Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
February 2, 1933

J. W. Cravens, as Executor of the estate of Mary Francis Pruyn, deceased, has brought an action against Jessie Marie Pruyn, et al, asking that the court partition the real estate belonging t the estate and that a sale of the real estate located in Sanborn be made and the proceeds be apportioned between the parties as their rights are set forth in the petition and the claims and charges against the estate be paid.

Ole Axdahl has brought an action against Sam Axdahl asking that the court appoint him as guardian of the said Sam Axdahl so that he may be able to transact business for the defendant.

The final report of William J. Linder and Lewis C. Linder, executors of the estate of Henry Linder, deceased, was approved by the court and the executors discharged and their bonds released.

The court set the 14th day of February as the date for the hearing on the final report of Katie Wierda, executrix of the estate of Rudolph Wierda, deceased.

The estate of Jacob F. Schadt was decreed exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax.

The final report of Anna Catherine Luethje, executrix of the estate of Frederick Luethje, deceased, was approved by the court, the executrix discharged and her bonds released.

Guy A. Sperry, Former Resident Here Dies in South
The following clipping was brought to us through the courtesy of Mrs. E. B. Nelson. It pertains to the death of Guy A. Sperry, who at one time lived around Sutherland and worked for both the Steele family and the Geo. W. Nelson family, parents of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson.

Jackson, Miss. Sun: News of the death of Guy A. Sperry, 61, former well known resident of this city, at his home in Minter City, Miss., early this morning was received here today, January 2, 1933. Mr. Sperry left Jackson some 31 years ago to make his home in Mississippi where he was quite successful, having large holdings there. He was a member of the Methodist church and the Masonic order, and has been associated in the farming and ginning business for many years. Mr. Sperry is survived by his widow, who was the former Miss Elnora Graves of this city, and four sisters, Mrs. Gordon Pruitt and Mrs. C. W. Brown, both of Minter City, Mrs. Neil Anderson of Madison county and Mrs. J. T. Buntin of this city. Mrs. Pearl Derryberry is a sister of Mrs. Sperry. The remains will arrive here Tuesday afternoon over the Illinois Central R. R. and will be carried to the Griffin Funeral home where funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the chapel followed by interment in Hollywood cemetery.

Rudolph Jebsen Funeral is Held - Services Held Thursday at Methodist Church with Rev. Taylor in Charge
Funeral services for Rudolph Jebsen were held Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church with the Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Music was furnished by Mrs. Frank Bruner, Miss Frances Bruner and Herman Behmer. Mr. Jebsen died last Monday night after an illness of three years. Hodges disease, a lack of white corpuscles in the blood, was the cause of his death.

1892 - Rudolph Jebsen - 1933
Rudolph Jebsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Jebsen, was born on Dec. 20, 1892, and passed away at his home on January 23, 1933. He reached the age of 40 years, 1 month and 3 days. On February 21, 1916, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Koenck. To this union one son, Eldred, was born. Since January 29, 1930, his health has been failing and everything that human hands and loving care could do was done, but it was not to be.

He leaves to mourn his loss his loving wife and son, father, two sisters, Mrs. Oscar Kopp and Agnes, his aged grandmother, Mrs. Henrietta Wohlert, and a host of other relatives and friends. His mother preceded him in death in May 1928. Mr. Jebsen was a kind and loving husband and father, and ready to help whenever needed. He was loved by all who knew him and will be greatly missed in his home especially. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Trinity church at Hartley and has lived in Grant township all his life with the exception of a few years in Waterman township. He has resided on the home place for 32 years.

Thos attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Franz Serreyn of Arco, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. George Hamer of Lake Benton, Minn., Mrs. Marie Petersen and children of Pipestone, Minn., Mrs. Chas. Koenck, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Koenck, Albert and Emil Koenck, all of Boyer, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Petersen of Avoca, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dau and Wm. Hansen of Minden, Iowa, Mrs. Peter Nissen and son Henry of Dixon, Iowa, Rudolph Wohlert of Hayward, Wis., Mrs. Ole Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olson of Rock Rapids, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Ott Koenck and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Koenck and Mrs. Ana Mathieson, all of Everly.

