Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto County, Iowa
Friday, 26 Feb 1892

Nelson BOWEN has built him a new house, just south of the Baptist curch
[sic], and will move into it the first of the week.

HUNDERSON [May be HENDERSON] Bros. have sold their meat market to T. PATON,
and will give possession on the 1st of March.

FITZGERALD had an auction sale on the 23rd and they had a lively time. They
had about two gallons of poor whiskey and about all got drunk.

The Methodist people are having a series of meetings at their church with
fair sucess [sic]

Mr. HENRY has been up north and bought a large lot of lumber to fill up his
yard with.

Since February 15, the average temperature has been 22 above zero.

Mrs. Nellie THOMAS will keep house for her brother, S.J. HUBBARD, this

Walter LIGHT is at Okoboji getting his boats ready for the summer.

The Star creamery receives about 3,900 pounds of milk for each churning.
They run three days a week.

C.E. SMITH has gone to Poweshick [sic] county to visit his mother, who is
quite sick.

Married, at the residence of Wm. WUNN, Saturday evening, February 20, by
T.H. JACKSON, J.P., Mr. Chas. GRAVES, of Spencer, and Miss Mary PEASE of

Miss Lillie TREADGOLD is visiting at Eagle Grove.

J.R. CLARK and wife are now at San Jose, California.

Mrs. W.S. BEALS has been quite seriously ill with the quinsy.

Wm. DICK-PEDDIE and family have moved into the BURLINGAME residence, in
Carl's addition.

L.A. RUFINOT has been in Minnesota and Dakota, this week, looking up wheat
for the Model Mills.

Homer CUMMINS is down to Eagle Grove, this week, and the boys and girls say
he has gone to take the Keely cure.

H.C. SHADBOLT and H.J. WILSON attended a shooting tournament at Oskaloosa,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Messrs. H. HOAGLAND and M. BROWN of Emmetsburg were in Algona Wednesday
looking over the new safe of the Algona State Bank. They intend to get a
safe for their bank at Ruthven and we hear, were very well pleased with the
one they saw there.

Louis VOGEL is confined to the house with lung trouble.

The Chautauqua Circle meets Tuesday evening, March 1st, with Mrs. E.B.

A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McNALLY died on Wednesday. She was
about 15 months old.

Two young men and two ladies hoofed it through the road to Blairgowrie, last
Sunday. It has not been reported whether it was a pleasure or business trip.

Graettinger town property is advancing at a wonderfully rapid rate. Lots
that could have been bought six months ago for $30 to $50 are now worth $150
to $200.

W.J. BROWN has been having excellent success in selling lots in his addition
to Emmetsburg, south of the packing house. He has now laid out plans for his
second addition, 80 acres in all, and is finding purchasers all the time.

DIED. At the home of B.C. TAYLOR, Thursday, February 18, from paralysis,
Mrs. Anna ALBERTSON, aged 75(??) years and nine months. The deceased leaves
one daughter, Mrs. B.C. TAYLOR of this city, and one son of Illinois to
mourn her loss.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County