Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 3, 1904


Council Bluffs, Ia., Feb. 2 – At 1 o’clock in the morning the residence of Peter Christiansen, Sixteenth avenue and Third street, was destroyed by fire, his five children ranging in ages from a babe in arms to eleven years of age, were burned to death and Mrs. Christiansen so badly burned that she will die. The husband was in the country at the time. No one knows how the fire started.
The dead are: Edna, eleven years old; Frank, eight years; Lila, four years; Jane two years, and baby, five months.
Just before 1 o’clock Mrs. Christiansen woke up and discovered the interior of her house in flames. She dashed to another room where the children were sleeping. That room was a mass of flames and it was impossible to gain an entrance.
Mrs. Christiansen ran into the street and raised an alarm. This aroused the neighbors and a fire alarm was turned in. The neighbors then turned their attention to the house but being of wood, it burned rapidly and was totally consumed before the arrival of the department. The bodies of the children were cremated, only their blackened trunks remaining.

Ames Man Arrested.
City Marshal F.W. Willey arrested Arthur Fields, formerly of Ames, on a charge of defrauding a hotelkeeper and grand larceny. The arrest was made at the instigation of Chief of Police Rhodes of Peoria, Ill. Marshal Willey received word from Peoria and was instructed to watch for Fields, who was known to be working toward Ames. Willey discovered him in Ames. Chief of Police Rhodes arrived there and has gone to Des Moines for requisition papers. Fields declares his innocence on both charges.

Grants a Third Trial.
The supreme court has granted a third trial in one of the biggest cases ever brought in Polk county. It has reversed Judge Bishop of the supreme bench, who sat on the district bench at the second trial of the case of Mrs. E.J. Root, who sued the Des Moines Street Railway company for $25,000 damages for injuries received while alighting from a street car. On the first trial she secured $4,000 and on the second $9,000.

Accused of Passing Bad Checks.
Bruce Barrington was arrested at Burlington last week charged with passing fraudulent checks on a Chatanooga, Tenn., bank. Barrington is alleged to have operated in St. Louis under the name of B.A. Cunningham., claiming to represent a firm of San Antonio, Tex. In his possession were found checks on a number of banks including the American National Bank of Deadwood, S.D.

Miners Killed by Explosion.
John Stevens and Alex Carbon, shot firemen, were instantly killed and several others injured in a mine explosion at Fostoria last week. The explosion was caused by a windy shot. A searching party could not reach the men for an hour and when the bodies were found the damp arms of Carbon were clasped around Stevens’ neck. 

Pioneer Passes Away.
Joseph K. Hemphill, one of Johnson county’s pioneer settlers, and a prominent stockman and politician, died at his home near Coralville last week. Mr. Hemphill was eight years old. He settled in Johnson county in 1842.

Oldest Engineer Dead.
Philip Howes, a pioneer Northwestern railway engineer is dead at Clinton, aged seventy-four. He brought the first Northwestern train across the Mississippi on a track laid on the ice in 1859.

- J.J. Reardon, the late editor of the Tribune will, we understand, leave for St. Louis in a couple of weeks to accept a position from the Worlds’ fair commission. He does not intend moving his family to that city. He held a similar position at Chicago in 1893.
- Thursday evening cards and a social good time were enjoyed by a number of guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNally, of this city. Refreshments were served and the event proved one of pleasure and satisfaction to all present. Mr. and Mrs. McNally have been warmly commended for their efforts by those who were sharers in their hospitality.
- One evening the first of the week the fine home of Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Brady was thronged by a large number of their friends whom they had invited to enjoy the evening with them at cards. The gathering was one of the most enjoyable that has been held on the south side during the winter. P.H. Hand and Mrs. Thos. O’Connor proved to the be winners of the evening.
- A few days ago a fire broke out in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cady, of Iowa Falls. A.A. Wells, who has been quite sick at their home for some time, had to be carried out on his bed and was taken to the home of Representative Funk. Happily the fire was promptly checked and Mr. Wells will not experience any backset as the result of the sudden exposure. Mrs. Wells is also at Iowa Falls.
- James Reitzel, of Highland township, recently returned from Indian Territory, where he had been examining land. He was highly pleased with the country, but he found it so difficult to make a deal for a farm that he decided not to waste his time there waiting. He will go to Idaho soon with a view of locating in that state. He has been living on the Linderman farm but will move his family to Ruthven in March. He will have a sale Tuesday, February 16th.


- John Bailey will leave for Oklahoma this week to look over the country.
- The West Bend Advance reports that F.J. Dorweiler will go to Canada next spring to reside.
- Wm. Fritz, of Pocahontas, has been indicted for maintaining a nuisance. He formerly lived in this county.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Reed are enjoying a visit from their nephew, W.L. Waldron, of Winnebago City, Minnesota.
- C.E. Taylor was at Worthing, South Dakota, last week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, who died at that place.
- The case of J.N. Phillips and J.S. Robinson against Mr. Hazen for $160 commission for the sale of a farm a couple of years ago has been reversed by the supreme court. The defendant won in the lower court . The case was tried before Judge Quarton. Mr. Morling was the attorney for the plaintiff.


Dolliver’s Postmaster Gone.
Postmaster Roy Wertz, of Dolliver, is reported to have left for parts unknown He was in Estherville Wednesday afternoon and made an assignment of his telephone company property in Dolliver to the Citizens’ Bank of that place. He turned everything into money that he possibly could and took the evening passenger south but his destination is unknown. – Estherville Democrat.

An Expensive Hole.
George Berge has been unfortunate in his efforts to get a well on his farm near town. The drillers went down about five hundred feet with no water in sight, when Mr. Berge stopped them. We understand he contracted to pay three fourths of the price if he stopped them before they found water, which will make the dry hole cost him something over $500.—Webb Record

A Horrible Accident.
George Steil, who lives on the Irvington ridge farm of Mrs. Jennie Trimble Paine, was the victim of a singular accident Saturday night. He went out to the windmill tower in the dark to throw the windmill out of gear, and as he reached up he ran one of the tines of a pitchfork, which had been carelessly hung up on the framework of the tower, into one of his ears. The tine entered his ear and penetrated to the point of articulation of the jaw bone, and coming into contact with the nerve, paralyzed that side of his face. Reports of his case have been favorable and the danger of serious possibilities is thought to be past.—Algona Upper Des Moines Republican.

