Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 1, 1933

Baker - Freeman
Miss Helen Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Baker, and Mr. Noel L. Freeman, son of Mrs. George Forbes of Toledo, Ohio, were united in marriage Saturday afternoon May 27 at two o'clock at the Baker home. Rev. F. L. Van Voorhis of the Church of Christ officiated, using the impressive ring ceremony. The bride was beautifully attired in azure blue silk crepe. The groom wore a light grey suit. The bride's traveling suit was grey cloth, fur-trimmed, with hat and shoes to match. The couple, attended by Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Strampe, stood before an embankment of bridal wreath.

Following the ceremony Miss Frances Van Voorhis and Miss Lucille Hayes served refreshments to the small company of friends. Miss Baker was graduated from the Sutherland High School with the Class of 1930 and has since that time been a successful teacher in the schools of he county. Mr. Freeman is a clerk in the post office at Toledo. The couple left immediately after the ceremony to make their home in Toledo, Ohio. Enroute they expect to visit friends at Malcolm, Iowa and relatives at Indianapolis, Indiana.

-The final report of W. T. Parks and B. D. Parks, executors of the estate of James Parks, deceased, was approved by the court and the executors discharged and their bonds released.

-The court approved the leasing of certain real estate in Osceola county by Ernest Hansen, trustee of the trust created under the will of Rasmus Olsen, deceased.

-L. R. Hurless was appointed by the court, administrator of the estate of Charlotte Slick, deceased, and fixed the amount of the bond at $300.00.

-The court set June 5th as the date for the hearing on the final report of John Johnson, executor of the estate of Albert Johnson, deceased.

-Albert H. Meyer, W. A. Blaesser and A. L. Livingston were appointed appraisers by the court, to appraise certain real estate belonging to the estate of John Tesch, deceased.

-The court authorized the executor of the estate of Rebecca A. Steele, deceased, to sell certain liberty Bonds belonging to said estate in the amount of $7,400.00

-The estate of Grace E. Negus was decreed exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax.

Stork Express
-A son was born Sunday, May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leonard.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Davis are rejoicing over the arrival of their first grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Bute, of Chicago, are the parents of a son born on Friday, May 26th. He has been named Graham Leister.

C. P. Jordan Passes Away - Funeral Services Held Wednesday Afternoon in Methodist Church
[article accompanied by portrait photograph of Jordan]
After many weeks of suffering, during much of which time he was able to take only the most soluble of foods, C. P. Jordan passed away Sunday, May 28th. For a long time an indomitable spirit clung to life after a body had given away. Mr. Jordan had not enjoyed good health for many years for several months had been bedfast most of the time. His death did not come as a surprise to the community, but his passing leaves the stern realization that one of its finest citizens will no longer be an active part of it.

Mr. Jordan was 61 years of age at the time of his death. They were 61 years filled with activity in religious, civic and social life from the time of Sutherland's beginning and before. He was born of pioneer parents on the prairies here before Sutherland came into being, tramped and traversed the hills and swamps as a boy, and as a man devoted his energy and linked his influence to many a cause that made Sutherland grow from a straggling village to the splendid town it is today. Some of these years were spent in the sunshine of prosperity; others in the shadow of adversity. It made no difference. He labored on in the service of his home, his church and his community. What more can be said of any man?

1872 - C. P. Jordan - 1933
Clay Prime Jordan was born to Samuel and Margaret Jordan March 14, 1872 and departed this life May 28, 1933, being 61 years, 2 months and 14 days of age at the time of his death. He was a member of the first class to graduate from the Sutherland High School and later attended Cornell college at Mount Vernon, Iowa, and also a Business College in Des Moines.

