Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 4, 1932

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gillespie on July 21st. She weighed seven pounds and they have named her Bonnie Norene.
-A son, who has been named Samuel George, was born Saturday, July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Crosser of Primghar.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Manok of Los Angeles, Calif. on July 20, a daughter. Mrs. Manok was formerly Magda Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hansen, former Sutherland residents. This is the first granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, although they have six grandsons. Mrs. Manok is a sister of Mrs. Harry Blaue.

Court News
Martha Schildts has brought action to divorce against William F. Schildts, asking that the court grant her an absolute divorce from the defendant. Plaintiff states in her petition that she married the defendant on the 21st day of October 1902, at Paullina, Iowa, and that on the 18th day of April 1930 the defendant ordered the plaintiff out of her home. Plaintiff also states that the defendant has a vicious and ungovernable temper and that for years he almost constantly cursed her and called her vile names in the presence of their children. Plaintiff asks for a divorce on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for the costs of the action.

Mrs. Arno Rein Dies on Tuesday - Funeral Services Will be Held at 2:30 O'clock Friday Afternoon, August 5th
Mrs. Arno Rein passed away Tuesday afternoon, August 2nd, after a long illness. The funeral services will be held at the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with the Rev. A. J. Quirin of Sioux City, former pastor of the church in Sutherland in charge. Burial will be in Waterman cemetery. For many years, the deceased has been in poor health and underwent several operations in an effort for improvement. None of these brought the desired results and she has been a constant sufferer. Mrs. Rein is survived by her husband and three daughters, and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes and Roy were at Larrabee Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gould.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nagel were among those who attended the funeral of Ralph Alberts at Hartley Sunday afternoon.

Twenty Years Ago - August 2, 1912
-A fine baby girl came to make her home at the Henry Hass home last Sunday morning.
-Alfred Wittrock and Miss Blanche Waggoner slipped one over on their friends last Tuesday by going to Spencer where they were quietly married. From there they went to the lakes for a few days, and on their return Saturday were treated to a "shower" by their young lady friends, after which the usual charivari crowd came on deck for a special performance. They will keep house on the Matz farm for the next three months while Mr. Matz and the father of the groom, Thies Wittrock, are touring Germany.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wilkinson, near Gaza, Monday. She is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell.
-A wedding of interest to Sutherland people took place here Wednesday evening when Carl Bloodgood, son of Mrs. J. Bloodgood, of Paullina, was married to Miss Addie Mae Severance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Severance of this place.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 11, 1932

Funeral Services for Mrs. A. Rein - Deceased Born in La Crosse, Wis.; Body Laid to Rest in Waterman Cemetery
Funeral services for Mrs. Arno Rein, who passed away last Tuesday, were held at the Methodist Church Friday afternoon with Rev. A. J. Quirin of Sioux City in charge. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery. Pallbearers were Otis Hulser, Marion Phinney, Gerald Martin, Asahel Hayes, O. B. Caskey and B. H. Caskey. Mrs. Frank Bruner and Herman Behmer, accompanied by Miss Frances Bruner at the piano, sang at the service.

1890- Mathilda Rediske - 1932
Mathilda Rediske, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rediske was born at La Crosse, Wisconsin on September 22, 1890, where she grew to womanhood. She moved with her parents to Montana in the spring of 1911. She was married to Mr. Arno Rein at Lavina, Mont., on June 22, 1914. They lived at Ryegate, Montana for three years, after which they moved to Sutherland. To this union were born three children, Eleanor Helen, Allene June, and Marian Lucille.

She underwent an operation in 1911, since which time she has been failing in health. On Tuesday, August 2, 1932 she passed away at the age of 41 years, 10 months and 11 days. Mrs. Rein was a loving and devoted wife and mother and though a constant sufferer, her every thought was of her family and home and those closely associated with her. She was a member of the local Methodist church, the Sutherland Unit of the America Legion Auxiliary and the East Side Social Circle. She was ever ready to perform every duty asked of her without giving a thought of herself.

She is survived by her husband and three daughters; her father and mother, brothers, Ernest of Aurora, Ill., Walter of Ryegate, Montana, Herman of Seattle, Wash.; sisters Mrs. Leona Unger of Ryegate, Montana and Miss Anna Rediske of Ryegate, Montana, and a host of other relatives and many friends. Relatives who attended the funeral were Mrs. Rein's mother, Mrs. Herman Rediske, her sister, Mrs. Leona Unger of Ryegate, Mont., her brothers, Walter Rediske of Ryegate, Mont., Herman Rediske of Seattle, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rediske of Aurora, Ill.; Mr. Rein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rein, of Plymouth, Wis., his sisters, Mrs. Alex Duvenik, of Sheboygan, Wis., and Mrs. Junk, of Cleveland, Wis., an aunt, Mrs. Amington and daughter, of Plymouth, Wis., Mrs. Klessig of Bigelow, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steffens, of Storm Lake.

Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our gratitude to our friends who showed us so many kindnesses during our recent bereavement, and to thank those who sent flowers.
Arno Rein and daughters

Stork Express
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill are the parents of a seven and one-half pound daughter, born Monday, August 8.

Court News
-The court authorized Ella Hellmann, guardian of the property of Ben Hellman, to enter into an extension agreement with the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, extending the mortgage covering certain real estate belonging to Ben Hellman, for a period of five years.
-Anna Runge was appointed by the court, executrix of the estate of Fred Runge.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lange received word Friday that their daughter, Mrs. Will Chesley, and her small daughter and husband, of Spencer, had been hurt in an accident at Cedar Falls. They were returning from Iowa City when their car was struck by a train. Mrs. Lange and son Harry left immediately for Cedar Falls, returning home Saturday. They found that Mr. Chesley is in a very critical condition, but Mrs. Chesley and daughter were not hurt badly.

Twenty Years Ago - August 9, 1912
-Mrs. J. W. Glaspy, who has been in a serious state of health for some months, died on Wednesday night. The funeral occurs this afternoon from the family residence.

-Fedder Fedderson arrived home last evening from his summers visit with his mother and other relatives in Germany. Five young people accompanied him over, as candidates for future American citizenship, two of them going on to Nebraska, and the other three, Henry and Frederick Jansen and Miss Marguerite Nissen, coming to Sutherland with him.

-Miss Adolfinie Timmerman was united in marriage to Mr. Samuel T. Brown, on Tuesday, August 6, at the home of the bride's parents northeast of Sutherland, Rev. Elliott of Royal performing the ceremony. The happy young couple departed the same afternoon for Chicago where they will spend a few days and from there will proceed to Storms, Ohio, the home of the groom near Columbus, where they will reside in the future.

-Mr. H. A. Peck, whose illness in a Chicago hospital, following an operation, has been noted in these columns, died at the hospital Wednesday noon. The funeral occurs today at 4:00 pm, with Masonic honors. Mr. Peck was the original stock buyer at this point, and has handled the vast majority of the stock that has been shipped from this point for the last forty years ever since this line of railroad was built through Sutherland.

Forty-Five Years Ago - August 12, 1887
-Born, August 10, 1887, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eaton, of Liberty township, a son.

[transcribed by A.N., June 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 18, 1932

Saunders - Sweeney
Miss Mildred Saunders and Elmer Sweeney were married Friday evening August 12th at ten o'clock at the Methodist parsonage in Paullina, the Rev. C. N. McMillan officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bidwell, of Sutherland, were the only witnesses. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Saunders and was graduated from the Sutherland high school last May. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney and attended the Sutherland high school. He is engaged in farming with his father at present. The bride was attired in a light powder blue afternoon frock and wore a corsage of sweet peas and baby breath. The groom wore a gray business suit.

Court News
-The last will and testament of Carl Leverenz, deceased, was admitted to probate and Albert Meyer named in the will as executor was appointed executor.

The sad news was received here Sunday morning of the death of Miss Ella Hansen, the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen of Paullina. She was a granddaughter of Peter Rehder.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cobb were at Primghar Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Nancy Summy.

Eleven Years Ago - August 18, 1921
-Sutherland friends learned with much interest of the marriage of Mr. Albert L. Seeman to Miss Clara Lewis which occurred Tuesday, August 16, in Sioux City. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father, Bishop Wilson Seeley Lewis, in his room at the Methodist hospital, where he is seriously ill. They will go to Cushing Sept. 1, where Mr. Seeman is principal of the school.

-Mr. and Mrs. Emil Selk are the parents of a baby girl, born Wednesday August 17th.

-Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Byram, Sunday, August 14, a baby girl.

Twenty Years Ago - August 16, 1912
-Thursday evening, August 8, occurred the marriage of Mr. Ernest W. Hall, of Rigby, Idaho, and Miss Mary F. Davis, of Sutherland, Iowa.

