Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
December 3, 1931

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Langholz attended the funeral of little Robert Wm. Langholz at Brewster, Minn. Monday. He was five months old and died of pneumonia.

Otte - Bedwell
Miss Elsie Otte, of Sutherland and Mr. Tomas Bedwell, of Louisville, Ill. were quietly married last Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 25th, at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. The service was performed by Judge John T. Medin at two o'clock. The couple were accompanied by the bride's father, C. C. Otte, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Otte. The bride wore a dress of nile green flat crepe, and the groom wore a dark blue suit. They returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding dinner was served. The wedding cake was decorated in green and white, the bride's colors, and the table and room decorations carried out the color scheme. Mrs. Bedwell is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Otte, living east of Sutherland. The groom's home is in Louisville, Ill. but for the past year he has been working at Linn Grove. For the present they are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Otte.

Jas. Glaspy Dies in Mason City - Body Will Be Brought Here for Burial; Services at M. E. Church Friday Afternoon
Jas. Glaspy passed away Tuesday night at the I. O. O. F. home in Mason City, and his body will be brought to Sutherland for burial. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Corwin Taylor preaching the sermon. Interment will be in Waterman cemetery.

Court News
Ethel Ray has brought an action against Merrill R. Ray, asking that the Court adjudge, order and decree that she have an absolute divorce from the defendant, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment.

Milo Hartman Cleared
Milo Hartman's appeal to the supreme court was successful in securing a reversal of the conviction in the Dickinson county court jury some months ago. Mil was jointly indicted with his father in the Lake Okoboji boat accident two years ago in which nine lost their lives. The father was acquitted in district court at Pocahontas after being granted change of venue from Dickinson county.

-Mrs. E. J. Frush went to Sioux City Tuesday to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Crocker. She was called by news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Addie Lyttle, in California. Mrs. Lyttle will be brought to Sioux City the last of this week and funeral services will be held there Monday.

Jurgensen - Moffin
A beautiful home wedding was solemnized at high noon Sunday, November 29, 1931 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jurgensen, when their daughter, Miss Viola, became the bride of Mr. Howard Moffin of Marshalltown, Iowa. The bridal party entered the room to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march played by the bride's sister, Miss Myrtle Jurgensen. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Paul Wuebben of Calumet. The couple was attended by the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rehder of Gaza, Iowa, and their daughter Irma acted as flower girl, carrying a basket of sweet peas. The bride was attired in a beautiful long gown of black flat crepe, trimmed in green velvet and crystals, with accessories to match. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and sweet peas. The groom wore a dark business suit, with a boutonniere from the bride's bouquet. After the ceremony a two course dinner was served to relatives. A color scheme of green and white, the bride's chosen colors, was used in the decorations and appointments. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jurgensen of this vicinity and is a charming young lady, who for the past few months has been employed at a beauty shop in Marshalltown. The groom is not known in this community. The couple will make their home in Marshalltown. Their many friends wish them a long and happy wedded life.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Thoms, Mrs. Nick Jessen, Mrs. John Jurgensen and Bill Meyer left Wednesday to attend the funeral of Henry Boheman. They returned Sunday evening.

Believe it or not - Harry Mugge's birthday Nov. 25; R. J. Mugge's birthday Nov. 26; Henry Mugge's Nov. 27. But not triplets.

Mrs. Albert Burmeister and Miss Geneva Warm motored to Meriden Monday to visit the new baby girl in the Roy Mason home.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - December 1, 1911
-Mrs. Phoebe Moll died at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. W. Boyd, seven miles northeast of Sutherland, on Monday, Nov. 27.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - December 3, 1886
-Born, December 1st, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bidwell, of Liberty township, a son.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
December 10, 1931

Court News

-Ida Marie Herwig has filed her petition in divorce asking that the court grant her a divorce from Herman Herwig (continued page 12). Plaintiff states in her petition that she married the defendant in Spencer on the 16th day of January 1924, and that she and the defendant lived together until the month of November or Dec. 1926; that the defendant would not contribute to her support or the support of her child and that he was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. Plaintiff also asks for the custody and control of her minor daughter.

