. One English gentleman whom I met ridiculed our divorce laws. I told him that id did not approve of them. He informed me that there are no divorce laws in Ireland. Release from the marriage bond in that country must be by a special act of parliament. Though I was perhaps more opposed to divorce than he was, it is not a pleasure to have American laws and customs criticised in a foreign land. I got even with him by telling him that our country did not have to be policed to maintain order. I told him that in my home city of nearly 3,000 people we had only one day policeman, or marshal, and one night watch, and that they were very seldom called into service. He seemed astonished at this. I also made other comparisons that did not add to his peace of mind.
    After I had spent ten days with my father, who is 85, an and uncle, who is 96, both of whom are strong and hearty, and with my brothers and sister, I took the train to Dublin. I enjoyed the trip. The scenery was beautiful and I saw some fine fields and pastures. In four hours and forty minutes I reached the capital and as I alighted I ran across a gentleman whom I had met on the Lucania. Greetings and a brief chat were of course enjoyed. I took the belt line for the North Wall pier. I passed by Glasnevin, that ancient Irish cemetery. It contain the resting place of many patriots whose names will live in history for centuries to come. The place is a most interesting one to visit, but as my time was limited, I could not tarry long. By a little strategy, I was enabled to take passage on a transport for Hollyhead, Wales. Dublin has a good harbor. In it can be found two kinds of water, fresh and salt. The fresh is from the Liffey river and the salt from the Irish sea which is almost about three miles distant. In going out you can see the Hills of Howth on the north and the Wicklow mountains on the west. It took us four hours and forty minutes to get to Hollyhead. It was a pleasant trip and the sea was mild and beautiful. As soon as you have lost sight of Ireland you can see the hills near Hollyhead. When we reached there, I went to the Royal hotel owned by the London & Northwestern Railway company. It is an immense structure and is conducted by the company. About 70 people are employed in it. Miss Elizabeth Jones, sister to Peter E. Jones, of Emmetsburg, has charge of it. I had a letter of introduction and Miss Jones was quickly notified by the porter than an American gentleman was in the hall and wished to see her. It is needless to say that I was a welcome caller, because I was from Emmetsburg where her brother is engaged in business. She is a cultured, benevolent lady and spared no effort to make my brief stay agreeable I shall never forget my pleasant trip to Hollyhead and the hospitable entertainment I received.
    The next day I returned to Dublin and spent five hours in the capital. I visited many places of business as well as historic interest. It is a pretty city of 260,000 people. The streets are wide and clean. There are some very fine public buildings and edifices in Dublin, among which might be mentioned the Four Courts, Trinity college, St. Patrick’s cathedral, founded in 1190 and the church of St Savior. In the latter named edifice I saw the sacrifice of the mass offered up on three different altars at the same time.
    The city has splendid electric street cars that are run on the American plan. In the business houses you can see American bacon, hams, flour, etc. Dublin has the finest horse I ever saw. I thought New York took the cake in this particular, but when I reached the city on the Liffey I changed my mind. I visited Castle Yard and was courteously received, because of being a “Yankee”. Nelson monument to be seen on the streets of Dublin, which is 134 feet high, is interesting to all travelers, but those of O’Connell and Grattan were more pleasing to me. I had to hurry back to Milford, and was unable to see other places I had planned on visiting. Besides, one soon becomes weary of sight seeing and yearns to return to the familiar scenes of home. Such was my experience.
    Several days later I made adieu to the faces and scenes I may never behold again and was soon on my way to Queenstown to set sail for fair Columbia. I felt lonesome, of course, when leaving those whose love and affection I had cherished so tenderly from childhood, but an American little realizes the pride with which his heart swells as he starts back over the depths of the mighty Atlantic or the land over which floats the glorious stars and stripes.

Mrs. O.O. Helgen, of Ruthven, is visiting at the O.C. Christopherson home this week.
Mrs. Lewis Paulson of Lost Island township, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Chas Jensen, last week.
James Sherlock is making some large sales in this community. He travels for the Lake City nursery in Lake City, Minnesota.


- Mr. Airhart has been called to Boone on account of the sickness of his mother.
- Rev. and Mrs. Ford have been the pourd parents of a young son since last Friday.
- Mrs. Martins and baby of Charles City are visiting her brother, Geo. Schriber and wife.
- It is reported that Mr. Easton is about to sell out his drug store to Mr. Bedier of Ellston.
- Rev. Stein, Mrs. McGinty and Peter Monitor attended the funeral of a relative at St. Joe Saturday.

