Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 1, 1931

Court News
-The following jury cases have been set for trail by the court at the April term, and will be tried at this term unless continued, settled or dismissed:
-James Cockle, estate (Will contest)
-John Cranston Newland estate (Claim of J. H. Jones)
-John Dohrmann, as executor of the estate of Ludwig Dorhmann, is asking for judgment, in his petition, against Gus Schwein, in the sum of $1650.00 amount claimed due on note.
-The estate of John Elmer Brittan, deceased, was opened in the office of the Clerk of the District Court on Sept. 28, 1931. Hazel Fern Porth, of Sanborn was appointed administratrix of said estate.
-The petition for guardianship of Dorothy Caple was filed Sept. 26th.

A marriage application was issued to Auko Hann, age 29 of Luverne, Minn., and Gertrude Timmer, age 18, of Steen, Minn., Sept. 21. The license was issued Sept. 26.

Stork Express
-Mrs. and Mrs. Louis Noethe are the parents of a son born Sept. 20.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Menke of Calumet are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born Saturday, Sept. 26th.
-Mr. and Mrs. Kemball Joines have a daughter, Mary Ann, born at the Ward hospital in Primghar Saturday, Sept. 26.
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schuenke, of Sioux City, on Sept. 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Schuenke formerly lived at Calumet, and are well known here.

Reifsteck - Bender
A pretty Fall wedding was solemnized on Tuesday afternoon, September 29th, at the Methodist Episcopal church in Calumet, Iowa, when Miss Melba Reifsteck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reifsteck of Calumet, became the bride of Dr. Erwin T. Bender of Ireton, son of Mrs. Emma Bender of LeMars.

Ferns and garden flowers decorated the church for the ceremony at which Dr. Corwin Taylor officiated. Mrs. Don Gordon and Miss Margaret Delaplane, both of Cherokee, played a prelude of violin and piano music and accompanied Miss Dortha Carpenter of Sioux City who sang "Yesterday and Today" by Spross and "Sweet Mystery of Life" by Herbert. After the songs Lohengrin's wedding march played by Miss Delaplane and Mrs. Gordon announced the approach of the bridal party. The bride was attractive in a pale blue net gown simply fashioned, and carried a shower bouquet of cream roses and valley lilies. Miss Esther Singer, of Sheldon, attended her as maid of honor. She was attired in orchid georgette and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. Ben E. Holtdorf of Ireton served the groom.

Immediately following the ceremony the bride's parents entertained relatives and friends at an informal reception in their home. During the reception the bride and groom quietly slipped away and left on a motor trip to the Colorado Rockies to spend their honeymoon. Later they will be at home to their many friends at Ireton, Iowa. Out of town guests at the wedding included Mrs. Emma Bender of LeMars, Dr. Henry A. Bender of Waterloo, Mr. Paul F. Bender of Cedar Falls, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Smith of Nashua, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bendixen and Arthur Bartlet of Ireton and Mrs. Don Gordon of Cherokee.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - September 29, 1911
-Married, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, Henry Jalas, Jr., and Miss Marie Back, at the home of Henry Jalas, Sr., near Sutherland, by Rev. Jaech.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - October 1, 1886
-Born, Sept. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Long, a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Manning visited Sunday in the home of Mr. Manning's niece, Mrs. Orrie Rossiter, near Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Rossiter have twin babies, who were born recently.

Spencer's Negro Found Dead in Automobile Seat
Slumped in the seat of his coupe, Howard Adams, about 45 years old, a Negro, was found dead in Spencer last week. Adams who had resided in Spencer for the past 17 years was the only Negro in Spencer.

The automobile was parked about a block from Main street and the coroner expressed the belief that Adams had been dead since Saturday. He was last seen two days before the discovery. No marks were found on Adam's body and the coroner attributed his death to heart failure. Adams had been employed as a janitor in several Spencer buildings. During the fire that swept the business section of Spencer, the building in which his room was located was destroyed and residents believed that Adams slept in his automobile since that time. - Hartley Sentinel

