Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 2, 1932

Iowan to Marry in China
Shanghai, China, Associated Press: W. A. Main, of Omaha, Nebr., and Miss Idabelle Lewis, of Sioux City, Iowa, and Los Angeles, Cal., both attached to the foreign mission board of the Methodist Episcopal church will be married here Wednesday, it was announced Tuesday. Miss Lewis is a daughter of the late Bishop Lewis, and a sister of Mrs. Albert Seeman.

Bryant - Mortenson
The following clipping was taken from the Litchfield, Minnesota newspaper: "Miss Cecile Bryant of Sutherland, Iowa, an employee at the Coffee Shop, and Ernest Mortensen of Cosmos, were married Wednesday afternoon in Minneapolis. They were attended by Miss Hilda Mortenson, sister of the groom, and Giffon Harris, both of Cosmos. The bride was gowned in peach color, with white accessories. A wedding dance was given on Thursday night at the town hall in Cosmos for the couple." Mrs. Mortenson was formerly a Sutherland girl, a daughter of Mrs. Lillie Bryant and sister of Clair Bryant. She was graduated from the Sutherland High School with the Class of 1926 and has since leaving Sutherland been employed at Hutchinson and Litchfield, Minnesota.

Court News
-The executor of the estate of John Henry Irvine, deceased, has obtained permission from the court to sell the personal property belonging to said estate at private sale.

-The executor of the estate of Rebecca A. Steele obtained permission from the court to sell Liberty Bonds belonging to said estate.

-The court set June 14th as the date for the hearing on the final report of Ruby Mackenstadt, administratrix of the estate of J. Charles Mackenstadt, deceased.

-May 20, 1932, an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Fred Runge, deceased, was filed for probate. The will was set for probate for June 20, 1932.

-Letters testamentary were issued to C. Chalstrom and Clifford Wall, as executors of the estate of Ed Wall, deceased, May 23.

T. H. Steele, Cherokee Banker, Dies May 16 at Age of 88 Years
T. H. Steele, who since 1874 has engaged in banking at Cherokee, died at his home, 602 Euclid avenue, Monday morning. He remained active in the bank until 1929 when he and his brother, D. T. Steele, relinquished their interests to the remaining parties, H. C. Steele and R. T. Steele. Mr. Steele was 88 years and 2 weeks of age at the time of his death.

Last Sunday, May 30th, a very happy event took place t the home of Mrs. E. B. Triplett when great grandmother, Maria Triplett, celebrated her 91st birthday. Twenty people sat at the table and partook of a bountiful dinner. A beautiful birthday cake, blazing with 91 candles, was brought in by Mrs. Edward Triplett who had baked and decorated it.

Grandmother Triplett was born at Thompson Town, Pennsylvania, May 30, 1841. Her parents moved to Wynett, Illinois, when she was only 14 years of age. Her parents, the Sellers, were of German and Irish descent. Here Maria Sellers was married on October 28, 1857 to the late Amos Triplett, with whom she moved to Marshall county, Iowa, in 1867. They made the trip in the covered wagon. From here the family moved in 1893 to O'Brien county to the farm now known as the Triplett place. Grandmother Triplett is the mother of 12 children, ten of whom are still living; 34 grandchildren, 55 great grandchildren, and on great, great grandchild. Yet, withall, she is reluctant to speak of her great age. She leads a quiet, simple and modest life, accepting gracefully whatever task her heavenly father assigns to her. She is always cheerful and hopeful, maintaining an optimistic outlook on life.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Triplett and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Triplett and Jacqueline, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Stearns and family, Mrs. Lillie Bryant, all of Sutherland, and Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Miyat and family of Madelia, Minnesota.

- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Troxel and Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Will Troxel attended the funeral of Mr. Clow at Primghar Thursday. Mr. Clow was the father of Mrs. Herbert Troxel.

- Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mathern Saturday that the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reideman has passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Reideman reside at Thompson, North Dakota.

