Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
February 6, 1919

p 1 col 6
[parts of the following were obscured by dark blobs, probably tape on the original newspaper]
Caroline Olsen, 1852 - 1919
Caroline Hendrickson Olsen was born in Christiania, Norway, March 8, 1832, and died at her home in Sutherland January 30, 1919. Her parents came to this country when she was one year of age and located at Decorah, Ia., where she lived until she was united in marriage to Joakin Olsen, in 1876, when they moved to Buena Vista county. To this union eight children were born, three having died in infancy and five daughters are left to mourn their loss. They are Mrs. Tom Hamilton of Paullina, Mrs. Bert Hiensen of Sanborn, Mrs. Gay Hesse of Hartley, Miss Ida Olsen and Mrs. Henry Simeon, of Sutherland. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Matilda Streeter of Peterson, Ia., and Mrs. Eliza Hansen of Dunlap, Ia., and four grandchildren. Her husband, Joakin Olsen, died at Pukwana, S. Dak., Feb 23, 1896, and after his death she moved to O'Brien County where she resided until her death. She was a member of the Norwegian Lutheran church until death claimed her, from the "Church Militant" here into the Church Triumphant in Heaven.

p1 col 6
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance and sympathy, during the illness and death of our beloved mother, also for the beautiful floral offerings and the singers.
Mrs. Tom Hamilton
Mrs. Gay Hesse
Miss Ida Olsen
Mrs. Henry Simons

p 3 col 2
Mrs. Bunce Woldheim of Primghar mourns the loss of an infant son, which was buried Tuesday afternoon.

p 6 col 2
The naturalization docket for the April term of court has been prepared by the clerk and it's now too late to enter applications for hearing at that term. The following cases are on the docket" Henry Bock of Hartley, Wm. Mehl of Sheldon, Ernest Stoever of Paullina, Henry Jensen of Sutherland, Adolph T. Hansen of Gaza, Richard Witt of Hartley, and Ernest G. Reick of Gaza; all are German aliens and their applications will go over till after the war. The Government has also filed motion for the continuance of the case of John Dekker because the witnesses have not answered questions mailed by the government. The cases that will come on for hearing are as follows: Torsten H. Slovberg, former citizen of Norway, residing at Paullina; Carl Hove, Denmark, residing at Gaza; Fred Lonsdale, Great Britain, residing at Calumet; Leendert A. Struyk, Netherlands, residing at Sheldon; Chas. Dykstra, Netherlands, residing at Sanborn; John Broek, Netherlands, residing at Sheldon; Conrad Balt, Netherland, residing at Sheldon; Michael Fisch, Luxemburg, residing at Granville; Carl O. Johnson, Sweden, residing at Paullina; Rens Postmas, Netherlands, residing at Sheldon.

Marriage Licenses
Fred W. Hanson 25
Mabel E. Wolf 21

Herman Eden 22
Julia Kearns 18

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
February 13, 1919

p 1 col 2
Oldhausen - Triplett
The marriage of Miss Luella Sarah Oldhausen and Mr. Eldred L. Triplett occurred on Wednesday, February 12th, at the home of the bride's parents, six miles east of Sutherland. There were about one hundred guests present to witness the ceremony which was performed at high noon by Elder E. L. Frost, pastor of the Church of Christ. Following this a bountiful wedding dinner was served.

The bride wore a beautiful dress of white georgette crepe and carried a bouquet of pink and white roses. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oldhausen, and is a refined young lady who is held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Triplett, and a young man of sterling worth, capable and industrious. These young people will make their home on a farm east of Sutherland, which the groom had in readiness for occupancy. The Courier extends congratulations.

p 3 col 3
Calumet - The sad news went forth Sunday morning that Mrs. Mattis Schuman had passed away. This is practically another influenza victim, as the deceased lady was taken down with the disease several weeks ago, the case developed into pneumonia and since that time she has been in a very weak condition, and passed away Sunday morning, February 9th. Our sympathy goes to this, another family bereaved of a loved one.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
February 20, 1919

p 1 cols 1 & 2
Dan Cupid Busy During Past Week - "Month of Brides" Changed From June to February in Sutherland

Noethe - Streufert
On Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Sacred Heart church occurred the ceremony which united Miss Lorene Noethe and Mr. Charles Streufert in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. M. C. Wendl officiating. The bridal pair were attended by Miss Viola Noethe, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid and Mr. Elmer Sweeney, as best man.

The bride wore a beautiful gown of white georgette over satin with trimming of bugle beads and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Her veil consisted of embroidered silk tulle with a wreath of beads and orange blossoms. The bridesmaid wore flesh colored georgette over satin with bead trimmings and carried a bouquet of carnations. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple returned to the home of the bride's parents where a bounteous wedding breakfast awaited them, others present only included the immediate relatives. In the afternoon a reception was given, at which about 100 guests were present, and lasted until evening, the time being spend in dancing and merrymaking.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Noethe, well known residents of Grant twp. She is refined and possesses a very pleasant disposition which has won much admiration and popularity among all her acquaintances. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. August Streufert of Waterman twp. and is a young man with qualifications that make for success in life. They were recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts, consisting of cut glass, chine, silverware, linen, rugs and furniture.

