Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, March 4, 1885

-- J. G. Gallaghar of West Bend starts tomorrow for Howard, Miner county Dakota. John likes this county pretty well and may return in the spring.
-- Dan Donovan and William Coonan start today for Oklahoma IT. We hope the young men may amass a fortune and return in the near future to Emmetsburg where they will be gladly welcomed back.
-- Monday the 23d, ult., W. J. Moses made an assignment of his stock of boots and shoes to Thos. Moncrief who is now in charge of the store. The liabilities will reach the neighborhood of about $2000 while the assets are $1614. The asignee informs us that he thinks by judicious management of the stock enough will be realized therefrom to pay all up in full.
-- Sheriff Whelan of Emmet county passed through Emmetsburg on last Thursday with Mrs. Anderson of that county whom he was taking to the insane asylum at Independence. Mrs. Anderson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davinson of this place and was adjudged insane about two weeks ago. The physicians at the asylum seemed to be of the opinion that her insanity will be of a short duration.

J. G. Gallaghar is conceded to be the fastest runner we have in West Bend. John came down from Emmetsburg today, and Wm Willie had him arrested for selling intoxicating liquors. Dan Kelly (constable) had the warrant, John got wind of it, he went to Johnson's and hired Lute to hitch up immediately to take him to the Burg. He had caught sight of John and made for him, how John ran was surprising. Dan gave up and came back to town for a pony. He just started from the barn after Dan had been gone five minutes; they both reached Jack about the same time. Dan said "No use Johny we've got you this time." John said, "I guess there is no use. I may as well give up." Dan said he looked very wistful at the team and cutter. He gave bonds $250 to appear in ten days.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, March 11, 1885

-- John T. Loughlin has greatly improved the looks of his hardware store on the inside and now his entire stock presents a finer appearance then heretofore
-- P. S. VanGordon, the genial landlord of the St. James, at Emmetsburg, was in town on Thursday last. We know whereof we speak when we say that Van and his wife know how to make their guests feel at home. -- Clay County Times
-- We are glad to hear that James Sammin is meeting with good success in the boot and shoe line. Mr. Sammin is a good workman and people should literally patronize him.
-- T. McDonnell has sold the building now occupied by Cady & Shea as a drug store and the lot on which the same is situated, to John Steil.
-- Ruthven is getting to be quite a notorious town. Last Thursday one, O. McNett of this place filed information before Squire Prouty charging Alexander Ruthven with assault and battery. The justice at once issued a warrant for Ruthven's arrest and he was brought before his honor for examination on last Friday. A change of venue was at once taken to Squire Moncrief, but on account of the recent illness of that gentleman, the case was continued until the 18th of this month.
-- We noticed by the Estherville Herald that our old friend, E. J. Woods was elected mayor of that handsome little town, at its last municipal election.
-- the language of letter seals is the latest. A seal of pink wax means congratulations, one of black, condolence; of blue, love; of purple, friendship; of red, business, and an invitation to a wedding or other festivity is sealed with white wax.
-- Sheriff Nolan returned on last Thursday evening from Buchanan county with the young German named Martin Busse whom he had arrested there on a charge of seduction. The complaint was made by a German girl in this city name Paulina Primas whose parents reside in Germany. Last Friday was the day set for the examination of the young man and desiring someone to interpret for him, the examination was postponed until Saturday. When the hour had arrived when the young girl was to relate her pitiful story, it was discovered that the young man had made the proposal of marriage to the young girl and finally accepted by her. The marriage ceremony was performed by Squire Prouty on Saturday and thus two hearts were made one. This ends another chapter in the old old story.


In Emmetsburg, Iowa, Saturday, March 7, 1885, T. J. Prouty JP, Martin Busse and Paulina Primas.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, March 18, 1885

