Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 2, 1931

Funeral at Primghar for J. L. E. Peck Sunday
Last services were conducted and honor paid to J. L. E. Peck, one of the old settlers, pioneers and organizers of O'Brien county, on Sunday, March 22, at the Methodist church of Primghar with Rev. Geo. Osborn, pastor officiating. Mr. Peck died in Seaside hospital at Long Beach, Cal, on March 13, 1931, after a ten days illness from gall bladder infection. He was 78 years, 6 months and 26 days of age.

He was admitted to the bar and practiced law at Decorah before coming to Primghar in 1877. Here he opened a law office with F. W. Daggett (who now lives three blocks from the Peck residence in Long Beach.) Soon after coming to Primghar he met with a serious accident which left him lave for life, but with persistence of purpose and will power he took up the activities of life, became vitally interested in the agitations going on in this county and was elected to office of county auditor, serving for two terms. During these four years the pioneering and organization of county affairs was very strenuous and much work fell to the lot of the county auditor. Among the main issues was the rebonding of the old county debt of $200,000 and reducing the rate of interest from 10 to 7 per cent. Mr. Peck was responsible for securing signatures for these bonds and coupons.

On June 15, 1882 Mr. Peck and Alice Winkinson were married at Westbro, Mo., and immediately established their home in Primghar. To this union were born Demia E. and Beulah F. and four sons, who died in infancy. A niece, Alice Blanchard, and nephew, Ralph Carey Mawhinney were also raised as member of the family. Mrs. Peck died at the home in Primghar 15 years ago and shortly after Mr. Peck and his daughters took up their residence in California.

Stork Express
-A son was born on Wednesday, Mar. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mugge.

Court News
-The last will and testament of Peter Hansen has been admitted to probate and Henry Steick and Ernest Hansen, of Hartley, have been appointed executors.
-The last will and testament of Max Anderson, deceased, late of Sutherland, has been admitted to probate and Anna Anderson was appointed executrix.
-The annual report of the administrator of the estate of Thomas Gaffey has been approved by the court, and all his doings have been ratified and confirmed.
-The following estates have been decreed exempt from the payment of inheritance tax, Margaret Cormack, Jane Van Beck, Mary Hovland, Severt Hovland, and Margaret Goodmanson.
-The last will and testament of William Egdorf has been filed for probate and April 2 has been set for the hearing and proving of same.
-Earl P. Farnum has been appointed administrator of the estate of Josephine Farnum, deceased.
-A marriage license was issued to Willis Lee Beckley, Spencer, and Leona Krutzfeldt of Hartley, Iowa. This is the first marriage license issued by the clerk of the district court in 25 days.

Mrs. E. E. Harris Died Yesterday
Mrs. E. E. Harris of Peterson passed away at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Harris passed away a little over a year ago after a long illness. Mrs. Harris is the mother of Mrs. Jesse Harris, who lives east of town. Funeral arrangements have not been made as the Courier goes to press.

Illian - Crosser
Simplicity marked the marriage of Gerald Crosser of Sutherland and Miss Gladys Illian of Primghar, which took place Tuesday at the Methodist parsonage in Spencer. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. E. Hutchinson and the couple was attended by the groom's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crosser. After the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served at the home of Mr. Crosser's sister, Mrs. Elmer Goyette, of Spencer. That evening they were entertained at dinner in the home of the bride's parents, at Primghar. They are staying with Mr. Crosser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Crosser for the present.

-Mr. Wm. Egdorf, who resided west of Primghar, died at the St. Joseph hospital in Sioux City Tuesday, Mar. 24th. He is an uncle of Mrs. Henry Puhrmann.
-Wm. Miller is in the Hand hospital at Hartley suffering with diabetes. It was necessary to amputate his leg at the knee Saturday. At this time, he is feeling as well as can be expected.
-Bert Tibbetts had the misfortune of having the end of one of his fingers removed in a corn sheller one day last week.

