Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 7, 1931

[NOTE - the newspaper was incorrectly published with "May 14" on the front page of this edition; the copy that was microfilmed has the "14" marked through, and the correct date is May 7. I note it here only in the event that someone comes across this glitch in their research. The other pages of this edition correctly say "7".... a.n.]

Mrs. Morcombe Given Honor
Mrs. J. E. Morcombe of San Francisco, Calif., formerly of Storm Lake, is now at Hot Springs, Ark., where she is representing the state of California at the national Parent-Teacher association convention. Mrs. Morcombe has been most active in P. T. G. work at San Francisco. For some time she served as district publicity chairman for the organization and last fall was given the honor of being elected state publicity chairman. Recently, Mrs. Morcombe was elected to life membership in the San Francisco P. T. A. The local city librarian has received a number of copies of San Francisco papers containing P. T. A. news articles written by Mrs. Morcombe at various times and they have been read with much interest by local P. T. A. workers and others. - Storm Lake Register.

Mrs. Morcombe is a sister of J. A. Sohm at Calumet and spent her girlhood in this community. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Sohm.

Stork Express
- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren, of Alberta, Minn., are the proud parents of a daughter, born last Thursday, April 30th. They have named her Donna Faye. Mrs. Warren was formerly Grace Chesley of Sutherland.
- A daughter, Sonya Joyce, was born on Saturday, May 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wiese of Willowbrook, Calif.

John P. Reimers is Laid to Rest - Services Held at Calumet; Deceased was 89 Years of Age at Time of Death
John P. Reimers passed away last Wednesday, April 20th at the county home, aged 89 years, 2 months and 7 days. A severe heart attack proved fatal. Services were held Sunday in the Evangelical Lutheran church at Calumet and burial made in the Larrabee cemetery. Mr. Reimers was born February 22, 1842, in Schleswig, Holstein, Germany. During early manhood he came to America, leaving a wife and two children who were to follow. She and her children, however, remained in Germany where Mrs. Reimers died. After her death he was united in marriage to Mrs. Buther, who preceded him in death several years ago. The two children in Germany survive him.

Relatives and friends from out of town who attended the funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Steele were Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lehan and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lehan of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Erickson and Betty Lou, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Erickson and family of Vermillion, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steele and daughters, Esther and Maxine, Miss Ruth Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. John Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peck, Mrs. Clyde Roberts of Royal; Mrs. Walter Scott of Lucedale, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Bartels and Harl Able of Ollie, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Benton Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Snyder, Richmond, Kansas; Mrs. Christy Bartels and Geo. Bartels, Parker, S. Dak.; Wallace Spurlock, Linn Grove; Chas. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed, Peterson; Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, Mrs. Lee Steele, Meckling, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Steineke, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Steele, Cherokee; Rev. and Mrs. Thos. Batho, Onawa; Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Quirin, Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Van Horn and Miss Verla Van Horn, Huron, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mieras and family, Maurice.

Wife of Calumet Merchant Dies - Mrs. Howard Christy Passes Away at Storm Lake Sunday from Effects of Pneumonia
Mrs. Howard Christy, wife of one of Calumet's young business men, passed away at Storm Lake Sunday evening at 10:40. Her death was due to pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Christy formerly lived at Truesdale where he was in business before going to Calumet, where he owns a meat market. The Storm Lake Register says of the deceased:

Mrs. Christy, better remembered as Miss Helen Kay, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kay of near Truesdale, had spent practically her entire life in this community and was well and favorably known. She was about 23 years of age. The marriage of Miss Kay and Mrs. Christy took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kay on August 13, 1929, and after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Christy resided at Truesdale until last fall, when they moved to Calumet, where Mr. Christy has been operating a store.

