Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 8, 1931

Calumet Couple Married 50 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Wiese celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home Sunday, January 4th, 1931, by entertaining all their children and their families at a goose dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Wiese were married at Gladbrook, Iowa, January 4, 1881. Mrs. Wiese's parents came all the way from Germany to be present at their daughter's wedding. In the spring of 1884 Mr. and Mrs. Wiese came to O'Brien county where they settled on their farm south of Calumet and later retired and moved to Calumet. Mr. and Mrs. Wiese are both seventy-five years of age and are both enjoying good health.

They are the parents of five children, Hannes Wiese of Calumet, Mrs. Emil Eggers of Pipestone, Minn., Mrs. Hans Dau of Gaza, Ia., James Wiese of Calumet and Edward Wiese of Larrabee. Their oldest daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Eggers, celebrated their 25th anniversary the same day. They were married January 3, 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Wiese have fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Those who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiese and Carl Kruse of Calumet; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Eggers and daughters Irene and Alice and sons George and Lester and Mr. Vernon Greggerson of Pipestone, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rutzen and son Vernon of Ward, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Dau and Alvin, Roy, Alvera and Elmer of Gaza; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiese and family, Raymond, Geneva, Delbert and Arlene of Larrabee and James and Hannes Wiese of Calumet. The community extends hearty congratulations and wish Mr. and Mrs. Wiese many happy returns of the day.

Word was received last week by relatives, of the marriage of Delbert Schoening, of Spencer, to Miss Hattie Shields, of Dickens, which occurred about four weeks ago. No details are known at this time. Mr. Schoening is a son of Mrs. George Schoening Sr. and is well known and respected by many in this community. At the present time he is employed by the Northwestern Ice Cream Co. in Spencer. They will make their home in Spencer.

Court News
-Raymond T. Benson was appointed by the Court as temporary guardian of the person and property of Justus A. Benson
-E. B. Myers, guardian of the property of Andy Willemusson, a minor, obtained permission from the court to sell and dispose of Liberty bonds belonging to the minor.
-Charles Aldred was appointed administrator of the estate of Margaret E. Aldred, deceased.
-Hans Linder has been appointed administrator of the estate of Anna Priegnitz, deceased.


Engel - Davis
Miss Leone Engel and Mr. Ray Davis both of Sutherland were quietly married in Sioux City Saturday, Dec. 27. The ceremony took place in the Evangelical church and was witnessed by the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renner, of Sioux City. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Engel, who have lived in Sutherland for the past two years. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis and has always lived here. They are making their home with the bride's parents for the present.

Laubach - Kruger
(From our Liberty Correspondent)
The marriage of Otilla Laubach and Hans Kruger took place Saturday, January 3 in Sioux City. Mrs. Kruger is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Laubach of Hartley. Mr. Kruger is the son of Louis Kruger of Husum, Germany. He came to this country three and one-half years ago and since that time has worked in the vicinity of Calumet and Sutherland and has made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kruger are well known and respected by their many friends. They will make their home three miles south of Sutherland on the place known as the Otto Tonner Sr. farm. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to them for a happy and prosperous wedded life.

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. James Triplett are the proud parents of a seven pound daughter, born Wednesday morning, January 7. The young lady has been given the name of Jacquelyn Ann.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith are the parents of a daughter born to them on January 1.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leonard are the parents of a baby daughter.

Storm Lake Doctor Held for 2nd Degree Murder
Cherokee Chief - Following an inquest by Dr. C. F. Quinn coroner of Cherokee county, into the death of Lucy Graham, 24, of Cherokee, Dr. J. A. Swallum, of Storm Lake, has been arrested on a second degree murder charge growing out of the verdict of the coroner's jury that Miss Graham "came to her death by an illegal operation that of abortion." Miss Graham died at the Sioux Valley hospital at 5:30 o'clock Monday. Art Whitney, Storm Lake, of the law firm of Whitney & Whitney, appeared for Swallum before Justice John Scott Wednesday afternoon and the date set for the preliminary hearing was arranged for 9 o'clock, January 9th. Appearance bond of $5,000 was presented and accepted by Justice Scott. The verdict of the jury was made late Tuesday afternoon after a more than three hour inquest at the Appleyard & Boothby funeral home. A. A. Coburn, O. A. Royer, and W. H. Bell composed the jury.

