Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County Iowa ; Wednesday, February 4, 1885  


-- John Shuler, a fourteen-year-old boy of Dubuque , died from the effects of chloroform administered by a dentist, who was engaged in performing a delicate operation.

-- Thomas Dunnegan, in the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, while attempting to board a switch engine at Keokuk, January 25, slipped and fell, and by the accident lost his leg.

-- the dwelling of Alexander Waterbury at Akron, was burned to the ground, together with the furniture of the chambers and the contents of the cellar, a few days ago.  The fire had made such headway before it was discovered that it was impossible to extinguish it or to have anything in the upper part of the house.  Mr. Waterbury estimates his loss at about $1000 with no insurance.  


-- Jack Reynolds, the desperado who shot Sheriff McCord at Marshalltown last summer gets twenty years in the penitentiary -- ten for his assault on the Sheriff, six for burglary and four for larceny.

-- George Sanders who one time carried on a dray line at this place, has recently returned from Nebraska where he has been since last summer.

-- Richard Walsh of Great Oak township will raffle off a sorrel horse in the near future.  Raffle tickets can be procured at any time from him at $1 each.  Here is a chance for someone to get a horse cheap.

-- on last Wednesday afternoon as Mr. Simon Banfill was crossing a railway track near the C.M. & St. P. depot a freight train, backing down, caught him between cars and carried him some distance before the movement of the train could be checked.  He was taken from under the cars and carried into the waiting room of the depot and afterward removed to the residence of his son Stephen Banfill.  Dr. McAllister of Spencer, who was in town, was called, and upon examination found that injuries had been received which rendered medical skill of no avail, and all attention was turned to making the remaining hours of the sufferer as comfortable as possible.  Mr. Banfill was sixty-nine years of age, he was born in Orange county, Vermont in 1816.  From there he removed a cross the line into Canada , where he resided for a number of years.  He first came to this section with his son about fourteen years ago and has since been a resident of this county with the exception of four years which he spent in Illinois, returning about four years ago, and making his home with his son in this village.  He leaves three grown-up sons and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.  Funeral services were conducted by Reverend Snyder and in the M. E. Church today (Saturday) at 11 o'clock -- Ruthven Free Press  


            January 25, 1885 to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Joyce a son.  

            January 25, 1885 to Mr. and Mrs. A. Taub a son.  

            To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Metz January 27th, a son.



            January 27, 1885, William J. Bowden and Miss Alice E. Schoonover.  

            January 30, 1885 by Rev. C. E. Cline at M. E. Parsonage Joseph Gibson to Miss Leech.  


Call at the drugstore of Cady & Shea, and procure some of those magnificent stereoscopic views of scenery in the Yellowstone Park , on the northern Pacific and seems generally in the West.

Go to Cady and Shea’s for lead and oil


Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County Iowa , Wednesday, February 11, 1885  


-- Col. E. R. Chase of the Julien House, Dubuque , has partially recovered from the stroke of paralysis he received some days ago

-- a young man named Gibson, of Des Moines , was given, by mistake, a dose of acqua ammonia.  The poison was successfully counteracted by an antidote of melted lard.

-- the widow of the late H. T. Coon, of Waterloo , received the sum of $1730.47 back pension money, a few days ago.  Mr. Coon received intelligence that his claim had been allowed some ten days before his death.

-- Mathias Noltz, a German farmer living in the south part of Clayton County , was buried in a caving sandbank on January 28.  He was discovered when the body was still warm but life was extinct.  He had been smothered to death.

--  A man named P. D. Morris, subsequently recognized as a resident of Cambridge , Iowa , was found dead in the area way of the Capitol office, corner East fifth and Walnut streets, Des Moines , on the morning of February 3.  It is supposed that Morris, while intoxicated, seated himself on the railing and falling asleep, pitched down the area way striking on the head.  The violence of contact with the brick wall below dislocated his neck and caused death.  He was last seen in an intoxicated condition about 10 o'clock of the evening before he was found dead.  He was about 50 years of age.  


