Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, December 2, 1885

-- Thomas Sweeney, while working in a planing mail at Muscatine, was instantly killed by a pile of lumber falling upon him.
-- John E. Benedict, son of Mr. Dorrance Benedict, some time deceased, shot himself dead with a musket at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry S. Wagner, living some seven or eight miles north of Burlington.
-- While working in a coal mine at Centerville, as John Steineberg was sledging his coal, a large piece of black bat weighing a half ton, fell on the unfortunate man, striking the back of his neck and bending him double. Three of his ribs were fractured and detached from the spine. He lingered in great pain for a few hours, when he died. 
-- The Manchester Press says: a most sorrowful accident took place about 2 miles south of Almoral. Mrs. Edgar Cattrpm and Miss Armitage were driving to Earlville, having in the buggy with them her only child, a son three years old. The horse they were driving became frightened and ran, throwing all three to the ground. Miss Armitage escaped with a few bruises, Mrs. Cattron with severe injuries, but none, it was thought, of a serious character. But the boy, in some manner, was thrown directly under the wheels of the carriage. One of them passed over his neck, and he was dead when taken up.
-- C. Kery, a railroad employe, married Kate Faith in Freeport, two weeks ago, taking her from a hotel where she was employed as a waiter. They reached Dubuque remaining over Sunday, and separated next day. While he was taking a nap in the afternoon in a hotel his face was covered with a handkerchief saturated with chloroform. When he awoke he missed his wallet , containing $340, and was told that his wife and a strange man had taken the four o'clock train south. Mrs. Kery is 17 and her husband 24. They started out with $400 to spend on the trip.
-- Mrs. Minnie Willis, formerly Miss Minnie Goodwin, who was married at Mason City a few weeks ago to Frank Willis, was found on the farm where they resided, near Clear Lake, in a dying condition from a pistol shot through the neck, the weapon lying on the floor beside her. Her husband was at Clear Lake and her brother-in-law found her lying on the floor in the condition described. She endeavored to speak, but immediately expired, leaving no explanation of the tragedy, and it is not known positively whether it was a murder or a suicide.
-- Edward Hoover, yard master of the Illinois Central Railroad at Sioux City, was instantly killed by the cars at the Fourth Street crossing there. It is supposed that he stumbled on a plank and fell beneath a moving train. His brains were scattered over the ground, one arm was nearly cut off, and his body was mutilated. It was Hoover who shot Frank Hubbell in the Hubbard house a few years ago, when he found his wife and Hubbell occupying the same room.
-- Huron G. Taylor, of Warsaw, Wayne county, is now posing as the youngest enlisted soldier of the war. He claims he enlisted June 5, 1862, before he was 13 years of age.
-- Joachim Lamp, a wealthy farmer living at Dixon, Scott county, suicided by taking arsenic. Domestic trouble caused the despondency which ended in death.
-- George Overton, a colored bigamist of Des Moines, will languish at Fort Madison 18 months.

-- During the month of November, clerk of courts, J. E. King, made the following couples happy by granting them license to get married. T. Rierson and Martha Johnson; Michael Schuller and Mary Goff; John Pyper and Vestalina Fenn; John P. Walker and Eva B. Kelly; William B. Strickley and Catherine E. Waldron; James McNamara and Julia Paulson.
-- Miss Anna Mohan has finished a four-month’s term of school in the O'Connor dist., Walnut township. He was well conducted and successful, and if the parents of the children attending are satisfied that no greater pains could be taken to educate the children, we request the director to give her this same school to teach for the next summer term if she applies therefore,
(signed) Patrons of school.
-- William Mulry, residing a few miles north of town, met with an accident one night last week which came near resulting in his death. He started for home sometime during the evening and had not gone far from town when his team became unmanageable and he was thrown headlong to the ground. His condition a few days ago was of such that his life was despaired of. LATER: since putting the above in type Mr. Mulry died, and his remains were interred in the Catholic burying ground last Friday.

Wednesday, November 25, 1885 in Emmetsburg by Rev. J.J. Smith, William H. Strickley to Miss Catherine E. Waldron, both of Ruthven, Iowa.
Wednesday November 20 5, 1885, by Rev. J. J. Smith, James McNamara, to Miss Julia Paulson, both of this county.

