Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
November 5, 1931

Stork Express
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beck last Wednesday, Oct. 28th. They have named her Betty Lou.

Court News
-The final report of John W. Newland, administrator of the estate of John Cranston Newland, Was approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bonds released.

-Marriage license has been issued to Byron Porter of Clay county and Rena Brinkman, of O'Brien county.

-The final report of the guardians of the property of Frank L. Ellerbroek, was approved by the court and the guardians discharged.

-In the guardianship matter of Dorothy Johnson, the court approved the sale of certain property in Sheldon, made by the guardian to Bernard Weaver, and ordered the guardian to issue a deed to the purchaser.

-The last will and testament of Rudolphus Wierda has been admitted to probate and Katie Wierda named in the will as executrix was appointed executrix of same.

-The following parties were granted citizenship by Judge Bradley at the October term of court: Theodore Bauman, Germany, Paullina; Meindert Brower, Netherlands, Sanborn; Dirk Van Ginkel, Netherland, Sanborn; Richard C. Peterson, Germany, Hartley; Lena de Graaf, Netherlands, Sheldon; Dina Lode, Netherlands, Sheldon; Cornelius Lode, Netherlands, Sheldon; Walter Whally, England, Sheldon; Otto Hans Jipp, Germany, Paullina; Ernest G. Mengel, Germany, Hartley; John Niichel, Germany, Granville; William Dickmann, Germany, Hartley; Gustav H. Furst, Germany, Sutherland; Emil H. Petersen, Germany, Paullina; Alma Gasten Labann, Germany, Hartley.

Further Proof Brought Forth for Accidental Death of Marcus Man
Cherokee Chief: Further proof that the death of Lee M. Woods, 42, Marcus banker, whose body was found in the vault of the Farmers State Bank, was accidental, has been discovered by County Attorney R. G. Rodman. Rodman was cleaning the gun recently by which Woods met his death and discovered that the stock of the gun was cracked, starting at the end plate and extending some distance upward. This fact was not discovered at the inquest when a coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The county attorney believes that the hammer of the gun was down and that Woods had picked up the gun as he cleaned the vault. As he was cleaning it the gun slipped from his hand and the force of the fall forced the firing pin against the primer of the shell, discharging the gun. As the gun fell the muzzle fell towards Woods, Rodman believes, and he received the full force of the discharge. Woods was dusting in the vault at the time of the accident and the discharge of the gun was heard by two employees of the bank who were working in one of the back rooms.

Announcement was received last week of the marriage of Miss Mary Aird of LeMars to Nelson Miller on October 22, at Lincoln, Nebr. They will make their home at LeMars. Miss Aird was a successful teacher in our community and has many friends who wish them happiness and prosperity.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
November 11, 1931

Mrs. Mueller is Buried Tuesday - Body Brought Here from Petersburg, Nebr., and Services Held at Catholic Church
The body of Mrs. Louise Mueller was brought back to Sutherland for burial Tuesday from Petersburg, Nebr., where she died at the home of her daughter Nov. 6th. Mrs. Mueller, widow of Peter Mueller, has a number of relatives at Peterson. Prior to the time of her death she had been living with her daughter. She suffered an attack of bronchial pneumonia which, combined with hardening of he brain arteries, resulted in her death. The deceased was born August 26, 1856, in Germany and at the time of her death was 75 years old. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock with Rev. A. A. Bausch officiating. Interment was in Calvary cemetery.