-Olive Little has brought action in divorce against William J. Little asking for a decree of divorce form the defendant on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Plaintiff states in her petition that she married the defendant on the 10th day of September 1928 and that she lived with the defendant until about 8 months ago. Plaintiff also asks that her former name, Olive Brown, be given back to her.

John Salzer of Racine Missing - Ohio River Being Dragged for Body Since Man's Disappearance Last Friday
John Salzer of Racine, Ohio, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tierney, has been missing since last Friday when he disappeared while working on a government dam 6 miles above Marietta. The river is being dragged in an effort to find the body, according to word received here by Mr. and Mrs. Tierney. The cause of his disappearance, however, is not known but it is thought he might have been drowned. Mr. Salzer went to work as usual with the early morning shift and was seen about the dam a short time after this crew of men went to work. He was a carpenter. When he did not return to his rooming house Friday night search was started. His car was found at the dam where he had driven it in the morning. His dinner pail was missing. Mr. Salzer and family formerly resided in Sutherland. They left here several years ago.

Forty-Five Years Ago - December 10, 1866
Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Grant township, Wednesday, Dec. 1st, 1886, Mr. Wm. E. Osborne and Miss Ettie M. Spencer, Rev. Dunham officiating.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
December 17, 1931

Court News

-J. W. Cravens, as executor of estate of Arthur McArdle, obtained permission to deposit $50 in Sanborn Savings Bank, the interest thereon to be used for the permanent care of the cemetery lot wherein deceased is buried.

-L. U. Shipley was granted permission to make loan of $4,000 as administrator of the Robt. Loafman estate, on property belonging to the estate in Minnesota, for the purpose of taking up present loan and to pay taxes.

-The estate of John Frahm and of Martha Henderson were decreed by the court exempt from the payment of inheritance tax.

-The final report of Fred B. and Will Wolf as executors of the estate of J. H. Wolf was approved by court and executors discharged.

-Final report of administrator of the estate of David L. Storey was approved by court and administrator discharged.

-Court authorized executors of the estate of Frank Frisbee to make an extension of mortgage covering the west half of section 9 twnp. 96 range 42, O'Brien county.

-The final report of C. Chalstrom, administrator f the estate of Calvin Macy, was approved by court and the administrator discharged.

Mrs. Peter Hessenius of Calumet Dies at Hospital
Mrs. Peter Hessenius of Calumet died yesterday afternoon at Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee where she had been taken a week ago Saturday, suffering from a broken hip. Mrs. Hessenius was also a sufferer from diabetes. As The Courier went to press no arrangements had been made for the funeral. Deceased leaves two children, Mrs. Geo. Reifsteck of Calumet and Elmer of California, who was with his mother at the time of her death.

John William Tordsen
John William Tordsen was born February 28, 1901 near Felensburg, Germany, and died in the Frank Westphal home in Primghar Dec. 10th, 1931 at the age of 30 years, 9 months and 10 days. He grew to manhood and was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith in Germany. In 1923 he immigrated to the United States and settled near Primghar, Ia. For six years he worked as a hired hand for Frank Westphal and for one year for Harry Rehder. He leaves to mourn his passing his father and mother, two step-brothers and one sister, all living in Germany and a host of friends in this vicinity and in Primghar. Death was attributed to pneumonia and complication of Bright's disease. Rev. Paul Wuebben officiated at the services and interment was made in the Primghar cemetery.

-Mrs. Loran Luetkeman and daughter Gladys attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Dora Plagman, at Peterson Monday afternoon.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
December 24, 1931

Court News

-Esther Ray obtained a decree of divorce from Merrill R. Ray on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and sole custody and control of Henry Harrison Ray, a minor child of said plaintiff and defendant.