-Jacob Johannsen, of Paullina, died on Sunday at Heron Lake, Minn., where he had been taken for treatment. Those from Sutherland who attended the funeral Wednesday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seeman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hass, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kirchhof, the Hans Behmer family, Fedder Fedderson, Mrs. G. K. Schultz and Mrs. Chas. Van Etten.

Forty-Five Years Ago - August 19, 1887
-David Moore and Miss Drucella Short, of Grant township, were married at Peterson Thursday, August 11. The Courier extends congratulations.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 25, 1932

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright of Waterloo announce the arrival of a daughter, Marilyn Sue, on August 23. Mrs. Wright will be remembered as Miss Marjorie McAlpin, a former teacher here.

-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hicks on Tuesday, August 23. He weighed 8 pounds and has been named Donald Earl.

-A nine and three quarter pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McGuire of Spencer on Friday, August 19th. Mrs. McGuire is the former Irene Smith.

-Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Foster of Chicago are the parents of a son born August 22. He weighed 7 ½ pounds and has been named Harold Ralph. Mrs. Foster will be remembered as Miss Oretha McGraw, a sister of Mrs. Marion Crosser. She taught several years in Grant township.

1860 - Alice Pickrell - 1932
The following obituary of Miss Alice Pickrell was furnished to us by Mrs. J. W. Pickrell.

Alice Pickrell, daughter of Lindley H. and Martha Pickrell was born at Darlington, Ind. on October 8, 1860 and departed this life at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles King, near Jamaica, Iowa, on July 21, 1932, aged 71 years, 9 months and 13 days. When about six years of age, she was taken by her parents to Linden, Iowa and in 1870 she was brought to Perry where she grew to womanhood. Later she moved to Crab Orchard, Nebr., where her parents had previously moved and where she helped in the care of her mother who died in the spring of 1899.

Sometime following this, she with her father, and sister, Edna, moved to Sutherland, Iowa, where they made their home and where he father died in 1906. She remained in Sutherland until the spring of 1916, when she suffered a nervous breakdown. She had been failing in health for several months and had not left the house since February 1st. By occupation Miss Pickrell was a seamstress and dressmaker and was noted for her superior workmanship. In 1894 Miss Pickrell united with the First Presbyterian church of Perry. She was also a member of the order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by one brother, William Pickrell, of Sutherland, and two sisters, Mrs. Charles King and Edna Pickrell of Jamaica.

Eleazer Stone Met Tragic Death Friday Afternoon
Eleazer Stone, a brother of Mrs. Lelah Cooper and Mrs. Sam Olhausen, met a tragic death when he was run over by a wagon in the threshing field Friday afternoon. Mr. Stone was working near Cherokee and it is thought that he was either climbing up on his load or had climbed up on and slipped back between the team and the load. The horses became frightened, Mr. Stone fell to the ground and two wheels of the wagon passed over his chest, causing death almost instantly.

Funeral services were held at the home in Cherokee Monday afternoon with Rev. B. H. Coonradt of the Christian church officiating. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery at Sutherland. Mr. Stone is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter, and two sisters. Mrs. Lelah Cooper and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olhausen, Verla, Ruby and Opal, Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Olhausen and children and Mrs. Delmar Youde attended the funeral services Monday afternoon.

Court News
-J. Vander Meide, Sheldon, Iowa was appointed guardian of the property of Emma Boneskonsker, et al, minors, August 22.

Word has been received here of the death of Will Hulser at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Sisson at Akron, Colo. He was a brother of Frank and Fred Hulser and well known here. He formerly lived at Reading, Minn.

Former Hartley Woman Ends Life at Sioux City
Hartley Sentinel: Mrs. Jessie E. Killam, former resident of Hartley, ended her life in her home in Sioux City last Thursday evening by shooting herself. Despondency because of sickness was given as the cause of the suicide. She was the wife of Arthur S. Killam, a contractor. She was 53 years old. Mrs. Killam ended her life while her husband was taking a woman employed in the Killam home to her residence. When Mr. Killam returned he found the lifeless form of his wife in bed. She had shot herself in the head, the bullet entering the right temple.

Twenty Years Ago - August 23, 1912
-The Stork brought a fine baby girl to the Warren Fredenburg home Monday morning.

Forty-Five Years Ago - August 26, 1887
-Born, Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Youde, of Waterman township, a son.
-Born, Aug. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Leverne Love, of Liberty township, a daughter.
-Died, August 23rd, 1887, Lula, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Litzel.

Eleven Years Ago - August 25, 1921
-Mrs. C. M. Willey passed away at her home in Sutherland Monday evening. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon and the remains shipped to Bennett for burial.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2014]

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