Sanborn Man Loses Hand in Smash-Up with Train
Sanborn Pioneer: E. E. Knowlton, well known Sanborn man had a quite serious accident Tuesday night when he ran into a west-bound freight train eight miles west of here. The accident occurred at about nine o'clock, when he drove into the moving train. His car, a Pontiac, was badly wrecked. Mr. Knowlton walked back a quarter of a mile to a farm house from where a doctor was summed. His left hand was cut and bruised so badly that he was taken to a Sheldon hospital, where it was found necessary to take the member off. At last reports it was learned that he is getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. Knowlton is known as a very careful river, and at this time we have not learned the cause of the accident. Mr. Knowlton is in the employ of the Moorman Manufacturing Company of Quincy, Illinois, and is manager of this district.

Royal Man Draws Third Thirty Day Sentence
George Drew, Royal, writer of many bad and worthless checks, who has served sixty days in the Clay county jail, received another thirty day sentence Monday by Mayor W. H. Lewis on a third check which he drew prior to being arrested two months ago. Drew still has several bad checks upon which no charges have been placed as yet, and when his third term of thirty days is up he probably will be arraigned on a fourth check. - Spencer Reporter

Cherokee Attorney Dies
Cherokee Chief: A. R. Molyneux, dean of he bar of Cherokee county and for many years active in the affairs of the community and county, passed away at 5:15 Iowa time, Friday afternoon, May 13 at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, where he had spent much of the time during the past few years with his son, Dr. Arthur Molyneux. News reached here within a few minutes following his death in a cablegram received by his daughter, Mrs. N. L. Stiles.

Twenty Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - May 31, 1912
-An item we overlooked last week was the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hurless.
-Another item which was not reported to us last week was the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willey.
-A fine, eight-pound boy arrived at the John Keene home Sunday morning.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 9, 1932

Stork Express
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Halstrom on Tuesday, May 31. He has been named Harlan Jones.

Miss Rachel Schultz Marries St. Paul Man
At noon, on June 6, Miss Rachel Schultz and Dr. Harold W. Morgan, of St. Paul, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schultz. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about 20 guests, by Dr. W. A. Morgan, the father of the groom. The day was the 27th wedding anniversary of the groom's parents, and the ceremony occurred in the same room in which the bride's mother and father were married almost 24 years ago. The bride wore her mother's wedding gown and carried a bouquet of pink roses and Shasta daisies. The house was filled with garden flowers, and pink roses brought from the Morgan's home garden in Indianola were used on the tables. Immediately after lunch Dr. and Mrs. Morgan left for St. Paul where they will be at home at 1552 Jefferson Ave.

In 1931 Mrs. Morgan was graduated form the School of Nursing at the State University of Iowa, and until two weeks ago has been nursing at Indianola, Iowa. Dr. Morgan was also graduated in 1931 from the State University of Iowa, receiving his degree in medicine. He was a member of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Phi Tau Theta, and American Commons Club. Since graduating he has been an interne at Ancker Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., and will continue next year in the same hospital as assistant pathologist.

Guests included only the families of the bride and groom and a few relatives, the only out of town guests being Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Morgan, and sons Robert and Paul, of Indianola, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bernizer, of Spencer, Iowa.

Boldt - Nitz
The country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nitz was the scene of a very impressive wedding Wednesday evening, June 1 when their daughter Geraldine became the bride of Alfred G. Boldt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boldt of Calumet. Mrs. Clarence Montgomery, at the piano, played the wedding marches and the accompaniments for the vocal solos "O Promise Me" and "I Love You Truly" by Mrs. Arthur de St. Paer. Miss Virginia Nitz, sister of the bride was bridesmaid and wore a pink crepe gown and carried an arm bouquet of pale pink roses. The groom was attended by Clifford Warm, of Calumet, as best man. Little Misses Jennalou St. Paer and Beth Emma Chapler were ring bearer and flower girl and both wore dainty gowns of pink crepe. The bride, who entered with her father, was charming in a lovely gown of white satin. A lace cap and pearl and rhinestone band held the long veil in place and she carried an arm bouquet of creamy pink roses.