They will reside on a farm east of Sutherland where they will be at home after March first. Best of wishes are extended to them by their many friends.

Those attending from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Wolfe, Mrs. Anna Kontz and son, Julius, Miss Hilda Noethe and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eve and daughter, Anne, of Alton, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Triplett of Pipestone, Minn., and Corp Chris Wede of Camp Gordon, Ga.

Pingel - Farrar
Harley J. Farrar and Miss Emma M. Pingel slipped quietly away to Sioux City and were married on Wednesday, February 12th at 1:00 o'clock at the First Baptist Church parsonage, Rev. E. H. Stevens performing the double ring ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Will Pingel.

The bride wore a beautiful dress of white charmeuse and georgette crepe with bead trimmings and a bridal veil, and carried a bouquet of white rosebuds and lilies of the valley. The groom wore a suit of dark blue serge.

The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. A. Pingel, one of Sutherland's oldest and highly respected citizens. She has spent most of her life here and is esteemed and admired by a large circle of friends for her pleasing ways. She is a graduate of the Maternity Hospital at Sioux City, Class of 1916, and has successfully followed her profession since her graduation. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Farrar of Gerald, Mo., but has been in and around Sutherland for the last three years. He is a young man of clean and honorable character, and is an industrious and successful farmer.

After a short wedding trip to Minneapolis and St. Paul, they will be at home, after March 1st on a farm nears Laurens, which the groom has in readiness for his bride. Hearty congratulations are extended by their many Sutherland friends.

Brady - Zwick
A wedding of interest to the people in this vicinity occurred on Tuesday February 18th, when Florence Isabelle Brady was united in marriage to Mr. Earl Zwick of Aurelia. The ceremony was performed by Rev. James Rowe, pastor of the Congregational church at Peterson, and a cousin of the bride.

The bride wore a beautiful dress of ivory white satin and silver. Her traveling dress was of gray chiffon silk taffeta. The groom was dressed in a suite of navy blue.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brady and is highly esteemed by her friends which are numbered by her acquaintances. She has been a successful teacher in the schools of O'Brien and Clay Counties. The groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zwick of Cherokee and is well known in this vicinity. He is a prosperous young farmer of Cherokee County.

The bride and groom left the same day for Des Moines where they will visit with relatives. They will be at home after Mach 1st on the groom's farm near Aurelia. Their many friends in the community extend congratulations and best wishes to them for a long and happy life.

Hansen - Thiessen
Miss Marie Johanna Hansen and Mr. George A. Thiessen were quietly married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bach, northeast of Sutherland, Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, Rev. Hoffman of Hartley performing the ceremony. Miss Ella Bach and Carl Hendrick were the only other witnesses present. These young people have been residents of this community for several years and have many friends who wish them happiness and success.

They will live on the Dr. J. S. Sanders farm 1-1/2 miles north of Sutherland, which the groom has rented for the coming season.

p 1 col 2
-T. R. Cobb went to Sanborn last Thursday to attend the funeral of his nephew, Claude Smith.
-The will of Jos. Hain has been probated. Robert Brewster is named as executor with bond fixed at $60,000.
-Mrs. T. R. Cobb was called to Sanborn Monday morning because of the critical illness and subsequent death of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Smith.

p 1 col 4
Albert Ogbert is in jail charges with bigamy. He was married two or three years ago at Worthington, Minn., and been separated from his wife. He claims he paid her an allowance and money enough to get a divorce and he presumed she had done so. On February 5th of this year, Ogbert married Catherine B. Holand of Center township, and now wife No. 1 has appeared on the scene to disturb his tranquility.

Mrs. Joseph Goodman was allowed a widow's pension for one child at the rate of $2.00 per week. Mrs. Geo. Sleep was also granted a widow's pension for $4.00 per week for her two children. The money is payable by the county.

p 3 col 3
Miss Amanda Engelke went to Paullina last Friday evening to attend a dinner party given by Mrs. A. H. Meyers in honor of her sister-in-law, Miss Emma Meyers, at which time the approaching marriage of Miss Meyers to Mr. W. D. Engelke of this place was announced. The wedding will take place in the spring.

p 4, col 4
Maple Grove - Lois Farquhar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Farquhar, is sick with pneumonia.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
February 27, 1919

p 1 col 5
Emma Griffin secured a divorce from her husband, Frank Griffin, on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment.

p 2 col 1
Mr. Harley Lamb and Miss Hazel Meyers of Albert City were united in marriage, Thursday, Feb. 20th. They arrived at the parental, John Lamb, home Monday where in the evening a large crowd met and serenaded the young couple.

p 3 col 3
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb of Eldora and Mrs. Lottie Lighter of this place accompanied their mother, Mrs. Alice Diggins, to Spencer Monday. They spend Sunday at T. F. Cobb's enroute home from the funeral of their sister, and daughter, Mrs. Charles Smith, at Sanborn.

[transcribed by A.N., November 2011]

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