John Elliott Dies Jan. 7, 1933
A clipping from a South Dakota newspaper came to the Courier office this week, regarding the death of John Elliott, Sr. "After two months of failing health due to extreme old age and complications, John Elliott, Sr., passed to the life beyond, last Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock at his home here in Winfred. The old gentleman was a kind-hearted father, a faithful husband and a patient man while waiting for death's release from a world grown strange to him. Mr. Elliott and family came to this vicinity in 1905 where he farmed north of town, retiring and moving to Winfred about twelve years ago and during which years he won the respect of friends and neighbors through his upright character and good natured disposition.

Mr. and Mrs. John Watterson and Ellwyn Martin went to Alta Friday to attend the funeral of Estella Haight who died suddenly of a heart attack last Tuesday. She was a cousin of Mrs. Watterson and Mr. Martin and had visited here a number of times.

This community was again saddened by the death of the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeForrest Steward [Stewart]. The cause of the baby's death is not known as it was apparently well at one o'clock Tuesday morning when the mother fed her. Sometime between then and 4:30 the baby passed away. This community extends sympathy.

Eleven Years Ago - February 2, 1922
-Mrs. Perninna Quinn, mother of Mrs. W. J. Frazee, died Sunday evening at the home of her son, L. B. Quinn, at Paullina.
-Mrs. John E. Humphrey, 89 years old, passed away at Wisner, Nebr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey were among the early pioneers of this locality. Funeral services were held this morning at the Church of Christ.
-Miss Charlotte M. Kaiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaiser was married on Thursday, January 19 to Mrs. Charles M. Mahoney, of Sioux City.

Twenty Years Ago - January 30, 1913
-We are informed that Wm. Burmeister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burmeister, and Miss Mary Loring were married in Sioux City on Tuesday of this week.
-Miss Emmaline Schultz and Mrs. Otto Jaacks were married yesterday, and will make their home on a farm near Gaza.
-Christopher Bandholz, father of Gus Bandholz and Mrs. John Schroeder, died January 25th.

Forty-Five Years Ago*
A young man named Matthews was run over and killed on the C and D railroad, near Larrabee, Sunday morning. He was a farmer and attempted to jump onto the train when it was in motion. The accident occurred near his father's house.

[*unclear if this is 45 years back from 1913 (1868) or from 1933 (1888); transcribed by A.N., September 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
February 9, 1933

John Yeager Dies Suddenly - Flu and Heart Attack Cause Death of Co. Treasurer Thursday Morning
News of the death of John F. Yeager, county treasurer, at his home in Primghar last Thursday morning, came as a distinct shock to his many friends in this community. Mr. Yeager had been suffering for several days from an attack of the flu, and this accompanied with a heart attack caused his death. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church at Primghar. Rev. Breaw of Eagle Grove was assisted in the services by the resident pastor, Rev. H. D. Bush. Masons had services in the church with L. O. Lampman of Primghar in charge, and Masonic services were also held at the grave. Masons of Sanborn, of which lodge Mr. Yeager was a member, attended the funeral in a body. Pall bearers were county officials: I. R. Isenberg, W. L. Anderson, Alex Stewart, Edw. Leemkull, Irving Farnsworth, and Wilbur Mills. Interment was at Primghar.

1885 - John F. Yeager - 1933
John F. Yeager was born in Liberty township, south of Sutherland, on October 14, 1885, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Yeager. He was the youngest of the family and spent his childhood on a number of farms in the vicinity, later moving to Primghar where he attended the Primghar schools and graduated from the Primghar high school. During his time in school he worked in the drug store in Primghar for Mr. Rust and Mrs. Olander.