Following the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Paul Wuebben of Calumet, the bridal party and guests enjoyed a sumptuous three course dinner. The young couple left by motor on a short honeymoon after which they will be at home in Calumet where the groom is associated with his father and brother in the automobile and implement business. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boldt, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Boldt and son and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapler and daughters of Charles City, Mr. R. J. Nitz of Cherokee, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery o Fort Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery and family of Bruce, S. Dak. and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Weaver and daughters of White, S. Dak.

- Mrs. Harry Blaue has received word of the death of her brother, Arthur Hansen, who was accidentally killed in Los Angeles, Calif. Hs is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hansen of Los Angeles, former residents of Sutherland.

- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Robinson motored to Eagle Grove Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. Robinson's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. George Klaas accompanied them.

- Hazel Perry is spending a few days at Cherokee this week to attend the wedding of Viola Mummert.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Casey and family attended the funeral of Mr. St. John near Larrabee Sunday. Mr. St. John was the father-in-law of Carroll Casey.

- Mrs. John Sweeney and Marion Crosser drove to Cedar Rapids early Friday morning, being called there by the death of their uncle, Jesse Travis. They returned home Saturday afternoon.

- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tibbets and Miss Beulah Wilson were in Royal Wednesday evening to attend the wedding of Miss Helen Barry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barry, and Lester Johnson, both of Royal. The ceremony took place in the Danish Lutheran church. The couple is at home on a farm southeast of Royal.

Larson - Nelson
A beautiful wedding was solemnized at noon June first at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nelson of Larrabee when their daughter, Olive, became the bride of Louis Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larson of Cherokee. Rev. G. A. Johnson officiated at the impressive double ring ceremony. Mrs. Johnson san "O Promise Me" and played the Lohengrin Wedding March. "When Song is Sweet" was sung by Mrs. Johnson following the ceremony. The bride was attractive in a gown of blue silk georgette with harmonizing accessories and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and swansonias [sic, swainsona]. Miss Mildred Nelson, sister of the bride, and Clarence Johnson, were attendants. A wedding dinner was served immediately following the ceremony. Waitresses were Amelia Nelson and Mrs. Eric Gustafson. The bride was formerly a teacher in the Hyland community at Riverside school, Spring No. 2 from the fall of 1926 until spring of 1931. Mr. and Mrs. Larson will make their home on a farm eight miles south of Cherokee.

- Word was received here Sunday morning that Henry Seeman, a former resident here and now residing at Spirit Lake, passed away. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon.

- The sad news of the accidental death of the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hansen of Los Angeles, was received here. He was killed June 1. The Hansens were former residents in the Liberty Hall.

- Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Wede and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Menke are driving to Spirit Lake to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wede's uncle, Henry Seeman Tuesday afternoon.

- Mrs. John Sweeney and Marion Crosser drove to Cedar Rapids Thursday evening to attend the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Jess Traverse. They returned home Saturday evening.

Near Electrocution for Public Service Lineman
Sheldon Sun: James Hamilton of LeMars, lineman for the Iowa Public Service company, is recovering from his near electrocution which occurred accidentally last week when he came in contact with a live wire while working on a pole in the alley back of a Granville harness shop. Rendered unconscious, he received burns on both hands but luckily was thrown back from the wire which enabled fellow workers to safely lower him from the pole. Dr. Putz attended him and he soon revived.

Court News
-Winnie Jackson, in action against her husband Andrew Jackson, is asking that the Court grant her judgment and decree for separate maintenance from the defendant, requiring him to separately maintain the plaintiff and to pay a stipulated sum per week or per month and that she have the furniture, household goods and utensils, and that a temporary writ of injunction issue restraining the defendant from in any manner interfering with or molesting the plaintiff, or visiting her home or premises. Plaintiff claims in her petition that she married the defendant on the 25th day of June 1903 [sic?] and that the defendant has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment such as that her health and peace of mind have been undermined to such an extent as to endanger her life if she were compelled to continue to live with the defendant. Plaintiff asks for $150.00 attorney fees and $50.00 suit money.

