Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 6, 1931

E. B.Triplett Passes Away - Man Long Prominent in Affairs of This Community Died Saturday in Sioux City Hospital
E. B. Triplett passed away last Saturday in the St. Joseph hospital in Sioux City, after a lingering illness during which he spent part of the time at home and part under hospital care. He was 67 years old. For about half a century he lived in this community, recently in town but for many years on the farm northeast. During these many years of his residence Mr. Triplett became widely and favorably known and his effort and influence have long been linked with the advancement of the community in which he lived.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Church of Christ with Rev. C. V. Pence, pastor of the church at Guthrie Center, preaching the funeral sermon. He was assisted by R. B. Woolston of Maple Grove. Burial was in Waterman cemetery. Music during the services was furnished by a male quartette composed of Lloyd Gilbert, Robert Lee, Frank Bruner and Herman Behmer, with Miss Frances Bruner at the piano. The pall bearers were T. J. Sweeney, Chas. Harmon, Will Sweeney, Lawrence Baum, Jack Woolston and Fred Martin.

1864 - Edward B. Triplett - 1931
Edward B. Triplett was born on October 29, 1864, near Princeton, Ill. In the old days when our frontier was being pushed westward, his parents, Amos and Maria Triplett, moved in a covered wagon to State Center, Iowa; this was when Edward was three years of age. Here young Edward received the scant schooling of that early day. After living here for several years his parents came to O'Brien county and settled what is still the Triplett farm, six miles east of Sutherland. Here Edward helped his father with his farm work until his parents moved to Sutherland leaving the farm work to younger hands.

On October 9, 1890 he married Miss Annie Bryant of Grant township. They continued to reside on the farm until 1908 when they moved to Sutherland in order to give their children the advantages of a high school education. In 1919 they returned to the farm and continued there until illness the last of March made it necessary to take him to the hospital in Sioux City. He was at home for short intervals during his illness but, unable to overcome his affliction, he passed away on August 1, 1931.

Mr. Triplett was a hard worker, and lover of home and family. His genial friendship and hospitality drew large crossed to his home. He was interested in all good and worthy movements. He made a wide circle of friends. Those left to cherish his memory are: his wife, and his children, Amy Gatchell of Pontiac, Illinois; James, Edward and Gladys Stearns of Sutherland; Mae Danadill [Dansdill] of Thorburg; and Goldys Miyat of Madelia, Minn.; twelve grandchildren; his aged, but youthful spirited mother, ten living brothers and sisters, besides a host of relatives and friends. His father, Amos, two sons, an infant and Clare, and a sister, Ethelyn preceded him to the home above.

Besides the immediate relatives of the family, the following relatives and friends from out of town were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rhoades, Leonard, N. Dak., accompanied by Grandma Triplett; Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Triplett, La Moure, N. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Triplett and daughter and Delbert Triplett of Stewart, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holly, Hartley, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warner, King City, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wantz, Clemons, Iowa; Mrs. Mabel Rhemblaum, Ames, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Powell, Hartley, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Peterson; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Triplett and son, Peterson, J. L. Triplett and Irvin Schallau of Gaza; Mrs. F. G. Miller, Sheldon; Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Triplett and daughter, Sheldon; Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Triplett, Moneta; Will Sweeney, Margaret and Marie of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Aldred, Primghar; Mrs. John Fredenburg, Cherokee.

Stork Express
-A son, Dallas Dean, was born July 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Theo Speed, of Calumet. Mr. Speed is principal in the Calumet school.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blaue are the parents of a son born Monday, July 27 at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee.

Court News
-The estate of Minnie Jetter was opened in the District Court July 31. Fred Jetter was appointed administrator of said estate.
-August 1, 1931, Mary Ling was appointed administratrix of the estate of Philip Ling, deceased.
-John Versteeg was appointed administrator of the estate of Herman Versteeg, deceased, August 4.

Levi Gillispie Died Saturday - Old Resident of This Community Passes Away at Mason City; Body Brought Here
Levi Gillispie, an old and well known resident of this community, passed away at the Mason City hospital last Saturday and his body was brought to Sutherland where funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Methodist church. Mr. Gillispie was past 77 years of age and his death was caused by the infirmities of his advanced years. Rev. Corwin Taylor preached the funeral sermon, and the music at the church was furnished by Mrs. Frank Bruner, Miss Frances Bruner and Herman Behmer. The Rebekahs gave their ritualistic service at the church and the Odd Fellows at the grave. Burial was in Waterman cemetery. The pallbearers were P. S. Stearns, D. C. Baker, Joe Hagenbucher, Vern Zwick, Beach Nelson and John Perry.

