Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 6, 1932

3 Weddings During Week

Van Etten - Peters
Mrs. Ella Van Etten and Otto Peters gave their many friends in this community a nice surprise last Thursday when word reached here of their marriage in Vermillon, S. Dak. They were married there that day and have been spending the past week in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Peters are expected in Sutherland the last of the week.

Jordan - Curry
A wedding of interest to Sutherland friends was that of Miss Saralou Jordan, daughter of Mrs. Kittie Jordan, of Sutherland and Mr. Edward D. Curry of Beckley, W. Va., which took place this morning, October 6, at Harlan, Iowa. The ceremony took place at half past seven o'clock, and the only witness was Miss Mae Virden, an intimate friend of Miss Jordan's, who is teaching at Harlan. Immediately after the service they left on a wedding trip which will include stop s at Lincoln, Nebr., Oklahoma City, Nashville, Tenn., with side trips into the mountains near Nashville. Mrs. Curry is a graduate of Cornell College and for several years has taught in West Virginia. Mr. Curry is County Agent of Raleigh county with headquarters at Beckley, where they will make their home.

Faust - Rohrs
A very happy wedding was solemnized at the St. John's Lutheran church at Germantown, Iowa Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock when Miss Marie Faust, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Faust Sr. of Calumet became the bride of Mr. Ernest Rohrs of Paullina, Iowa. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Steiger in the presence of relatives and friends. The couple was attended by Dora Faust, sister of the bride, and Walter Rohrs, brother of the groom.

The bride was beautifully attired in a long gown of wine colored chiffon velvet and carried a shower bouquet of white and yellow roses. The bridesmaid wore a long gown of brown chiffon velvet and carried an arm bouquet. The groom wore the conventional blue, and the best man wore a brown suit. Immediately after the ceremony they proceeded to the home of the bride's mother, where a wedding dinner was given in honor of the newlyweds. The room and table were tastefully decorated with yellow and white, the bride's chosen colors. After the dinner a number of friends came and gave the couple a charivari. The bride is well known in this community, and Mr. Rohrs has lived all his life near Paullina. Both have a host of friends.

Guests at dinner included the bride's mother, Mrs. Wm. Faust Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Rohrs of Paullina, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Helmet Rohrs of Paullina, Mr. and Mrs. Rheiny Rohrs of Sanborn, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frerk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Appledorn Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faust Jr., Evelyn Eggers, Carl Faust, Fritz Witte, Willie Wieselman and Herman Bode of Paullina. The young couple left the following day for a short honeymoon at Britt, Iowa.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Doing are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born Friday, September 30. She weighed seven pounds and has been named Patricia Sue.
-A son, Gerry Lee was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moffin, of Marshalltown, on September 27. Mrs. Moffin was formerly Miss Viola Jurgensen, of Calumet.
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Draper on Tuesday, Oct. 4th.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perrin, of Ida Grove, are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter on Friday, Sept. 30, at Cherokee, Iowa. Mrs. Perrin was Florence Stearns before her marriage.


Dr. W. E. Sproule Dies at Humboldt Thursday
Dr. W. E. Sproule, for 17 years a practicing physician at Peterson and quite well known here, passed away last Thursday night at Humboldt. He was 55 years of age. Dr. Sproule and Mrs. Sproule had resided in that city for the past ten years. Funeral services were held Monday in the Congregational church at Humboldt and burial made there. Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Kas were in attendance. Dr. Sproule was born in Canada and graduated from Queens College, Toronto. He was in the service during the world war, stationed at Camp Humphreys, Va. The deceased is survived by his wife and daughter Lorna, who is Mrs. Clyde Smith, wife of a Cleveland dentist.

John Schmitz
John Schmitz of Hawarden died at Cherokee of heart attack last Friday morning. Funeral service was held at 10 o'clock Monday morning at the Sacred Heart church in Sutherland, with Rev. Bausch officiating. Burial was in Calvary cemetery. Rev. Father Conway of Hawarden attended the funeral. Mr. Schmitz died while attending the funeral of his brother. He complained of feeling warm and stepped out of the house to fall dead. The Schmitz family lived in Sutherland at one time and Mr. Schmitz was the owner of the building formerly occupied by Jim's Cafe.

Court News
-The final report of Jennie Douma, as Guardian of the property of Jeannette De Hoogh and Julia Douma, was approved by the court, the guardian discharged and her bonds released as to these minors.
-G. C. Murray, executor of the estate of James Donohue, was granted permission by the Court to install a furnace in a house owned by the estate.
-The court set October 17th at ten o'clock am as the date for the hearing on the final report of the executor of the estate of Thomas Gaffey, deceased.
-The court reduced the bond of A. H. Cobb, administrator of the estate of F. W. Cram, to $3,000.00.
-The last will and testament of John Kramer was admitted to probate and Tjetje Kramer was appointed executor.

