Iowa Old Press

O'Brien County Bell
Primghar, O'Brien County, Iowa
September 30, 1920

The grand jury last week adjourned without returning a single indictment.

W.L. HAMILTON and Sanborn State Bank each secured judgment by default against Peter W. BROWER -- HAMILTON secured foreclosure of a mortgage securing his debt.

Estates of Thomas P. T. JOSSEM, Catherine DICKMANN and James JONES have been closed and settled.

The Flock Lumber Company has secured foreclosure of a mechanics lien against the L. SCHUBERG farm sw section 24 Omega township.

Seven divorces were granted at the present term of court all upon application of the wife. They are as follows:
-Emma KLEIN vs George KLEIN
-Hattie M. WARREN vs Charles W. WARREN
-Frances M. SIMPSON vs Robert G. SIMPSON
-Mary C. HEALEY vs George A. HEALEY -- In this case Mrs. HEALEY is given property appraised at $30,000 and her attorney was paid $600 in fees.
-Mary JOHNSON vs Eleanor (sic?) E. JOHNSON; plaintiff awarded alimony of $1,500, payable $75 per month.
-Mary KNAURER vs William KNAURER; plaintiff awarded $1,000. Also attorney fees.
-Eleanor BAADTE vs Peter BAADTE; was a suit for separate maintenance and plaintiff was awarded $2,000 per annum, payable $500 each quarter commencing October 1, 1920. The payments continue during the life of both parties. Mrs. BAADTE is also given $200 account of expenses since July 1st, her attorney fees of $500 and possession of an $8,000 insurance policy and custody of a minor son 20 years of age.

George W. STUARTZ secured judgment against Gerrit WESSELINK on two notes.

Laemie Film Service secured a jury verdict against Calumet Entertainment Co., for a moving picture film. The film was left near the depot in Calumet late one night after the picture show so that the express agent would get it in the morning and ship on first train. The depot was struck by lightning and it with the film was destroyed by fire. The express Company disclaimed liability and the film company looked to the local picture show men to pay the price of the film.

In the case of C.A. CHARLES vs Dr. C.F. CASLMAN, the jury returned a verdict for the defendant. Parties were driving automobiles which came into collision in the town of Hartley at a street corner. The jury found that
both parties were to blame.

G.H. MEHRENS, Orville MOORE and Eva SMITH secured decrees quieting title to real estate against unknown claimants.

In the jury case of E.J. NEWCOMER vs J.L. HENDERSON the jury returned a verdict for defendant. NEWCOMER's car was destroyed in an accident caused by colliding with a calf which was grazing in the public highway in the nighttime. HENDERSON denies he owned the calf.

Emil GEBERT secured judgment against Mary SCHRODER on two notes and sale of attached property was ordered.

Mytton and Parkinson vs Emma TRAEGER was settled. Action was for partition of land. Mytton & Parkinson sold their interest to defendants.

The Moneta Savings Bank secured judgment against L. SCHUBERT for $1,432 on notes.

H.E. HORSEMANN secured judgment against John BAMAGARN (sic) on a note.

Chas. KAY vs John AWE; default against defendant and judgment for amount due on note.

Louis RUWE secured judgment of $2,271 against L. SCHUBERT on two notes.

Nebraska Farmers' Company secured judgment against H. UITTENBOBOGAARD for $260 price of newspaper advertising of a hog sale.

Julius THORTSEN secured judgment against C.H. ROST on a note.

Sioux City Iron Company secured judgment against Alex AMELUNG on an account for $236.

J.H. QUEAL was given judgment against J.M. PATTON on a note.

Alton Tank Line took judgment against A.F. ROGERS for $807.

The Moneta Savings Bank took a judgment against R.F. STEFFENS for $7,588. Sale of real estate attached was ordered.

George W. HARRIS took judgment against Carl ROGERS on a note.

First National Bank of Appleton, Minnesota, secured judgment against C.H. BETTS for amount due on a note and sale of real estate attached in Osceola county, Iowa, was ordered.

O.L. HORST was given judgment against L. SCHUBERT on a note.

[transcribed by C.B., April 2005]

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