Iowa Old Press

Clarinda Journal
Clarinda, Page co., Iowa
August 3, 1916

Employe of Iowa Telephone Company Falls While Working on Tree.
Fenton Whitnah, an employe of the Iowa Telephone company, suffered injuries from which he died in an hour and a half, Monday evening, July 31, 1916, when he was working on a branch which had lodged and something gave way, hurling him twenty feet to the ground. L. E. Schmidt, local manager for the company, and Mr. Whitnah were assisting John Wagoner and his sons, Martin and Emory, in topping a tree on the Wagoner place in Clarinda, just west of the Henshaw hotel, and as far as all those at work could tell every precaution for safety had been taken and the unfortunate accident was the last thing expected.

Mr. Whitnah fell upon his neck and shoulder, the head was driven upon the spinal column, fracturing the base of the brain, and a fractured rib pierced the left lung. Doctors A. M. Sherman and D. H. Killingsworth attended him and he was taken to his home at 307 West Tarkio street. The accident occurred soon after 4 o'clock and Mr. Whitnah died at 5:30, without ever having regained consciousness.

Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Whitnah had gone to assist Mr. Wagoner and his sons in their work upon a large tree, which stands east of the house which Mr. Wagoner has bought and which he expects to face around upon Lincoln street, to make room for a new house on the corner of Lincoln and Sixteenth streets. The telephone company had wires passing near the tree, and in accordance with their policy of maintaining continuous service, they were assisting in the work in the tree, in order that no damage, might be done to their own wires. Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Whitnah started work about 1:30 and all the branches were off the tree except two. They were working on one of these branches which was thought to be most thoroughly secured by block and tackle. When the branch fell, it did not go as expected, but the butt end lodged in a crotch in the tree, and the other end fell across the roof of the Henshaw hotel, the limb thus shretching over the alley. It was too heavy to do anything with in that shape, so Mr. Whitnah placed an extension ladder near the Henshaw building, went up on it, and with his, axe was chopping some of the smaller limbs from the large branch. Suddenly something gave way, presumably the limb slipped from the crotch of the tree, and he was hurled to the hard cinder driveway below. He fell doubled up and to all appearances had not had time to use his arms in any way to break his fall. As far as all those could tell who saw the accident, it was entirely unforseen and unexpected and there is no responsibility to be laid anywhere.

Mr. Whitnah had been in the employ of the Iowa Telephone company for about six years and was an efficient workman. He was known as a combination man, doing any kind of outside work for the company. Although the company is not in any way particularly to blame for the accident, it occurred in their service, and they will treat Mr. Whitnah's family very well. The entire expense incurred in connection with the accident, doctors' bills, fees for telephoning relatives, funeral expenses and others will be paid by them, and to his family will be paid a full three year's salary. G. E. Batty, district plant chief, and F. E. Elgan, district commercial manager, both of Council Bluffs, were in Clarinda, Tuesday, looking after the matter.


Fenton Whitnah.
The relatives of the late Fenton Whitnah, whose sad death by accident is mentioned elsewhere in this issue of The Clarinda Journal, have the most heartfelt sympathy of all Clarinda people. Funeral services for Mr. Whitnah will be held from the residence, Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. A. S. Woodard, pastor of the Clarinda Methodist Episcopal church. Clarinda lodge, No. 109, I. O. O. F., will conduct ritualistic services at the grave. Concerning Mr. Whitnah's life, the following facts have been furnished: William Fenton Whitnah was born in Canton, Ill., Aug. 15, 1876, and died in Clarinda, July 31, 1916, aged at the time of his death 39 years 11 months and 15 days. He came to Clarinda with his parents in 1881 and has since made Clarinda his home. In November, 1908, he was united in marriage to Miss Maude Fleming of Burlington. When he returned to Clarinda he was employed at the Lisle Manufacturing company plant for about two years. During the past six years he has been an employe of the Iowa Telephone company, He is survived by his wife and son, his mother, Mrs. J. C. Whitnah, two sisters, Mrs. C. Bennett of Roswell, N. Mex., and Miss Blanche Whitnah of Clarinda, and two brothers, Fred Whitnah of Beloit, Kan., and Harry Whitnah, of Wauthena, Kan. All the relatives expect to be present at the funeral services.

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2017]


Page County Democrat
Clarinda, Page co., Iowa
August 3, 1916

Fenton Whitnah
Was born in Canton, Ill., Aug. 15, 1876, and died at his home at 307 West Tarkio street, Clarinda, la., Monday July 31, 1916, aged 39 years 11 months and 15 days.

Mr. Whitnah came with his parents to Clarinda in 1881 and remained here until he was a young man. He united in marriage with Miss Maude Fleming of Burlington, la., in Nov 1908 and moved to Clarinda, where he found employment with the Lisle Manufacturing Co., and which position he held for two years. He was then offered a, position with the Bell Telephone Co., whom he served well and faithfully until the time of his death, six years, in all. He was an earnest and conscientious workman and became an expert in his work as lineman for the company.

A wife, son, mother, two sisters and two brothers, and a host of friends are left to mourn their loss. The sisters are Mrs. Cordy Bennett, Roswell, N. M., and Miss Blanch of this city. The brothers are Fred, of Beloit, Kan., and Harry, of Wathena, Kan.

Funeral services will be held from the home at 9:30 Friday morning, conducted by Rev. A. S. Woodard. Clarinda lodge, No. 109, I O. O. F., of which Mr Whitnah was a member, will conduct the remains to the grave, where their service will be read.

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2017]


Clarinda Herald
Clarinda, Page co., Iowa
August 3, 1916

Obituary—Fenton Whitnah
William Fenton Whitnah was born in Canton, Ill., Aug. 15th, 1876, and died at his home in this city, July 31st, 1916. He was 39 yrs., 11 mo., and 15 days of age at time of death.

He came to Clarinda with his parents in 1881, when a small boy and has since made this his home. In Nov , 1908, he was united in marriage to Miss Maude Flemming, of Burlington, la, and after returning to Clarinda was employed at the Lisle plant for about two years.. For the past six years he has been in the employ of the Bell Telephone Co. and was one of the oldest linemen in this section and expert workman.

He leaves beside a wife and son, a mother, Mrs. J. C. Whitnah, two sisters, Mrs. Cordy Bennett of Roswell, N. M, and Miss Blanch Whitnah, of this city, also two brothers, Fred, of Beloit, Kans, and Harry, of Wauthena, Kans, all of whom expect to be present at the funeral. Many other relatives and friends, also mourn his departure. The funeral services will be held at the home Friday morning at 9:30 conducted by Rev. A. S. Woodard. The I. O. O. F. will have charge ot the services at the cemetery.

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Page County