Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 4, 1933

Twenty-two to Graduate 25th - May 11 and 12 Set as Dates for Senior Class Play - in Auditorium
Twenty-two members are in this year's graduating class of the Sutherland high school, fifteen girls and seven boys. The size of the class is about the same as it has been for several years. Those who will receive their diplomas at the commencement exercises on May 25th are as follows:
Class of 1933
Lucille Gwendolyn Andrews
Alma Lee Brewer
Darrel L. Draper
Dorothy L. Draper
Horace H. Flinders
Mildred Elizabeth Hayes
Doris H. Jensen
Doris E. Keene
Elmer J. Litzel
Isabelle W. Martin
Joyce K. Martin
Clarence C. Meyer
Evelyn Marie Mueller
Arlina Raper
Eleanor Helen Rein
Dorothy Elaine Schroeder
Robert G. Schultz
Ruth Rosezinna Steele
Thelmamae Tigges
Genevieve R. Woodall
Russell M. Woodall

Negus - O'Donnell
Miss Audrey Negus and Mrs. Gerald O'Donnell were quietly married Sunday afternoon in the Methodist parsonage at Cherokee. The ceremony was performed in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Donnell with Rev. M. P. Arrasmith officiating.

Stork Express
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobb, of Peterson, are the parents of a son, born Sunday, April 30th.

Wm. Breyfogle Passes, Age 90 - Old Soldier Passes Away at Primghar; Burial at Calumet Monday
William M. Breyfogle, one of the three remaining Civil War veterans at Primghar, passed away there Saturday, April 29, at the age of 90 years. A military funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Trinity Methodist church in Primghar. Dr. M. D. Bush, pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev. J. R. Beebe of the Congregational church. The Woman's Relief Corps and members of the American Legion were in attendance. Interment was made at Calumet.

1843 - Wm. M. Breyfogle - 1933
William M., son of Solomon P. and Margaret Breyfogle, was born in Delaware county, Ohio, August 27, 1843, and passed away in Primghar, Iowa, April 29, 1933, being in his ninetieth year.

He enlisted in Company I, 142nd Illinois Infantry, at Polo, Ill. on May 2, 1864. He served chiefly in guarding duties, and suffered disability from exposure. He was honorably discharged October 26, 1864. He was a member of the S. F. Jordan Post, G. A. R., at Primghar. In 1870 he came to O'Brien county and settled on section 20 in Liberty township. On December 6, 1873, he married Abigail Myers. They lived in the southern part of the county until about 1894 when they went to the new region west of the Missouri river in South Dakota. After one year they returned to O'Brien county and took up their residence in Primghar where he has continued to reside. His wife died Nov. 1, 1896. She and an infant daughter are buried at Calumet.

Mr. Breyfogle was a truck gardener for many years. He has been an invalid for the last nine or ten years, and of late has been gradually declining until the end came last Saturday morning. His membership was with the Methodist church. He was a home-loving man with a quiet nature. His children and even grandchildren will never forget his influence. May his best words ever be in their memories. He has lived a good long life and has faithfully filled his niche in the affairs of men.

He leaves to mourn his going seven children: Wm. A. of Alta, Iowa; Mrs. Margreta Maud Emery of Ames, Ia.; Mrs. Luella Grace Conrad of Perry, Oklahoma; Ernest J., Charles O., and George M. of Primghar and Mrs. Cecil I. Meyerdick of Spencer. He leaves also 41 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren.

-A. H. Cobb, administrator c. t. a. of the estate of F. W. Cram, deceased, was granted authority to lease the hospital, equipment, furniture and fixtures to Lucy De Vries for the term of one year commencing April 17, 1933.
-The court granted A. G. Swenson, administrator of the estate of John McCandless, deceased, authority to convey certain real estate belonging to said estate to the Prudential Insurance Co.
-The final report of Irene Frisbee Richards, executrix of the estate of Anna M. Van Patton was approved by the court and the executrix discharged and the estate matter closed.
-Fred Koepnick was appointed guardian of the property of Fredie Koepnick, a minor.
-Emma Bobzien was appointed administratrix of the estate of Henry Bobzien, deceased, and her bond was set in the sum of $1,000.00.
-A. D. Mealman was appointed administrator of the estate of William Mealman, deceased.

