Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
March 2, 1933

Mrs. Otto Tonner Sr.
Mrs. Otto Tonner Sr. passed away at the home of her son, Otto, north of Sutherland, on Monday, February 27th, after failing in health for several months. Funeral services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tonner Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Burial was in Waterman cemetery beside her husband.

1871 - Mrs. Louise Tonner - 1933
Louise Plath was born July 25, 1871 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany and died February 27, 1933 at the home of her son who lives thirteen miles northwest of Primghar.

The first 32 years of her life were spent in her native country. After her marriage to Otto F. Tonner, they with their only son Otto, came to America in June of 1903. For 27 years she had lived near Sutherland. Her husband passed away in 1930, since which time she has made her home with her son Otto. She leaves to mourn her passing her son and his wife, two grandsons, John and Leo, and one sister and two brothers who live in the fatherland. One brother who came to America, passed away in 1926, and two sisters in Germany preceded her in death.

Court News
The final report of Vinnie M. Ehlers, administratrix of the estate of Fred C. Ehlers, deceased, was approved by the court and the administratrix discharged and her bonds released.

The court allowed Roxie Anna Buckley, $1,000.00 for her support during the year of administration of her husband's estate.

Frank Gaskill Passes Away
Funeral Will be Held Here in Methodist Church Friday Afternoon
A message was received here yesterday that Frank Gaskill had died Wednesday morning at the home of his son Lew, in Burke, S.Dak. Mr. Gaskill suffered a stroke of paralysis a few weeks ago and never recovered. The remains are being brought to Sutherland and will be accompanied by Mr. Gaskill's two sons, Lew of Burke, S. Dak. and O. O. of Colome, S. Dak. They expect to arrive this evening. A daughter, Mrs. Peter Dek, is in Sutherland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist church in Sutherland at two o'clock Friday afternoon, with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Interment will be in Waterman cemetery.

Patricia Hill
Patricia Marlyn, the six-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill, passed away Monday evening at their home east of town. Several members of the family have been sick with flu, and the little baby was unable to throw off the disease. Patricia Marlyn was born August 8, 1932 and departed this life on Monday evening, February 27, 1933. She leaves to mourn her departure her father and mother, three brothers, Merton, Ned and Roger, two sisters, Florence and Harriet and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kaiser and L. E. Hill, besides many other relatives.

A short service was held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 followed by funeral services at the Christian church, in charge of Rev. F. L. Van Voorhis. A quartet composed of Herman Behmer, May Warren, Beulah Wilson and Geo. Waggoner, accompanied by Miss Lola Woolston, sang at the services. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved parents.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sweeney are the proud parents of a son, born Saturday, February 25. He has been named Donald Richard.
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zelman of Calumet on Monday, February 27th.
-A son, Gary Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rohrs, of Calumet, on Wednesday, February 22. Mrs. Rohrs was formerly Miss Marie Faust.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boldt are the proud parents of a son, born Monday, February 25th.

R. T. Clayton expects to return the last of the week from Rocksboro, N. C. where he has been for two weeks. He was called to Kentucky by the death of his mother two weeks ago and he accompanied her body to Rocksboro for burial. He was accompanied south by his brother, W. J. Clayton of Linn Grove.

O. L. Smith, Lorna and Wilbur and Miss Alice Woodall visited Sunday afternoon at the Percy Patrick home near Peterson. Mr. Smith was there again Monday to attend the funeral of their month-old baby.

Celebrate Fortieth Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jurgensen were the victims of a surprise party Friday evening when their children and grandchildren came in with well-filled baskets and had invited in their neighbors and friends to help celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. 500 and bridge furnished entertainment for the evening with Mrs. J. H. Rehder winning high score and Henry Blaue second. At the close of the evening a fine lunch was served by the children.

On February 24, 1893, a double wedding ceremony was solemnized by Rev. Gerth Meinger when Mr. and Mrs. Jurgensen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier of Garretson, S. Dak. were the first couples to be married in the Zion Evangelical church which was built in 1892. Mrs. Jurgensen and Mrs. Meier are sisters and both couples are well known and highly respected in the Calumet community, Mr. and Mrs. Jurgensen are still active members of the Zion Evangelical church and have been residents of O'Brien county for over 40 years, first living on the farm and later moving to Calumet where they now reside and are enjoying good health and take an active interest in the public affairs of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Jurgensen are the parents of nine children, seven daughters and two sons. One daughter, Clara, died in early youth. Those living are Mrs. Ed Wiese, Mrs. Emil Rehder, Mrs. Walter Richter, Mrs. Ed Langholz, Mrs. Howard Maffin and Miss Myrtle Jurgensen and George and Hartwig Jurgensen and twenty grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Jurgensen were presented with a fine rocking chair by their children and friends as a token of remembrance of this occasion. The have a side circle of friends in this community who wish for them many long and happy years of life together.