-- Mrs. A. P. Jenkins, formerly of Emmetsburg, died at Sanborn on January 30 of dropsy of the heart.  Her remains were taken to Wisconsin for interment.

-- Old Mr. Stedman died at the residence of his son, in this city, on Friday, February 6, 1885.  The funeral services were held at the Congregational Church on last Saturday.  


            January 30, 1885, at Sanborn Iowa , of dropsy of the heart, Mrs. A. P. Jenkins.  

            February 6, 1885, S. R. Stedman, aged 82 years, 9 months and 16 days.  

            February 8, 1885, Thomas White, aged 84 years.

            Mr. White was born in Mayo, Province of Connaught in the western portion of Ireland , in the year 1800, of devout Catholic parents whose faith became his guiding star through life.  In 1818 he left his birthplace of the ever green Isle and following the star of empire westward, settled in Whitestown in the state of Maine , where he engaged in trade, and for several years represented his district in the legislature of Maine , with marked ability.  In 1854 after the fiends of Knownothingisom had accomplished their outrage on Father Bapst, they turned their persecution upon Mr. White and hundreds of other innopensive citizens, of his faith.  Mr. White came to Fort Dodge , Webster City, Iowa, as a refugee from those infamous persecutions.  Here he purchased land and after a few years engaged in trade in town.  About the year 1870 he moved with his family to Palo Alto County , Iowa , where they have since resided.  While in Maine , Mr. White married a sister to the Hon. R. P. Furlong, mayor of Fort Dodge .  The union was blessed by two sons and three daughters.  Mrs. White died some years ago since coming to Palo Alto County .

 Mr. White ranked far above the average of men in natural abilities was a strong man physically, mentally and morally, had a strong retentive memory, loved justice and hated vice, was an earnest democrat in politics and would have suffered martyrdom for his religious faith.

His life has been a long and useful one and full of years and honors, he is gathered to his fathers like a shock of corn fully ripe.  Peace to his ashes.


Emmetsburg Democrat; Palo Alto County Iowa ; Wednesday, February 18, 1885  


First Day  

Minutes of the meeting of the board of supervisors of Palo alto County , Iowa .

Board met pursuant to adjournment at 10:00 a.m.; all members present.  Board then proceeded to an examination of bridges and bridge sites on Burn's grade and reassembled at 1:30 p.m.; all members present.

The following official bonds were approved: Edward Harrison Constable, freedom township; Samuel Smith, Justice of the peace Ellington Township; also appointment of D. W. Burlingame Deputy clerk of courts, approved; the time having arrived for the letting contracts to build bridges on Burn's grade, Board proceeded to let contracts for the same.  John Dooley being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract for building one bridge to be about 80 feet in length at $2.60 per linear foot; and also one bridge about 300 feet in length at $2.05 per linear foot the same to be built according to specifications on file in the auditor's office, it being further understood that all material from old bridge which can be used in the construction of the new bridge shall be allowed for the contractor at $15 a thousand feet.

On account of the deep washout at the site of the 300 foot bridge, it was deemed advisable to change the location of the bridge to a point about 75 feet to the south of the present site; and on motion be made to make the change the ayes and nayes were called.  The motion was carried.  Egan, Anderson and Ruthven, voting aye; Amos voting nay.

Board adjourned until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 3, 1885.  

Second Day  

Board met pursuant to adjournment.  All the members present; business for closing of contracts for bridges.

Board adjourned till 1:30 o'clock same day.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.

All the members present.  The contract for grading the approaches to the two bridges to be built on Burn's Grade was awarded to Philip Daily, at 15-cents per cubic yard, the same to be surveyed and estimated by the county surveyor.

The report of the appraisers of school lands on section 16, Township 97, range 33, approved, and the auditor instructed to advertise the land embraced in said appraisal and those of Emmetsburg, Lost Island townships, according to law, and the sale of said lands to be made at the auditor's office, on the first Tuesday in April, 1885, at 1:00 p.m.

Motion was made and carried that Gibbs and the Egan be a committee to supervise the repair a broken chords on River bridge west of Emmetsburg, and the construction of bridge and grading of approaches on Burn's grade.