Four weeks ago Mrs. Christy gave birth to a son and had recovered favorably and was taken to her home. Later she was taken ill with pneumonia and was brought back to the hospital, where death came Sunday evening. Surviving her are the husband and baby son; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kay; one brother, Harold Kay; and other relatives and countless friends. Funeral services will be held from the Kay home Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock and from the Pentecostal church at Truesdale at 2:00 o'clock conducted by the Rev. E. G. Beckman. Burial will be in the Storm Lake cemetery.

Mrs. Christy Passed Away Monday at Storm Lake
Word was received here today (Monday) that Mrs. H. B. Christy passed away Sunday evening at 11 o'clock, May 3 at the St. Luke's hospital at Storm Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Christy came to this community last fall, and he has operated the meat market. Mr. and Mrs. Christy were blessed with an infant son about three weeks ago. Complications arose which were the cause of her death. Her death comes as a great shock to both her relatives and friends. An obituary will be printed next week. [Note - no other obituary was subsequently printed in the Sutherland Courier. It is possible that this article was in reference to the article found on page 1 of this edition.]

Court News
- April 28, 1931, Albert H. Meyer filed his final report in the estate of Freda Schierholz, and Judge O. S. Thomas ordered that said final report be approved and confirmed and said Albert H. Meyer be discharged as administrator, and his bonds released.
- Katie Graff, executrix of the estate of John W. Graff, deceased, was discharged as such Executrix by C. W. Pitts, Judge, on April 28, 1931, and her bonds discharged and released, her final report being approved in the estate of John W. Graff.
- Letters testamentary were issued to A. Lamkin of O'Brien county, as executor of the estate of Alice Holmes, deceased, the 30th day of April 1931.
- In the matter of Lida Kinzie, deceased, Frank Patch was discharged as administrator and his bonds released, April 27, 1931, by O. S. Thomas, Judge.
- May 4, 1931, letters of administration were issued to Grace Montgomery and Mae Timmins, as administrators of the estate of Henry Frear, deceased.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder, Mrs. Arthur Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bandholz, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clausen, and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwein drove to Everly Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of Wm. Ott, who is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Schroeder and Mr. Bandholz. Mr. Ott died Friday at the hospital in Spencer, following a minor operation.

Guy Bidwell left Monday morning for Petersburg, N. Dak., to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Swendseid.

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Richardson were called to Des Moines Sunday by the death of Mrs. Richardson's brother, W. R. Allison, who was killed Saturday night when he was struck by an automobile. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at Seymour, Iowa.

Messing - Langholz
Miss Mary Catherine Messing of Armour, South Dakota, and Mr. Ray Langholz, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Langholz of Calumet were united in marriage in Spencer, Tuesday April 14 at three o'clock at the parsonage of the First Congregational church on East Third street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. B. Trickey, pastor, in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. John Langholz of Calumet. Mr. Langholz is a brother of the bridegroom. The bride is not known in this vicinity. The bridegroom grew to manhood in this community and graduated with the class of 1928 from Calumet High School. Mr. Langholz attended barber school at Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Langholz are making their home in Armour where he is employed in a barber shop. Their friends extend best wishes and congratulations for their future happiness prosperity.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 14, 1931

Thiessen - Petersen
A wedding of interest to Sutherland friends occurred last Wednesday, May 6th at Cherokee, when Miss Alma H. Thiessen of Sutherland was married to Mr. Jens P. Petersen of Lake Park. The couple was attended by the bride's sister, Miss Lena Thiessen. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thiessen and has grown to womanhood in this community. Mr. Petersen has always resided at lake Park. Immediately after the ceremony they left for Belle Plaine and Clinton where they visited relatives. Upon their return they will go to housekeeping on a farm near Lake Park.