Milo Hartman Prison Term Upheld by Supreme Court
A three year prison sentence against Milo Hartman, former owner of the Eagle Boat line at Okoboji, was upheld recently by the Iowa Supreme Court, after Hartman had taken an appeal from the district court of Dickinson county. The case was the outgrowth of the tragic crash of two speed boats, the Zipper and the Miss Thriller, on Lake Okoboji, Sunday, July 28, 1929, when nine persons lost their lives.

-Mr. and Mrs. John Prew went to Linn Grove yesterday to attend the funeral of Mr. Prew's uncle.

Sherman Gilberts Observe 21st Wedding Anniversary
New Years Day chronicled the 21st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gilbert. Twenty-two and one-half years ago Miss Ethel Laurence of Scarborough, England, a noted summer resort, braved the dangers of the broad Atlantic and set out to see a new country and visit her sister, Mrs. Louie Benson of Sutherland. Here she met the man of her choice. Though Mrs. Gilbert had known only city life, she studied to make the farm attractive and prosperous. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruner and daughter Frances helped them celebrate their happy anniversary. Miss Margaret was home from business college to add to the enjoyment, as was Lawrence and Demaris. In the evening this same group gathered at the home of Laurence Flinders where music and mages completed a memorable day.

Dr. Stearns celebrates Seventy-Fifth Birthday
Saturday was Dr. P. S. Stearns' seventy-fifth birthday, and to celebrate the occasion Mrs. Stearns entertained at dinner Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willey and three children, Gerald, Bernice and Neva of Paullina, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perrin and the Misses Inez and Mary Fredenburg of Cherokee, Mr. and Mrs. George Fredenburg of Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stearns and Darrell and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fredenburg and family, Harold, Malva, Joyce, Wayne, and Doris, Harold Woolston and Harold Warren.

-Mrs. Irene Edminster received word here that Mr. Frank Edminster at Grand Meadow had passed away on Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kraft of Renwick, Ia., spent Sunday afternoon at the A. Jurgensen home. They were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Robert Meyer held in Paullina Saturday.
-Thos. Gray took Mrs. Irene Edminster to Grand Meadow, Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. Frank Edminster.

Many friends and relatives gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dau Tuesday evening. The occasion was Mr. and Mrs. Dau's twentieth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent at cards and visiting. At a late hour an elaborate luncheon was served by Mrs. Dau and Laura, assisted by Miss Verna Dau. The guests all wished them many more such happy occasions.'

-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jurgensen entertained many friends and relatives in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary Monday evening.

Sunday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Horstman were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zeadon of Sanborn, Mrs. Edwards and daughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Elso Smidt and daughter Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smidt, Jepp Larson, all of Primghar; Miss Velma Puhrmann from Paullina, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smidt, Cora, Ann and John of Gaza. Mrs. Horstman was assisted by Mrs. Peter Smidt and daughters. It was the first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smidt.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 15, 1931

Begin Seining at Lost Island Lake
Despite strong opposition on the part of members of the Will H. Dilg and the Isaak Walton leagues and other sportsmen, a seining crew arrived at Ruthven early this week to being seining operations of the "carp farms" as they are called by Dr. T. D. Kas of Sutherland, located in this vicinity. It is understood that they will begin seining Lost Island lake at once. Dr. Smittle of Waucome, Iowa, who recently completed the seining of Storm Lake, amid vehement protest on the part of the Storm Lake City council, chamber of commerce and scores of sportsmen, holds the game department, for the seining of the lakes in Clay and Palo Alto counties. Dr. Smittle's contract was given him by W. E. Albert, state fish and game warden, in May 1930, just before the state primaries, a fact which has been pointed out as significant by Storm Lake citizens. - Hartley Sentinel.

Miss Wilma Clark and Elmer King Married
Miss Wilma Clark and Elmer King were married in Dakota City, Nebr., on December 20, 1930, by Judge McKinley. They were unattended. News of the marriage did not become known until some time after the event happened, but last week they were charivaried in proper fashion. Miss Clark has been working in Sutherland for some time past. Mr. King is with the Johannsen Motor Co. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. King of Garden City, Mo. The bride's parents are not living. For the present Mr. and Mrs. King are living in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johannsen.