Celebrate 50th Anniversary - Mr. and Mrs. Thies Wittrock and Children Enjoy Happy Event at Home November 6th
An unusually happy event took place Friday, Nov. 6th, when Mr. and Mrs. Thies Wittrock celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in Sutherland. All their children and their families assembled to join in the celebration. At noon a sumptuous dinner was served at two tables, decorated with large bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. The afternoon was spent visiting, and the presentation of a program which consisted of readings, music and a mock wedding for the big event. This was presented by the grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Wittrock have been prominent citizens of this community for nearly half a century. They were married at Toledo, Iowa, Nov. 6, 1881, and after living there for three years they came to the vicinity of Sutherland. Here they have lived ever since, a period which extends almost parallel to that of the founding of the town and its development. Their three children and families who were present at the anniversary were Emil of Round Lake, Minn.; Mrs. Alma Matz of Hartford, S. Dak.; and Alfred of Sutherland. There are eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Gus First, August Derletzke, Mrs. Gertie Eden and Herman Wittrock, who is a brother of Thies'. Before the members of the gathering left for their homes a luncheon was served, featuring a large golden wedding cake.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - November 10, 1911
-Roy Mitchell was called to Eagle Grove last week on account of the sickness and death of his father, S. C. Mitchell, who passed away on Thursday.
-Otto Hansen and wife and a family of five children arrived here Monday direct from Holstein, Germany, and are stopping with the John Schroeder family, who are relatives, until they can get located.
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Duff on November 3rd.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
November 19, 1931

Mr. and Mrs. John Thiesen Celebrate Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Nov. 11
With a host of friends coming to their home to wish them well, Mr. and Mrs. John Thiesen celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary November 11th. It was a time of great happiness for this estimable couple who have lived almost that entire span of years near or in Sutherland, and who have shared together the intermittent joys and sorrows during all those years this community has been in the making.

Mr. and Mrs. Thiesen were born in Germany and belong to that class of sturdy immigrants who pioneered the prairies of the middle west, living exemplary lives and contributing to the moral and religious fibre of this part of the state. The were married Nov. 11, 1881, at Davenport and came to O'Brien county 46 years ago, settling on a farm northwest of Sutherland. There they lived until coming to Sutherland to reside.

During the day of their wedding anniversary many people came to their home to visit with them. The home was beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums and roses. Dinner was served at five o'clock in the afternoon, but shortly before it a mock wedding ceremony was held with George Crocker of Omaha, Nebr., acting as the minister. A poem written by Mrs. Elsie Horstman was also read. On account of the large number of people present, several servings were made at the dinner. The Misses Gladys and Lucile Thiesen, Viola Thiesen and Iva Horstman served as waitresses.

After dinner another of the numerous surprises came with the appearance of the Jolly Mothers Club, who brought presents. Of these the honored couple received many during the day, including a banjo clock, linens and other useful gifts. The festivities were brought to a close by the singing of old time songs, speeches and tributes by the grandchildren.

The eight children of Mr. and Mrs. Thiesen were present. They are Albert of Gaza, Rudolph of Lake Park, John of Paullina, William of Royal, Harry, Ella, Dahlia and Mrs. Amanda Priegnitz of Sutherland. Eight grandchildren were also present. Immediate relatives present included Mr. Thiesen's sister, Mrs. Asmus Paulsen of Ortonville, Minn.; his brother Julius of Anthon, Iowa; and Mrs. Thiesen's brother, Henry Diedrich of Durant, Ia.

Among other relatives and friends who were at the home during the day were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paulsen and family of Ortonville, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Asmus Paulsen of Ortonville, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bornholdt and family of Clinton, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Crawford and daughter of Anthon, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Manker and son of Kingsley, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blumhoff and daughter of Moville, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiesen of Anthon, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Thiesen and family of Lake Park; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thiesen and family of Gaza; Mr. and Mrs. William Thiesen and family of Royal; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Melveldt and Amy and Alice of Paullina; Mr. and Mrs. John Thiesen and Mary Ellen of Paullina; Frank Nissen and George Crocker of Omaha, Nebr.; John Dau, Mrs. Elsie Horstman and Iva, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Back, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seeman, and Mrs. Max Anderson of Sutherland and the twenty members of the Jolly Mothers club.