-Olive Little was granted a divorce from William J. Little on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and her former name of Olive Brown was restored to her.

-Ida Marie Herwig obtained a divorce from Herman Herwig on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and was awarded the custody and control of the minor child, Avonne Maxine Herwig.

-The final report of the administrator of the estate of Chas. McCosh has been approved by the court and the administrator discharged and his bondsmen released and the estate matter closed.

-The court ordered and decreed the estates of Rudolph Wiesda and William P. Wuebben exempt from the payment of inheritance tax.

-The instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Ida J. Zimmerman has been admitted to probate and John Wheeler named in the will as executor was appointed executor by the court and his bond fixed at $2,000.00

-The court has set January 4th at 10 a.m. as the date for the hearing on the final report of the Executor of the estate of Henry Rerick, deceased.

-The estates of Charlie Hein and Frederick Luethje have been decreed by the court exempt from the payment of inheritance tax.

-The final report of C. L. Schneider, administrator of the estate of C. L. Richards, has been approved by the court and the administrator discharged and the bond released.

-The final report of Stella Peters, administrator of the estate of W. O. Peters, has been approved by the court and the estate matter closed.

-The final report of Joseph H. Bloes, administrator of the estate of Edna Bloes has been approved by the court and the administrator discharged and the estate matter closed.

Parks - Stedman
Miss Sue Mae Stedman of Brookings, S. Dak. and Elmer J. Parks of Sutherland, Iowa were married in Brookings, South Dakota on Tuesday, December 22. Details of the wedding have not yet reached Sutherland. Miss Stedman is a niece of Mrs. E. E. McKnight of Brookings, with whom she has made her home. Mr. Parks is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Parks of Sutherland, is a graduate of the local public school and of South Dakota State College at Brookings, of which Mrs. Parks is also a graduate. After a honeymoon in Minneapolis and other points of interest, Mr. and Mrs. Parks will be at home to their friends at Cleghorn, Iowa, where he is teaching and coaching athletics in the high school. Mrs. D. W. Parks accompanied her son, Elmer to Brookings, South Dakota Sunday and was present at the Parks-Stedman nuptials Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Hessenius is Laid to Rest - Funeral Held at Calumet Saturday and Burial Made in Sheldon Reformed Cemetery
Funeral services were held for Mrs. Peter Hessenius of Calumet last Saturday noon at the Evangelical Lutheran church. Burial was made in the Christian Reformed cemetery at Sheldon. Pall bearers were Ernest Menke, John Schimmer, Ernest Boldt, Chas. Reifsteck, John Mehrens and Louis Mead.

Mrs. Peter Hessenius
Mrs. Peter Hessenius passed away at the Sioux Valley hospital at Cherokee, Iowa, Wednesday Dec. 16th, 1931, at the age of 79 years, w months and 5 days. Her death followed a fall which resulted in a fractured hip. Deceased was born in Osferesland, Germany in 1852. In 1865 she came to America to live with her brother in Grundy County, Iowa. She was united in marriage with Peter Hessenius in 1874 and moved to Marshall county, Iowa where they resided until 1882 when they moved to Cherokee county. To this union four children were born, all of whom are living: Ben Hessenius, Long Beach, Calif.; Grace Reifsteck, Calumet; H. M. Hessenius, Des Moines; E. P. Hessenius, Los Angeles, Calif. When retiring from the farm, they moved to Sheldon, Iowa, where Mr. Hessenius passed away on May 4, 1906. In 1909 the deceased moved to Calumet, where she resided until the time of her death. She leaves to mourn her departure from this life, four children, seven grandchildren, and four great grandchildren; two sisters and one brother. She was baptized and confirmed in the Reformed faith. Those from a distance who were in attendance at the funeral were Mrs. W. W. Wumkes and son Peter of Grundy Center, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leffres, Applington, Iowa; Fred Neuman, Parkersburg, Iowa; Wm. Feldman, Allison, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brunes and son, Lennox, South Dakota; Ben Bunger of Davis, South Dakota; and Jim Oswald and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walker of Cleghorn.