Mrs. Jas. Fraser Dies Last Friday - Death Follows Operation at Sioux City, Deceased Leaves Husband and Two Brothers
Mrs. Jas. Fraser died at St. Joseph's hospital in Sioux City last Friday evening, January 9, following an operation for intestinal obstruction. The operation was performed early in the evening, but she did not rally and died at 10 o'clock. She was 47 years, 5 months and 26 days old when death came.

Funeral services were held at the home three miles west of Peterson Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in charge of Rev. Rasmussen, pastor of the Methodist church at Peterson. A male quartet from that town sang during the services. Burial was in the Peterson cemetery. Mrs. Fraser, whose maiden name was Myrtle Tuttle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tuttle, both deceased, leaves to mourn her untimely passing her husband, two brothers and many friends and relatives. Her brothers, Earl and Ira, live at Larrabee. Pall bearers at the funeral were the Messrs. Chas. Tigges, Chas. Nelson, Myron Triplett, June Morrow, Walter Swanberg and Arthur Sansen.

Court News
Dr. W. C. Hand has brought an action for the appointment of a temporary guardian of the property of E. M. Maurer. Plaintiff asks that E. L. Randolph be appointed temporary guardian.

Elizabeth Florence Noordhook [Noordhoek] has brought an action against John Noordhook asking that the court grant her a divorce from the defendant on the grounds of desertion. Plaintiff states in her petition that she married the defendant on the 18th day of January 1923, and that on the 17th Day of Dec. 1928, the defendant deserted the plaintiff. Plaintiff asks for the custody of her minor daughter and that she be permitted to remarry within one year.

A. D. Fisher has brought an action against the town of Sanborn asking for judgment in the sum of $7500 and costs. Plaintiff states in his petition that on the12th day of September, 1930, while driving his automobile on the main street of Sanborn he ran into a rope which was stretched across the street. Plaintiff states that the rope caught the radiator cap of his car, throwing it through the windshield, causing severe and permanent injuries to his chin, face and eye.

The final report of Dr. J. J. Eason, administrator of the estate of Dr. F. W. Horton, deceased, has been approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bonds released.

The last will and testament of Wm. P. Wuebben, deceased, has been admitted to probate and Paul G. Wuebben has been appointed administrator.

R. E. Langley, guardian of the proptery of Ronald Langley, a minor, was granted permission by the court to pay $100, amount due for doctor's claim.

Jason De Waay, administrator of the estate of Anna Pearson, deceased, was granted permission by the court to make a compromise settlement with A. W. Miller.

At the inquisition held at Primghar, on the 9th day of January, before H. L. Avery, coroner of O'Brien county, upon the body of Clarence Smith, the coroner's jury returned the following verdict: That, after due hearing and consideration of the testimony of all witnesses, the verdict of this jury is that the deceased in coming to his death by reason of being run upon and against by the railroad train of the Illinois Central Railroad, was killed by reason of said accident and that his death was the fault of no man. Signed: Gustav Westphal, Wm. Reager and J. A. Klink

The firemen, conductor and engineer of the train which ran into Mr. Smith's car were called to Primghar Friday to give their testimony to the coroner's jury.

Stork Express
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Christensen are the parents of a daughter, born January 8. She has been named Mary Ann.

To Stand In Prayer
The following interesting little letter found it's way to The Courier office this week and we thought you'd like to be in on the news too, so -
Sheldon, Iowa, Jan. 9, 1931
To All Employees
To All Buying Stations
To All Dealers
On Tuesday, January 27, at 9 o'clock everyone connected with our organization is hereby ordered to face the East and stand for five minutes and pray silently for our brother, Mr. Edward J. Burns, who is now departing his happy, single life, and has now joined the ranks of the poor, henpecked Benedicts. Be it hereby resolved that a copy of this be hereby posted on the front door of Armour's station at Sibley, and that it be kept there for (30) days. And that a copy of this also be sent to the Armour magazine so that it may be published in the February edition.
Armour Creameries
Sheldon, Iowa

And the young lady in the case? Miss Clara Klema. Mr. Burns had charge of the Armour station in Sutherland until last spring.

Smith Killed When Illinois Central Train Hits Car
Clarence Smith of Paullina was instantly killed last Friday morning when his automobile was struck by an Illinois Central train six miles northwest of Primghar. The exact cause of the accident is not known, although it is thought he killed the engine of his car on the tracks after seeing the train and trying to stop. The body was badly mangled.