Daughter of George Sweet Marries
A wedding of country wide interest took place in Philadelphia February 16, when Miss Marjorie Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sweet, and Mr. Warren Proctor were united in marriage. Both are well known throughout the state, Marjorie having attended school here, prior to going to New York and becoming a prima donna of many musical comedies. Mr. Proctor is an Iowa man, graduate of Cedar Falls where he taught music. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor will play leads this summer with the "Sweet Players". - Storm Lake

Court News
- Hattie Mooring is suing William Mooring for absolute divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The plaintiff prays that she be granted the custody of both the minor children, and be paid alimony in the sum of $75 per month including said amount per month as temporary alimony during this action and the sum of $100 as counsel fees. That a temporary write of injunction issue against the defendant enjoining and restraining said defendant during this action, until further order of court from going on being upon the premises and from injuring, molesting or interfering with the plaintiff or her said children in any manner. That she have judgment against defendant for the costs of this action.

- An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of John Van Kalsbeck was filed in the clerk of the district court's office May 8, 1931.

John Konenkamp Died Yesterday - Death Occurs at Hughes Hospital in Sutherland from Pleurisy and Pneumonia
John Konenkamp died at four o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) morning at the Hughes hospital in Sutherland where he was taken last Friday suffering from pneumonia and pleurisy. Funeral services will be held in the John Hasselhop home at Calumet on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. Paul Wuebben in charge. Burial will be in Liberty cemetery. The death of John Konenkamp is the fourth to occur in the family of Konenkamp boys during the last year and a half. Elmer died December 7, 1929; Harry died January 13, 1930, and George passed away March 23, 1930. The deceased John is survived by one brother, Herman.

Woman Killed in Auto Crash
Mrs. H. L. Rothchild of St. Paul was killed in an automobile accident three miles south of Primghar yesterday afternoon, when the car in which she was riding, driven by D. C. Scott of LeMars, and another machine driven by Ralph Hinman, president of the First National Bank at Primghar, collided on Highway No. 21. Mrs. Scott, wife of the LeMars man, and the third member of the party in their car, was not badly injured. Her husband received a fractured collar bone. Neither Mr. Hinman nor his companion, Will Schee, were injured. The accident happened as the Primghar men were returning home from playing golf at Paullina. They were about to pass a car ahead of them, which was said to be moving slowly. In the confusion Mr. Hinman drove his car into the ditch to avoid the oncoming machine driven by the LeMars man, but the two automobiles struck with terrific impact, demolishing them. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, the former a theatre man at LeMars, were returning home from a fishing trip to Minnesota and enroute had picked up Mrs. Rothchild at St. Paul.

F. W. Hons Dies Tuesday Noon - Prominent Resident of Calumet Passes Away After a Long Illness at His Home
F. W. Hons, well known and highly respected citizen of Calumet, was called by death Tuesday noon, May 12th, after a lingering illness which had kept him confined to his home and bed for the past several months. Death was attributed to pernicious anemia. The funeral services will be held at the home at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon (Thursday), and in the Evangelical Lutheran church at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Paul Wuebben conducting. Burial will be in Liberty cemetery. The deceased is survived by his wife and son Frank, who with his wife was attending school at State Teachers College at Cedar Falls until called home this winter by the serious illness of the father.

Stork Express
- A seven pound daughter was born on May 5th to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Gluesenkamp of Indianapolis, Ind. They have named her Joan Ruth. Mrs. Gluesenkamp is better known in Sutherland as Miss Margaret Jordan. Mrs. Gluesenkamp's mother, Mrs. Kittie Jordan, is in Indianapolis.
- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Schoening of Spencer are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born May 3rd.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rausch of Peterson on Sunday, May 10th. He weighed eight pounds and has been named Thomas Willard.

Cherokee Attorney Disbarred From Practice
J. V. Gregory, Cherokee attorney, was permanently disbarred from practice of law in the state of Iowa, by the order of three district judges who completed investigation of the case Thursday afternoon. The investigation was started Tuesday. Gregory defended his own case. Investigating judges were Hon. C. H. Kelley, Hon. M. E. Hutchinson and Hon. T. G. Garfield. Oral Swift, Des Moines, as assistant in the attorney general's office, represented the state. The attorney was found guilty on all five counts contained in the petition. He was found guilty of two liquor law violations that occurred in Blackhawk county in January 1928. The first is operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and the second, illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. The remainder of the charges concern appropriation of estate funds entrusted to his care.