Isaac Stewart is Dead.
Isaac Stewart of Graettinger died at Cherokee, Iowa, Friday morning. The remains reached Graettinger Sunday and will be laid to rest at that place this morning at 10 o’clock. Services will be conducted at the Catholic church by Father Kelly.
Joseph Isaac Stewart was born at Waterloo, Ontario, June 27, 1839. In 1863 he was married at that place to Katharine Brennan, a sister of M.F. and Edward Brennan, of Great Oak township. The following year they came to Iowa and settled on a homestead in Walnut township. In 1882, they moved to Graettinger where Mr. Stewart opened a meat market. He also purchased live stock for several years. About two years ago he became mentally unbalanced and was taken to the Independence hospital for treatment. He never fully recovered and some time later was taken to Cherokee with other patients from Independence. Eight sons and three daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. The sons are Charles, John, James, Joseph, Edward, Henry, Martin and Michael.. Charles and James are on the Pacific coast and one of the two other sons live at Minneapolis. The daughters are Mrs. Schneider, of Wisconsin, Mrs. Smith of Allendorf, Iowa and Mrs. Jones of Graettinger. One sister, Mrs. J.W. Brennan, resides in this community and two other sisters live in Canada.
Mr. Stewart was for many years one of the rugged, hearty, industrious sons of this county. He was frank and outspoken, but it did not take much to bring out the kindness and warmth of his nature, for he had a big heart and a generous soul. He was honest and well meaning and while not a perfect man, he was a good citizen nd a pleasant, well disposed, loyal friend and neighbor. The misfortune that overtook him in his later years was of course to be deplored, but such was the will of Him who doeth all things for the best. The sympathy of all is extended to the sorrowing wife and other members of the family.


- Ernest Middleton is home from Missouri visiting his parents.
- Alex Dickinson has sold his livery and draying outfit at Cylinder to F.E. Jones & Son.
- Martin Brown has completed a substantial residence on his farm in Fern Valley township.
- S.J. Jenswold was down from Rake last week visiting relatives at Graettinger and Depew.
- Mrs. Norris of Graettinger spent the last of the week visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Dan O’Neill, of this place.
- C.L. McFarland enjoyed a visit this past week from his brother who resides at Harris, this state.
- N.H. Knudson has been hired by the Emmetsburg Creamery company for another year. He will receive $1,200 and will hire his own helper.
- E. Chadwick, Osgood’s successful buttermaker, was in Emmetsburg between trains Monday. Hehas been engaged in the business for fifteen years and has been at Osgood for six years. He is considered a very competent man.
- M.M. Maher has been busy during the past week preparing the buildings on his farm in Highland township for company. His brother-in-law, Edward McNally, will work the place during the coming year.
- A marriage license has been issued to Thomas P. Randa and Ida Knudson.
- A.O. Beck is able to be about again. He was laid up for several weeks with a lame foot.
- Miss Sadie McDonnel intends leaving for Chicago soon to take a course in the conservatory of music at that place. 
- Chester Bellman, of Quosqueton, who had been visiting his brother. W.F. Bellman, of this place, returned home Thursday.
- Clay Nason, of West Bend, has purchased the Felhauer saloon at Rodman. The latter will move to Canada where he owns land.
- N.H. Knudson won second prize in the state buttermaker contest and will receive the silver medal. He was beaten only a quarter of a point on the general average.
- Miss Winnie Stuehmer has resigned her position in the public schools because of declining health. Miss Olive Hayman has been chosen to succeed her. Miss Stuehmer’s many friends hope a much needed rest will restore her to health.
- Last week, Mrs. Lizzie Craig, of Laurens, was granted a divorce from her husband. The latter about a year ago, it will be remembered, eloped from his farm home with Miss Maggie Baker, a school teacher who was boarding at his place.
- J.J. Kane, of Emmetsburg township, was able to come to town Saturday for the first time in several weeks. He had been quite ill. John passed through the civil war and has spent 34 years in Palo Alto. It will take more than an ordinary attack of illness to conquer him.
- Martin Brennan, Jr., of Great Oak, was given 74 points by Prof. Atkinson on the sample of Reed’s Yellow Dent corn that he exhibited at Graettinger last week. This is within ten or twelve points of being as good as the best sample exhibited at the state contest at Ames last month. He secured the seed of P.H. Donlon.
- Chris Jensen, who had been very ill for some time with neuralgia, is able to be about again. His father, Thomas Jensen, feared he might lose his only son, so he secured a professional nurse. Chris capitulated and was soon on the road to recovery. The news of his improvement will be happily received by the many friends of the family.
- A recent issue of the Daily Register and Leader contained half toned cuts of the Cecilians of the Iowa State Normal school, consisting of a class of nineteen. In the group we noticed the familiar countenance of Miss Josie Dealy, of this city, whose ability as a vocalist is well known to our many citizens. She was quickly recognized after going to Cedar Falls.
- Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J.J. McDonald entertained about fifty of the citizens of the south side. Cards were enjoyed during the evening and an elegant lunch was served at midnight. P.H. Hand and Mrs. David Joynt were the prize winners of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have a commodious home and the manner in which they entertained their guests was a source of enjoyment and satisfaction to all present.

A Home Wedding.
At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Collins, of this city, last evening, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Mara, to Mr. Charles Thatcher, Rev. J.B. Walker, of the First M.E. Church, officiating. Only the members of the two families were present. After the interesting ceremony a delicious wedding supper was served. These young people have both grown to young manhood and womanhood in West Bend and are among the most popular of our young society people, and are both worthy of the best than can be said of true manhood and womanhood. He bride has been a successful teacher in the county schools for the past three our four years and is assuming the higher duties of wifehood she is fitted in every respect to do her share in building a model American home, the best on earth. The groom is the adopted son of J. Thatcher and a young man whom any woman may feel proud to call her husband; sober, industrious and energetic and possessed with a sufficiency of this world’s goods to start him to a successful future, nothing but unforeseen calamity can prevent the founding of a happy and prosperous house. They will begin housekeeping at once on the J.Thatcher farm which the groom will work the coming season. Together with their host of friends, the journal extends its heartiest wishes for their future happiness.—West Bend Journal

W.H. Metz Married.
Mr. W.H. Metz nad Miss Mary Waltersheidt were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Waltersheidt, of Watonga, Oklahoma. The bride is said to be a lady of fine attainments, her father being a large ranch owner. Mr. Metz left Emmetsburg two years ago and has since traveled through Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. He finally located at O’Keene, Oklahoma, where he owns a barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. Metz will, of course, make their future home at that place. The Democrat congratulates.

E.E. Shriner Sells Out.
E.E. Shriner has traded his mercantile and residence property at Rodman to E.G. Johnson, of Dixon, Illinois, for a large tract of land in Walnut township, which was formerly owned by George J. Consigny. Mr. Shriner is one of the enterprising, substantial merchants of our county and is a most exemplary citizen. He has been in Rodman for a long time. In fact he was there when there were very few but Shriner about the place. The Democrat has known him as a staunch friend and supports and hopes that he and his good wife will find it to their advantage to remain in Palo Alto where they have lived so long and where all who know them have only the highest regard for them..

Store Closed at Cylinder.
Yesterday the general store owned by P.G. Hauenstein at Cylinder was closed by his creditors on judgments confessed by him some time ago. He had been in business since July. The store was owned by F.H. Wells before he was elected recorder. 

