Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 7, 1932

Court Held Two Days This Week
-In the case of State of Iowa vs. John Datema the court gave Datema one weeks time to give and file a bond for the support of his child.
-Hazel Philip obtained a decree of divorce from William J. Philip on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. No alimony was granted the plaintiff.
-The Court decreed the estate of Willard J. Warner and the estate of Margaret E. Aldred exempt from the payment of inheritance tax.
-The Court authorized the administrator c.t.a. of the estate of Severt R. Hovland, deceased, to sell certain real estate belonging to said estate.
-The final report of Kenneth H. Rerick, administrator of the estate of August H. Mast was approved by the court, the administrator discharged and his bonds released.

Clerk of Courts, W. A. Hoeven, received word from the Warden of the state penitentiary at Fort Madison, that Rollie Roy, who was committed from O'Brien county, on the 8th day of February 1921, for a period of ten years, for larceny in the night time, was discharged, having served full term of sentence less 3 years 8 mos. and 14 days diminution, and 1 year 3 months honor time. Roy was out on escape 5 years, 9 months and 19 days.

Sheldon Man Injured by a Falling Tree
Sheldon Mail: John Post, 53 years old, who was seriously injured here last Thursday by a falling tree, is in the Lutheran Hospital at Sioux City suffering from a broken back and paralysis from the waist down. A leg and four ribs were also broken in the accident. There is not much hope held for his recovery. Post and a fellow worker, Tom Fisher, were engaged in cutting trees at the city park. The tree fell on Mr. Post when Fisher was releasing it from another tree standing close by.

Thiessen - Gillespie
Miss Lena Thiessen and Mr. Merle Gillespie stole a march on their many friends by quietly slipping away to Worthington, Minn. where they were united in marriage on Saturday, November 28, 1931. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Jens Petersen of Gaza. Mrs. Peterson is a sister of the bride. Miss Thiessen has grown to womanhood in this community and is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thiessen. She has the respect of those who know her. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gillespie, and has been engaged in farming in this community. He has many admirable qualities. The couple will make their home near Sutherland for the present.

Stork Express
A daughter, who has been named Coleen Claire, was born to Mr. and Mrs. U. C. McCormack last Tuesday, Dec. 29th. Mrs. McCormack is in Primghar at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam De Mars.

Funeral Services Today
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sump Tuesday and died yesterday morning about eleven o'clock. The funeral will be held at the home this afternoon and burial made at Brooke cemetery. Mr. Sump works for Elias Nelson.

Another Victim of Monoxide Gas Poisoning
Sheldon Sun: William Rons, 48 years old, Sioux Center, whose third term as supervisor of Sioux county was to expire tomorrow, was found lying dead in his garage this morning, having succumbed to carbon monoxide gas coming out of the exhaust pipe of the running motor of his auto. Mr. Rons, who had gone out to the garage to get his auto, had been there about thirty minutes when his daughter Gertrude went on out. He was already dead when she entered the structure.

Cherokee Farm Hand Sent to State Hospital
Cherokee Chief: John Mechius, farm hand employed by Walter Lewis, living near Cherokee, was committed to Cherokee state hospital Wednesday afternoon two hours after he had been picked up by city and county officers. Lewis brought Mechius to town because he was acting queerly and notified police. City Marshal Hurd and Constable Otto Morton with Sheriff Tilton arrested Mechius on South Second street. The man had a loaded .32 caliber gun in his pocket which he attempted to reach as the officers closed in on him. It was entangled with other things in his pocket and he was unable to draw it. The insanity commission was called and committed Mechius late Wednesday evening. It was said Mechius declared Lewis owed him some money.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 5, 1912
-In Spencer, Iowa, December 25, 1911, at high noon, occurred the marriage of Miss Gena E. Farquhar to Mr. Dale Youde, the Rev. Mr. Elliott of Sutherland, officiating. The young couple will make their home on a farm near Royal.
-A beautiful wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nelson at high noon, Wednesday, January 3, when their daughter, Elizabeth was united in marriage to W. Mahlon Andrews.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 7, 1887
-Born, January 4, 1887, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gottsch, of Grant township, a son.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 14, 1932

News of the District Court
-Will and Albert Koepnick have been appointed executors of the estate of Mrs. Augusta Koepnick, deceased.
-The final report of Elizabeth L. Henderson, as administratrix of the estate of Martha Henderson, has been approved by the court and the administratrix discharged and her bonds released.
-The final report of Kenneth H. Rerick as executor of the estate of Henry Rerick, deceased, has been approved by the court and the executor discharged.