Faust - Eggers
A pretty home wedding was solemnized at the bride's home near Valley Springs, S. D. Wednesday, September 23 at three o'clock when Miss Viola Eggers became the bride of William Faust Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faust of Calumet. The double ring ceremony was performed in the presence of immediate relatives by Rev. Ford of the Swedish Lutheran church of Rowena, S. D., beneath an arch of blue and white. The couple were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Evelyn Eggers and the groom's brother, Mr. Carl Faust. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white flat crepe and carried a bridal bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaid wore a dress of light blue satin. The groom and best mane both wore dark blue business suits. At five o'clock a wedding supper was served to the bridal party and guests. The bride's chosen colors of blue and white were carried out in attractive table appointments. In the evening a wedding dance and shower was held in the Yeoman hall at Sioux Falls. The newlyweds received many nice gifts. A lunch was served at midnight at and 2:30 the crowd wished the couple happiness and success and departed for their homes. The following day the couple left for a honeymoon to Colorado and the Yellowstone park after which they will be at home to their friends on the groom's parents' farm near Calumet.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 8, 1931

Mrs. Hilbert is Buried Sunday - Death of Sutherland Lady Comes as Surprise to Shock and Sadden Community of Friends
Mrs. Andrew Hilbert passed away last Thursday morning, October 1st, in the hospital at Cherokee where she was taken the day previous suffering from heart trouble and rheumatism. While it was known that she was not in the best of health the news of her death came as a shock to the whole community. For the past year and a half she was subject to heart attacks and in the spring with rheumatism, from which she seemed unable to regain her strength. She had been confined to her bed for three weeks and was taken to the hospital the day before she died.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. It was one of the most largely attended funerals ever to be held in the church. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruner with Miss Frances Bruner accompanying. The pallbearers were E. J. Lage, Frank Moore, H. W. Johann, C. W. Johannsen, Wm. Peters and Roy Schimmer. Burial was in Waterman cemetery.

1891 - Matie Ahrens - 1931
Matie Ahrens was born March 30, 1891 on a farm near Sutherland, and passed away October 1, 1931, at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee at the age of 40 years and six months. She was a daughter of Henry and Doris Ahrens, both of whom preceded her in death, her mother on June 30, 1904 and her father on Jan. 8, 1927. On November 2, 1910, she was married to Andrew Hilbert, of Sutherland, and one daughter, Viola, was born to them. She is survived by her husband and daughter, one brother, August Ahrens of Chokio, Minn., and five sisters, Mrs. Adelia Wede, Verdi, Minn.; Mrs. Alvena Alberts, Hartley; Mrs. Anna Kummerfeld, Sutherland; Mrs. Amanda Ehrens, Barney, Minn.; and Mrs. Agnes Vogt, Lynd, Minn. Two brothers, Edward and Henry, preceded her in death.

Relatives from out of town who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrens, Chokio, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. John Ehrens, Mr. and Mrs. August Ehrens, Barney, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogt, Lynd, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, New Ulm, Minn., Chris Hilbert, Morgan, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilbert, Hartley, Mrs. Harold Culp, Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kruetzcamp, Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Selk, Larrabee, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mattice, Primghar, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiese, Hospers, Mrs. Anna Ahrens and family, Fred Hilbert and sons, Edward and Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilcoxon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lahann and daughter, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Linder and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Traver of Paullina.

Mrs. McCulla of Cherokee Dies - Mother of Sam McCulla Passes Away Sunday Morning and is Buried There
Mrs. Louis J. McCulla passed away at her home in Cherokee about ten o'clock Sunday morning, October 4. Funeral services were held there yesterday afternoon from her home, Rev. Arrasmith of the Methodist church in charge.

Previous to her residence of a few years in Cherokee she had lived on the old homestead in Spring township, just over the line in Cherokee county where a son, Sam, now lives. For almost 50 years she and her husband farmed this place and took an active part in the growth of the community from that early day. Mr. McCulla came to Spring township in 1879 and it was three years later that he was married. Mrs. McCulla's name before her marriage was Mary A. Coleman. Their marriage took place in 1873.

The last few years of Mrs. McCulla's life have been spent in Cherokee. Her husband preceded her in death January 21, 1927. Her's is the sad passing of another of that sturdy race that peopled this country in the days when it was young, when life was a hard struggle for food and a battle against the elements of nature which often brought drouth in summer and bitter cold in winter. Their years of toil, however, were not without reward, for they built strongly and well.

