Iowa Old Press

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, Dec. 28, 1894

Died at her home in Emmetsburg Thursday, Dec. 20, 1894 at 10 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Joanna Collins, aged 80 years and 4 months.
     Mrs. Collins' maiden name was Donohoe and she was born in Ireland in Aug., 1814. At the early age of ten years she moved with her parents, to Victoria county, Province of Ontario, Canada. Here she was married to Mr. Collins, in the year 1832. In 1865 they concluded to make the United States their future home, and moved from Canada to Winnesheik county, Iowa.
    In 1874 they again concluded to push farther west and chose Silver Lake township, this county, as their future residence. Here Mr. Collins died, in 1878, at the age of 72. Sometime subsequent to his death Mrs. Collins moved to this city, where she continued to reside until Death called her hence.
    She had a sunny disposition and was a favorite with the young, who came to her with their trials and troubles, and went away happier with her motherly advice and counsel. Here home was ever open to them and all felt that they were always welcome there.
    Mrs. Collins was sick but a short time having been taken with a severe cold the Friday previous to her demise, that developed into pneumonia, which soon carried her away. She was conscious to the last, recognizing all around her and fully realized that her life's journey would soon be at an end.
    She was a firm believer in the Catholic religion, and died confident of the saving grace of her blessed Master. Throughout her life she was broad and charitable in her religious views and freely granted to others the right to choose their own religious faith.
     The funeral services took place from the Catholic church, Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Father Smith officiating, and the body laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery.
    Mrs. Collins was the mother of thirteen children, nine of whom survived her. The near relatives who attended the funeral obsequies were T.D. Collins, John Collins, J.M. Collins, Mrs. Kate Lehane, Miss Lizzie Collins, J.T. Lehane, W.C. Lehane, and D.E. Collins.

    Misses Myrtle and Hattie McCune took the Monday morning train for a couple weeks' visit with their sister, in LaCrosse.
    Mrs. Harvey, of Humboldt, came up, Monday, to eat Christmas dinner with her daughter, Mrs. W.W. Barber.

    Last Friday evening about forty-five of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Una White gathered at their home and those present were convinced they were thoroughly surprised. After a bountiful supper Mr. Biglow presented Mr. White with a fur coat and mittens, which the friends gave as a token of rememberance. About one o'clock the company left, all feeling well pleased in spending the evening so pleasantly. Mr. White has sold his farm to Mr. Biglow, and has not decided about remaining in this neighborhood.
    Mrs. King and son of Fayette Co. are visiting with Sumner and Orlando Rogers-the lady's brothers.
    Geo. Larsen, of Ruthven, teacher of No. 6, will have a week's vacation in which to visit his parents and friends.
    The schools taught by John Ketchen and Mr. Lowe closed last Friday. Such short terms, commencing so early, do not give the larger boys and girls much chance to attend school.
    Mr. Multz has taken Greely's advice "Go west, young man." We do not know how long he will continue to drive west.

    Stray farmers are still husking corn.
    Helland & Jensvold are drilling a well for John G. Jensvold.
    Fred Sundermyer spent Sunday at home. He teaches in the northeastern school in the county, and reports the people in that vicinity all waiting patiently for winter.
    John G. Jensvold started for Wisconsin, Thursday. He will be accompanied from Independence by his brother, who has been recovering from a severe attack of brain fever.
    Martin Hansen recently traded a team of horses for a span of mules. He has tried his mules everywhere and is well pleased with the trade.

Notice of the Appointment of Executor.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.
    Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as executor of the estate of Caroline F. Labar, late of Palo Alto county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment of the undersigned and those having claims against said estate will file them with the clerk of the district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated for allowance.
    Executor of said estate.

State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.:
Issued November 1, A.D., 1894
In district court.
To all whom theses presents shall come greeting:
    Know ye that W.J. Bowden has been appointed by the district court of said county administrator of the goods, chattels and estate of Alice E. Bowden, last of Palo Alto county, deceased, with full power and authority to take possession of the same in whose hands soever they may be found, and in general to do all other acts in the premises and fully to discharge every duty required of him as administrator aforesaid, as the law shall or may direct.
    Witness my hand and the seat of the court aforesaid, this 1st day of November, A.D., 1904.
    C E CLARK, Clerk of said court.

Original Notice.
    To P.J. Ringler, Henry Gerbracht and Jacob Harti:
    You and each of you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the district court of the state of Iowa within and for Palo Alto county, the petition of J.L. Martin, claiming of the defendants of P.J. Ringler and Henry Gerbracht the sum of seventy-five dollars, with interest, costs and attorney's fees, for lumber and building material purchased by defendants from plaintiff for the construction of a frame barn on lot four, block four of the town of South Mallard, Palo Alto county, Iowa, and asking that plaintiff's mechanic's lien be established against you and each of you and the building for which said material was furnished be ordered sold with the privilege to the purchaser to remove said property from the lot within a reasonable time.
    And that unless you appear thereto and defend on or before noon of the second day of the regular February term, 1895, to be begun and holden on the 11th day of February, 1895, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.

Sheriff's Sale.
    Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a special execution directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Palo Alto county, Iowa, on a judgment obtained in said court on the 13th day of November A.D. 1894, in favor of Geo. F. Wells as plaintiff and against Aaron Roman as defendant, for the sum of ninety-nine and 11 100th ($99 11) dollars debt, and costs taxed at twenty and 30 100th dollars and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following property as the property of said defendant, to wit:
    Four heifer calves, three bull calves, two hundred and fifty nine bushels of oats, about eight hundred bushels of corn, one stack of straw, one hay rack, and about forty-five acres of corn stalks.
    And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, in hand, on the 17th day of December, A.D., 1894, at the farm of Aaron Roman on section 19, Fairfield township, Palo Alto county, Iowa, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. of said day, sale to commence at the hour of one o'clock p.m. of said day, or sufficient thereof to satisfy said debt with interest and costs.
    Dated, Emmetsburg, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1894.
    J.W. HANSON,
Sheriff of Palo Alto County, Iowa.


Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County