-The hearing on the final report and petition for discharge of the Calumet State Bank as executor of the estate of Johannes Schueder, deceased, has been set for ten o'clock June 14.

-The court has set June 14 as the date for the hearing on the petition to mortgage real property in the guardianship matter of Blanche Phillips.

-The hearing on the final report and petition for discharge of the executors of the estate of Ezra Brown, deceased, has been set for the 14th day of June 1932.

-In the estate of Alvin Puhrmann, deceased, the court allowed the widow, Emma Puhrmann, the sum of $600.00 for her support and the support of her minor child for a period of one year.

-In the matter of the estate of Wm. Randolph, deceased, the widow, Henrietta Randolph, filed her election to take under the terms of the will.

-The court set June 14 at 10 o'clock as the date for the hearing on the final report and petition for discharge of Anna Van Kalsbeck, executor of the estate of John Van Kalsbeck, deceased.

-Lorna Luetkeman has been appointed guardian of the person and property of Aneta Luetkeman et al, minors.

-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament and codicils thereto of William D. Boies, have been filed for probate and July 5 has been set for the hearing and proving of same.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 16, 1932

Court News

The final report of Christina Baumgarn, executrix of the estate of Hans Baumgarn, deceased, was approved by the Court and the executrix discharged.

The final report of Anne Van Kalsbeck, executor of the estate of John Van Kalsbeck, was approved by the court and the executor discharged.

The final report of the administratrix of the estate of Fred G. Miller was approved by the court and the administratrix discharged.

Marriage licenses have been issued to Harold Walter Morgan of St. Paul and Rachel Ann Schultz of Sutherland, and to Joseph De Vries and Marie C. Grooters, of Sheldon.

Twenty Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 7, 1912
-At high noon, Wednesday, June 5, Miss Nellie Briggs was united in marriage to Mr. Carl Johannsen, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Briggs, Rev. J. T. Lee officiating.
-Miss Mildred Nicholson and Mr. Edwin Pingel were married Wednesday evening at half past five, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Plager.

Twenty Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 14, 1912
-We are informed that Val Rausch and Mrs. Kesterson were married in Chicago last week, but we have received no particulars.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 10, 1887
-Born June 6 to Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bonham, a girl.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 23, 1932

John Cooper Passes Away - Old Time Resident of Sutherland Community Passes Away Suddenly; Funeral Service Today
John Cooper, for fifty-five years a resident of O'Brien county and the Sutherland community, passed away early Saturday morning at his home here. While Mr. Cooper has been sick it was not thought that his condition was critical. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. F. L. Van Voorhis in charge. Mrs. Everett Warren, Miss Beulah Wilson, Herman Behmer and George Waggoner were the members of a quartet that sang. Miss Lola Woolston accompanied them. Six sons of the deceased acted as pall bearers. They were Roy, Bert, Owen, Henry, Earl and Charley Cooper. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery.

1852 - John Cooper - 1932
John Cooper, a resident of this community for 55 years, passed away at his home on Saturday morning June 18 at the age of 80 years, one month and 22 days. He was born in North Mentor, Ohio, April 27, 1852, the third son of a family of nine children. He was the son of Henry P. and Rebecca Brooks Cooper. He lived in Ohio until he was about nine years of age when he moved with his parents to Delaware county, Iowa.

When he was 21 years of age he was united in marriage to Amelia Bagley. They lived in Delaware county several years, later moving to O'Brien county where he still resided at the time of his death. To this union were born seven children, Albert of Spencer, Ia., Edith Kennedy, Roy and Henry of Cherokee, Owen of Hartley, Charlie of Sutherland and Earl of Creston, Montana. On November 8, 1890, his wife passed away leaving him to care for his children. On July 3, 1891, he was united in marriage to Myrtle Brown, to which union were born six children, Grace Johannsen, Inis Noethe, Zelma Moore and Orlow of Sutherland, Marian Phillips of Royal and Gertrude Selzer of Hartley. While in this vicinity he was engaged in farming. In 1929 they moved to town where he has continued to make his home.