- Born: to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ferguson, Sunday, July 17th, a son.
- The Brown’s dance was a success in every respect. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs Watopek, daughters and friend, of Rolfe, Miss Kane, of Clare, the Misses Davies and Parks and Messrs. Toole and Davies, of Laurens. Music was furnished by the Joynt orchestra.

- Miss Donna Jensvold, of Graettinger, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. Anderson.
- Mrs. Lonke, of Spencer, was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Russell.
- The new bell for the M.E. Church was hung last week. It is certainly a nice bell The M.E. people deserve credit for the good selection they have made.
- Saturday a change in the Cylinder Savings bank was made, in which the First National bank, of Emmetsburg, bought the controlling interest. The new officers are: President, E.H. Soper; vice-president, Wm. Richardson; cashier, F.L. Harrison, who has had charge of the business during the past four years. The directors are J.H. Hinkley, E.B. Soper, A. H. Keller, M.F. Kerwick, Alex Peddie, Wm. Harrison, James Dunigan and Wm. Richardson.

Returned from Ireland Thursday
Charles Flynn returned from Ireland Thursday morning. He had a most delightful trip, but is pleased to be home again He brought with him some beautiful views of Dublin, Cork, Queenstown, and the lakes of Killarney, and many other souvenirs that he will long treasure. He favored the Democrat with a handsome paper weight showing St. Patrick’s street in Cork. He also brought us a copy of the Cunard Daily Bulletin, which is printed regularly on the vessel on which he came It contains all the important messages received on board by the means of wireless telegraphy, and other information. It sells for five cents per copy. This is an advantage that was not enjoyed by people who crossed the ocean two or three years ago. Elsewhere in this issue appears a second letter from Mr. Flynn describing his trip and the interesting things that came under his observation.

Killed at Britt Friday.
Frank Riley, a cigar maker, aged 23, was killed at Britt Friday by a freight train on the M. & St. L. line. He was beating his way home from Albert Lea. He had ridden in an empty car and, as the train stopped, he crawled out of the end door. The sudden setting of the brakes pitched him headlong onto the track, the wheels f the back car cutting him in two. His father, who runs the Windsor hotel at Britt, was at the depot when the train came in but learned nothing of the death of his son until the mutilated remains were brought home.


Mrs. Minnie Garner and Arthur Orth of Davenport Commit Suicide Because the Woman Could Not Get a Divorce.
Davenoprt and Rock Island society is scandalized by the suicide of Mrs. Minnie Garner and the attempted suicide of her lover, Arthur Orth, in order to marry whom she could not secure a divorce.
Orth holds one of the choicest government positions in the Rock Island arsenal, midway between the two cities, and Mrs. Garner and her husband have occupied a prominent position in Davenport society. Her husband had no knowledge of her infatuation for Orth until the news of the tragedy was borne to him.
Orth and the woman met one evening last week and purchased a quantity of rough on rats. Early next morning they swallowed the deadly drug, locked their arms about each other and awaited death. The dose was insufficient to produce death. The woman was desperate and insisted that they both swallow a larger quantity. Orth declined and hoping to inspire him with the requisite courage, she swallowed a fatal dose. He was obdurate and refused to take more. The amount already taken had left him in a serious condition, however, and some doubt of his recovery exists.
The woman died almost immediately. She was highly popular.
Because the bereaved husband would not permit him to place flowers on is wife’s grave, Arthur Orth, a prominent young man of Davenport, swallowed a fatal dose of poison and expired within two hours.
Orth had agreed with Mrs. Minnie Garner, with whom he was infatuated, to commit suicide one night last week. They both took a large dose of rough on rats, but the poison did not take effect as readily as desired, and Mrs. Garner swallowed a second dose, urging Orth to do likewise. He declined. She died and he survived.
At the coroner’s inquest Orth was sufficiently recovered to go on the witness stand and was forced to tell the sensational details of his clandestine courtship of his friend’s wife. His tale excited such uniform horror and disgust that he was made to feel most keenly the disgrace and loathing which had resulted from his liasion. He then begged permission to go the grave of the woman who had died for love of him, and to place flowers thereon. Garner’s refusal to grant this boon was followed by the second and successful attempt at suicide.