Petition of P. V. Nolan Sheriff for increase of his salary to $400, rejected.  The approval of the bond J. Dooley contractor on bridges coming before the board was objected to by Amos and on the ground that the sureties had not qualified according to law and a vote being called the bond was approved.  Egan, Anderson and Gibbs voting for approval and Amos and Ruthven against.

The following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, that the trustees of Emmetsburg township, be instructed to warn G. H. Barker and his father to leave Palo Alto county from the fact that they have not gained a residency in this county.

The following resolution was presented by J. B. Anderson who moved its adoption.

Resolved, by the board of supervisors at the clerk of the circuit and district courts of the State of Iowa in and for Palo Alto county, shall have for our consideration of his services as clerk of said courts all probate, juror and marriage license fees which may come into his hands as such clerk, and that the former clerk D. W. Burlingame, be and is hereby entitled to the benefits of this resolution.  Resolution rejected.

The following bills were allowed:

                                                            cld      alld

John Boddy, bounty on wolf             2.00     2.00

J.R. Brennen, trustee Highland         4.00     4.00

D.G. Grier, clk by app Rush Lake      2.00     rej

Egbert, Fidlar & O, blank books      73.20    71.20

D.G. Morris, trustee Silver Lake         2.00    2.00

J.B. Martin et al justice fees               6.55    6.55

D.W. Burlingame, fees for transc    39.50    ld ovr

Thos Walsh making transcrips        21.10     21.10

P. Daily, team hire                             1.50     1.50

Reporter, county printing                 62.82    62.82

Iowa Homestead subscription            2.00     2.00

Pilot Co. Printing                             45.00     45.00

J.B.Haman, bounty on wolf              2.00     2.00

J.B. Anderson, co work                   26.62     26.62

J.B. Anderson, supervisors serv        8.12     8.12

W.M. Amos, supervisors serv           9.92     9.92

Chas Gibbs, supervisors serv            8.38     8.38

Chas Gibbs, committee work         20.00     20.00

Thos Egan, supervisors serv             8.60     8.60

Alex Ruthven, supervisors serv        9.44     9.44


Upon motion the board adjourned.

                        W.H.H. BOOTH, Auditor



-- the trial of Nathun H. Lewis, for the murder of Arthur Fagan at Des Moines in September, 1883, terminated at Winterset February 7 by the jury bringing in a verdict of not guilty

-- the body of Charles Asmus was found by the westbound northwestern passenger near Marshalltown , February 8, dead beside the track.  It is a question if he was frozen to death or fell from an early train.

-- Mrs. Angie C. Lewelling, matron of the girls reform school at Mitchellville, died of consumption on the morning of February 5.  She was a native of Salem , Henry County , as was also her husband, with whom she was appointed from infancy.  She was in her 36th year and was one of the loveliest of women in character as she was beautiful in person.  Her death has cast a deep gloom over the community, and will be sad news to thousands all over Iowa .  She leaves her husband and three little girls aged 11, 7 and 3 years.



            Creston , Iowa , February 9 -- Special to Daily News -- at 3:30 p.m. yesterday a fatal and  terrible wreck occurred on the main line of the C. B. & Q. Railway near Cromwell, five miles west of this place.  Passenger train No. 3 west went through a bridge and two passenger coaches and a sleeper were wrecked.  The following is a list of the killed: Robert Brown, Mount Pleasant , Iowa , Mrs. Powell, New Albion, Indiana, Mrs. N. E. Carroll, San Gache , California .  Injured: A.C. Cole, Grand Rapids , Michigan , W. J. Davenport, Burlington , Iowa , D. W. Carroll, San Gache , California , Mrs. M. Farrall, Prescott , Iowa , I Waterman, Corning , Iowa , C. H. Powell, sleeping car conductor, I. R. Holmes, passenger conductor.