Mrs. Dwight Mead Buried Sunday
A number from our vicinity attended the funeral of Mrs. Dwight Mead at Primghar Sunday afternoon, burial being in the Highland cemetery. Mrs. Mead was 76 years old at the time of her death and had been in poor health for several years. Three years ago she fell and broke her hip and had to spend the most of her time in a wheel chair. Mr. and Mrs. Mead moved to Primghar 14 years ago and before that time had lived 38 years on their farm in Highland township. All the children attended school at No. 1 Highland. Mrs. Mead was loved by all who knew her and many are the friends who extend sympathy to the sorrowing husband.

Aged Man Killed on Railroad Crossing
Nick Kock, 65, retired farmer of Rock Rapids, was killed when the auto he was driving was struck by an Illinois Central train on a crossing in Rock Rapids.

Lad Falls into Burning Stalks
Henry Brunsting, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Brunsting, living near Ireton, was badly burned while engaged in burning corn stalks on the farm, recently. While pushing stalks onto the burning pile the boy tripped and fell into the flames. He fell backwards and his clothing ignited before he could regain his bearings. His brother came to his rescue, covered him with dirt and pulled the burning clothes from the boy's body. The skin on his back and arms was badly burned.

Finds Additional Shortage in Accounts
An additional shortage of $2,100 has been found in the accounts of the late A. W. Chamberlain, former county recorder of Clay county. This last amount brings the total shortage in Chamberlain's accounts to $15,000. And since Chamberlain has gone to his reward, there is nothing that can be done about the matter.

Insurance Man is Found Dead in Garage
John W. Jensen, insurance agent, was found dead in his garage at Spencer Saturday, apparently having been suffocated by monoxide gas. He was sitting in his automobile with a newspaper in his hand.

20 Years Ago -Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier
-Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ewoldt of Calumet, on March 26, a daughter.
-A ten pound girl arrived at the Frank McCormack home at Old O'Brien last Saturday.

Forty-Five Years Ago - April 2, 1886
-Born, Tuesday March 30, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Towberman, a daughter.


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 9, 1931

Mrs. Campbell Dies at Capital
Wife of Representative from Eleventh District Passes Away Saturday at Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Ed Campbell, wife of Representative Campbell of this (the eleventh) district died in Washington, D. C. Saturday afternoon, April 4th, after an illness which has lasted for several months. A short time before her death blood transfusion was used, but this improved her condition but temporarily. Mrs. Campbell leaves her husband and a fifteen-year-old son. Her body was taken to Battle Creek, the home town of the Campbells, and the burial made there yesterday.

Court News
-The executor of the estate of Harm T. Schlachter, deceased, granted permission by the court, to sell the personal property belonging to said deceased.
-The final report of Albert H. Meyer, guardian of the property of Kermit Jacobsen, was approved by the Court and the guardian discharged.
-The Court decreed the estate of J. Charles Mackenstadt exempt from the payment of the inheritance tax.
-The last will and testament of Alice Holmes has been filed for probate and April 27 has been set for hearing and the proving of the same.

-Mrs. J. A. Sweeney went to Sheldon Tuesday to be with her sister, Mrs. Fred Miller whose husband passed away Monday. T. E. Brown, who is a cousin of Mr. Miller, went also but returned the same day.

Fred Miller Dies Monday; Funeral This Afternoon
Fred Miller of Sheldon passed away at the hospital at Oakdale Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He has been in poor health for several years and had been at Oakdale since the first of January. Mrs. Miller was Miss Loretta Triplett of Sutherland. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist church in Sheldon.

Roy Miller of Primghar Died Suddenly Monday
Roy Miller of Primghar, a son-in-law of Levi Gillispie, died suddenly Monday evening. He had been doing some interior decorating in a home at Primghar and had not finished at supper time. He went back after supper to finish and was accompanied by his wife. He finished his work and had his tools all packed up ready to leave and the lady of the house asked him a question concerning the colors to be used and when he did not answer, his wife looked up to see what was the matter just in time to see him drop over dead.

