Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
September 3, 1931

Herman Mugge Dies at Calumet - Funeral Will Be Held in Evangelical Church at Calumet Friday Afternoon at 1:30
Herman Mugge, a long time and prominent resident of the Calumet vicinity, passed away at his home there Tuesday evening, September 1. He was 69 years, 2 months and 3 days old at the time of his death. For a considerable period prior to his demise Mr. Mugge had been in poor health and suffered intensely at the end. He was born in Germany and came to this country 45 years ago. During most of this time he was engaged at farming, but retired a few years ago. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Evangelical church in Calumet. A short service will be conducted at the home at 1:15.

Editor's Grandfather Killed
Homer Nichols, grandfather of the editor of The Courier, was killed in an automobile crash at an intersection on No. 20 seven miles west of Rockwell City Monday noon. The funeral was held at Glidden, Ia., yesterday afternoon and our little newspaper family was in attendance. Mr. Nichols was 86 years old and had lived in Glidden 52 years. He is survived by his widow; one son, I. A. Nichols, editor of the Hardin County Citizen at Iowa Falls; and one daughter, Mrs. Edna Noble, at home; besides several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Stork Express
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bohrns, of Calumet, are the parents of a daughter born last Thursday, Aug. 27. They have named her Phyllis Lillian.

Court News
-Guardianship of Kenneth Lawrence Chesley was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court August 28; L. L. Jones was appointed guardian.

-The estate of Agnes McCauley, deceased, was opened in the office of the Clerk of the District Court. The will is set for probate September 28. Robert and Andrew McCauley were named executors in the will.

-James J. McCreath and Agnes McCreath Metcalf were appointed executors of the estate of Alexander McCreath. Letters testamentary were issued to them August 31.

-W. A. Hoeven, Clerk of the District Court, reports the following marriage licenses issued:
William Frerk and Welma Dau, both of this county, August 29
Hefman Stafford and Margaret Den Hartog, both of O'Brien county, August 31

-An application for marriage license was filed August 29 by Howard Carl Henry Williamson of Winthrop, Minn., and Marion Diamond, of Sheldon, Ia.

Sheriff Edw. Leemkull, accompanied by County Attorney L. O. Lampman, raided the home of Mrs. Wm. DeWitt, of Sanborn last Wednesday night and placed Mrs. Wm. DeWitt and Mrs. Joe Winkel under arrest on the charge of nuisance. A quantity of alcohol was found on the premises. The women pleaded guilty before Judge C. W. Pitts, on County Attorney's information, and were fined each the sum of $300 and costs and ordered confined to the O'Brien county jail for a period of three months.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noble were in Glidden Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Noble's grandfather, Homer Nichols, who was killed in an automobile accident near Lake City Monday. Mr. Nichols was driving from a side road onto No. 20 when another car struck his Ford sedan. He visited in Sutherland about a year ago.

Car Stolen at Rock Valley Found at Cheyenne, Wyo.
The car stolen by Colvin in his departure from Rock Valley with a young girl of that city has been recovered at Cheyenne, Wyo., and is now in the hands of the owner but the man and girl are still at large and hitch-hiking somewhere in the west. Colvin is a paroled man from the state reformatory of Kansas and was supposed to have little or no ready money when he departed with the stolen car and the Rock Valley girl. Officers of the west are on watch for the pair and they will undoubtedly be picked up well on their way to the coast. - Hartley Sentinel

Laurens Youth Thrown Into Mowing Machine
A bad accident happened at the Dave Orwig farm about seven miles south of Laurens, Tuesday, when Calvin, the 15-year-old son was riding a horse and was thrown off into a mowing machine. The boy had three ribs broken; the guards pierced his lungs and his jaw. The shoulder was fractured.

Wife of Aurelia Banker Killed in Car Accident
Mrs. Libbie Whitney, 64, wife of John Whitney, former Aurelia banker, was killed Tuesday evening when struck by a Buick sedan being driven by Fred Wadsley, of Cherokee. The accident occurred at 7:45 p.m. on highway No. 5 as Mrs. Whitney stepped from the shaded street directly into the path of the oncoming car. The body was thrown clear to one side of the street. Wadsley jumped out, ran to her assistance and carried her to the Bates hospital, a short distance away. Examination of the body revealed that her chest was crushed and the right arm crushed above the elbow.