Another Account

            Creston , Iowa , February 9 -- Yesterday afternoon at its regular time passenger train No. 3 pulled out of Creston full of passengers.  She had not the slightest suspicion of the terrible accident that she would witness at the next station, Cromwell.  Just one mile and a half west of Cromwell, is a high trestle work bridge.  The engine, main and baggage car passed over the bridge safely, when the first smoker game to a rail that had been thawed out having been frozen.  The rails snapped and a smoker plunged headlong into the stream below, completely shattering the bridge.  The first thought of the engineer was that there had been a division of his train, which was caused by the air escaping from the patent pipe.  He stopped his engine at once, and when he turned his head his eyes beheld a most terrible sight.  Men were shrieking, women crying, children speechless with terror.  No pen can picture the terrible spectacle.  The smoker was upturned, its wheels rapidly turning in the air.  So also was the first coach, while the sleeper ran ahead over the brink and lighted 35 feet below, fortunately right side up.  The engine went on to Prescott and at once telegraphed to Superintendent J. H. Dugan who gave the alarm for help to go to the wreck.

            A wrecking train was immediately made up and started for the scene.  All the physicians of Creston are going.  Superintendent Dugan sent the following dispatch for aid:

            Creston , Iowa , February 8 -- I have got all the dead and wounded.  Six are dead and a number wounded, some of whom quite severely.  Two have been taken to Corning and one to Prescott .  W. J. Davenport, general passenger agent for this division of the C. B. and Q. is quite severely, but not dangerously hurt.  Hawkins, the conductor is seriously hurt in the back.  M. S. Storrs, yard master, had his leg broken.  Mrs. M. Prescott, of Fairall, is fatally injured.  Mr. Waterman, of Corning , is seriously injured internally and has been taken to Corning .  Mr. Brown, foreman of the shops, and the civil engineer of the “Q”, are dead.  It will take some time to get the names of the dead.  Will wire particulars.

 (Signed) J. H. DUGAN

            The dead were brought to Creston immediately and their bodies put in the old post office quarters in the Summit House.  The following were killed:

            Mrs. J. Powell, of Louisville , Kentucky ; Mrs. Dr. W. C. Farrell, of Denver , Colorado ; Mr. Brown, of Mount Pleasant , Iowa ; civil service engineer P. D. Brown, of Mount Pleasant .  Mrs. Ferrall wore a pearl ring on her finger engraved with the letters “ W.C.C.” an “ E. L. H.”.

            The list of the wounded was as follows: Mrs. Day of Burlington, who was on her way to Council Bluffs; Mrs. Finch of Dakota, hurt in the head so severely as to probably cause her insanity; Mr. Farrell of Denver , Colorado , husband of the lady who was killed; Mr. C. H. Cole, cattle dealer of Nebraska; J. H. Thomas of North Eureka; L. C. Fessler of Chicago, a commercial traveler, whose wife lives at Monroe, Iowa; Mr. Fessler crawled from the smoker after the wreck and assisted a little girl out of the passenger car; she escaped without a scratch, but it was almost by superhuman effort that he got her, being himself badly injured; Mr. George Carey of Omaha, a commercial traveler; A.B.Cole, a commercial traveler; George Hyland, Idaho Springs; Mr. Lindsay of Creston, back broken and dreadfully mangled; Mr. Waterman of Corning fatally injured and has since died; C. B. Davis of Corning; Mrs. Ferrall of Prescott; Henry Norton of Creston, passed into the baggage car just before the accident and was not injured.  Conductor Hawkins was carried up the hill in a delirious condition.  He is badly injured, but will probably recover.  William Berry was the engineer of the train and the firemen was Tom Dwyer.  The work of clearing the track continued until three o'clock this morning when work was given up on account of the blizzard.  The wounded are all doing well this morning.  Mr. Lindsay suffered terribly all night and is paralyzed from his injuries.  All trains on the C.B. & Q. are stopped today and no train has passed through since the accident.  The accident happened about 3:30 p.m., between Creston and Corning near Cromwell, which is 5 miles west of here.  I have received the foregoing from an extra issue this morning by the Creston Daily Advertiser.



