Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 5, 1933

Myra Steen of Calumet Dies - Dies After Lingering Illness Lasting Two Years; Was 16 Years Old
Funeral services for Miss Myra Steen of Calumet were held at the Methodist church in Calumet Saturday afternoon with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge of the services. Mrs. M. J. Welch and daughter Bernice sang. Mrs. Elmer Mehrens played the piano accompaniment.
1916 - Myra Olive Steen - 1932
Myra Olive Steen, youngest daughter of Theodore and Christina Steen, was born in Calumet August 29, 1916. She passed away Thursday afternoon, December 29, at the age of 16 years and 4 months, following a lingering illness of nearly 2 years. Her father preceded her in death on July 4, 1924.

She leaves to mourn her early departure her mother, Mrs. Christina Steen, six sisters and three brothers, Mrs. John Mehrens, Mrs. J. A. Sohm, Ralph, George, and Wilbur Steen, all of Calumet; Mrs. C. H. Sanders of Spencer, Mrs. E. M. Marlow of Logan, Mrs. E. M. Stoltzfus of Manson and Mrs. W. S. Brothers of South Gate, Calif., besides other relatives and a host of friends.

She had a life membership in the Mothers Jewels and later became a member of the Queen Esther Circle. She was a willing worker in all the activities of these organizations. She attended the public school of Calumet and because of her illness was forced to discontinue her work in her freshman year. She was always cheerful and a patient sufferer, with a smile and a pleasant word for all who came in contact with her during this time.

David Patrick Dies at Age 87
David Patrick, resident of Twin Falls, Idaho, who formerly resided on a farm near Sutherland, passed away in the general hospital at Twin Falls December 29th. He was 87 years of age. Mr. Patrick farmed here until 1905, when he retired and moved to Peterson. In 1914 he went to Twin Falls, where Mrs. Patrick passed away in 1925. A foster son, Zelmar Patrick, lives near Peterson, and O. L. Smith is a grandson of the deceased.

Mrs. Abbie Warren Buried Saturday
Mrs. Abbie Warren, mother of Victor Warren, of Sutherland, died last Thursday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Guy Wallace at Montevideo, Minnesota. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Methodist church at Larrabee and burial was in Cedar cemetery.

Dau - Glawe
Miss Irene Dau of Sutherland was married to Mr. Harlan Glawe of Sanborn last Wednesday, December 28, 1932, at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. The ceremony took place at the Lutheran parsonage, with the Rev. H. J. Glenn officiating. The couple was attended by the bride's sister, Miss Mildred Dau and Mr. Eddie Jebsen. Mrs. Glawe is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dau of Sutherland and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glawe of Elk Grove, Calif. They will make their home on a farm near Sanborn. They returned to Sutherland that afternoon and at seven o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Dau entertained at dinner with the immediate families and a few intimate friends as guests.

Stork Express
A seven pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herluf Jensen in Minneapolis on Monday, January 2nd. She has been named Marilyn Anne. Mrs. Jensen before her marriage was Miss Malinda Schoening.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Casey attended the funeral of Mrs. S. John at Larrabee last Thursday.

Aurelia Farmer Gets 25 Years for Robbery
Spencer News-Herald: Twenty-five years in the state penitentiary is the penalty being paid by Glenwood Waddell, 26-year old Aurelia farmer, for the crime of bank robbery, the act having been committed to enable Waddell to secure funds with which to pay debts including a Spencer check for $127.10. Waddell was arrested last Thursday on his farm a few miles south of Aurelia and confessed to Sheriff Art Tilton of Cherokee county that on Saturday morning, December 10, he entered and robbed the Galva State bank at Galva, Iowa, of $855 in currency. His plea of guilty followed Friday and he was sentenced to the 25-year prison term.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 12, 1933

Stork Express
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klinker Tuesday morning, January 10th. He weighed nine and one-half pounds and they have named him Galen Otto.

Court News
The last will and testament of Jan Van Cort Sr., deceased, was admitted to probate and Anna K. Van Cort named in the will as executrix was appointed executrix by the court.

Tjetje Kramer was appointed by the court executrix of the estate of John Kramer, deceased.

The last will and testament of Eleanor J. Sloan was admitted to probate and J. H. Daly named in the will as executor was appointed as executor by the court. The final report of D. M. Norton, administrator of the estate of Clara E. Hutchinson, deceased, was approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bonds released.

The court decreed the estate of Wm. Schuett and Louis Reimers, deceased, exempt fro the payment of inheritance tax.