He was united in marriage August 24, 1898 to Lucia Hitchings and to this union were born four children, Ruth (Mrs. G. H. Browning, of Boston, Mass.), Mildred (Mrs. G. H. Steck, Peru, Nebr.), Jane Jordan Yont, who lives at home, and Roger of Sioux City, all of whom survive him. Besides these he leaves to mourn his death six grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Aural Beardsley of Berrien Springs, Michigan, Mrs. Kittie Jordan and family of Sutherland, and many other relatives and friends.

He was a member of the Methodist church where he was an earnest worker, especially in the Sunday School. Born of pioneer parents, he was brought up to love the simple things of life.

Funeral Services Wednesday
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. Corwin Taylor, officiating. A mixed quartette composed of the Misses Grace Taylor and Jean Nott, and R. W. Lee and Herman Behmer sang at the services. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery.

Among the relatives and friends from out of town who were here to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eaker and daughter Harriet of Marshall, Minn., Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Hitchings and daughter, Marjorie, of Lakefield, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lampman and Jean, of Primghar, Mrs. Rebecca Jordan, Roy Jordan and son, Fern, of Battle Creek, Mrs. Geo. Remer of LeMars, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jordan, Quentin and Dan Jordan, of Sioux city, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Segar of Linn Grove, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tellier and Arthur Tellier of Storm Lake, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. McMaster of Cherokee.

-Mrs. Frank Klema and Mrs. Martin Klema have received word of the death last Tuesday of their only uncle, at his home at Cedar Rapids. He was a Civil War veteran and was nearly 90 years old.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 8, 1933

Hayes - Norberg
Miss Lucille Hayes, daughter of Mrs. E. W. Hayes and Mr. Clarence Norberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Norberg of Gowrie, were united in marriage at the bride's home, Thursday morning, June 1, and nine o'clock. The ceremony was performed out-of-doors against a beautiful background of bridal wreath. Rev. F. L. Van Voorhis of the Church of Christ officiated, using the ring service. The bride was attired in a lovely flowered crepe with organdy trimming. Her traveling dress was gray, with white accessories. The groom wore a suit of dark blue. Following the ceremony, a dainty breakfast was served by Mrs. Tharp to the small group of relatives and friends.

Miss Hayes was graduated from the Sutherland High School with the class of 1920. She attended Iowa State Teachers College at Cedar Falls, three years. She taught five years in the schools of O'Brien county, and six years in Webster county in the Gowrie school. For the least three years she has been principal of the Junior High School in Gowrie. Miss Hayes was a member of Neola at Iowa State teachers College. She has been an active member since childhood of the Church of Christ in Sutherland. Mr. Norberg is farming at Gowrie. The couple left for a short trip to the lakes, and will be at home after June 9 on their farm two and one-half miles north of Gowrie. Out of town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hayes and two daughters, Darlene Hayes and Mrs. August Pruess, and granddaughter, Betty Lou Pruess, all of Round Lake, Minn., and Miss Mary Wood of Peterson.

Judge C. W. Pitts authorized Henry Massmann, administrator of the estate of Christ Tesch, to borrow the sum of $5600 for a term of two years and to give as security for said loan a note and mortgage covering SE1/2 of section 12, twp. 94, north range 42, O'Brien county, Ia. The money is to be used to pay the debts of the estate.

Albert H. Meyer, as executor of the estate of Alvin Puhrmann, deceased, was granted authority by the court to borrow $2521.81 for a term of five years, to pay the debts of said estate. The executor is to give a first mortgage in this amount covering the land belonging to the estate as security for said indebtedness.

The final report of E. C. Nelson, guardian of the property of Edwin Nelson, was approved by the court and the guardian discharged.

The final report of W. P. Iverson, Trustee of certain property of Olive White, was approved by the court, the trustee discharged and his bonds released.

The application of S.F. Steele, administrator of the estate of Rebecca A. Steele, for authority to pay a partial distribution in said estate was approved by the court and the administrator ordered to pay $950.00 to each of the heirs.