A Cousin of General Logan Separates from Her Husband.

            Waterloo , Iowa , February 6.  -- Quite a sensation was caused yesterday afternoon by the separation of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rudbeck.  Mrs. Rudbeck is a cousin of Gen. John A. Logan, and is reputed to be worth, in her own right about a quarter of a million.  About four years ago she was married to Mr. Rudbeck, whom she met several years previously while she was a member of Bishop Haven's party which visited the Pacific Coast .  He claimed to be connected with a firm in New York which imported foreign barks for veneering.  After this marriage they spent nearly 3 years in traveling on the continent of Europe , and for about a year and a half they have been living in this city.  For several months he has been remitting considerable sums of money to New York , until it is thought he has from $16,000 to $20,000 to his credit there.

            A few days ago she instructed the banks not to cash his check on her funds, and tonight he took the train for New York City .  He is a native of Sweden , is highly educated, and is very prepossessing in appearance.



-- Dave Wilson, who is working for Thomas J. Duffy in the City Meat Market, was in Britt a few days last week on a visit to his brother.

-- Blossom Brothers of Algona have erected an icehouse near the old Catholic church building and are filling the same with pure river ice, to be used next season in connection with their creamery.

-- E. F. Jones has gone to Montrose, Dakota, where he is interested with his brother in the hardware business.  His happy countenance will be missed till spring, when he will return again on business here.

-- Dan Coonan has removed from Estherville, and is now nicely ensconced in the house recently occupied by Dr. Thomas



-- J. Gallagher has sold out his alone and rented his building to William Willie for one year.

-- J. E. Lacey and J. Gallagher have made a trade.  Gallagher takes four lots in Dakota and Lacey the skating rink.

-- The Ladies Social Union held their last meeting that Mr. Daniel Webster's.  The fact that the gentleman were to attend to the culinary department, brought a large attendance.  Eighty-six partook for supper.  It was quite laughable to hear the ladies call for some of Webster's goose, pass up Bachman’s biscuits, Mr. Johnson's butter if you please, any more of Herbert's rolls?  Jacobs makes good oyster soup of little more if you please, how is Bagley's chicken?  Before and after supper the Rink was open and the young folks availed themselves of the opportunity of a roll; as the old folks could not venture on the skates, they were left alone to play "heavy heavy hangs over your head".  Nearly ten dollars was collected and passed over to the treasurer.  


            In Great Oak Township , Sunday, February 15, 1885, Mrs. Thomas Martin, aged 70 years.  The funeral services were held in the Catholic church yesterday.  

Notice of Co-Partnership

            According to previous arrangement, Mr. P. C. Hart of this city and Miss Kitty Moran of Ft. Howard Wisconsin, at the home of the young lady did on last Saturday the 15th, inst., enter into a partnership to last during life, the chief object being to love, cherish and obey (the last clause, PC says, is not binding on his part) each other through life's journey.  May the young couple lead a happy, pleasant and prosperous married life, is the wish of the Democrat.  


            On February 1st, there came to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crowley a little visitor about a minute old.  J.P. says he can stay with him till -- well till sweet sixteen.  

            February 6, a pretty little baby girl came to the house of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Gibbs.  It's the image of its pa and is ma's darling.  All happy  

            Street Commissioner Sammin is noted in his official capacity as for ever drumming up boys, but in private life, he has a hankering for girls.  Girls know this and for this reason a pretty Miss about 10 inches high came to his house February 10, inst., to ask for board and clothes for a short while, which request was cheerfully granted.  Mother and daughter doing well.


Emmetsburg Democrat, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County , Iowa , Wednesday, February 25, 1885

-- The Sioux City Tribune says: Down at LeMars of club has been formed known as the W.  S.  D.  Outsiders say that the club have made arrangements with a Dubuque firm to furnish them so many kegs of beer a day.  The beverage is shipped in a box marked "groceries."  WSD, no doubt means: we still drink.