Misappropriated Money
In the Hiscox estate he was charged with having appropriated $1,524.50 to his own use which should have gone to other heirs. The judges found that in the French estate matter Gregory failed to account for $2,450.00 he claimed the sum went to him for fees.

Didn't Pay Fee
It was further found by the judges that Gregory received from Albert M. Lane the sum of $126.45 which was to have been paid to a lawyer in Sioux Rapids. This sum, according to the judges, never was paid. The final count concerns Gergory's handling of the affairs of Clara E. Proctor. "The court finds," according to the report, "From the evidence that acts and conduct for the respondent (Gregory) in the said Proctor matter were highly unprofessional and unethical and cannot under any possibility be excused." - Cherokee Chief.

- Mrs. N. E. Dubel and son of Windlock, Wash., and Mrs. Dubel's sister, Mrs. Ella Brummer of Melvin, were calling in Sutherland Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dubel and Mrs. Brummer were formerly Jane and Ella Hutchinson, old time residents of Sutherland. Mrs. Dubel is visiting in Melvin with her sister, whom she has not seen since she left here forty years ago.
- Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Doling, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, E. G. Hicks and Bert Hicks, of Lake City, attended the funeral of Wesley Hicks at Sheldon Wednesday afternoon.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier
May 5, 1911:
- Miss Jennie LeClair, who for the past four years has assisted her aunt in keeping house for the latter's brother, Rev. Father LeClair, departed Monday evening for Ottawa, Canada, to enter the convent of the Sisters of Wisdom.
- The sad news is received of the death at her home near Primghar, on Tuesday, May 2nd, of Mrs. Albert Schroeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braunschweig.
May 12, 1911:
Rev. George R. Gilbert, of Hartley, on Wednesday, May 10, 1911, performed the ceremony which united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Grace Dodge, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Dodge, to Elmer Draper, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Draper. The young couple will begin housekeeping eight miles south of here, where the groom has been farming the past year.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier
May 14, 1886
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chesley on May 11, 1886, a girl.
- Born, May 6, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cilley, twins a boy and a girl.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 21, 1931

Auto Collision Claims 2 Lives - D. C. Scott of LeMars Dies Few Hours After Crash South of Primghar Wednesday Afternoon
D. C. Scott, driver of an automobile in which a woman was killed last Wednesday afternoon on Highway No. 21 south of Primghar, himself succumbed to injuries a few hours later at the Ward Hospital in Primghar. Mrs. H. L. Rothchild of St. Paul, another occupant of the Scott automobile, died within a few minutes after the crash between this machine and one driven by Ralph Hinman, president of the First National Bank of Primghar. Mrs. Scott, wife of the LeMars man, escaped with only minor injuries. She was riding in the front seat between her husband and Mrs. Rothchild. Will Schee, who was with Mr. Hinman, received a fractured collar bone and head injuries. The latter escaped with minor bruises and cuts.

Mr. Scott was the owner of two small theaters at LeMars, and during the time of the installation of talking picture machinery at the Sutherland Theater assisted Chas. Nott to get the machine in readiness for use. He and Mrs. Scott had been to Minnesota on a fishing trip and were returning to their home. Enroute they stopped at St. Paul for Mrs. Rothchild, a schoolmate of both, who was accompanying them to LeMars for a visit.

Mr. Hinman and Mr. Schee were returning to Primghar after playing golf on the Paullina course. The accident happened as they were attempting to pass another car and met the one driven by Scott approaching form the north. An attempt to throw the Hinman Buick into the ditch and avert the crash failed, and it collided head-on with the oncoming Nash sedan. Both machines were badly wrecked.

Chas. Godell of Primghar was driving a short distance behind the Scott party and, assisted by others who soon arrived on the scene, enlisted aid and the injured were taken to the Ward hospital at Primghar for treatment. The accident happened at about 4:30 o'clock.

