Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 4, 1931

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldred and Arline went to Okoboji Sunday, where they attended the funeral services for Edgar Wilson. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney of Primghar.

Misses Esther and Mildred Sweeney and C. E. McCann arrived Saturday evening from Milwaukee, where they had visited for a week with relatives. Mr. McCann, who has been visiting in the Sweeney home, left Monday for Tulsa, Okla. He has been working with the Standard Oil Co. in South America for several years, but expects to leave soon for Mesopotamia where he will be stationed for the next two years.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Engel and Mrs. Ray Davis called at the Hanke home in Hartley Monday afternoon. Mr. Hanke, who had bee ill, passed away that afternoon.

Mrs. Henry Ramsey and Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Burns motored to Des Moines Sunday and spent the day with Henry, who is in a sanitarium. Mr. Ramsey is improving and will be home in a short time if he continues to improve like he has the last weeks. Friends of Mrs. Henry Ramsey extend their sympathy at the death of her mother who passed away Monday afternoon. Mrs. Strible had been a sufferer from sinus trouble all winter and was taken to a hospital at Chamberlain last April with the hopes of the treatment restoring her health but everything was done that was possible to no avail and she passed away Monday morning. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at the house and the remains were taken to Manning, Iowa for burial.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hill attended the funeral of Mrs. McQuinn at Aurelia Friday.

Everly Man Found Dead
Peter Ketelsen, 82, well-known Everly man was found dead in the basement of his home early last Saturday morning when his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Will Ketelsen, who with her husband lived with the aged man and cared for him, went to search for him when they found his bed empty about 5:30 a.m. He has suffered with asthma for the past 47 years and for the past few months his suffering was almost unendurable. Night after night he was unable to sleep. Mrs. Ketelsen passed away in 1929. Eight children survive him. He was well and favorably known in this community and president of the First National Bank at Everly. - Hartley Sentinel

McKitrick - Park
Primghar Bell: The Cedar Falls Daily Record of May 11 gives an account of the marriage of Miss Lois McKitrick, daughter of Mrs. Louise McKitrick to Joseph Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Park of Marshalltown. The wedding took place Saturday evening at five o'clock at the home of the bride, Rev. Stanley Fullwood, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal church, performing the ceremony. For the past year Mrs. Park has been teaching in the public schools of Calumet and Mr. Park is teaching in the high school at Sanborn. Mr. and Mrs. Park will be at home in Marshalltown after May 23. Congratulations and best wishes are extended by a host of friends which Mr. Park has made during his year's work at Sanborn.

-Everett Harris, Mrs. Emil Lundberg, Mrs. J. E. Harris and Miss Ruth Harris left Thursday for Marion, Ia., where they attended the funeral Friday of an uncle, Mr. Jim Harris. They returned home Monday.

Adams - Phillips
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Bernice Adams to Mr. Foster Phillips, both of Hamman, Oklahoma, on Monday, June 1st at Sayre, Oklahoma. Mrs. Phillips is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Adams, of Sutherland. She attended the Sutherland schools and Drake University, and later taught here. For the past two years she has been employed in Hamman.

Mrs. Cooper Improving
Mrs. H. E. Cooper, who was critically ill with pneumonia last week, is improving. Her son, D. C. Cooper, of Madison, Wis., and her son-in-law, Earl W. Rapp, of New Harmony, Ind., who were called here last week, returned to their homes Monday. Mrs. Rapp remained for an extended visit with her mother.

Louis Nott Arrested and Held on Liquor Charge
Early last Saturday morning Sheriff Leemkull and Marshal Sam Boots formed a party, armed with a search warrant issued by Mayor John Kundel, and searched the premises of Louis Nott. A quantity of intoxicating liquor was found. Mr. Nott was put under arrest and on Monday morning he was taken before Mayor Kundel for a hearing. Bond was fixed at $3,000 and the defendant bound over to the grand jury. The bond was met and Mr. Nott regained his liberty yesterday. The search which resulted in the seizure of the liquor took place about 3 o'clock Saturday morning. It is understood the premises had been watched for some time prior to the raid.

Court News
Two marriage licenses were issued by Clerk W. A. Hoeven the past week, Walter Grobe, Storm Lake and Frieda Olhausen of Hartley; E. M. Bonser of Spencer and Beulah Risinger, Spencer.