-- Hon.  L. S. Coffin says of his early introduction to Iowa: "I know all about beginning on a few acres of land in Iowa poor, and so poor that I had to buy the yoke of oxen and lumber wagon with which I was 21 days in bringing my bride from the Mississippi River to my preemption 14 feet square log cabin, and in which cabin we lived for 17 years -- happy years too.  For the first ten years 40 acres with all the land I cultivated, or was able to inclose.

-- Council Bluffs Globe: Mrs. Anna E. Dakan of Harrison county, this state, is now at the Home of the Friendless, and will have a supervision here of the temporal and spiritual needs of the children, under direction of the management.  Mrs. Dakan is an old resident of Harrison county, and widely and favorably known by the citizens of that county.  In fact, she has been more than a local reputation being a writer of considerable ability and a frequent correspondent of different temperance and religious journals.  She has donated to the home the use of a horse and buggy, a valuable cow, and a lot of her beds and bedding.  She consecrates herself to the work as a true Sister of Charity, and without hope of any earthly reward.  The Home is certainly drawing about it a band of consecrated workers, and surely every Christian heart will desire the work crowned with heaven’s richest blessings.

-- John Payton, I.C.B. & Q. brakeman, was stabbed by Tom Grinnen in Burlington a few days ago.  Payton’s wound is near the heart, and his recovery is considered doubtful.  

Things Worth Remembering

-- that a bag of hot sand relieves neuralgia.

-- that warm borax water will remove dandruff.

-- that salt should be eaten with nuts to aid digestion.

-- that milk which stands too long makes bitter butter.

-- that are hot, strong lemonade taken at bedtime will break up a bad cold.

-- that it rests you in sewing to change your position frequently.

-- that rusty flat irons should be rubbed over with beeswax and lard.

-- that fried onions should be boiled first in milk to be mild and odorless.

-- that a little soda -- water will relieve sick headaches caused by in digestion.

-- that a cup of strong coffee will remove the older of onions from the breath.

-- that boiled cabbage is much sweeter when the water is changed in boiling.

 -- that tough meat is made tender by lying a few minutes in vinegar water.

-- that well ventilated bedrooms will present morning headaches and lassitude.

-- that a cup of hot water drank before meals will relieve nausea and dyspepsia.

-- that a fever patient is cool and comforted by frequent sponging off with soda water.

-- that mustard water is excellent for cleansing the hands after handling odorous substances.

-- that consumptive night sweats may be arrested by sponging the body nightly in salt water.

-- that one in a faint should be laid flat on his back; then loosen his close and let him alone.

-- that cold tea should be saved for your vinegar barrel.  It sours easily and gives color and flavor.

-- that to beat the whites of eggs quickly add a pinch of salt.  Salt cools, and cold eggs froth rapidly.

-- that the hair may be kept from falling out after illness by a frequent application to the scalp of sage tea.

-- that you could take out spots from wash goods by rubbing them with the yolk of egg before washing. 

-- that white spots upon varnished furniture will disappear if you hold a hot plate from the stove over them

-- that bran water is good for a rough complexion.  Put a handful in a rag, dip it in tepid water and wash with it.

-- that teething children may be relieved of convulsions by being immersed in a warm baths with cold cloths on their head.

-- that you should breathe through your nose instead of your mouth, especially on coming from a warm room, or hall, into the damp night air.

-- that pulverized camphor and lard stirred into a salve is excellent for croup or colds, applied to the throat, chest, and knows.  After which cover with soft flannels.

-- that a mixture of rainwater, cologne and glycerin should be kept by those who are troubled with roughness of the skin.  Apply to face or hands after washing.

-- that a nervous headache, when the pain is frontal and the blood vessels are full and throbbing, may be relieved by putting old clothes on the head and hot water on the feet.

-- that milk pans should be immersed some minutes in boiling water, as it has been demonstrated that when not so treated they breed a host of fungus germs which poison the milk

-- that warm mustard water should be given one who has accidentally swallowed poison.  This will cause vomiting, after which a cup of strong coffee should be given to counteract the remaining affects.  


-- Dr. Whitney reports W.H.H. Booth in a critical condition with pneumonia.