Mr. Smith was widely known in his home community and elsewhere in the county as a stock buyer. For the past ten years he and his family have resided on the home place five miles north of Paullina. Mr. Smith was born at Gaza, Iowa, and when ten years old moved with his parents to the home place in Dale township. There he attended school and later enrolled in a business college at Minneapolis.

On March 11, 1914, he was married to Marie Anderson of Paullina. Two children were born to them, Merne, 14 years old, and Donald, 11. All of his married life was spent on the home place with the exception of the first year on a nearby farm. Besides his wife and two children, Mr. Smith is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith of Long Beach, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. Arthur T. Long of Wood Lake, Minn., Mrs. Earl Crosan of Eldora, Iowa, Mrs. Albert Halbach of Primghar, Iowa, and Miss Mildred Smith of Long Beach, Calif.; also one brother, W. A. Smith, Jr. of Minneapolis, Minn.; besides numerous other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the home at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon and later at the Congregational church in Paullina. Burial was in the Paullina cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Will Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey of Sutherland were among those who attended the funeral.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Flinders went to Tracy, Minn., Saturday to attend the funeral of baby Charles Warren, held there that day. Mrs. Flinders is a sister of Mrs. Harry Warren, the baby's mother. Mrs. Warren has been in the hospital for three weeks with pneumonia and another little son is seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warren, Mrs. Hattie Warren and Frank drove to Tracy, Minn., Saturday morning to attend the funeral of the ten-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren, which was held that afternoon. Another small son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren is seriously ill with whooping cough, and Mrs. Warren is in the hospital there. They returned home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Rex Unger were called to Storm Lake Tuesday by the serious illness of Mrs. Unger's brother, Dwight Lucia.

Mrs. Ward Willey returned Friday morning from Minneapolis, where she had spent several days visiting her brother, who is seriously ill.

Friends in this community are sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Dell Munger, at Peterson, are both seriously ill. Mayme Murphy, of Sutherland, is caring for them at this time. Mr. Munger is a cousin of Mrs. Bert Tibbetts.

Mr. and Mrs. Draper Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Draper, former residents of this community, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in Upland, Indiana, on Dec. 31, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Draper came to Sutherland when they were married, and settled on the farm south of town where they live until three years ago when they moved to Upland. Their son, Maurice, still lives on the farm.

Mrs. George Breyfogle Sr. received word from Hartley of the arrival of a new great granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nienhuis Wednesday, January 7th.

In Pen, Inherits Estate
Seated in his cell in the New Jersey penitentiary under a life sentence for the murder of his 15-year old sweetheart in 1924, Harvey Lee Selhaver, formerly of Spencer, was named on Friday as one of the beneficiaries under the last will and testament of his mother, Mrs. Hannah Meyer of Spencer, when the document was filed for probate in the Clay county district court. Mrs. Meyer died on December 28, leaving an estate consisting mainly of personal property valued at approximately $1,500.

Elmer Moat and family, accompanied by his mother, motored down from Balaton, Minn., Sunday and visited in the G. F. Moat home. Mrs. Elmer Moat, formerly Ida Bowersock, came as far as Sheldon with them where she was called on account of the serious illness of her aunt, Mrs. Kontz of Ocheyedan. The lady passed away Sunday afternoon.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier, January 13, 1911
-Mrs. Nicholas Litzel passed away on January 7, 1911, after a weeks illness.
-The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Emery died Tuesday after a short illness. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier, January 8, 1886
-Thomas Clifton passed away January 1, 1886, at his home in Sutherland at the age of 43 years and 6 months.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ginger celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on New Years day at the home of Mrs. Ginger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cooper.
-The census report, as taken this week by A. Towberman, shows the total number of inhabitants to be 426.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 23, 1931

Court News

E. L. Randolph has been appointed temporary guardian of the property of E. M. Maurer, of Hartley, Iowa, and his bond fixed at $27,000.00

The Court set February 16 as the date for the hearing on the final report of Mildred Larson, administratrix of the estate of Emma May Clark, deceased.

The final report of E. B. Myers, guardian of the property of Andy Willemssen, was approved by the court and the guardian discharged.

Edward F. Jones was appointed executor of the estate of Nellie Jones, deceased.

S. A. Shonkwiler, executor of the estate of O. M. Shonkwiler, deceased, was granted permission by the court to renew certain real estate loans.