The final report of John W. Roetzel, administrator of the estate of Margaret Roetzel, deceased, was approved by the court and administrator discharged.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hulser are the proud parents of a son, born Friday, June 2nd. He weighed eight pounds and has been named James Otis.
-A seven pound girl was born Monday, June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burgeson, of Peterson. Mrs. Burgeson was formerly Irma Woolston, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woolston.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Goyette of Royal on Friday June 2nd. She has been named Bonnie Louise. Mrs. Goyette is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Parcaut.

O'Brien County Boy Gets Annapolis Appointment
Primghar Bell: Leonard Ewoldt, of Center township, has just been notified that he has passed the entrance examinations to Annapolis and will probably enter the academy in June. He was high man in a competitive examination for northwest Iowa last October. Leonard, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ewoldt, of Center township, was born at Cleghorn, Nov. 9, 1913. He received his entire elementary education in the rural schools of the county, attending Center No. 1 seven of the eight years. O'Brien county rural schools are justly proud that such an honor has come to one of their members. He entered Hartley high school at the age of 13 and graduated in 1931, with the honor of valedictorian of his class. He was a member of the high school band for four years, did creditable work in declamatory and entered into other extra curricular activities. Four months of the past year he attended Marion Military Academy in Alabama.

Mrs. P. S. Stearns was called to Garwin Friday by the death of her brother, George Pray. Funeral services were held Sunday and she returned home Monday evening. She was accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. Dean Willey of Paullina and Mrs. John Fredenburg of Cherokee.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweeney were at Cherokee Friday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Jenkins.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fogelman and daughters Doris and Marjorie attended the funeral of the former's cousin, Arden Fogelman of Washta, Monday afternoon.

Marcus News: Betty Boothby, one year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boothby of Tilden, died Wednesday afternoon while she was being rushed to Sioux Valley hospital at Cherokee, from the effects of drinking gasoline. The child had found a small quantity of gasoline in the house at about one o'clock and drank it.

Forty-Five Years Ago - June 1, 1888
-Born, May 19, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conklin of Grant township.
-Born, May 24, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Z. Fields of Sutherland.
-Mr. Elliot of Sheldon was in this city last Monday placing a fine monument at the grave of Mrs. L. J. Price. Memorial services were held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon.

Twenty Years Ago - May 29, 1913
-Joseph Cowan, or "Uncle Joe" as he was familiarly known to everybody in and around Sutherland for many years, answered the final muster roll last Saturday morning, May 24.

Twenty Years Ago - June 5, 1913
-George F. Martin, of Spencer, a brother of J. P., Frank, and Alex, died last Monday after a month's illness.

Eleven Years Ago - June 1, 1922
-Theron Parks, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Parks, arrived in Sutherland Monday from Los Angeles. He was married just before he left there to Miss Blanche Richmond who will come later in the summer. Theron has been engaged to pitch for the Harris baseball team.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shouse, Tuesday May 23, a daughter, Shirley La Rae.

Eleven Years Ago - June 8, 1922
-Miss Wilna Plager and Dan McCormack went to Alton Wednesday, June 7, and were quietly married at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Claus Busser. They left for a wedding trip to Yellowstone Park.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 15, 1933

Court News
-The court set June 26th as the date for the hearing on the petition of he executrix of the estate of Fred Runge, deceased, to reconvey real estate belonging to said estate.
-The court approved the final report of I. L. Knapp, administrator of the estate of J. J. Jonen, deceased, and released his bonds and bondsmen.
-The last will and testament of William Breyfogle, deceased, late of Primghar, was admitted to probate and Ernest J. Breyfogle was appointed as administrator of said estate.

Stork Express
-Twin babies, a boy and a girl, were born Saturday morning June 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chesley. The babies each weighed four pounds and they have been named Earl Dean and Cleo Jean.
-A son was born last Tuesday, June 6, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mugge.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke, June 12th, a son.
-Mr. and Mrs. Art Mugge are rejoicing over the arrival of a son born June 6th.

