Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
July 2, 1931

From School to Jail
Bayard Siglin, aged 19, who graduated from the Linn Grove high school this spring, will spend his first summer after commencement in the county jail, so Judge James DeLand decreed Saturday. Young Siglin pleaded guilty to an information drawn by County Attorney Don. C. White charging him with maintaining a liquor nuisance. The court sentenced him to pay a fine of $300 and costs besides. Should he fail to pay the fine, he will have 90 days added to his present sentence. Siglin was in trouble on a liquor offense prior to this time and was given an opportunity to change his ways. But he failed and a couple of state agents picked him up last week with the assistance of local authorities. - Storm Lake Register

Shaffer - Bidwell
Mrs. W. P. Brockman has announced the secret marriage of her daughter, Fern E. Shaffer, to Chester Bidwell, which took place December 27, 1930 at Paullina, Iowa. Rev. A. E. Baurff performed the ceremony. Miss Mildred Saunders and Ronald Hicks, both of Sutherland, were the only witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. Bidwell expect to leave in the near future for Pasadena, Calif. where they will make their home.

Stork Express
-A seven and one-quarter pound daughter was born June 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellsbury. They have named her Bonnie Mae.
-Mr. and Mrs. Emmert Reckoff are the parents of a son, born Tuesday morning June 30th.

Court News
An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Ingwer Jacobs, deceased, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, June 25, 1931. July 27, 1931, is the date set for probate of said will.

June 29, 1931, letters of guardianship were issued to Theresa Johannsen as guardian of the property of Annie Jaacks.

June 24, 1931 D. J. Sullivan was discharged as administrator of the estate of Nora Sullivan, deceased. His final report was approved, his bonds released and said estate was fully closed.

L. O. Bidwell resigned as administrator of the estate of Francis L. Bidwell, deceased, and L. O. Lampman was appointed administrator C. T. A. of said estate June 24, 1931.

O. J. Frey, Sheldon, Iowa, was appointed temporary administrator of the estate of William Sieders, deceased, in relation to the claim of Simon Sieders, administrator. Said temproary administrator is to audit and examine the claim of said administrator Simon Sieders, and report to the court.

The final report of Jason DeWaay, administrator of the estate of Anna Pearson, deceased, was approved June 24th. His bonds were released and he was discharged as such administrator. Said estate is now fully closed.

The following marriage licenses were issued since the last publication:
Lawrence T. Hickey, Des Moines, Ia., Margaret Hakeman, Sanborn, Ia.
Christian Wolf, Sheldon, Iowa, Ethel Washer, Sheldon, Iowa
William Hurtig, Paullina, Ia., Lucille Tesch, Paullina, Iowa
William Grapenthin, Harris, Iowa, Luwand Hein, Hartley, Iowa

Obituary - Caroline Lorenzen
Caroline Lorenzen was born Aug. 25, 1853 in Reudsburg, Germany. In 1874 she was united in marriage to Jacob Lorenzen. To this union eleven children were born, three having died in infancy. Those living are Hans Lorenzen, of Dorset, Minn., Mrs. Henry Faust, Paullina, Ia., Marie Jenner, Germany, Fred Lorenzen, Elgin, N. Dak., Alfred Lorenzen, Primghar, Ia., Bertha Frerk, Paullina, Ia., Dora Jurgensen, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Henry Lorenzen, Hartley, Ia. In 1903 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen, with two children and an aged aunt, came to America and settled on a farm near Calumet where they lived for 11 years, later moving from the farm to the town of Calumet. In 1922 her husband preceded her in death. The last five years she made her home with her daughter Mrs. Dora Jurgensen at Sioux Falls, where she passed away June 14 after an illness of six weeks. Those left to mourn her loss are the eight children, 28 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren and a host of friends and relatives and one brother in Germany. Funeral services were held at Sioux Falls June 16 and at the Evangelical church in Calumet Wed., June 17 with Rev. Paul Wuebben in charge. Interment was made beside her husband at the Liberty township cemetery.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - June 30, 1911
- Henry Wiese and Miss Clara Severance were married at Primghar on Wednesday. Their many friends and acquaintances will wish them much happiness.
- Lawrence Martin and Miss Stanley of Peterson, were married last week.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 2, 1886
- Born, June 24, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fleming, of Liberty township, a son.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. g. Boyles, of Grant township, rejoice over a new girl, born June 25.
- T. B. Nott smiles on all he meets. It's a bouncing boy. Mother and son doing nicely.
- Mr. D. Mann and Miss Libby Dek, of Grant township, were married Wednesday.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
July 9, 1931

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jones and their daughters, Mrs. George Halstrom and Mrs. Henry Hass, Jr. returned last Thursday from Reinbeck, where they had been called by the death of Mrs. Jones' brother, August Horstman, which occurred Sunday. The funeral services were held Wednesday. Mrs. Horstman is a sister of Mr. Jones.