John Konenkamp Buried Saturday - Funeral Services Held In Hasselhop Home at Calumet - Interment in Liberty Cemetery
Funeral services for John Konenkamp, who died at the Hughes hospital in Sutherland Wednesday morning, May 13th, were held in the John Hasselhop home at Calumet Saturday afternoon. Rev. Paul Wuebben, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church was in charge. The body was laid to rest in Liberty cemetery. Mr. Konenkamp died a few days after contracting pneumonia.

1896 - John Konenkamp -1931
John Konenkamp was born November 10, 1896, on the farm near Calumet, and passed away May 13, 1931 t the Hughes hospital in Sutherland. He had reached the age of 34 years, 6 months and 3 days. He was the second son of Henry and Meta Konenkamp, both of whom died several years ago, his father on May 6, 1906, and his mother on October 15, 1919. Four brothers also preceded him in death, one in infancy, Elmer on December 7, 1929, Harry on January 12, 1930, and George on March 27, 1930. He is survived by one brother, Herman, and his aged grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Hoppe, of Calumet.

Many People at Hons Funeral - Deceased Was Born in Germany and Spent Early Life on High Seas Before Coming to America
Funeral services for Fred W. Hons were held from the home and the Zion Evangelical church Thursday May 14, with burial in Liberty cemetery. Rev. Paul Wuebben preached the funeral sermon before a large gathering of people. Mrs. Elmer Mehrens presided at the piano during the processional and recessional. Three selections, "Rock of Ages," "Sometime We'll Understand," and "Abide With Me", were sung by Mrs. John Mehrens, Mrs. M. J. Welch, Gus Linneweh and Herman Kouthauer. Pallbearers were Clarence Hons, Adolph Hons, Leo Parks, John Heldt, Wm. Rehder and Harry Rehder. Mr. Hons died May 12, 1931 after suffering many months with pernicious anemia.

1863 - Fredrick William Hons - 1931
Fredrick William Hons was born in Hanover, Germany August 23, 1863 and passed away at his home in Calumet, Iowa May 12, 1931, at the age of 67 years, 8 months and 19 days. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hons. His parents being members of the Lutheran church he was baptized in early infancy. After he had been instructed in the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion, he was confirmed and vowed faithfulness unto his Lord and Savior unto death.

At the age of seventeen years, he joined an Italian sailing vessel and served as a member of its crew for one year. The remainder of his sailing career was spent as a steward to his captain on ships flying the flag of Ireland. During his world wide travels he learned to speak Italian, English, Irish and Spanish besides his native tongue, German. At the age of twenty he made his last visit to his parental home in Germany and then came to the United States. His first years in this country were spent with a brother at Plattville, Wisconsin. Later he came to Hartley and Sheldon, Iowa, where another brother resided.

On June 20, 1904 he was united in marriage to Miss Marie Margarete Hoppe with whom he lived happily until death parted them. This union was blessed with one son, Frank Johann, who with his wife, and mother were constant at the beloved father's bedside. Through his entire life, he has had much sickness and hardship but his courage and faith always aided him. But with his last illness, when he realized he must go he expressed the desire and wish "I am ready to go." Though his place in missed in his home and a loving husband and father has passed away, he has been relieved of the worldly suffering and has gone home to eternal rest and comfort. His parents, two brothers, Henry and Elbe, and a sister, Mrs. Emma Parps, preceded him in death. He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, a son and daughter-in-law, one brother, August Hons of Plattville, Wis., and a large circle of relatives and friends.