October 4, 1912 - One of the most elaborate social functions of the year was the marriage of Miss Laura Shumway to Lloyd T. Mitchell, of Algona, which took place at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Shumway last Wednesday, October 2, at one p.m.

The Hessenius case went to the jury at Cherokee last Friday morning and after five hours deliberation they brought in a verdict of guilty of manslaughter. The sentence is eight years and eight hundred dollars. The defense at once announced that the case would be fought through every court but what the defendant should be freed.

Forty-Five Years Ago - October 7, 1887
-Mrs. H. Tiffany, who moved with her family from Highland township to Kansas a couple of years ago, died of malarial fever. A daughter, Hattie is reported as lying at the point of death, as is Miss Lottie Squires.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 13, 1932

John Ellers Killed at Paullina
John Ellers, about 60 years of age, and a resident of Paullina was killed yesterday (Wednesday) morning when he stepped in front of the morning train as it went through Paullina. He is survived by his wife.

Court News
-The case of State of Iowa vs. Glenn Bobzien, the defendant plead guilty to an indictment charging him with desertion and the court fixed October 24 as the date for sentence.

-The Grand Jury reported late Thursday, returning 8 indictments. Those indictments returned wherein the defendant is now in custody are: State of Iowa vs. Harold Albert Ewoldt, charged with the crime of desertion. When brought before the court for arraignment, Harold Albert Ewoldt stated to the court that he desired an attorney and the court granted him until October 19th to plead.

-Martha Schildts obtained a decree of divorce from William Schildts on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and desertion.

Stork Express
-A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wittrock last Tuesday, October 4th. She has been named Betty Ann.

Fred Oeffner and his mother left Wednesday evening for Rockwell City to attend the funeral of Mr. John Hepp which was held Friday.

Twenty Years Ago - October 11, 1912
-Paullina Star: Two of Paullina's popular young people slipped one over on their friends here yesterday by going to Sioux City where they were quietly married. Dame gossip has had Miss Audala E. McFeeters and C. E. Elliott married numerous times, but this time she was forestalled.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 20, 1932

Prew - Lundvall
The marriage of Miss Esther Prew to Mr. Reynold Lundvall of Boxholm, was announced this week. The ceremony was performed at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. on Tuesday, October 11, at four o'clock in the afternoon. The bride wore a brown afternoon dress with accessories to match. The groom was attired in a gray business suit. The couple was unattended. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Prew. She was graduated from the Sutherland High School with the class of 1929. She later took nurse's training at Fort Dodge and has been at home for the last eighteen months. Mr. Lundvall is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Lundvall of Boxholm. He was graduated from Central High School in Minneapolis in 1921. He has been engaged in the grocery business. After the ceremony they went to Boxholm and spent the remained of the week with relatives. Their plans for the immediate future are indefinite. Open house for the newly-weds was held at the John Prew home Monday evening, when about a hundred and twenty relatives and friends came in for the evening. Refreshments were served to the guests who came to wish Mr. and Mrs. Lundvall happiness.

Court News
-Norma Jeffers Nye obtained a decree of divorce from William Herbert Nye and the custody of her three minor children.
-In the estate of Fred Guse, deceased, the surviving spouse, Augusta Guse, filed her election to take under the will of her husband.
-The final report of Mary J. Rohwer, executrix of the estate of Bernard F. Rohwer, deceased, was approved by the court and the executrix discharged and the estate matter closed.
-The annual report of the Sanborn Savings Bank, guardian of the property of Donald Charles Rentz, was approved by the court.
-The annual report of Mrs. Louisa Mertens, guardian of the property of Donald Charles Rentz, was approved by the court.
-The annual report of Mrs. Louisa Mertens, guardian of the property of Vernon William Breitbarth, was approved by the court and all disbursements confirmed.
-The final report of Ed. J. Ralston and Albert H. Meyer, executors of the estate of John E. Ralston, was approved by the court and the executors discharged.
-The final report of the executrix of the estate of Fred W. Hons, deceased, was approved by the court and the executrix discharged and her bonds released.
-The final reports of the executors of the estate of Elizabeth Story and the estate of John Elmer Britton, deceased, were approved by the court and the executors and administrators discharged and the estate matters closed.
-The final report of the First National Bank of Primghar, Iowa, as executor of the estate of Thomas Gaffey, deceased, was approved by the court, the executor was discharged and the estate matter full closed, and the bonds of the executor released.

Wm. Schuett Passes Away - Death Comes Tuesday Noon; Funeral Services Will be Held Friday at Methodist Church
Wm. Schuett passed away Tuesday noon, Oct. 18th, at his home north of town. Shortly before his death he suffered a stroke of apoplexy. For some time prior to that he had not been well. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist Church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Swanson and family were at Sac City Sunday to attend the funeral services for Mr. Swanson's father, S. A. Swanson, who passed away Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gilbert and Lincoln Adams attended the funeral of Mr. Swanson's father at Sac City Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Hass Sr. has received the sad news that her sister in New York has passed away.