Court News

June 29, 1931 the estate of Austin W. Sutter, deceased, was fully closed. A. A. Stoelting was discharged as administrator of said estate and his bond and bondsmen are released.

Clerk W. A. Hoeven issued a marriage license to George Ray Augustson of Primghar and Velma Vada Lawley, Primghar, July 3, 1931.

Mrs. Meyer Dies, Mother of Mrs. W. D. Engelke
Mrs. C. F. Meyer passed away peacefully in her home at Paullina Monday evening at about six o'clock, at the age of 77 years, 5 months and 13 days. Her death was due to old age, which was hastened by the terrific heat experienced here the past week. Her condition was discovered by the neighbors as she was sitting in her home. Her son, Albert H. Meyer was quickly summoned, and upon his arrival found life extinct. Surviving are three children, Wm. F. Meyer, Albert H. Meyer, and Mrs. W. D. Engelke. Mrs. Meyer was one of the pioneers of O'Brien county, coming to Caledonia township with her husband in the year of 1880, where they settled on a farm. This was her home until in 1906 when the family retired from the farm and moved to Paullina. Mr. Meyer passed away in 1925, and since his death Mrs. Meyer has resided alone in her own home. She was born in Germany on January 16, 1854. She was an ardent member of the Zion Lutheran church, and a Christian mother of sterling worth. - Paullina Times

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James E. Munsell on Saturday, July 4th at the Sioux Valley hospital. They have named her Janet.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mouser at the hospital in Iowa City. They have named him Charles Norman.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kruger are the parents of a baby girl born Sunday, June 28 in the Sioux Valley hospital. She has been named Betty Lou.

Brink - Mugge Wedding Tonight
The marriage of Miss Cornelia Brink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brink, of Orange City, and Mr. Ray J. Mugge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mugge, of Calumet will take place at 6:30 o'clock this evening, at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Brink attended Morningside College and the University of California, and has since taught at Calumet and Fonda. Mr. Mugge is cashier of the Calumet State Bank. They will spend their honeymoon in the Black Hills and motoring to Minneapolis and Canadian points of interest before their return to Calumet, where they will reside.

Craig - Parcaut
The secret marriage of Miss Pearl Craig of Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Craig of this city, and Mr. Alfred Parcaut of Sutherland, which took place Saturday June 6, 1931, was made known this week in Spencer. The ceremony was performed in South Sioux City, Nebraska with Judge McKinley officiating. Mrs. Parcaut has been employed for several years in the Johnson Laundry but resigned her position there shortly before her marriage. The groom has appeared several times in this vicinity in boxing shows. They are now at home near Sutherland where Mr. Parcaut is engaged in farming. - News-Herald

-Mr. and Mrs. Will Pingel, Mrs. Anna Jenner, Mrs. Clara Hilbert and Mrs. C. A. Jenner attended the funeral of Ben Rowher at Paullina Friday afternoon. Mr. Rowher was a brother of Mrs. Jenner and Mrs. Hilbert.
-E. J. Lage and Dr. T. D. Kas attended the funeral of Mr. Runge at Peterson Tuesday afternoon.
-Mrs. A. V. Hendrick, Mrs. Chas. Waggoner, Mrs. Hattie Brookfield, Claude Brookfield and son, Roland, drove to Sioux Falls Friday to attend the funeral of a relative. They were accompanied home that evening by Mrs. Ella Shields and children, who spent the week-end in the Brookfield home.

Robert Thiessen is visiting relatives here, after several years absence, part of which was spent in the U. S. navy in the Philippines.

Chas. Otte celebrated his sixty-first birthday on Thursday, July 2nd. In the evening the following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hoeppner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schierholz and Clara, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Otte and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Wohlert and Delbert, Julius Wohlert and Joe Story. A lunch was served at midnight.