Young Man Hurt When Hit by Plane Propellor
Hjalmer Huberg, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Huberg living west of Royal, was seriously injured last Sunday afternoon when he was struck on the shoulder and arm b the propellor of the home-made airplane owned by Harvey Christensen, farm youth and aviation enthusiast. The accident occurred on the Christensen farm where he was taking up friends as passengers in his newly constructed two-seated plane assembled by Christensen this spring. Huberg was in the passenger's seat when Christensen experienced some difficulty in turning the head of his ship into the wind for the take off. Huberg jumped out of the plane and seized one of the wings to help turn the plane. In so doing he came too close to the whirling propellor and it shattered his shoulder, almost cutting off his arm.

Mrs. Fedder Fedderson, Mrs. Anna Grapenthin, Catherine Peters and Clara Engel attended the funeral of Mrs. Kruse at Manning, Iowa Tuesday. Mrs. Kruse is an aunt of Mrs. Fedderson.

Mrs. Fedder Fedderson went to Manning Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. John J. Kruse. She was accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Gus Engel, Wm. Peters, and daughters, Mrs. Elmet Grapenthin and Catherine Peters.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murphy were called to Spirit Lake Wednesday by the death of her sister, Mrs. Frank Lyon. Funeral services were held at Spirit Lake Wednesday afternoon, and burial was at Melvin.

Twenty Years Ago - June 12, 1913
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Drake on Tuesday, June 10, and appeared to be doing well until last night, when hemorrhage of the bowels set in and its death followed about 8 o'clock this morning.

Eleven Years Ago - June 15, 1922
-Miss Clysta McGraw and Mrs. Marion Crosser were united in marriage at high noon, Saturday June 10th at the home of the bride's parents in Sioux City.
-Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Ruth Jordan to Mr. Glenn Browning which takes place on Tuesday afternoon, June 20th at four o'clock at the Methodist church in Sutherland.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 22, 1933

Boy Dies From Diving Injury - Richard Lohnes of Waterloo Hurt While Diving at Scout Camp
Tuesday noon: Richard Lohnes passed away at St. Joseph's hospital in Sioux City as the result of injuries to his spine when diving in the Little Sioux river last Thursday afternoon. Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Presbyterian church in Cherokee.

Richard Lohnes, aged 17, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brechwald, whose home is at Waterloo, was seriously injured while diving near the camp of the Sutherland boy scouts on the Little Sioux river Thursday afternoon and his condition has been regarded as most critical since that time. Two vertebrae were so badly dislocated that his spinal chord was almost severed and little hope was held for his recovery. Shortly after the accident he was rushed to Sioux City in the Reiste ambulance.

The local Scouts had gone to the river Thursday morning for an outing under their scoutmaster, Gustav Schultz. The Lohnes boy, an Eagle scout from a Waterloo troop, had gone with them, accompanied by his uncle, Mr. Brechwald, who was there at the time of the accident. In the middle of the afternoon the boys went swimming and the Lohnes boy attempted to dive in about three feet of water. He had crossed the river to test its depth and as he dived from the bank it caved away and threw him off balance. His head struck in the mud at the bottom of the river.

The injury he suffered was so serious that others at the camp had to hurriedly get him from the water. His body was paralyzed below his shoulders and he suffered great pain. A shelter of boughs was constructed on the bank to provide shade, as it was impossible to move him further. A short time later the Reiste ambulance arrived and he was taken to the St. Joseph's hospital at Sioux City, where he is still in a critical condition. The Lohnes family moved to Waterloo from Cherokee about a year and a half ago.