Wes Diamond received word Tuesday of the death of Henry Lutch, a relative of his. Burial was made in Smithland.

Wilson Taylor is teaching in the Calumet High School this week in place of Miss Grace Walford who was detained at home by the death of her father. Her home is at Corning.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steen, Mrs. J. A. Sohm, E. M. Stolzfus and Wilbur Steen attended the funeral of their uncle, Gus Steen, in Fonda Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Lee Yale and Clare returned form Scales Mound, Ill. Thursday evening where they had been to attend the funeral of Mrs. Yale's mother. Mrs. Ray Anderegg also accompanied them.

Twenty Years Ago - January 2, 1913
Harry Nelson gave his friends a big surprise by coming home last Friday with a blushing bride on his arm. The young lady was Miss Maud Howell of Oskaloosa, where they were married the day before Christmas. They have gone to Ashton to make their home.

Twenty Years Ago - January 9, 1913
Born, on Monday, January 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Thoms, on the John Snider place, a daughter.

Forty-Five Years Ago - January 13, 1888
William Fenton died at his home near Old O'Brien last Friday and was buried in the Sutherland cemetery Sunday.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 19, 1933

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Parcaut, Frank Parcaut and Mrs. W. E. Husted drove to Tama City last Tuesday and visited until Thursday in the home of Mrs. Parcaut's brother, Perry King and family. On Thursday they went to Traer to attend the funeral of Mrs. Parcaut's sister, Mrs. Nellie Stevenson. Mrs. Stevenson was 78 years old and on Jan. 29th would have celebrated her 59th wedding anniversary. They drove to Newton Thursday evening and visited until Friday with Mrs. Husted's daughter, Mrs. Clara Heckert and family.

Eleven Years Ago - January 19, 1922
-Claire Triplett died Tuesday night enroute home from Tucson, Arizona, where he has been receiving treatment.
-A baby boy was born Wednesday January 18 to Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Nelson.
-Born, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Culp on Saturday, January 14, a baby boy.

Forty-Five Years Ago - January 2, 1883
Attorney Colcord returned to Primghar Tuesday to conduct the defense in the Louthan assault case. Dr. Bonham, H. L. Chesley, A. G. Howell and Ed Clift were called on Wednesday to give evidence.

Owen Cooper Passes Away - Funeral Services Were Held at Hartley; Deceased Born in 1883
Owen Cooper passed away Friday just before noon at his home near Hartley. He had been ill since early in December when he had an attack of indigestion. Examination soon after that showed that there was a clot of blood just over the heart and that his blood pressure was low. He had a stroke last Tuesday from which he did not rally, and he died on Friday. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper and had lived in this community for nearly forty years, until he moved to Hartley about twelve years ago.
1883 - Owen Cooper - 1933
Owen Cooper, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, was born June 11th, 1883 near Sutherland, Iowa and passed away at his home near Hartley Jan. 13, 1933, at the age of 40 years, seven months and two days. The deceased was the sixth son of a family of 13 children, twelve of whom are still living.

In the year 1902 Mr. Cooper was united in marriage to Miss Mildred Belle Hakeman. To this union two children were born, Mrs. Pearl Negus, and Clinton, both of whom live near Hartley. In 1902 Mr. and Mrs. Cooper moved from the Sutherland community to the farm near Hartley where they have since resided. All of Mr. Cooper's life was spent on the farm.

He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, his son and daughter and their companions, and two grandchildren, two uncles Charles Cooper of Hartley and Alfred Cooper of Creston, Montana. Twelve brothers and sisters, Albert of Everly, Mrs. Edith Kennedy of Cherokee, Charles of Sutherland, Roy and Henry of Cherokee, Earl of Creston, Mont., Mrs. Grace Johannsen of Sutherland, Mrs. Gertrude Salzer of Hartley, Mrs. Inez Noethe of Sutherland, Orlo of Sutherland, Mrs. Marian Phillips of Royal, and Mrs. Zelma Moore of Sutherland. Also a large number of other relatives and friends. The loss of this diligent hard working, clean living, good neighbor, kind father and loving husband makes our community much poorer.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Hartley Monday afternoon at 2:00 pm. A men's quartet from the church san, and the sermon was preached by Rev. Corwin Taylor of Sutherland. Relatives from here who attended the funeral were Mrs. John Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Orlow Cooper, Mrs. H. E. Cooper and Elry, Mrs. Lelah Cooper and Harold, Mrs. Grace Johannsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Youde, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ginger, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ginger, John and Dick Ginger, Mr. and Mrs. Math Soethe [sic, Noethe], Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldred, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doling, J. H. Doling, T. E. Doling. There were also many friends who attended.