-- Charles Schnuckel is erecting a fine little dwelling house on his block in the south part of town. This is the first building started in Emmetsburg this spring.
-- Robert Brown of West Bend has sold his farm to J. W. Dixon of Buchanan county receiving $20 per acre therefore. Robert informs us that he will move to Nebraska about the first of April.
-- D. P. Roberts and wife were visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. J. Woods of Estherville last week.
-- Thomas J. Duffy, proprietor of the City Meat Market, went to Dubuque last Wednesday with two carloads of fine hogs.
--Deloy Stetzel, a brakeman on the B.C. R. & N. road while in the act of coupling cars at Dows, Saturday evening, was knocked down and run over by the cars, cutting off both his legs close to the body. He lived till Sunday morning about seven o'clock when he died. Mr. Stetzel was a young man of good habits. He spent a good deal of his time in Estherville last fall and winter, boarding most of the time at P. Miller's Hotel. He had many friends here, and his sad taking away is regretted by all. -- Estherville Herald
-- B.E. Kelly went to West Bend on last Thursday to defend John Gallaghar who was charged with selling intoxicating liquors. The attorney on the part of the state not being present at the required time, the case was dismissed and the costs taxed to the state.
-- On Monday morning of last week Nelson Forest committed suicide at his residence in Silver Lake township, by placing a revolver to his head and firing, the ball entering behind the right ear. Mr. Forest had been of unsound mind for some time past which probably was the cause of this rash act. He leaves a wife and one child.
-- On last Tuesday evening complaint was made before Squire Moncrief by Truman Wilson who resides about 5 miles west of Emmetsburg, charging his wife, Mrs. Jennie Wilson with having threatened to take his life with a large butcher knife. The justice on the following day issued a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Wilson, which was placed in the hands of Sheriff Nolan for service. The sheriff made the arrest and brought the accused before his honor for examination. Time was allowed to enable her to procure counsel and the case was called up for trial shortly after dinner. Harrison and Jenswold appeared for the state and Mrs. Wilson was represented by P. O. Cassidy and the plea of not guilty was interposed. At this stage of the proceedings a motion for a change of venue was made and granted by the court. As soon as it was ascertained that a change of venue was taken and that the case would be sent to the next nearest justice, it was dismissed on the part of the state and the costs except the witness fees on the part of the prosecution, where taxed to the county.

In Ruthven, Palo Alto County, Iowa, on March 11, 1885 by Reverend S. Snyder, Mr. Lozen Wright and Miss Susie May Johnson.
In Ruthven, Palo Alto county, Iowa, on February 18, 1885 by Reverend S. Snyder, Mr. Frank Wright and Miss Joanna J. Johnson.

At the residence of P. H. Stedman, in Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Friday morning, March 13, 1885, of congestion of the lungs, George P. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noll, aged 4 month and 9 days.

To Mr. and Mrs. William Fenn of Fern Valley township, on March 13, a son.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA;Wednesday, March 25, 1885

-- Lewis Stulhmer has bought an interest in the flouring mill of George M. Inman. New machinery will be added in a couple of weeks and the new firm will try to give the farmers and others of this vicinity first-class work in every respect.
-- W.O. Mulroney, son of Ed. Mulroney of Emmett county, left on last Monday for Honey Lake Valley, Lassen county, California, where he will permanently reside. Honey Lake Valley is said to be one of the finest valleys of California and the climate in that section cannot be surpassed.
-- Dan Donovan and W. H. Coonan who left Emmetsburg a short time ago are now engaged in a flour and feed business at Chamberlain Dak.
-- W. E. Stuhr, who has been engaged in the grain and coal business at this place for some length of time, has moved to Davenport with his family.
-- W. C. Nolan and J. H. Millea will start for Nebraska sometime during the week. They intend locating in Sioux county.
-- M. Hester arrived here with his family from Greene, Butler County, last Tuesday and will at once take possession of his farm, bought last fall. Mr. Hester has been an old subscriber to the Democrat and on his arrival here renewed his subscription for another year. We gladly wish him success in his new location.

In West Bend, on March 16, 1885, of lung fever, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bagley, aged about four months.

In West Bend Township on March 16, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Ditch, a son. All concerning doing well

School Report
Report of subdivision No. 4 Silver Lake township, for term ending March 18, 1885. Number of pupils enrolled 29. Average daily attendance 26.8. Attendance and punctuality in percentage.

Names, Attendance, Punctuality
John Fagan, 98, 95
Winnie Kerchner, 100, 100
Daisy Kerchner, 100, 97
Bridget Fagan, 96, 90
Ella Fagan, 99,94
John Kerchner, 100, 98
Willie McNally, 97,99
Oma Kerchner, 100, 100
John Fagan, 99, 80
Joseph McNally, 98,90
Joseph Maloney, 99,80
Dave Fagan, 100, 85
George Kerchner, 100, 100
Jessie Scoular, 100,100
Lizzie Scoular, 100, 100
Willie Scoular, 100, 100
Martha Wise, 98,90
Mary J. Clair, 99, 93
Mary J. Maloney, 98,96
John Wise, 96,92
Dick McNally, 96,95
Michael Fitzpatrick, 95,95
John Fitzpatrick, 90,93
Ella Sawyer, 98,100
Lillie Steensen, 85,99
Ernie Steensen, 85, 98
Willie Fitzpatrick, 80,90
Tina Scoular, 45, 100
Our visitors for the term were Miss Brown, P. Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. Kerchner, Frank Brown, P. Clair, Mr. Owens, Mrs. Scoular and Mr. McNally. 
Teresa Owens, 

[transcribed by C.J.L., April 2007]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County