Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 1, 1921

p 1 col 5 & 6
Walter Lee Bryant, 1867 - 1921
Walter Lee Bryant was born in Marshall County, Iowa, November 25, 1867. He came to O'Brien county with his parents in 1883 and lived on a farm north of Sutherland.

He was married to Lillie May Hakeman on November 27, 1890. Seven children were born to this union: Ray, Fay and Mrs. Clara Larson of Greene, N. D.; Mrs. Alice Otto and Mrs. Gladys Carlson of Lost Wood, N. D.; and Cecil and Clare who are here visiting with their mother. Besides his wife and children, he leaves his mother, Mrs. Mary Bryant, of Grand Forks, N. D., two brothers and four sisters: R.C. Bryant of Lost Wood, N. D.; A. E. Bryant of Grand Island, Neb.; Mrs. C. A. Triplett, of Stewart, Minn.; Mrs. C. N. Holly of Hartley, Iowa; Mrs. T. D. Conaway of Auburn, Calif.; Mrs. E. B. Triplett of Sutherland, Iowa; also ten grandchildren, to mourn his sudden and unexpected death.

After his marriage he lived on a farm north of Sutherland until fifteen years ago, when he moved on a farm in North Dakota. He lived there until a year ago, when owing to ill health, he moved to Greene. Thinking his health would be better by coming to Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant expected to make an extended visit among relatives in this locality this winter.

They arrived in Sutherland, Wednesday noon of last week, to enjoy a happy reunion and partake of the Thanksgiving festivities and the E. B. Triplett home, but these plans promising so much joy were not to be fulfilled, as he was stricken with apoplexy, and lived but a short time, passing away at 2:30 pm. of this same day.

He was highly esteemed by all who knew him and dearly beloved by his family He was a loving husband and father and his home was first in all his considerations. He was a charter member of the Yoeman Lodge organized in Grant township, and also a member of the Modern Woodman Lodge.

Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church in Sutherland, Sunday afternoon, Nov. 27th, by the pastor Rev. A. J. Wirin. Interment was made n Waterman cemetery.

Relatives attending from a distance were: Mrs. Mary Bryant, Grand Forks, N. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Triplett and daughter, Stewart, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Holly, Hartley, Iowa; Mrs. F. D. Conaway, Auburn, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bryant and two sons, Grand Island, Nebr.; Joe Bryant, Goodthunder, Minn.; W. Wantz, Ames, Iowa;, Mae Triplett, Thornburg, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stearns, Lake Park, Iowa; Amy Triplett, Sheldon, Iowa; Clint Hakeman, White, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Raymond, Sanborn, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mahoney, Primghar, Iowa; Frank Aldred and daughter, Ocheyedan; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cooper, Primghar.

Card of Thanks
We desire to express our heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to all those who so kindly aided us with their sympathy and assistance at the time of our sad bereavement. Also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Walter L. Bryant and family,
Other Relatives

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Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stearns, from Lake Park, Minn., came down Thursday to spend Thanksgiving Day with home folks. On account of the death of Mrs. Stearns' uncle, she remained here until Sunday to attend the funeral.

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Miss Mae Triplett who was called home to attend the funeral of her uncle, Walter L. Bryant, departed Sunday evening for Thornburg, Iowa, where she teaches in the Consolidated school.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 8, 1921

p 1 col 3
Out of twenty-nine applications for naturalization, Judge Hutchinson has granted sixteen, denied two and continued cases as to eleven. Sixteen were found entitled to their right to vote. Eleven were found entitled to naturalization but deficient in their knowledge of the laws and customs of our country and were put on six months' probation, after which if they pass the examination of the representative of the government, they will be admitted. The sixteen admitted were:
Gerard Jan Brouwer of Hospers
Reinhard M. Kobrich of Hartley
Maria Rossiter of Sheldon
William Struyk of Sheldon
Korst Nienwkoop of Sanborn
Ernest A. Sunkernerg of Primghar
Albert H. Weinke of Sanborn
Johann F. Oeffner of Gaza
Harm Thys of Sheldon
Joost J. Hoksel of Hartley
Dirk Verbey of Archer
Harry Benzekom of Archer
Dirk Benzekom of Archer
John Benzekom of Archer
Lewis Kuipers of Archer
Jan Dick Bolkema of Sheldon

