Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 6, 1933

Calvin Harris Passes Away - Death Comes After Illness from Heart Disease; Funeral Sunday
After an illness of several months, due to heart trouble, much of which time he was confined to his home, Calvin Harris passed away Friday morning, March 31st, at the age of 74 years. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Rev. Taylor confined his remarks largely to the character of the man over whose bier he spoke, and repeatedly referred to Mr. Harris as "this good man", a statement which characterizes him to the community as well as it did to the minister's listeners. Many of Mr. Harris' acts were of the kind where the giver's presence was never known to those who received. His familiar face and greeting, too, will be sadly missed on Sutherland's streets and among those who knew him well.

1858 - James Calvin Harris - 1933
James Calvin Harris was born October 17, 1858, in Keokuk county, Iowa, and died at Sutherland Friday morning, March 31, 1933. He was 74 years, 5 months and 14 days of age. Mr. Harris was united in marriage to Sarah Snyder in 1879, who preceded him in death May 5, 1916. He is survived by four children, Jesse E. Harris, Mrs. Effie Woolston, Mrs. Ina Duke and Mrs. Sylvia Woolston, and his present wife, Mrs. Clara Harris, and two step-children, Clarence Warren and Mrs. Alice McCulla, two half brothers, B. C. Marlow of Packwood, Iowa, and Frank Marlow of Ollie, Iowa, 12 grandchildren, 6 step-grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mr. Harris came to O'Brien county in 1883. In early life he was a member of the Christian church and at the time of his death a member of the Maple Grove Church of God.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation to our friends for the kindness shown us at the time of our bereavement. Mrs. J. C. Harris and family
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryant spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bobzien caring for the children while Mr. and Mrs. Bobzien attended the funeral of Henry Bobzien.

James Benton of Sanborn plead guilty before Judge Pitts to a county attorney's information charging him with the crime of lascivious acts with children, and he was sentenced to the state penitentiary at Fort Madison, for a period of not to exceed 3 years. Benton gave his age at 64 years.

The final report of Paul Schoening, receiver in the action entitled Emma Wunderlich vs. Kinney Tjossem et al, was approved by the court and receiver discharged and bonds released.

Stork Express
In spite of chilly weather yesterday Foster Briggs was forced to go bareheaded. There isn't a hat in town big enough for his head nor shoes heavy enough to hold him down to earth. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Briggs are the proud parents of a seven pound son, Robert James, born Wednesday morning.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Breyfogle, Monday March 27th, a son named James Edgar.

Putt - Glidden
Friends in Sutherland will be interested to learn of the marriage of Thomas Glidden, of Windom, Minn., to Miss Gertrude Putt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Putt, also of Windom, on Monday, April 3. Mr. Glidden is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Glidden, who formerly lived here. They will make their home at Windom.

Satterlee - Mitchell
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Clark Mitchell, of Sutherland and Miss Zalla Satterlee of Paullina, on March 4, 1933. The ceremony took place at the Methodist parsonage at Canton, S. Dak., with the Rev. T. W. Winkler officiating. The only witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell of Spencer. Mr. Mitchell is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mitchell, and except for a few years spent in California, has always made his home in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell expect to leave soon for a honeymoon trip to the Pacific coast, and they may remain to make their home in the west.

Eleven Years Ago - April 6, 1922
Dr. Stork made three visits in the community during the past week leaving a boy, the "first born" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill on April 1st; a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenner on April 1; a son, the "first born" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Waggoner on April 3rd.

Mrs. A. Christensen arrived home Friday from Snohomish, Wash., where she has been for three weeks, having been called there because of the death of her brother.

Twenty Years Ago - April 3, 1913
The sad news came last week of the death of Mrs. John H. Davis at their home at Rigby, Idaho, leaving a little child only one day old.

Forty-Five Years Ago - April 6, 1888
Married, March 28, 1888, by Rev. Chas. Artman, Mr. Henry Gleason and Miss Etta Waterman, both of this place.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 13, 1933

Stork Express
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Moding last Thursday morning April 6th. He weighed 9 pounds and has been named Claire Arthur. The Modings have another son, two years old.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eldred L. Triplett of Moneta April 1. - Hartley Sentinel.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schierholz have adopted a month old baby boy. He has been given the name Robert Darrel.