-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Appledorn Jr. February 20th, a son, named Donald William. He was called by our Heavenly Father to the land beyond on Feb. 22nd, 1933. Brief funeral services were held by Rev. Paul G. Wuebben at the Henry Frerk home Friday afternoon. The community extends sympathy.

Writes Letter
Everett, Wash., February 20, 1933
Editor Sutherland Courier, Sutherland, Iowa
Dear Sir:
A wonderful pleasure has been afforded to me very recently; the pleasure of reading the Fiftieth Anniversary edition of your paper. How it has brought back to memory scenes of my early days; of school day chums and class mates; of many events that had almost passed from memory.

As I now recall it, I came with my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spence to Sutherland in the early part of 1882. I well remember that we only came as far as Peterson by rail and thence to Sutherland by wagon. The railroad reached town late that year. Houses being very scarce at the time, it seems to run in my memory that father finally located some living quarters upstairs over what I believe was then L. Fairbanks' store. My father early secured employment at his trade as wagon maker in the shop of Mr. Van Horn.

My first schooling was under Miss Susie Davis, then on to Henry Chesley and later to C. O. Holly. My father built two different homes in the south part of town, the last one being the first north of Dennis O'Brien. I worked during the summer school vacation in 1887 and 1888 on the farm of A. C. Bailey and I notice by the paper that he is still there. Could any boy of those early days there ever forget A. C. Bailey? How he used to bring in great wagon loads of the finest watermelons ever grown. Each fall would see Asa selling some of his loads and giving the rest to us boys.

As I look over the paper I recall again names that were almost lost to my memory, Alice Reager, Pearl Ciley, Clay Jordan, Edith and Edna Towberman, Roy Inman, Bert Rhoades, Mary Rowland, Dora Briggs, John and Lucia Hitchings and many others. Of them all, it has only been my privilege to have met with but one of those early boyhood friends and school mates. I had the pleasure of a short visit with John Hitchings in Winnipeg in the year 1911 when I was returning to my home here from an extended trip East.

My parents moved from Sutherland to Sheldon in the summer of 1888. I finished the summer at Asa Bailey's ranch and went to Sheldon to my home. Later we moved to South Dakota and in 1898 I joined the 1st So. Dak. volunteers and went to the Philippines. Upon return from there, I remained in South Dakota until Mar. 1901 when we all moved to Everett, Washington, my father and mother, my brother Arthur and my wife and myself.

My father and mother are both gone, each passing on during the year 1914. During practically all of my nearly 32 years here I have been connected with city, county, state and federal positions. At present I am engaged in the insurance work here in this territory.

How I would enjoy a visit back to good, old O'Brien county, to meet some of those old pioneers and my own older relatives and make acquaintance with many new relatives that I have never even seen nor heard of. I think that my last visit to Sutherland was during the year of 1890 or 1891. It was through the personal acquaintance of Mr. Floyd Martin, who resides here in Everett, that I had the pleasure of securing your half century anniversary edition. Floyd and I were friends here for a number of years before we discovered that we had each trod the soil of Iowa, in and around Sutherland in each of our boyhood days. And did we visit through the pages of that special edition? Neither of our wives could even interrupt us! Just one more word in closing and that is to commend you for that very wonderful edition; the excellent results of much long, hard work.
Very respectfully yours,
R. A. Spence
1501 Grand Ave.
Everett, Wash.

Fifty years ago it was "Rollie" Roland Spence. My relatives there consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Hill, uncles and aunts of mine, the aunts, in each case, were sisters to my father. I presume that they are all gone long ago, but there must remain yet some of many cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Triplett (Annie Bryant), Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Triplett (Maggie Bryant), Walter, Cliff and Roscoe Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holly (Daisy Bryant), Mr. and Mrs. Billy Reager (Blanche Hill), Otho and Will Hill.

The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill died Monday night after several days sickness with intestinal flu.

Eleven Years Ago - March 2, 1922
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, February 26th.
-Roy Hill and Miss Lillian Gatchell were married Monday Feb. 27th at the home of the bride's parents in Sanborn.
-A. R. Embree and Miss Rachel Ehlers were married at the Christian parsonage last Thursday.