The case of the State vs. T.B. O’Halloran, of Cedar Rapids, for shooting his wife last fall, the wounds, it will be remembered, not proving fatal, has been on trial at that place since last Wednesday and has attracted a great deal of attention though the Cedar Rapids paper do not contain and extended account of it. The attorneys began their arguments yesterday and it is though a verdict will be returned today or tomorrow. 
The county attorney is prosecuting and Cooper, Clements, & Lambe, aided by a Mr. Grim, of that city, are defending. The evidence of Mrs. O’Halloran and her sister, Miss Retta, was substantially the same as was reported in the daily newspapers immediately after the occurrence of the sad affair. This the defendant has not denied, but he makes the plea of temporary insanity and attempts to support his contention by evidence intended to show his wife’s infidelity and indiscretion, claiming that they unbalanced him and drove him to the act of desperation. Both Mr. and Mrs. O’Halloran have been on the witness stand. Perhaps 20 other witnesses testified in behalf of Mrs. O’Halloran and fully 30 were summoned by the defendant. Among the latter’s were six or seen from this city, whose names were mentioned in our last issue, and seven or eight from West Union, where the plaintiff and defendant lived for several years. Six or seven physicians took the stand to prove defendant’s temporary insanity. One of the medical witnesses lives in Des Moines and has lectured on the subject of insanity for fifteen years. Major Darrah, father of Mrs. O’Halloran, is in attendance, but none of the other members of her family except those mentioned have been present.
There are conflicting reports as to the sentiment of those who are familiar with most of the details of the case. It is reported that Mrs. O’Halloran and Mrs. Darrah were inclined to drop the matter, but that Mr. Darrah insisted on prosecuting to the bitter end. Mrs. O’Halloran is badly disfigured, one of her eyes having been wholly removed. She also looks thin and worried. Mr. O’Halloran is extremely nervous, being, of course, more or less worried as to the outcome. None of the Emmetsburg witnesses testified against the reputation of the plaintiff. Their evidence was intended to prove the temporary insanity of Mr. O’Halloran.


- The twelfth child (a girl) arrived in the home of Peter Elbert Wednesday. If President Roosevelt hears this he will not have anything to say against Whittemore.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle intend to leave soon for a visit with relatives in Missouri and Kansas.
- Mr. Voorhees, our new butcher, moved his family here Tuesday. He will live in the Esser home.
- Joe Baldwin has sold his pool hall and restaurant business to Art Miller who is already in possession.
- Miss Alvina Reimers, who has been visiting relatives at Bancroft and Fenton, returned home Friday.
- Will Frink, who has worked for John Wagner for four years, has taken a vacation and gone to visit his parents, who live at Postville.
- Eric Linden has furnished the rooms over John Meyer’s harness shop, elegantly and hereafter will be at home to his friends every evening. We hope to see Mrs. Linden there soon.
- Albert Jennet has purchased the Carroll & Wareham livery outfit and is in possession. Albert thinks the railroads charge too much fare and so bought the stock for his own convenience when he desires to make a thirteen mile drive.
- Nick Wagner has sold out his butcher business here to Mr. Voorhees, our present butcher and has agreed to stay our of the business during Mr. Voorhees time in Whittemore. Mr. Voorhies comes highly recommended and we are glad to welcome him to our town.

Were Discharged.
The Messrs. Brownlee, of Mallard, were arrested and brought to this city Thursday charged with shooting quail contrary to the Iowa game law. The case was tried before Justice Atkinson and vigorously prosecuted by Mr. Lincoln, the state game warden, assisted by deputy T.H. Taylor. It appears that the plaintiffs had purchased 20 quail January 1, the day the law went into effect. As this was but one day after they had the right to make the purchase, as and the fine if imposed, would have been $400, the jury decided not to convict. The defendants are said to be good citizens by those who know them.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Wednesday, February 10, 1904


- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. N. Martini, Jr., Wednesday.
- Mr. Canine has rented Riverdale farm from J.F. Neary for the coming year.
- Dr. W.L. Huston, of Marengo, father of Dr. Huston, of Ruthven, died a few days ago.
- Wm. Andres has moved his household goods to Terril. He has rented a farm at that place.
- Mrs. Brodigan, of Barnesville, Minnesota, and her son Patrick, of Sioux City, have been visiting relatives in this county during the past two weeks.
- Will Hinchon and Will Galbraith, of Algona, have formed a partnership for the practice of law. The former is a son of Editor J.W. Hinchon.
- Lawrence Murphy has sold his draying outfit to Henry Kane, who will move to this city March 1. Mr. Murphy will conduct the business until that time.
- D.H. Wait, Jr., was up from Humboldt during the past two weeks to see his mother, who has been quite ill. He is taking a commercial course at the Humboldt college.
- Miss Nellie Shadbolt leaves for Madison, Wisconsin, today to attend the “Junior Prom,’ to be given by the State university students Friday evening. This is to be a very swell ball. Loomis Shadbolt, of Sheboygan, a cousin of Miss Nellie, is one of the junior students of the university.


Mr. Banwart will Have a Saw Mill.
J.J. Banwart informs the Advance that he is contemplating starting a saw mill for the purpose of working into lumber some of the timber of this section. He claims that many of the varieties known as “soft” wood will make excellent building material.—West Bend Advance.


- E. Burt is thinking seriously of enlarging his green house. A small establishment can not be run with sufficient profit. There is a growing demand for plants and flowers. Mr. Burt is well qualified for this line of business.
- Mrs. P. Dooley will have a sale at their home five miles west of Emmetsburg Monday, February 22nd. She has rented her farm to George Schultz and will move to this city. She recently purchased Mrs. Ford’s residence in the southeast part of town.
- Mrs. Bert Snow, who lives on a ranch 25 miles north of Pierre, South Dakota, was in Emmetsburg Thursday, visiting Mrs. C.E. Reed. She went from here to Ayrshire where she will spend some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Steenson.
- Sigbert Nelson, a former resident of Fairfield township, died a few days ago at Callendar, Webster county. His remains were brought to Cylinder and interred in the Lutheran cemetery in Fairfield township Wednesday. He was highly respected by all who knew him as a Palo Alto citizen.
- E.E. Secor, of Forest City, one of the leading financiers of this section of Iowa, has been indicted by the grand jury of Clay county, Minnesota, for fraudulent banking. It is claimed that one of his branch banks in that county accepted deposits after he knew that it became insolvent.
- Peter Narey, of Spirit Lake, was in this city Friday on his way home from Sioux City where he had been on business. Mr. Narey has disposed of his ice business at Spirit Lake and will again take a hand in politics. He is the gentleman who has so often handled the cards and straws in senatorial conventions.
- A.H. Wait is on his way home from England where he has been for three years. He once lived on Myles McNally’s farm. Mrs. Wait died shortly after he returned to England. He will work for N.W. Thompson. He would rather live in America than in any country in Europe. He is the brother of D.H. Wait of this city.
- J.F. Angell and George Wilson will have a sale at the home of the former, on Mrs. Murray’s farm, in Great Oak township, Friday, February 19. Mr. Angell intends moving to Gary, Minnesota and Mr. Wilson will go to Oklahoma. The latter is still badly troubled with asthma.