1854 - Levi Gillispie - 1931
Levi Gillispie was born March 18, 1854 at Rockwood, Tenn., and died at Mason City, Iowa hospital August 1, 1931 at the age of 77 years, 4 months and 14 days. His parents died when he was an infant. He lived with an uncle until 14 years old; when he moved to Sparta, N. C. to make his home with his grandfather.

On October 27, 1872 he was united in marriage to Mary Bryan. To this union nine children were born, Wilson of Sutherland; Tom of West Chester, Pa.; Jim of Chokio, Minn.; Sallie Edwards and Andrew of Primghar; Dellia Louscher of Harris; Ferrol Sievers, deceased; Verma Miller of Primghar, and Will of Chicago. In 1901, he moved with his family to O'Brien county where they resided on a farm until 1918, when they moved to Sutherland, where they lived until a little over a year ago.

His wife preceded him in death on January 25, 1930. He joined the Methodist church in early manhood and was an active member of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodge until his health failed. Those left to mourn his death are his children, fifty grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren, beside a host of friends.

Peterson Man Loses in Race to Sick Father
Harry Noel, Peterson contractor, Saturday lost by half an hour in an airplane dash from Omaha to see his dying father, Samuel Noel at Tiffin, Ohio. He used three planes in the dash and the third one landed him in a wheat field at the edge of Tiffin, near his father's house. Before he arrived, however, his father had died. The elder Mr. Noel was 67.

Sanborn Girl Killed Thursday Evening
Irene Houkstra, 17 year old girl of Sanborn was killed late last Thursday evening when the automobile she was driving overturned about two miles south of Sibley. Her father, Harry Houkstra, hog remedy salesman, was in the rear seat. He was not injured. It is believed that a tire blew out, causing the machine to overturn and crash against a fence.

Twenty Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier, 1911
-Born, July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ahrens, a daughter.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier, 1886
-Mrs. W. E. Baldwin returned from Collins, Ohio last Saturday. She was called there some time ago by the sickness of her mother, who died and was buried a week ago last Sunday.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 13, 1931

Stork Express
-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mason Thursday, August 6th. She weighed seven pounds and has been named Betty Lou.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Cobb of Harlington, Texas, announce the birth of a son on August 2nd. He has been named Thomas Ravelle for his grandfather.

Court News
-The court appointed Albert H. Meyer of Paullina, Iowa, administrator of the estate of Alwina Mayer, deceased.
-An instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of E. H. Maurer, deceased, was filed in the clerk of district court's office August 5. September 8 is the date set for the probate of said will.
-The court appointed Edward D. Triplett as administrator of the estate of Edward B. Triplett, deceased.

A. H. Noethe Walking on Streets Yesterday
A. H. Noethe was walking on the streets yesterday for the first time in several months. He visited many of his friends for a short time, and everyone was glad to see him able to be out again. Mr. Noethe was seriously injured in the neck by falling from a wagon when the wheels turned sharply and pitched him head foremost into the road. He has spent many weeks in hospitals and at home under constant care. For a long time his condition remained very serious and much doubt was expressed over his recovery. But he is much improved, and his appearance on the streets was not only a surprise to many but a pleasure as well.

Minor - Sweeney
Last Friday, August 7th, at the rectory of Sacred Heart church in Sutherland, occurred the marriage of Miss Emma L. Minor, of Milford and Mr. Edward J. Sweeney, of Spencer. Rev. Father Bausch performed the ceremony. The couple was attended by Miss Marian Minor, sister of the bride and Mrs. Alfred Berdin of Spencer. The bride wore a white ensemble. Mrs. Sweeney is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Minor of Milford. She is a graduate of the Milford high school and has been employed in a drug store there. Mr. Sweeney is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sweeney of Sutherland. He graduated from the Sutherland high school in 1925 and for the past two years has been employed by the State Highway Commission, with headquarters at Spencer, where they will make their home.

Reifsteck - Melott
In an evening ceremony at the summer home of the bride's parents at Methodist camp on West Okoboji occurred the marriage of Miss Katheryne Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Reifsteck of Calumet, Iowa, to Mr. Mancel H. Melott of Portland, Oregon, on August the 6th at 6:30 o'clock in the presence of many relatives and friends. Dr. Corwin Taylor of Sutherland officiated. The ceremony took place beneath a bower of garden flowers and ferns with a yellow and white color scheme predominating. Miss Ruth Nott of Calumet played the Mendelssohn wedding march as the processional and the bridal chorus from Lohengrin as the recessional after the ceremony. Mrs. Ruth Gilbert Burnette of Kansas City, Missouri, sang "At Dawning" by Cadman and "I Love You Truly" by Carrie Jacobs Bond. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Melba Reifsteck and Mrs. [sic? Mr.] Chas. Dewey Reifsteck acted as groomsman. A wedding supper was served to the members of the bridal party and the guests. Immediately following Mr. and Mrs. Melott left for an extended tri through the Black Hills, Yellowstone Park, and Banff on Lake Louise, British Columbia, after which they will reside in Portland, Oregon. Their many friends here extend hearty congratulations to the happy young couple.