On Wednesday November 25, 1885, William Mullery of Emmetsburg township, age 35 years.
On Thursday November 26, 1885, infant boy of Mrs. P. Joyce.
On Thursday, November 26, 1882 [sic], Mrs. Slattery of Silver Lake township, aged -- years.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, December 9, 1885

-- Frank Berger, aged 57 years, an inmate of the Mercy Hospital for the insane, and Davenport, committed suicide. He used a twisted pocket handkerchief and suspended himself from a window bar.
-- Jake Griffin was so badly injured in a runaway at Waterloo the other day that his recovery is doubtful.
-- Mrs. Anna Kathrine Beck, aged 68 years, drowned herself in the Mississippi river, opposite Muscatine. She had a daughter, Mrs. C. Heppe, at Muscatine, and two daughters and two sisters in Germany, from which country she came last April on a visit.
-- Peter Goetzinger, of Le Mars, went to Dubuque a few days since to visit his uncle of Table Mound. At night he went to learn the cause of a disturbance made by the dogs, and wandering about in the darkness he fell over a fifteen foot embankment, sustaining injuries from which he died next morning.


It is with regret that it becomes our painful duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. Slattery, which melancholy event occurred at the residence of her son, Patrick Sherlock, of Great Oak Township, on Thursday, November 26th, aged 69 years. Her remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery in Emmetsburg. The deceased was a native of the county of Tipperary, Ireland, and like millions of the sons and daughters of that down trodden isle, she bade adieu to its verdant shore and sought the peace and comfort of the home of freedom. She landed in America in 1845 and since that time she has faithfully performed the duties of her station of life and has won the esteem of the entire community. She spent her life in devotion to her God, and the manifold duties of true womanhood. She lived to a ripe age and has gone to receive the fruits of her labor. May her soul rest in peace.

Card of Thanks

We wish to tender our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in our recent affliction.
Patrick Sherlock
Mary Nolan
Bridget Kennedy

-- C. S. Rice, our worthy agent at the Burlington depot, is being visited by his brother, W. H. Rice, of Keokuk. Mr. Rice is engaged in the lumber business at that city.
-- P. F. VanGorden, proprietor of the St. James hotel, received a telegram one day last week, advising him of the dangerous illness of his father who resides in New York state. 
-- on Tuesday of last week, the private school in the La Barre building reopened under the management of Miss Mary White. The present attendance is 20 and is steadily increasing. Miss White is one of the most competent and successful teachers of the county, and under her good discipline and instructions, the children of that school will undoubtedly make headway.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, December 16, 1885

-- Miss Kate Darrah will take charge of one of the departments in the West Bend public school.
-- Wesley Carter and Isaac Kinney, of Rush Lake township, two ex-soldiers in the late war, have received from the government, back pension amounting to $1000 each.
-- the remains of old Mr. Steadman which were interred in the cemetery south of town about one year ago, were exhumed on last Wednesday and removed to Estherville for internment.
-- Mrs. George Harrison received the sad intelligence Saturday afternoon that her mother, who resides in Juno, Wisconsin, was dying.
-- Mrs. H. C. Shadbolt was in West Union last week attending the funeral of her uncle, Hiram Hoagland. She returned home on Thursday night.
-- the little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawyer died at the home is his parents in Ellington Township one day last week. The remains were interred in the cemetery south of town on last Wednesday.
-- H. Hoagland returned from West Union Thursday evening, where he had been attending the funeral of his brother, Hiram Hoagland, who died at his home on Tuesday of last week.
-- Jim Shortall was giving us an extended account of his adventures in the war, last Saturday. He says the report that he fought from behind trees is a notorious falsehood and we are inclined to believe him.
-- at Ruthven, on Friday of last week, quite a sensational lawsuit took place. Mr. Taylor of that place swore out a warrant before Alex Ruthven, J. P. for the arrest of Mrs. Jennie Wilson, alias Bennett. G. H. Carr was retained to prosecute and B. E. Kelly and P. O. Cassidy appeared in behalf of the defendant. The information charged defendant with obtaining goods under false pretenses. After a half day’s trial, and on being refused a change of venue out of the township, Mrs. Wilson settled the claims against her and was discharged. The lawyers say it would make a good sized book of very amusing reading to tell all that happened on that eventful day. 

