Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 2, 1885.

-- A terrible murder of a woman and child is reported as being perpetrated in a farmhouse a few days ago about 14 miles south of Manchester. It seems that Mr. Williams and his nephew, a boy named Marion, left the farmhouse and went to Green’s mill, on the Buffalo. After transacting their business they both returned home, passing a tramp about a mile from the house. When in sight of his home Mr. Williams saw it was on fire in the upper story. Putting the whip to the horses he reached the place in a very few minutes and at once entered the house, making the horrible discovery that during his absence his wife and baby had been murdered. Their bodies were on the first floor, that of the wife being locked in one room and the child in another. Accounts differ as to how the woman and child were killed, some saying they were burned to death, but this is hardly probable as there was no fire in the first story when the bodies were found. Another account and which seems most probable, is that whoever committed the awful deed, clubbed the unfortunates to death and then set fire to the house in hopes of hiding the crime. There is scarcely a doubt that the tramp who Mr. Williams met is the one who committed the murder, for he had just about time to get where he was when met before the fire could show itself as it did when Mr. Williams got within sight of it. Who the tramp was and where he is now will perhaps never be known, and this will add to the long list of mysterious murders. The house is situated in a lonesome place in Linn County, the nearest point of communication being Prairiesburg, and from there only by telephone.

An Eminent Catholic Priest of Iowa Ends a Long Career of Usefulness

Father John Francis Brazill, a distinguished Catholic priest of Des Moines, and well-known throughout the Northwest, died in that city on the morning of August 25, after a brief illness. A few days before his death he was taken violently ill after eating heartily of muskmelon, an inflammation of the bowels set in. The rheumatic troubles experienced before, combined with the steady over work to which he had always subjected himself, left the system but illy prepared to resist the ravages of the disease. The inflammation spread steadily, until it involved all the vital organs. His last words were: "the best of friends must part."

Reverend John Francis Brazill was born June 24, 1827 in County Clare, Quinn Parish, Ireland. The rudiments of his education were obtained in his native country, which he left at the age of 18 years for America. He first took up his residence at Kingston, Canada, leaving that place for Montréal, where he attended the Suplican college. He completed his theological studies in this institution, and at the age of 24 was ordained at Wheeling, West Virginia. For one year he held the responsible position of Vicar-General for the diocese of Western Virginia, attracting the attention of his supervisors even at that early age by the ability and energy he displayed in the conduct of that responsible office. At the close of the term of this office father Brazill removed to Iowa, which was then all included under the title of the diocese of Dubuque. The first two years were spent in Bellevue, Jackson County, where he officiated as Vicar General under Bishop Smith, again evidencing that force of character and administrative ability which were so characteristic of the man. In 1861 he went to Des Moines, where he has made his home ever since, with the exception of a brief absence in Dubuque in 1863, where he officiated as bishop of the diocese during the absence of Bishop Smith in Europe. During the years of his pastorate over St. Ambrose Church he has also performed the duties of Vicar General, entailing, prior to the late division of the diocese, all the heavy responsibilities of a bishop.

-- W. A. Weaver, our popular stationer, was in Grundy Center last week visiting with his aunt.
-- During the past week quite a change has taken place in the management of the Waverly Hotel. What the trouble was between Mr. Rowse and his morrtgagee is none of our business and we neither know or care to know, anything about it as it is a private business matter and not an affair for outsiders to quiz about. The tide in the affairs of business however, has as before stated, caused the change of managers in the Waverly, and henceforth it will be under the control of the trustees of the Palo Alto Banking and Investment company. The company has engaged as their manager, Mr. J. R. Clarke of Evanston Indiana, a man of much hotel experience, who will do his utmost to keep the Waverly not alone up to its former good style, but to exceed its record if possible. The managers propose to give the hotel their strict attention and hereafter to make it the leading hotel of the North West.
-- Willie McNally, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McNally, has been quite ill for the past few days.
-- C. E. Cohoon is now the owner of one of the finest dwellings in Emmetsburg, having recently purchased the one formerly owned by Nick Koch. C. E. is one of our most enterprising citizens.
-- Married: in Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Tuesday, September 1st, 1885, by Rev. J. J. Smith, Mr. James White and Miss Marcela Lowery; both of this place.
-- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Potts received a telegram on last Friday to the effect that their daughter, Mrs. Charles Higley, who had been residing in Spencer for some time, was dangerously ill. Just as the family were about to take their departure to Spencer in response to the telegram, they received another telegram announcing their daughter's death. The funeral took place here Saturday.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 9, 1885