Stork Express
-A son was born on Saturday, April 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Christy of Calumet.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - April 7, 1911
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olhausen April 5, a daughter.

Forty-Five Years Ago - April 9, 1886
-T. B. Bark was around setting up the cigars the first of the week in honor of the girl at his house, born Tuesday, April 6th.
-Mrs. Oliver Marcotte of Grant township died last Monday and was buried Wednesday.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 16, 1931

The Obituary of Fred G. Miller
Funeral services for Fred G. Miller of Sheldon, who passed away at the sanitarium at Oakdale, Iowa April 6, were held at the Methodist Episcopal church in Sheldon last Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the pastor Rev. Ben Riner officiating. Masonic burial services were observed at the grave in East Lawn cemetery at Sheldon.

Fred G. Miller
Fred G. Miler was born January 12, 1878, at Rockport, West Virginia, and died April 6, 1931, at Oakdale, Iowa at the age of 53 years, 3 months and 25 days. He came to Illinois when a boy of seventeen, residing here about a year, thence removing to Everly, Iowa. He was united in marriage with Miss Luretta Triplett of Sutherland, Iowa, on November 11, 1903. They came to Sheldon in 1904 and with the exception of two years spent in Sioux City have resided in Sheldon since.

Mr. Miller was local manager of the Western Electric Telephone Company for a few years and was salesman for the William Warnack Company of Sioux City for six years. He spent twelve years with the Sheldon Auto company, resigning last September on account of ill health. On January 14 of this year he went to Oakdale, Iowa, entering the sanitarium for treatment, hoping to improve his health but he steadily declined in health, passing away on Monday, April 6.

Mr. Miller's mother died when he was seven years of age and his father died when he was twelve years old. An adopted daughter, Coleen Opal Miller, died at the age of 22 months. Surviving besides his wife are the following: three sisters, Mrs. Susie Brown of Rockport, W. Va.; Mrs. Josephine Caruthers of Palistine, W. Va.; Mrs. Anna Kimes of Bloomington, Ill.; four brothers, Alexander Miller of Huntington, W. Va.; John W. Miller of Belpre, Ohio; George Miller and Ben F. Miller, both of Portland, Oregon. Mr. Miller was a member of Mistletoe Lodge, A. F. &. A. M. at Sheldon, also the U. C. T. and the Methodist Episcopal church.

Among those from here who attended the funeral of Fred Miller at Sheldon last Thursday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lump Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sweeney, Miss Esther Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, J. B. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. George Alder, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Alder, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Flinders, Henry Triplett, Mrs. Adele Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brandt, Mrs. Maria Triplett, Mrs. Katherine Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaller, Mrs. E. B. Triplett and Mrs. T. D. Powell.

Court News
Bertha Datema is bringing suit against John Datema for absolute divorce, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The plaintiff prays that judgment and decree be entered against the defendant, that she be awarded the care, custody and control of said minor child, Robert James Datema, now six months old. That she be awarded temporary alimony in the sum of $300.00 and permanent alimony in the sum of $2500 and that the defendant pay her $10.00 per month for her own support and $20.00 per month for the support of the minor child. That she be awarded such other relief in the premises.

Rose Jebsen is bringing suit against Eddie Jebsen for absolute divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment such as to endanger her health and life. That the court will further decree that she be permitted to resume her maiden name, Rose Anderson. That she be awarded temporary alimony and suit money in the sum of $300 and permanent alimony in the sum of $200 and that he pay her $25.00 per month for her support. That she be awarded such other further relief as may be just and equitable in the premises.

Alta Wood is bringing suit against Victor Jerald Wood, for absolute divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The plaintiff asks for judgment and decree rendered against the defendant, awarding to the plaintiff temporary alimony in the sum of $3000.00 and that the defendant be ordered to pay to the plaintiff monthly the sum of $75.00 and such other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises.