Stork Express
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kretsinger, of Kansas City on Saturday, May 30th. Mrs. Kretsinger was formerly Miss Kathryn Bark of Sutherland.

-A. H. Noethe, who had a vertebra dislocated in his neck when he fell from a wagon of gravel several months ago, is improving slowly. He is able to use his arms, and to walk a little.
-Miss Martha Townsend, who has been very ill for some time, is growing weaker and her condition is considered serious.
-Mrs. S. L. Austin is seriously ill at her home east of town. Dr. Runyun of Sioux City was expected last night, in consultation.

Spencer Woman Drowns in Cistern
Spencer News-Herald: When she slipped or plunged into a deep cistern at the rear of the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bessie Inman, on East 7th street, Sunday morning, Mrs. Flora I. Johnson, 69 years old, was drowned in about six feet of water, her body being discovered half floating on the surface by the daughter as she returned from attending Sunday school at the Church of Christ in Spencer. Mrs. Johnson had been dead only a short time before the body was found and it is believed that she fell into the cistern only a few moments before her daughter returned. Examination showed only a small amount of water in the lungs, indicating he aged woman died more from the shock of he fall than from drowning.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - May 26, 1911
-Married, at the M. E. parsonage in Cherokee, on Tuesday, May 23, 1911, Miss Florence Hockert of Sutherland and Mr. Claude W. Lewis, of Ashton, editor of the Ashton Leader.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - May 28, 1886
-Little Loren, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Seeley, of Grant township, fell in an open well last Monday afternoon and was drowned.
-Chas. McCormack, of this township, is the happy father of a brand new boy, born last Thursday.

[transcribed by A.N., September & November 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 11, 1931

Captain of Lake Okoboji Steamer Dies
Edward Wilson of Okoboji, captain for many years of the lake steamer Queen and deputy game warden, passed away Thursday May 28, 1931 at the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minn., where he had been taken for treatment of cancer a week before his death. For many years he conducted a grocery store and boat livery near the Okoboji bridge on Lake Okoboji. He gained a wide acquaintance and made many friends among the summer residents.

Court News
-The estate of Theresa Farnsworth was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court June 3, 1931. Mary A. Miller was appointed administratrix of the estate.
-An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Jacob Ahsbabs was filed in the Clerk's office June 8, 1931.
-The will of John Van Kalsbeck was probated June 8, 1931. Anne Van Kalsbeck was appointed executor of the estate.
-In the matter of the estate of Amy Cornelia Ellerbroek, Judge Thomas approved the final report, and discharged the administratrix and released her bond and bondsman, June 8, 1931.

W. A. Hoeven, Clerk of the District Court, reports that he issued the following marriage licenses since June 3:
Herman T. Hansen, Paullina, Iowa, Ardith W. West, Paullina, Iowa
Fay A. Leemkull, Sheldon, Iowa, Phyllis Breneman, Sheldon, Iowa

Mrs. Merritt Buried Here - Funeral Service at Cherokee and Burial in Waterman Cemetery Sunday Afternoon
Mrs. Nels Merritt, a Sutherland resident several years ago, passed away last Friday, June 5th, at Cherokee after an illness of considerable duration. She was a sister of Mrs. John Holt. Funeral services were held at Cherokee Sunday afternoon at two o'clock and burial made in Waterman cemetery at three that afternoon.

Seven Spencer Vets Left
Seven civil war veterans who belong to Annett post, of Spencer, are left. Only 8 members of the post survive. These are Samuel L. Cutshall, commander; L. Whitney, Ira Sargent, C. W. Hoxie, Frederick Pettygrove, Aaron Jones, John H. Runkle, George Enderton and William Schadt. Most of these men reached their majority at the age of 18 to 20 years, as those who were considered old enough to bear arms for their country were considered old enough to vote. The members of Annet post now living case their first votes for Abraham Lincoln before they were 21 years old.

On Sunday of last week, Arthur LaVass, 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Knut LaVass, formerly of Alta was accidentally killed when he crashed his motorcycle into an automobile. According to the daily press the accident was considered accidental. LaVass was a member of this year's graduating class of Denson H. S. The LaVass family formerly lived in Alta, where the father was employed for a while in the John Swanson garage. Before going to Alta they lived at Linn Grove.