-- Jasper Woodcock, aged about 18, was thrown off and run over by the Knoxville freight in the yard, at Knoxville and instantly killed.
-- A Sunday school for Chinamen was formed at Dubuque August 30 at the M. E. Church, by Reverend Dr. Ames, the pastor, Mrs. J.B. Powers and Mrs. D. N.Cooly. Eight Chinamen joined the class, all laundrymen of that city. The first lesson was read from the Bible in parallel columns, printed in Chinese and English letters. The leader, who was a Chinaman, made the translation.

-- Henry Guerdet, of Dubuque, is visiting with his brother, Stephen J. Guerdet, for a few days.
-- Mrs. Thomas Egan, of Great Oak, was afflicted on Monday with what is termed a stroke of paralysis. At one time her life was despaired of but at present writing she's improving.
-- Mrs. J. H. Hinkley and children returned from their extended visit with relatives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on last Thursday evening. Mr. Hinkley will return home within a few days.
-- Married -- at the home of the bride's parents in this city, on Tuesday September 8, 1885, by Rev. G. M. Mueller, Dr. H. A. Powers and Miss Anna Roberts, both of Emmetsburg. Immediately after the marriage ceremony was performed the happy couple took their departure to Des Moines where they will visit the state fair.
-- A. J. Powers is enjoying a visit from his brother who resides at Mount Vernon, Iowa
-- A. J. Powers has leased the house owned and recently occupied by C. E. Cohoon, and W. A. Robins takes possession of the Steven's house just vacated by Mr. Powers. We are informed that Mr. Ballou will move into the house made vacant by the change of location of Mr. Robins, but on account of a sudden interruption to our eves dropper, he failed to learn who takes possession of the place vacated by Mr. Ballou.
-- W. A. Stevens having disposed of his property here, has gone to Minneapolis to make that place his home here after.
-- we gladly note the good success with which the St. James Hotel is meeting lately. Since Mr. VanGorden took control of that house it has ever been a popular place, both for transient custom and commercial men and it would seem, from the way it is being patronized that it grows more popular every day


    In this city September 3, 1885, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Kendall, Mrs. Sarrah A. Mesic, aged 62 years. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church on Friday at 2:00 p.m. and conducted by the pastor, Reverend O. P. Champlin.
    Mrs. Mesic was born in Minden, Herkimer county, N.Y., in 1823. She was married in 1847, and came to Wisconsin in 1855, and to Iowa in 1881 to live with her son Charles. For several years she had been in poor health; and in the spring of 1884 she had an attack of pneumonia from which she never fully recovered. For nearly a year she had been confined to the house, and for most of the time up to her death was a great sufferer. She fell asleep in Jesus early on Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Kendall in this city where she had been living the past few months. Her disease was consumption. Her pastor, Reverend O. P. Champlin, discoursed from Acts 7:55, 56, on "the reality and nearness of the spirit world". She leaves one son and daughter to mourn her loss. Her only other child, a son, died in 1861. Aside from her friends here she leaves an only brother in Michigan, and two sisters, one of whom was with her a long time in her last sickness in Wisconsin.
    Mrs. Mesic leaves many friends both in and out of her church communion. She longed for the worship of God, and especially for one more season of communion in the church. She greatly enjoyed the pastoral visits of her pastor, and, also, of the M. E. minister who occasionally called to see her.
We feel that she has entered into the joy of her Lord and behold the glory which he prayed the father his disciples might see. Death came to her as the night comes to the weary child who is so tired it asked if not for food, or toy, or play; but that it may lie down and sleep. Pastor.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 16, 1885