Twenty Years Ago - February 27, 1913
-A young George Washington made his appearance at the Jack Woolston home last Saturday.
-Mrs. Smiley, mother of Frank Gaskill, died Feb. 20. She had made her home with the Gaskill family for 15 years.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
March 9, 1933

Veteran With Gen. Custer Dies - Funeral Services for F. M. Gaskill Held Friday at Methodist Church
Funeral services for F. M. Gaskill, who passed away at the home of his son, L. D. Gaskill, at Burke, S. Dak., March 1st, were held at the Methodist church Friday, March 3rd, with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Music was furnished by Mrs. Frank Bruner, Miss Louis Wiltfang, Herman Behmer and Robert Lee, with Wilson Taylor at piano.

1851 - Francis M. Gaskill - 1933
Francis Marcellus Gaskill, son of David and Martha Gaskill, was born Nov. 24, 1851, near Indianapolis, Ind. He died at the home of his son, L. D. Gaskill, in Burke, S. Dak., on March 1, 1933, having reached the age of 81 years, 3 months and 5 days. On January 22, Mr. Gaskill suffered a partial stroke of paralysis from which he never recovered.

He was married to Sarah Margaret Dement on February 8, 1880, in Audubon county, Iowa. He was the father of three sons and two daughters, one son, Bruce, having died at the age of 12 years. Those who survive are Mrs. Mary G. Dek, Arnolds Park, Iowa; Ona O. Gaskill, Colome, S. Dak.; Lewis D. Gaskill, Burke, S. Dak.; Mrs. Alma Kramer, Washington, D. C. Eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren also are left to mourn his departure.

At the age of seven he moved with his parents from Indiana to Madison county, Iowa. Here he lived for eleven years. The next six years of his life were spent with the 7th U. S. Cavalry. Most of the time he acted as personal teamster to Gen. and Mrs. Geo. A. Custer. He received his discharge in the spring of 1873 at Yankton, Dakota territory.

In 1892 he moved his family to O'Brien county, Iowa, and in 1908 took up his residence in Sutherland. He lived in Sutherland until the death of his wife, July 4, 1926. Since then he has spent most of his time with his son, L. D. Gaskill, in Burke, S. Dak. Wherever he went he made hosts of friends who held him in high esteem, because of his honest convictions and his integrity.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation for the words of kindness and for the beautiful flowers at the time of our recent bereavement.
L. D. Gaskill and family, O. O. Gaskill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dek, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kramer and family

Stork Express
-Twin sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tonner, who live near Primghar, at the Sioux Valley hospital Monday evening. A caesarian operation was performed.
-Mrs. M. Anderson is the proud grandmother of a baby boy, born Saturday morning, March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Primghar. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have three daughters, but this is the first son. He has been named John David.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey were at Spencer Monday to attend the funeral of Fred Moore. Mr. Moore was a neighbor at their summer home at Lake Okoboji.
-Mrs. C. W. Johannsen, Mrs. O. S. Bidwell, and H. J. Briggs, accompanied by their father, J. C. Briggs, went to Zearing Wednesday to attend the funeral of an aunt.
-A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter lake Wednesday.
-Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones formerly of Hartley are pleased to learn of the birth of a daughter at their home near Council Bluffs.

R. T. Clayton returned last Thursday from Rocksboro, N. C., where he had been to attend the funeral of his mother. He also visited relatives at Union Level, Virginia, on his way home.

Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hoffman and children went to Alton Wednesday evening to be present at the birthday celebration of Mrs. Jermia Murphy, Mrs. Hoffman's grandmother, who was celebrating her 90th anniversary. Phil Hoffman, Jr. also celebrated his birthday on the same day.

A number from this vicinity attended the funeral of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill Wednesday afternoon last week.

Sioux City Editor Dies
John H. Kelly, 47, editor of the Sioux City Tribune was found dead in bed early Thursday morning March 2 at the home of his brother-in-law, Arthur S. Hanford, Jr. Physicians said he died from a heart attack. Mr. Kelly was born in Sioux City June 18, 1885, and was the son of the late John C. Kelly who became owner of the Tribune in 1880. Mr. Kelly succeeded his father as editor of the Tribune upon the latter's death.

Forty-Five Years Ago - March 2, 1888
-The writer is in receipt of a card announcing the marriage of D. R. Siefkin, of Liberty township, to Miss Sarah E. Lie Van at South Dixon, Illinois, Thursday evening, March 1.

