Old Press
Shenandoah, Page Co., Iowa
May 22, 1936.
McIntyre School Reunion Revives History of Community From
Days of Mud Seminary
Sunday, May 17, was a big day for the McIntyre rural school,
northwest of Shenandoah. A picnic dinner at noon, a program,
reunion of teachers and scholars, historic information, were the
striking features for the day. Several hundred people took
advantage of renewing fellowships of other days. Miss Ardyth
McMahon, teacher of the school, who continues her work for
another year, with the help of others, carried out a most
successful program. Twelve former teachers were present:
Mrs. Cora (Hand) Bright of Farragut
Mrs. Lizzie (Doerr) Comstock of Riverton: She taught here 44
years ago.
Mrs.Gertrude (Ross) Graves of Farragut
Mrs. Rena (Thomas) Higgins of Farragut. (She taught here in the
fall term, 1909.--W.F)
Addie Martin of Farragut (She taught here in the fall and winter
terms, 1920; some of her students were Bessie Bushnell, Nellie
Ross, Velma Bushnell.---W.F.)
Mrs. Flo (McMahon) McIntyre of Farragut
Mrs. Forrest (Thomas) McMahon of Farragut
Ellen Oldfield of Shenandoah
Mrs. Annie B. (Miller) Ross of Farragut: Mrs. Ross taught the
school 56 years ago, and was pleased to greet seven of her former
pupils at this reunion.
Mrs. Cora (Ross) Scott of Farragut. (She taught here in spring,
fall and winter of 1902, and in the spring, fall terms of
Lydia Tyner of Shenandoah (She taught here in the fall of 1914,
in the fall of 1916 -- SO -- she probably taught here all the
terms in between these dates. During the Second World War, she
taught the Normal Training Class in Sidney High School, and might
have been the last to do so.--W.F.)
The first school in the community was the log school house known
as Mud Seminary. The only person in the community who attended
this place was Marion (Deacon) High, who on account of illness,
was not able to be present. The next school was known as the
Singleton school, built of native cottonwood lumber. It stood
just across the road north of the Henry Fisher home, now owned by
Mrs. A. J. McIntyre. The Rising Star school house, better known
as the McIntyre school, probably was built some time after Walnut
township was organized, Jan. 7, 1871. Frank Allison of Sidney,
was the contractor. George McIntyre helped in its construction.
W. D. Jenkins, father of Mrs. John Ross, Sr., painted the new
school building. He moved into the community in the fall of 1871.
But two people at the reunion had attended the Singleton school,
Mrs. Augusta Daland of Lincoln, Neb., and James N. Reade, Sidney
hotel man.
Mrs. Morton Graves gave a history of the school. Mrs. Augusta
Daland mentioned, among the teachers who taught in the Singleton
school where she attended, the following: Walter Mason, Rosetta
Cox, Henry Singleton, Etta Radikin, Edgar Farlow. Teachers of the
McIntyre school whom she remembered, were:
J. A. Beghtol
Susie Butts
A.F. Daland
E. J. Farlow
Mrs. Levi Gammon
Elizabeth Gilchrist
Effie Grey
Addie Martin
Joseph Rockefiled
Lida Singleton
Eva Swain
Anna Wilson
P. H. Wilson
Not one of the teachers had ever taught in a log school house.
Dr. William Kerr of Randolph, had the distinction of having
taught in a sod school house in Nebraska.
Rev. Peter Jacobs, in his address, brought out the fact that
Walnut township, according to the Fremont county history of 1881,
was not organized until Jan. 7, 1871. Previous to that time, it
was a part of Monroe township, said to have been organized in
February 1855. The Chambers cemetery, now known as the Singleton
cemetery, probably was set apart for a general burial ground by
Ezekial Chambers, when his wife died May 31, 1857. It is said
that her services were held in the Mud Seminary log school house.
How much earlier this first school of the community had been
built, no one seems to know.
The McIntyre family came to Fremont county in the fall of 1870,
from Dane county, Wisconsin. Oliver E. McIntyre, and his
son-in-law, Peter Benson, had come in advance to purchase land.
His daughter, Mrs. Norton Inman, and her family had already
located in this section. The McIntyres who came at the time,
besides the father and mother, were George McIntyre and family,
Lydia (Mrs. Peter Benson) and family, Arthur J. McIntyre, Ollie
McIntyre and Will T. McIntyre. Of the immediate Oliver E.
McIntyre family, but one is living, Will T. McIntyre, who, with
his wife enjoyed the occasion immensely. Will was a lad of ten at
the time the family located. They came from Wisconsin in covered
Mrs. Stella Daland county superintendent of Fremont county, gave
a short talk. Mrs. Peter Jacobs, former county superintendent,
also was present. As the roll call of teachers, prepared in story
form by Mrs. Harvey Scott, was read, each teacher was seated.
Some of the program features were the welcome by Billy Henning;
reading by Hope Henning and Catherine Harbin; solos by Glee Palm
and Patsy Thomas. These school reunions are reviving much
interest in the early history of the schools and of the
[transcribed by W.F., February 2008]
Shenandoah, Page Co., Iowa
May 26, 1936
Miss Grace Watts, teacher of the Sunnyside school in Prairie
township, took her school pupils to Nebraska City on Friday,
where they picnicked at Morton's Park. The children took a tour
of Arbor Lodge, the Blind School, and Otoe canning factory. The
pupils are Blanche Woodlands, Norma Farwell, Jack Farwell, Donald
Proctor, Maurice Farwell, Richard Woodlands, and Bobby Farwell.
Mrs. Flora Watts accompanied the group.
[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]
Shenandoah, Page co., Iowa
May 29, 1936
Imogene News
Frank O'Connor's daughter was born Tuesday. She is their second
Imogene News
There is one living Civil War veteran here, who is F. M.
Straight. He always goes to his former home at New Market to
celebrate Memorial day.
The old soldiers' graves, who will be decorated at both the
protestant and Mt. Calvary cemeteries are
Mr. Blakely
Mr. Boatman
Larry Campwell
Mr. Crosswait
Anton Dickenbaugh
Mr. Drone
Philip Hampsh
Martin Head
Eli Labor
John Lee
Mr. Liston
Adam Long
F. M. Moore
Robert Ness
Robert Oatis
Charles Sheck
W. J. Smalley
Mr. Voss
Mr. Woods
[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]