Emmetsburg Democrat, Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, December 23, 1885

-- patents were issued December 15 to the following Iowa persons: William W. Barber, Ruthven, Iowa, dust protector for threshing machine; Colbert C. Dexter, Des Moines, paper folding machines and sheet switching device for paper folding machines; William C. Ellis, Marshalltown, anti-freezing, non-exploding, cut off for bath boilers; Charles C. Gillman, Eldora, fireproof safe and fault and fireproof vault; Amos L. Grinell, Campbell, portable platform dump and elevator; John D. and G. W. Hibbs, Fairfield, stocking exhibitor; Joseph B. Morris, Fort Madison, cultivator; Calvin J. Merrill and W. Viggars, Des Moines, automatic cutoff and take away from drain tile; William W. Post, assignor of two thirds to L. A. Bradley, Cedar Rapids, baling press.
-- Reverend Dr. Asa Turner, the oldest minister in Iowa, died at Oskaloosa. He was 83 years of age and has been preaching in Iowa since 1843. He was the founder many years ago of Denmark Academy, near Fort Madison, Lee county, and president over it for many years. He was a Congregationalist.
-- Alexander Forsyth, who was once a banker of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when his personal property was valued at over $60,000, died in the Delaware county poorhouse recently, where he had been for seven years.
-- Thomas Fitzgerald, 17 years old, employed by a livestock buyer at Dyersville, attempted to jump from a train at that place and fell between the cars. One leg was cut off and the other crashed badly. It is thought he will die.

-- on account of the dangerous illness of his wife, A. W. Utter was prevented from attending the funeral of his father at Stoughton, Wisconsin.
-- Married: -- in Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Monday, the 21st instant, by Thomas Moncrief, J. P., Mr. Charles Imhoff and Miss Anna Lish, both of West Bend township.
-- Mrs. Myles McNally Sr. received the sad intelligence on Saturday that her son's wife Mrs. Charles McNally, who resides near Mason City, was in a dying condition. She left for Mason City on Monday morning.
-- we were very happy to meet Mr. and Mrs.Knapp, of Ruthven, last week. Mr. Knapp and family moved from Chickasaw county a short time ago. He is now proprietor of the new meat market in the Ruthven area. We have known him for years and can cheerfully recommend him to the citizens of our sister town as a man highly worthy of their patronage.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, December 30, 1885

-- Henry Bechman is being visited by his brother, William Beckman of Clayton county. 
[Bechman / Beckman as spelled in article].
-- Mike Dooley left Saturday morning for Fort Worth, Texas, where he will accept a position from his brother.
-- A. Hinton, of Whittemore, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. George Seeley, of this city, on Monday. He, accompanied by Mr. Seeley, paid their respects to this office. Call again, gentlemen.
-- Deputy sheriff McNally came near having a conflagration at his residence one night last week, and had it not been for the great presence of mind of Mrs. McNally, such would have been the case. A little four-year-old child while playing, accidentally overturned a lighted lamp, which was on the table, thus spilling a quantity of oil which at once ignited. Mrs. McNally, without a moment's hesitation grasped the blazing lamp and, rushing for the door, threw it into the yard. She had no sooner don this when the lamp exploded with a loud report, scattering oil in every direction. Returning to the room, she found that the little boy had smothered the blaze on the carpet by tramping on the same.
-- J. C. and R. E. Jones, of Montrose, Dakota, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones of Great Oak township.
--The following is a partial list of the articles donated the Catholic fair: Parlor set of furniture, by W. H. Dimler; sofa, by Thos. Walsh; mower, by D.M. Osborne & Co.; check rower, corn seller, stirring plow and harrow, by Barnhart & Nolan; one two-seated cutter and rolled cathedral lamp, by Rev. J.J. Smith; one bbl. Sugar, by J.F. Neary; sewing machine, by J.T. Loughlin; hard coal burner, by M.F. Kerwick; same, by J.T. Loughlin; potato plow by Bechman & Schroeder; 300 lbs of flour by C.H. Johnson; set of ladie’s furs by T.H. Tobin; order case by H.P. Moffet; glove box by W.G. Henry; W.A. Weaver, writing desk; E.D. GAlliger, a heifer; Ed. Sawson, a calf; Thos. Kirby, a cow; R. Hennessy, a hog; C. Hardie, a cow; P. Joynt, a steer; R. Nestor, set of silver knives and forks; T.F. Egan, bronze picture of General Grant; Skinner Mfg. Co., a lamp; Mary Pender, a lamp; Mr. Keenan, a picture of Robert Emmet; Mrs. Duffy, a rocking chair; Miss Maggie Waite, a rocking chair; M.F. Kerwick, a washing machine; T.H. Tobin, an eight day cock; H.C. Shadbolt, a dressing case; P.J. Nolan, a dressing case; P. Joyce, a lady’s cloak; T.J. Duffy, twelve hams; and numerous other article.