- D.M. Wilcox had a phone placed in his residence.
- J.H. Godden has purchased a large gasoline engine for his marble works.
- West Bend will have a rural mail route March 1. J.N. Shellmyer will be the carrier.
- M. DeBolt was up from Rodman the last of the week. He has sold his restaurant at that place.
- Tuesday evening of this week the Slagle store at Estherville was damaged by fire. It was caused by a live electric light wire.
- A.R. Ruehle is now located in the C.E. Taylor blacksmith shop building on west Main street, where he will sell and repair bicycles.
- At the annual meeting of the city fire department held Wednesday evening, P. S. Brown was chosen chief, Art Thetle secretary and Robert Laughlin treasurer.
- Attorney John Jenswold, of Duluth, Minnesota, arrived in this city Friday evening to spend a few days with his parents and other relatives who reside near Depew.
- O.F. Hale, formerly of West Bend, has sold his Rolfe property and will move to Delta, Colorado. His daughter, Mrs. C.O. Ihmels, and children will also move to that state.
- James Nally has been quite ill with pneumonia for several days.
- Miss Alice Nolan has resigned her position in the Black Bros.’ Store.
- A marriage license has been issued to James A. Ainslie and Nellie B. Drew.
- Anthony Ruddy has gone to Ayrshire to take charge of the Lodes & Krieg saloon.
- Miss Bertha Aukema is home after an extended visit with relatives at Lemars and vicinity.
- Mr. Thomas Randa and Miss Ida Knudson were married at Cylinder Wednesday evening. The Democrat congratulates.
- Mrs. P.A. Black returned from Worthington, Minnesota, Friday where she had been visiting her mother for a short time.
- Wednesday evening John K. Martin had one of his feet broken while handling a horse. This will make him keep pretty quiet for a few weeks. However, he is never boisterous.
- A new boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Armstrong, of Rake.
- A new son is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Maguire of Ayrshire.
- A daughter is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackman. The Democrat congratulates.
- Mr. Muir has ordered a phone placed in his residence. Every citizen of Emmetsburg who can afford it should have a phone.
- James Manning of Allamakee county is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. P. Duffy, of Great Oak township.
- J.P. Mulroney has sold an interest in his fine store at Mallard to his brother Peter. The firm will be known as Mulroney Bros.
- R.J. Dooley has rented of Mrs. Connelly the bowling alley and lunch counter lately conducted by Mr. Baird. H has an ad in this issue soliciting the patronage of the public.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richardson of Fairfield township, were called to Anaconda, Montana, Thursday, by a telegram announcing the dangerous illness of their son Ralph.
- We understand that the last brother of the late A.J. Fay of this city is now very ill at Churdan and is not likely to recover. Five or six members of he family have died during the past ten years.
- Mrs. Mary A. Blair died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ostrander, of Fairfield township, Friday. The funeral was held Sunday. The services were conducted at the M.E. church at Cylinder and the interment was in Evergreen cemetery south of this city. She was 80 years of age.

Surprised Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moses.
Tuesday evening of last week proved a most enjoyable one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moses of this city. The occasion being the 25th anniversary of their marriage, they were surprised by a host of their friends, who called to offer congratulations in social amusements. They did not come empty handed, but brought valuable presents. Mr and Mrs. Moses will have reason to cherish fondly the pleasing memories of the happy event.
Vern Ellis Gets Five Months.
Vern Ellis, son of Dr. Ellis, who practiced in this city for several years, has been sentenced to the penitentiary for five months for breaking into a store at Iowa Falls during the fall. The young man opened a land office in this city last summer, occupying the rooms over the Reporter office. However, he did not do any business and he left town owing quite a number of bills. His actions while here were not altogether satisfactory to those who had an opportunity of observing his conduct closely. Still he did not do anything of a criminal nature.

T.B. O’Halloran Escapes with a Light Sentence.
After being out twenty-nine hours, the jury in the O’Halloran case compromised upon a verdict of assault with intent to do great bodily injury.
AS was explained exclusively in the Gazette yesterday, the court submitted six forms of verdict, under five of which the defendant might be found guilty in some degree. The most serious verdict would have been “assault with intent to commit murder; “ the next, “assault with intent to commit manslaughter;” the third, form “assault with intent to do great bodily injury,” and it was on this latter form that they reached an agreement.
After deliberating until about 4:30 yesterday afternoon the jury sumoned the bailiff and sent a note to Judge Preston asking if it would be proper for him to indicate to them what sentence he would impose under the verdict of assault with intent to do great bodily injury, or under assault and battery. The court replied that it would be improper for him to give any intimation of his probable action unless with the consent of attorney for the defense and the county attorney. All the attorneys were consulted and agreed that the jury could be so informed and the court then said that if the defendant were found guilty of assault with great bodily injury the sentence might be one year in the county jail or a fine of $500. If he was found guilty of simple assault the sentence might be thirty days in the county jail or a fine of $100. 
The jury then retired to deliberate further as to a verdict and finally agreed upon the one heretofore detailed. All sorts of rumors are in circulation as to how the jury stood during the 29 hours that it was out, but the jurors themselves declined to discuss the matter.—Cedar Rapids Gazette of Friday.



- Mr. Cheney has sold his ice business to Haas & Felder.
- A nice little girl ahs arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walsh.
- Wm. Kortie is accumulating quite a little personal property in preparing to move to Dakota where he will farm.
- Mrs. Wm. Genrich is here from Sioux City. Mr. Genrich’s application for a divorce comes up for hearing this week.

David DeShields is Dead.
Yesterday Colonel Ormsby received a letter from a friend in California announcing that David DeShields dropped dead at Hanford that state, Friday morning while eating his breakfast. Mr. DeShields was widely known in this section, having been one of the pioneer settlers of the county. He edited the Palo Alto Democrat about 1871, in company with James P. White, and he was for several years engaged in the mercantile business with T.H. Tobin. Later he was in the employ of the American Investment Company for fifteen years. He was also landlord of the Waverly hotel for a short time some six or seven years ago, soon after which he went to California and opened up a small store at Laton where Mr. and Mrs. Saunders live. He leaves a wife and one daughter. Mr. DeShields must have been a man of at least 65 summers. He was of French descent, though we believe he was born in this country. He was an intelligent, well informed gentleman and he was [of] strong convictions. He was in early days an ardent and outspoken democrat, but if we remember correctly, he joined the gold forces in 1896. He was a good citizen and was upright in his dealings with his fellow men.

Married at Ruthven This Morning.
Mr. Wm. E. Rupp and Miss Mary L. Lee were married at the Catholic church at Ruthven this morning, Father McCafferay officiating. The bride was attended by her friend, Miss Susan Currans, and the groom by Mr. John Currans. Mr. and Mrs. Rupp intend leaving for Dubuque on the afternoon train for a brief wedding trip. We have not learned where they intend making their future home. The bride is well known in this city. She is an exceptionally worthy young lady and all who know her entertain for her a regard founded on the real personal merit she possesses. The groom is from Dubuque, though he has lived in this community for a short time. Those who are acquainted with him speak well of him. The Democrat wishes the newly mated couple the many blessings that are invariably the rewards of exemplary and useful lives.

Goes to Penitentiary for Life.
E.S. Blydenburgh, of Eldora, was on Friday evening, convicted of the crime of murdering his wife, whom he married a short time before her death. He has been sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Another man not far from Eldora is under arrest for disposing of his wife by the use of chloroform. Hardin county has had more murders during the past years than any other county in northern Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 17, 1904


- Miss Maud Black has succeeded Miss Alice Nolan as clerk in Black Bros.’ Store.
- The old Pain farm of 113 acres near Algona has been sold to Stewart Green for $76.50 per acre.
- Martin Christenson, of Gilmore City, had part of his hand blown off by the accidental discharge of a shotgun a few days ago.
- Mrs. J.F. Keller arrived home from Charles City, Tuesday evening where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Upham, who resides near that place.
- A few nights ago Vern Ellis attempted to break jail at Eldora, but Blydenburg, the wife murderer, wanted company on his trip to the penitentiary so he squealed on him. Ellis had succeeded in removing a number of bricks from the wall of the jail before the alarm was given.