Laborer Kills His Wife and Himself.
At Cedar Raids Samuel Baldwin, a laborer, aged forty-five, last week murdered his wife with a razor and then suicided with the same weapon. Baldwin and his wife had not been living happily of late, owing to his dissipated habits. Two weeks ago the woman left him and went to the home of her son by a former husband. Baldwin had been drinking heavily, and one evening he went t see his wife and insisted upon her returning to live with him. In the presence of the woman’ daughter-in-law and the latter’s sister, Baldwin struck his wife three times and then drew a razor, slashing her throat from ear to ear. Baldwin then cut his own throat and ran out of the house , followed by his wife, who expired as soon as she reached the yard. The murderer ran into the front yard, dying on the lawn in the presence of a hundred or more neighbors.

Murder and Suicide.
Simeon Riggs, foreman at the Fish wagon works and well known at Clinton, shot and instantly killed his wife and then placed the pistol to his head and blew out his brains. Riggs’ wife was shot in the back of the head while he was at work in her kitchen. Indications are that Riggs walked up behind her and fired the fatal shot. He then walked into the sitting room and put a bullet into his own head. He was about forty-five years old and his wife was a few years his junior. They are survived by five children. Riggs has [had] been drinking heavily for several days and has [had] been in an ugly mood. The family has [had] asked for police protection, but objected to having Riggs taken into custody.

Killed His Sweetheart.
At Hocking, Ia, James Vogelony, aged twenty-three, shot his fifteen-year-old sweetheart, Anna Underansky, five times with a revolver causing instant death. Vogelony killed the girl because she refused to marry him. He was found hiding in a hay stack and placed in jail at Albia.

Farmer Shoots His Wife.
Thomas Conrad, a farmer near Dubuque, shot and perhaps fatally wounded his wife for chastising their eleven-year-old daughter. He was placed under arrest.

Farmer Burned to Death.
While trying to get horses out of a barn struck by lightning, John Bremer, a well-to-do farmer, was burned to death near Clinton.

Firebug Nearly Murders.
Incendiaries set fire to the residence of Rev. James Kester at Hawkeye, Ia., last week and the family barely escaped with their lives, using a ladder which had been left standing against the side of the house. Kerosene was used to start the blaze. The motive is a mystery. No arrests have been made.

Farmer Uses Shotgun.
H. Alvardo Welch, for many years a well known Hardin county farmer and stockman, committed suicide in his barn near Eldora by blowing out his brains with a shotgun. It is reported that he had some serious family trouble recently and it is supposed that he was despondent.

Emmetsburg Democrat;Wednesday, July 27, 1904


- A.S. Ormsby has had a hot water plant placed at his residence.
- Mrs. Davis of Chicago is visiting her brother, W. J. Bowden, of this city.
- Fred Henry has been taken to the inebriate department of the Cherokee asylum for treatment.
- Mrs. Myles McNally and Miss Sadie have been visiting relatives in Webster county during the past week.
- Miss Bridget Shea arrived home from Colorado Springs Saturday morning after an absence of two years. She found it a delightful place and the location a healthful one.
- Matt Hoffman of Kossuth county is insane because of disappointment in a love affair. He has been taken to the asylum for treatment. Young people should not worry so much about trivial affairs.


Wants to be Preferred Creditor
The taking of testimony for preferred claims in the Sheldon State bank case was begun here Tuesday. The day was taken up mainly by the testimony of Dean Treacy, pastor of St. Patrick’s church, who wishes the $8,000 deposited by him in the bank allowed as a preferred claim. This money was borrowed for the purpose of building a new Catholic church in Sheldon. A continuance was taken until July 24th when the testimony of other claimants will be taken—Sheldon Mail.

A Crop that Pays in Crawford. 
Crawford county is infested with rattlesnakes. Nine thousand four hundred of them have been killed since the bounty was placed on them two years ago and still there is no apparent diminution in the number of the pests. Fifty cents each is the amount of the bounty paid. In other words it has cost the tax payers about $5,000. Crawford and Union counties are the only counties in he state which pay a bounty on rattlesnakes.—Laurens Sun

A Youthful Forger
George Barefoot, a sixteen-year-old boy who has been working for W.H. Hilmer near Gridley, forged Mr. Hilmer’s name to a check for $25 on the 27th of June and had it cashed at Maple Hill. The check was drawn on the First National bank, of this place, and when Mr. Hilmer got his pass book yesterday, he noticed the fraudulent transaction. The young man was arrested by J.A. Spoor and had a hearing before Justice Canon last evening. He admitted his guilt and will be found over to the grand jury today.—Armstrong Journal.

