Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 7, 1932

Paullina Farmer Commits Suicide Friday Morning
Alvin Puhrmann, 48 a farmer living northwest of Paullina, committed suicide last Friday morning, April 1, by shooting himself through the head. He committed the act about six o'clock, using a shotgun for the purpose. Ill health is believed to have been the cause. The funeral was held at Paullina Monday.

News of the District Court
William De Witt has filed his petition asking for a divorce from Genevive De Witt on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Plaintiff's petition states that he married the defendant on the 3rd day of August 1927 in the City of Sheldon, Iowa.

1928 - Donald Ginger - 1932
Donald Ginger, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ginger of Greenville, Iowa passed away at the Spencer hospital April 1, 1932 following a tonsil operation which was performed that day. Donald was 4 years, 3 months and 16 days old at the time of his death. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner of Sutherland. Funeral services were held at the Jones funeral home at Spencer Sunday, April 3 at two o'clock, with the Reverend B. H. Trickey officiating. Interment was made in the Waterman cemetery at Sutherland. Pall bearers were Irvin Ginger, Daniel Ginger, March Ginger and Dave Ginger. Mr. and Mrs. John Bernardy of Minneota, Minn. and many relatives from Spencer and Sutherland were present for the funeral services.

Stork Express
-A daughter, Dorothy Lavonne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Koch on Friday, April 1st.

Roy Bissett and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bissett and children left Friday evening for West Plaines, Mo., being called there by the death of the mother of the two men.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yale left Friday evening for Scales Mound, Ill. to attend the funeral of a brother-in-law of Mrs. Yale. They will also visit in the home of Mrs. Yale's mother who is 87 years old.

Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dougherty who mourn the death of Leo's mother, Mrs. Dougherty who passed away at Primghar Saturday night and the funeral was held Tuesday at Primghar.

A number from our community attended the funeral of Walter Wilson at Hartley Monday afternoon. Mr. Milson was mail carrier on route 4 and served the patrons in Grant township. His death was due to heart trouble and occurred Saturday noon. He had just come in from the route and after entering his home he passed away. [transcription note - "Wilson" and "Milson" are as published in the Courier]

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - April 5, 1912
-At noon, Wednesday, April 3, 1912, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Draper occurred the marriage of Miss Grace Draper to Mr. J. Lawrence Henderson of Paullina.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - April 8, 1887
-Born, April 7, 1887, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Marshall of Liberty township, a daughter.
-Married, Sunday, April 3, 1887, at the residence of the bride's brother, in Sutherland, Mr. L. C. Kroh and Miss Mollie Brown, Rev. Dunham officiating.
-Born, April 6, 1887, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hulser, of Waterman township, a daughter.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 14, 1932

Stork Express
A daughter was born Friday, April 8 to Mr. and Mrs. George Aldred, of Primghar. She weighed 6 ¾ pounds and has been named Shirley Ann.

Father Bradley Dies at Carroll - Was in Charge of Parish Here from 1905 to 1907; Funeral at Carroll Today
Carroll, Ia., Special: Rev. M. Bradley, 59, pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic church here, died at St. Anthony hospital, where he was operated on and had been under treatment for five weeks. Rev. Father Bradley was born in Ireland, and studied and was ordained in Dublin in 1901, coming to the United States the same year. He first served as assistant priest at Corpus Christi church in Fort Dodge, and then was in charge of parishes at Armstrong, Sutherland, Hawarden and Denson before coming to Carroll three years ago. He succeeded Rev. Stephen Butler, who died in Texas in 1929. Rev. Father Bradley was dean of this district. - Sioux City Journal

The Very Reverend Michael Bradley was the pastor of Sacred Heart church in Sutherland from 1905 to 1907. Funeral services for the deceased will be held this morning, April 14 in St. Joseph's church at Carroll.

Court News
-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Alvin Puhrmann, deceased, late of Paullina, has been filed for probate and May 9 set as the date for hearing.
-J. W. Cravens has been appointed administrator of the estate of Henry Haack, deceased, late of Sanborn.

Father of Mrs. Shumway Killed by Freight Train
A. G. Obrecht, father of Mrs. Gaylord Shumway of Algona, was killed instantly when his automobile was struck by a fast eastbound freight train at a crossing eight miles west of Emmetsburg last week. Mr. Obrecht was on his way to see his wife, who had been taking care of a sick relative at Plover. County officers said he evidently did not see the approaching train. The accident victim was 56 years old and was in the insurance business. He was formerly president of the Havelock bank at Havelock, Iowa. For several years he had been in the insurance business at Spencer. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. Gaylord D. Shumway.

Mrs. Hannes Kuehl received word of the death of her father Wednesday, April 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Kuehl and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reimers left Thursday for Gladbrook, Ia. to attend the funeral.