-- Will Lacy is home from Davenport for a vacation.
-- Twenty lbs. brown sugar, for one dollar at McFarland's.
-- Miss Ward, of Humboldt county, is teaching the old West Bend school.
-- Married, at Avoca, Wisconsin, J. L. McFarland, of West Bend, Iowa, to Miss Maggie Cullen, of that place.


Mrs. E. J. Hartshorn

The thunderbolt of death has again rent the happiness of another family. Mrs. E. J. Hartshorn, well-known by the citizens of Emmetsburg, has been the unexpected victim. She died at nine o'clock, Saturday evening, after a brief illness of twenty-six hours. In company with her husband, she had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Telford, on Christmas afternoon, and while on her way to the Cantata, she was taken with an epileptic fit, from the effects of which she remained unconscious to the hour of her death. She leaves a husband and two children, Charles E. and Edward J., to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place at the residence, at 10:30, Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Hartshorn was born inMontpelier, Vermont, February 18, 1849. Her maiden name was Mary A. Eastman. She was married in her native state in 1872, and came to this state shortly after her marriage. The unexpected news of her death has been a severe shock to the community. She was indeed a truly excellent woman. She was a crystal ornament in society, and a worthy queen of her household, for she possessed to an extraordinary degree the qualities that guard the sweetness and attractiveness of home. That fireside will be cheerless, indeed, without her. A devoted daughter, a good wife, and a tender, loving mother has passed down the dark valley of death. That "beacon light of home," which, at eventide, shown with attentive splendor on the languishing hopes of a wearied husband, has suddenly been quenched; that center, about which the grief oppressed heart of the child clung with tenacious fondness, has been removed from its position; that sacred urn, whence flows the tender sweetness of eternal love has been broken. Nor were her transcendent qualities confined within the circle of her household. Her praiseworthy deeds for the welfare of a neighbor and the good of society were often thankfully felt throughout the vicinity. Kindhearted and generous, she had warm sympathy for those in distress and had a noble hand to relieve the necessities of those in want. Though her mortal remains will soon be laid to rest within the dark, cold tomb, her name and the memory of the laudable acts of her life will long be cherished by her friends and acquaintances.

A. Dudgeon

It is with feelings of sadness we record the death of A. Dudgeon, which mournful event occurred at his home on Wednesday morning of last week. He was sick but a few days and died in his 24th year. The funeral took place on Thursday, and an unusually large concourse of friends and relatives followed his remains to their last resting place.

The news of this untimely and unexpected occurrence has sent a thrill of sorrow throughout the entire community. Another useful gem, in all its freshness and vigor, has suddenly been cut down and left to wither and decay. How sure his life, how uncertain the arrival of the last hour of agony.' Twas at last eve that the star of light twinkled in all its strength and beauty; but, suddenly, it fell from its orbit and vanished into the darkness of death. A few days since the light of happiness illuminated the walls of his cherished home, but now a cloud of anguish lingers o’er that humble dwelling. The pride of that once joyous fireside has left it never more to return. Mr. Dudgeon was, indeed, an exemplary young man. Pure in his habits, unassuming in his demeanor, and kind and generous in his association with his companions, he won for himself the esteem and friendship of all with whom he came in contact. His home has lost a valuable treasure and society an important factor. Shortly before the hour of his death, he requested to have a Catholic priest in order that he might have an opportunity of dying in that faith. Rev. Father Smith was summoned and performed the necessary ceremonies. Surrounded by the consolations of the Catholic church, he quietly passed away. May his soul rest in peace.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County