Mrs. John Bell Meets with Mishap.
On last Friday while Mrs. John Bell was working in the yard at home she had the misfortune of breaking a blood vessel in her limb just above the ankle. She at once called her husband who was working near by, and he immediately came to her assistance. After some time he stopped the flow of blood, and when the doctor arrived she was in a very critical condition. She was very weak from the loss of blood, and would have undoubtedly succumbed had it not been for the untiring efforts of Mr. Bell. At present she is recovering nicely.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Almost Miraculous
Fred Goyette’s two-year-old boy was the central figure in one of the most lucky accidents that every came to our notice. It seems that last Wednesday afternoon the child was standing in one of the windows of the Goyette rooms on South Main. By some means he unfastened the screen, which immediately gave way, precipitating him headlong to the pavement, fourteen feet below. The doctor was immediately summoned and found to his surprise that the only effect of the fall was a slight bruise on the child’s side where he struck the pavement.—Spencer Herald.


- Mrs. Armstrong, of Rake, is visiting her father, W.G Henry, and other relatives in this city.
- Father Butler of Gilmore City has gone to Ireland to visit relatives. He will be absent for three months.
- H.B. Mahan and family left Wednesday for Guthrie Center where he will engage in the furniture business.
- Miss Maggie Walsh, of Austin, Minnesota, came down Saturday to visit her mother and other relatives in this city.
- P.H. Hand was at Chamberlain Friday filing for a homestead.
- Tom McCarty went to Whittemore Monday to work in the depot under Mr. Corbett.
- John Donovan went to Estherville Thursday to visit his daugher, Mrs. J.P. Kirby.
- Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Murphy have commenced housekeeping in the M.M Maher residence.
- L.E. Emmerman, a blind inmate of the Pocahontas county poor house, suicided the other day by cutting his throat.
- Thos. Kerwick went to Cylinder Mnday to accept a position under F.L. Harrison in the Cylinder Savings bank.
- Mr. and Mrs. P. Brodigan, of Sioux City, arrived in this city Monday evening to visit the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh, of Nevada township.
- Mrs. Acers went to Parker, South Dakota, yesterday. Her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Knapp, lives there.
- Miss Mattie McComb, Mrs. Charles McCormick’s sister, left for Oregon yesterday morning where she will make her future home.
- Miss Maceltree, who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos. O’Connor, returned to her home at Toledo, Iowa, yesterday.
- Misses Anna and Kate Murphy, of Toledo, Ohio, are here visiting their aunt, Mrs. McCoy. They had been attending the fair.
- James Stewart, of Canada, is visiting relatives in this county. He had been attending the St. Louis exposition. He is a relative of Mrs. Peter Donlon.
- Mrs. M.P. Shadbolt and her grandson, Loomis Shadbolt, who have been guests at the H.C. Shadbolt home for some time, will leave Friday for Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
- John Roach and Mrs. Kelcher, of Elkader, who had been visiting their brother, M. Roach, of this place, left for LeMars Monday where they will spend a short time with other relatives.
- Misses Jennie Kelly, Anna Rhynesberger, and Kate Donlon recently took the examination at the Iowa State Normal school for certificates as primary teachers. All were, we are glad to note, successful.
- Editor McElroy and Mr. Fagan were over from Ayrshire Mnday. Mr. McElroy informed us that his brother-in-law, Dr. Duhigg, who has located at Ayrshire, was married in Philadelphia Monday. We did not learn the name of the bride.
- The last of the week Mrs. Joe J. Steil received from the national treasurer of W.C.O.F. a draft for $1,000 for Chris Conlon, whose wife carried a policy in that order. The claim was promptly settled.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Wells, of Allen’s Grove, Wisconsin, who had been visiting their son, F.H. Wells, of this place, left Saturday evening for Annandale, Minnesota, where they will visit relatives a short time.
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dooley and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dooley, of Texas, are visiting their many relatives in this locality. Both of the Messrs. Dooley are holding good railroad positions in the Lone Star state.
- Mark Aukema is temporarily assisting J.T. Stemets in the drug store. He had been at camp with the Company K boys and came back with them to visit his father and sisters. He has a good position with a drug store in Humboldt.
- J.P. Downs reports that his youngest son will not lose the sight of his injured eye and that his other son, who had been very ill with pneumonia, is gradually gaining in strength. This is good news to all friends of the family.
- Mrs. Joyce of Emmetsburg township arrived home from Boulder, Colorado, Tuesday. She found her son, who lives at that place, hale and hearty and at work. When he left Emmetsburg his health was very poor. He does not intend returning to Iowa to live.
- At the grand chapter of the Royal Arch Masons, held at Spirit Lake last week, our fellow townsman, H.C. Shadbolt, was chosen grand treasurer. He has held the office two or three years and it is a source of gratification to him and his friends to know that he continues in the high confidence of the members of the order throughout the state.