The executor of the estate of Thos. Gaffey, deceased, was granted permission by the court to make repairs and improvements on the house situated on certain land belonging to the estate.

Marie A. Smith has been appointed administratix of the estate of Clarence Elmer Smith, deceased.

The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Paul Kahler, deceased, has been filed for probate.

Frank Herrick Dies; Funeral at Primghar
Frank L. Herrick of Primghar, formerly the leading abstractor of the county seat and at one time county recorder, died Sunday night, Jan. 11. He had been ill with heart trouble for some time, although the direct cause of his death was a stroke suffered a few days previous.

Frank L. Herrick was born Feb. 27, 1859, in Watertown, New York, and died in Primghar, Iowa, January 11, 1931 at the age of 70 years, 10 months and 12 days. He came with his parents to Iowa, when about one year old, coming to O'Brien county in 1874, when he moved to Primghar and engaged in the mercantile business. Later he worked for four years in an abstract office and in 1895 he was elected county recorder of the republican ticket and served two terms to the entire satisfaction of the citizens of the county and at the expiration of his term, in 1899, he entered the abstract business. He sold his business to Rerick and Son, who now operate the same.

He is survived by his widow, the former Jennie King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William King of Primghar and by a son by a former marriage, James M. Herrick, of Council Bluffs. Funeral services were held last Wednesday at the Christian church in Primghar.

Mrs. Farquhar Breaks Hip in Bad Fall On Ice
Mrs. Margaret Farquhar suffered a broken hip when she fell last Monday evening near her home.
She had started across the street to the Harvey Meacham home, and slipped on the ice. The Reiste ambulance took her to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dale Youde at Royal, that night, and she will remain there until she is able to get around.

A. A. Prew Dies Last Saturday - Death Came at Windom in Home of Son George, Burial Here Tuesday
Solemn Requiem Mass was said for A. A. Prew, with the Rev. Father Rausch officiating at the Catholic church Tuesday morning. The mass was sung by the choristers and students from the Junior College in Cherokee. J. A. Sweeney, Ed Maher, Frank Betz, Andy Noethe, Phil Hoffman and Math Noethe acted as pall bearers. Mr. Prew passed away at the home of his son George in Windom, Minn., Saturday evening, January 17, at the age of 81 years. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery.

1849 - A. A. Prew - 1931
August Augustian Prew was born July 3, 1849 in Jamestown, Grant county, Wisconsin. He was united in marriage to Eva Mary Marguerite Mangold on Feb. 16, 1875. To this union eleven children were born: Joseph Francis Prew of Buffalo, Minn.; Mary Emily Claxton, Salem, S. Dak.; Rosanna Minnie, deceased; John Theophile Prew, Sutherland; Wm. Augustian Prew, Sprit Lake, Iowa; Sarah Josephine Hill, Huron, S. Dak.; Katherine Viola Cronnoble, Huron, S. Dak.; George Thomas Prew, Windom, Minn.; Mable Cecelia Thompson, Bingham Lake, Minn.; Ruth Marguerite Mueller and Julia Agnes Mueller, both of Peterson. One child, Rosanna, preceded him in death January 28, 1929. In 1880 Mr. and Mrs. Prew moved from Wisconsin to Linn Grove and moved from Linn Grove to Peterson in 1881. They resided in Peterson until the last year, when they have lived with their son George and family at Windom, Minn. Mr. Prew also leaves one brother, Theo. of St. Paul, one sister, Mary McKellep of Shreveport, La., thirty-one grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Mr. Prew passed away at the home of his son George at Windom, Minn., Saturday evening, January 17, 1931. Those from out of town who were here for the funeral services were Mr. Theo. Prew of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jensen, Storm Lake; Henry Mangold; Mrs. Geo. Mangold, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mangold, Mrs. Sam Enderson, all of Linn Grove; Mrs. Swen Hesla, Rembrandt; Mrs. Geo. Hegland, Brock, Sask, Canada; Mrs. Ann Dailey, Breckenridge, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill and Mrs. Wm. Cronoble of Huron, S. Dak.; Mrs. Ed Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. George Prew, Grandmother Prew; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lacy; Pat McGuire; Ed Lacy and son Wm.; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller; Mr. and Mrs. John Prew, Sara Thompson; Minnie Schaller; Wm. Sweeney and Marie, Margaret and Leo Sweeney; Mrs. Claxton, Wm. Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brauschweig, Mike and Nick Betz, Mr. and Mrs. Noethe and Louis, Ed Maher.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors, especially Mrs. Lelah Cooper, for their kindnesses during our recent bereavement. And especially do we wish to thank the Sisters and students of the Junior College at Cherokee for singing the Requiem Mass.
The family of A. A. Prew
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Unger attended the funeral of Mrs. Unger's brother, Dwight Lucia at Storm Lake Friday.