Those from out of town who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hons and family, Kingsley, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hons and family of Sheldon, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hons, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Parks, Mrs. Ed Mann and Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Larkin, all of Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ramsey, Miss Amelia Sauer, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noble, all of Sutherland; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schultz of Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nystedt, Larrabee; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasmus, Meriden; Mr. Pete Fell, Cleghorn; Mrs. Anna Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Miss Kathryn Delmage, all of Paullina; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richter of Milford.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted us at the time of the loss of our loving husband and father. We wish to thank the choir and pianist, also, those who sent the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Mary Hons
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hons

Court News

Bertha Datema obtained absolute divorce from John Datema, May 18th, 1931, and it was further adjudged and ordered by the Court that she have the care, custody and control of her minor son, Robert James Datema. The defendant is ordered to pay $10 a month alimony until the said minor child reaches the age of sixteen years. It is further ordered that the defendant return to plaintiff household articles that he had previously taken from her in as good condition as when he took them. The defendant is ordered also to pay all costs of this action.

Hattie Mooring has dismissed the case of Hattie Mooring vs. William Mooring without prejudice. The injunction herein issued is dissolved, May 18, 1931.

The final decree in the matter of the estate of Ener Skaar, deceased, was signed by C. C. Bradley, Judge on the 18th day of May, Ben Skaar and Susanna Skaar are hereby discharged as administrators of said estate and their bonds released and said estate is closed.

The final decree in the matter of the estate of Christian Axdahl, deceased, was signed by Hon. C. C. Bradley, on the 18th day of May, Isabelle Axdahl and C. Chalstrom are discharged as administrators and their bonds released and said estate fully closed.

W. H. Downing was appointed by the Court, Guardian ad litem in the matter of the estate of Charles Mielke Sr., of the minors George Mielke and Elmer Mielke, grandsons of Charles Mielke, Sr., deceased, May 18th. Sophia Mielke, executrix of the estate of Charles Mielke, Sr. deceased, was discharged as such executrix and her bonds released and estate matter closed, May 18th, 1931.

Body of Mrs. Amy Fairley Being Brought Here for Burial Today
The body of Mrs. Amy Fairley is being brought to Sutherland today from Coleman, S. Dak., for burial in Waterman cemetery. There will be services at the grave this afternoon, according to present plans. Mrs. Fairley is a sister of Mrs. Dave Moore and lived here many years ago.

-Henry Ramsey suffered a nervous breakdown last week and was taken to Des Moines for treatment. Mrs. Ramsey and John Ramsey accompanied him and they returned home Saturday evening. Henry's many friends hope for a speedy recovery and will be glad to see him home again.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Forkner went to Moville Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rothchild, one of the victims of the auto collision last Wednesday. Mrs. Rothchild was a former schoolmate of Mr. Forkner.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Halverson and son of Huron, S. Dak. recently visited in the home of Mrs. Halverson's mother Mrs. H. B. Lake. There were here to attend the funeral of Mr. Halverson's father, who recently passed away and was buried at Harris Saturday, May 9.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes, Roy Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hughes of Linn Grove drove to Parker, S. Dak. Sunday to attend the funeral of a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes. They returned Monday.
-Mrs. Alma Anderson Milne was a caller Wednesday morning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jordan. She had had a years leave of absence from her work in China and has been teaching at Bozeman, Mont. She is visiting now with her father, George Anderson, at Peterson, but still leave in a month to join her husband in China.
-George Dau accompanied his father John Dau, Mrs. Elsie Horstman and Mrs. John Schroeder to Everly Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mr. Pete Kaetleson.

Rehearing Granted in Hartman Boat Case
A rehearing was granted Thursday by the Iowa supreme court to Milo Hartman, who was sentenced to serve three years in prison by a Dickinson county court on charges of conspiring with his father, John Hartman, to injure the character, business and property of Jasper Alexander and Frank Long, rival boat owners on Lake Okoboji. The case followed a collision on the lake between the Zipper and the Miss Thriller, boats of the rival companies, when several persons were drowned as the result of the collision.