He leaves to mourn his departure his wife and thirteen children, all present at the funeral services, also 37 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren, and two brothers Charles E. of Hartley and Alfred H. of Creston, Montana, who were here. Two sisters and five brothers have preceded him in death. He was a kind and loving husband and an indulgent father, and he was well liked and respected by all who knew him.

Court News

The will of Wm. Faust has been filed for probate and July 18th has been set for the date for the hearing and proving.

The final report of the Calumet State Bank, executors of the estate of Johannes Schueder, deceased, has been approved by the court and the executors discharged.

Lorna Luetkeman, guardian of the person and property of Aneta Luetkeman et al was granted permission by the court to mortgage certain real estate belonging to the minors in the sum of $7,000.00

George Reifsteck, executor of the estate of Johan Heinrich Hoppe, obtained an order from the court to sell certain real estate belonging to the estate at private or public sale.

The court authorized the executor of the estate of Rebecca Steele, deceased, to sell certain Liberty Bonds belonging to the estate.

The death of F. M. McGlothen, court reporter for Judge C. C. Bradley, has complicated the case of Waterloo Savings Bank vs. The City of Sheldon, Iowa, as Mr. McGlothen died before transcribing his notes of the case involving evidence taken in a two weeks trial. The Supreme Court holds this is not grounds for a new trial but a lower court will have to reproduce the evidence before an appeal can be taken.

Louie Wittrock, of Germantown, sentenced for life at Fort Madison for a criminal attack, has been released after serving 29 months of sentence owing to a ruling of the Supreme Court which has recently held that County Attorneys cannot secure sentences in outside counties when the local District Court is in recess and where a record has not yet been made as to a definite adjournment. The law permits the judge to act during a vacation after the termination of the term of court but cannot act in another county while the court is at recess.

Mrs. Hill Dies at Primghar - Former Sutherland Resident Passes Away Last Friday; Long Resident of O'Brien County
Primghar Bell: "Mrs. Hill is dead," was the solemn news passed around the streets of Primghar last Friday, and all seemed saddened by it, thought rejoicing this fine woman was out of her suffering, for she had long been a sufferer from cancer of the face. Mrs. Hill had resided in O'Brien county since 1892, first at Sutherland, then coming to Primghar in 1902, where her fine character was at once recognized and she became justly popular with all who knew her.

During the past few years she has been a great sufferer, but has been tenderly ministered to by her three daughters, Mrs. L. T. Aldinger, who lived just across the street from her; Mrs. W. L. Briggs, who lived in the same block, just across the alley; and Mrs. A. H. Warntjes, living but [...remainder missing]

But the greater part of her care fell upon the hands of an orphaned granddaughter, Miss Gladys Knutson, (continued on back page) (from page 6 col 1) who made her home with Mrs. Hill. On the death of Gladys' mother, "Grandma" Hill took charge of her, and raised her as her own daughter, and when Gladys had grown to womanhood, and "Grandma" became ill, she in turn with loving tender hands looked after her wants in the home. A splendid life is ended; an ideal mother, a good neighbor and a good Christian woman is no more; yet she will live forever in the hearts and minds of her children and those who knew her.

Funeral services were held from the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, with Rev. Geo. Osborn in charge. A splendid double mixed quartet furnished music. The service was a beautiful one. The remains were laid to rest in the Primghar cemetery.

Elizabeth Jessup was born to Steven and Nancy Jessup on April 20, 1850 at Momence, Kankakee county, Ill. She died at her home in Primghar June 17, 1932, at the age of 82 years. She grew to young womanhood at Momence and on Feb. 24, 1870 was united in marriage to Sidney Hill, a veteran of the Civil war. Mr. and Mrs. Hill resided in Momence until his death on April 17, 1882.

Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hill, two of whom are deceased. Fred, who died in his youth, rests beside his father in Momence, Ill. Grace reached her maturity and departed this life in 1906, leaving an infant daughter, Gladys Knutson, whom Mrs. Hill kindly mothered and reared as her own, and who in recent months has in turn assisted in caring for her in a praiseworthy manner.