Mrs. Ward Willey left Tuesday afternoon for Minneapolis, being called by the serious illness of her brother.

T. B. Bark and Miss Martha Townsend left Tuesday for Kansas City, where Miss Townsend expects to enter a hospital for treatment. She has been ill for several weeks and is still in a serious condition. H. N. McMaster took them as far as Sioux City.

A. J. Axdahl attended the funeral of Mrs. Hovelson at Paullina Tuesday.

Koch - Hoppe
The country home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Koch east of Paullina was the scene of a pretty home wedding, Wednesday January 14, 1931, when their daughter Verna became the bride of John H. Hoppe, so of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoppe of Gaza. Rev. Paul G. Wuebben of Calumet officiated. The ceremony was solemnized at four o'clock in the presence of immediate relatives and friends. The couple was attended by Miss Margaret Hoppe, sister of the groom and Mrs. Chester Nothdorf. The bride was attired in a handsome gown of rose georgette and carried a shower bouquet of red and white carnations. The bridesmaid also wore a gown of rose georgette. The groom and best man both wore dark blue business suits. Immediately following the ceremony an elaborate three course wedding dinner was served. The bride's chosen colors of red and white were carried out in the menu and attractive table appointments. The evening was spent in visiting and at midnight refreshments were served. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Koch of Paullina, where she has always made her home. She is a charming young woman and has a large circle of friends in that community. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoppe of Gaza, who spent his early youth in this vicinity and later moved with his parents near Gaza. He is a young man of very fine character. On Sunday, Jan. 18th, the young couple left for a short wedding trip to Missouri, after which they will be at home to their many friends at the Otto Koch home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe extend best wishes for happiness and prosperity.

Herbert Wolf Buried in Sanborn Cemetery
Funeral services were held last Wednesday for Herbert Wolf, of Primghar, who died early Tuesday morning at the hospital at Cherokee. Mr. Wolf was the third child born to the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolf, pioneer settlers of O'Brien county in 1873.

He was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and was a very young boy when he came with his parents to Iowa, where they settled on a farm two miles north of Sanborn. Since 1883 he has been associated with his father, who purchased the Sanborn pioneer that year and with the assistance of his sons managed and published the same for 15 years. Since 1894 he has been employed with his father on the Primghar Bell until failing health compelled his retirement from active work and he entered the hospital at Cherokee in the hopes of being benefited by medical treatment. Burial was made on Wednesday in the family lot, in the Sanborn cemetery, beside his wife, who preceded him in death a number of years ago. Mr. Wolf's brother, Fred B. Wolf, is the editor of the Primghar Bell.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 20, 1911
-After a lingering illness of several months, Mr. E. Lampman died Tuesday night, the cause of his death being cancer. The funeral will be held today, with interment in Waterman cemetery.
-Guy Youde and wife became the proud parents of a new daughter on January 11, 1911.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
January 29, 1931

Court news

Ella Wede has filed her petition asking for a decree of divorce from Lloyd H. Wede on the grounds of desertion. Plaintiff states in her petition that she married the defendant on the 23rd day of December 1932 [sic, probably 1922], and that on the 17th day of October 1927 the defendant deserted the plaintiff and has refused to return and live with the plaintiff.

Joe Jenison of Sanborn was appointed guardian of the person and property of Leland Storm, a minor.

Helen Waldheim Seivert, as guardian of the property of Donald Joe Waldheim, was given permission by the court to loan $2700.00 on first mortgage real estate.

The last will and testament of Mary Seba, late of Sheldon, Henry Van Dyk and Alida Erkes, also late of Sheldon, have been filed for probate and February 23rd set as the date for hearing.

Goodman Goodmanson has been appointed administrator of the estate of Margaret Goodmanson, Severt R. Hovland and Mary Hovland, deceased.