Earl Chesley left Thursday afternoon for Norfolk, Nebr., where he was called by the death of Mrs. Chesley's father and mother. Her mother passed away about 11 o'clock Thursday morning, following an operation, and her father, who had been ill a short time, died at 2:30 that afternoon. Mrs. Chesley and the two children have been at Norfolk for the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orthmann of Paullina and Mrs. V. N. Rausch attended the funeral of Otto Hanke at Hartley last Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Lorna Luetkeman, Mr. and Mrs. John Watterson and Mrs. Donald Phipps were among those from this vicinity who attended the funeral of John Kloppenberg at Hartley Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Poulson, of Alta, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Munsell. Mr. and Mrs. Poulson were married last Tuesday at Cherokee and were on their way to the lakes to spend a few days. Before her marriage Mrs. Poulson was Miss Mavis Zwickey of Storm Lake, a sister of Mrs. Munsell, and she has visited in Sutherland a number of times.

Announcements were received of the marriage of Miss Lena Hamlin, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Hamlin of Independence, Iowa to Mr. LeRoy Swain on Monday, June 1. They will live at Soldier, Iowa, after July 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Casey and family spent Sunday at Cherokee. Mr. Casey's father remains about the same. He has been confined to his bed for eight months and seems to grow weaker.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lake are the happy parents of a daughter born Saturday June 6. Mrs. Beth Steurman, a sister of Mrs. Lake, is caring for mother and baby.

Mrs. Lorna Luetkeman and three daughters attended the Clappenburg funeral at Hartley Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Jurgensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiese and Mrs. Dora St. John attended the funeral of Mrs. Ernest Kraft at Renwick, Iowa Friday, returning home Saturday.

Mrs. Tom Nolan, Mrs. Anna Fitzgerald and Mr. Conrad Schallau of Van Horn, Iowa visited at the Henry Schallau home Monday of last week. The ladies were Mr. Schallau's sister and the man his brother. They had come to attend the funeral of their brother at Havelock, Iowa.

Andrew Komesky and daughter Mrs. Clara O'Brien of Wasau, Nebraska, came to the Schallau home Tuesday evening and returned to their home in Nebraska on Thursday. They had been to Havelock to attend the funeral of Joe Schallau.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schallau and daughters Rita and Martha and son Irvin attended the funeral of Mr. Schallau's brother Joseph at Havelock Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smidt are the proud parents of a baby daughter born Monday afternoon at the George Horstman home.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 9, 1911
-A distressing accident occurred at the Frank Klema home Wednesday morning which cost the life of Henry Jones, the 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jones. He was getting the horses into the barn preparatory to starting the days work, when he was kicked by one of them. He died instantly.
-Edgar Barry and wife who have been in Spokane, Wash. for some years, came Wednesday for a visit with his twin brother, Edward, of Sutherland, and other old time friends and relatives.
-A daughter, Harriet Elizabeth, has arrived in the home of Mrs. Edith Sheldon Menker, in California.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 11, 1886
-Mr. Stephen Jessup died quite suddenly last Saturday morning at the residence of his sons, in Liberty township.

[transcribed by A.N., September 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 18, 1931

Adams - Blair
Miss Earlene Blair and Harold Adams, both of Sutherland, were married Sunday at the Church of Christ in Cherokee. The ceremony was performed at noon, by the Rev. B. H. Coonradt, pastor of the church, in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Behmer and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair. Following the ceremony they returned to Sutherland and luncheon was served at the Behmer home. Guests at the luncheon were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Adams, Mr. and Mrs. N. Remillard of Hartley, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Merlyn Behmer of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair of Larrabee. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. H. J. Behmer and was a member of this year's graduating class. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Adams and has always made his home here. For the present they are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. S. L. Austin Died Wednesday - End Came in Hospital at Cherokee After Long Illness; Funeral Friday
Residents of the community will be grieved to hear of the passing away of Mrs. S. L. Austin Wednesday morning at nine o'clock, at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee. She has been ill for some time. The Austins have lived in this community for many years, residing on the farm at the foot of the Austin hill on No. 10, east of Sutherland. Mrs. Austin is survived by her husband, and one son, Lloyd, and many other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held t the Methodist Church in Sutherland Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Corwin Taylor officiating. Interment will be made in Waterman cemetery.