Twenty Years Ago - March 6, 1913
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Linneweh of Calumet, a son, March 2.
-A baby boy arrived last Saturday to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Joines on the Steele farm near Royal.

Eleven Years Ago - March 9, 1922
-Mrs. Claude Brookfield passed away at the sanitarium at Oakdale Sunday morning after a lingering illness with tuberculosis.
-Walter Webb of Sutherland was married to Miss Countryman of Redfield, Iowa, at that place February 27th.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willey Wednesday Mar. 8.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
March 16, 1933

The final report of Fred Jetter, administrator of the estate of Minnie Jetter, deceased, was approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bonds released.

The court decreed the estate of Lela Plum Longshore exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax.

The court approved the sale of certain property in the Town of Sanborn belonging to the estate of Henry Haack, deceased, to Peter Gaaikema and ordered the administrator, J. W. Cravens, to issue an administrators deed.

The final report of George Swain, administrator of the estate of Louis Reimers, deceased, was approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bonds released.

The last will and testament of Michael H. Rooney has been admitted to probate and Ned Rooney, named in the will as executor, was appointed executor by the court.

Stork Express
A five and one-half pound son was born Monday, March 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lockwood of Calumet. Mrs. Lockwood was formerly Miss Luella Linneweh.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yale were called to Carthage, S. Dak. by the death of a brother-in-law of Mrs. Yale. They returned home Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Murray of Sheldon, formerly of this neighborhood, motored to Missouri to attend the funeral of Mrs. Murray's mother. She had been an invalid for many years. She was 88 years of age. Friends in this community extend sympathy.

Twenty Years Ago - March 13, 1913
Curt Glidden and wife are happy over the arrival of a fine baby girl at their home last Thursday night, the first girl in a family of several children.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
March 23, 1933

Stork Express
A nine pound son was born last Thursday morning, March 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore, at the Hughes hospital. He has been named John David, for his two grandfathers. Before her marriage Mrs. Moore was Miss Zelma Cooper.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gillespie are the parents of a seven and one-half pound son born Tuesday, March 21st.

Mrs. Geo. Ibach Dies in Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cobb received a message Thursday of last week telling of the sudden death of their eldest daughter, Mrs. George Ibach, who had passed away about noon Thursday at her home at Monte Vista, Colorado. Mrs. Ibach, with her husband and two daughters, moved to Colorado four years ago next August in the hope that the climate would be beneficial to her health and her condition improved so that she was able to be up. However, her health became worse and when an attack of pleurisy seized her Thursday morning early she was unable to withstand it.

Lottie Cobb, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cobb, was born Sept. 11, 1897. She was married in 1915 to George Ibach. In addition to her parents and husband, Mrs. Ibach is survived by her two daughters, Adelma, 16, and Iriah, 15, one sister, Mrs. Geo. Waggoner and two brothers, Hubert Cobb of Peterson, and Marvon Cobb, at home. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Monte Vista and burial was made there.

The court set April 17 as the date for hearing on the final report of James John Moermond and Marinus Wm. Moermond, executors of the estate of Tillie Moermond, deceased.

The court approved the final report of H. N. McMaster, administrator of the estate of Lizzie Frerk, deceased, discharged the administrator and released his bonds.

The court decreed the estates of W. C. Buckley and Fred Nott exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax.

Former Royal Banker Dies in California
Walter G. Anderson, formerly cashier of the Citizens National bank at Royal and for a time connected with the old First National bank at Linn Grove, died suddenly in Los Angeles, Calif., Friday afternoon March 10. His death was in no way connected with the earthquake having occurred some time before the first tremor was felt. Heart disease was believed the cause of his sudden passing.

Mrs. J. E. Lombard, wife of the Methodist minister at Hartley, died at her home there Monday after a long illness. Funeral services wee held yesterday afternoon and were in charge of the Methodist preachers of the Sheldon district. Rev. and Mrs. Corwin Taylor attended the services.

Eleven Years Ago - March 23, 1922
Mrs. F. W. Hulser died March 15, after a long illness.

Twenty Years Ago - March 20, 1913
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pingel on March 13th, a daughter.

Conrad Rausch and Miss Lillie Nelson were married at Primghar yesterday afternoon. The young couple will live on the W. O. Terry place, for whom the groom will work the coming season.

Forty-Five Years Ago - March 23, 1888
Married, March 15, 1888, by Rev. H. W. Laye, Mr. John Ramsey and Miss Annie Bickerton, both of Grant township.