A Deadly Knot.
James Doyle, living in Colfax township, was taken violently ill Sunday afternoon which proved to be a knot of the bowels. A very short time of terrible pain terminated his life Tuesday forenoon at 11 o’clock. We have not heard any announcement for the funeral as yet.—Rolfe Reveille.

A Prosperous Season for Webb.
Considerably over a thousand dollars’ worth of fur bearing animals have been caught in the immediate vicinity of Webb this winter, principally muskrat and mink. W.P. Rogers has purchased over five hundred dollars’ worth in small lots, while those who trap on an extensive scale have shipped the pelts themselves.—Webb Record.

His Pump Exploded.
It is reported that George Gundelfinger, who lives near Dolliver, was badly injured by the explosion of a frozen pump which he was attempting to thaw out last Thursday. Reports say that he had taken the pump up and carrying it into the house laid it across the stove and the ice melting in the center caused steam to generate hence the explosion.—Estherville Enterprise.

The Way to Catch a Wolf.
Charley Armstrong caught another wolf in his trap Monday night. In fact he caught this one in two traps. He set traps, one on each side of a dead horse, and the wolf got in one by a front foot and then jumped over the horse and got its hind foot into the other so there was no escape for him. Mr. Armstrong brought him to Algona Tuesday and got $5 bounty from the auditor and then sent the hide to St. Paul where it brings $2.50. He has made $15 on his two wolves and is “laying” for more.—Algona Courier.

Miss Markin Injured.
Miss Lucy Markin met with an accident this morning that will lay her up for some time if it does not destroy her eyesight entirely. She was fixing up her brother Fred’s dinner to take to the timber with him and set a small pail full of coffee on the stove to heat. The cover fitted very tight and as she took the pail off the stove the steam confined blew the cover off and the boiling coffee over her face and neck burning her severely. Dr. Boody was called and dressed the burns but cannot yet tell how serious they really are.—West Bend Journal.


- Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Morris have commenced housekeeping in the Hardy residence in the third ward.
- W.W. Wait has suspended the publican of the Dolliver Herald and has gone to Ft. Dodge to accept a position on the daily Chronicle.
- P.F. McBride will have an auction sale on his farm in Highland township February 26. He has rented his place to Michael Kane, of Ayrshire, and will move to Emmetsburg.
- The Journal reports that A.B. Carter has again been chosen president of the West Bend Creamery association and Geo. W. Brown secretary. The directors are G.S. Wright, A.B. Carter, John VanLoh, F.M. Foley, Geo. Helmke and H. Eisler.
- Lowe Barkley, living in Booth, had the misfortune to break one of his legs just above the ankle last Saturday. He was working around the yard doing chores when he slipped on a small piece of ice, causing the fracture of his limb.—Ayrshire Chronicle.
- A.J. Jolliffe, of Ellington, has a cream separator and during the month of January he milked four cows and churned 133 ¼ pounds of butter. Aside from this Mr. and Mrs. Jolliffe used considerable milk and cream for their family of seven. At 20 cents per pound, this netted him $6.65 per cow for the month. He says his cattle are not highly bred.
- Mutual Insurance got a black eye last week. A vicious broncho kicked E.P. McEvoy in the knee and came near knocking him out. He feels real bad about it, and he had bought a ticket for the firemen’s ball and was trying to work the management so he and his wife would start the exercises with an Irish jig. He expects to be on deck again in a couple of weeks. 

Acetylene Gas Explosion at Ruthven
A serious accident occurred at the M.E. church on Saturday afternoon when Messrs. Whitfield, F.V. Richards, Wm. Laton and Chas. Henry and Harry Pease were working with the acetylene plant with which the building is lighted. They had uncovered the tank and in inspecting it a lighted lantern was held too close, resulting in an explosion, which knocked someof them down and burned them more or less. Those most seriously injured were Rev. Whitfield, H.C. and Chas. Pease and F.V. Richards who were more or less severely burned about the head and face. For a time it was feared that Rev. Whitfield would lose his eye sight. It is rumored that the lighting plant will be replaced by some other system of lighting but we have not as yet any definite information.


Editor Coughed Himself to Death.
Robert T. Junkin, part owner of the Fairfield Ledger and one of the most prominent editors in Iowa, coughed himself to death while in perfect health. Afer a hearty dinner, he lighted a cigar. In a few moments he was choked by smoke and went into a vehement coughing spell. He ruptured an artery in his lungs, and within a few minutes was dead. He was thirty-three years of age and a Spanish-American war veteran. He had been connected with three different papers and was a general favorite in the Iowa editorial field.

Imprisoned for Trading Wives.
Because they agreed to trade wives and actually carried out the death without going to the trouble to obtain a divorce, although taking the precaution to have a marriage ceremony, B.M. Faith and J.M. Welsh have just been sentenced to the state prison at Fort Madison for eighteen months at hard labor. Faith and Welch pleaded guilty to the district court at Council Bluffs to the charge of bigamy.

Stifer Found Guilty.
William E. Stifer was found guilty of murder in the first degree by the jury at Grundy Center where he was being tried. Stifer was accused of murdering his wife. They were members of a Dunkard community. His attorneys put up a suicide theory as a defense.

“Hetty Green of Iowa” Dies.
Reputed to be the richest woman in the entire state, Mrs. Amanda Bradley died at Centerville very suddenly Saturday afternoon. She leaves an estate estimated to be worth considerably over $500,000.


- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Sammin Wednesday.
- The $4,000 home of N.L. Norton was destroyed by fire a few days ago.
- J.F. Nolan, of Ruthven, spent Sunday with his uncle, Patrick Nolan, of this city.
- Miss Nellie Kelly was adjudged insane Wednesday and was taken to the Cherokee hospital for treatment.
- Thursday morning P.T. Ferguson, who lived across the Kossuth county line, dropped dead. He was widely known.
- Mrs. J.H. Godden arrived home from Mason City Friday where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Smith.
- C. Torgeson, who came to this county from Humboldt a year ago, has rented Mr. Lutgen’s farm in Nevada township for the coming year.
- Mrs. A.L. Furlong of Ruthven returned from Boston last week where she had been called to see her mother who was dangerously ill.
- C.J. Larsen, of Swea City, Kossuth county, suicided a few days ago by poisoning himself.
- Martin Knudson will work the Beckman & Schroeder farm in Freedom township during the coming season.
- Martin Enger, who has been living on the Johnson farm south of Mr. Sprout’s, has rented John Galliger’s farm east of town.
- Miss Anna Schmit, who had been visiting her brother, P.P. Schmit of Vernon for a short time, returned to Oelwein Wednesday.
- Sam G. Sloane has sold his Charles City Intelligencer to M.F. Bovard of Clinton. It is the oldest newspaper in Floyd county.
- The Ayrshire Chronicle reports that Adolph Kassel, of Silver Lake, is so low with consumption that little hopes are entertained for his recovery. He is a stepson of Art Franklin.
- The officers of the Aryshire Creamery have hired F.H. Shellman, of Curlew, for buttermaker for the coming year. He had charge of the Curlew creamery for several years.
- The Free Press reports that Supt. Anna Odland was quite ill at her home at Ruthven several days during the past week. Her sister, Mrs. Heldredge, of Milford, came to see her Wednesday.
- J.A. Spies is president of the Graettinger Telephone company and Preston Fahnestock is secretary. The directors are Lars Thoreson, Dr. Burdick, S.J. Guerdet, J.A. Spies and Jacob Weinkauf.
- F. Minger, of West Bend, has secured a patent on chimney tile.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Wenning, of Ellington, Saturday.
- We understand that Alex Dorweiler has traded his stock of merchandise at Whittemore for Minnesota land.
- W.J. McCarty was up from Curlew yesterday. He will occupy the Wm. Thompson residence after March 1st.
- Mrs. Holmes, of Independence, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alex Peddie and Mrs. H.W. Burnard.
- Clarence Darland has rented Mrs. Boatwick’s residence, having moved to this city from Eagle’s Grove a short time ago.
- Frank Brewer, formerly of this place, is selling out at Montgomery, Dickinson county and will move to Oklahoma.
- Corn brought 54 ½ cents per bushel at Mrs. John W. Brennan’s sale Monday. This, of course, is far above the market price.
- Mr. George Crook and Miss May Booth, of Rodman, are to be married at the M.E. parsonage at two o’clock this afternoon.
- Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hafner’s child, aged seven months, died from a severe attack of pneumonia. The funeral will take place today.
- M.W. Barnum is now in the employ of Stratemeyer Bros. Of Carroll. He left for that place last week accompanied by his niece, Miss Mabel Letson.
- Fred Deming, janitor of the Sheldon school house, was caught in the balance wheel of the ventilator engine Monday noon and had his skull crushed and his neck broken.

Mr. John Kervink and Miss Julia Dyvig, of this city, were married Monday afternoon at the home of the bride’s mother, Rev. L.O. Wigdahl, of Ruthven, officiating. Mr. Jens Rasmussen attended the groom and Miss Bertha Aukema the bride. The marriage was a very quiet affair, very few learning of it until some time after it had taken place. Mr. and Mrs. Kervink will make their future home in this city. Both are holding good positions in Mr. Knoblauch’s store and are among the very best young people in Emmetsburg. The Democrat wishes them a long and blissful wedded career.

Were Married Sunday Morning.
Mr. Charles Crammond and Miss Margaret Heidecker were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heidecker of this city, Sunday morning, Dr. Jackson, pastor of Trinity church, officiating. The newly mated couple left on Monday for Newton, Iowa, where they will make their future home. The bide is one of our city’s most charming young ladies and has a large circle of devoted friends. The groom is a music teacher and has resided at Newton for some time.The Democrat joins the many friends of the contracting parties in offering hearty greetings.

Mr. Grethen to Retire from Farming.
Peter Grethen, one of the leading farmers of Ellington, will have a sale Thursday, March 3. He has rented his farm to one of his sons but will continue to reside on it. Mr. Grethen is one of the pioneers of the south part of the county. He has been a hard and a ceaseless worker and he has richly earned he best he proposes to take.

Mrs. O’Halloran Secures a Divorce
Thursday Mrs. T.B. O’Halloran, of Cedar Rapids, was granted a divorce. By mutual agreement the four children are to be placed in a Catholic school where they will be properly cared for. Mrs. O’Halloran has not been granted any alimony or attorney’s fees. Mr. O’Halloran will doubtless pay his $500 fine.

Nettie George Dead.
Miss Nettie George, aged 18, died at Curlew Thursday. The funeral took place Friday. Services were held in the Christian church and the interment was in the Havelock cemetery. The deceased made her home with Mrs. Seagren of Curlew.



- Miss Lizzie Whalen returned to Chicago Saturday after spending the winter with her parents in this vicinity.
- A surprise party was tendered George Casey and his cousin, Miss Hines, of Masonville, last Saturday evening, in honor of their birthdays. The evening passed off very pleasantly and all had a good time.
- Mr. Thomas Conway and miss Nora Sullivan were married in this city at 8:00 o’clock Tuesday morning. They left for Clinton Tuesday evening on their wedding tour and on their return will reside at Estherville. Their many friends in this vicinity wish them much happiness.


- John Regan, who has been living near Curlew, wil lsoon move onto the P. Doyle farm in north Freedom.
- Thomas Galloway arrived in this city Saturday evening from Ottawa, Illinois, with two cars of stock and household goods. He will make his home on the farm vacated some time ago by Joseph Croker, who went from here to Colo.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 24, 1904


Mrs. Margaret Hossack is Dicharged from Custody After Once Being Convicted of the Murder of Her Husband.
Mrs. Margaret Hossack, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison for life for the murder of her husband Dec. 2, 1900, is a free woman. On motion of the state the case in rehearing was stricken from the docket at Winterset and the defendant discharged.
The crime for which Mrs. Hossack was given a life sentence at Anamosa is one of the most atrocious in criminal annals. Her husband, an aged man, was murdered with an axe as he lay sleeping. She aroused the household at 2 o’clock in the morning, claiming that some one had entered the house and struck the blow. A day later she was arrested at her husband’s grave, tried and sentenced for life. A new trial was granted and a disagreement resulted. A third trial resulted similarly and the state concluded it was a waste of funds to try the case.

Arrested for Blackmailing.
Thomas Fuller, a student of the college at Grinnell and a member of the football team, whose home is in Marshalltown, Ia., was arrested by United States Marshal George m. Christian on a charge of attempted blackmail or extortion by threats. Fuller wrote to Mr. H.M. Spaulding, manager and principal owner of the Spaulding Manufacturing company’s plant, threatening that unless $300 was sent to an address given at the Monroe hotel, the plant of the company would be burned. A package was made in which $15 was placed and left at the deck of the hotel as directed, but the package was secured by Fuller when the man who watched was in a toilet room. Evidence, however, was secured to warrant an arrest, which followed. Fuller made a complete confession when taken before a United States commissioner at Oskaloosa, by whom he was held to the federal grand jury.

Graves Indicted for Murder.
Charles W. Graves, under arrest at Des Moines charged with putting his wife to death and burning the body, was indicted last week for murder in the first degree. The remains of Mrs. Graves were found by her husband Dec. 18, 1903, locked in their home in East Des Moines. Evidence of threats expressed against his wife together with conflicting stories told by Graves regarding the finding of her body led to Graves’ arrest. A daughter of Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Winnie Reader, of the Grau Grand Opera company, arrived home a week after her mother’s body was found to spend the holidays and was first informed of the tragedy in her own home as she alighted from the train. She is the principal witness for the state against her stepfather.

Heir to Small Fortune.
Charles Rowans, unknown electrician, who has been doing odd jobs about the city jail at Des Moines for his board, received notice last week that there was a legacy of $20,000 awaiting him in the Bank of Syracuse, N.Y.. Accompanying the letter was a check for $664.30. The letter was from Rowan’s sister, who stated that a wealthy uncle had died, leaving each that sum.