Kroeger Baby Dies; Funeral Will Be Held at Calumet Today
Betty Lou Kroeger, 18-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kroeger, died Tuesday morning about 7:30 of flu complications. The Kroeger family live on the place known as the Otto Tonner farm south of town. Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 pm. at Zion Evangelical church in Calumet, the Rev. Paul Wuebben officiating.

R. E. Heywood Dies
R. E. Heywood, prominent Peterson businessman died at his home Tuesday afternoon of pneumonia. He had been ill with flu and developed pneumonia last week. He was the head of the lumber firm of Heywood Bros. and is well known in Sutherland.

Stork Express
An 8-pound daughter, Joan Avis, was born January 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smith of West Branch, Ia. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Joanna Stanley of Sutherland.

Mrs. Ned Hamilton Dies at Denver
Hartley Sentinel: Mrs. Ned Hamilton of Denver, Colorado died Dec. 23 following a short illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Hamilton was the wife of Ned Hamilton, a former resident of Sutherland and Sheldon. Mr. Hamilton is the youngest son of Mrs. Bert Hamilton, a resident of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton were married about three years ago and have a small son who is two years old.

-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson, an 8-pound daughter, January 14. Miss Cora Schallau is caring for the mother and babe at the Oscar Gaudian home. Mrs. Johnson was formerly Miss Victoria Beech.

-Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Rixman at Hartley Friday. The Rixmans were former residents here. This community extends sympathy to the family.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 26, 1933

Court News
William Dau and Emiel Jungjohann have been appointed by the court Executors of the estate of John Dau, deceased.

The last will and testament of W. C. Buckley, deceased, has been admitted to probate and Roxue Anna Buckley, named in the will, has been appointed Executrix of the estate.

G. L. Sprague of Sheldon, Iowa has been appointed administrator of the estate of Oral D. Garthwaite, deceased, late of Sanborn, Iowa.

The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of John P. McGranahan, deceased, late of Sheldon, Iowa has been filed for probate and February 20th has been set for the date of the hearing.

Frank Holles of Granville, Iowa has been appointed guardian of the property of Urban, Arthur and Isabelle Holles, minors.

A G. Swenson, of Sheldon, Iowa has been appointed administrator of the estate of John McCandless, deceased, and his bond set at $1,000.00

Jennie Eigersma has been appointed by the court, administratrix of the estate of Menzo Eigersma and her bond fixed in the sum of $1,000.00

Frank Holles has been appointed administrator of the estate of Emma Holles and his bond fixed in the sum of $1,000.00

Stork Express
-A daughter, Dorothy Fern, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ping, living east of town, on Thursday, January 19th.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beck on Sunday, January 22.

Frances Dau
Little Frances Vena Dau, the nineteen-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dau, who live south of town, passed away January 19. Death was caused by complications with flu. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Zion Evangelical church in Calumet with Rev. Paul Wuebben officiating. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery. The parents, three sisters, Laura, Lois and the twin sister Florence, and three brothers, Delbert, Harold and Raymond, and many relatives and friends are left to mourn.
1931 - Frances Vena Dau - 1933
Frances Vena Dau, the twin sister of Florence Emma, daughter of Dora and George Dau, was born on the 17th day of June 1931, and passed away on January 19, 1933, at the age of 1 year, 7 months and 2 days. She suffered from flu and complications. Frances was baptized in the faith of the Zion Evangelical church. She leaves to mourn her early passing her beloved parents, three sisters, Laura, Lois and Florence and three brothers, Delbert, Harold and Raymond and a host of relatives and friends. Frances had a sunny disposition and it meant sunshine wherever the twins were together. Frances' going will leave hearts that never heal. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Zion Evangelical church in Calumet with Rev. Paul G. Wuebben in charge. Interment was made at the Waterman cemetery. This community extends sympathy to the family in their bereavement.