Victim of Peculiar Motorcycle Accident
Paullina Times: Perhaps one of the most unusual and peculiar accidents to occur in this community for a decade or more and which cost the life of Percy Woodrow Henderson, a high school student and member of the class of '33 happened Saturday, when a rope which he had thrown about his shoulders caught in the wheels of his motorcycle when the vehicle was in motion, drew tightly about his neck and strangled him to death. The rope from the force of the moving wheel grasped him with such security and force that he was rendered helpless and his body was pulled into the fork of the cycle. There by the roadside, not far distant from his home and loved ones his life was instantly snuffed out in the twinkling of an eye. First to come to his rescue were members of the Herman Jacobs family, as the accident happened near their farm, but it was too late and impossible for them to assist him. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Henderson, residents of south of Paullina, a well known family in this community. The news quickly spread of the untimely death of this young man, still in his teens, who was held in high esteem by all who knew him, and it was indeed a severe shock. Percy Henderson was a nephew of Morris, Leroy and Lester Draper, and of Mrs. Ray A. Miller.

Spencer Boy Will Not be Deported
Spencer News-Herald: The department of labor through Secretary Frances Perkins announced late on Thursday that Thomas Wuriu of Spencer, 10 years of age, will not be deported to Japan as had been ordered. Young Wuriu, the son of Mrs. Mimi Youde Wuriu of Spencer, was born in Paris of a Japanese father from whom Mrs. Wuriu is now divorced. His foreign birth and half Japanese blood made him subject to deportation under United States laws. Rep. Guy M. Gillette of the ninth Iowa district was responsible in a large measure for the department of labor's announcement that the boy may remain in the United States with his mother.

-Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hinz went to Gilmore City Saturday night and visited until Monday morning with Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Mast. On Sunday afternoon they visited Sherman's cousin, Mrs. Donald Sherman at Humboldt. Mrs. Sherman had her back broken in an automobile accident near Fort Dodge a short time ago.

-Those from Sutherland who attended the funeral Tuesday afternoon of the Rev. W. F. Hurst, pastor of the Church of Christ at Spencer, who met a tragic death in an automobile accident last Friday, April 28, were Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Van Voorhis and daughter, Frances, Mrs. Arthur Blachley and T. R. Cobb.

-Mr. and Mrs. Davie Ginger, Mrs. Tom Matheson, Mrs. Velma Litka and John Matheson attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Boardman at Spencer Monday.

-Word was received here Saturday morning that Wm. Milton Breyfogle, an old settler of Liberty township, had passed away at his home at Primghar. Mr. Breyfogle had been an invalid for nearly 10 years, having broken his hip in 1923 and was never able to be around again. He was nearly 90 years old and a Civil war veteran. He was buried Monday at Liberty cemetery beside his wife and little daughter who had preceded him in death many years ago.

-Mr. and Mrs. Will Casey attended the funeral of Mr. Nuss on Monday at Melvin. Mr. Nuss was an old neighbor of the Casey family while living at Gaza. Mr. Nuss has made his home with his sons, Harold and Ellis Nuss, who live near Melvin, and he passed away last Friday night from diabetes.

Eleven Years Ago - May 4, 1922
Word was received by relatives this week that a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gleason of Bushnell, S. D. on Wednesday, April 26th.

Twenty Years Ago - May 1, 1913
-A fine baby boy arrived at the Elias Nelson home in the country Sunday morning.
-A. J. Innes is stepping about four feet high today, all because of his becoming a grandpa, by the birth of a son yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eddington.

Forty-Five Years Ago - May 4, 1888
-S. B. Vilensky, a peddler, while attempting to cross a creek near Tom Short's Wednesday afternoon, got capsized and came near being drowned. His horse was in the water nearly two hours, when it was pulled to shore by Mr. Short. The peddler's valise, containing his goods was swept from the buggy and carried away by the water. Mr. Vilensky is a poor, deformed man, unable to stand the loss, and the finder should return it to him.
-Born, April 29th, 1888, to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Phillips, of Liberty township, a girl; April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Seeman of Waterman twp., a girl; April 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conklin, of Sutherland, a boy.

