Iowa Old Press

The Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto co. Iowa
Saturday, April 7, 1883

--The West Bend Times is no more.
--Matt Joyce was in Estherville, Thursday.
--Dr. Davies will shortly move to Minneapolis
--Merchant McCormick of West Bend was in town Monday.
--Land lookers tickets are now for sale at the Milwaukee depot.
--The B.C.R. & N. Depot at Nora Junction burned on the 20 inst.
--Thomas F. Egan has the toniest delivery wagon that runs the streets.
--John F. Nolan lately bought the lots on which Dr. Whitney’s office stands.
--Is not there an ordinance that forbids the parading of stock horses on the
--Nineteen cars of emigrants passed through town bound for western Iowa last
--Mr. and Mrs. AW. Harris have returned to their Ruthven farm to remain
during seeding.
--Dr. Whitney has gone to Fort Pierre, D.T. where he expects to make his
future home.
--There seems to be heaps of trouble with the mail along the Des Moines &
Ft. Dodge railroad.
--Mr. Higgins brought in a fine herd of steers from the Whittemore
neighborhood on Tuesday.
--Mr. Shadbolt made a trip to Wisconsin last week.  It is presumable that he
was in the lumber market.
--Note the change of time of the Burlington trains. They now stop for supper
and breakfast at Emmetsburg.
--Someone was calling for a street sprinkler on Thursday, but we are sorry
to say that overcoats were more in use.
--Geo. Bates of Fern Valley was in town on Tuesday, and told us that he
expected to begin breaking on the following day.
--There are still quite a number of our subscribers who are in arrears for
their paper. Drop in and settle up if you possibly can.
--R.T. Ramsey, who has been of the Reporter force the greater part of the
past year, returned to his home in Algona last Tuesday.
--It is said that the people of this country consumed last year over
$800,000,000 worth of liquors, which were sold by 200,000 dealers.
--Mr. H.L. Goodrich has taken up his summer residence at Spirit Lake.  He is
in the employ of Frederickson & Hansen, the land men.
--Knuet Espeset, county treasurer of Emmet county and Dr. Ballard of
Estherville, were in town Monday.  They were returning from Algona.
--H.C. Shadbolt & Co. expects to open a branch lumberyard at some point in
Dakota.  Mr. Hoagland was out looking up a site last week.
--Hancock and O’Brien counties will both vote on relocating their county
seats at the next election. Britt and Sanborn are the aspiring towns.
--Capt. Lucas & Son, lately of the Cerro Gordo Republican, were last week
(word unreadable) in $500 damages for saying bad things about a Mason City
--D.G.  Goodrich, traveling correspondent of the Cedar Rapids Republican,
and traveling agent Wilson, of the Sioux City daily Journal, were in town
--Mr. Reynolds has disposed of his interest in the Estherville Broad Axe to
his partner, Mr. Lough, and will go to Des Moines, where he will start a new
--B.E. Kelly was looking over our sprightly sister town, West Bend, Monday.
He informs us that his friend, Mr. Galliger, is going to sell tablecloths
for shawls this summer.
--At night when you take off wet or water soaked boots, fill them with dry
oats, which will absorb the moisture from the boots and prevent them from
shrinking and becoming hard.
--O. Sloan, called on the printer during the week, and left him happy. Mr.
Sloan is one of the industrious farmers of West Bend who does not get to the
county seat more than once or twice a year.
--C.E. Schirmer, of Grundy Center, has arrived with his bottles, and is
moving into the Black house on Union Str. He will begin the erection of his
Pop Factory on the premises next week.
--Quarterly meeting at the M.E. church today and tomorrow. Preaching at 3 o’clock
this afternoon. Services at the usual hours Sunday with the additional
preaching at 3:30 by Rev. R.C. Glass.
--The Dysart post office was robbed on the night of the 20 inst (sic). The
thieves entered by a rear window and after drilling and blowing open a hall
safe dispensed with about $200 worth of cash and stamps.
--The center railing vault doors etc. have this week been put in the
Scottish American office. The vault doors and safe area of the Diebold
manufacture, and are complete both in regard to beauty and strength. The
doors and safe are lettered, “Palo Alto Banking and Security Co.”
--The home of Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Madole of Canton has again been visited by
the destroyer, Death, and this time he took their baby boy, Freddie. The
bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends at this place.
--Attention Comrades – You are hereby notified that the meeting of Henry
Dillon Post of the G.A.R. will be held in Emmetsburg at 2 o’clock p.m.,
April 9, 1883; the same being the anniversary of the surrender of Gen. Lee;
and further all who apply for membership can be mustered in. LeRoy Grout,
--Mrs. L.J. Baldwin has opened a millinery and dress and cloak making room
upstairs in the building lately occupied by J.T. Watson & Son. She has had a
large experience in the business, both in this country and England, and is
confident that she can satisfy her customers.

