Old Press
The Shambaugh Newspaper
Shambaugh, Page co., Iowa
June 20, 1916
Vol. I No.1
Local Happenings -pg 2-
Items of Interest Gathered and Handed into the Office
Thos. Davison was a Braddyville visitor Monday.
Miss Elsie Reed has been selected to teach the Butler school next
The District conference of the M.E. Church will be held at Lenox
June 28-29.
Miss Sylvia Parker and Mrs. Jim Parker of Shambaugh were in
Clarinda Monday.
Miss Allie Rhodes, the music teacher, of Clarinda is planning to
give a recital in the near future.
Miss Elsie Reed left Saturday for Des Moines where she will
attend school at Highland Park College.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bryant of Clarinda visited at the home of Mr.
And Mrs. F.E. Russell over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of Shambaugh visited Mr. and Mrs. Will
Russell at Braddyville Sunday June 11.
Miss Sylvia Parker visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Bryant from Thursday until Saturday in Clarinda.
Emma Rhodes of Burlington Junction was in Shambaugh visiting her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hamm.
Excavation for the basement of the new bank began Monday
afternoon June 11. The work will be pushed to its completion.
Miss Hazel Florea of near Hopkins left for her home Monday
evening after visiting two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Deny and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson motored over
to New Market in the Anderson car Sunday and visited relatives.
Rev. L. B. Shannon who is conducting revival meetings at Siam was
an over night visitor with Rev. and Mrs. J.A. Nayle Saturday of
last week.
The revival meeting in progress at Siam will continue for another
week. Thirty united with the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday
night. Up to date, there have been thirty-five conversions.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Brown drove over in their auto Sunday
afternoon and took Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westapher to Clarinda to
visit Mrs. Westaphers mother, who is ill at the Thorn home.
E.J. Hersey of Hiawatha Kansas arrived in Shambaugh Monday
morning June 11 in his New Overland car. Mr. Hersey left home
Saturday morning, arrived in Mound city, Mo. by noon took dinner
with Ray Hill and arrived in College Springs Saturday evening.
Mr. Hersey says he found the roads in very good condition except
a few miles of the Missouri road which was very muddy and washed,
making it necessary to drive several miles out of his way. Mr.
Hersey expects to return by the way of Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hopes were in Clarinda Friday afternoon.
Leota Bails of Clarinda visited Saturday and Sunday at the home
of Miss Wilma Mulkins.
Dale Berringer drove from Clarinda to Shambaugh Saturday night to
attend the concert.
Mrs. Charlie Fulk and daughter visited Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fulk.
Mrs. John Fulk and children of Shambaugh visited at the home of
Mrs. John Fulks mother, Mrs. I. Mulkins.
Miss Barrett and Miss Hazel Florea were entertained at the home
of Mrs. Charlie Fulk for dinner Friday June 9.
Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Nayle and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. D.
Shisler were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harve
Oxleys near Siam Sunday for dinner.
The band concert of Shambaugh was well attended Saturday night.
The boys played a number of beautiful selections. The people of
Shambaugh are very proud of their band.
[note: these articles were reproduced in 'Shambaughs
Passing Years (Centennial) 1881-1981'; transcribed by L.F.J.,
November 2007]