The last will and testament of Harm T. Schlachter, deceased, has been filed for probate and February 16 has been set for the date of hearing.

William J. Philip has been appointed administrator of the estate of Anna Storm Philip, deceased.

Klema - Burns
A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday morning, January 27 at nine o'clock at the Sacred Heart church at Sutherland, Iowa when Miss Clara Klema, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klema of Sutherland became the bride of Mr. Edward J. Burns of Sibley, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns of Sheldon, Iowa. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Miss Mary McGinn of Sheldon, Iowa. The bride was attended by her sister, Maye Ellen Klema and the groom's attendant was his brother, Mr. John Burns of Sheldon, Iowa. Mrs. Anna Sweeney of Sutherland and Mr. Tom Flynn of Sanborn, Iowa sang several selections during the nuptial mass read by Rev. Father Bausch. The bride wore a lovely gown of French blue crepe trimmed in a very light shade of tan. Her had, gloves and other accessories were in harmonizing shades of tan. The bridesmaid wore a gown of brown crepe trimmed in cream lace with hat and accessories to match. Their corsages were of sunburst roses and freesia. The groom and his attendant wore dark blue business suits.

At twelve o'clock the guests numbering forty-six found their places at three long tables prettily appointed in the bride's chosen colors, pink and white. The main table was centered by the bride's large wedding cake and tall white tapers tied with pink tulle. The other tables were centered with crystal bowls of pink and white sweet peas and white tapers. These colors were carried out in the menu also. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burns of Spirit Lake, Ia., Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Capsen, Mrs. Thos. Burns Sr. and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burns Jr. and family, Miss Mary McGinn, all of Sheldon, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burns of Primghar, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns and son of Hartley, Iowa, Miss Loretta Foley and Mr. Tom Flynn of Sanborn, Iowa and Mr. Harry Stoterau of Hartley, Iowa. The bride and groom left on a short honeymoon to points in the Eastern part of the state. They will be at home to their many friends at Sibley, Iowa after March 1st, where Mr. Burns is managing a branch station for the Armour Company.

Hautau - Miller
Of interest to Sutherland people was the wedding of Miss Gwendolyn Hautau of La Grange, Illinois, to Mr. Howard Miller of Ames, which took place December 20, 1930 at the Congregational Church in La Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Miller met at Hinkley, where they have both been teaching in the high school. Mr. Miller is the assistant principal of the school and Mrs. Miller has been the instructor in public speaking, history and science. The bride was graduated from DePauw at Greencastle, and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Miller is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Miller, former residents of this community, and a brother of Ray A. Miller, living south of town. He graduated from Iowa State College and has been at the Hinkley high school for several years.

Stork Express
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kramer at Cleveland, Ohio on January 16th. Mrs. Kramer will be remembered in Sutherland as Miss Alma Gaskill.

Marriage licenses
Bert Selsma, age 25, Sanborn, Agnes Hoffman, age 19, Sanborn
Archie Koster, age 24, Sheldon, Hattie Williamson, age 25, Orange Cy
Edward J. Burns, age 33, Sibley, Clara M. Klema, age 32, Sutherland
Endor Sorgdrager, age 22, Alton, Sophie Hamemayer, 20, Orange City
Edward Boone, age 22, Sanborn, Alice Elgersma, age 25, Sanborn

Emil Selk of Paullina and Otto Selk went to Council Bluffs Wednesday where Emil was fit with an artificial hand. He lost his hand last fall, when it was caught in the rollers of a corn picker.

Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Reiste called on Mrs. Margaret Farquhar at the Dale Youde home near Royal, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Farquhar is getting along nicely, after a bad fall on the ice last week, in which she sustained a broken hip bone.

After Carnegie Medal
The Spencer Reporter is starting a movement to obtain the Carnegie Medal of heroism for the late Norman Fletcher of Clay county who lost his life several months ago in attempting to save his little daughter when their home burned. Information concerning the affair has been forwarded to the Carnegie Hero commission of Pittsburg, Pa. The Reporter has asked that the commission investigate the matter and has recommended that the gold medal which carries with it a cash reward of $5,000 be given to Mrs. Norman Fletcher and her family.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - January 27, 1911
-A new son appeared at the r. Jordan home Tuesday morning and a girl about the same hour at the John Crosser home in the country.
-The fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchings of Winnipeg, Man., Canada, has recently arrived.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2012]

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