Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 6, 1918

p 3 col 2
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cobb attended the funeral of the former's uncle, Denny Putnam, in Hartley Wednesday.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 13, 1918

p 1 col 1
Receives Account of Ted Butler's Death - Letter to Mrs. Effie Butler From the National Headquarters of American Red Cross
Dear Mrs. Butler:
I wish it were possible to say something which might comfort you in the loss of your son, Private Ted A. Butler. We cannot do this, but we can assure you that you have the very sincere sympathy of The American Red Cross, and also that we know, as the years go by, you will be very proud that he gave his life in such a splendid cause.

We have received recently a little news as to your son's death, and as you may have not had any details we are giving you what he have. One man who was in the engagement with him, Private Glenn L. Turk, says that on March 9 they were holding the front lines when the enemy sent over some gas shells, causing them to put on their gas masks. Ted Butler, he says, was on one side of him and Everett Wright on the other side. Ten or fifteen minutes after they had been gassed there was a shrapnel shell exploded almost on them, which killed one of the men instantly and cut off your son's arm. He was, of course, taken immediately to the French hospital and had the very best of care; but he had, apparently, lost so much blood that it was impossible to save his life.

Corporal Marcher, who was in the same hospital with him thinks that he had very little suffering. Of course, you must realize that in cases of that sort everything is done to prevent the man from suffering and that in most instances they are unconscious all the time.

Your boy was buried in the French cemetery, in a plot especially set aside for the America soldiers, in grave No. 25. This is the information Chaplain Rolf, who has very likely written you himself, gives. The grave is marked with a cross, with his name. It has flowers on it, and we should soon be able to send you a Photograph of it.
Sincerely yours,
W. R. Castle

p 1 col 3
Nathan Crooks and Miss Myrtle Maranell were quietly married in Cherokee, Saturday, June 1, at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. Jory officiating. They are both residents of Grant township and are highly respected young people. Their home will be on a farm near Anthon. The Courier joins the circle of friends in wishing them happiness and success.

p 2 col 3
Word was received here Monday telling of the death of little Robert Webster, son of R. W. Webster and wife of Harris.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 20, 1918

p 1 col 4
Filed Naturalization Papers
Petitions for naturalization have been filed by following:
Leendert Arnie Struyk, of Sheldon, formerly of Holland
Rev. Fred Lonsdale, of Calumet, formerly of England
Ernest Stoever, of Paullina, formerly of Germany
Carl Hove, of Gaza, formerly of Denmark
Forstein Hansen Solvberg, of Paullina, formerly of Norway
Jan Dekker, of Sanborn, formerly of Holland

Stoever's petition will not be acted upon till after the war. A subject of Germany who filed his declaration of intention to become a citizen more than two years before commencement of war may be naturalized now, but all others must wait till the end of the war.

p 1 col 5
In District Court final reports have been in following estates:
Carl E. Nelson
Gertrude Boog
Nellie Fairley
Mark Cuppett
Menry Minden
Sarah Husted
Howard M. Sutter
H. A. Stone,
Mary Richardson
Geo. McKenna
and E. H. McClallan.

Final reports of guardians have been approved in following:
Hannah Minden
Kath L. Keenan
Irene A. Altken.
In Flava L. Harvey guardianship, W. C. Kimmel was appointed in place of D. E. Harvey, resigned. W. C. Vogel was appointed administrator with will annexed in estate of Wm. Vogel. Wills of P. D. Ruther and Herman Storm were probated. The guardian of Emma Miller was authorized to mortgage real estate. Sale of real estate of Milton Rockwell, a minor, was authorized.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2012]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
June 27, 1918

p 1 col 1
Court House and County Seat News

Richard Lane, a citizen of Germany who came to the United States in 1882 and has been a resident of this county for twenty-seven years, has this week applied for his first naturalization papers, declaring his intention to become a citizen of the United States.

The will of Wilbur C. Metcalf has been filed for probate. It disposes of his property in exact proportion as provided by the laws of Iowa. One half estate will go to his wife and balance between his brother and sisters.

The will of James Roberts has been filed for record. His wife is given the house and lots in Sheldon and NE1/8 section 28 Carroll township, and a life estate in SE1/4 section 21 same township and all personal property. After death of the widow a life estate is given in SE1/4 sec 21 Carroll twp to Mrs. Arthur Hindt; after her death the quarter section descends to the children of Thos. J. Riley, Ann Lindsey, Geo. Riley and Sarah Pierce. E. B. Myers is named as executor.

James Roberts, of Sheldon, who recently died was one of the joint owners of the town plat of Primghar when the town was incorporated in 1872. The public square occupied by the court house was owned by he and W. C. Green and deed to the county for court house purposes. Should the square ever be used for other than court house purposes it would no doubt revert to the heirs of the original owners.

p 1 col 2
Gottlieb Litka Dead
We were informed, just before going to press, that Gottlieb Litka died at his home near Alexandria, Minn. Tuesday morning. As this is the old home community the body will be brought here for burial. The funeral service will be conducted from the M. E. church at Calumet Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Interment at Waterman cemetery.

p 1 col 3
Brings Suit For Divorce
Lelah Cooper has brought suit for divorce against her husband, Henry Cooper, and asks $1500 alimony and $35 per month for support. She alleges that there are two children of the marriage, 11 and 13 years of age, that her husband was guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and recently got into a poker game that lasted all night in the town of Sutherland and the next day drew $550 from the bank and fled the realm. She also asks an injunction restraining the husband from interfering with her in the management of the restaurant business at Sutherland or otherwise interfering with her actions.

[transcribed by A.N., February 2012]

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