Two Damage Suits Brought - Thomas Downes of Sheldon Made Defendant in 2 Damage Suits
Nancy Schneider as administratrix of the estate of Lawrence H. Schneider, deceased, has brought action against Thomas Downes asking for judgment in the sum of $15,000.00 as a result of an automobile accident on Federal Highway No. 18, near Sheldon, Iowa, on Sept. 12, 1932, which resulted in the instant death of Lawrence H. Schneider. Plaintiff alleges in her petition that Lawrence H. Schneider was riding in a Ford car owned and being operated by one Roy Sleep and was proceeding eastward in a careful and cautious manner and while so doing the defendant drove his oil truck upon and along said highway from the east into and against said Ford sedan with such force as to practically demolish said automobile, causing the death of Lawrence Schneider. Plaintiff further alleges that the defendant was attempting to overtake and pass a team and wagon traveling ahead of him and in the same direction and in so doing he turned to his left and collided with the Ford sedan; that he failed to ascertain whether there was an assured clear distance ahead of him within which to pass the team; that the defendant after discovering the Ford automobile approaching him failed to stop his truck or to drop back to his former position to the rear of the team; that he failed to give the Ford adequate room to permit the plaintiff's automobile to pass; tat the defendant did not have the oil truck under control, was driving to fast; had inadequate brakes and lights and failed to give any signal or warning in attempting to pass the team. Plaintiff further states that the deceased was and has been for several years a skilled farm laborer, in a sound and healthy condition and that reason of his wrongful death as set forth, the plaintiff has been damaged in the sum of $15,000.00.

As a result of an accident on highway No. 18 near Sheldon, Ia., on Sept. 12, 1932, Mary Shaw as administratrix of the estate of Roy Sleep, deceased, has brought action against Thomas Downes of Sheldon, asking for damages in the sum of $23,237.00. The petition alleges that Roy Sleep was driving in an easterly direction, after sunset on the 12th day of September, 1932 in a Ford Tudor sedan, in a careful and cautious manner and while so doing the defendant drove his oil truck, along said highway from the east, carelessly, negligently and in disregard of the rights of others, and rove his said oil truck into and against the automobile of Roy Sleep with such force and violence as to practically entirely demolish the automobile and injuring the plaintiff's intestate by fracturing his skull, lacerating his brain and other internal injuries as a result of which injuries plaintiff's intestate died on February 1, 1933. The petition further recites that the defendant in attempting to pass a team and wagon ahead of him, failed to ascertain whether there was an assured clear distance ahead of him within which to pass the team without colliding with other vehicles; that after swinging out to pass the team into view of approaching cars he failed to drop back behind the wagon; that he had inadequate brakes and lights and did not have his truck under control; gave no warning to oncoming cars from the opposite direction; that the defendant was negligent in attempting to overtake and pass said team and wagon in view of the proximity of the automobile of plaintiff's intestate. The petition further alleges that Roy Sleep had attained the age of 21 years on March 8, 1932 and that on the date of the collision and for several years prior thereto he was engaged in the buying and selling of cream and assisting his mother in the operation of a confectionery in the Town of Archer, Ia. and that he was in sound and healthy physical condition; plaintiff asks for the wrongful death of the deceased the sum of $20,000.00, nurses and physician's expenses $2562.00; funeral expenses $375.00; damages in the sum of not less than $375.00 by reason of the premature incurrence and payment of said expenses; damage to automobile $300.00.

Two Are Killed; Struck by Train - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones Struck on Crossing at Waterloo
Word was received here Tuesday of a fatal accident which took the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones at Waterloo early Tuesday morning. Mr. Jones was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones, both deceased. He was a brother of Mrs. Herman Behmer. The Register had the following story run under a Waterloo date line Wednesday:

Three Waterloo persons were killed at 12:15 a.m. Tuesday, when the Illinois Central eastbound trains, the Hawkeye limited, crashed into their auto at the Broadway street crossing here. The dead are Clarence Jones, 35; Mrs. Clarence Jones, 25; Lloyd Steinmeyer, 30. Ed Stark of Waterloo was the engineer on the train and H. G. Searles of Dubuque, conductor.

The impact of the crash threw all three victims 50 feet from the car on to a switch track. Their necks were broken. The car overturned and was dragged 100 feet. Police said Jones was driving the sedan which was headed north toward the outskirts of the city. Steinmeyer had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jones where they made their home with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sherrod, just two houses south on Broadway street from where the accident occurred.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones had started to the car to take Steinmeyer home. Neighbors who heard the crash said they believed Jones still had the machine in second gear when the care met the train barely 50 yards from here they started from in front of the home. Stark told police he whistled for the crossing and sounded his whistle again after he saw the sedan on the tracks, but was unable to stop the train then.

Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be held here Thursday afternoon at the Walnut Street Baptist church. Dr. Warren L. Stevens, pastor, will officiate. Mrs. Behmer and Dorothy Ann accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones of LeMars and Mrs. N. Remillard of Hartley, to Waterloo Tuesday evening.