Eight children survive the deceased: Walter P. of Cherokee; Mrs. S. J. Coffman of Omaha, Nebr.; Ben B. of Santa Ana, Calif.; Dr. Roy of Des Moines, Ia.; T. H. of Parker, S.Dak.; Mrs. Sidney Woodworth of Larrabee; Asa of Walnut Grove, Minn.; and Sam of Sutherland, all of whom were here for the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. mike Smith and daughter of Flandreau, S. Dak. were also present. Mrs. Smith is a sister of the deceased. Three brothers of Mrs. Ben McCulla were present also. The pallbearers were Sherman Gilbert, Guy Youde, Roy Stanford, Laurence Flinders, Frank Fogelman, and Louie Julius. A large number of people from the Hyland neighborhood and Sutherland were in Cherokee for the funeral, one of the largest home funerals to be held in Cherokee for many years.

-Mrs. J. C. Harris went to Parker, S. Dak. Sunday, for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. T. H. McCulla. Mrs. McCulla is ill and unable to accompany Mr. McCulla to Cherokee to his mother's funeral.
-The mother of Miss Dorothy Smith, who has been holding Evangelistic meetings at Spring Center for three weeks, passed away a few days ago. A large number from Spring Center attended the funeral.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - October 6, 1911
-A bright little girl dropped down with the shower yesterday morning and found a home with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Weale.
-An item which was not reported to us on time last week was the birth of a fine girl at the Pearl Bruner home, on Sept. 24th.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 15, 1931

Court News
-The final report of Wm. Storm, guardian of the property of Albert Storm, was approved by the court and the guardian discharge.
-The final report of Kathryn Roelofs, administratrix of the estate of John Roelofs, as approved by the court and the administratrix discharged.
-The estates of Francis L. Bidwell, Theodore J. Saupe and Margaret Trulock have been closed and the administrators discharged and their bonds released.
-The following parties have been notified to appear with their witnesses on the 20th day of October 1931, for examination for Naturalization, at which time a Government Examiner will be in charge: Richard Claudius Peterson, Theodore Bauman, Meindert Bronwer, Lena de Graaf, Dina Lode, Cornelis Lode, Walter Whalley, Otto Hans Jipp, Ernest G. Mengel, Curt Heinrich Hageman, Alma Casten Lahann, Emil Heinrich Peterson, Gustav Heinrich Rurst, Dick Van Ginkel, John Niichel, William Diekmann.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams are the proud parents of a daughter, born Wednesday morning, October 14th. She weighed six pound and has been named Alice Anne.
-Mr. and Mrs. Geol. Engelke are the proud parents of a 10 ¾ pound son, born Saturday night. He has been named Billie Burton.

Schmidt - Schroenrock [sic?]
The marriage of Mr. John Schmidt of Sutherland and Miss Lydia Schoenrock of Sioux City was solemnized Sunday, October 4, at the home of the bride's brother at Ponca, Nebraska. The bride has for a time worked in Sioux City, while Mr. Schmidt has been farming three miles north of Sutherland on what is known as the Shumway place. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt motored to Martinsburg, Nebraska to visit Mrs. Schmidt's mother. They returned home on Tuesday. A party was held in their honor Saturday night and was largely attended.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - Oct. 13, 1911
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lew Batcheler, of Peterson, September 29th.
-A quiet home wedding occurred on Tuesday at the home of C.F. McCormack, five miles east of town, when his daughter, Rhoda, was married to Paul J. Hanson. They left at once for their home at Concorn, Nebr.
-Miss Hazel Wilson, sister of Mrs. Walter Burns, was married at Cherokee Oct. 11 to Mr. Herman Shalmz [?] of Storm Lake.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 22, 1931

Court News
-In the case of A. D. Fisher against the Town of Sanborn the jury returned a sealed verdict which gave to Mr. Fisher the sum of $700. Fisher asked $7,500 in his petition filed. The case was the result of an accident which happened in Sanborn during a celebration two years ago. Mr. Fisher ran into a rope which was stretched across the street, breaking off the radiator cap and sending it into the windshield and cutting the face of Mr. Fisher with broken glass. The jury retired to the jury rooms at 3:15 o'clock and returned their verdict at 9:30 that evening.

-John Datema who was indicted by the grand jury for child desertion was brought into court and W. H. Downing was appointed by the court to act as attorney for Datema, Datema having no money with which to hire an attorney.

