Iowa Old Press

Page County Democrat
Clarinda, Page co., Iowa
August 11, 1910

Mrs. Mary E. Middaugh, wife of John Middaugh, died at her home northwest of the city Saturday afternoon, following a long and painful illness from an internal cancer, aged 58 years, 3 months and 21 days. Miss Mary E. Fisher was born in Bucyrus, O., and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fisher, and came to Page county in 1855. September 11th, 1876, she was married to John Middaugh and to them one child was born, Charles, deceased. Mrs. Middaugh was a woman highly respected and her death deeply mourned. The funeral was Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. T. Fisher, assisted by Rev. C. M. Pennock.

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2017]


Clarinda Herald
Clarinda, Page co., Iowa
August 11, 1910

The Reaper of Death
The country home of John Middaugh has been a sorrowful one for some time past as it has been known that Mrs. Middaugh could not long survive the ravages of a cancer that had been gnawing at her vitals for the past two years. The best medical aid in the country could do her no good, and the patient and the friends could do nothing but await the results of time.

Mary E. Fisher was born in Bucyrus, Ohio, May 15, 1852. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fisher who located near Clarinda when the child was three years of age. She was the oldest of a family of five children, all of whom were close attendants during the last days of the deceased.

Those of the family remaining are: George Fisher, living in the south part of town, Will A., living on his farm northwest of town, Mrs. Knox Alexander, living with her husband on their farm east of town and Charles P. who lives east of Hepburn.

As this family came to this place in 1855 the school advantages were not established, but father Fisher was one of the originators of the school system for this city. Mrs. Middaugh was one of the first pupils of the school and obtained a good education which ranked well with the education of later years.

The deceased was married to Mr. John Middaugh on September 11, 1876, and to this union one child, Charles, was born. This only child met a sudden death about six years ago and the mother has not enjoyed life since that time. She has been an invalid for the past two years and has been confined to her bed for the past six months. During all this time there was no hope for her and the kindness of the family and the friends was all the relief she got from the constant suffering.

Mrs. Middaugh died last Saturday afternoon, Aug. 6, and the funeral was held Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. T. Fisher and Rev. O. M. Pennock, and the remains were laid in the Clarinda cemetery beside the grave of her only son.

A good delegation of the Knights of Pythias order attended the funeral.

[transcribed by L.Z., June 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Page County