Myrl Camery Badly Burned - Explosion of Oil Heater in Cement Plants Hurls Flaming Fluid; Myrl's Condition Grave
Myrl Camery was reported improved considerably Wednesday evening, although he is still in a very serious condition.

Explosion of an oil heating stove in the Everest cement plant at Sioux City Monday caused Myrl Camery to be severely burned about the head, hands and ankles. He was rushed immediately to the Methodist hospital, where he is now in a critical condition. So severely was he burned that it is not known whether he will be able to survive. One other man was also injured by the explosion, but not seriously.

The accident happened while he was checking a run of cement for the state highway commission. A part of this checking process was done by the use of heat. The heater was on a scaffolding about twenty feet above the ground. When it exploded the burning and hot oil almost completely covered Mr. Camery's body, but he leaped from the platform to the ground.

The extent of the burns of Mr. Camery's body are considerable. His face and teeth were scorched black and the hair on his head burned away. Hot oil also came in contact with his wrists and his legs from the ankles almost to the knees. While in every instance the burns are of a serious character, it is understood that the injury to the top of his head is the most dangerous and it will be some time before the outcome will be known. It is a terrible accident and we feel sure that all of Myrl's friends are pulling hard for him to come through it.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mann, of Spencer, are the parents of a daughter, born last Thursday, January 7th. She weighed six and one-half pounds.
-Mr. and Mrs. Willard Casey are the happy parents of a daughter born Dec. 24 at the home of Mrs. Casey's parents at Sanborn.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Powers attended the funeral of Mrs. Genson at Peterson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Genson was the mother of Walter Genson, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Powers.

Will and Charley Bryant received word of the death of their brother, Roy Bryant last Wednesday. Charley left Tuesday to attend the funeral at St. Anthony, but Will was unable to go.

Chas. Bryant was called to St. Anthony Thursday by the death of his brother, Roy Bryant, who passed away Wednesday after a long illness with diabetes. He was also a brother of Will Bryant, Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. Bessie Dake, at Sutherland. Mr. Bryant returned home Monday.

Truck and Auto Collide; Aurelia Man Killed
Asa Whiting, farmer residing about 5 miles north of Aurelia, was instantly killed Monday evening when the automobile which he was driving collided with a truck driven by William Loucks of Cherokee. The accident occurred about four miles east of Cherokee on highway No. 5. It was about 9:00 in the evening when the accident happened, and from reports, it seems that the front part of the Whiting automobile collided with the one side of the truck. The larger part of the top was torn from the Whiting car, causing it to swing out to the edge of the road, and then back to the center where it stopped crossways in the road without upsetting. It is believed that death resulted from a severe blow on the head by flying bits of glass and metal, as the victim's face and head was badly cut and bruised. - Alta Advertiser.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 12, 1912
-A lusty boy arrived at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Aupperle, and Doc has already begun training him for a footbawl player.
-Those who think the cold weather of the past two weeks has been severe ought to talk with some of the survivors of the blizzard which swept over northwest Iowa twenty-four years ago today, in which a number of people lost their lives from exposure to the wind and driving snow, including several in O'Brien county. Here in Sutherland which at that time was but a small and straggling village, a number of narrow escapes were recorded. Mr. N. J. Slick was one of the few pioneer merchants of the town at that time and was for over an hour out in the storm in company with a crippled youth who was a great burden to him in his efforts to find the way and reach a place of safety, which he finally did by stopping to reason out his position by the direction of the wind when stumbling over a picket fence of which he knew the location. Nine business men spent the entire night in the Slick store, being unable to find their way home against the 75 mile an hour wind which was blowing a hurricane of snow in their faces. One woman, whose husband was thus detained, attempted to reach a coal house which stood within a dozen feet of the house and almost froze to death in the attempt.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 21, 1932

News of the District Court
-John Datema of Sanborn plead guilty before Judge C.W. Pitts to the crime of desertion and was sentenced to the mens reformatory at Anamosa for a period of one year. He was taken to Anamosa by Sheriff Leemkull Sunday.

-Alfred Bode, also known as Albert Moulton, plead guilty before Judge C. W. Pitts to the county attorneys information charging him with carrying dangerous and concealed weapons and was sentenced to the mens reformatory at Anamosa for a 2 year term. Bode was taken to Anamosa by Sheriff Leemkull Sunday.