40th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. John Prew and family, Paul Braunschweig and family of Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Braunschweig and daughter of Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Braunschweig of Primghar, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Aurand and son Harold of Linn Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Braunschweig, Herman, Edwin, Leonard, Orwin and Verna Boose of Alta, Harvey Hutchson of Linn Grove, Helen Gerner of Storm Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Braunschweig of lake Park, Edwin, Zipora, Emil and Junior Braunschweig helped Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braunschweig celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday July 5th.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier
[transcription note: Editor did not include date of newspaper, but likely would have been sometime in July 1911]

Nineteen years ago on the 29th of June, four young people made a trip to Cherokee. When they returned it was as two new families. On Friday June 30th these four people made another trip to Cherokee. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fraser invited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parks to join them in an auto trip to Cherokee in memory of the day nineteen years before, and needless to say, they had a pleasant anniversary. - from Club Column, by R. W. Woods

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 9, 1886
- Married, at the residence of Dyson Brown in Sutherland, Saturday July 3, by Rev. Fannon, Mr. J. F. Hubbell and Miss Farma Holden, both of Grant township.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
July 16, 1931

Mrs. Brady's Funeral Today
Services Will Be Held at Methodist Church at Two O'clock and Burial at Spencer
[article accompanied by portrait photo]
Mrs. W. A. Brady, for 43 years a resident of this community, died at the old home place east of town at five o'clock Tuesday afternoon after a short illness. Death was caused by cerebral hemorrhage. Mrs. Brady was 69 years old and last spring she and her husband celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. For the past 48 years she has lived east of town and prior to that time six years at Spencer and two years at Mineral Point, Wis., where she was married to W. A. Brady April 17, 1880. Funeral services will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at two o'clock in the Methodist church. Rev. Corwin Taylor will be in charge. Besides her husband the deceased is survived by three daughters and one son, Mrs. Frank Hill of Volga, S. Dak., Mrs. Earl Zwick of Aurelia, and Miss Lena and Will at home.

Court News

The estate of Elizabeth Story has been opened in the District Court of O'Brien county, Iowa, and Mary E. Triplett has been appointed administratrix of said estate, July 13, 1931.

An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Bernhard Rowher, deceased, was filed in the district court July 11, 1931.

The local registrars of vital statistics of O'Brien county have turned in the following birth and death reports for the month of June:

Hartley and Omega townships, 3 death report and 4 birth reports. Births, Dudley Adam Watta, Emery Emerson Wells, Harold Lloyd Boetel, Shirley Rae Olhausen. Deaths, Ingwer Jacobs, John David Klopenburg, Otto Hinkey.

Caledonia, Union and Baker, 5 birth reports and 4 death reports. Births, Pauline Mary Graff, Margaret Rosena Elliot, Wendell Wayne Wildman, child of Emil Hoger, not named in report, child of Will Anderson, not named in report. Deaths, Margaret Rosena Elliot, Bernhard Frederick Rowher, Marie C. H. Strampe, Alwine Meyer.

Grant, Waterman and Liberty 5 births and no deaths recorded. Births, Bonnie Mae Ellsbury, Frances Verne Dau, Florence Emma Dau, Patricia Joan Smith, Richard Ernest Lundell.

Summit, Center, Highland, and Dale, 2 births and no deaths reported. Births were Andrew Hoersma, child of Severne E. Towe, not named in report.

Franklin and Lincoln, 4 births and no deaths reported. Births, John Noordhoek, Kenneth Jean Brower, Arie Casper Groen, Nellie Elizabeth Colvin.

The reports from all registrars are not in at this writing.

Stork Express

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schueder on Thursday, July 9th. He has been named John Raymond. Mrs. Schueder was formerly Miss Laura Daley.

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Davis, of Minneapolis, are the parents of a son, David Todd, born on July 8. Mrs. Davis is better known in Sutherland as Maye Ellen Klema.

Mr. and Mrs. West Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. West, residents of this community many years ago, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at Wisner, Nebr., in June. Mr. and Mrs. West were married in Cherokee. C. F. McCormack was present for the anniversary at Wisner.