Forty-Five Years Ago - April 15, 1887
-F. F. Burlock started west last Saturday evening. We understand that he is bound for South America.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 21,1932

Court News
-The seventh and final report of Anna Kaiser, guardian of the property of Alma Kaiser, was approved by the court.

-The following estates have been decreed exempt by the court as exempt from the payment of inheritance tax, Dora Baumeister, Wobke Hessenius, John Elmer Britton, Charles Hart and Fred W. Hons.

-The final report of H. C. Metcalf, administrator of the estate of David Allen McCreath, was approved by the Court and the administrator discharged.

-The final report of J. T. Conn, administrator of the estate of W. S. Medland was approved and the administrator discharged.

-The Court ordered that notice of the filing and time and place of hearing on the final report of A. F. Hansen, administrator of the estate of Philip Kesselring, be given by posting such notice.

-The estate of Michael Denny was closed, the final report of the administrator approved and his bonds released.

-Permission was granted the administrator of the estate of Eva M. Scott, deceased, to sell the personal property belonging to said estate.

-The third annual report of Ray B. Lefever, trustee of certain property created under the will of David Broyles, deceased, was approved by the Court.

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herwig on Tuesday, April 19.

-Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Traver, of Paullina, are the parents of a son, born April 8th. Mrs. Traver was formerly Miss Edna Kummerfeld, of Sutherland.

Ed Wall of Gaza passed away Monday as the result of a ruptured appendix.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - April 19, 1912
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Briggs went to Ocheyedan the last of the week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Briggs' grandmother, Mrs. Bradrick, on Saturday.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 28, 1932

Swanberg - Morton
Walter C. Swanberg of Peterson and Miss Grace Morton of Cherokee were united in marriage on April 6, 1932, at the Methodist parsonage at Dakota City, Nebr., by the Rev. Ralph Clem. The bride wore a blue silk dress and the groom a dark business suit. The couple was attended by a sister of the groom, Miss Emma Swanberg of Peterson, and a brother of the groom, Verne Swanberg of Sioux Rapids. The groom is a son of John Swanberg of Peterson and the bride is the daughter of D. M. French of Des Moines. Mr. Swanberg has been engaged in carpentering the past years in and around Peterson. MR. and Mrs. Swanberg are now at home on the place vacated by Charles Tigges west of Peterson. The congratulations of the community go out to this young couple.

Elizabeth Goris obtained a decree of divorce from Johannes Goris on the grounds that the defendant spends all his earnings for liquor and fails to support the plaintiff and is addicted to habitual drunkenness. Plaintiff's maiden name Elizabeth Kramer, was also restored to her.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fogelman attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. J. F. Sellers of Pomeroy, Iowa, held Thursday afternoon at the Good Hope church southeast of Cherokee. Mrs. Sellers suffered a stroke of apoplexy while taking a walk with her daughter Lois Sunday evening and only lived a few minutes. Her daughter, Lois Sellers, is a teacher in the Pomeroy high school.

Primghar Bell: Last Wednesday was Mrs. Elizabeth Hill's eighty-second birthday and to make the day a happy one friends gave her a card shower and callers dropped in to express their good wishes. She was also the recipient of many flowers. Mrs. Hill has been confined to her bed for several months. Friends will be sorry to know that since Sunday her condition has grown worse.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted us during the illness and after the death of our beloved brother and uncle, and also to express our appreciation for the beautiful flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Warm and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldred and Arline.

Arthur Waid Passes Away - Death Comes at Home of His Sister, Mrs. Chas. Aldred, Friday; Burial at Goldfield
Arthur D. Waid passed away Friday evening, April 22nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldred where he had been seriously ill for many weeks. Much of this time he suffered greatly and little hope was held for his recovery. Mr. Waid had been in poor health for a number of years and although he tried all that medical aid could do his condition did not improve. He was 56 years old at the time of his death. Funeral services were held at the Aldred home Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. The service was in charge of Rev. Corwin Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church. A men's quartet, composed of Herman Behmer, Frank Bruner, Robt. Lee and Lloyd Gilbert, furnished the music, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Bruner at the piano. Interment was made at Goldfield, Iowa, where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Waid, are buried. Pallbearers were T. R. Cobb, Jas. A. Sweeney and B. D. Parks.

1875 - Arthur D. Waid - 1932
Arthur Dickson Waid, son of Andrew O. and Mary L. Waid, was born at Youngstown, Ohio, on May 15, 1875. When four years of age he came with his parents to Hardin county, Iowa, and lived near Steamboat Rock. A few years later they moved to Cedar Rapids where he attended school and worked as a young man. After residing for seventeen years at Goldfield, he came to Sutherland in 1909 and purchased the Sutherland-Calumet hackline, which he drove for two years. From that time until ill health prevented his doing active work he farmed the land at the south side of Sutherland. While his time was devoted to the farm he was keenly interested in affairs of the town and served two terms on the town council, where he gave his best effort as he did in any undertaking.