-Frances M. Meyers was appointed by the Court as temporary guardian of the property of Fred F. Meyers.

Myrl Camery Passes Away - Severe Burns Cause Death Early Saturday Morning; Masonic Funeral on Monday
After lying at death's door for five days as the result of severe burns, Myrl Camery passed away early Saturday morning, January 16, at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City. For five days physicians, attendants and the loving hands of friends and relatives helped to keep life in his body while death was always imminent. But so severe were his injuries that the task proved too great.

The fatal burning happened the previous Monday while he was testing cement in the Everest plant at Sioux City for the state highway commission, a position to which he had risen after several years of service and promotions. An oil burner exploded and covered him with hot and flaming liquid. Mr. Camery was severely burned about the head, hands and knees. Internal injuries also resulted.

Funeral services were held in the Masonic hall at Sutherland Monday afternoon, January 18, at two o'clock. Rev. Corwin Taylor opened the service with a prayer and gave a short sermon. After Rev. Taylor had spoken, Attorney L. O. Lampman of Primghar took charge of the service and delivered the Masonic funeral rites. Mrs. N. E. Weems of Paullina sang "Crossing the Bar." She was accompanied by Mrs. C. W. Johannsen at the piano. The pallbearers were C. Y. Sernstrom of Sioux City, A. H. Schultz, C. W. Johannssen, L. L. Jones, C. A. Jenner and H. J. Briggs. The services were largely attended by members of the Masonic lodge and Order of the Eastern Star, as well as by many other friends of the deceased and his family.

1895 - Myrl Palmer Camery - 1932
Myrl Palmer Camery, son of Logan and Jennie Camery, was born at Sutherland, Iowa, January 7, 1895. He spent practically his entire life here; attended the public schools, graduating in 1913. Later he attended Iowa State College for 3 years, where he pursued the course of Civil Engineering. After his course at Ames, he went to work for the State Highway Commission as rodman. Following a series of promotions he became an inspector, which position he held at the time of his death.

Myrl was fatally injured in an explosion which occurred at the Everest Construction Plant at Sioux City, Ia., Monday about one o'clock noon, January 11, 1932. Immediately following the explosion, he was taken to the Methodist hospital, where he received every possible attention in an attempt to save his life. Myrl died Saturday morning, January 16 at 6:45 o'clock.

He is survived by six sisters: Lu, Ruth and Rae of Sutherland; Neva of Everly, Iowa; Nina, of Ottumwa, Ia.; and Maurine (Mrs. Paul R. Brown) of Lakewood, Ohio. His parents preceded him in death.

Card of Thanks
The members of the Camery family wish to express their sincere appreciation to all of their many friends who have shown them kindness following the accident and death of their brother, Myrl.

Stork Express
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Rapp, of New Lebanon, Indiana last Friday, January 15. They have named him George Frederick. Mrs. Rapp will be remembered as Miss Mildred Cooper, a daughter of Mrs. H. E. Cooper.

Forty-Five years Ago - January 21, 1887
-Died, in Liberty township, Tuesday, January 18, 1887, Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hicks, aged 18 years, 8 months.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 28, 1932

Clyde Roberts Buried Here
Clyde Roberts, formerly of Sutherland, died Friday at his home two miles west of Royal. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Danish Lutheran church in Royal and burial was made in Waterman cemetery at Sutherland. Mrs. Roberts was formerly Miss Ila Peck, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Peck.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Back have received word of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Back, Jr. of Macon, Mo., on Tuesday, January 19th.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Boldt, of Calumet, are the proud parents of a son, born Sunday, January 24th.
-A five and one-half pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Martin on Sunday morning, January 24th. Mrs. Martin and the new daughter are at the Hughes hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cobb went to Primghar Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Chas. Byam. That evening they attended the revival meetings held at the Christian church by Rev. F. L. Van Voorhis. Mrs. Chas. Byam passed away Sunday at her home after an illness of several weeks. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of her death. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church in Primghar. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing relatives.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 26, 1912
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mathern, of Calumet, on January 18.
-On Wednesday January 17 at 9 a.m. Mr. John Betz and Miss Viola Steurman were united in matrimony at Sacred Heart church by the Rev. R. M. Le Clair. They will live on the groom's farm in Grant township.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schwien, a son, January 25.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 28, 1887
-H. F. Smith and wife of Grant township rejoice over the birth of a son, born January 20th.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2014]

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