When the supreme court upheld the conviction of Mil Hartman, it placed him in the peculiar position of conspiring with his father, while the latter was acquitted in a lower court. Laws relating to conspiracy provide that for conviction it is necessary to prove that more than one person was involved. The rehearing, which will be in the form of written arguments, will come before the September term of the supreme court. The accident occurred July 28 at West Okoboji lake and nine persons were killed. Immediately after the crash, Harold Yarnes, pilot of the boat, John Hartman and Milo Hartman were placed under arrest and released under $5,000 bond.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier May 19, 1911
-Roy Sheldon departed Wednesday afternoon for Los Angeles, Calif. to take a position in a restaurant which his brother Frank is operating there.
-There was a quiet wedding at the home of Mrs. G. K. Schultz on Tuesday afternoon, May 16, when her daughter, Miss Elsie Schultz was united in marriage to Mr. Leland Strang, in the presence of members of the immediate family.
-A fine boy arrived at the Charley Hayes home Wednesday, May 17.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
May 28, 1931

Stork Express
-A son, Kenneth Richard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Welch on Wednesday, May 20th.
-A Son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joines Saturday morning, May 23.
-Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dansdill, of Thornburg, are the parents of a son born last Wednesday, May 20th. He has been named John Edward. Mrs. Dansdill will be remembered as Maye Triplett.
-Word has been received of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fowler on Sunday, May 24. Mrs. Fowler was formerly Miss Stella Rumper.

Fredenburg - Woolston
The marriage of Miss Melva L. Fredenburg and Mr. Harold C. Woolston took place Tuesday May 26, at twelve o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fredenburg, near St. Peter, Minnesota. The bridal couple entered the living room to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by the groom's sister, Miss Lola Woolston. The rooms were beautifully decorated with cut flowers. Rev. R. B. Woolston, uncle of the groom performed the double ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate families. Immediately following the ceremony a three course wedding breakfast was served by the Misses Joyce Fredenburg and Lola Woolston.

The bride was gowned in sky blue silk crepe with cream lace trimming, and wore a corsage of sweet peas and pink rose buds tied with white tulle. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fredenburg and was graduated from the Sutherland High School in 1927. She has been a successful teacher in the Maple Grove vicinity for the past three years. Miss Fredenburg is a young lady of charming personality, possessing those characteristics which make her endeared to all those who are counted among her acquaintances. She was reared in the Maple Grove vicinity and near Calumet where she has been highly respected and has many warm friends who will wish her every joy in her married life. The groom was attired in a navy business suit. He is a prosperous young farmer and a young man of splendid character and highest integrity, possessing that steadfastness which makes for success. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Woolston and has lived northeast of Sutherland all his life. The happy couple are living on the groom's father's farm northeast of Sutherland and their friends wish them every success and happiness.

Mrs. H. E. Cooper Taken Seriously Ill Friday
Mrs. H. E. Cooper is seriously ill at her home. She took sick Friday with pneumonia and her condition is considered critical. Dr. Runyun of Sioux City was called last night in consultation. Mrs. E. C. Crocker of Leeds came Wednesday afternoon to be with her sister, and D. C. Cooper of Madison, Wis., and Mrs. Earl W. Rapp of New Harmony, Ind., son and daughter of Mrs. Cooper, are driving through and are expected here this morning. Miss Mayme Murphy is the nurse in charge.

Court News
The estate of Luppiena Roelfs, deceased, was opened in the Clerk of the District Court's office May 23, 1931. Otto Van der Pol, John Van Veldhuizen and Garret Roelfs, were appointed administrators of above named estate.

-Ernest Rohde, who was seriously hurt three months ago, when he was struck by a falling tree at the Henry Horstman farm, is able to be about on crutches.
-Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murphy went to Lake Park Sunday to be guests at the wedding of Mrs. Murphy's sister, Miss Minnie Graves to Percy Livinston, of Milford. The young couple will reside on a farm near Milford.
-Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Lund attended the funeral of J. H. McCleary at Galva, Friday. Mr. McCleary was the last Civil war veteran in that community.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2013]

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