Iowa Old Press

Sibley Gazette
Sibley, Osceola co. Iowa
Friday, May 23, 1873

Stiles' Boarding House
Frank Stiles furnishes the best fare to be had in Sibley, he makes no pretentions to style, but in a very quiet way treats his boarders to the very best of everything the marked affords.

Local News
Jim McCaffery returned home on Wednesday from Sioux Falls, D.T., looking hale and hearty.

Our friend David Littlechild having purchased the photographic fixtures of Messrs Seeley & Blachley, is now prepared to take pictures of all kinds. Ladies, now is the time to secure the "shadow ere the substance fades."

S.S. Parker, of Sibley has been at work on Mr. Whitehead's house this week, putting up chimneys, plastering &c. S.S. Parker can throw on more mortar in ten hours than any other man in Iowa.

County Board of Supervisors
Members all present - D.L. Riley, chairman, O. Dunton and B.F. Mundorff.

F.M. Robinson, Auditor

D.L. Riley was appointed Commissioner to procure material for and have bridges framed and that the auditor be instructed to issue county warrants in payment for the same upon the certificate of the commissioner that the material has been furnished and the work done. B.F. Mundorff was appointed Commissioner for same in town 99 and O. Dunton in town 100.

The Bridge Commission has reported recommending the building of a bridge across the Little Rock between sections 18 and 19, town 100, range 42 - 40 feet span, and one across the Otter, on the town line between sections 25, town 100, range 42, and section 30, town 100, range 41 - 24 feet span; and across the Ocheyedan near the southwest corner of section 18, town 100, range 40, also one of 40 feet span on or near the south line of Osceola county across the Ocheyedan.

The Official Bond of W.H. Turner as Justice of the Peace in and for Holman township, Osceola county, Iowa, was approved.

The following bills were audited and allowed, and the Auditor instructed to issue warrants for the same:
-L.A. Barker, for publishing proceedings of Board, April 28th session - $10
-Edward Lindsey for 1 days labor with team cleaning up Court House Square - $6
-N.I. Wetmore for 10 days services as Assessor of Fenton township. - $20
-J.F. Glover for Clerk Fees in case of State vs F.M. Robinson - $2
-C.I. Hill, for Justice Fees in case of State vs F.M. Robinson - $3
-J.H. Douglass, for Sheriff Fees in case of State vs F.M. Robinson - $2.50
-A.M. Culver, for Witness in case of State vs F.M. Robinson - $0.60
-C.L. Gurney for Visit and Prescription to poor in sickness - $4.50
-Mills & Co., for Surveyors Record, Bill of July 10th 1872 - $36
-H.R. Fenton, for 1 days services as Supervisor - $4
-George Spaulding, 1 days services as Supervisor and mileage - $5
-O. Dunton, for 3 days services as Trustee of Wilson township - $3
-O. Dunton, 4 days services as Supervisor and mileage April 21, 28 and May 8th & 9th, '73 - $16.90
-O. Dunton for 2 days services as Bridge Commissioner - $8
-F.M. Robinson, for express charges on books and cash paid for coal to date - $6.63
-D.L. Riley, for 6 days services as Supervisor - $24
-D.L. Riley, services as Commissioner with team - $9
-B.F. Mundorff for 4 days services as Supervisor and mileage - $19.60
-B.F. Mundorff for 1 1/2 days services with assistant and team, locating bridges - $7.50
-B.F. Mundorff for 3 days services as Clark of Goewey Tp. - $4.50

Iowa News Items
-Effors are being made to change the name of the postoffice at Marshalltown to Marshall.
-Alexander Clark, of Muscatine, has declined the Consulate at Aux Cayes, Hayti.
-Joel J. Epps, of Fayette county, is the first colored man to serve as juror in the United States Court of Iowa.
-A few evenings since, L.E. Conger, a banker of Dexter, and wife, stepped on the train bound for their old home in Massachusetts. A few minutes after retiring to the sleeping car, Mr. Conger fell from his berth to the floor and before aid reached him, was dead.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2015]

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