-- Michael McEvoy, of Walnut, left on last Thursday evening for Lassen County, California. Mr. McEvoy has been suffering for several months with dyspepsia and goes to California with the hopes of regaining his health.
-- Cards are out announcing the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. Occurrences of this kind are so rare, that it is with pleasure we note becoming happy event, and hope that this hale old couple may live to celebrate their diamond wedding with the prosperity and good health they now enjoy.
-- Edwin Andersen received the appointment of postmaster at Ruthven a few days ago. Anderson has only resided in this county a little over a year, has always been a Republican, and has very strong inclinations in that direction yet. If he was a "mugwump" we would not be surprised at the appointment. Steps are now being taken to have his commission revoked.
-- Father Smith informs us that the contract to furnish the new church with 154 pews, has been let to Messrs. Foulke and Co., of Chicago, for $1242. The pews will be magnificent ones, the seats and ends consisting of black walnut and the backs of ash. They will also furnish the altar rail which will cost in the aggregate nearly $150.
-- "Peck’s Bad Boy" At Music Hall this (Tuesday) evening: go see him play his antics on his pa and the grocery man.
-- Sheriff Whelan, of Estherville, passed through this city on Friday morning on his way to Independence with a man by the name of Peter Rels who was adjudged insane by the commissioners of insanity, of Emmet County.
-- Will Higley left last Sunday for Memphis, Tennessee, to accept a position in a lumber yard in which his brother E. H. is interested. His brother with wife and family have been visiting here for some few weeks past but expect to return to their home in Tennessee today.
-- Mrs. William Gallagher's residence in Freedom Township was totally destroyed by fire on Monday. How the fire originated is not known what it is supposed that during the absence of Mrs. Gallagher the outer door of the dwelling blew open striking a shelf on which there was a box of matches, and then falling on the floor ignited.
-- A gentleman by the name of Priest with his wife was looking over town the fore part of last week with the view of settling here permanently. Mr. Priest hails from Davenport and we understand rented Mr. Cohoon's house now occupied by Mr. Horton and has also leased the up stairs over Mr. Fitzgerald's new drugstore to be occupied by his daughter as a millinery and dressmaking shop. He will arrive with his family about October 1, when he will probably buy some farmland and city property.
-- Whilst in the jewelry store of C. A. Smith Monday last week, we were shown some of the prettiest line of jewelry it has been our pleasure to gaze upon in some time. His ladies gold watches are unique in design, excellent and manufacture, and we think it's as fine a lot of watches as was ever brought to Emmetsburg. In clocks, he has large ones, small ones, odd ones, old ones, handsome ones, plain ones, ancient and new ones. Just as we were to take our departure, the clocks began to strike, and Mr. Smith to say something at the same time, but for the life of us we could not tell whether he said, I warrant all the goods I sell, or Whiting will be elected sure as h___sheol.
-- Last week some hunters from Chicago were hunting down in Silver Lake Township, and in some manner lost a valuable bird dog. The dog came to the house of John Hand and he seeing no signs about it, that he thought would indicate usefulness, drove it away, and would not allow it on his plantation. Seeing an advertisement in the Democrat tossing offering a reward of $10 for the dog, Mr. Hand changed his mind as to the qualities of the stray and brought him to town Saturday and received the $10 reward. We merely mentioned this to show what an advertisement of five lines will do.

The report having been circulated to some extent, that I am not a candidate for county treasurer, I desire to state that such report is incorrect. True, I have not canvassed the county for delegates or will I, but shall come before the convention next Saturday, on my merits as a man, and if it is the pleasure of the convention to tender me the nomination in this manner, I will accept, and if elected, serve to the best of my ability. I have been a resident of this county before the county was organized, and at this stage have no desire to secure a nomination through political tricks or jobbery.
Respectfully yours,
Charles McCormick

September 5, 1885, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathers.
How we miss thee darling Nellie,
Now our hearts are full of pain;
How we listen for thy footsteps
We shall never hear again.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 23, 1885