Cherokee Photographer Dies of Heart Attack
Cherokee Chief: Stricken with a heart attack, C. W. Salsbery, 54, prominent photographer and civic leader, died instantly at 11 a.m. Wednesday while in the Lamoreux drug store, where he had been conversing with friends at the time of the Armistice Day parade. The entire community was shocked and saddened at the demise of this distinguished citizen, who has been an integral part of the community for the past 18 years. Although his health has been failing rapidly for two years and his heart attacks came frequently, there was always home that he would continue to live many more useful years. Mr. Salsbery was a Past Master of the local Masonic lodge, member of the Knights of Pythias, and was prominent in Chamber of Commerce work, also serving on the city council for five years, and becoming a candidate for the office of mayor at the last city election. He was president of the Country Club at the time of his death.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lahann, Jr. arrived here Tuesday evening to spend their honeymoon in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lahann, Sr. Mrs. Lahann was formerly Miss Agnes Kemps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kemps of Platteville, Wis. The marriage took place November 9, at Galena, Ill. - The Paullina Times

Court News
-The hearing on the final report of A. K. Van Meeteren, administrator of the estate of Wm. Van Meeteren, deceased, has been set for December 14, at 10 o'clock a.m.
-The final report of Paul Schruder and Lena Schruder, executors of the estate of Jacob Schruder, deceased, has been approved by the court and the executors discharged and their bonds released.
-Kenneth H. Rerick has been appointed administrator of [the estate of?] Edward Anderson, and his bond set at $200.00.
-A transcript of the estate proceedings of the estate of Alfred Smith of Woodbury County has been filed in the office of the Clerk of The District Court.
-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Frederick Luethje, deceased, of Hartley, Iowa has been filed for probate and November 30th has been set for the hearing and proving of the same.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Horstman Wednesday, Nov. 11th, at the Sioux Valley hospital, a daughter.

Word was received Monday morning that the mother of Mrs. A. W. Stoner, Mrs. Pierce, has passed away at the hospital in Des Moines where she had been suffering from a fall in which she had a hip broken. The sincere sympathy of the friends and neighbors go out to this family in their bereavement.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - November 17, 1911
-Mrs. Miller, mother of the late S.F. Miller, died at the Miller home southwest of Sutherland, Thursday morning, November 16, aged 78 years, after an illness of but a few hours.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
November 25, 1931

Former Editor of Courier Dies - Bert Hamilton, Early and Prominent Editor of This Newspaper, Dies in Denver
Bert Hamilton, a pioneer editor of The Sutherland Courier, passed away November 13th at his home in Denver, Colorado. Death came suddenly and followed a short illness of intestinal flu. He was 70 years old. Mr. Hamilton came to Sutherland and began editing The Courier in 1884, about a year after it had been started. He was connected with its publication for many years and was in a large way responsible for its success during the trials of early day journalism. After disposing of his interests in The Courier Mr. Hamilton was associated with Otto Bartz in publishing the Sheldon Sun for 17 years. He went to Denver from Sheldon and edited a suburban weekly in the Colorado city. Surviving are the widow, Mabel Messer Hamilton, to whom Mr. Hamilton was married 40 years ago, and two sons, Clair of Los Angeles and Ned of Denver. Funeral and burial services were in Denver.

Former Center Township Resident Passes Away
William Randolph of Primghar, resident of Center township for more than 30 years passed away at his home in Primghar Monday morning after an illness of several months from cancer. He and his wife moved to Primghar from the farm several years ago and turned the work over to their only son, Walter Randolph. Mr. Randolph was always very active in community work and will be greatly missed. He is survived by his widow and one son. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Primghar.

-Mrs. W. P. Brockman and her nephew, Sherman Heacock, went to Carroll Friday morning, called by the death of Mrs. Brockman's nephew, Marquis Brown. Mr. Brown was killed Wednesday morning near Carroll, when his car collided with a team and wagon. The tongue of the wagon struck the young man. He was a salesman for a wholesale grocery company in Des Moines, and was returning to Des Moines from his home in Carroll. The fog was heavy, and it is thought that he was unable to see the wagon approaching. Mr. Brockman and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bidwell attended the funeral services at Galva Sunday, and Mrs. Brockman returned home with them that evening.

L. A. Baron Dies at Sioux City - Uncle of Ben Baron and Former Owner of Bee Hive Stove Victim of Heart Attack Monday
Word was received here Monday morning of the death that day of L. A. Baron at his home in Sioux City. Heart failure was the cause. He was found dead in bed early Monday morning. Mr. Baron was an uncle of Ben Baron, who came here to manage the Bee Hive Store for him and remained when L. A. Baron disposed of the store to M. Baron, also of Sioux City, during the middle of the summer. The deceased also owned a store at Onawa, Iowa, and was in active charge of it until the time of his death. He was 48 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baron and son were in Sioux City over Sunday and they have remained there for the funeral.