Miss Townsend Died Saturday - Prominent Sutherland Woman Passes Away After Long and Serious Illness at Bark Home
Miss Martha Townsend passed away last Saturday afternoon, July 11, after a long illness and many weeks of intense suffering, during which time her life was often despaired. Her condition required almost constant attention, and although life often seemed fast ebbing she rallied again and again. But late Saturday afternoon death came to relieve her of her pain. Simple funeral services were observed at the T. B. Bark residence Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Corwin Taylor was in charge. Interment was in Waterman cemetery. The pall bearers were Adolph Ewoldt, D. J. Briggs, Paul Briggs, A. T. Briggs, Elery Cooper and Elmer Sweeney.

During the forty years Miss Townsend lived in Sutherland, she took a most active part in the affairs of the town. She was most prominent in the club and social life, was actively engaged in lodge work, and identified herself with numerous charitable and public service enterprises. Hers was a life full of activity, and as her host of friends have been grieved because of her long illness, so will they mourn her absence from their midst.

1872 - Martha May Townsend - 1931
Martha May Townsend, daughter of Augustus and Catherine Townsend, was born on a farm near Springfield, Green county, Missouri on February 15, 1872. She was the youngest of a family of five, Augusta Townsend Bark, deceased, Sutherland, Iowa; Geo. E. Townsend, Warren, Wyoming; Charles A. Townsend, deceased, Decatur county, Kansas; William Townsend, deceased and buried in Nome, Alaska; Martha May Townsend, Sutherland, Iowa.

When she was two years old, her parents moved to a farm near Falls City, Nebraska, where she lived for about four years. Then the urge of the pioneer spirit and the desire for a home of their own, caused her parents to load their possessions into their covered wagon and start with an emigrant train for the Black Hills. Rumors of Indian troubles in that country influenced them to change their course to that they drove to Laramie, Wyoming, and there decided to return to the midwest. Disposing of some of their cattle, they turned their faces toward the east and drove to Decatur County, Kansas, where the father took a homestead and built a sod house for the family. In a short time the mother died, and two years later in 1881, the father died. The family was broken up. The grandfather came and took Martha and her youngest brother to northeastern Kansas where he placed them with a family near Mankato.

In 1892 Martha came from there to Sutherland to make her home with her sister Augusta, and has resided here ever since. In 1915 her sister died. Martha took charge of the home and her sister's seven year old daughter, Kathryn, gave her the loving care of a mother, watched her grown to womanhood, and saw her settled in a home of her own.

During all these years she found time to take an active part in the social and civic affairs of Sutherland. She was a charter member of Monday Club, the first Woman's Club of Sutherland, was its president for a number of years and even when her final sickness came. She was a charter member of the Home Culture Club and assisted in its organization. She was a member of Sutherland chapter No. 82 Order of Eastern Star, its worthy matron for a term, and a charter member of Victory Chapter No. 498 when it succeeded Sutherland chapter. She was a charter member of Martha Jordan Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, its regent for a number of years and at the time of her death. She succeeded her sister, Augusta Bark, as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Sutherland Public Library and was a member of the Board for fifteen years. For years she belonged to the Sutherland chapter of Woman's Relief Corps. She was a member of the Red Cross and gave most active service during the World war. She was among the first at the work rooms and the last to leave, and then took work home to do in her spare moments.

Well might the motto, "Ich Dien" (I serve), have been hers, for surely hers has been a life of loving service for others, with no thought for herself but rather a desire for the welfare and happiness of those whom she loved. She passed away in her home in Sutherland on Saturday, July 11, 1931, and was laid to rest in the Bark family lot in the Waterman Cemetery, Sutherland, Iowa at the side of her sister, Augusta, whom she loved so well. Brief services were held at the home on Monday morning.

Card of Thanks
To our friends who have been so kind and generous, with assistance, sympathy, and flowers, during the long siege of illness in hour home, we extend our sincere thanks.
Tom B. Bark and Family

Brink - Mugge
Miss Cornelia Brink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brink of Orange City was married to Ray J. Mugge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mugge July 9th. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hyekema at seven p.m. at the Brink home in Orange City. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white ruffled dress. Her sister, Miss Harriett Brink, as bridesmaid was dressed in nile green. The groom wore a dark business suit and was attended by his friend, Alfred Boldt, as groomsman. Following the ceremony a delicious wedding dinner was served to about eighty guests on the lawn. Besides the relatives the following guests were present, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reifsteck, Clifford Warm of Calumet, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Segelke of Cherokee and Miss Geraldine Nitz of Larrabee. The newlyweds were treated to a trip through main street in an Amos and Andy taxicab before they departed on their way to the Black Hills, Yellow stone Park and Canada. They will be at home to their many friends after August 15th at Calumet.