Ernest Gottlieb Mengel and Adolph Caesar P. Kuhl, applicants for naturalization were denied the right because they each had claimed exemption from military duty in the selective service draft during the war on account of their alienage. Kuhl especially drew the wrath and denunciation of Judge Hutchinson for his cowardly stand during the war period. Among other things Judge Hutchinson said: "This country needed you and it called you in time of war: you came not; you claimed exemption from fighting for this country because you were a German citizen; you refused to fight for us and you refused to fight for Germany. We needed you then. We do not need you now. We are at peace. You have forfeited your right to citizenship. We have no present law providing means for sending you out of this country but in time such means may be provided. You will never become an American citizen. Your application for naturalization is denied with prejudice."

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Clark - Felton
Peterson Patriot - A wedding of interest to the people of south of town occurred at Des Moines, Thanksgiving Day, when Miss Pearl Clark, of Des Moines, was united in marriage to Mr. Fritz Felton of Cherokee county. These young people will, no doubt, settle in this neighborhood and will be assts to the community in which they become a part.

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Frank D. Nichols Weds Miss Marietta Abell
The marriage of Miss Marietta Abell, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abell of Ida Grove, and Mr. Frank D. Nichols was quietly solemnized Tuesday, December 6th, at five o'clock, in Sioux City, Iowa. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. C. Taylor, pastor of Grace Methodist church of Morningside, in the presence of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Kenderdine, formerly of this place. The bride wore an imported suit of blue duvetyne with French hand trimmings, and black velvet hat with trimmings off ostrich and paradise.

The wedding is a culmination of a romance which began when the bride was an instructor in the High School here. Mrs. Nichols was graduated from the State University of Iowa in 1918, where she was affiliated with the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She then attended the University of Minnesota. The past year she has been instructor of English in the High School at Red Oak, Iowa.

Mr. Nichols was a member of the Sutherland High School class of 1910, and later attended the University of Iowa, and the Art Institute of Chicago. When the world war broke out he was one of the first to enlist and be sent overseas, where he served two years with the 347th Field Artillery. He is at present employed in the drug business in Cherokee.

This splendid young couple's warm friends in Sutherland are legion and all unite is wishing them a large portion of this life's successes and happiness They will be at home to their friends in Cherokee after January 1st.

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Preston - Thomas
Primghar Bell - Mr. and Mrs. Monnie Thomas arrived here Sunday from Battle Creek and are now living in their new home in the south part of town. I. Monnie Thomas and Jennie May Preston were married at Cherokee last Wednesday night, going from there to her home at Battle Creek where they were tendered a reception Friday by her parents. These young people are well known here, Mrs. Thomas being one of our public school teachers, while Mr. Thomas is employed in the Primghar Mercantile Co. store.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 15, 1921

p 1 col 1
A. B. McCready has been released from his guardianship but the order is contingent on his paying some $2,700 expenses incurred through the guardianship in education of his daughter and conduct of the estate.

Executor of estate of Anna Briggs has been authorized to purchase a monument at expense of not to exceed $400.

Peter J. Baadte has enjoined the sheriff from selling his residence property in Sheldon under execution sued out by his wife in her suit for separate maintenance. Baadt claims the home is exempt from execution.

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Kellum - Stellish
Hartley Sentinel - One of the prettiest weddings of the season took place at high noon yesterday, December 7th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kellum near Sutherland when their daughter, Miss Lulu M., was united in marriage to William A. Stellish. Rev. Barkley officiated, using the impressive double ring ceremony. Nellie Steinbeck sang "Love's Ship" accompanied by Miss Orpha Schildts and the piano. While Miss Schildts played Lohengrin's Wedding March the bridal party descended the stairs and took their places beneath the colonnade decorated in pink and white streamers. Elsie Stellish, sister of the groom, and Edward Stellish were attendants. Little Melba Sass and June Stahley carried a basket of flowers and Thelma Clark carried the rings in a bouquet of pink and white carnations.

Immediately following the ceremony, a three-course wedding dinner was served. The home was prettily decorated in the bride's colors, pink and white. The bride's gown was of satin with rosebud trimming and she carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The groom wore a suit of brown. The bridesmaid was attractive in a frock of white georgette and satin.