-- J. M. Dooley who was selected by the Board of Supervisors to build four bridges on Burns ‘grade, has been in Wisconsin for a few weeks passed procuring the necessary timbers and lumber for the construction of the same.  He returned home on last Friday night.

-- Miss Anna Fitzgerald being 10 years old on the fourth of March, the same day that a democratic president takes his seat in the White House, she tells us that as the anniversary of one, and in honor to the other, she will give a party at her father's house (Mr. James Fitzgerald) that day to which she invites all of her young friends to be present.

-- We unintentionally forgot till now, to make mention of the new firm of Beckman Bros., who have opened a store in the building north of the post office, recently occupied by W. A. Weaver.  We understand they have a good trade.

-- J. E. King and Co., have disposed of their stock of dry goods, groceries, etc., to Charles W. Johnson who is now in possession thereof and selling goods like any old knight of the yardstick.  Mr. Johnson will probably have another man soon to help them, thus giving him more time to look after his lumber trade, which he is still heavily engaged in.  Mr. King has virtually been out of the store since the first of the year on account of his official duties.  Mr. Maxon will remain for some time in town and perhaps remain here, entirely.  As his mind is not fully made up yet we hope he will conclude to remain.  The new firm should do well, and that it may, is all the harm we wish them.

-- Since our thermometer froze up we cannot tell the exact temperature of the weather but to give our readers an instance of how cold it has been, we will state that one day during a recent cold snap, James Green let the fire go down in the furnace, ( or engine room)  making our rooms so cold that we were compelled to seek some warmth by lighting the gas.  James, seeing the gas burning came in to inquire the reason and attempted to play a trick on us by turning it off, but alas for James, the flame had frozen solid.  Mr. Green not to be out done, broke it off and carried it to a drummer's room in the " Waverley ."  The drummer had left the day before but to his consternation, after the room began to get warm, unterified oaths and most blasphemous curses began to fill the room and it took no little trouble to explain that it was the language of the drummer, used the day before, but which was now being thawed out.  We could relate several stories as truthful as the above, to illustrate how cold it has been and will, if called upon to do so.

 -- That old pilgrim and pioneer well known to every old settler of this region, A. D. Gallop, was at the Tremont House last Monday and Tuesday.  Several years ago he lived in Emmetsburg, and was the proprietor of nearly all the stage lines in this part of Iowa .  Perhaps some of our "old boys" will remember the time he had a driver, passenger and team all frozen to death while going from Sibley to Sioux Falls .  Four years ago he had 250 head of cattle killed by the falling in of a shed.  "Gallop" is a becoming name, for he is a firm believer in the "hoss," and when it comes to a "dicker" he always gets there with both feet.  His stables are always filled with the best in the country.  He now has a large ranch at Centerville , Dakota, and was taking some horses through.  The storm caused him to remain here a day longer than he intended, but Gallop cares little "whether school keeps or not."  He is about to erect a mill on his farm, a creek of goodly proportion to furnish the power.  -- Rock?  Register

-- During the funeral services of Mrs. Nolan last Tuesday, Mr. John Conway had a bed comforter lost from the seat of his sleigh, which he would be pleased to have returned to the store of P.  Joyce

-- J. S. Knapp of this city has taken a contract to fill several ice houses in Estherville.  Mr. Knapp has what is called a snow plow, which is just the thing for this kind of work.  


            Tuesday February 3, 1885, Mrs. Anastasia Noland aged 63 years.

            Mrs. Nolan was the wife of James Nolan who died here about eleven years ago and was the sister of James Fitzgerald.  Deceased was a native of the parish of Kilmanuck, county Kilkenny , Ireland , and came to this county with her husband in 1849 settling in this country some thirty seven years ago, enduring all the hardships that the early pioneer is subject to.  She leaves a family of five children grown to manhood and womanhood, Bridget, John, William, Patrick and James who have the sympathy of all in this their sad bereavement.  The remains of Mrs. Nolan were taken to the Catholic cemetery last Wednesday followed by a large possession of mourning friends.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2005]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County