Dr. Kenderdine Loses His Uncle by Death
Peterson Patriot: William Kenderdine, prominent pioneer farmer of the Dickens community and an uncle of Dr. Wm. Kenderdine, of Sioux City, was found dead in his automobile parked in the garage at his home early Wednesday morning, April 19, in Dickens where he had resided since retirement from active farming several years ago. Mr. Kenderdine was in his 81st year.

It is believed Mr. Kenderdine was attempting to start the machine preparatory to driving to the post office for his mail. He was apparently the victim of a sudden attack of heart disease. It is thought he became ill and rested his head on a blanket in the car. Death had come quickly and easily, it appeared, and when he was found his head was on the blanket as he lay in a reclining position, his cap on the ledge at the back of the coupe seat.

[transcribed by A.N., June & July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 11, 1933

A child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bedwell at 1:30 Tuesday afternoon and passed away at 4:30 the same afternoon. Burial was in Brooke cemetery south of Peterson on Wednesday, with Rev. Bach officiating.

Terry - Regennitter
Miss Catherine Terry, of Spencer, and Harry Regennitter of Sutherland, were married last Wednesday evening at eight o'clock at the home of Justice of the Peace Paul Brown in Spencer. Following a wedding trip to Des Moines, the couple will make their home for the present with the bride's mother, Mrs. Paul Pullen, at Spencer.

Mrs. Fredenburg Dies Wednesday
Mrs. Warren Fredenburg passed away at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, May 10th, in the Swallum hospital at Storm Lake where she had been a patient for over two months. She was 47 years old. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made, pending word from relatives.

Stork Express
-A ten pound son was born Saturday May 6th to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cope.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ahrens are the proud parents of an eight pound son born last Wednesday, May 3rd.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weeks of Cherokee are the parents of a son born Sunday, April 30.

Divorce Decree
Donald Fass of Sanborn was awarded a decree of divorce from Rose Fass. The defendant, Rose Fass, was awarded the care and custody of the minor child and the costs taxed to the plaintiff. No alimony was allowed the defendant.

Benjamin Hook, who lived in Sutherland about twenty years ago and operated the feed barn here, died Saturday at his home at Ulmer. Funeral services were held at Ulmer Monday afternoon.

Don't Lean on a Porch Railing
Spencer Reporter: William W. Haygarth, 65-year-old pioneer Spencer businessman, was instantly killed early Thursday morning when a railing on the deck of his porch at his home on West Pine street, broke and allowed him to fall on the sidewalk, which he struck with his head, causing death from severe brain injuries.

Spencer Woman Loses Her Life in a Heroic Effort to Save Grandchildren
Spencer Reporter: Calmly and heroically accepting burns in order that her two little grandchildren might not be harmed, Mrs. Henry E. Boardman, 52, suffered fatal injuries late Thursday afternoon when kerosene, poured into a cook stove, ignited, exploded and set fire to her clothing and the home in which she lived at 126 East Second street. Although Mrs. Boardman's clothing was blazing, she protected her two grandchildren, who were sitting near the stove, from the flames and waited until they had been taken from the house before she received aid for herself. The accident occurred at about 4 o'clock Thursday and Mrs. Boardman died Friday morning at 1:15 at the Spencer hospital.

Mrs. Boardman was attempting to start a fire in the cook stove, using a can of kerosene in order that the fire might be kindled more rapidly and it is believed that the smouldering coals in the stove caused the explosion and set the contents of the can afire. She hurled the can from her and the fire spread rapidly throughout the kitchen, endangering the lives of Marina May, 4, and Jackie Lee Williams, 16 months old. As the flames shot from the stove and ignited the kerosene that had been spread in the room when the can was hurled, Mrs. Boardman stood in front of the little children to protect them and waited in the burning room until the mother, Mrs. J. H. Williams, had taken them from the house. It pays to be careful with kerosene, as well as gasoline.