Infant Dies After Eating Sparkler
Patricia Nelson, 20-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard nelson of Cherokee, died from the effects of eating a portion of a sparkler. She became ill about 12 hours after eating the sparkler and grew steadily worse.

Peterson Druggist, Walter Runge, Dies
Peterson Patriot: Walter Runge, aged 53 years, proprietor of the drug store in Peterson and one of the leading business men and citizens of the community, died at the home in Peterson, Saturday afternoon, July 4th, at 2 o'clock. Death came following a bad attack of heart trouble with complications of pneumonia. Mr. Runge apparently had thrown off the pneumonia all right but his heart failed to react to treatment which was given it following consultations with three out-of-town physicians. Dr. Van Ness was in charge of the case Monday and he called in Dr. Collester, of Spencer, Dr. Kas of Sutherland, and Dr. Runyon of Sioux City, the latter who came here in an airplane in answer to the hurry call for consultation.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 14, 1911
-News has been received of the marriage at Draper, S. Dak., at the home of the parents of the bride, of Miss Mabel Adams to Edward Langdon, of Sutherland, on July 6th. They will make their home here.
-News reached Sutherland a few days ago of the death of Mrs. E. O. Woodbury, a former resident of Sutherland, at her home in Illinois.
-A fine big boy arrived at the Chas. Spurlock home Monday afternoon.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 16, 1886
-Born July 11, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Slick, a daughter.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
July 23, 1931

Manz - Peters
Miss Eva Manz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Manz of Hinton, Iowa was married to Randolph Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Peters of Calumet, Iowa, Friday evening July 10th, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown, 1806 Nebraska street at Sioux City. Rev. E. N. Tompkins of the First Methodist church officiated. An informal reception followed. Mr. and Mrs. Peters will make their home in Sioux City on return from their wedding journey.

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Newland Saturday morning, July 18th, at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee. She weighed six and one-half pounds and has been named Marilyn Margaret.
-Mr. and Mrs. Claus Busser are the parents of an eight pound son born Saturday, July 18th. He has been named Donald Robert.

A Correction
Last week in an article about the Covey church homecoming printed in The Courier, the statement was made that Ernest Husted was an old homesteader. It seems that some took exception to that. He was not a homesteader, but an old settler. He was a child when in 1868 his parents came here from Sac county, so that classes him as an old settler, not a homesteader. Ernest Husted's father was a carpenter and came to O'Brien county to build the Old O'Brien hotel or stopping place for immigrants, then owned by Major Inman.

Court News
-An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Willard J. Warner, deceased, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court July 17, 1931.
-The last will and testament of Caroline Lorenzen, deceased, was admitted to probate July 20th. The Calumet State Bank, Calumet, Iowa was named executor of said estate.

Mrs. W. A. Brady is Laid to Rest
[article accompanied by portrait photo]
1861- Philippa Sarah Tomlin - 1931
Philippa Sarah Tomlin, second daughter of William and Philippa Tomlin, was born at Benton, Wisconsin on December 15, 1861. In early girlhood she united with the Methodist Episcopal church at Waldwick, Wisconsin and remained true to that faith throughout the years. On April 17, 1880, she was united in marriage to Wm. A. Brady of Mineral Point, Wisconsin. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Brady remained in Wisconsin for two years, then moved to Spencer, Iowa where they resided for six years. Then they moved to the farm home east of town where they have resided for more than 43 years.

During the years that the Pleasant Hill Sunday School was in existence, Mrs. Brady was a great worker in the Sunday School, ever ready to do her part as organist, teacher, or superintendent; wherever help was needed. Mrs. Brady acted as teacher of the primary class for many years and was often perfect in attendance for more than a year at a time. Mrs. Brady has been a member of the Cheerful Workers for more than twenty-six years, and was a member of the Virginia Rebekah Lodge at Sutherland. Mrs. Brady was a great lover of home, not caring for prominence in public life, a thoughtful and loving wife and mother.

In February Mrs. Brady suffered a nervous breakdown, brought on by their home catching fire. She was recovering satisfactorily from this, but the recent hot weather was too great for her weakened condition and she passed away at her home on Tuesday, July 14, at 5:20 p.m. at the age of 69 years, 5 months and 29 days. Death was caused by a cerebral hemorrhage.