The bride is a fine young lady with a pleasing personality. She attended the Hartley high school for two years, during which time she made many friends. The groom is an industrious young farmer and is well and favorably known in this vicinity. He has lived here his entire lifetime with the exception of nineteen months spent in Camp Dodge.

Mr. and Mrs. Stellish departed for a wedding trip to Des Moines and Lime Springs. After January 1st they will be at home on a farm owned by the groom's father east of Hartley. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and prosperous married life.

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A post-nuptial shower was given for Mrs. Adrian Lowry in Cherokee county last Friday. Mrs. Geo. Klaas and daughters, Mrs. Bessie Rhinehart and Mrs. Alice Robinson attended from here.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 22, 1921

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Bethel - Cooper
Primghar Bell - Albert Cooper and Mrs. Grace Bethel were married by Rev. [?] Pierce at the Congregational parsonage on Monday afternoon. Mr. Cooper is a farmer residing near Everly and has many acquaintances in this county. Congratulations are extended.

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Rohwer - Severance
Paullina Times - Miss Amanda Rohwer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rohwer, was married Wednesday, Dec. 14th, to Mr. Ivan Severance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Severance, of Tracy, Minn. The ceremony took place at six o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, north of town, Rev. H. F. Williams, of the Presbyterian church, officiating.

The bride was charming in a gown of delft blue silk and was attended by her sister, Miss Elsie. The groom's best man was his brother, Merlin Severance. After the ceremony, which was attended only by near relatives, a three-course supper was served. The rooms were beautifully decorated with carnations and narcissus, carrying out a color scheme of yellow and white.

The bride has grown to womanhood in this community, where by her sunny ways she has endeared herself to a large circle of friends. The groom is a young man well spoken of in the vicinity where he lives, and is to be congratulated upon his choice of a wife. The young people will visit among relatives here for a time, after which they will go to Tracy, Minn., to make their home on a farm.

The only out-of-town guests were the groom's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Water Severance, their son, Merlin, and daughter, Marjorie, all of Tracy, Minn.

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Orval John Richard Perry, infant son of Chas. Perry and his wife, Mathilda, nee Menke, was born April 12, 1921, and baptized May 22nd of the same year. Obviously little Orval's health was not of the robust type and though he seemed to be ailing frequently, no immediate or grave fears were entertained. At about the beginning of the last week, a sudden change for the worse set in, and little Orval was called unto his Creator on the 15th day of December, having attained the tender age of 8 months and 3 days.

Left to mourn his departure are his parents, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Menke, and also a host of other relatives. Our sympathy goes to all who have been cast in sorrow by this death. May He, whose ways are not our ways, comfort them and restore their hearts to gladness. Interment was made a the Liberty township cemetery, December 17th, Rev. A. H. Franke of Calumet officiating.

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Mr. and Mrs. Perry mourn the death of their grandchild, the year old baby of their son, Chas., which died Thursday morning of pneumonia.

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Mr. and Mrs. George Mummert, of Cherokee, attended the funeral of the infant son of their nephew, Charles Perry, west of Sutherland, Saturday, and remained over Sunday to visit at the home of Mrs. Mummert's brother, John Perry.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
December 29, 1921

p 1 col 1
Henry Kummerfeld, 1857 - 1921
The news of the sudden death of Henry Kummerfeld which occurred at his home in the east edge of Sutherland, about 4:00 o'clock Monday afternoon of this week, came as a shock to the people of this community, as but few even knew of his being sick, which was only of a few days' duration. The cause of his death was la grippe.

Henry Kummerfeld was born in West Ohstedfeld, Krist Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, July 12, 1857, and died at his home east of Sutherland, Iowa, December 20, 1921, at the age of 64 years, 5 months and 14 days.

He landed in American in 1882, and came to O'Brien county, where he started working for G. K. Schultz, which he continued for twelve years. He has resided since in and near Sutherland until the time of his death.

He was married to Anna Ahrens on August 19, 1896. To this union three children were born, two girls, Dora and Edna, and one son, LeRoy. He is survived by his wife, children and one sister, Mrs. Carl Schuenke, and one sister in Germany. He had one brother who preceded him to the Great Beyond.

The deceased was a kind husband, loving father, a good neighbor and a friend to all who knew him. Thus the whole community loses an upright and highly respected citizen.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Sutherland on Thursday, December 29th, conducted by the pastor Rev. A. J. Quirin. Interment in Waterman cemetery.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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