Mrs. Dollie Matheson and John, Mrs. Velma Litka and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ginger attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Henry Boardman at Spencer last Monday. Death was caused by a kerosene explosion.

Eleven Years Ago - May 11, 1922
-A baby girl was born to Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Jones Sunday, May 7th. She was named Barbara.

Twenty Years Ago - May 8, 1913
-"Judy" Johannsen has bought the old Les Bidwell one-lung red automobile and got it fixed up in running order, and now Paul Briggs and Elmer McFarland are putting in all their spare time on quite days in vain efforts to break the town speed limits with it.

Forty-Five Years Ago - May 11, 1888
-Married, at the residence of the bride's parents in Waterman township, May 2nd, 1888, Miss Nettie Humphrey and Mr. Frank West, Rev. J. C. Stoddard of Sibley officiating.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 18, 1933

Mrs. Fredenburg Funeral Is Held - Leaves Husband and Five Children to Mourn Her Death
Funeral services for Mrs. Warren Fredenburg, who passed away last Wednesday, were held at the Maple Grove Church of God Friday afternoon with Rev. Tompkins of Spencer officiating. He was assisted by the pastor of the church, Rev. Ledbetter. Burial was made in Waterman cemetery at Sutherland. Mrs. Fredenburg had been in the hospital since February, first at St. Peter, Minnesota, and after the first of March at Storm Lake. Death came Wednesday morning and was due to gastric carcinoma. The following obituary was read at the services Friday afternoon.

1886 - Laura Fredenburg - 1933 "A loving mother and a good wife has gone to her rest."
Laura Mae Bunce was born February 9, 1886, at Calumet, Iowa, where she lived with her parents, Wayland M. Bunce and Harriet Bunce, until the death of her mother in November 1891. From that time she lived with her sister, Mrs. Mina Scott until a short time previous to her marriage.

She was united in marriage to Warren E. Fredenburg on January 8, 1906. Unto this union were born six children, Harold Wesley, Melva Lula, Belva Laura, Joyce Marlam, Wayne Elsworth and Doris La Vonne. She leaves to mourn her death, her husband and five children. Belva Laura, a twin to Melva, preceded her in death at the age of one year. She leaves one sister and three brothers to mourn her loss, Mrs. Mina E. Scott of Lucedale, Miss.; Eben J. Bunce of Sioux city, Iowa; Dr. E. W. Bunce of Los Angeles, Calif.; and Clarence E. Bunce of Sibley, Iowa.

Sister Fredenburg became a follower of Christ at about sixteen years of age and united with the Methodist church of Primghar. In 1919 her membership was transferred to the Maple Grove Church of God where she was an active member until her death. Mrs. Fredenburg will be greatly missed by the family, relatives, friends, and in the church and all its activities. She has been failing in health for the past year and a half. Three months of this time she has been in the hospital. She passed away Wednesday morning, May 10, at Storm Lake, Iowa.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks are the proud parents of a daughter, born last Thursday morning, May 11. She weighed six and one-half pounds.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney have received word of the birth of a daughter last Thursday morning, May 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sweeney of Hollywood, California.
-Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clark of Moulton, Iowa, are the parents of a son, James Francis, born last Tuesday, May 9th. Mrs. Clark was formerly Miss Ethel Mathern, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathern.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Selk of Wendell, Minn., announce the birth of a daughter on May 9th. She weighed nine pounds and they have named her Helen Mae.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for the words of comfort and the many courtesies extended to us in our recent sorrow, the death of our dear baby daughter and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bedwell and Kenneth

-The following estates have been decreed by the court exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax: Mrs. Augusta Koepnick, Myrl P. Camery, Anna M. Hoppe, Eva M. Scott, and Samuel C. Flinders.
-The court set May 20th as the date for the hearing on the final report of R. J. Mugge, administrator of the estate of Anna M. Hoppe, deceased.
-C. D. Jory was appointed by the court as guardian ad litem for the minors in the estate of Margaret Roetzel, deceased.