Mr. and Mrs. Brady were the parents of six children, five daughters and one son. Four of these, with her husband survive her. They are Lizzie, now Mrs. Frank Hill of Volga, S. Dak.; Lena and Will at home; and Florence, now Mrs. Earl Zwick of Aurelia. Mrs. Brady also leaves to mourn her loss one brother, Wm. J. Tomlin of Madison, Wisconsin; two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Shackley and Mrs. Richard Harris of Mineral Point, Wisconsin, three grandchildren, Raymond and Isabelle Mae Zwick and Bernice Hill and many nephews, nieces, cousins and friends.

Funeral services were held in the Methodist Church at Sutherland on Thursday afternoon, July 16 at 2 p.m. The pastor, Rev. Corwin Taylor, delivered a very comforting sermon on the text, "She hath done what she could." A male quartette composed of John S. Woolston, Ralph Woolston, Delmar Ross and Ivan Reed sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere", "Jesus Lover of My Soul" and "The Old Rugged Cross". Ivan Reed sang a solo, "Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown." Pall bearers were T. J. Sweeney, Myron Hill, Alfred Wittrock, Verne Zwick, Joe Hagenbucher and D. C. Baker. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The Virginia Rebekah lodge attended in a body and conducted the Rebekah burial service. Interment was made in the family lot in Riverside cemetery, at Spencer, Iowa.

Relatives attending from a distance were Wm. J. Tomlin of Madison, Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and Bernice of Volga, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zwick, Raymond and Isabelle Mae of Aurelia; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harris and Mr. Francis Harris of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Will Ralph of Sac City, Mrs. Mamie Thiessen of Sioux Falls, S. Dak. and Mrs. Roger Thiessen of Hartley. Others attended from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson of Milford, Van Wilson, Mrs. Hugh Corcoran, Will Sweeney and daughter Margaret of Spencer; George Martin of Marathon; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shirk of Linn Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Will Jenkins of Washta; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zwick of Cherokee; Mr. and Mrs. George Zwick, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sleezer and Mrs. Guy Robinson of Aurelia.

Verses to Her Memory
Mother, darling, thou hast left us,
And for thee we mourn and weep;
Left us for a home far better,
There to walk the golden street.

We are very sad and lonely,
And our hearts are filled with woe
When we think what thou hast suffered
In this weary world below.

We miss thee, oh, we miss thee
And we see thy vacant chair;
But we know that thou art safely
In the land so bright and fair.

We miss thee, mother dear
Wherever we may go
The memory of that sweet voice
Whispering to us soft and low.

We are sad but thou art happy
Happy in that world above,
Where there comes no pain or sorrow,
In that world of joy and love.

Farewell, mother dear, farewell,
To us such a dear mother was given
We loved thee dearly here on earth.
And we'll meet thee again in heaven.

Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved wife, mother and sister. Also for the beautiful floral offerings, and the music.
W. A. Brady, Will and Lena
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and family
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zwick and family
Wm. J. Tomlin

First Couple to Brave Perils of new License Law
Sheldon Mail: The first couple to make application in O'Brien county for a marriage license under the new law were Edward J. Sweeney, 23, of Sutherland, Iowa, and Emma Minor, 21, of Dickinson county. The application was made July 9. Five days must elapse before a license may be secured.

H. Burmeister Dies at Chokio
After an illness of a year and a half Henry Burmeister of Chokio, Minn. passed away at his home near Chokio on Friday July 17. Mrs. Burmeister passed away in March. Mr. and Mrs. Burmeister were married in 1894 at Clinton, Iowa where they lived for three years, moving from there to Larabee where they resided for six years. From there they moved to Roseburg, Oregon where they lived until 1899 when they returned to Nebraska. They stayed in Nebraska for a short time and then moved to Sutherland, Iowa where they lived until 1917, when they moved to Slayton, Minn., for eight years. They moved to Chokio, Minn. in 1925 and both Mr. and Mrs. Burmeister passed away there.

Mr. and Mrs. Burmeister were the parents of thirteen children, all of whom survive them. They are Mrs. M. A. Clare of Graceville; Mrs. Charles Wilson of Slayton; Mrs. Laura Flinders of Sutherland; Mrs. Harry Warren of Tracy, Minn.; Mrs. Geo. Greig of Wahiawa, Hawaii; Paul Burmeister of Chokio; Henry Burmeister Jr. of Chokio, and Otto, Emery, Andrew, Archie and the Misses Alma and Alice all at home. Chas. Burmeister is a brother of the deceased. Funeral services were held Sunday at Chokio. Mrs. Laurence Flinders and son Horace and daughters Betty and Norma went to Chokio Saturday to be present at the services. They returned home Tuesday. Mr. Burmeister visited in Sutherland only a short time ago.