He was a kind and devoted son to his aged mother with whom he made his home, and after her death, seven years ago, he has spent much of his time in travel, making his home while here at Calumet. He has driven over many states, and found most of his pleasure in the places of natural beauty and historical interest. He had spent the past three summers at Lake George, N. Y., and it was while there last August that he was stricken with his last illness.

Since Christmas he has been failing constantly, and February 1st he went through the Mayo clinic at Rochester. Here he was given no hope, but has made a brave fight for recovery for nearly three months. For the past four weeks he has been at the home of his sister, Mrs. Chas. Aldred, and under constant care of his two sisters and their families. He has suffered greatly and death came to relieve him at eight o'clock on Friday evening, April 22.

The deceased is survived by his sisters, Mrs. H. J. Warm of Calumet and Mrs. Chas. Aldred of Sutherland, two older sisters and his father and mother having preceded him in death. Out of town people present at the funeral were Mrs. J. C. Young and two daughters, and V. E. Reichling and son of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hofius of Algona; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elston of Burt; and Dr. N. J. Belton of Redfield.

Tom Richards, accompanied by Ellwyn Thomas went to Battle Creek Monday to attend the funeral of John Preston, the father of Mrs. Monie Thomas, of Ida Grove.

Mr. and Mrs. John Prew and Bernard were at Spencer Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Will Prew.

Callers at the Clarence Herwig home Friday were Mrs. W. C. Bryant, Mrs. Leonard Steurman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemke and Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Bryant and family. The new baby has been named Ruth Darleen.

Ed Wall of Gaza Dies Following an Operation
Gaza Cor. in Bell: A gloom was cast over the community Monday when it was learned Ed Wall had passed away. He had been taken to the Primghar hospital but a week previous for an operation for an abscess on the appendix. He withstood the operation throughout the week as well as could be expected, but Sunday afternoon his life began to slowly ebb away and he departed this life Monday morning about 9 o'clock. His wife and children and brother, Fred Wall, were at his bedside. In that he had never been sick, although not in the best of health the past winter, the past week's illness and his death came as a shock to his relatives and friends.

The deceased leaves his wife, three sons and four daughters, one son having preceded him in death. He was one of the early settlers near Alta, Iowa, later locating here, having acquired considerable land holdings in both localities. He was upright in his efforts and dealings and was active in his farm operations up to the last. His relatives and friends mourn his departure. Funeral services were conducted here Wednesday in charge of Rev. McMillan, of Paullina. Services were also held at Alta where interment was made. Mr. Wall was president of the Primghar Savings bank and also an official of the Gaza bank. He was prominent in every community activity and will be greatly missed.

Suit in Reimers Death Case Settled for $7,800
Sioux City Journal: Settled for $2,000, a suit brought by George Swaine of Moneta, Ia., administrator of the estate of Louis Reimers, against Rev. Robert A. Cowling, Episcopalian minister, for $7,800 for the death of Reimers in an automobile accident, has been dismissed in district court. Judge Miles W. Newby, who dismissed the action, held that the court had no jurisdiction over the counterclaim filed by the pastor for $37,140 and also dismissed it. The settlement was made with an insurance company. The court's action does not prevent Rev. Mr. Cowling from bringing an action against the estate in the court where it is being probated.

The accident occurred August 27, 1931. Reimers, who was fatally injured was driver of one of the automobiles. The pastor's daughter, Miss Stephanie Cowling, was driving her father's car. The counterclaim was for injuries suffered by the pastor and other members of his family. Besides himself and daughter, his two other daughters, Marjorie and Edytha, and his wife were in the automobile. The family was returning from Lake Okoboji. Rev. Mr. Cowling stated that at the time of the accident he was pastor of St. Paul's' church here, Trinity church at Mapleton and St. George's church at LeMars.

Judge Deland Overrules Motion for New Trial in Harper Murder Case
The long looked forward to reopening of the Amos Harper case took place at the court house in Storm Lake on Monday of this week. After listening to arguments of attorneys Judge DeLand overruled the motion for a new trial and Harper is still serving his sentence of life imprisonment for the confessed murder of Marshall Lee last summer. His only hope now rests in the supreme court, as his attorneys, L. H. Salinger of Carroll and E. M. Duroe of Sioux Rapids have served notice of appeal. Should the supreme court reverse the decision of the district court the case would be brought back to the district for re-trial.

Judge DeLand sustained the state's objections for a re-trial on two grounds. The first was that the motion was filed by Harper's attorneys after the November term of court had officially adjourned. In the second the court held that he had no jurisdiction as the plaintiff had filed his notice of appeal to the supreme court. The judge made a rather lengthy statement in sustaining his ruling but made it clear that there was no other course open to him.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]

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