-- While hunting prairie chickens near Bart, Kossuth county, Enos W. Butterick was shot through the heart by the accidental discharge of a gun and instantly killed
-- The jury in the case of the state of Iowa versus Lilly Campbell for the shooting of T. M. Giles at Bedford, rendered a verdict of not guilty. The jury was out 10 minutes. There is great rejoicing over the verdict. The testimony showed Giles’ conduct toward her head bent of the most brutal character, that he was laying violent hands on her at the moment she shot him. No suspicion now rests upon her father as having been accessory to the shooting.
-- A serious case of poisoning occurred at Stuart, in a family of Patrick Farrell, that came near resulting fatally to five of his children. The poisoning was caused by using milk that had stood for several hours in a new tin pail, that is said to have been made with the soldering preparation containing arsenic. The milk was placed in the pail while yet warm, was closely covered and set away in the cellar in the morning, and at noon the children were each given a bowl of bread and milk. A short time after eating they were all seized with violent spasms, and every symptom of poison from arsenic. By prompt medical aid, and the use of the best known remedies, the poison was counteracted, and at last accounts they were pronounced out of danger, but very weak and helpless from the terrible strain on their system.
-- A peculiar coincidence is found in the death of Thomas Welden, which occurred at Linn Junction, Linn County. He was the man who purchased the farm of George Daniel, who was murdered, and so both parties to the contract are dead.
-- Miss Kate Hooker, of Wiota, attempted suicide by strychnine. The doctors saved her. Disappointment in love the cause.

-- Born: -- September 21, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Geshweller, of Fairfield Township, a son.
-- J. T. Watson, who is now acting as deputy auditor, received the sad intelligence one day last week that his sister who resides in New York City, was lying at the point of death. He responded to the telegram by taking the first train for the East.
-- the professional card of Charles Hardie, veterinary surgeon, will be found in this week's issue of the Democrat. Mr. Hardie has permanently located in Emmetsburg and those needing his professional help will find him in his office at John Hammond’s livery barn.
-- Died: -- In Emmetsburg, Iowa, September 15, 1885, Thomas Maher aged 55 years. For some time past Mr. Maher has been suffering with what physicians termed necrosis of the cheek bones, and with the hopes of saving his life, the doctors a few weeks ago performed an operation on him, but it was all in vain and death put an end to suffering. His remains were interred in the Catholic Cemetery on last Wednesday.
-- We have been informed that the Waverly Steam Laundry has been opened. Mr. R. J. Clarke having secured to first class laundresses, is now prepared to have bundle washing done at most reasonable rates.
-- Emmetsburg seems to contain some of the fastest horses that can be found anywhere in the state. On last Friday J.T. Loughlin took first money at the trotting race held at Spencer, and it did not seem to trouble his horse much either. At Algona, on the same day, M. F. Coonan captured the prize with but little difficulty, with his trotter. James Foy also took first money at Algona with the Pike pony. This speaks remarkably well for Emmetsburg as the above horses are matched against some of the fastest in Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, September 30, 1885

-- James Comfort took a watch out of Fred Rosen's pocket at the Ottumwa fair. Judge Burton sent him to the penitentiary for three years. James did not find much comfort in the sentence.
-- Miss Nellie Brainard, doctor of J. M. Brainard, of Waterloo, was drowned in the Cedar River about 4 miles north of that city. Miss Nellie and her sister, Miss Mary Brainerd with Mrs. Emma Husted and Marion Johnson, were boat riding and while rolling through a cut off where the water was running very swiftly, the boat struck a tree and was overturned. Two of the young ladies caught hold of the tree and Nellie Brainerd and one of her companions clung to the boat. It turned over in the water with Nellie underneath and she never rose to the surface. Her companion clung to the boat until it drifted into shallow water. She and her companion bailed the boat out and rode to Waterloo for assistance. A number of people at once repaired to the scene of the disaster. Miss Brainard was about 18 years of age and was a very estimable young lady. Her father is a traveling salesman for E. P. Elliott, of Chicago, and W. H. Rogers, of New York.
-- Good luck has come from England to a citizen of Des Moines, Mr. William Talmadge, by his children and himself falling in to an estate worth 300,000 pounds, or 1 million and half of dollars. It seems that it is one of the oldest family estates in England. The heir to it was the wife of Mr. Talmadge, who died some three years ago, leaving her husband and three children. The family have lived in Des Moines several years.
-- William Anderson, a Mahaska county farmer, was found dead in his cornfield near Kirksville. He had fallen forward with a bar grasped in his hand. He was subject to heart disease.
-- Andre Holcombe, an old resident of Davenport, died recently, aged 93 years. He had been a member of the Methodist church 73 years.