Mrs. Hoxie is Dead
Mrs. Hoxie, wife of Conductor Hoxie, of the local division of the Milwaukee road, died very suddenly at McGregor, Iowa, Monday evening. Mr. Hoxie is one of the oldest and most deserving conductors on the Milwaukee line, and his many friends will learn with sincere sorrow of the death of his most estimable wife.

Mrs. Chas. Farqueson Dead.
Saturday W.J. Bowden was called to Sutherland to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Charles Farqueson, who died at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Farqueson formerly lived on a farm near Ayrshire and will be remembered by many of our readers. The deceased was a most worthy lady and was universally respected. Mr. Bowden has the sympathy of his many Emmetsburg friends in his sorrow.

Philip G. Brown is Dead
Saturday afternoon the sad news of the death of Philip G., second son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Brown, of this city, was received. He went to Excelsior Springs, Missouri, for treatment about ten days ago accompanied by his father and his cousin, Miss Birdie Brown. For several days he felt quite encouraged and half an hour before he passed away he expressed the conviction that he would recover, but such was not the Providential will, whose mysterious purposes the human mind is unable to comprehend. The remains were brought to this city Monday evening and were taken to the family residence in the northwest part of town to await interment. The funeral was held yesterday. The services were held on the lawn and were conducted by Rev. F.E Henry, of Omaha, who had known the deceased since childhood and who is an intimate friend of the family. The sermon was one of exceptional merit for such an occasion. Handsome floral gifts, expressive of the sympathy of relatives and friends, bedecked the beautiful casket. The pall bearers were Dr A. A. Theile, H.E. Bennett, Patrick Laughlin, Chester Bragg, Ernie Freeman and Joseph P. Joyce. The interment as in Evergreen cemetery. There was a large procession.
Philip G. Brown was born in this city June 18, 1893. He attended the Emmetsburg public schools and graduated with the class of 1903. Soon after he entered the Capital City Commercial college at Des Moines, but later went to Quincy, Illinois, taking up a course in the business college of that place. During the winter and spring he had several spells of sickness, from which he never fully recovered. He gradually failed and when he returned home a few weeks ago his parents realized that his condition was anything but encouraging. The best of medical skill was secured, and he was taken to Excelsior Springs, hoping hat the curative powers of the waters of that place might be the means of reviving his youthful strength and vigor, but the struggle was useless. His days had been numbered and in a few hours a promising young man of twenty-one summers had passed from the pleasing, hopeful scenes of life unto those realms whence no earthly traveler has ever returned.
The loss of this most worthy young man so early in life is a severe blow to his parents and two brothers Bert and Asa, who survive him. He had been a loving, dutiful boy, and industrious student, a helpful and agreeable companion of the young people who mingled with him in his brief but interesting career. His parents gave him the best educational advantages they could and doubtless looked forward to a promising, successful future for him, but he was taken from them just as he was about to engage in life’s practical labors Mr. and Mrs. Brown have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends.

