Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 3, 1921

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Ralph Foster has sued Aartje Van Veldhuizen for $10,000 damages. The plaintiff is a minor child 9 years of age, and was caught in an unprotected universal joint of a tumbling rod on a corn sheller and had his thumb torn off and several bones broken and ligaments torn loose, receiving permanent injuries. His mother, Mary Wells, also sues for loss of services of her son and hospital and doctor's bills, making a charge of $5, 278 therefor.

A half dozen residents of the south end of Primghar have built a golf course in the Armstrong pasture and are losing balls and threatening injury to livestock to their hearts' content.

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Robinson - Engelke
Courier readers will read with much interest the following item taken from last week's issue of the Belmont (Wisconsin) Success, concerning the marriage of Henry Engelke, a former resident of this community. Local friends also send best wishes.

Mr. Henry N. Engelke and Miss Fern Robinson, two popular young people of Elk Grove, were united in marriage by Rev. A. M. Ivey at the Methodist parsonage in Belmont, Tuesday evening, October 25th, 1921.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. Frank Robinson, and is an estimable young lady, teacher of the Ipswich district school and highly respected by all who know her.

The groom is a hustling and enterprising young farmer, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Engelke of Platteville. The Success joins with their many Belmont friends in extending congratulations and predict for them a bright and happy future.

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The little infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schnett, that was just two months old, passed away at home last Sunday morning and was buried Monday afternoon in the Waterman cemetery at Sutherland.

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Hicks - Seaton
Spencer News-Herald - Spencer friends were pleased this week to hear of the marriage of Miss Ruth Seaton of this city and Mr. Herbert Hicks of Gaza, Iowa, which took place Friday, October 21st, at Slayton, Minnesota. The bride and groom left Gaza in an auto and drove to Slayton. They were accompanied by Miss Leone Brown, a teacher in the Gaza school, and by Mr. Gilbert Moat of Gaza. The ceremony was performed by the pastor of the M. E. church at Slayton and took place at the M. E. parsonage. Following the ceremony the wedding party went to Worthington, returning from there Sunday.

The wedding was a very informal affair, but a pleasing little fact is that the bride made her own wedding gown and hat, being an accomplished needlewoman. Miss Ruth is the youngest daughter of J. E. Seaton of Spencer and is a very popular young lady here. She graduated form Spencer high school with the class of 1917, and later studied for three years at the State College at Ames. She became a successful teacher of domestic science, teaching for a while in the schools at Rosgie [??] and this is her second year as teacher of domestic science in the Gaza schools.

Mr. Hicks is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hicks who live on a farm near Gaza. During the late world war he served as a soldier for one year in France. After his return he took up farming and will continue to follow this occupation. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks will spend the winter in Gaza, Mrs. Hicks finishing her school year there. The young people have the best wishes of a host of friends here who wish them happiness in their new life. The groom visited here several times during the past summer and won many friends for himself.

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Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donovan departed Monday afternoon via the auto route for Renville, Minn., to attend the funeral of the former's uncle.

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Chas. Welchlin who has been in this locality for some time settling the estate of his father, the late Wm. Welchlin, whose death occurred recently in LeMars, departed for his home in Virginia, Monday. Mr. Welchlin and family expect to come back north again in the spring to live, and will locate near Lake Benton, Minn.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 10, 1921

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Adolf - Kaiser
Hartley Sentinel - At the Trinity Evangelical church on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 9:00 a.m., occurred the marriage of Miss Eva Adolf of Hartley, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Adolf to Mr. Harry Kaiser of Sutherland. The happy couple marched to the altar to bridal strains from Lohengrin. Rev. Albrecht performed the ceremony, giving them words of cheer and promise and reminding them that only the faithful are they who will be rewarded. Only the parents of both parties were present to witness the ceremony.

The bride was becomingly attired in a beautiful gown of white canton crepe and carried a lovely bridal bouquet of sunburst roses. The groom wore a suit of navy blue.