-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of John Herman Mugge has been filed for probate and Nov. 9 has been set for the hearing of the same.

-The report of Louise Martens, Guardian of the property of Vernon Wm. Breitbarth was approved by the Court.

-The executors of the estate of Ezra Brown, deceased, were granted authority by the court to mortgage real estate belonging to said estate in the sum of $9,000.00 for the purpose of paying the debts of the estate.

-The estate of Michael Denny was decreed exempt from the payment of inheritance tax.

To Mark Grave of Polly Welton
A bronze marker will be placed above the grave of Polly Welton in Primghar. Polly Welton was the only daughter of a soldier of the Revolutionary War to be buried in O'Brien county. The marker will be placed by the Paullina chapter of the D. A. R. The chapter is known as the Polly Welton chapter.

Stork Express
-A daughter, who has been named Rita Lavonne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schallau last Wednesday, October 14th.

-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoeman are the parents of a ten pound daughter, born October 13th. They have named her Bonnie June.

-A daughter, Delores DiAnn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crosser on October 14th.

Jury Brings Verdict in Favor of Montgomery
Court at Primghar was occupied Monday and Tuesday with the claim of C. C. Montgomery against the estate of Henry Frear for the care of Mr. Frear, who had been an invalid for many years. The jury brought in a verdict for $1,684, the full balance claimed by Mr. Montgomery after certain deductions.

Geo. Leemkull Kills Self
Geo. Leemkull of near Primghar, a cousin of Sheriff Ed Leemkull, took his own life last Saturday night be shooting himself. His body was found Sunday morning in a pasture near his home. He used a shotgun in the suicide. No cause for the act is known.

Everly Man Killed by Electric Charge
Hartley Sentinel: Theodore Ketelsen of Everly, 55 years old, was instantly killed about 8 o'clock Monday morning two miles north of Everly when 60,000 volts of electricity went through his body. He was driving to his farm north of Everly when his Buick car slipped off the road and crashed into a high voltage electric light pole, breaking the pole off close to the ground and allowing the high powered wire to fall over the car. The rubber tires on the car prevented a ground for the current and he was uninjured by the crash. According to Carl Roberts and Arthur Snydegaard, who were driving along the road a short distance from the Ketelsen car, Mr. Ketelsen got out of the car and walked around to the rear of it, where he apparently slipped and threw out his hand to catch his balance, and came in contact with the car and the deadly current it carried, the full charge passing through his body. When picked up his face and hand were badly burned and his nose was bleeding.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haye and family were in Sioux Rapids Sunday to attend the funeral of her cousin.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - October 20, 1911
-Chas. Sidell was killed Wednesday afternoon when the roof in a cave in which he was working, caved in.
-Born, Saturday, October 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Matz, a son.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Regennitter on Thursday Oct. 12.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Selk on Friday, October 13.
-Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Heckert are the parents of a daughter, born Friday, Oct. 13.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - October 22, 1886
-John Williams is the proud father of a bouncing boy, born the 20th.
-Married, at the residence of the bride's parents in Liberty township, Thursday, October 21, 1886, Mr. Chas. Eaton and Miss Ora Bidwell, Rev. Dunham officiating.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
October 29, 1931

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Caskey, of Bell [Ball?] Club, Minn. on October 17th. They have named her Patricia Jeane. Mr. and Mrs. Caskey left Sutherland in July.
-Mr. and Mrs. G. Holt Steck, of Peru, Nebr., announce the birth of a daughter last Thursday, October 22. She weighed seven and one-half pounds and has been named Janet Ruth.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brewer of Cherokee on Monday, October 27th.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Brown Thursday, October 22, a son.

Mrs. Jennie Chatterton Dies
Mrs. Jennie Chatterton of Peterson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ina Chatterton Payne, at Grinnell Monday. Dr. Chatterton, now deceased, husband of Mrs. Jennie Chatterton, was a physician at Peterson many years ago.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - October 27, 1911
-Herbert Woodall surprised his friends last week by slipping away and getting married, the happy bride being Miss Mamie E. Powell, of Madison, Wisconsin. The ceremony took place at the home of friends in Sioux Falls.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - October 29, 1886
-Wm. Kenyon and wife are happy over the arrival of a fine boy, born October 22.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]

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