On October 4, 1908 Mr. Yeager was united in marriage to Evah Tifft of Sanborn. For a time they made their home in Primghar, but in 1913 moved to Sanborn where Mr. Yeager was employed in the E. C. Sprague drug store, and later for Jess Foval who purchased the store from Mr. Sprague. While employed in the drug store at Sanborn, during the year 1916, he ran for county treasurer and was elected, taking office January 1, 1917. This position he held until his death.

Besides his widow the deceased leaves one sister and four brothers: Mrs. Agnes Phillips of Sutherland; Dave of Delhi, Minn.; E. G. of Long Beach, Calif.; Theodore of Leeds, Ia.; and Rev. C. R. Yeager of Dolliver, Iowa. A brother, Roy, died 14 years ago.

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rausch, of Peterson, on Sunday, February 5. They have given her the name Marcia Marliss.
-A baby daughter was born last Tuesday, January 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bobzien of Hartley. Mrs. Bobzien is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryant.

Bernice Elaine Stewart
Bernice Elaine Stewart, six weeks old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Steward, who live south of town, died at home last Tuesday, Jan. 31st. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Steward home and burial made in Oak Hill cemetery at Cherokee. Rev. Arrasmith of Cherokee was in charge of the services.

Hunt Baby Dies
Word was received here this week of the death of the child born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt of Casper, Wyo. The baby died Saturday from a complication of flu and whooping cough. It was born December 22, 1932. Mrs. Hunt is a daughter of Oliver Terry.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Triplett went to Archer Saturday afternoon to attend the funeral of Roy Sleet. They were supper guests in the home of Mrs. Triplett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCroskey.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tharp were called to Sioux City Saturday morning by the death of Mrs. Tharp's father, Jacob Wingeler, who passed away Friday night. Mr. Tharp returned Saturday evening and he and two daughters, Bernice and Evelyn returned for the funeral Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fogelman attended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Hilton of Cherokee Wednesday afternoon.

Twenty Years Ago - Feb. 6, 1913
-On Wed. Jan. 29, 1913, at the home of the bride's brother, Dick Borland, occurred the marriage of Miss Belle Borland to Mr. Frank Steele, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Steele. They will reside near Laurens.
-Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brewer were made happy by the arrival of a new girl baby at their home Monday morning.
-Henry Litka and Miss Clara Schoening were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents.

Eleven Years Ago - Feb. 9, 1922
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hagedorn are the proud parents of a baby boy born Sat., Feb. 4th.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barry on Thursday, Feb. 2nd, a boy.
-Donald Severeide, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Severeide, celebrated his 3rd birthday Wednesday afternoon by entertaining at a party.
-Word was received of the death of the wife of Rev. E. E. Gilbert last Tuesday at their home in Salem, Ore.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
February 16, 1933

Stork Express
-A daughter, Gretchen, was born last Wednesday, February 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kemp. The young lady has three brothers.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boldt, of Calumet, on Saturday, February 11.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patrick, north of town, Saturday, February 4th. -Peterson Patriot
-A son was still-born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Magnussen, living south of town, on Saturday, February 11.

Mrs. Yeager Appointed to Fill Vacancy
The Board of Supervisors were called for a special session Friday by Auditor I. R. Isenberg to appoint a successor to the late County Treasurer, J. F. Yeager. The Board appointed Mrs. Evah A. Yeager as County Treasurer to succeed the late J. F. Yeager, county treasurer. The board at a later meeting appointed the following as deputies: Myra Metcalf and Wilbur Mills. We believe the appointments of the board will meet with the general approval of the taxpayers. - Hartley Sentinel