Miss Eva is well known here and has many friends who hold her in high esteem and wish her much joy in her new walk of life. Mr. Kaiser for the past five years has been employed as a mechanic in one of the Sutherland garages and is a worthy young man who is to be congratulated upon securing in Miss Adolf a help mate. May God's blessing attend their way. They leave today for a three weeks' honeymoon.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 17, 1921

p 1 col 4
Rev. John T. Lee Dies - Former Minister here
The citizens of Sutherland learned with keen sorrow of the death of Rev. J. T. Lee, when a message telling of his demise, which occurred at his home in Superior, Nebraska, was received by friends here Monday morning. During his pastorate of the Methodist Episcopal church in Sutherland from 1908 to 1912 he was universally loved and honored for the good work he accomplished, and while here became a friend to everyone in the community. The following account was taken from Monday's issue of the Sioux City Journal:

Rev John Tomas Lee, a northwestern Iowa minister for a quarter of a century, died at his home in Superior, Nebraska, Saturday afternoon, of a complication of diseases.

The aged clergyman retired from active work in 1912, after having served on different charges near Sioux City for twenty-five years. Rev. Mr. Lee was pastor of the Haddock Methodist Episcopal church in Sioux City from 1892 until 1895.

The deceased entered the Northwest Iowa conference in 1887 and took his first charge at Merrill, Iowa. Leaving Merrill two years later, he served at Methodist churches in Cushing, Jewell, Haddock Mission in Sioux City, Sergeant Bluffs, Kingsley, Schaller, Lake City and Sutherland, Iowa. Retiring in 1912, he moved to Superior, where he has since resided.

The body will be brought to Sioux City for burial today. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Anna Johnson, 718 Cook street, at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Rev. C. H. Kamphoefner, pastor of the Whitfield Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate at the ceremony. Pallbearers will be chosen from Methodist ministers. Burial will be in Floyd cemetery.

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William Deddrich Menke, 1864 - 1921
William Deddrich Menke was born April 30, 1864, in Witzen, Province of Hanover, Germany. In 1890 he came to America, and settled near Paullina, Iowa. On Dec. 13, 1895, he was married to Miss Sophie Kappermann. This union was blessed with twelve children, of whom two have preceded the father in death.

Recently Mr. Menke's health failed him, and after some consideration, he was forced to accept medical attention and submit to an operation. Though human skill exerted itself to the utmost it was of no avail and on the 4th day of November, six days after the operation, he passed away, having attainted the age of fifty-seven years, six months and four days.

Left to sorrow his departure are his wife, and children, Henry, Mrs. Gustave Carison, Lilly, Minnie, William, George, Harry, Vernon, Walter, and Arnold, and three grandchildren, and one brother, Dick, of Calumet, who were with him to the end. Also one sister, Louise, who lives in Germany. Besides these he leaves a host of friends of the St. John's church, of which he was a member. Rev. A. H. Franke of Calumet read a short service at the house and also at the church. Burial at the Pleasant Hill cemetery, Nov. 8th.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness in our great sorrow, and also for the flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Brown and Dale

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The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown passed away very suddenly, Monday morning at about 5:00 o'clock. The baby had been in usual good health in the evening and its death came as a great shock to the parents.

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Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Jalas departed last Wednesday evening for New York City to meet two sisters of the father who were expected to arrive in the United States from Germany the first of this week.

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The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Brown, living six miles northeast of Sutherland, passed away Monday morning, aged two months and thirteen days. Death was caused from valvular insufficiency. Interment was made Tuesday afternoon in Waterman cemetery.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
November 24, 1921

p 1 col 6
Comes to Visit - Dies Here
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryant of Greene, N. Dak., Mrs. D. W. Bryant and daughter, Mrs. Clyde Triplett, of Stewart, Minn., and Mrs. Fred Conaway, of Sevastopol, Calif., arrived in Sutherland Wednesday morning to enjoy a reunion and partake of the happy festivities on Thanksgiving Day at the E. R. Triplett home, five miles east of Sutherland. Mr. Bryant suffered a stroke of apoplexy and died suddenly at 2:30 p.m. of the same day. We were unable to learn more of the particulars before going to press, but understand that burial will take place in the cemetery at Hartley, Saturday or Sunday. Mr. Bryant was a former resident of this community and his many old friends will learn of his death with much sorrow. Obituary next week.

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Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonard, Mrs. Frank Powers and Mrs. Ira Eddington attended the funeral of the infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Phelps, at Hartley, Friday.

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A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Urban, who live in the Liberty Hall, west of Sutherland, on Monday Nov. 21st. Death followed in the afternoon of the same day and on Tuesday the little one was buried in Cedar cemetery, south of Larrabee.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Jalas arrived home from New York City Sunday, accompanied by the latter's three sisters, the Misses Louise, Anna and Catherine Nissen, whom they met last week at that place when these young women arrived from Germany. They have come to this country to make their home.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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