Betty Lou Kroeger
Funeral services for little Betty Lou Kroeger, nineteen-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kroeger, were held last Thursday afternoon at the Zion Evangelical church in Calumet, with Rev. Paul Wuebben in charge. Her death was caused by flu and complications last Tuesday morning. Interment was made in the Liberty township cemetery. The parents, one sister, June Marie, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laubach of Hartley and other relatives are left to mourn her departure.
1931 - Betty Lou Kroeger - 1933
Betty Lou, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kroeger was born in the Sioux Valley Hospital at Cherokee, Iowa on June 28, 1931 and passed away at 6:30 Tuesday morning, January 17, 1933, suffering from bronchial pneumonia. She leaves to mourn, her father and mother and a younger sister, June Marie, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laubach and a host of relatives and friends. All that is left to comfort her sorrowing parents and relatives is the assurance that she is eternally safe on the other side of the veil that is between them and the home over there. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Zion Evangelical church at Calumet with Rev. P. G. Wuebben in charge. Interment was made at the Liberty township cemetery.

Rudolph Jebsen Funeral Today - Young Farmer Passes Away After Illness of Several Years Duration
Rudolph Jebsen, young farmer who lived northeast of town, passed away Monday night after an illness of several years, during which time his condition often turned for the better, but never for permanence. Hodge's disease was the cause of death, an ailment of the blood due to lack of white corpuscles. Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at the Methodist church with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. They will begin at two o'clock.
Rudolph Jebsen
Rudolph Jebsen passed away at his home Monday night after a long illness. For several weeks he had been confined to his bed, with the exception of a few days, when it was thought his condition was much better. A week ago Saturday he was obliged to go to bed again, and his condition grew gradually worse. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, a son Eldred, his father Rolf Jebsen and two sisters, Miss Agnes Jebsen and Mrs. Oscar Kopp, besides many other relatives and a host of friends. The community extends its heartfelt sympathy to his loved ones.

Stoner - Gopperton
A beautiful event took place in the country home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stoner on January 20, 1933 when they gave their oldest daughter Ardis to be the bride of Charles Gopperton. The hour of the wedding, half past five, arriving, Miss Luella Mathiesen struck the chords of the processional and the young couple marched into the room where relatives were waiting to witness the ceremony. Soon the music ceased and in a short time the young couple had taken the marriage vow instituted by God's own law.

The bride was clad in a lovely gown of pink and white crepe. The groom wore a dark suit. The impressive ring ceremony was used by Rev. G. W. Ledbetter, pastor of Maple Grove Church. After hearty congratulations were offered the bride and groom lead the way to a spacious dining room where a lovely three course diner was served. The colors pink and white were carried out in the dinner and the entire evening. Place cards were arranged at the table for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gopperton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Downer, Pessie [?] Downer, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stoner, Ruth, Della and Robert Stoner, Rev. and Mrs. Ledbetter, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mathisen and Luella, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Borland and Helena, and Mrs. Charles Stoner.

The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stoner, who live on a farm near Peterson. She is a student in Spencer High School and is one of the most prominent and popular young ladies of our community. She had a large circle of friends and is a granddaughter of Charles Stoner of Spencer, Iowa. The groom is the son of Mrs. Downer, who lives on a farm near Sutherland, Iowa. He, having lived in our community for several years, is respected and highly esteemed by all who know him. He, too, has a large circle of friends among older people as well as young. We feel this young couple will prove to be a blessing as they reside on the farm in our community. Here's wishing them a long and happy wedded life. - A Friend.

-Friends were sorry to learn of the death of Rudolph Jebsen Monday night. Mr. Jebsen had the flu nearly three years ago and it left him with complications which baffled doctors. He had taken treatments at Rochester, Minn., and at times seemed to be much better. Our sympathy is extended to the sorrowing wife, son and other relatives.

-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Segelke of Cherokee, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Horstman of Primghar, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Menke and Mrs. H. Mugge of Calumet attended the funeral of Mr. Wohlers at Rock Rapids Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Segelke and Mrs. Mugge stayed a few days to visit friends.

Peterson Lumberman Dies Last Tuesday
Peterson Patriot: Rolland E. Heywood, head of the Heywood Bros. Lumber company of Peterson and one of he leading lumbermen of Northwest Iowa, died at the family home here Tuesday following an illness of less than ten days, with influenza and pneumonia. Mr. Heywood had been in the lumber business all his business life, coming here many years ago to run the local yard for the Lane-Moore Lumber company, and later went into the head office of the company at Webster City as a member of the firm. He retired from the Lane-Moore company a few years ago when he bought out the yards of the Wisconsin Lumber company in Peterson and Pioneer. Mr. Heywood was a member of the school board in Peterson. He was a member of the Masonic order and was always active in all civic and community affairs. He was an ardent outdoor man, a hunter and fisherman of unusual ability and an expert at shooting over the traps. In his younger days he was an all-around baseball player on the best team that Peterson or this community ever had.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2012]

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