Twenty Years Ago - October 17, 1912
-A new granddaughter to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Waterhouse made her appearance at the E. F. Broders home at Hartley last Sunday.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 27, 1932

Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the choir and to each and every one who so kindly assisted use in every way after the loss of our dear father.
Fred, Ralph, Lottie, Carl and Clara Schuett.

Wm. Schuett Funeral Held - Deceased Was Born in Germany 69 Years Ago and Had Lived in This County Since 1889
Funeral services for Wm. Schuett, who died from a stroke and other complications last Tuesday noon, were held at the Methodist church Friday afternoon with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Burial was in Waterman cemetery. Music was furnished by Mrs. Frank Bruner and Herman Behmer, who sang, accompanied by Miss Frances Bruner at the piano. The deceased is survived by five children.

1863 - William Schuett - 1932
William Schuett, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schuett, was born June 25, 1863, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and died October 18, 1932, being 69 years, 3 months and 23 days old. At the age of 23 he came to the United States and settled in Scott county, Iowa, where his parents had preceded him a year before. In 1889 he came to O'Brien county to live. The following year he was united in marriage to Mary Jebsen. They established their home on the farm seven miles northeast of Sutherland, where the family still resides.

Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Schuett, six of them dying in infancy and one daughter, Anna passing away January 8, 1928. The mother died in the same year, December 19th. The five living children are Fred, Ralph, Charlotte, Carl and Clara, all living at home. He is also survived by three grandchildren, a brother, Henry Schuett of Aurgusville, N. D., and a sister, Mrs. Henry Schroeder of Manilla.

When a boy in Germany Mr. Schuett was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church. Those from a distance attending the funeral were Henry Schuett and two daughters of Aurgusville, North Dak., Paul Schuett of Harwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder of Manilla.

John Nott Erects Station to Broadcast
John Nott, son of Fred Nott of Calumet and a Junior in the Calumet High School, has developed a radio broadcasting station in the tower room of his father's home. He has applied for his first license and expects to receive it as soon as he completes learning his code.

Court News
-The court decreed the estates of Bernard Rowher and Fred Guse exempt from the payment of an inheritance tax.
-Russell L. Boies obtained a decree of divorce from Hazel J. Boies on the grounds of desertion.
-Minnie Pauli obtained a decree of divorce from Rudolph H. Pauli on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and non-support. The plaintiff did not appear in the matter and the decree was entered in default of appearance.
-In the case of Webster B. Todd, executor of the estate of Ella Temple Bray Graham, deceased, vs. Annie Graham et al, which was an action to quiet title. The court held that the plaintiff is the absolute owner in fee simple of the real estate involved.

Cal Waggoner Dies Suddenly
Brother of Jacob Waggoner Dies Sunday Night; Old Resident of Highland Township
Cal Waggoner, a resident of the Grant-Highland community, and a brother of Jacob Waggoner, of Sutherland, passed away suddenly Sunday night, as a result of a heart attack. Mr. Waggoner had lived in O'Brien county 68 years and was the oldest pioneer, from the point of continuous residence, in the county. He is survived by his wife, four sons and two daughters. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist church in Primghar, and burial was in the cemetery there. Among those from Sutherland who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wittrock, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweeney, Guy Bidwell, Mrs. Martin Klema and Mrs. Emil Propp.

F. S. McCain Dies in Canada; Former Resident Here
Richard Clifton received word Monday of the death of F. S. McCain [sic, McKean, see 10 Nov 1932, p. 6], on October 20, at his home at Dickson, Alberta, Canada. No particulars have been received. Mr. McCain was a resident of this community many years ago, living southeast of town.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and Beulah, and Mrs. Chas. Bryant were in Primghar Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. H. C. Wilson, [garbled text, implying possible "step" relationship]. For the last several years, Mrs. Wilson had made her home in Oral, S. Dak. At the time of her death, last Thursday, she was visiting her son, Vance Hannan, at Livingston, Wis. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church in Primghar, and burial was made in the Primghar cemetery.

Twenty Years Ago - October 24, 1912
-An unusual event of great interest took place t the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Sutton, at Brookings, S. D. on October 5, being an all day celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. It was a privilege to participate in the celebration of the golden wedding of a couple into whose family of six, with their 17 children, death had never entered.
-Mrs. M. Schwerdtfeger had the pleasure last week of a visit from a brother, John Rinehart, of Tama county, whom she had not seen for thirty years. He was accompanied by his wife.

Forty-Five Years Ago - October 28, 1887
-Married - at the Reager House in Sutherland, Sunday, October 23, 1887, by Rev. H. C. Laye, Mr. Ed Clift and Miss Essie Reager, both of Sutherland.
-Died - in Sutherland, Iowa, October 20, Mary A., wife of L. J. Price, aged 26 years, 5 months and 4 days.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2014]

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