Sanborn Boy Tears Off Upper Eyelid
Peter Statema, little nine-year-old son of Mrs. Nick Beimers of Sanborn, met with a peculiar and painful accident at his home last Friday morning. While opening a screen door the hook on the door caught and tore the upper eyelid of the left eye.

Pioneer O'Brien County Man Dies at Lost Angeles
I. W. Daggett, one of the early settlers of O'Brien county practicing law for a short period at Primghar and later engaging in the banking business at Sanborn passed away at his late home in Los Angeles, Calif., August 14th. The deceased was prominent in early O'Brien county history, both in business and in politics.

Forty-Five Years Ago - September 3, 1886
-Wm Hill was found dead near his home, just east of Grant Center church, at about one o'clock yesterday morning. It is thought that his death was caused by apoplexy.
-F. Fedderson, of Liberty township, was injured last Friday, when the tine of a pitchfork pierced his right lung six or eight inches.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
September 10, 1931

Herman Mugge Buried Friday
1865 - Herman Mugge - 1931
Herman Mugge, son of Henry and Margerete Mugge, was born June 28, 1865 in Vilsen, Hanover, Germany. Here he was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church. He departed this life Tuesday, September first, 1931, at his home in Calumet, Iowa.

When he was seventeen years of age he came to the United States and settled in Wisconsin where he resided until 1888. In that year he came to O'Brien county, Iowa and started farming. The following year he was united in marriage to Bertha Steffens on March 18. To this union ten children were born. In 1896 he moved to the farm near Calumet where he lived until he retired in 1921 when he moved to Calumet. He enjoyed a life of good health until about three months ago.

He leaves to mourn his departure, his widow and ten children, Clara Menke, Henry, Harry, Elmer, Ernest, Arthur, Raymond, Nora Boldt, all of Calumet, Lester of Cleghorn and Alta Wood of Everly, sixteen grandchildren, two brothers and one sister in Germany.

Funeral services were held Friday September 4 at the Lutheran Evangelical church with Reverend Paul G. Wuebben in charge. Mrs. M. H. Welch, Mrs. John Mehrens, Martin Wuebben and Gus Linneweh sang and Mrs. Elmer Mehrens played the piano. Interment was made in Liberty cemetery.

Those from a distance who attended were Henry Borman, Ola Borman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wohlers, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wohlers, Mr. and Mrs. Freed Greece, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Borman and family of Rock Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Segelke, Mrs. B. Wallace, Miss Mabel Segelke of Cherokee and a number from Primghar and Paullina.

Accidental Shot Kills Marcus Bank Cashier
Lee Woods, 45 years old, cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Marcus, was killed by the discharge of a shotgun about 7:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. The tragedy occurred in the vault of the bank as the institution was being opened for business. The vault door had been opened and Woods had entered, ostensibly to open the safe, when, according to Ray Jayne, a clerk in the bank and the only person present, a shot rang out and Woods was found on the floor of the vault with the top of his head shot off. He had died instantly. It is said there were several guns in the vault for the protection of the bank and that the shotgun stood against the wall. It is believed the gun was accidentally knocked over, was discharged and inflicted the wound. Woods is survived by his wife and one daughter, who is about 18 years old.

Peterson - Priegnitz
Wednesday morning, at the Methodist parsonage, occurred the marriage of Rudolph Priegnitz and Miss Mayme Peterson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson. Both of the young people are from Sutherland. The pastor, Rev. Corwin Taylor, performed the ceremony, using the double ring service. The bride's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Peterson, were witnesses of the ceremony. Following the ceremony they left for Waterloo for a visit with relatives. They expect to leave the last of the month for Anaheim, California, where two brothers of the groom live, and where hey will make their home.

Court News
-The estate of Garret Schuurman, deceased, was opened in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, Sept. 8. Stephen DeVries was appointed administrator of said estate.

-Clerk of Court W. A. Hoeven issued one marriage license the past week, to Henry W. Meyer, of Cherokee, Iowa and Norma Killam of Sanborn.

