Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 13, 1919

p 2 col 2
Henry Glenn Meyers has sued his wife, Florence Meyers, for a divorce. She recently secured his indictment for his alleged failure to support their child.

p 3 col 3
Mrs. W.E. Whitlock was called to Sioux Rapids Tuesday by the sudden death of the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Jeffery.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 20, 1919

p 1 col 3
Mrs. Asa Chapman Dead
Mrs. Nellie B. Chapman, wife of Asa Chapman, of Currie, Minn., died last Saturday as a result of an operation at the Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee. The Chapman family were residents of this vicinity for about nine years, moving to their present location a year this spring, and the many friends here deeply regret to hear of her sudden demise. She was a daughter of N. S. Warren, a former resident of Cherokee county. Funeral services were held at the Christian church in Larrabee at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning and the body laid to rest in the Cedar township cemetery.

p 1 col 5
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Davis received their nephew's marriage announcement, who is with the American Expeditionary Forces, which read as follows: "Monsieur and Madame Edmanuel Mistlaen of Antwerp, Belgium, announce the marriage of their daughter, Clemantine Marie Louise, to Mr. Morris A. Slocum, Lieutenant Medical Corps. United States Army, on Saturday, March the first, nineteen England. At home after April 1st, Pittsburgh, Penn."

Grandma Bailey reached her 93rd milestone last Saturday, March 15th. Her children knowing how much she prizes the "Bright Spots" in life, endeavored to make this event enjoyable. The roads were high impassable for the deep mud, but pluck overcomes obstacles. The Furgusons pulled through from Larrabee. Ben McCulla's and Lawrence Flinders' from Cherokee county. The dinner was charmingly laid at her son, Asa's home. The birthday cake, a pyramid with the lighted candles, sent a glow of happiness around the circle that repaid the work and effort of preparation and also the travel. A mother's love endures all trials. All honor to our mothers.

p 6 col 4
Mary Orton has sued her husband, Chas. Orton for a divorce. They were married in February 1916 and she alleges that Orton has become an habitual drunkard since his marriage.

Judge Bradley has made an order against James Cavanaugh, executor of the will of Tom Crocker, to file inventory and report by March 31st. The estate has been pending three years and no report filed and inventory is missing from the files and was never properly executed. Cavanaugh lives at Manchester, New Hampshire.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
March 27, 1919

p 1 col 2
Landers - Gaines
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaines there took place on Monday March 11[may be 14], the marriage of their daughter, Bernice, to John Landers. At seven o'clock the Rev. Mr. Hopkinson of the Methodist church read the ring ceremony. The bride wore a suit of dark blue, and the groom, recently discharged from the services at Camp Devens, was in his uniform. The pastor also wore his army uniform.

The wedding supper was served at a table beautifully decorated with white carnations and smilax. The colors, green and white, appeared throughout the serving of the supper. The wedding cake and the bride's cake were brought to the table and cut by the bride. In addition to the members of the bride's family there were present, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lemke and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hicks of Sutherland

Mrs. Landers is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gaines. She graduated from the local high school in 1914 and after a term at Morningside College has been a successful teacher in the schools near Primghar. At the present time she is teaching in Highland township and will finish the winter term. Mr. Landers, whose former home was in Appleton City, Mo., has more recently been engaged in farming near Primghar. He and his bride will begin housekeeping soon on one of the Robert Lemke farms south of Primghar where he will continue to assist Mr. Lemke. (Primghar Bell)

Burkhart - Mason
A very happy wedding took place Monday, March 17, at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason of East Main street, when Miss Leita M. Mason, daughter of Mrs. B. F. Mason of Meriden, became the bride of Mr. Harry H. Burkhart of Sutherland. The impressive ring ceremony was used, Rev. A. B. Thutt officiating. Miss Mason is one of the popular teachers of Liberty township. Mr. Burkhart is a well known young farmer recently of Cleghorn. The happy couple will be at home to their friends on a farm near Sutherland after April first. -Cherokee Times

p 1 col 2
Infant Dies Suddenly
[a fold in the newspaper obscures some of the text, frustratingly so]
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. [initial is either B. or R. and the last name has seven letters] died suddenly Wednesday morning. The little fellow hadn't been sick and it is thought that he must have swallowed something which caused his death. Short funeral services were conducted from the home this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. and burial was made in Waterman cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the grief stricken parents.

p 1 col 5
Memorial Service
At Maple Grove Church
Sunday, March 30th, at 3:00 p.m.
In Memoriam
Lyman L. Hill, 1895-1918
Enlisted, U. S. Navy, Great Lakes Training Station, 1918, Lost at Sea, Oct. 4, 1918, on U. S. Convoy Herman Frasch.
"America" Congregation
Music Choir
"Sweet Heavenly Bells" Quartette
Prayer Rev. Frost
Music Choir
Sermon Rev. F. E. Hamlin
"The Supreme Sacrifice"
Solo Mrs. B. C. Matlow
"When the Service Star Turns to Gold"
"The Star Spangled Banner"

A special invitation is extended to all of the returned boys from the army or navy of Sutherland and vicinity to join in this service by attending in a body.
Rev. F. E. Hamlin, Pastor

p 3 col 2
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar Tuesday, March 25th.

p 3 col 3
Horace Chapman of Esmond, S. Dak., who was called to Larrabee to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Asa Chapman last Wednesday, spent a couple of days in Sutherland before returning home Friday.

p 9 col 1
Mrs. Gus Meier was called to Sheldon last week by the death of her father who has been ailing for some time. We extend our sympathy to her in her sore bereavement.

[transcribed by A.N., April 2012]

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