Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 7, 1921

p 1 col 1
Hazel D. Johnson has sued her husband, Hjalmer J. Johnson, for a divorce and alimony claiming cruel and inhuman treatment. Judge Bradley has authorized an attachment to issue in the sum of $150. Defendant is employed by a railroad company in Sheldon.

p 1 col 2
Mrs. Sophie Yeager Dies Sunday Morning
Mrs. Sophie J. Yeager died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Phillips of Sutherland, Iowa, Sunday morning, April 3, 1921. The end was as sudden as it was unexpected. She was about her usual duties the night before, but took sick in the early hours of the morning, and despite all that medical skill could do, she passed away at 7:30 a.m., aged 75 years.

Sophie J. Price was born in the state of Pennsylvania in the year 1846. She was married to John S. Yeager in Illinois, Sept. 26, 1865. To this union was born seven children, six of whom are still living. One son, Roy B. Yeager passed away two and a half years ago. In the year 1882 they moved to Iowa and settled in O'Brien county, where they resided until their decease.

Mrs. Yeager joined the Methodist Episcopal church in Primghar with her husband in 1895, and until prevented by ill health she was most faithful in attendance upon the church services, and evinced sincere interest in the welfare of the church. She was a sincere, devout Christian woman, and was possessed of all the graces that such a one should have. Since the death of her husband eleven months ago her health has been poor, and at times she confessed her loneliness, but never once was she heard to complain. With patience she waited the summons that would call her to join the loved ones that had gone before.

She leaves to mourn her loss six children: Mrs. Agnes Phillips and D. H. Yeager of Sutherland, G. E. Yeager and T. S. Yeager of Sioux City, Ia., C. R. Yeager of Ticonic, Ia., and J. F. Yeager of Primghar, Ia. Also one sister, Mrs. M. Myers of Ft. Dodge, Ia., and one brother, Mr. Jerry Price of Lena, Ill. There are sixteen grandchildren living.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Phillips, of Sutherland, the Rev. A. J. Quirin, pastor of the Methodist church, conducting the ritual. The body was then taken to Primghar, where services were held in the Methodist church. The Relief Corps had charge of the church decorations, and her pastor, the Rev. Arthur Hopkinson, preached the funeral sermon. Interment was made at Pleasant Hill cemetery at Primghar, beside her husband. - Contributed

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A member from this vicinity attended the funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller at Sheldon last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Triplett autoed to Sheldon Saturday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller's little daughter who had passed away on Thursday. Mrs. Miller is a sister of Mr. Triplett.

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Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for their help and kindness at the death of our mother and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Phillips and family
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Yeager and family
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Yeager and family
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Yeager
Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyers
Mrs. Etta Ports

p 4 col 2
Executor's Notice
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested: That, on the 4th day of April, 1921, the undersigned was appointed by the District Court of O'Brien County, Iowa, Executor of the Estate of Bridget Sweeney, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned and those having claims against the same will present them, legally authenticated, to said Court for allowance. Dated this 4th day of April, A. D. 1921.
Sutherland State Bank
Locke & Lampman, Attorneys for the Estate

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 14, 1921

p 1 col 6
Jack Lacey Attempts to Kill His Wife and Takes His Own Life Sunday at Sanborn
Jack Lacey attacked his wife, Minnie Grebow Lacey at the home of her parents in Sanborn Sunday night at about 9:30, shooting her in the jaw, the bullet lodging in her head. He then turned the revolver on himself, shooting through his temple and producing instant death. The couple have been separated, and divorced. The woman was removed to the Ward hospital at Primghar where she is in a precarious condition.

Marriage licenses have been issued to Fred Payne and Agnes Greaves; Robert Brandt and Louise Brinkert; Oscar Tabor and Mildred Harris.

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Mr. and Mrs. Siebert Harris of near Royal were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. A. Farquhar.

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H. C. Thiessen returned home Wednesday from Belle Plaine, Iowa, where he had been called to attend the funeral of his cousin.

The friends of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Shaw, former residents of Sutherland, have received announcements telling of the birth of a baby boy, born on Monday, April 4th. He has been named Leslie Fleming.

Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar were called to Sioux City Tuesday to attend the funeral of the latter's mother, whose death occurred while visiting in the west.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 21, 1921

p 1 col 1
Miss Lillian Jaacks Dead
Miss Lillian Anna Jaacks, daughter of Mrs. Anna Jaacks of this place, passed away at the state hospital at Cherokee, where she had been a patient for the past two years, on Sunday, April 17 at the age of 25 years, 2 months and 25 days.

The deceased was born in O'Brien county, Iowa, near Gaza, on January 22, 1896, where she was reared and lived with her parents until she moved with them to Sutherland to reside. She is survived by her aged mother; one sister, Mrs. William Johannsen of Sutherland, and three brothers, Otto of Gaza, Will of Paullina, and Grover, who is at Tucson, Ariz. for his health. Her sister Emma died in 1910, and her father in 1915.

Funeral services were held in Sutherland at the home of her mother, on Tuesday afternoon, in charge of Rev. A. J. Quirin of the Methodist church. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery.

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Death of a Young Mother
The news of the death of Mrs. August Henning, which occurred at the Hand hospital in Hartley Monday morning, April 18th, spread over this community as if on wings of the wind, and with it sorrow was brought to the hearts of friends everywhere. Following the birth of a baby daughter on April 7th, complications developed which caused her death.

Maggie Hoepner was born April 12th, 1891, at Rhinebeck, Tama county, Iowa, and at the time of her death was 30 years and six days old. From Rhinebeck she moved in 1900 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoepner, both of whom are now deceased, to O'Brien county, and located near Sutherland.

On March 4, 1916, she was united in marriage to August Henning, since which time she has continued to reside in this vicinity. Two children were born to this union, Orville, aged three years, and the infant daughter Lorene, aged 11 days. Besides the husband and two children, five sisters and two brothers are left to mourn the untimely departure of the deceased, as follows: Mrs. Dora Hagedorn of Sutherland; Mrs. Amelia Holts, of Calumet; Mrs. Anna Rohwer, of Gaza; Mrs. Clara Bareis, of Paullina; Mrs. Alvina Ebert of Sutherland and John Hoepner of Paullina.

The funeral was conducted from the Methodist church by Rev. A. J. Quirin, the pastor, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A large concourse of sympathizing friends were in attendance at the funeral and followed in an unusually long cortege to the Waterman cemetery, where the body was laid to rest.

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The Jesse Harris family spent Sunday at the James Farquhar home.

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Mr. and Mrs. John Shimmer of Calumet were here Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. August Henning.

Mrs. Adolph Luethje returned to her home at Gladbrook Thursday, having been called here to attend the funeral of her niece, Miss Lillian Jaacks.

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Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during our bereavement, and also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Anna Jaacks
Grover Jaacks
Will Jaacks
Otto Jaacks
Mrs. Will Johannsen

p 4, col 6
Card of Thanks
I wish to sincerely thank the kind neighbors and friends for their sympathy and the great assistance given me in the hour of sorest trial and bereavement, at the death of my beloved wife and companion in life, also for the tribute to her, expressed in beautiful floral offerings.
August Henning

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 28, 1921

p 1 col 1
Mrs. George Neath died at the Ward Hospital Sunday as a result of an operation. She and her husband have been residents of Primghar for many years, Mr. Neath having charge of the Standard Oil interests here.

p 1 col 6
[portions of the article are not readable do to tatters and tears]
Virgil Case is Settled for $6,000
The United States Railroad administration has settled the five cases brought against it by the Virgil family near Gaza for the accident that caused the death of four members of the family at a highway crossing adjoining the town of Gaza a year ago last July. The action was brought against the Illinois Central Railroad company [...] -ont the court held the railroad company was not liable as the road w[...] was being operated by the government [...]. Suit was brought for $15[....] and the government settled by [...] $6,000.

p 4 col 3
Original Notice
Frances Brees, Plaintiff v. George Brees, Defendant
In the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for O'Brien County
September term, 1921
To George Brees, defendant:
You are hereby notified that the petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled case is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for O'Brien County, asking against you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and plaintiff in the grounds set forth in said petition, also for custody of minor children and general equitable relief. For full particulars see petition on file.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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