Alice E. Heskett of Sanborn has brought action against Fassett Irwin Heskett, asking for absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for non-support. Plaintiff's petition states that she married the defendant on the 24th day of July 1907 and that she lived with the defendant until Nov. 1931, and that five children were born to them. Plaintiff further states that the continued course of nagging, criticism, jealousy and unjust accusations on the part of the defendant, directed toward the plaintiff has undermined the plaintiff's health and affected her heart and nervous system until her general health is gravely endangered. Plaintiff's petition reads that the defendant is a railroad man and capable of earning from $100 to $200 per month. Plaintiff asks for the custody of her two minor children and that she have judgment for the sum of $40.00 per month and for judgment and decree of absolute divorce.

Heinl - Rohde
Announcement has just been made of the marriage of Miss Norma H. M. Heinl to Ernest W. Rohde of Sutherland, which took place in November in South Dakota. Mrs. Rohde is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Heinl of Cherokee, and has many good qualities. Mr. Rohde is a son of Mrs. C. Rohde, who lives in Germany. He is well known in the Sutherland community.

Mrs. J. N. Slick is Buried Here - Dies at Home of Daughter, Mrs. L. R. Hurless, Near Linn Grove
The life of Mrs. J. N. Slick, one of Sutherland's pioneer residents, and the widow of one of the town's earliest merchants, came to a close on Saturday April 8, the direct result of a paralytic stroke which she suffered only two days previous to her death, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. R. Hurless, near Sioux Rapids. Funeral services were held from the Church of Christ Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock with the pastor, Rev. F. L. Van Voorhis officiating. A male quartet composed of R. W. Lee, Lloyd Gilbert, Frank Bruner and Herman Behmer, with Mrs. C. W. Johannsen at the piano, sang several appropriate selections. The remains were brought to Sutherland to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes, close friends of the family, Tuesday morning, and reposed there until the hour set for the funeral. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery beside the remains of her husband, J. N. Slick, who passed away in 1927. The following obituary was read at the service:

1859 - Charlotte Elizabeth Lowell - 1933
Charlotte Elizabeth Lowell, oldest daughter of David and Jane Lowell, was born June 14, 1859, at Black River Falls, Wisconsin. At an early age she moved with her parents to Lanark, Illinois. Here she spent her girlhood days. At the age of 22 years she was married to John N. Slick on February 28, 1881. A short time after their marriage they moved to Sutherland, Iowa, where Mr. Slick started in business as a merchant and which business he continued to conduct until the time of his death, which occurred on August 5, 1927.

Four children were born to this union, Forrest, the oldest, dying in infancy, and three daughters, Grace (Mrs. L. R. Hurless, Sioux Rapids, Iowa), Maye (Mrs. E. A. McFarland, St. Louis, Mo.) and Mabelle, of Edmonton, Canada, all of whom are present today. There are five grandchildren, Ruth, George, Virginia and John Hurless, and Charlotte McFarland. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Elery Judd, of Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Myles Hodgen, of Paullina, Iowa, and three brothers, Fred Lowell of Colome, S. D., Wm. P. Lowell of Canton, S. D., and F. J. Lowell, of Chicago, Ill.

The major part of Mrs. Slick's life has been one of frailty, but the past four years she has been enjoying fairly good health, until a few months ago, when she was stricken with a severe case of influenza, which left her heart in a weakened condition, and which resulted in a paralytic stroke on Thursday morning of last week. She only lived two days, passing away at 10:40 o'clock on Saturday, April 8th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. R. Hurless, where she had been for the past year.

Mrs. Slick, in the earlier period of her life was an active and ardent contributor to the church and civic affairs, in the community life of Sutherland. She was a charter member of the Church of Christ. She took great joy in service to her friends and neighbors, but her shrine of happiness was her home. Her precious memory to us today is like the fragrance of a sweet rose and we are fully resigned to her passing knowing that "we mourn not as those who have no hope", saying within our hears, "she is not dead, she is just away."

Forty-Five Years Ago - April 13, 1888
Born - April 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hayes of Waterman township, a girl; to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelsey of Liberty township, Apr. 7, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller of Liberty township, April 11 a son.

Married April 1, 1888 by O. A. Sutton, justice of peace, Mr. Joseph Demars Jr. and Mrs. Phoebe Handley, both of Grant township.

Twenty Years Ago - April 10, 1913
A fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Potter Monday.