Ray Siedsma, age 15 years, of Sanborn, Iowa, was committed to the Iowa Industrial School, at Eldora, Ia. by Hon C. W. Pitts, until he has attained the age of 21 years, unless he be legally discharged before said time. Sheriff Leemkull took Ray Siedsma to Eldora Saturday.

Anna Van Heuvelen has been appointed guardian of the persons and property of Alice Helmenson, Anna Helmenson, Eleanor Helmenson, and Henry Helmenson, minor children of Dick Helmenson, deceased.

Letters of administration were issued to John Roetzel, as administrator of the estate of Margaret Roetzel, deceased, April 13, 1931.

Clerk Hoeven issued two marriage licenses last week to:
Leland Dewell, Gaza, Iowa, Inez Mathern, Gaza, Iowa, April 8
Carl W. Christiansen, Washta, Ia., Joanna A. Hobbs, Alta, Ia., April 11

-The eight months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Triplett of Moneta, passed away Tuesday morning. The baby's twin brother died when only a few days old. Funeral services will be held today, and burial will be made in Waterman cemetery.
-Mrs. H. J. Behmer gave birth to a still-born baby girl Wednesday morning. Mrs. Behmer is getting along as well as could be expected.

Stork Express
A daughter, who weighed 6 pounds and 9 ounces was born last Wednesday, April 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Briggs of Long Beach, Calif. She has been named Alene.

Mathern - Dewell
Thursday morning, April 9th, 1931 at nine o'clock at the Sacred Heart church in Sutherland occurred the marriage of Miss Inez Mathern of Gaza and Mrs. Leland Dewell of Meriden. Rev. A. A. Bausch performed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a green flat crepe dress with accessories to match. The groom wore a brown suit. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clark, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Mrs. Dewell is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathern. She graduated from the Sutherland high school and attended college four years at Winona, Minnesota. She taught school two years, one year at Currie, Minn. and the other at Sleepy Eye, Minn. She is a very attractive young lady and has a host of friends who will wish her God Speed in her matrimonial life. Mr. Dewell is the son of John Dewell from Washington state. He is well and favorably known around this vicinity. After the wedding ceremony they went to the home of the bride's parents where a three course wedding breakfast was served to immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clark and daughter of Primghar and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dewell and children of Cherokee were the only guests outside the immediate family that attended the wedding. The happy couple will live on a farm near Meriden, Iowa. Their many friends wish them much joy and happiness. - From our Calumet Correspondent.

Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier -Forty-Five Years Ago - April 16, 1886
-Died at his residence in Grant township, Monday, April 12th, Arthur Staines, aged 29 years. He leaves a wife and two children.
-Born, April 9, 1886 to Mr. and Mrs. August Bonath, a son.
-Born, April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Briggs of Sutherland, a daughter.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 23, 1931

Mrs. Steele Dies Early Yesterday
Funeral Services for Mrs. Rebecca Steele will be held at the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge

Mrs. Rebecca Steele passed away at about eight o'clock yesterday morning, Wednesday April 22, at her home in Sutherland. Death was due to heart failure, influenced by the infirmities of her advanced age. Mrs. Steele was 82 years old, born in Jefferson county, Iowa, June 14, 1848. Her husband, Silas Steele, passed away June 16, 1926.

Mrs. Steele was one of the oldest residents of the community. Early this spring Mrs. Steele called at the Courier office and said among other reminiscences that just sixty years ago Valentine's Day they had started to O'Brien county in a covered wagon to take up claims. Considerable surprise was caused by her death, as she had been going about her work as usual. Although not in the best of health it had only been a few days since she was down town. Mrs. Steele complained of not feeling well Monday night. Tuesday morning she suffered a stroke and was first discovered by Mrs. Robt. Lee, who went to her home that morning. With the assistance of Will Pingel entrance to the house was gained, and a physician called. Mrs. Steele failed to rally and death came the following morning.