Court News
-The estate of Adolph Christensen of Los Angeles county, California was transcripted into O'Brien county, and said estate was opened in this county June 12, 1931. Letters of administration c. t. a. were issued to C. W. Green.
-The will of Fred Hons was probated June 15, 1931. Marie Margartha Hons was appointed executrix of said estate.
-The will of John E. Ralston was probated June 15, 1931. Ed J. Ralston and Albert H. Meyer were appointed executors of the estate.

Mrs. Lorenzen is Laid to Rest - Funeral at Calumet; Deceased was Mother of Mrs. Henry Frerk and Mrs. Wm. Faust
Funeral services for Mrs. Jacob Lorenzen were held at the Zion Evangelical church at Calumet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. Paul G. Wuebben, officiating. Interment was made in the Liberty township cemetery. Mrs. Lorenzen passed away Sunday night at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Fred Jurgensen near Sioux Falls, S. Dak., after a lingering illness. Mrs. Henry Frerk and Mrs. Wm. Faust are daughters of the deceased.

Stork Express
-A son, Kenneth Alfred, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steuck on May 29th.

West - Hansen
A beautiful and impressive wedding took place in the home of Mrs. Emma West Wednesday June 10 at 12:30 o'clock when Ardath West became the bride of Herman Hansen. The marriage was witnessed by the immediate families and was performed by Rev. Paul G. Wuebben of Calumet. "I Love You Truly" was sung by Glenn West, accompanied at the piano by Edith West, brother and sister of the bride. Immediately following the bridal march from Lohengrin was played the bridal party marched down the beautiful open stairway and took their places in front of the fireplace in the spacious living room. The bride was attired in a lovely light blue georgette and lace dress with shoes and hose of harmonizing colors. She carried a bouquet of white roses and sweet peas. The groom wore a dark blue suit. The attendants were Miss Clara Hansen, sister of the groom, and Forrest West, brother of the bride. The fireplace was artistically decorated with yellow and white, the bride's chosen colors. A large white wedding bell hung above the mantel with smaller white bells and cut flowers and ferns arranged at either side. While congratulations and best wishes were being extended, Edith West played a piano solo, "When Your Hair Has Turned to Silver", with a saxophone obbligato. After the ceremony a delicious two course luncheon was served, the color scheme being carried out in the menu and table decorations. The centerpiece was a large bride's cake. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen left for a two weeks honeymoon trip to the Minnesota lakes, Minneapolis and Litchfield. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Emma West and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hansen. The couple expect to make their home on the parental farm southwest of Paullina.

-Word was received here this morning that Mrs. Caroline Lorenzen had passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fritz Jurgensen at Sioux Falls, after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon and burial will be at Liberty Cemetery where her husband is buried.

-Word was received that Wesley Draper of Brooklyn, New York, and Estal [?] Pendergrass were married at her home in Sharpsville, Indiana on Friday, June 12th. After June 14th they will be at home in Brooklyn, N. Y. where Wesley is a librarian.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 16, 1911
The community was greatly shocked last Saturday to learn of the passing away of Mrs. A. J. Innes. She had apparently recovered from an attack of diphtheria, when bronchial pneumonia set in, and death came about five o'clock.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
June 25, 1931

Woman Escapes From Asylum and is Killed by a Train
Mrs. Winifred Clark, who escaped from the Cherokee state hospital about eight o'clock last Thursday night, was killed by a freight train near the bridge over the Sioux River on Friday morning about four o'clock. Neither the fireman nor the engineer of the train saw the accident or knew that it had occurred until L. D. Thompson, switchman, found parts of the body as he walked along the yard as the train pulled into Cherokee. The body was completely cut in two and parts of it were carried over 300 yards. Mrs. Clark escaped from the hospital by prying open a padlock on the porch. As soon as it was discovered that she was missing, city authorities were notified and a search for her was begun. Identification of the body was made by women from the state hospital who recognized Mrs. Clark by her clothing. Her name was also written in both of her shoes. Mrs. Clark's husband, Albert Clark of Sioux City, and two sisters, survive. Funeral services were held in Sioux City. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of "death by accident" after a short deliberation. There were no eye witnesses to the accident.