-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Downer were called to Lake View, Ind., Saturday by the death of Mrs. Downer's brother, Carl Davis.

-Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Parks drove to Spencer Saturday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. B. McGuire, Sr.

-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mizer are the proud parents of a baby boy born on Tuesday, August 4.

-This community was shocked to hear the sad news of the death of Iona Ewoldt, eleven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ewoldt from near Hartley, formerly living south of Calumet. Iona has been in poor health for the past few months. Burial will be in Liberty cemetery.

-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ewoldt and family have the sympathy of the entire community in the passing away of their eleven year old daughter, Iona, Sunday, near Hartley, where they moved this spring. She had had the flu last winter and never fully recovered from it. Funeral services will be held Wednesday p.m. at the home with Rev. Wuebben in charge. Interment will be at Liberty cemetery.

-Word was received here that a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beidemann of Thompson, N. D., who has been named Audrey Jean, July 28th.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - August 11, 1911
Vere Warren, the 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Warren passed away on August 6. On April 20 he met with a sad accident through the accidental discharge of a gun, but recovered. He was taken ill again on July 23 when the doctors found it necessary to operate. For some days after the operation his life hung in he balance, but he died on Sunday.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - August 13, 1886
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Martin, July 28.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 20, 1931

Stork Express
Announcements have been received of the birth of Margaret Ann Gaffey on August 12. She weighed 8 and one half pounds. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Gaffey of Storm Lake. Mrs. Gaffey will be remembered in Sutherland as Miss Harriet Hansell, who formerly taught music in the school here.

Court News
-The last will and testament of Willard J. Warner was probated in the District Court of O'Brien county, Aug. 17, 1931.
-An application for a marriage license was filed with the Clerk of the District Court, Aug. 14, by Wm. Lyle Vogt, age 18, O'Brien county, Iowa, and Elna Leona Puck, age 17, O'Brien county, Iowa.

-May 18, 1927, Clarence Breyfogle broke into the Primghar Post Office and destroyed first class mail. He appropriated a check for himself, drawn in favor of the County Auditor. He was taken before Honorable C. C. Bradley, judge of this District and was paroled to L. O. Lampman, county attorney. Since this time he has committed several minor offenses. On August 14, 1931, he was taken before Judge C. W. Pitts and committed to the State Industrial School for boys at Eldora, Iowa, to serve until he is twenty-one years of age. He had been hiding behind trees and in the grass at night scaring several different women.

Hurd - Fredenburg
Miss Fern Fredenburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fredenburg, and Dale Hurd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hurd, were married at Dakota City, Nebr., Thursday afternoon. They returned to Cherokee in the evening and are living at the home of the bridegroom at present. Mrs. Hurd is employed at Sioux Valley hospital and Mr. Hurd is an employee of Hanford's Creamery. - Cherokee Chief. The bride is a granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. S. Stearns.

Mrs. McCormack Funeral Is Today - Former Resident of Sutherland Dies at Home of Her Daughter in Long Beach, Calif.
Mrs. F. M. (Pomp) McCormack died in Long Beach, Calif. last Thursday, August 13th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Coleman. Mrs. McCormack was 77 years of age. Funeral services will be held this afternoon in the Methodist church at Primghar. The services will be at 2:30 o'clock.

Mrs. McCormack passed away very quietly and without pain. She had been in failing health for some time, but her condition was not regarded as serious. Shortly before her demise she stated that she seemed very sleepy. Shortly after falling asleep she passed quietly away.

The deceased was the wife of F. M. (Pomp) McCormack, pioneer editor of the Primghar Bell and widely known in the county and throughout northwest Iowa during the early years. At different times he and his wife lived at Sutherland, Hartley and Sheldon. Mr. McCormack died about twelve years ago. Mrs. McCormack is survived by one daughter, Mrs. George Coleman of Long Beach, in whose home she had lived for the past several years.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2014]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
August 27, 1931

Stork Express
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meier are the proud parents of a 9 lb. daughter born Thursday August 20th. The little Miss was named Bonnie Norene.