Mrs. J. I. Beardsley, who was called here by the illness of her father, S. J. Jordan, received word Saturday from her home in Canada that her young babe, which she was obliged to leave with a nurse, had just died.

Wm. Simmons who works for Sm. Segelke 2 miles west of town had a bad accident Monday. He was working in the haymow when a 2 by 4 broke and let him fall through to the floor below. A piece of the scantling 3 or 4 feet long dropped below him, alighting on end and the young man struck it before it could fall over on the ground, the point penetrating the groin and pelvic cavity. He lay unconscious for several minutes before he was found by Albert Mehrens.

Eleven Years Ago - April 13, 1922
Mrs. Anna Schierholz passed away Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Thiessen.

Rev. Corwin Taylor accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. McMillan of Paullina, Rev. Hall of Larrabee and Dr. Arrasmith of Cherokee drove to Mapleton Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Van Metre, wife of the Methodist minister at Mapleton.

A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ruby last week.

Mrs. Woodall attended the funeral of Mrs. Will Danderhan in Ricton, Ia., Wednesday.

Martin Bable Funeral
Funeral services for Martin Bable [sic, Babel], age 74, were held Sunday in the Mill Creek church. Mr. Bable, who has been a resident here on his farm for the past 32 years, had retired from farming several years ago. About five weeks ago he went to Sioux City for medical aid and while there took a bad cold which developed into pneumonia from which he suffered in the Sioux City hospital for three weeks. He passed away Thursday, April 6, 1933. Mr. Bable was a loyal citizen and was well liked by all who knew him. The following form here acted as pallbearers: Hannes Wiese, Adolph Bahde, Gus Linneweh, A. Jurgensen, John Shafer and Wm. Riebesell.

William Muckler has filed his petition asking for a divorce from Agnes Muckler on the grounds of desertion. Plaintiff states that he and the defendant were married on the 25th day of Dc. 1929 at Sioux County, Ia., and lived together until the 12th day of March 1930 and that the defendant in violation of her marriage vows, and without any fault of plaintiff willfully deserted the plaintiff and has ever since absented herself from him without any reasonable or just cause therefore.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 20, 1933

John Swanberg Dies at Age 84 - Funeral Services Will Be at Home on Thursday Afternoon
John Swanberg, aged 84 years, passed away at his home north of Peterson Tuesday morning, April 18th. Death was due to bronchial pneumonia. Arrangements have been made to hold the funeral services at the home this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. Corwin Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church, will be in charge. Music will be furnished by the Misses Grace Taylor and Jean Nott. Mr. Swanberg formerly lived about six miles northeast of Sutherland, moving to near Peterson not long ago.

The final report of John W. Roetzel, guardian of Leonard Roetzel, was approved by the court and the guardian discharged.

The final report of James John and Marinus Wm. Moermond, executors of the estate of Tillie Moermond, was approved by the court, the executors discharged and their bonds released.

The final report of Albert Steffen, administrator of the estate of Sophia Dressen, deceased, was approved by the court and the administrator was discharged.

The estate of August Niebuhr, was decreed by the court exempt from the payment of inheritance tax.

Te final report of Ruby Boyce, executrix of the estate of Charles Boyce, deceased, was approved by the court and the executrix discharged.

The final report of A. H. Harges, executor of the estate of Mary Seba, was approved by the court and the executor discharged.

Jensen - Meredith
Miss Verna Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jensen of Sutherland, was married on March 30 to Rayford Meredith, of Des Moines. The ceremony took place at St. John's church in Des Moines. Mrs. Meredith is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Jensen. She graduated from the Sutherland schools and later attended a business college in Des Moines. Since that time she has been employed at the Valley National Bank in Des Moines. Mr. Meredith is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Meredith of Lynnville, Ia. He works in Des Moines, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith came to Sutherland Saturday evening and spent Sunday in the Jensen home.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks for the words of comfort, the beautiful floral offerings and the many courtesies extended to us in our recent sorrow.
Mrs. and Mrs. L. R. Hurless and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McFarland and Charlotte, Mabelle C. Slick.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Jensen were at Hartley Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Pall.

Friends of the Frank Powers family are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Zona Powers, whose ailment has been diagnosed as tumor at the base of the brain with very little hope of her recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryant spent Sunday at the Bobzien home taking care of the children while Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bobzien attended the funeral of Clarence's aunt, Mrs. Henry Kruse of Moneta.

People from out of town who were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. N. Slick last Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowell of Canton, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. V. Hurless of Storm Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Myles Hodgdon of Paullina, Iowa; Mrs. Clifford Gibson, Des Moines; Earl Overfield and Clarence Overfield of Sioux Falls, S. D.; Donald Ford of Storm Lake and Mr. and Mrs. James Horlacher, of Storm lake.