E.J. Hartshorn recently received a telegram containing the intelligence that
his mother had passed away. Although in poor health for several years,
during which time he had twice been called east not expecting she would
live, the sad news came unexpectedly at last, as for some months past she
had been quite comfortable. The deceased with her husband spent several
weeks here on a visit with their son in the summer of 1873, and will be
remembered by many who met them at that time. The Lancaster N.H. Gazette has
the following obituary, which we copy. “Anna Smith, Hartshorn, wife of Hon.
John W. Hartshorn of Lunenburg, Vt. Died Saturday, the 10th inst., after a
lingering illness of five years. The subject of this sketch was born in
Lunenburg, Feb. 9, 1919, and was consequently sixty-four years of age at the
time of her death. She had been a sufferer from pulmonary consumption for
many years. The immediate cause of her death, however, was Bright’s disease
of the kidneys. In all of her sickness she was kindly cared for by her
husband, who although in feeble health himself, was every watchful and
attentive to her every want, thus smoothing her pathway through the dark
valley. Her funeral was attended at her late residence on the 15th by a
large concourse of neighbors, friends and relatives who came to pay their
last tribute of respect to a kind an affectionate wife and mother, and a
worth Christian woman. Three children survive her, viz. Hon. E.J. Hartshorn
of Emmetsburg, Iowa, Harry C. Hartshorn of (rest of obituary was not

Ruthven Items
--Mr. Hughes is shipping in corn by the carload on the Des Moines road from
Jefferson and retailing it at 60 and 63 cents per bushel.
--Mr. M.A. Norton has arrived from Jackson County with a carload of goods.
He has purchased Mr. Hughes farm, two and a half miles east of town, north
of the Milwaukee track. During the transit he lost $300 unaccountably. It
will pinch him some for a time, but perhaps not so badly as it would some
--March 28th there was a young folks party of about thirty at Mr. Hovey’s
house. We expect they had a very enjoyable time.
--A.W. Goff rented Mr. Zook’s farm of 170 acres, 37 acres broke, for $50
cash rent for one year.
--The ladies sociable meets at Mr. J. McNary’s afternoon and evening of
Friday of this week.  They have $25 towards a Sunday school library. It is
to be hoped they will not yield to any temptation to let it be directed to
any other purpose than the one for which it was paid.
--In Silver Lake about March 30th, Mr. Holdridge’s barn was consumed by
fire.  He was away at the time at Mr. Caldwell’s.  How the fire originated
is not known.  The barn was 14X32 feet, there was also consumed in it six
milch cows, one horse, one yearling calf, harness, saddle and bridle, etc. A
subscription is in circulation for his relief, which is being signed
--At the trustees meeting Monday last, J.M. Carpenter appointed a committee
to take charge of the cemetery, break around and fence the same. A one-mill
tax was ordered levied as cemetery fund.
--S.J. Walker and P.V. Noland were appointed constables, those elected
having failed to qualify.
--Thirty-three names have been signed to a petition to Supt. Sanborn to put
a wagon crossing east of the platform of the Milwaukee depot.
--Messrs. Brewer & Grant have put up a carpenter shop 18X24 feet south of
Mr. Thoreson’s blacksmith shop.
--The contract for lengthening the school house twenty feet has been let to
Messrs. Brewer & Wigmore for $184 to be completed May 1st.
--On the evening of March 30th, the De La Dees gave an exhibition in Ruthven
Hall. They had a full house, but the performance is not creditably spoken
--A.W. Harris has just shipped to Ruthven a carload of shelled corn, and
choice white seed oats all cleaned up nicely which he will sell at
reasonable prices.  On his farm 2 miles north of Ruthven. A.W. Harris,
Ruthven, Iowa.
--The Canley Sisters invite their patrons and the pubic generally, to call
and examine their select stock of Spring Millinery, just received, including
a full line of fancy goods, notions and ladies’ furnishing goods. Dress and
cloak making, designing, etc. promptly attended to.  Shop, corner of Main
St. and Broadway.
--For Sale at my farm in Silver Lake three work horses, seven cows, a few
hogs, sulky plow, corn plow. G.H. Pendlebury.
--Dissolution Notice. The partnership theretofore existing of Madole and
Hinkley is now dissolved by mutual consent. All bills due the late firm in
Canton will be collected by S.C. Madole, who will also pay all bills against
the late firm in Canton. All dues due the late firm in Emmetsburg will be
collected by J.H. Hinkley, who will also pay all debts against the firm at
that price.   S.C. Madole. J.H. Hinkley. Canton, D.T., March 5, 1883.
--Appointment of Executrix.  State of Iowa, Palo Alto County: ss. Notice is
hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as
Executrix of the state of Henry Edwin Rockwell, late of Palo Alto county,
deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment; and those having claims against the same will present
them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance. Rachel M.
Rockwell, Dated February 28th, 1883.

[transcribed by M.K.L., April 2009]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County