Iowa Old Press

Osceola County Tribune
Sibley, Osceola co. Iowa
Friday, November 7, 1884

Here and There

-Miss Ireland went to Worthington Thursday morning.
-Hungerford & Miller have built a new flour house near their office.
-Mrs. L. Knight, of St. Louis, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. C.S. Cronk.
-Geo. Warner arrived here from Pipestone with his family Thursday night to spend the winter.
-Miss Susan B. Anthony was up from Sioux City the first of the week visiting her uncle, T.J. Anthony.
-Mrs. R.P. Roberts, of Trenton, New York, is visiting in Sibley, with her brother Mr. T.J. Anthony's family.
-Miss Nellie Martin, Mr. Jordan's niece, has been engaged as assistant teacher in the primary department. She began Monday morning.
-F.E. Romanes left Sibley Wednesday afternoon expecting to sail for England in a few days. Frank is a rattling good boy and we hope his stay in Old England will be short.
-F.H. Townsend, a former Sibleyite, but now of Columbia, Dak., where he owns a large flouring mill, arrived in Sibley Thursday morning. He expects a car load of his flour here today and has sold the same to A. Romey. F.H. looks as though they fed him well out in Dakota.
-Mrs. W.H. Morrison has moved her millinery store into Walter's building on 3d Avenue.
-A bright little osn is the latest addition to P.L. Resley's household.

Report of High School for month ending October 24, 1884
Grammer department. Prof. Trainer, principal; Miss Stanton, assistant. Number enrolled: 71. Average daily attendance: 62. Names of those neither absent nor tardy during the month: Nina Piney, Eddie Bailey, Eugene Taylor, May Davisson, Annie Bennett, Maud Shell, Mary Schersach, Ida Hunt and Vonnie Taylor.

Intermediate department. Lillie A. Barger, teacher. Number enrolled, 63. List of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Maud Barclay, Myrtle Brooks, Millie Cressy, Alice Clemens, Iva Davisson, Jennie Hunt, Maud Mills, Alice May, Lola Mandeville, Hazel Mandeville, Lillie Riddlesbarger, Edith Spencer, Belle Shaw and Tommy Thompson.

Primary Department. Ida Hanks, teacher. Number enrolled: 91. Average daily attendance: 69. Number cases of tardiness: 48. Names of those neither absent nor tardy during the month:Gertie Brown, Charlie Dennis, Meda McCausland, Clyde Brown, Fred Riddlesbarger, Herman Coleman, Claude May, Hayes Bollman and Glenne Dunshee.

At the residence of W.J. Miller, Oct. 30, 1884, by the Rev. J.D. Whitelaw, assisted by the Rev. E.M. Heyburn, Wilbur H. Armin of Lake Park, and J. Estella Perry, of Sibley.

The above announces, perhaps, the most enjoyable event of the kind ever celebrated in Sibley. It was also memorable by the reunion of the family of Mr. Perry, the bride's father, who were again united after a separation of 16 years. During this time no death has occurred in the family, every member being present at roll call.

Mr. and Mrs. Armin left for Lake Park on the morning train.

Rush Lake Ripples
-Mr. Peterson has traded the Foster place on section 10 to Mr. Alice from near Rock Island. He will take possession next spring, and be accompanied with four other families.
-Just across the county line east, Mr. Kitt's stable, horses and harness were burned by sparks from his chimney a few days ago.
-John Hanna is building a new house, 14X20 with 12 foot posts.
-J.W. Flint shot a fine goose Monday morning.

-Miss Blanche Pfaff, of Fairview township is visiting friends in Wilson township.
-Mrs. Allen Cloud has began moving to Lake Park, her future home.
-A nice bronze monument has just been erected in memory of Allen Cloud by S.H. Wescott, agent for said monuments.
-F.D. Bennett has sold his farm to a Mr. Anderson for eight hundred dollars.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2015]

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