Everly Boy Takes Own Life; Use of Shotgun
Ralph O'Clair, 14-year-old son of Mrs. Frank Oliver near Everly ended his life with a 410 shot gun sometime last Friday evening. Ralph had been scolded for some childish prank Friday and felt abused. His mother and step-father left for an automobile ride that evening and when they arrived home they took it for granted that the children were all asleep. There was a younger brother Wayne and a sister Bertha. The next morning when it was discovered that Ralph had not slept in his bed they became alarmed and started searching for him.

On Monday afternoon about four o'clock Leo LeClair, hired man working for Theo Lammers went to the Lammers pasture to get a disk and found the body by the disk. He had tied a string to the trigger of the gun and from there to the disk. He had fallen to the ground with his arms out-stretched. His body which had lain there since Friday evening was in a badly decomposed condition.

A neighbor lady saw him walking toward the pasture just before sunset that evening but thought nothing of it. He was not carrying a gun at that time; it is thought he had taken the gun there sometime before. His younger brother started to follow him that evening but he said, "No, you stay here Wayne, it will be better for you." He had remarked that day to a neighbor boy that he was goin to kill himself and told him he could have all his playthings. He remarked that he was tired of being blamed for everything.

He leaves his mother and step-father and a younger brother and sister. His own father, Mr. O'Clair ended his life several years ago in the same manner by shooting. - Hartley Sentinel

Bond - McDevitt
Peterson Patriot: Enever Bond, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bond, of Peterson, was married Sunday afternoon to Miss Mary McDevitt, of Sutherland. The ceremony was performed at South Sioux City, Nebr. and the couple were accompanied by a sister of the bride and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wold of Sioux City. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Jerome McDevitt, of Sutherland. She is a graduate of the LeMars high school and became a trained nurse in the hospital at LeMars. The groom is a graduate of Peterson high school, attended a barber college in Sioux City and is engaged in his profession here. The young couple will make their home in Peterson.

Court News
-Alta Zimmerman has filed her petition asking for an absolute divorce from William Zimmerman on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and adultery. Plaintiff's petition states that she married the defendant on the 24th day of November 1926 at Crown Point, Indiana, and that with the exception of one month she lived with the defendant until the 4th day of August 1931. Plaintiff asks for the custody and control of the minor daughter Aletha Zimmerman.

-The last will and testament and codicil of Alexander McCreath was admitted to probate August 24. James McCreath and Agnes McCreath were named executors in the will.

-The estate of Keith D. Rothschild was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court August 25. Letters of administration were issued to H. L. Rothschild as administrator of said estate.

Marriage Licenses
Clerk of Courts W. A. Hoeven reports the following marriage license applications were filed the past week:
-Albert John Schimming, age 20, Sioux County, Iowa, and Ruth Margaret Ingalls, age 20, O'Brien county, Iowa. The marriage license for the above named parties was issued to them Aug. 23, 1931

-William Frerk, 22, O'Brien county, and Welma Dau, 20, O'Brien county, Ia., August 25.

Rock Valley Girl Missing
Search was being continued for Anna Ver Berg, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ver Berg, farmers, living 3 ½ miles north of Rock Valley. The girl disappeared Friday morning from Rock Valley. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Russel Colvin of Hutchinson, Kan., who has been working in a hotel. Officers believe Colvin kidnapped the girl. Colvin is said by officers to have stolen a Chevrolet coach carrying Iowa license plates with numbers 24-5855. Sheriff Hugo Synhorst of Sioux county is directing the search.

Strychnine Found in Hartley Woman's Stomach
Sheldon Mail: Strychnine was found in the stomach analysis of Mrs. Harry Hebbel, of Hartley, who died suddenly August 4, according to a report received Friday night by Dr. Avery, county coroner. The stomach which was sent by Dr. Avery to the W. D. Haynes laboratory at Sioux City, underwent four different tests, each revealing a positive reaction to strychnine. Due to the fact that Mrs. Hebbel's death was surrounded by peculiar circumstances and her death followed a brief, agonizing illness, the matter was investigated and the stomach sent to chemists for analysis by Dr. Avery. Mr. McPherson of the State Investigation Bureau of Des Moines has been working on the case since Monday.

-Bert Lockett attended the funeral of Mrs. Agnes McCaulley at Paullina Monday afternoon.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - August 25, 1911
-News comes from Poison, Mont., of the marriage on August 7 of Jas. P. Martin, Jr., to Miss Margaret Morris, of that place, but no further particulars have been learned by the Courier.

Forty-Five Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier
-August 27, 1886 issue: Married at the residence of the bride's grandparents, in Traer, August 25, 1886, Mr. N. E. Welty and Miss Jennie Hutchinson.

-August 20, 1886 issue: Born, Tuesday, August 17, to Mr. and Mrs. John Flinders, a son.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2014]

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O'brien County