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 27, 1933

William Muckler was granted a divorce from Agnes Muckler on the grounds of desertion. Defendant was granted the custody of the minor children Irvin and Colleen Muckler.

John Swanburg Buried Thursday - Deceased was Born 84 Yrs. Ago in Sweden; Father of Nine Children
Funeral services for John Swanberg, who died at the age of 84, were held at the home last Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. Death was due to bronchial pneumonia. Rev. Corwin Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church, was in charge of the services. Music was furnished by the Misses Grace Taylor and Jean Nott, accompanied by Wilson Taylor. Burial was made in Waterman cemetery at Sutherland. Pallbearers were Raymond Powell, John Watterson, Fred Peterson, Elmer Lane, John Heick and E. Nelson.

1848 - John Swanberg - 1933
John Swanberg, a pioneer resident of O'Brien and Clay counties since 1887, passed away at his home four and one-half miles north of Peterson Tuesday morning, April 18, 1933, at the age of 84 years, 8 months and 9 days. John Swanberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amandus Swanberg was born August 9, 1848, in Sweden. He came to America at the age of 20 years. After spending two years in Chicago he went to Rockford, Illinois where he worked eight years for M. C. Thompson in the plow factory.

He was united in marriage to Annie Olson at Rockford, Ill, on Nov. 26, 1875. To this union were born nine children; four daughters, Ellen, Jennie, Emma and Mrs. Inez Bradstreet; five sons, Albin, Walter, Henry, Elmer and Verne. Besides his children, two daughters-in-law, Grace and Ella Swanberg, and one son-in-law, Francis Bradstreet, and one grandson, Harry Bradstreet, mourn his passing. His wife preceded him in death 30 years ago, April 3, 1903. He left his parents and two sisters in Sweden.

In early boyhood he united with the Swedish Lutheran church. After coming to Rockford, Ill., he united with the Swedish Lutheran church there and lived in the faith, faithful unto death, and endured his suffering with no complaining. In 1887 Mr. Swanberg came to Iowa to farm, and has since made his home in this state. Mr. Swanberg had a personality that made him beloved by all who knew him intimately. He was a patient, loving husband and father, and will be greatly missed by his family, relatives and friends in the community in which he lived.

Stork Express
An eight pound daughter was born on Friday, April 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parcaut.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dewell, of Larrabee, are the parents of a son, born Sunday, April 23rd. Mrs. Dewell is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathern, near Gaza.

Meier - Behmer
Miss Marie Meier of Peterson and Otto Behmer of Sutherland were married Saturday afternoon at Cherokee. The ceremony took place at the Methodist parsonage with the Rev. M. P. Arrasmith officiating. They were unattended. They went to Omaha for a few days visit with Mr. Behmer's sister, Mrs. H. F. Engelbrecht, and returned the first of the week to Peterson, where they will make their home.

Plopper - Muilenburg
Miss Gertrude Plopper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Plopper, of near Larrabee and Alvin Muilenburg, also of Larrabee were married Saturday afternoon at the M. E. parsonage in Cherokee, by the Rev. M. P. Arrasmith.

William Mealman Buried at Hartley Wednesday
William Mealman of Hartley, but formerly of the Grant Center neighborhood, passed away Sunday evening and was buried at Hartley Wednesday afternoon. Death was due to old age. Mr. Mealman was 84. He was a brother-in-law of D. W. Parks of Sutherland.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Miller and family received the sad news of the accidental death of their nephew, Percy Henderson, near Paullina. He met death on a motorcycle Saturday while attempting to ride and hold a shovel, causing him to lose control of the cycle. The community extends sympathy.

Eleven Years Ago - April 27, 1922
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Briggs, a baby girl on Sunday April 23. The little Miss has been named Pauline Harriet.

A message was received Friday stating that a son, Hugh Raymond, arrived that morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett at Brookings, S. Dak. Mrs. Barnett was formerly Miss Mabel Sweeney.

W. P. Davis returned home Sunday from Fort Atkinson, Wis. where he was called to attend the funeral of his sister.

Twenty Years Ago - April 24, 1913
Lucille Hughes, whose sudden illness was reported in last week's Courier, passed away Saturday, April 19.

Mrs. Harriet Reager departed last Friday for Bowman, N. D. to take up her residence on a claim which she filed on last fall, and expects to make the necessary residence and improvements, to "prove up" and obtain title. This is a considerable undertaking for a lady her age, and a good example of what many younger women might do to get a personal "start in the world".

[transcribed by A.N., July 2013]

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