In 1884, Mrs. Hill and her five children came to Iowa with her father and three brothers, John, Steve and Douglas, and her sister, Mrs. Ella Crawford. The family took up residence near Sutherland. In 1892 she and her family moved to Sutherland, where they resided two years.

She was an exemplary citizen, neighbor and Christian. In her youth she joined the Methodist church and has been a faithful member all her adult life. She was prepared spiritually for the journey. There remains to mourn her going, three daughters, Mrs. L. T. Aldinger, Mrs. A. H. Warntjes, and Mrs. W. L. Briggs; a sister, Mrs. Ella Crawford; nine grandchildren, four great grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Relatives and friends from out of town who attended the funeral services were Mrs. Harold Aldinger, of Columbus, Neb.; Mrs. W. P. Davis and daughter Elizabeth, Fred Davis, J. C. Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johannsen, of Sutherland; Mrs. Rachel Brown and Mr. and Mrs. George DeGrizzle, of Linn Grove.

Wm. Faust Dies June 17 - Funeral Services Held at Evangelical Church in Calumet on Monday of This Week
Wm. Faust passed away at his home in Calumet on June 17 after a brief illness, at the age of 61 years, 5 months and 22 days. Mr. Faust, with his family, has lived for many years near Calumet, and in the fall moved to Calumet. He is a brother of Mrs. M. Anderson of Sutherland. Funeral services were held at the Evangelical church in Calumet Monday afternoon with Rev. Paul Wuebben in charge. Interment was made in the Liberty township cemetery. Pall bearers were Dick Menke, Asmus Jurgensen, Herman Warm, John Schimmer, Fred Dressen and Theo. Ruther.

1870 - Wm. Faust - 1932
Wm. Faust was born December 26, 1870 at Ballengstedt, Schlesionig, Germany and passed away at his home in Calumet on June 17, 1932, at the age of 61 years, 5 months and 22 days. As a boy, Mr. Faust was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. He came to this country in 1894. On February 19, 1907 he was united in marriage with Henny Lorenzen. Four children blessed this union, Willie, Carl, Marie and Dora. Mr. Faust, with his wife and children, lived for many years around Calumet and since November has lived in their home in Calumet, where after a short illness he passed away. Besides the wife and children the deceased is survived by two brothers and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Anderson of Sutherland, Thomas Faust of Spirit Lake, one sister Katheryn and a brother, Henry, in Germany, and a host of relatives and friends.

The death of Mr. Faust came as a shock to all that knew him by his pleasant smile and cheery disposition. He won friends wherever he went. Deceased was a man of good humor, industrious and law abiding. His first duty was always to provide well for his family and he was ever alert to the needs of his neighbors. Those from away in attendance at the funeral were Thomas Faust and family of Spirit Lake, Mrs. Mary Faust and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome La Bounty and family, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Hill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faust and children of Kanawha, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horstman and Robert, of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jurgensen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eggers of Sioux Falls.

Granville Mail Carrier Ends Life with Gun
Phillip Ricker, age 48, a rural mail carrier at Granville, ended his life with a shotgun charge early Sunday morning. His body was found at the home of his brother, Sunday evening, after a search had been instituted for him. He had not been carrying mail for a few weeks, because of ill health, it is said. He is survived by his widow and three children. Mr. Ricker was well and favorably known around Granville and the news of his sudden death was a great shock to the community.

Johnson - Beech
Miss Victoria Beech and Mr. Carl Johnson of Primghar were united in marriage at 7:30 Tuesday morning at the Sacred Heart Catholic church in Sutherland, Rev. A. A. Bausch officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gaudian and Paul Beech of Slayton, Minn., attended the couple. They left for various points in Minnesota, after which they will be at home on Nantucket Island, Mass. This vicinity extends congratulations and best wishes.