Court News
-The court declared the estate of Emma Holles exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax.
-The court authorized the executor of the estate of Johan Wittrock, deceased, to sell certain liberty bonds belonging to the estate.
-James John Moermond and Marinus Wm. Moermond, as executors of the estate of Tillie Moermond, deceased, have been authorized by the court to deliver to James John Moermond and Marinus Wm. Moermond, trustees, four five-hundred dollar liberty bonds.
-The final report of Minnie Hein, administratrix of the estate of Chas. Hein, deceased, was approved by the court, the administratrix discharged and her bonds released.
-Clara A. Ramsey and Marie Fiebig were appointed administratrix of the estate of Victor J. Fiebig, deceased.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fogelman attended the funeral of Mrs. Maine at Cherokee Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kurtz and family of Walnut Grove, Minn. visited Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tharp. Mrs. Kurtz is a sister of Mrs. Tharp. They were returning to their home from Sioux City, where they had been called by the death of Mrs. Kurtz's father.

Eleven Years Ago - February 16, 1922
-Miss Selma Meyer and Leroy Salzkorn were married at the Methodist parsonage in Spencer on Thursday afternoon, February 2nd.
-The marriage of Miss Faye Roberdee to Arthur Awe of Fort Dodge took place January 24 at Boone.
-On Monday, February 6, at the Methodist parsonage in Primghar, occurred the marriage of Miss Erma Adams and Luverne Olhausen, Rev. Thos. Batho officiating.
-Robert W. Boyd passed away at his home here Thursday evening, after a ten day illness.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
February 23, 1933

Ed Hastings Dies at Primghar On Thursday
Ed Hastings of Primghar died at his home there Thursday of an abscess on the brain. His health had been bad for the past six months, but his condition had been serious for less than a week. He would have been 58 years old in May. He is a brother-in-law of John Foley of Sutherland, and his daughter, Mildred, taught in the Sutherland schools a few years ago. Funeral services were held at Primghar Saturday afternoon. John Foley spent several days last week at Primghar in the Hastings home, and the Foley family attended the funeral Saturday.

Mrs. Wm. Wagar
Funeral services for Mrs. Alidia Wagar, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maria Jackson in Mitchell, S. Dak. last Thursday, were held at the Methodist church here Saturday afternoon and interment was made in Waterman cemetery. Mrs. Wagar came to O'Brien county and located in Grant township with her husband and family in 1869 when the country was yet young and located on the farm where Raymond Stanley now lives, and had seen the country grow up from the bare prairies. For several years she had made her home with her daughter in Mitchell.

1846 - Alidia Garbet Wagar - 1933
Alidia Garbet was born April 9, 1846, in Camden East, Ontario. In her early girlhood she joined the Methodist Episcopal church. On May 31, 1863, she was united in marriage to William W. Wagar of Enterprise, Ontario. He preceded her in death by thirteen years, passing away at Royal, Iowa, on February 18, 1920. William and Alidia Wagar came to Iowa in 1869 with their four children, homesteading in Grant township, O'Brien county, the total population of the county then numbering ten persons.

Nine children were born to this union, four of whom survive their mother's death, namely, Mrs. Maria Jackson of Mitchell, S. Dak., Thompson Wagar of Pukwana, S. Dak., Mrs. Lulu Triplett of Milaca, Minn., and Chester Wagar of Keystone, S. Dak. Besides her children she leaves ten grandchildren, six great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Since her husband's death she has made her home with her eldest daughter, Mrs. Maria Jackson and until a few months ago, enjoyed very good health. Had she lived until April 9, she would have been 87 years old.

A beloved mother and grandmother, a devoted wife, a kind and friendly neighbor, she has lived through the development of this country from its time of raw prairie. She has run the gamut of experience, driven an ox team, hovered over dying children, helped bring in new life and soothe the passing of old, a true pioneer mother. Barring the few times when she suffered from attacks of influenza, Mrs. Wagar has enjoyed unusually good health and it was only a few months ago that she began to show signs of a general breakdown which ended with her death February 16, 1933.

Those from a distance who came to Sutherland to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wagar were her son Thompson Wagar of Pukwana, S. Dak.; her daughters, Mrs. Maria Jackson of Mitchell, S. Dak. and Mrs. Lulu Triplett from Milaca, Minn.; her granddaughter, Nina Jackson, of Mitchell, S. Dak.; and her great grandson-by-marriage Frank Brodsky, also from Mitchell. They came Saturday and returned to their homes Sunday, spending Saturday night with friends.