Dead From Injuries.
Daniel Cregs, liverman at Dysart and a horse buyer well known throughout Central Iowa, was thrown from a buggy by a runaway team at Grundy Center and died without regaining consciousness. His wife and son, by the use of three teams, drove from Dysart to Grundy Center-thirty-five miles-in less than two and one-half hours, and reached him before he died.

Head to be Exhibited.
The body of John Lewis was exhumed at Fremont last week and the head taken to Sigourney to be used as an exhibit in the trial of Mrs. Belle Lewis, charged with the murder of her husband.


L.H. Sporan Goes to Terril.
L.H. Sporan has traded his building now occupied by Redfield & Son for a stock of merchandise in Terril. He will move the same to this city, we are informed.—Ruthven Appeal.

By Order of City Council.
Algona has an anti-spitting ordinance. Cards are up along the street which read as follows: No spitting, expectorating, hawking or noseblowing allowed inside the corporation. Swallow it. By order of the City Council.—Bailey’s Britt Tribune.

A Painful Accident at West Bend.
Little Hobart Walker, the two-year-old son of Rev. J.B. Walker, got the index finger of his right hand tangled up with the cogs of a clothes wringer last Monday and the result will be the loss of a part of the finger. Dr. Bishop dressed the wound and the little fellow is doing nicely.—Journal.

Editor Chrysler Retires.
Last week’s issue of the Lake Park News contained the announcement that A.B. Chrysler, the present editor, will on March 1st relinquish the management and editorship of that paper to his son, John Chrysler. The younger Chrysler has been employed in a Chicago paper house for several years past and his experience there will be of assistance to him in the management of the News.—Milford Mail.

Mrs. J.E. King’s Fruit Ranch.
After planting her trees on the Sunny Vale ranch in Santa Clara county, California, Mrs. E.J. King has returned to her home in Algona. Her son Harry went out with her and remains there. They planted 100 apple trees and numerous cherry and pear trees, besides English walnuts and almonds. The ranch is seven miles from San Jose, in the direction opposite from Mr. Doxsee’s ranch.—Algona Upper Des Moines Republican. [Note: J.E. King and E.J. King are transcribed as they were in article].


- Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Williams visited their son and daughter at Estherville last week.
- C.A. Smith, of Mason City, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Godden over Sunday. He is their nephew.
- James Tobin is connecting his residence with the local telephone exchange. Who will be the next applicant? Don’t all speak at once.
- The little child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Norland, of Independence township, died a few days ago. It was something over a year old. It died of scarlet fever.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin, who left Cylinder last summer, have returned and will live on a farm near that place. Mr. Austin kept a harness shop at Cylinder for some time.
- A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Moore, of Omaha, who has been visiting relatives. The occasion proved a most enjoyable one.
- Mr. and Mrs. Heidecker moved to Emmet county Wednesday where they will live on the Clay farm, which Mr. Heidecker recently purchased. They have been highly esteemed by our citizens and their departure will be generally regretted.


- John Gappa, of Fairfield township, will build a new residence during the coming summer.
- Mrs. P.S. Brown went to Jewell Junction Wednesday to visit her parents, who reside near that place.
- Mrs. John Conway visited during the past couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. King, of Estherville.
- Mr. Hemphill, Sr., is reported dangerously ill at his home at Milford. He formerly lived on a farm north of Ruthven.
- Mr. Moore, of Omaha, has been visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Slater. He is a cousin of Mrs. Slater.
- A few days ago, Mr. Godden, of Burt, aged 84, had his hand taken off by a sawing machine. He will recover from the effects of the injury.
- Ed Mashek, of Spillville, a brake man on the Milwaukee line, had one arm and a leg taken off by a freight train at Rock Valley Wednesday. He was also otherwise badly bruised and cut but he will recover.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chambers have moved to Rolfe.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Millea, of Vernon township, February 19th.
- Mr. Resh of Gilmore City has rented the old E.P. McEvoy farm for the ensuing year.
- Wm. Thompson, Sr., will move onto Blairgowrie March 1st. One of his sons has rented the farm.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of Algona recently celebrated the anniversary of their marriage.
- There has been a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aukema, of Osgood, since February 10th.
- C.E. King and family left for Goodland, Indiana, a few days ago where they intend residing in the future.
- Miss Moffitt, who had been visiting her niece, Mrs. S.D. Bickford, returned to Gilmore City Saturday morning.
- Mrs. Daniel Kane has been quite ill for several days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M.N. Nolan, but is some better.
- Thomas Clare, of Ayrshire, left this city Saturday morning for Rock Valley to look after his land interests in that locality.
- Miss Anna Donovan is having a phone placed in her father’s home.
- Father Costello, of Lohrville, visited his brother, Father Costello, of this city Monday.
- A marriage license has been issued to Hans Larsen and Anna Mary Hansen, of Emmet county.
- Will Sherlock, of Des Moines, has been visiting his parents and other relatives in this county.
- Monroe Johnson, the overseer of the Emmetsburg Telephone company, has rented the J.L. Martin residence southeast of the St. James hotel.
- Thos. Manning, who had been living on the Siegele farm east of town, moved yesterday onto the Eph Sell farm five miles northeast of this city.
- Ole Johnson, Johnson, who has been living on the old Tutt farm in Vernon, will move to Twelve Mile Lake township, Emmet county, where he has rented a farm.
- Robert Moses is so ill at his home at Excelsior Springs, Missouri, that no hopes what ever are entertained for his recovery. His son, A.C. Moses, of this city, is at his bedside.
- Miss Sadie McDonnell, who went to Spring Green, Wisconsin, Monday to attend the funeral of the late Wm. Derrig, willgo from there to Chicago to attendt he Chicago Conservatory of Music.
- Mrs. Brady, mother of T.J. Brady, who had been here since Friday visiting, left for her home at Tuscarawas, Ohio, Monday evening. She spent some time at Boone with her son John before his death.
- D.A. McConnell was down from Osgood Monday. He recently returned from northern New York where he had been called to attend the funeral of his mother. He found the snow very deep in that section.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Wells went to Cylinder Saturday evening to attend a birthday party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones in honor of their son, Earl, who has just attained his 21st year. There were a large number in attendance and all had, of course, a grand time.
- Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Brady arrived in this city from Boone Friday where they had been attending the funeral of Mr. Brady’s brother John. They spent the past two years in Montana and North Dakota. Mrs. Brady came to Emmetsburg before the holidays to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keeler, but T.J. remained at St. Paul, going from there to Boone. He had his arm broken during the summer while near Minot, North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Brady will probably remain in Emmetsburg during the remainder of the winter.

