Iowa Old Press

Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 6, 1930

Nick Langenhorst was arrested last Saturday evening by night Marshall Mulder and Special Police Ed Kreykes and charged with the "illegal possession of liquor." Langenhorst was in a car out on the southeast edge of town. When he saw the officers' car approaching, it is said, he threw a bottle containing eight ounces of alcohol from his car. This was recovered by the officers.

Mrs. Fred Kruse has been nominated for the second annual award as Champion Farm Woman of Iowa.

A miniature golf course is being planned for Sheldon as soon as a location can be secured.

CURBSTONE COMMENT: "Again last wee we were accosted with "Is it hot enough for you?" We never could understand why that question should be propounded so often. Anyway, it will not be long before winter will be here and then the same type of fellow will ask, "Is it cold enough for you?"

Frank VanSteenwyk is assembling an aero plane at his residence on West Eighth street.

July was the driest July of record, with only a little over a quarter of an inch of precipitation. Normal is 4.10 inches. The city pumped 15 million gallons of water, says Engineer Hedeen, but there was no appreciable
lowering of the water in the well. The Sheldon Dairy manufactured 9,380 gallons of ice cream, a record, so the hot weather was good for something at least.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2006]


Sheldon Sun
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 13, 1930

Mrs. J. E. Merriam received a radiogram from her son, Bob Merriam, who has been a radio operator on the U.S. steamship Black Hawk at Clefoo, China, that everything is all right. He will be leaving for the states next month.

Another 10 percent dividend will soon be issued, according to H. M. Kirkman, receiver for the First National Bank, which closed in March 1927. That make an 80 percent repayal so far.

The "Death Drag" was the biggest and most sensational stunt ever witnessed in Sheldon. Dave "Devil" Mulder, who appeared in Sheldon as a stranger and advertised that he would let himself be dragged down the main streets of Sheldon by an automobile doing 60 miles an hour while he escaped from a straight jacket "showed them" who were skeptical. He was followed by the Van Dyke ambulance, but that was not needed. In one block Mulder had succeeded in freeing his arms, and in the next he was able to get the jacket over his head.

F. C. Hoefs has opened a 24-hour taxi service for Sheldon. He will haul any place n the city for 15c day, 25c night.

Misses Alice Vollink and Opal Jackson left Saturday morning on a hitch hike to the Black Hills. The girls made the entire trip in four rides, relatives heard, and they report a good time.

Glenn Manderscheid has accepted a position with the advertising department of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus and joined the crew here last Saturday.

Frank Clarke made another hole-in-one on tee No. 1. Sunday. Frank says that was not official as it was made in practice. He just wanted to prove that he could do it again - in case of emergency.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2006]


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