A number from this community attended the funeral of Mrs. Lyda Wagar at the M. E. church in Sutherland Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Wagar was one of the earlier settlers in this community. They lived on and owned the farm where the Raymond Stanley family now live.

Weale - Ewoldt
Miss Maurine Weale and Loren Ewoldt were married Sunday morning at the close of the church services at the Methodist Episcopal church, the minister, Rev. Corwin Taylor performing the double ring ceremony. The bride is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weale and has lived in this community all her life. She is a graduate of the Sutherland school with the class of 1931. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ewoldt and has been farming with his father east of Sutherland. The bride wore a royal blue crepe dress with accessories to match. The groom wore a brown business suit. Immediately after the service Mr. and Mrs. Ewoldt left for Cedar Falls to visit the bride's sister, Miss Ruth Weale, who is attending college there. They expect to visit relatives in Davenport and friends in Jefferson before they return to make their home on the farm where Emil Ewoldt now lives.

Rohrs - Mehrens
Miss Mary Rohrs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rohrs, of Paullina, and Karl Mehrens, son of Mrs. Anna Mehrens of Gaza were quietly married last Tuesday at the German parsonage in Germantown. After the ceremony a five o'clock dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents.

Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our gratitude to those who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement. We wish especially to thank Chas. Harmon, Jas. Sweeney and the pallbearers.
Mrs. Maria Jackson, Thompson Wagar, Mrs. Lulu Triplett, Chester Wagar

Court News
-The court appointed Albert Gaudian as trustee in the matter of the estate of August Gaudian, deceased, and fixed his bond in the sum of $500.
-The court authorized Hal H. Buntley administrator of the estate of Samuel H. Buntley, to sell five shares of stock in the Northern States Power Co. for the purpose of paying expenses incurred in said estate.
-The final reports of Goodman Goodmanson, administrator of the estates of Margaret Goodmanson and Mary Hovland, were approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bonds released.
-The final report of John H. Puhrman executor of the estate of Henry Mertens, deceased, was approved by the court and the executor discharged and his bonds released.
-The court appointed George Axdahl of Paullina, Iowa guardian of the property of Sam Axdahl, incompetent, and fixed his bond at $1,000.00
-The final report of Katie Wierda, executrix of the estate of Rudolphus Wierda, deceased, was approved by the court and the executrix discharged.

Eleven marriage licenses have been issued by W. A. Hoeven, clerk of the district court to date during the month of February, as against 8 for the same period last year. The following licenses have been issued this month:
-Frank Hinz, Elnora Daniels, O'Brien county
-Joe Salsma, Sanborn and Agnes Hofman, Sanborn
-Karl H. Mehrens, Gaza and Mary Rohrs, Paullina
-Louis Jaeger, Hartley and Leona Jipson, Moneta
-Chris Jaeger, Hartley, and Alberta Jepson, Moneta
-Loren Ewoldt, O'Brien county and Maurine Weale, O'Brien county
-Herman Van der Vegte of Hull, Iowa and Jacoba Helena Zenebergen, Granville
-Walter Warnke of Paullina and Hilda Fidelke, Paullina.

Forty-Five Years Ago - February 17, 1888
-Born, February 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clift, a boy.

Eleven Years Ago - February 23, 1922
-Esther Frazee passed away at her home at 6:30 Friday morning following an illness of five days. She was 18 years old and a senior in high school.
-Mrs. Abbie Ginger passed away Friday morning at the Hand hospital in Hartley, after a long illness.
-C. W. Briggs died Wednesday morning at 5:30 o'clock. Seven years ago he had a stroke of paralysis, and for the past two years has been almost helpless. He came to Sutherland in 1882 and opened the first drug store in the town.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]

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O'brien County