Mrs. Emil Propp returned Sunday from Clinton, Minn. where she had gone to attend the funeral of Mr. Propp's uncle, Chas. Propp. She also visited relatives at Pipestone, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Olhausen and children, Morace Adams and Lincoln Adams, drove to Sioux City Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of the husband of Mr. Adams' niece. He died very suddenly Saturday at his home in Sioux Falls and funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Grace M. E. church in Sioux City.

Golden Anniversary
Hartley Sentinel: Mr. and Mrs. August Zinn have passed many milestones of time but the happiest day of their lives was last Friday, July 10, when they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with all their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and friends present. The weather was lovely and Mr. and Mrs. Zinn held open house from the hours of two to five and many of their friends called on them to extend congratulations on this memorable day.

Cherokee Dentist Dies
Dr. B. D. Leeds, prominent Cherokee dentist, died at his home 1115 West Cedar street, at 4 o'clock last Monday afternoon. He was stricken suddenly Friday evening and died without regaining consciousness. Dr. Leeds was born on a farm near Cherokee. He graduated from Cherokee high school and received his degree in dentistry at the University of Iowa in 1916.

Dies on Way to Church
While driving to church Sunday morning, Henry Walters of Spencer, passed away very suddenly. As he lost control of the car, it hit a telephone pole. Mrs. Walters was badly cut about the face. Mr. and Mrs. Walters formerly lived on a farm east of Hartley. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon. Interment will be made in the family lot in Pleasant View cemetery. He is survived by his wife and two children. - Hartley News in The Bell.

Mr. and Mrs. George Jebsen went to Holstein last Thursday evening to be with Mrs. Jebsen's mother, Mrs. Christina Scherner, who was seriously ill and passed away Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ramsey of Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Scherner motored to Holstein Saturday evening to call on Mr. Scherner's mother who passed away Sunday morning at 3 o'clock. Funeral services were held at Holstein Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Scherner was a former resident here north of Calumet.

Mrs. Phoebe Byram, Elmo McCosh, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Neilson, John Perry, Mrs. Mae McCosh and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Merricle attended the funeral of Ed Merricle of Salem, S. D. last Saturday. Mr. Merricle was an uncle of Elmo McCosh and Mrs. Neilsen.

Foot Severed by Sickle Bar
Alton Democrat: Theodore Espey, 11 year old, third son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Espey, of Alton, had a serious accident Tuesday about noon, when his foot was caught in a mower and completely severed from the leg just above the ankle. The accident happened on the railroad right of way west of the golf course, where Elmer, Theodore's older brother, was mowing grass to assist his father, who is section foreman here for the Northwestern railway. Elmer had stopped the team to remove a stick from in front of the mower. He warned his brother not to touch it, but the boy stepped up to take away the stick just as the team became frightened and started, tangling the boy's foot in the mower, according to Elmer's account of the accident.

F. A. Fogelman and family attended the funeral Wednesday of Mrs. Fogelman's cousin, Dr. Ben Leeds of Cherokee.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 21, 1911
-John Davis was married July 11 to Miss Olive Frances Minear, of Soldier, Idaho. They will make their home at Idaho Falls.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 23, 1886
-Mrs. Anna Bedell died at her home in Grant township on Sunday, July 18th, after a short illness.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
July 30, 1931

E. B. Triplett in Hospital
E. B. Triplett submitted to an operation for removal of the gall bladder and the appendix at the St. Joseph hospital in Sioux City Monday. Last reports yesterday evening indicated that he was in a very grave condition. He came through the operation in good shape but the intense heat of the early part of the week was hard on him.

Alex McCreath Passes Away - Prominent Primghar Resident and Former Grant Township Farmer Dies
courtesy of Editor Fred Wolf of the Primghar Bell

Alex McCreath, former mayor of Primghar, and a pioneer resident of O'Brien county since 1885, died suddenly last Friday afternoon at the Mastburg farm west of Primghar, from an attack of acute indigestion, living but a few minutes. Mr. McCreath was agent for the owner of the farm and had gone out to look after some business matters, being accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Metcalf of Hartley, who had been visiting him. Arriving at the farm he stepped from the car, but feeling faint, stepped back into the car at once. The doctor was called immediately but he died very soon after the doctor's arrival. Mr. McCreath had not been in good health for some months, growing worse the past ten days, and had a bad spell only last week, but was thought to be better.