Chas. Brintnall Dies in Montana
Charles Brintnall, a former resident of Sutherland, died recently at his home in Kalispell, Mont. The Brintnalls came to Sutherland about fifty years ago, and for many years Mr. Brintnall was in the banking business.

Mrs. Phoebe Byram of Calumet, Mrs. Gus Gottsch, Mrs. Adah Heckert and Miss Eva Hopkins drove to Royal Tuesday afternoon and called on Mrs. Alex Farquhar at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dale Youde. Mrs. Farquhar, who has been very ill with high blood pressure, is some better.

Sister Seraphia and Sister Daniel, of Waterloo, who had been visiting Sister Seraphia's brother, Will Sweeney at Spencer, came to Sutherland last Saturday with Mr. Sweeney and Margaret, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. T. D. Powell and her brothers, T. J., John and J. A. Sweeney. They went to West Bend on Sunday and on Monday returned to Waterloo.

A pretty church wedding was held in the German Evangelical church in Calumet Wednesday September 2 when Mr. Wm. Frerk of Sutherland and Miss Welma Dau of Gaza were united in marriage by Rev. Paul G. Wuebben. They were attended by Miss Alvia Dau and Mr. Albert Frerk. Mr. and Mrs. Frerk left for various points in Minnesota on a short honeymoon after which they will be at home near Sutherland.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bryant motored to St. Anthony, Iowa Saturday and attended a family picnic on Sunday at the Clemons Park. Mrs. Ora Conklin of Tulsa, Oklahoma was present and this proved to be the first time in 50 years that the brothers and sisters had been together. Fifty years ago last December the boys' mother died and two months after, their house burned and the family was broken up and went to live with different relatives. It was an occasion long to be remembered. The Bryants returned home Tuesday.

(last week)
John Smidt of Highland township and Miss Puhrmann of Paullina slipped away and were married at Aberdeen, S. Dak., Monday, August 24. They were accompanied by John's sister Ann and Jipp Larson. A wedding dinner was given at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. Smidt has been farming with his father and will continue to make his home there for the present at least.

Clay County Clerk Dies At Spencer
Charles S. Weaver, who has been clerk of courts in Clay county for the past 33 years, died last Monday at the age of 72 years, following an appendicitis operation about three weeks go. Mr. Weaver had served his county faithfully and well and was well known through northwest Iowa.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - September 8, 1911
-Mr. John Kas of Random Lake, Wis., and Miss Faye Fisher were married at the home of the bride's parents in Peterson.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
September 17, 1931

Stork Express
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kenderdine, of Lawton, on August 28th.

-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Aurand, of Linn Grove, are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born last Wednesday, Sept. 9.

-An eight and one-half pound boy was born to Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Mellon of Munsing, Mich. on Tuesday, Sept. 15. Mrs. Mellon will be remembered as Miss Carrie Donovan.

Court News
-The will of E. M. Maurer, deceased, was admitted to probate September 8. E. R. Randolph of Hartley, Iowa was appointed executor in the will.

-Clerk W. A. Hoeven issued the following marriage licenses the past week:
Rudolph Priegnitz, O'Brien county and Maymie Peterson, O'Brien county.
Howard Carl Henry Williamson, Winthrop, Minn., and Marion Diamond, Sheldon, Iowa.

-An application for a marriage license was made by Ira N. Everet, O'Brien county, and Hazel Cutsinger, O'Brien county, September 10.

Mrs. Coddington Called by Death - Funeral Services Were held at Home Tuesday and Body Taken to Schaller for Burial
After a long illness, Mrs. Will Coddington passed away at the hospital in Cherokee last Saturday, September 12. Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock funeral services were held at the home south of town with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Music was furnished by Mrs. Frank Bruner and Miss Frances Bruner. The body was taken to Schaller, Iowa, for burial.

1883 - Edith May Coddington - 1931
Edith May Cave was born May 19th, 1883 in Cherokee county, Iowa. She was the eldest daughter of George and Alice Cave. She was united in marriage to William S. Coddington September 11, 1900. Her passing was on September 12, 1931 at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee, Iowa at the age of 48 years, 3 months and 24 days.