-Mrs. Florence Louthan went to Toledo Monday evening to attend the funeral of her sister-in-law, Miss Mary T. Louthan, who passed away Sunday morning. Miss Louthan has visited in Sutherland often, and is known to many people here.

-The following helped Grandpa Jurgensen celebrate his 89th birthday Tuesday Dec. 16, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jurgensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siemers and Alfred and Hans, all of Harris, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jurgensen and Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. John Jurgensen and son Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jessen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Graak.

-Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nystads of Larrabee are the proud parents of a daughter born Dec. 17.

Tragic Death
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stock, living 2 and one-half miles north of Wall Lake lost their little son Raymond Louis by a tragic accident last Thursday, Dec. 3. They were spending a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stock, parents of Mr. Stock, at Odebolt on Wednesday evening. While little Raymond was playing on the davenport beside his grandmother, he found some mothballs that had been placed under the cushions and taking them for candy, began to eat them.

-H. J. Robinson motored to Ames Saturday to attend the funeral of his wife's father which was held on Sunday.

-Edward Martin, who attends the school for the blind at Vinton, is spending his Christmas vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - December 22, 1911
-Lyman Hill, of Huron, S. Dak., formerly known as the "long man from Monkey Run," is visiting in this vicinity.
-The Herman Wohlert home was made happy over the arrival of a new boy Sunday night.
-A ten-pound boy arrived at the Julius Schlopkohl [sic? Schlapkohl] home yesterday morning, just in time to hang up his Christmas stocking.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - December 24, 1886
-Born, Dec. 16 to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Guenther, a son.
-Born, Dec. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harris of Liberty township, a daughter.

[transcribed by A.N., May 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
December 31, 1931

Former Attorney at Cherokee is Sentenced
J. V. Gregory, disbarred Cherokee attorney, was sentenced by Judge C. W. Pitts to five years at Fort Madison. Gregory was convicted in Cherokee district court on a charge of false pretense. He changed his plea from not guilty of false pretense to guilty of embezzlement and accepted sentence on that charge. Gregory was indicted by the grand jury last spring on six charges of false pretense and embezzlement. Investigation at that time led to disbarment.

William Frear has brought action against Grace Montgomery and Mae Timmins, executors of the estate of Henry Frear, deceased, et al, asking that the court set aside and annul the probate proceedings of the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Frear, deceased, and that said instrument be of no effect, and not the last will and testament. The plaintiff alleges that the said Henry Frear was not of sound and disposing mind and memory; that the testator was 78 years of age and was weak and infirm in body and mind and unable to look after his business affairs. The plaintiff was given $1.00 under the terms of the will admitted to probate.

John T. Hart was appointed guardian of the person and property of Charles Hart, and his bond fixed in the sum of $13,000.00.

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clark on Sunday, December 27th. Mrs. Clark was Miss Ethel Mathern before her marriage.

Arthur Hill Dies From Injuries In Crash of Truck - Accident Happened Near Sioux City on Christmas Night; John Mangels Injured
Seriously injured when the truck in which he was riding struck a culvert a mile south of James, Christmas Day, Arthur Hill died in St. Joseph's hospital at Sioux City the following noon, Saturday, December 26th. With him in the truck was John Mangels who was also injured, but not seriously.

The accident happened about five o'clock in the afternoon while the two men were returning from Sioux City. They had been employed at hauling the stock of merchandise from the Baron Department Store in Sutherland. On this return trip the front wheel of the truck struck a cement culvert and the entire side of the body was torn away in passing. The machine then careened into the ditch and turned over. Both of the occupants were caught beneath it.