Alex McCreath had been active in community, political and religious circles of the county for nearly a half century. He entered into active work with the church in Grant township when he removed to this county from Tama county, and later when he moved to the farm near Primghar was active in the Primghar Congregational church. The church and the Masonic and Odd Fellow lodges were his special activities, and he was very prominent in all. He served as mayor for two terms and rendered splendid service to the town, always taking great interest in every community activity. He had a wide acquaintanceship over the county, and was active in the councils of the republican party in Grant township when he lived there, and held township office frequently.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Congregational church, Rev. Ralph Beebe officiating, and at the grave in Amity cemetery near Traer Monday, where the deceased was buried beside those of his family who preceded him in death.

Court News
-The will of Ingwer Jacobs, deceased, has been admitted to probate, and Otto Kruse of Hartley, Iowa was appointed executor of said estate.
-The last will and testament of Alexander McCreath has been filed for probate, and the 24th day of August has been set for the hearing and proving of same.

Stork Express

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Olhausen are the parents of a son born Friday, July 24th at the Hand hospital in Hartley. He weighed 8 pounds and has been named Keith Samuel.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ora Crosser of Brookings, S. Dak. on Thursday July 16. They have named him Luverne August. Mr. Crosser is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crosser.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rehder of Calumet are the proud parents of a son, born last Wednesday July 22.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weaver on Monday, July 27th.

Elmer Jenner Married
A wedding of interest to Sutherland people was that of Miss Irene Leinen and Elmer Jenner, both of Sibley, which took place on July 3rd, in St. Andrews' church in Sibley. Mr. Jenner is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenner, of Pipestone, Minn., former residents of this community, and has many friends here who will be glad to hear of his marriage.

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kretsinger and two children, of Kansas City, came Friday afternoon to visit with Mrs. Kretsinger's father, T. B. Bark. Mr. Kretsinger returned to Kansas City Tuesday. On Wednesday Mr. Bark, Mrs. Kretsinger and children and Mrs. J. D. Williams and daughter, Joan of Sioux City, left for Lake Okoboji to spend several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCuen, of Sioux City, are visiting for a few days with Mr. McCuen's aunt, Mrs. Laura Hopkins. They were married recently and are on their honeymoon.

The many friends of the Casey family express their sympathy at the death of Mr. Casey's father, which occurred last Saturday at Cherokee. The funeral was held Monday afternoon and he was laid to rest in the Cherokee cemetery. Mr. Casey had been bedfast since last November.

News was received here that Albert Lang, aged 27, a son of Mathias Lang of Earlie, Alberta, Canada, and a grandson of Mrs. J. H. Hoppe passed away July 25th. Mr. Lang was a passenger in an airplane which crashed at a basketball game at Lloydminster where Pilot Arthur Bielby was killed instantly and Wm. Bramhall, also a passenger, died 2 hours later. Mr. Lang, living six days, suffered with a fractured left thigh and fractured right ankle and a broken jaw. Mr. Mathias Lang and family were former residents of Paullina.

Mrs. Mamie Woodall went to Wisconsin Friday to attend the funeral of her sister.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 28, 1911

An eight pound boy arrived at the Irv Woodall home Saturday night.

A six pound boy arrived to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilbert yesterday morning.

A pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mann, when their eldest daughter, Mabel J., was united in marriage to Carlos A. Barry, by the beautiful ring ceremony, in the presence of the immediate families of both parties at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, July 25th, Rev. Lee officiating. After the wedding breakfast they departed for their new home at Tracy, Minn.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - July 30, 1886

F. M. Spurlock's little boy, aged six years, met with an accident last Saturday. E. E. Peterson was cutting grain for Mr. Spurlock with his self binder, and the little boy, who had been running around the field, laid down and fell asleep. Mr. Peterson had just raised the bar to go over an uneven place, when he saw the boy a few feet ahead. He was unable to stop the horses in time to save the boy and the machine passed over him, and three fingers on his right hand were clipped off.

[transcribed by A.N., January 2014]

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