Death of Otto Fahnestock
The death of Mr. Otto Fahnestock, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Fahnestock, which occurred at his home at Graettinger yesterday, will be regretted by the many friends of the family in this and other sections of the county. He was 24 years of age and his life was full of promise. After completing his studies in the local schools, he spent some time in Cornell college and later he had charge of his father’s business at Osgood for some time. A couple of years ago he commenced the law course in the Minnesota State university, but was compelled to give up his studies several months ago on account of some throat ailment. He went to Chicago to take treatment from Dr. Senn, the noted specialist, and came home a short time ago to attend the marriage of his sister. He failed very rapidly and death finally claimed him as its victim. Before he passed away he expressed a desire to die in the Catholic faith and was received into the church and prepared for death by Father Kelly. The remains were taken to Illinois last evening for burial Mr. and Mrs. Fahnestock lived in that state, at some point east of St. Louis, before they became residents of Graettinger. Their only surviving daughter is Mrs. L.H. Wildey, of Minneapolis, who was married two weeks ago. He parents and other relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.

Sibley Murderer Shoots Himself
Friday F. Hokuff, the alleged murderer of Peter Johnson, shot himself in the abdomen and may die from the effects of his injuries. The ball passed through the stomach and the left side of the liver He claims he had the gun with which he did the shooting when he was taken to prison, but it is thought that sympathizing friends handed it to him through the window of the jail.

Train Hits Mail Carrier
Friday Harvey Wood, a rural mail carrier, was struck at Orleans, at the south end of Spirit Lake, by a south bound Rock Island passenger train. One horse was killed, the other injured, and the buggy demolished. Mr. Wood had his back and one of his arms pretty badly injured. He is an old soldier.

Left an Estate of $65,000
Mike Crahan of Rolfe, who died last week, left an estate valued at $65,000. His wife and nine children survive him. He came from Pennsylvania, taught school for several years, and finally engaged in the mercantile business at Fonda. Later he moved to Rolfe. He was one of the best known business men in northern Iowa. Within the past few years his parents, two sister, and two other brothers have passed away. He was a victim of apoplexy.


- Miss Lowe is enjoying a visit from two sisters from Minnesota, whom she had not seen before for many years

- Alex Johnson left Saturday for an extended visit to his native country, Norway. It has been fifteen years since heleft home. His many friends wish him a pleasant trip and a safe return.

- Miss Nora Knudtson, of Ruthven, is spending a few weeks at the home of her uncle, Hans Westergard.
- Miss Gertrude Christensen, of Pipestone, Minnesota, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Thoreson.
- A pleasant party was held at the home of Mr. Knudt Thoreson, of Lost Island township, the occasion being his 80th birthday. The affair was highly enjoyed by all present.

- Mr. Crabtree is visiting his sister, Mrs. George Schreiber.
- Mrs. Kane returned Thursday from Clare , where she had been attending the funeral of a niece.
- Rev. Father Stein, who has been visiting relatives here for the past month, returned home Sunday evening. His cousins, Mrs. James McGinty and Peter Monitor accompanied him home. They will stop at different places in the east.

- Born: To Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Harrison, on Wednesday, July 20th, a girl. Hiram still wears the same old smile.
- Otto Fahnestock, who had been seriously ill with blood poison and throat complications during he past six weeks, died at his home at this place at 8:15 Tuesday morning. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents in their deep sorrow. He was a fine young man and was well liked by everyone. He was 24 years of age.

Charges Against a Doctor
A unique case now is pending before the state board of medical examiners involving a well-known Chicago practitioner. Dr. A.H Warren of Chicago was formerly engaged to the practice of medicine at Shenandoah, Ia, It is claimed by those prosecuting the case that Dr. Warren is guilty of gaining a medical college diploma through the offices of a substitute. In other words, it is said that the doctor went through college and won the title of M.D. by proxy. The charges are denied by the doctor, who is preparing through his attorneys to fight the allegations made. The prosecution holds that the doctor paid a substitute $1,000 to attend a medical school in New York to earn a diploma under the name of A.H. Warren. The certificate of standing in the profession is alleged to have been presented to the sate board by the doctor and on the strength of it he gained the right to practice in Iowa.

Death from Alcoholic Poisoning.
The body of John Peterson, until recently an Iowa member of the Iowa Central railroad bridge gang, was found in a room over Seeley’s restaurant at Marshalltown last week. It was decomposed beyond recognition. Peterson had been drinking heavily for three weeks and death undoubtedly was due to alcoholic poisoning. The only clue to his relatives or place of residence is a letter found on his body written in the Swedish language and indicating hat he man had a wife in Minneapolis. The body was buried in the potter’s field.

Submitted by: C.M.L.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County