Calumet H. S. Class of 1933
[transcription note: accompanied by portrait photographs for the following]
Reading from left to right:
Top row: Angeline Mathern, Mabelle Byram, Supt. Theo. R. Speed, Dorothy Mugge, Helen Martin.
Bottom row: Bernice Welch, Lyle Mugge, Myrtle Jurgensen, Ray Miller Jr., Rita Schallau

Mrs. Henry Culp Buried Sunday - Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Paullina for Mrs. Henry Culp, who passed away Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Abel at Cherokee. Mrs. Culp made her home with the Abel family when they lived east of Sutherland a few years ago. Harold Culp, who lived here until recently, is a son of the deceased.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nyberg and Miss Marjorie Walters, Misses Helen and Bernice Munster arrived Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Munster at Sibley. They also visited in the Wm. Munster home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gordon and William of Meriden and Miss Thelma Munster attended the funeral of Mrs. John Munster Monday at Sibley.

This community was saddened Wednesday morning to hear of the death of Mrs. W. E. Fredenburg. She had been a patient in the hospital at Storm Lake for nearly three months. The funeral services were held at the Maple Grove Church of God Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Tompkins of Spencer officiating. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bunce of Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Bunce and family of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fredenburg and M. Fredenburg of North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. John Fredenburg and daughters of Cherokee, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willey and family of Paullina, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perrin of Ida Grove and Mrs. Edith Keifer of Pocahontas.

Twenty Years Ago - May 15, 1913
Mrs. J. F. Kingston and little daughters left Monday for their home at Amelia, Sask., Canada. She has been at the parental home nearly two years while Mr. Kingston has been prospecting and preparing the new home for his family. Last Friday afternoon relatives and neighbors gathered at the Geo. Flinders home and gave Mrs. Kingston a farewell reception.

A little stranger came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Claussen last Wednesday nigh and applied to have her "picture tooken." They decided to keep her a while in the hope that she would improve a little in looks before trying the camera on her.

Ben Hughes and Miss Isabel Shirk "put one over" on their many friends by going to Cherokee on Tuesday of last week, where they were quietly married, the news not becoming generally known until the Cherokee Times arrived - Friday morning.

Forty-Five Years Ago - May 18, 1888
Born, May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Porter, a daughter.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 25, 1933

Batho - Bryant
Announcement is made this week of the secret marriage of Miss Mary Batho, eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Batho, formerly pastor of the M. E. Church, here, now at Onawa, Iowa, and Mrs. Wilbur R. Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bryant of Sutherland, which occurred last August 6, 1932, at Ponca, Nebr. It comes as a complete surprise to the many friends of the couple. Both are graduates of Sutherland High School with the Class of 1926, and well-known in this community. The bride, a graduate of Morningside College where she was affiliated with kappa Zeta Chi, social sorority, Eta Sigma Phi, national honorary Latin fraternity, and Zeta Sigma, local honor society, has taught for the past three years in the high school at Bronson, Iowa. The groom is a graduate of South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. Dak., and the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., where he obtained the degree Master of Arts. He is a member of Gamma Alpha, national post-graduate scientific fraternity, the American Genetic Association and the American Society of Agronomy.

Stork Express
A seven and one-half pound son was born Tuesday, may 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy. He has been named Richard Lee.

Forty-Five Years Ago - May 25, 1888
-Died, May 22, 1888, Harry, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clift, aged three months.
-Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Sutherland, May 23rd, Mr. Charles W. Horstman and Miss Mabel Inman, Rev. Dunham officiating.

Twenty Years Ago - May 22, 1913
-"Judy" Johannsen traded his old Brush auto for an Indian motorcycle, and Elmer and Paul have to walk now.

Eleven Years Ago - May 25, 1922
-Mrs. Lawrence Henderson, who lived south of Paullina, passed away Wednesday, May 24th, at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City. Mrs. Henderson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Draper.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Barry Tuesday, May 23rd.
-Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Sanders are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl in their home Saturday May 20th.
-A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lampman of Primghar on Tuesday, May 23rd.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2013]

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O'brien County