Most of her life was spent on farms in Cherokee and Buena Vista counties except the last nine years which were spent in O'Brien county. Mrs. Coddington had been a member of the Methodist church for twenty years, having united with the church at Schaller in 1911.

She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, two sons and a daughter, Roy of Peterson, Lloyd and Mabel at home. One son, Floyd and a daughter Mildred preceded her in death, as also did her parents and one brother. Immediate relatives are four brothers and a sister, Will, Frank, and Purl Cave of Cherokee county, Leland Cave of Aurelia, Iowa, and Mrs. Claude Young of Cherokee.

Geo. W. Nelson Funeral Today - Civil War Veteran Passes Away After Lingering Illness; Was 88 Years of Age
The flag hung at half mast yesterday. Its starry folds fluttered lightly in the breeze, simply, silently, the symbol that another veteran had passed away.

George W. Nelson, the last resident standard bearer of the days of '61, died at his home Tuesday, Sept. 15th, at about midnight. The infirmities of old age were responsible for his death, and for some time prior to his passing he had been bedfast.

The funeral will be held this afternoon in the Church of Christ at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. Frost of Sioux Falls, S. Dak., officiating. Interment will be in Waterman cemetery.

Mr. Nelson was 88 years of age. He was born in Wisconsin in 1843 and spent the younger years of his life there. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the 29th Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and served during the closing years of the Civil War until discharged in 1865. During the year 1879 he came to Iowa and in 1890 to Sutherland. It is here that he has lived since that time.

Mr. Nelson's passing marks the end of the life of one of the community's oldest citizens, but the beneficial influence he had in its growth lives after him and his deeds remain to be cherished in the thoughts of those who knew him best.

Dick Hinkhouse returned home Saturday from Wagner, S. Dak., where he attended the funeral of his mother.

David King Scalp Graft Promising
Spencer News-Herald: Grafting of a large piece of the scalp back on the head of David King, Spencer youth who was injured in an auto accident last week, is progressing with promise according to physicians in attendance. The scalp was taken completely off King's head in the accident and lay in the wreckage for over half an hour before it was found and rushed to the Spencer hospital where the graft was decide upon, the scalp being revived in salt water and placed in position. Another week will probably tell whether the unusual surgical attempt will be successful or not, his physician states.

The passing away of Mrs. Will Coddington was a great shock to this community and her many friends. Mrs. Coddington's health had been failing for the last six months. A week ago Thursday she was taken to the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee where she underwent an operation for ulcers the following Monday and was getting along nicely. Saturday her condition suddenly turned for the worse and her untimely death came at 8:45 that same evening. Those surviving are her husband, Will Coddington, two sons, Roy and Lloyd and one daughter Mabel. This community extends sympathy. Funeral services were held at the house at one o'clock Tuesday and burial was at Schaller.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - September 15, 1911
-Roy Lampman and Miss Lora Martin slipped away yesterday to Primghar, the former from Hartley and the latter from Sutherland, and were quietly married at Primghar yesterday afternoon by Rev. Pierce, of that place. The boys have been waiting a long time for those cigars.
-Mr. Horace Peck arrived home on Tuesday from his trip to Rutland county, Vermont, where he went about four weeks ago to attend the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of his native village, Paulet.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
September 24, 1931

Geo. W. Nelson Buried Thursday - Services for Veteran of Civil War Held in Church of Christ; Burial in Waterman
Funeral services for Geo. W. Nelson, 88 years of age and the last surviving resident Civil War veteran, were held in the Church of Christ last Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Frost of Sioux Falls, a former pastor of the church, preached the sermon. Patriotic orders of Sutherland attended the funeral in groups. Interment was in Waterman cemetery. Music at the services was furnished by a male quartet composed of Robt. Lee, Frank Bruner, Lloyd Gilbert and Herman Behmer. Miss Frances Bruner accompanied. The pallbearers were Harry Hill, Chas. Nott, Raymond Powell, Emil Propp, Leigh Drake and Edward Triplett.

1843 - Geo. W. Nelson - 1931
George W. Nelson was born in Bristol, Wisconsin September 4, 1843 and passed to the home beyond on September 15, 1931 at the age of 88 years and 12 days.