Mrs. Batcheler Dies at Peterson, Aged 76
Peterson Patriot: Mrs. J. W. Batcheler, aged 76 years, a pioneer resident of this community, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence O. Anderson, where she has made her home for some years, Sunday after noon at 1 o'clock. Death followed a stroke of paralysis which the lady suffered Saturday noon. She had always been in good health and the sudden stroke, followed by death the next day, came as a distinct shock to relatives and friends. Mrs. Batcheler had been a widow for several years. She was the mother of twelve children, several of which live in this community. Funeral services are being held this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock at the Anderson home and at 2:30 at the Congregational church. Interment will be at the family lot in the cemetery here.

Ella E. Carpenter was born November 28, 1855, in Providence, R. I., daughter of William and Clarice Carpenter. On March 2, 1871, she was united in marriage to Joseph W. Batcheler of Jones county, Iowa. To this union were born twelve children, Alfred E. of Cushing, Minn.; Bert, of Dickens, Iowa; Julia E. Lane, Lewis A. Everett E. and Clarence E., all of Peterson; Nathan H. of Milford; Cora B. Joenks of Royal; Clara Webster, Peterson; Florence E. Lewis of Rochester, Minn.; Joseph D., Peterson and Josephine F. Anderson of Peterson. She leaves to mourn her, twelve children, twenty-two grandchildren and fur great-grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends. She was a member of the Church of God at Sunny Hill. After moving to Peterson [she] has been a regular attendant of the Congregational church here.

Stork Express
A daughter, Joan Margaret, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Menke last Tuesday, April 14th.

Jack Geesman Killed in Hijacking Raid in West
Jack Geesman, formerly a resident of Sutherland, has been killed in California according to a dispatch from the United Press. The Des Moines Register, after a Brawley, Calif. dateline, says: An opinions that Jack Eugene Geesman, of Santa Ana, Cal., and Sioux City, Iowa, who was killed in a hijacking raid on a local beer establishment was one of the three hijackers and not a customer of the place as rumored, was expressed Tuesday by under-sheriff Rodney Clark. Customers in the place, according to Clark, reported they did not see Geesman until his body was found. Geesman was enroute to the home of his father in Sioux City.

Small Son of Mr. and Mrs. Zieman Dies at Calumet
Donald Lee Zieman, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zieman of Calumet, passed away Wednesday morning of this week. A form in infantile paralysis was given as the cause of death. The child died at 3:15 o'clock in the morning and in the afternoon burial was made in Calvary cemetery at Sutherland. Rev. A. A. Bausch had charge of the service at the grave. Donald Lee was born January 29, 1931 and died April 22, 1931, aged two months and 24 days.

-Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Bryant attended the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Triplett at Moneta last Thursday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hill, Mrs. Tom Sweeney, and Mrs. Homer Stearns attended the funeral of the infant twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Triplett at Moneta Thursday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hay drove to Grundy Center, Iowa, Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Haye's brother, Ed Gallagher.

Christiansen - Hobbs
Carl Christiansen of Washta and Miss Joanna Hobbs of Alta were united in marriage Sunday April 12. The ceremony was performed by Mrs. Eva Mae Scott, justice of the peace, of Calumet. The double ring ceremony was performed. They were accompanied by a sister of the groom and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen of Sac City.

Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 15th day of April, 1931, appointed by the District Court of Iowa in and for O'Brien County, Administrator of the Estate of Charles William Terry, deceased, late of Stark County, State of Illinois. All persons indebted to said estate will make payments to the undersigned and those having claims against said estate will present them, legally authenticated, to said court for allowance. Signed this 16th day of April 1931.
R. L. McClellan,
Toulon, Illinois

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - April 21, 1911
A. K. Hardenbrook died suddenly last Saturday morning at his home in the south part of town. He was sitting in his chair when he was stricken with heart failure and died within a few moments.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2013]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O’Brien co. Iowa
April 30, 1931

Mrs. Steele is Buried Friday - Had Lived Here for Sixty Years; Made Trip to O'Brien County in a Covered Wagon
Mrs. Rebecca Steele, one of the community's most highly respected women and a pioneer of O'Brien county, was laid to rest in Waterman cemetery last Friday afternoon, April 24th. Mrs. Steele died of heart failure at the age of 82. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church Friday wit Rev. Corwin Taylor in charge. Music was furnished by Miss Lauretta Lyon and R. W. Lee, with Mrs. C. W. Johannsen as accompanist. A solo was also sung by Ivan Reed of Peterson, Mrs. Reed accompanying. The pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased.

Throughout the half century of her residence in Sutherland and vicinity Mrs. Steele was often prominently connected with movements seeking to better her community's welfare, and as a result of the scores of close friendships she has made she will be greatly missed by her many friends. She was one of the few remaining persons who had seen Sutherland grown from a prairie to the thriving town it is today.

1848- Rebecca A. Bartels - 1931
Rebecca Adaline Bartels was born in Jefferson county, Iowa, June 14, 1848, and died April 22, 1931 at the age of 82 years, 10 months and 8 days. Her parents were pioneer settlers of that county, and she had all the cares and hardships of pioneer life, it being the day of grease lamps, tallow candles, log houses with puncheon floors and clapboard roofs. She received a good common school education and lived with her parents until her marriage to Silas Steele, February 16, 1870.

The lived on a farm near the old home one year. On February 14, 1871, she, her husband, and son, six weeks old, left their home for O'Brien county traveling in a covered wagon drawn by a span of mules. They took with them their household goods, two pigs, and two cows. They took a homestead in Waterman township where their youngest child, Frank now lives. They lived on the farm for about 50 years and then they moved to town where she has made her home. Her husband preceded her in death, dying June 16, 1926. Mrs. Steel was the mother of six children, three sons and three daughters. They are all living and present at the funeral except the oldest, William Henry, who died at Sioux City, April 14, 1925.

At an early age she united with the Baptist church during a revival meeting held at a school house by a pioneer minister, R. M. Tracey. She remained a faithful member until her death. The children surviving her are Mrs. Alma V. Lehan of Sioux City, Ira E. Steele of Royal, Mrs. Sylvia Scott of Lucedale, Miss., Mrs. Cora Nelson and Frank Steele of Sutherland. Mrs. Steele took an active interest in public affairs, being President of the Pioneer Club, and a member of the library board. She was an active worker in both the M. C. and Christian churches. She was a kind and loving mother, ever giving aid to the distressed and afflicted. Her spirit is with the Blessed and her friends can be comforted by the sweet and consoling though that she is waiting for them on the other shore.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our deepest gratitude to our friends for their many kind expressions of sympathy during our bereavement.
The Steele children

Edward Ahrens Called by Death - Funeral Services Held at Methodist Church Sunday Afternoon; Burial in Liberty
Following an illness of considerable duration Edward H. Ahrens died at his home near Paullina last Friday morning, April 24. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Corwin Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon and interment was made in Liberty cemetery. Until the first of March the Ahrens family had lived on a farm four miles southeast of Sutherland, and although they moved to another place near Paullina they continued to make Sutherland their home town and take part in its activities. Music for the church services at Mr. Ahrens' funeral was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruner, with Miss Frances Bruner at the piano. Short services were held tat the home. The pallbearers were Fred Anders, Dean Hicks, Robert Severance, John Holt, Lloyd Austin and Niels Nielsen. Members of the I. O. O. F. lodge were in charge of the services at the grave.