Married, at the residence of Mr. Hayes, in Sutherland, on Wednesday March 21, Rev. Laye officiating, Mr. J. T. Hayes and Miss Nancy E. West; Mr. F. L. Shrake and Miss Lizzie Russell.

Married, in Sutherland, March 17th, Mr. A. P. Seeman and Miss Minnie Horstman, Rev. Laye officiating. They will remain here until Mr. Seeman can build a residence at Calumet, where he will engage in business.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
March 30, 1933

The last will and testament of John Westphal, deceased, has been admitted to probate and Carl Westphal, named in the will as executor, was appointed executor by the court.

An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Herman F. Stoteran, deceased, has been filed for probate and April 24th has been set for the hearing and proving of the will.

Mary Shaw, of Archer, Ia., as been appointed by the court as administratrix of the estate of Roy Sleep, deceased. Bond fixed at $2000.

Rebecca Keene of Primghar was appointed by the court as administratrix of the estate of Lewis H. Bernard, deceased, and her bond fixed at $7500.

Archie Shearer has been appointed by the court as administrator for the estate of Sarah B. Shearer, deceased, and his bond fixed at $28,000.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yale received word of the death of Mrs. B. A. Walrath at Sioux City on Wednesday. Mrs. Walrath was the mother of Mrs. Everett Yale and had visited in our community several times. Burial was at Blairsburg, Iowa, on Saturday.

Mrs. Matt Sheridan's father, Mr. Wm. Weis of Cherokee, passed away last week Monday night at 10:30 and was buried Thursday. All extend sympathy to Mrs. Sheridan and family.

Nott - Brown
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Nott, of Calumet and Don Brown of Paullina, which took place March 14th at Lancaster, Missouri. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of the late Fred Nott of Calumet. She is a graduate of the Calumet high school and for the past five years has been a teacher in the rural schools of O'Brien county. Mr. Brown is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Brown of Paullina. They returned to Paullina after their marriage and are living on a farm adjoining the Alec Brown farm.

Nelson - McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Elias B. Nelson announce the marriage of their daughter Rebecca Grace to Mr. Leslie C. McCullough of Ames, Iowa. The wedding took place at nine o'clock on the morning of March 18, 1933 at the St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church South, Springfield, Mo., the Reverend Zyen W. Potter officiating. The attendants were Miss Eula Miller and Mrs. Alvis Ellison, both of Springfield.

Rebecca Nelson McCullough is a graduate of Sutherland High School, and also holds a B. S. degree in Home Economics and Institutional Management, Iowa State College, Ames, Ia. She is an alumnus of the Gamma chapter Kappa Phi, the Beta chapter of Wesley Players, and of the International Cosmopolitan Club, Iowa State College. She has completed some graduate work at Southern Branch of the University of California, Westwood, Los Angeles; also additional graduate work at Iowa State College this past fall. She has been employed since graduation as Home Economics instructor, Bay St. Louis, Miss., dietitian and Tea Room manager in New York City, Jackson, Miss., and recently at the Ontra Tea Room, Springfield, Mo.

Leslie McCullough is a graduate of Missouri Valley High School, also a graduate of Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, in Architectural Engineering. He has been employed by the College for the past two years as draftsman, and will complete his Masters work in Architectural Engineering during the summer term. Mr. McCullough is actively affiliated with the Phi Tau Theta fraternity, Iowa State College, as president. He is a member of the Beta chapter of Wesley Players. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough expect to make their home in Des Moines after April 10th.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore and daughter, Geraldine, and two friends, of Owanka, S. Dak., came Wednesday and visited until Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Whitmore's mother, Mrs. Robert Nelson. They had been at Madison, S. D. to attend the funeral of Mr. Whitmore's sister.

Twenty Years Ago - March 27, 1913
In Old O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stanley and Raymond drove over to the Lawrence Martin home near Sutherland Sunday to see the new baby girl that came to gladden that home the Sunday before.

The Percy Joines home, south of town, was made happy last Wednesday night by the arrival of a fine boy, by the stork route. [transcriber: not sure if this is part of the 20 years ago column or part of the current paper)

Forty-Five Years Ago - March 30, 1888
Mrs. Lydia Wheeler died at the residence of L. A. Worth in Sutherland on Saturday, March 24, aged 83 years. She was the mother of Mrs. Roma Woods and Mrs. F. F. Burlock.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]

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O'brien County