Twenty Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 21, 1912
-At the Methodist parsonage in Cherokee, on Wednesday afternoon, the marriage of Warren D. Brookfield and Miss Alma Johannsen was solemnized.
-Samuel S. Sherman, editor of the Courier, was married Wednesday June 5, at Columbus, Ohio, to Miss Mary M. Schirtzinger.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 24, 1887
-June 24, 1882 - Five years ago was the date of the heavy wind storm that tipped over several buildings and scared the people in this part of the country.
-Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chesley on June 19, 1887, a son.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 30, 1932

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends for their acts of kindness during our recent bereavement, and to express our appreciation for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. John Cooper and family

Pioneer Banker of Cherokee Dies
W. A. Sanford, 78, pioneer banker and well known citizen, died Friday night at Cherokee. He located there in 1878, becoming a cashier of the Scriber, Burrows and Co. bank. In 1883 he became vice president and in 1912 president. Mr. Sanford is survived by his widow, who is in Seattle, Wash., where she is attending the convention of the American Federation of Women's clubs.


Peters - Mehrens
Last Wednesday, June 22, at Canton, S. Dak., occurred the marriage of Miss Dora Peters, of Sutherland and Mr. Walter Mehrens, of Gaza. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist parsonage at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. R. Menkler officiating. The bride wore a frock of light green crepe, and carried a bridal bouquet of roses. The couple was unattended. Mrs. Mehrens is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Peters, living a mile east of Sutherland. She was graduated from the local high school in 1930, and since that time has been at home. The groom is a son of Mrs. Anna Mehrens, of Gaza, and has been engaged in farming for several years. They will make their home with Mrs. Mehrens for the present. The only witnesses of the marriage were Mr. and Mrs. John O. Peters, Mrs. Anna Mehrens and son, Carl.

Hansen - Steen Wedding
Primghar Bell: A simple home wedding was solemnized today at one o'clock at the home of Mrs. Minnie Hansen when her daughter, Miss Katherine, became the bride of Ralph Steen, of Calumet. Rev. Geo. Osborn, of the Methodist church, officiated, using the single ring service. The bride wore an orchid satin gown and carried a bouquet of bride's roses and pink sweet peas. Her bridesmaid was her sister, Miss Johanna Hansen, who wore a gown of green flat crepe. The groom was attended by his brother, Wilbur Steen.

Miss Hansen, the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Hansen, has grown to young womanhood in Primghar, graduating from the local high school with the class of 1925. She taught in the rural schools of Ida county three years and in O'Brien county two years and is a splendid young woman of many charming qualities. Mr. Steen is the son of Mrs. Christina Steen, of Calumet. He was born and reared in Calumet and is now engaged in the painting business there, where he is deservedly popular with a large circle of friends.

Immediately following the ceremony dinner was served to the guests, who were the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The table was attractively decorated in flowers n the bride's colors of pink and white, and centered with a wedding cake. The color scheme prevailed also in the menu. Mr. and Mrs. Steen left this afternoon on a wedding trip to Minnesota. Upon their return they will be at home to their friends at Calumet.

Frerk - Appledorn
Miss Luella Frerk of Calumet and William Appledorn of Germantown were married yesterday afternoon at the German Evangelical church in Calumet, with the Rev. Paul G. Wuebben officiating.

Mrs. B. H. Peters and children motored to Little Rock Tuesday. A. H. Peters, a brother of B. H. Peters, returned home with them. Mr. Peters and his brother attended their aunt's funeral at Grundy Center, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans of Watertown, S. Dak. and J. E. Davis of Cody, Wyoming and Clare and Clarice Powell of Linn Grove were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hayes Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Mr. Davis were at Linn Grove for the funeral of Mr. Davis' mother Tuesday. Mr. Davis is a brother-in-law of Mr. Hayes.

Twenty Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 28, 1912
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lewis, of the Ashton Leader last Friday. Mrs. Lewis was Miss Florence Hockert, of Sutherland.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 1, 1887
-Married at the residence of Mr. George Brander Thursday, June 24, Mr. Charles Hayes and Miss Charlotte Anthony.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2014]


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