-- Mr. Philip Daily is dangerously ill with consumption.
-- Mrs. A. J. Powers returned Tuesday evening from her extended visit with relatives in the state of New York. A.J. accompanied her home from Chicago.
-- Last Friday, Albert Brewer, who is working for W. H. Hayes and his livery barn, swore out in information before Squire Moncrief charging one J.W. Mason with having stolen his watch. Deputy Sheriff McNally arrested the fellow and brought him before his honor for trial. He pled guilty, however, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $30. Not being possessed of the necessary ‘scads’ with which to pay his fine he was given 10 days in the county jail.
-- It is with pleasure recall your attention to the new advertisement of James Fitzgerald’s. Mr. Fitzgerald is now nicely situated in his new drugstore and that prince of good fellows, J. T. Stemets, his drug clerk, informs us that their stock is all new, well selected, and will be sold at honest prices. Mr. Stemets has had much experience as prescription clerk, is a first-class druggist and a clerk who can be relied upon to fill prescriptions as ordered. That he and Mr. Fitzgerald may long enjoy a good share of trade is all the harm we wish them.
-- Mrs. William Jackman, of Walnut Township, is visiting with her sister at Grand Island, Nebraska. She will be absent several weeks.
-- You ought to have heard William Jackman laugh at what the Ruthven Free Press said about him running away from the draft. Billy, like everyone else, says that Teed hasn't got brains enough to think of one half of the political rubbish that appeared in that paper last week. The articles were written by a party in Emmetsburg and sent to the Free Press for publication. The editors of the Reporter are manly enough not to allow such trash in their papers.
-- Last Thursday evening about nine o'clock the alarm of fire was given which created quite a stir for those attending a play at Music Hall at the time. It was soon ascertained that John Steil’s dwelling in the southwest part of town was on fire, and on very short notice, the fire department was on the grounds with their engines and quickly extinguished the flames. It is not known definitely how the fire originated, but the probabilities are that it accidentally took fire on the inside. The damage to the building and furniture is very slight.
-- D.T. Sterner swore out an information before T. J. Prouty on last Friday charging John Wilgus and his sister, Mary Wilgus, with having set fire to John Steil's dwelling on last Thursday evening. Squire Prouty immediately issued the warrant for the arrest of the parties, which was made by Deputy Sheriff McNally, at Ruthven, where Wilkins is running a saloon. The preliminary examination was held before Squire Roberts on Saturday, the defendants having taken a charge of venue from Squires Prouty and Moncrief. Cassidy & Cohoon appeared for the prosecution and Carr & Jenswold for the defense. After hearing the evidence the court came to the conclusion that John Wilgus was guilty as charged in the information and he was accordingly held to await the action of the grand jury at the next session of the District Court which meets here on November 3. Mary Wilgus, the other defendant, was discharged for reason that the court found no evidence sufficient to warrant him in finding her guilty.
-- Albert Wolfgang formerly of Emmetsburg and now of Wisconsin is spending a few days in the city.
-- Mrs. C. A. Smith, accompanied by her little daughter, left on Tuesday morning for several weeks visit with relatives in Winnebago City, Minnesota.
-- Miles McNally Sr. of Great Oak Township, father of our deputy sheriff, is lying dangerously ill at his home and little hopes are entertained for his recovery.

To Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Whitford on Sunday, September 27, 1885, a girl.

[transcribed by C.J.L., Oct, 2007]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County