1870 - Edward Ahrens - 1931
Edward Herman Ahrens was born October 10, 1870, in Clinton county, Iowa, and died at his home near Paullina Friday morning April 14, 1931, at the age of 60 years, 6 months and 14 days, from a complication of diseases. He was the oldest son of Henry and Doris Ahrens. He was one of ten children, one of whom died in infancy, and one brother, Henry preceded him in death in 1913. When a small child he was baptized in the Lutheran faith. At the age of 13 years he came with his parents to O'Brien county, where he lived all of his life with the exception of seven years, when he lived at Lakefield, Minn.

On February 6th, 1900 he was united in marriage to Annie Lucht, who survives him. Eight children were born to them: Arnold, Marie, Luella, Edmond, Alice, Alta, Lloyd and Lucile. Besides his immediate family he leaves three grandchildren, Dolores and Robert Craig and Margaret Ann Mathiesen; one brother, August Ahrens of Chokio, Minn., and six sisters, Mrs. Adelhia Wede of Verdi, Minn., Mrs. Anna Kummerfeld of Sutherland, Mrs. Henry Vogt of Lynd, Minn., Mrs. John Ehrens of Barney, N. Dak., Mrs. Herman Albert of Hartley and Mrs. Andrew Hilbert of Sutherland.

Relatives and friends who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrens, Chokio, Minn.; Frank Wede, Mrs. Ray Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krentzkampf and sons of Milford; Henry Ahrens, Lime Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goos, Gary, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Franz, and Lavan, Miss Dora Lucht, Pipestone, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. John Lucht and Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scharnberg, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hintz, Everly; Mr. and Mrs. John Lucht, Jr., Royal; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Atzen and son, Lake Park; Mr. and Mrs. John Parnell and family, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Mrs. Lewis Anderson, Brookings, S. Dak.; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hass, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kolf, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jensen, Mrs. Mary Gentry, John Chalupnik, Hans Hansen, Lakefield, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Riesman, Everly; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guhl, Hartley.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to our many friends and relatives, and especially to the Odd Fellows of the Sutherland, Cherokee and Paullina lodges, and Rebekah lodge, for their many acts of kindness during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father; also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Ed Ahrens and family.

Donald Lee Rausch
Little Donald Lee Rausch, two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rausch, died last Sunday afternoon, April 26th, from scarlet fever. The child became sick about a week before death. Services were held at the grave Sunday evening in the presence of relatives. Rev. Corwin Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church was in charge. Donald Lee was born May 6, 1929. In the family there is a little sister, Betty Lou, besides the parents and other relatives and friends who are left to mourn his untimely passing.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends for the kindness shown us during our sorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rausch
Mrs. Elizabeth Grummisch

Court News
-Alta Loyal, as guardian of the property of Lorraine Foval, obtained permission from the court to sell real estate belonging to the minor.
-The final report of Katie Graff, as executrix of the estate of John W. Graff, was approved by the court and the executrix discharged.
-The final report of Albert H. Meyer as administrator of the estate of Freda Schierholz has been approved by the court and the administrator discharged.
-The estates of Lida Kinzie and Mary Eernise and Badie Millhouse have been [approved?] and the administrators discharged.
-Rose Jebsen obtained a decree of divorce from Eddie Jebsen and the court granted her the right to resume her maiden name, Rose Anderson. Plaintiff charged the defendant with cruel and inhuman treatment.

Stork Express
A baby son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wright Jordan on Tuesday, April 28. Mrs. Jordan is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Husted.

A. J. Rasmus Gored to Death
Tragic demise of Andrew J. Rasmus, 60, popular Cherokee citizen and well known northwest Iowa stockman, was recorded Tuesday morning shortly after 8 o'clock when he was gored by a bull on the Steemke farm, 2 1-2 miles southeast of Cherokee. Mr. Rasmus was saved from instant death by the quick action of Harold Dewell, tenant on the farm, who heard the commotion and rushed to the cattle barn in time to club the bull, [and] pull its victim to a nearby barn. Having no telephone at the place, Dewell placed Rasmus in a car and rushed him to Sioux Valley hospital where Dr. C. H. Johnson pronounced him dead. He had been terribly crushed.