Death of Mrs. David H. Wait.
Mrs. David Wait died at her home in this city last Wednesday at 11 a.m. She was taken with heart trouble about five weeks ago. Later pleurisy set in, but the attending physician removed some water from her right lung, which relieved her . She felt pretty well until shortly before her death when she took a sudden change for thew worse and soon after passed away. The funeral was held Friday. Services were held at the Congregational church and the interment was in Evergreen cemetery. There was quite a large procession. The pall bearers were John Ketchen, Robert Ketchen, Thomas Young, William Young, Alexander Gowans, and George Frederick.
Helen Usher was born at Lander, Berwickshire, Scotland, February 19, 1843. Her early life was spent in her native country. February 23, 1871, she became the wife of David H. Wait. Mr. and Mrs. Wait came to America in 1882 and settled on a farm in Independence township. They were frugal and thrifty and prospered. A couple of years ago they moved to Emmetsburg and built a neat home in the northeast part of town, but, as is often the case, when the time comes for the growing old to seek the comforts of retirement for a few years, death enters to disturb the peaceful scene. Three sons and three daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wait. The sons are Alexander, John, and David. The surviving daughters are Miss Helen and Mrs. V.H. Clark. One daughter died in Scotland. Owing to the rather suddenness of her departure, none of the sons were present when Mrs. Wait passed away, though all were on hand to attend the funeral.
The community in which the deceased lived so long knew no more worthy wife and mother than Mrs. Wait. She was ever the same generous, open-minded, out-spoken woman whom the settlers of 22 years ago had learned to respect. She was distinctly a home woman. Her highest aim was to minister to those who most needed her loving, helpful care and attention. She was a typical Scotch lady and she was ever ready to extend a word of cheer and hope to those who mingled with her in life’s trying duties. She was an earnest, devoted Christian lady, preferring worthy deeds to formalities. The influence of such a woman will wherever felt make a lasting impression on the lives of those about her and inspire them to deeds of honor and righteousness. The profound sympathy of the Democrat is extended to the bereft husband and other members of this most worthy family.

John Brady Dies at Boone.
John Brady, who resided in this city seven years but who left here a couple of years ago, died at Boone, February 4, of cattarh of the stomach. His remains were laid to rest at that place. He was married in this city in February, 1900, to Miss Jennie Phillips, who still survives him. There are two small children, a boy and a girl. The deceased was 30 years of age. He spent most of the past two years at Boone. He was a quiet, well-behaved gentleman, and a good citizen. He had many friends in this section who sincerely regret his death.

William Derrig is Dead.
After an illness of some duration, Mr. William Derrig died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sara McDonnell, of this city, Saturday evening. He had not been strong for a year or more, though he retained unimpaired his mental facilities until the last, notwithstanding the fact that he was 84 years of age. His remains were taken to Spring Green, Wisconsin, Monday evening for interment. Services were conducted at St. Patrick’s church at Loretto, a short distance from Spring Green, Tuesday, after which the burial took place in the parochial cemetery. Mrs. McDonnell and Miss Sadie attended the funeral.
The deceased was a native of Kelogue, Mayo county, Ireland. In 1847 he came to the United States and located at Carbondale, Pennsylvania, where he was married January 2, 1852, to Bridget Ryan. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where they lived for four years., when they moved to Sauk county, subsequently living on a farm near Spring Green. Seven years ago last October Mrs. Derrig died an in September, 1899, Mr. Derrig came to this city to spend his remaining years with his daughter, Mrs. McDonnell. There are four sons and two daughters living. John lives in Idaho. Matthew lives at Rosebud, South Dakota, William in Oregon and Charles at the old home in Wisconsin. Besides Mrs. McDonnell, there is one other sister, Mrs. Fargen, who resides near Flandreau, South Dakota.
The deceased was a quiet, unassuming, and most exemplary old Irish gentleman. His long and eventful career was spent in the performance of the duties of the worthy son, the devoted husband, the provident parent, the charitable, upright Christian citizen. The lives of his sons and daughters bear unmistakable evidence of that attention, care, and zeal which only the worthy and painstaking parent can exercise. The memory of the life and deeds of him who has just passed away will be long and tenderly cherished by the surviving members of the family as well as by all others who has an opportunity of profiting by his well spent life.

Married Tuesday of Last Week.
Mr. Michael W. Callaghan, of Highland township was married at Morrison, South Dakota, Tuesday of last week to Miss Mamie Callaghan, of that place. Full particulars have not been learned. Mr. and Mrs. Callaghan arrived in Ruthven during the last of the week and are housekeeping on his fine farm northeast of that place. The groom built a very fine residence during the past year, doubtless in anticipation of the prudent step he has taken. He is a thrifty and most respected gentleman and one of our county’s best citizens. The Democrat wishes him and his bonny bride health and happiness.


- Mrs. Linhoff, of Mason City, has been acquitted. The trial of the case occupied 23 days. Her shooting of Mr. Bromlee has never been denied, though the circumstances are said to have been exasperating. In the first trial she was convicted and was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. She appealed to the supreme court and was granted a new trial. Local sentiment at Mason City seems to be greatly divided as to whether she should have been convicted.
- J.D. Merris, of Booth township, has moved to Rutland, Humboldt county, where he purchased a farm some time ago. He has farmed in Booth for 21 years and has done well. He is a splendid citizen and his friends and neighbors will regret to lose him and his good family. The Democrat wishes him prosperity in his new home.
- E.E. Shriner was up from Rodman Saturday. He had some local business in town. He informs us that he still owns his residence, a ten acre tract, and several lots around town. He traded off only his store building, lot and goods. If he finds a suitable opening, he may engage in business again at some other point. Mrs. Shriner has fully recovered from her recent severe illness.

Thomas Beacon Gets a Boost.
Ten days ago Thomas Beacon was appointed trainmaster of the Rock Island road with headquarters at Des Moines and a few days later he was appointed superintendent of the Oklahoma division. He was for several years freight conductor on the local division of the Milwaukee road. It will be remembered that he married Miss Nora Powers, a sister of Mrs. James Flood, of West Bend. His many friends in this section will be pleased to learn of his rapid promotion.



- Lars Larson and W.C. Foster left here last week with a carload of horses and household furniture. Mr. Larson went to Story county where he will manage his father’s farm and Mr. Foster went to Boone county.
- D.E. Collins is able to be about again after suffering an attack from his old enemy, his rheumatism.
- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Baumgartner, Monday, February 22nd, a son. Emil now wears the smile that won’t come off.


- Miss Bessie Underwood returned from Cylinder Saturday evening where she had been teaching. She will spend her vacation at her home in this city.
- Mrs. Joynt, of Emmetsburg, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Slagle, of this place.


- Our marshal, Wm. Kortie, has been on the sick list this past week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shore are the proud parents of a nice baby boy.
- John Ahuemann, who was taken to Cherokee some time ago, is expected home this week.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Emmetsburg, attended Mr. Farrel’s funeral here Sunday.
- J.H. Meyer is enjoying a visit from a brother who resides in DeKalb county, Illinois.
- Mr. Farrel, whose home was at Fairfax, died Friday and was brought here for burial Sunday.
- Mamie Frombach, of Algona, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Spilles, returned home Saturday.
- Mrs. Finnell was called to Manahaska, Minnesota, Thursday, by the serious illness of her sister’s little girl.
- Miss Ella Burke returned from Emmetsburg Saturday where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Ryan.
- Mrs. Shimp and family intend moving to Peabody, Kansas, about March 1st, where Mrs. Shimp has a brother residing.

Submitted by: C.M.L.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County