Stork Express
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller on Wednesday, November 18. He has been named Gary Lyle.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strohmann are the parents of a son, born last Tuesday, November 17th.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller are the parents of a son born Nov. 18. He has been named Gary Lyle.
-A son was born Nov. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson of Sheldon. He has been named Charles Malcolm. Mrs. Nelson is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wilson.

Court News

-F. E. Frisbee and Gertrude W. Doyle, as executor and executrix of the estate of Frank Frisbee, deceased, have brought an action against John Vos, asking for judgment in the sum of $3,789.04 amount due on lease. Plaintiffs ask for judgment in this amount together with interest costs and attorney fees and that a write of attachment issue for the enforcement of their lien.

-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Linder late of Hartley, Iowa, has been filed for probate and the 14th day of December has been set as the date for the hearing.

-Anna Jones has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Gilbert Jones, deceased.

-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Mertens, Sr., deceased, late of Paullina, has been filed for probate and December 21 has been set as the date for the hearing and proving of same.

-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of William Randolph, deceased, late of Primghar, has been filed for probate and Dec. 12 has been set for the date of the hearing and proving.

-O. F. Meltzer has been appointed by the District Court as administrator of the estate of Mary Scheel, deceased.

-Marriage licenses have been issued to Joe Brower and Alva Hagen, Oscar Fjeld and Alice Berntson, Elmer Meyer and Latilda Richter and William H. Jungers and Petronella Stapenhorst.

Honor Mrs. Chesley on 93rd Birthday
The following item about the 93rd birthday of Mrs. Elizabeth Chesley is taken from a California newspaper.
Five generations under one roof was the proud boast of Mrs. Addie Kenyon, Orange resident at 294 North Orange street who, assisted by her daughter, entertained with a birthday party yesterday for her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Chesley for whom Tuesday marked the passing of the 93rd milestone along life's journey. The charming guest of honor, who declared it her "very happiest" birthday, shared honors with the three month's old son of her great granddaughter, Mrs. Maynard Bramble of Anaheim.

Guests of the afternoon, relatives of the birthday celebrator and the hostess, included Mrs. Edna Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. George Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bateman and son Jackey, Dr. and Mrs. O. Jacobs, and Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker, all of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesley and daughter Barbara Ann of South Gate; Mr. and Mrs. A. Misall and Dr. Louis Misall of Alhambra; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chesley and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schlapkohl and daughter Jean of Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kenyon, Mrs. Maynard Bramble and son Richard of Anaheim and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kenyon and Miss Enid Kenyon of Santa Ana.

At the close of the afternoon the hostesses served dainty refreshments. Born in Illinois, Mrs. Chesley lived for several years in her native state before moving to Waterloo, Ia., thence too Sutherland, that state were she and her husband engaged in farming for a long period of years. Four years ago she came to Orange and since that time has been a member of the household of her daughter, Mrs. Addie Kenyon.

Clarence Jacox Taken to Ohio U. S. Reformatory
Clarence D. Jacox, 27, former teller and first assistant cashier of the Clay County National bank at Spencer, was enroute last Wednesday to the federal industrial reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, to serve a two-year term imposed by Federal Judge Geo. Scott. Jacox pleaded guilty of embezzlement of $1,028 from the bank. He was arrested recently in Oregon, where he had been operating a grocery store for several months.

-Mrs. Chas. Stoner, mother of A. W. Stoner passed away at her home in Spencer Monday evening, following an illness of several weeks. A number from this vicinity attended the funeral Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church in Spencer.

-Mrs. A. W. Stoner attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Della Pierce at Des Moines Wednesday afternoon.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - November 24, 1911
-On Monday, November 20th, 1911, at the Sacred Heart church in Sutherland, Mr. John Salser and Miss Rosalia Tierney were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony by Rev. R. M. LcClair.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier -November 26, 1886
-Born, November 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Innes, this township, a son.
-Married - at the residence of the bride's parents in Liberty township, Thursday, November 18th, Mr. John Fuller and Miss Jane Wright.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]

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O'brien County