Known As Ferocious
In an interview shortly after the accident, Dewell stated that Rasmus bought the bull, a brown Swiss, at the Carl Potts farm south of Cherokee Tuesday and hauled the animal to the Steemke farm in a Lamont truck. Potts warned Rasmus that the bull was ferocious and Dewell had repeated the warning several times. Tuesday morning Rasmus went to the Steemke farm and said he would take care of the bull while Dewell did his other chores. Rasmus went to the shed where the bull was tied. The animal apparently broke lose and pinned Rasmus against the wall, also trampling him on the ground. Dewell, in another barn, heard the commotion and rushed to Rasmus' aid. He picked up a heavy stick of week and beat the bull away, dragging Rasmus to safety. He asked Rasmus if he was badly hurt but owing to his weakened condition the victim could not reply. The trip to the Sioux Valley hospital followed.

Mr. Dewell also said that Rasmus had intended to untie the bull and take it to a nearby pasture. It is probable that he had it nearly untied when it took offense at the invasion and started to deadly attack. The animal was an altered three year old, without horns. Mrs. Dewell was in the house at the time of the accident, and a small son had just started to school as Mr. Rasmus came to the place.

Mr. Rasmus is survived by his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Evans, Columbus, Ohio; Bessie Rasmus, speech instructor at the University of Iowa; Florence Rasmus, member of the faculty at the University of Iowa and Mildred Rasmus, Columbus, Ohio. One sister, Mrs. F. A. Colby, Cherokee, and three brothers, Henry, Ed and Walter, also survive. A niece, Mrs. Otto Hofer, Charter Oak, Iowa, and his step-mother, Mrs. Andrew Rasmus, Attleboro, Mass. also survive.

Rasmus operated a farm near Meriden for many years, later engaging in the real estate and insurance business in Cherokee. He has been retired for several years but maintained an active interest in his affairs. - Cherokee Chief

Quite Some Girl
Ardith Joan, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ihry, residing six miles west of Royal, established a new record for bouncing babies in this section when she tipped the scales at exactly fifteen pounds at birth. The child was born Saturday, April 4.

-H. B. Lake attended the funeral of J. E. Ralson at Paullina last Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Schierholz and family, Mrs. Fred Moding and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Moding [sic - transcriber's note: not sure which Moding relative the newspaper refers to, but this probably is not correct as printed] near Aurelia Thursday.
-A number from here attended the funeral of Mr. John Ralston at Paullina Saturday. Mr. Ralston was a brother of Mrs. Martha Henderson.
-Mrs. Yale and Mrs. Ray Anderegg attended the funeral of Grandma Schuster at Primghar Monday. Mrs. Schuster was 81 years old and very active until two weeks ago when suffered a stroke, passing away Saturday night. She had made her home with her son, Fred Schuster for several years. The remains were taken to Durenth for burial.

Sanborn Young Folks Hurt in Collision at Sibley
Sanborn Pioneer: Three Sanborn young folks were injured early Wednesday morning when the Studebaker driven by Leslie Leemkull, with Dorothy Heskett and George Hakeman as passengers, collided with another car in front of the hospital at Sibley, about 1:15 Wednesday morning as the occupants were returning from a dance. George Hakeman received serious chest injuries, regaining consciousness about three hours later. Miss Heskett was unconscious for about twelve hours following the wreck, and as we go to press the exact extent of her injuries has not been determined. Leslie Leemkull, the driver of the car, received only minor scratches. The injured were removed at once to the Sibley hospital.

20 Years Ago - Items taken from the files of The Sutherland Courier - April 28, 1911
-Mr. and Mrs. Hute Doling are the proud parents of a little son, which arrived April 21st.
-One of the twin babies , a girl a year old, of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fredenburg, living south of Calumet, died Wednesday evening and will be buried in Waterman cemetery today.

[transcribed by A.N., August 2013]

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