Court News
-An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Caroline Lorenzen, deceased, was filed in the clerk of district court office June 18. July 20th is set for the time for probating the will.
-H. N. McMaster was appointed administrator of the estate of Lizzie Frerk, deceased, June 19th.
-Letters testamentary were issued to Ed. J. Ralston and Albert H. Meyer as executors of the estate of John E. Ralston, deceased, June 23rd.

Mrs. Austin is Buried Friday - Deceased Leaves Husband, Son, and Several Brothers and Sisters to Mourn Her Passing
Funeral services for Mrs. S. L. Austin, who died last Wednesday, were held at the Methodist church with Rev. Corwin Taylor officiating, Friday. Interment was in Waterman cemetery. Music for the services was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruner with Miss Frances Bruner accompanying. Pall bearers were Walter Reed, John Pingel, Myron Hill, Chas. McCormack, Thos. Sweeney and James Sweeney.

1865 - Jennie Jenkins - 1931
Jennie Scott Jenkins was born in Portchester, New York, December 12, 1865, and passed away after an illness at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee, Iowa, June 17, 1931, aged 65 years, 6 months and 2 days. She was united in marriage to S. L. Austin December 31, 1891, and to this happy union was born one son, Lloyd Albert Austin. She leaves to mourn her death her husband, S. L. Austin, one son, Lloyd Austin, 2 grandsons, James and Gerald Austin, two sisters, Mrs. Anna Eckerman of Washta, and Mrs. Sidney Carlson of Balliton, Minn., three brothers, William Jenkins of Washta, Alex Jenkins of Washington, D. C., and James Jenkins of Jamaica, N. Y., besides her host of many friends and neighbors.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother, and particularly for the beautiful floral offerings and letters and flowers sent during the many days of sickness.
The Austin Family

Peterson - Peterson
A pretty wedding was solemnized Tuesday, June 16, at the A. J. DeYoung home in Sheldon when Miss Bertha Peterson of Sheldon and Carl T. Peterson of Graettinger were united in marriage. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peterson of Missouri Valley. He was graduated a few years ago from a four-year course in dairying at Iowa State College. He was a member of an honorary fraternity at Ames and for two years was official cow tester for the O'Brien County Cow Testing association. He is now engaged in farming near Graettinger.

Mrs. Story Dies at Peterson - Funeral Services Will be Held Today at Reiste's and at Peterson, with Burial in Forest Lawn
Mrs. Elizabeth Story died Tuesday noon at her home in Peterson, after an illness that had extended for the past two years or more. Apoplexy was the cause of death. During the last eight days of her illness she had been bedfast. Mrs. Story was 78 years old. She was the wife of David Story who died on April 21, 1930. Two funeral services will be held over the body. There will be a short service in the Reiste & Reiste funeral parlors this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock, and at two-thirty services are to be held in the Methodist church at Peterson with Rev. Rasmussen in charge. Interment in Forest Lawn cemetery at Peterson. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. Myron Triplett, and a sister of Mrs. F. Hardenbrook.

Stork Express
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orlow Cooper an eight pound daughter on June 16th. She has been named Joyce Elaine.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Dau are the parents of twin daughters, born last Wednesday, June 17th. They have been named Frances and Florence.
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gerstadt of Calumet on Thursday, June 18th.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Gerstadt are the proud parents of a baby girl born on Thursday, June 18. Miss Lillie Strahmann of Paullina is caring for the little Miss.

Menke Baby Dies
A son, John William, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Menke, who live southwest of Calumet, last Friday at 9 o'clock in the morning. The infant passed away that same day at three o'clock in the afternoon. Services were held at the home Saturday afternoon with Rev. Paul Wuebben in charge. Burial was made in Liberty cemetery.

-Carl Schuenke spent the weekend in Calumet and attended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Strampe at Paullina on Monday.
-Mrs. David Storey passed away at her home in Peterson Tuesday morning.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 23, 1911
-Miss Alta Jenner went to Spencer, S. Dak., Tuesday to attend the wedding of her cousin, Elsie, daughter of John Jenner.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 25, 1886
-Peter N. Nelson died at his residence in Sutherland Sunday, June 20, 1886, aged 33 years.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2013]

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