Homer Ferry Passes Away Suddenly From Heart Failure
Homer Ferry, of Alton, died suddenly about noon Saturday of a heart attack. He was manager of the telephone exchange here from the time the West Iowa Telephone Co. took charge until last November, when he went to Alton to take charge of the exchange there. He was twenty-seven years old and is survived by his wife and a son. Funeral services were held at Vermillion, S. Dak., the home of his parents, on Tuesday afternoon. Herman Behmer, Fred Anders and Roy Schimmer acted as pallbearers. Others from here who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gottsch, Miss Eva Hopkins, Mrs. Phoebe Byram and Helen, E. G. Hicks and John Perry. I. O. O. F. services were conducted at the grave with Grand Officers in charge. Grand Lodge is in session in Vermillion this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gottsch, Fred Anders, H. J. Behmer, Roy Schimmer, E. G. Hicks, John Perry, Mrs. Phoebe Byram and daughter Helen and Miss Eva Hopkins drove to Vermillion, S. Dak. Tuesday to attend the funeral of Homer Ferry. In the afternoon the women had the pleasure of attending Rebekah Grand Lodge, which is in session this week in Vermillion.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yale and son Clare attended the funeral of Bobby Bennet at Greenfield Friday. The Bennets were former residents of Primghar.

Little McKeever Boy Killed on Highway East of Peterson
Donald McKeever, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Maris McKeever who live east of Peterson two miles on No. 10, was instantly killed late last Wednesday afternoon when he was struck by a car driven by C. E. Batcheler, auto dealer of Peterson. The accident occurred in front of the McKeever farm home. In the car with Mr. Batcheler were Wm. Long of Sutherland, Mrs. Batcheler and daughter June and Dwight Chatterton. According to reports, the child was in the weeds along the side of the road and suddenly ran onto it, directly in front of the car, leaving no time for the driver to stop or swerve the machine to miss him. It is believed the child died instantly. Examination showed a fractured skull and there were other injuries over the body.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meehlhaus, of Peterson, are the parents of an 8-1/2 pound daughter, Rita Rae, born last Sunday, June 11. Mrs. Meehlhaus was formerly Adelia Kracht, and she taught school east of Sutherland for several years.
-An 8-pound son was born Monday, June 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Dyke, who work on the Bidwell farm, southwest of town. He was named James Franklin.

Court News
-Stella Hunnewell of Sheldon, Iowa has filed her petition asking for a decree of divorce from Raymond Edwin Hunnewell, on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Plaintiff states in her petition that she married the defendant on the 4th day of March 1932 at Canton, S. Dak. and that they lived together until Mary 30th, 1933, and that on May 30th, 1933, the defendant assaulted and beat the plaintiff with his hands and fists, and struck the plaintiff so hard as to break her nose and blackened her eye. Plaintiff's petition states that the defendant has a violent temper and makes threats to the plaintiff which he usually keeps. No alimony is asked by the plaintiff.

-The First National Bank of Primghar, as Trustee of certain property created under the will of Thomas Gaffey, deceased, was authorized by the court to sell to William Uhe, of Hartley, Iowa, a Russell 20 h.p. steam engine and threshing machine.

-The last will and testament of Klaas De Vries, deceased, has been admitted to probate and Nettie De Vries named in the will as executrix was appointed executrix by the court. No bond was given, pursuant to the terms of the will.

One Killed As Car Turns Over Near Sioux Rapids
Jack Bisbee, 30, of Spencer, was killed Saturday night when an automobile he was driving turned over two miles north of Sioux City. Cassius Lage, 36, who was riding with Bisbee, was seriously injured and taken to a hospital at Sioux Rapids. He also is a Spencer resident.

Eleven Years Ago
-Mrs. S. F. Miller passed away suddenly this morning at her home at Ames.
-Mrs. C. J. Phillips left Tuesday for Dixon, Ill, called by the critical illness of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Rhodes.

Twenty Years Ago - June 19, 1913
-Billy Burmeister was married this week to Miss Mary M. Loring.
-Miss Eva Farquhar went to Cedar Falls Monday to attend summer school at the state normal school.

Forty-Five Years Ago - June 22, 1888
-A brother of Fritz Jurgens arrived from Hanover, Germany, Saturday and will make his home here.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]

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O'brien County