Passing motorists removed the men from the wreckage and took them to the hospital at Sioux City. Mr. Hill suffered severe cuts and bruises and was also injured internally. He was unconscious when brought to the hospital, but for a short time before his death consciousness returned and he talked briefly with his wife and relatives. Death came a few minutes past noon.

Funeral services were held at the Church of Christ Monday afternoon, Dec. 28th, at two o'clock. Rev. E. L. Frost, of Sioux Falls, S. Dak. preached the sermon and was assisted in the services by Rev. Hyde of Manchester, Iowa. The music was furnished by Herman Behmer and Frank Bruner, accompanied by Miss Frances Bruner at the piano. The pallbearers were Roy Hill, Myron Hill Jr., Merrill Hill, Lyle Hulser, Fred Olhausen and Fred Zwick. It was one of the largest attended funerals ever held in the church. The deceased had lived almost his entire life in this community and the auditorium, galleries and aisles were packed with his friends. Member of the American Legion headed by the colors and a firing squad attended the services in a body. Burial with military honors was made in Waterman cemetery.

[Transcriber's Note - a chunk of paper was torn from the original, so some text was not available in the following - interested researchers could check to see if another of the O'Brien papers have the complete obituary for Mr. Hill]

1891 - Arthur Hill - 1931
Arthur Chap-- Hill, July 21, 1891 [...] His parents [...] Hill. At an [...] the family to [...] lived in this vicin[...] answered his country's call [...] the United States Navy [...] His naval service included [...] at the Great Lakes Naval [...] station, Pelham Bay, N. Y., Philadelphia Navy Yards, Bly and Paullac, France. He was mustered out of service on February 22, 1919. He returned to Sutherland and engaged in farm work. On June 11, 1920, he was united in marriage to Margaret M. Hulser, the Reverend E. L. Frost officiating. To this union were born three children, Clayton L., Margaret E., Leslie F. Shortly after his marriage he was employed by the county in bridge construction work. Then he left this position and purchased the local dray line.

On December 25 he was seriously injured in an automobile accident, at James, Iowa. He was taken to the St. Joseph Mercy hospital at Sioux City, where he passed away at 12:15 noon, December 26, aged forty years, five months and five days. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Margaret, and three children, his father Lyman Hill, four brothers and three sisters, Clyde J., Detroit, Michigan; Frank E., Huron, S. Dak.; Mrs. C. L. Stanton, Floyd L., and Harry H. of Sutherland; Mrs. Inez Olson, Brookings, S. Dak.; and Mrs. Irma Hyde, Manchester, Iowa. His mother and two brothers preceded him in death. He was an active member of the Sutherland post of the American Legion and Past Grand of I. O. O. F. "Those who depart loving you love you still. And you love them always. They are not really gone, those dear hearts and true, they are only gone in the next room and we will presently follow them, and yonder door will close upon us, and we will be seen no more."

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends for their expressions of sympathy in the way of flowers, words or deeds, and those who helped us in any way to bear the loss of our loved one. - Mrs. Arthur Hill and children. Father, Brothers and Sisters.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - December 31, 1886
-Mr. Jurgen Rowher and wife, of Liberty township, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding last Monday.
-Married - at the residence of the bride's parents, in Liberty township, Thursday, December 23, 1886, Mr. Henry B. Lake and Miss Alice M. Kelsey, Rev. Dunham officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, of Huron, S. Dak., came Sunday to attend the funeral of Frank Hill's brother, Arthur Hill. They also visited with Mrs. Hill's brother, John Prew, returning to their home on Tuesday.

Word was received here of the death of Fred Reideman of Long Beach, Calif., Saturday evening, Dec. 26. Mr. Reideman was a former resident of Calumet and Paullina.

Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. John Nystedt near Larrabee Tuesday.

Henry Schallau and daughter Cora left for Newhall, Ia., Monday being called by the death of Mr. Schallau's brother, John, who died Sunday noon.

[transcribed by A.N., October 2012]

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O'brien County