Iowa Old Press

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Jan. 29, 1897

Death of John McCoy
    Mr. McCoy, one of the old and respected residents of this county died at his home in Great Oak township, a few miles south of this city, Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock. For a number of years he has been ailing with rheumatism and some spinal trouble and for the last year he has been confined to his bed. The deceased was born in Limerick, Ireland, March 6, 1839, and was 57 years old and ten months at the time of his decease. At the age of six years he came with his parents and settled in the central part of the state of New York. Here he grew to manhood and in the early sixties when his country called her sons to fight her battles, he enlisted in the 147 New York infantry, and for 14 months saw active service. While at the front he was taken with the typhoid fever, and was sent north to recuperate and subsequently received his discharge. After the war he and family lived for a short time in the state of Michigan, but in 1867, he came to Palo Alto county and settled on what he called his old homestead in the western part of Great Oak township. About nine years ago he disposed of this and bought the place where he resided at the time of his death. Mr. McCoy was married at Oswego, N.Y., to Miss Ann Devine, and to them has been born four sons and five daughters all of whom with the exceptions of Mrs. P.F. O'Brien who resides in this city, were at home.
    Mr. McCoy was an honest, industrious man and ever sought to deal uprightly with his fellow men. He was highly respected and his death was deeply regretted by all who knew him. His wife and children have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. The funeral will take place from Assumption church this morning (Friday) at 10:30 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. J.J. Smith.



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Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County