Iowa Old Press

Page County Democrat
Clarinda, Page co. Iowa
Saturday, April 15, 1871

Home Intelligence
-David Abbott starts for Chicago on Tuesday next with two car loads of fat cattle.

-We are informed by James Moore that a great amount of wheat was actually blown out of the ground in Douglas township last Saturday. The day was the most disagreeable day of the season. The wind blew a perfect hurricane, and the air was thick with dust and sand.

-Rev. W.T. Smith, who was at one time the proprietor of the Herald, has been stopping in town a few days. He is stationed at Mt. Ayr this year.

-The bridge on East River is completed. It is stated that this is the best bridge in the county.

-Daniel Polsley, an old citizen of Page county, has sold his farm and is off with his family for Kansas. He intends to locate somewhere in the Solomon Valley.

-John Aikin has bought the entire stock of goods of Hiatt & Carlson, and intends to continue the business at the old stand. Mr. Aikin is apparently a gentleman in every respect, and will no doubt secure a great many new customers besides retaining the old ones.

-Conine is still improving his magnificent drug house by having it papered with fresco paper, which makes it look as neat as a pin. Go and see it.

-We learn that there was considerable damage done to the farmers of our county by fire on Saturday last. James Bradly, of Buchanan township had his barn burned down, also one horse and sixteen head of hogs. A Mr. Davis, of Tarkio, lost a barn, likewise a farmer south of Hawleyville was the loser of the same kind of property, together with a horse.

Application for License, Circuit Court of Page county, Iowa
Notice is hereby given the J.H. Conine has filed an application in said county for a permit to sell intoxicating liquor in the town of Clarinda.

In Clarinda, on the 10th of April, 1871, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Wyman, aged 41 years 4 months and 28 days.

One of our most respected, and esteemed female citizens, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Wyman, wife of C.J. Wyman, was a kind, christian Mother, and all who made her acquaintance esteemed her highly. She leaves a husband and family to mourn her loss, while she will wait for their coming beyond the river. Thus one by one our citizens are called to that unknown land that awaits us all, and which should remind us that in the midst of life we are in death. Mr. Wyman has the sympathies of the whole community in his bereavement.

Report of the Board of Supervisors, April 3rd, '71
Board met, and was called or order by Wm. McLean, president. Members T.J. Bracken, Isaac Damewood.

Roads established:
-Nodaway township, known as the Clarinda and Quincy road, viewed and reported upon by R.F. Conner, commissioner.
-A road in Nebraska township known as the Jones' road established
-A change in the Dupray road in Lincoln township, viewed and reported upon by J.R. Knox, commissioner.

Roads vacated:
-A road in Buchanan township, petitioned for by A. Eaas and others, viewed and reported upon by E. Miller, commissioner.
-A road in Lincoln township petitioned for by G. Myers and others, viewed and reported upon by C.W. Keys, commissioner.

Reports of Justices of the Peace Examined and Approved:
J.R. Bradham, J.P., Grant tp.
Silas White, J.P., Douglas tp.
S.H. Davis, J.P., Douglas tp.

Official bond of D.A. Thompson, J.P., Nebraska tp., was examined and approved.

Claims examined and the following amounts allowed:
G.W. Robinsin, $220
Willis Portlock, $7.10
J.B. Barry, $5.00
B.B. Hutton, $16.00
S.C. Johnson, $9.63
J.W. Beavers, $15.00
Wm. Loughey, $1.50
D.C. Ribble, $2.00
J.J. Round, $52.75
Morledge & McFerrin, $7.50
W.M. Alexander, $9.40
T.J. McKinnon, $12.00
H. Stilwell, $6.00
J.A. Thompson, $20.65
N.C. Ridenour, $55.36
Acres, Blackmier & Co., $176.25
R.F. Conner, $4.50
Henry Hakes, $1.25
David Couts, $1.25
John Annon, $1.25
Cyrus Cueal, $1.25
C.N. Cramer, $2.00
T.E. Clark, $5.00
Dem. Davidson, $2.50
T.J. McKinnoon, $10.00
J.N. Martin, $3.00
T.J. Bracken, $15.25
Jonas Edingfield, $6.00
David Porter, $1.00
D. Dixon, $4.00
Albert Blake, $3.00
John F.M. Porter, $9.00
Malcolm McLean, $3.90
Geo. Huis, $13.59
Hiatt & Carlson, $21.05
L.M. Vroman, $42.50
Ezra Quimby, $5.50
Geo. H. Powers, $194.36
A. Prank, $1.50

Petition of M.Y. Moore, askiing $35.87 with 6% interest, refunded on tax paiid under protest on the personal property of James Martin - not granted.

Claim of E. Miller for services as county superintendent, of $93.00, referred back to him for a more specific statement of the account.

Claims of A. Warger and S. Maynard for witness fees, referred back to them for certificate of the justice before whom the cases were tried.

Reported by W.M. Alexander, Auditor

To All Whom It May Concern
Notice is given that on the 2nd day of December 1870, Mary L. Owen, my wife, deserted by bed and board without proper cause and that I will in no wise be held responsible for debts contracted by her. James R. Owen, March 29, 1871, Clarinda.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Page County