He received a common school education in his native state and when 13 years of age began farming for himself near Milford, Wis. When the Civil War broke out he volunteered his services for the defense of his country, enlisting August 19, 1862 in Co. F 29th Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and served until finally mustered out June 22, 1865 at Shreveport, Louisiana. During his three years of service, he was always ready for duty and served with distinction throughout the whole period of his service.

After the close of the war Mr. Nelson returned to his home in Wisconsin and in 1870 came to O'Brien county and homesteaded on land west of Sutherland where he resided until moving to town twenty-five years ago. He was married to Ann Elizabeth Bookman in 1873. To this marriage have been born eight children, Elias, Alma, Beach, Mrs. Elva Propp of Sioux City, Grace, Mrs. Elizabeth Woolston, Berton and George W. Jr. of South Gate, Calif. Alma and Grace preceded him in death forty years ago. He also leaves to mourn his loss twenty-one grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Mr. Nelson has been an invalid for the past four years and his greatest pleasure was in having the members of his family about him. He was ever kind and patient and in the last three months of intense suffering earnestly longed for eternal rest. He joined the Christian church while a boy and has been a faithful member of the church here for many years.

Until the last few years he was an active member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, a charter member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Muscovites, the Order of the Eastern Star, and Daughters of the Rebekah, and the Grand Army of the Republic post. Since the World War he has been deeply interested in the Legion and requested that they have charge of his funeral.

"Too much honor cannot be accorded these boys in blue who fought the brave fight which enabled our country to remain a united nation. They are fast passing away and when taps are sounded for them our nation will have lost those men who made it possible for the flag to wave from coast to cost and from the lakes to the Gulf."

Court News
-Martha Eaton brought an action against Lester O. Eaton asking that she be granted a decree of divorce from the defendant on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, such as to endanger her life; that she be given custody of their minor child Beverley Eaton, that she be awarded temporary and permanent alimony in the sum of $2500.00 and attorney fees in the sum of $150. Petition states that they were married at New Hampton, Iowa on the 31st day of May, 1918.

-The estate of Tillie Moermond, deceased, was opened in the office of the Clerk of the District Court Sept. 19.

-Clerk of Court W. A. Hoeven reports the following marriage applications and marriage licenses issued in the past week:

-Application issued to Ira N. Evert, O'Brien county and Hazel Cutsinger, O'Brien county, September 10. License issued September 17.

-Application issued to Dr. Amil J. Johnson, Grand Island, Nebr. and Amelia M. Engelhardt, O'Brien county on September 15, license issued on September 21.

-Burdette Osgersby, of Jackson, Minn., obtained a license to marry Helen Huemoeller. They made their application in Dickinson county, on September 14.

-A marriage license was issued to Thomas J. Shoemaker, of Marshalltown and Minnie A. Taylor, Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 14. This couple made their application in Marshall County, Sept. 8.

Last Rites Paid to Bert L. Cobb - Former Sutherland Marshal Dies at Marathon and Body is Brought Here for Burial
Bert L. Cobb, for many years the town marshal of Sutherland, died at his home in Marathon last Thursday morning, Sept. 17th after an illness which had confined him to his bed for two months. Mr. Cobb had been in failing health for several years. The body was brought to Sutherland and laid to rest with short services in Waterman cemetery.

Mr. Cobb resided here until about twelve years ago, when he and Mrs. Cobb moved to Marathon. While in Sutherland he was the town marshal and worked for D. F. Shumway in the implement business. At Marathon he was also marshal until the last two years, during which time he was unable to work.

He is survived by his wife at Marathon and one son, William of Omaha, Nebr., who has been in the employ of a finance company.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan are the parents of an eight lb. son, born Tuesday September 22. He has been named Robert Jay.

-A daughter was born Sept. 18 to Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Wood of Everly. Mrs. Wood was formerly Miss Alta Mugge, of Calumet.

-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bobzien are the parents of twin boys born Sunday Sept. 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Long, Mrs. Sam Flinders and Mr. and Mrs. John Foley went to Everly Sunday to attend the funeral of D. D. Long, an uncle of Mr. Long and Mrs. Foley. Mr. Long, who died in Omaha, formerly lived at Everly.

[transcribed by A.N., March 2014]

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O'brien County