Iowa Old Press

Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 4, 1918

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Miss Emma Swanson was called to her home in Laurena Monday to attend the funeral of a relative.

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J.C. Harris, also sister-in-law Mrs. Bazil Marlow, of Peterson, went to Packwood, Iowa, Monday to attend the funeral of their aunt Mrs. J. Harris.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 11, 1918

p 1 col 4
Martin - Corrington
The marriage of Miss Gertrude Mae Corrington of Cherokee and Mr. Kenneth L. Martin of Sutherland took place on Wednesday, April 3rd, in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corrington, of Pilot township, in the presence of only the near relatives of the bride and the groom. Rev. Harry M. Burns of Diamond Center officiated, using the ring ceremony. Following the ceremony a three-course dinner was served. The bride has lived nearly all her life in Cherokee county and has been a successful teacher in the county schools. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Sutherland and is a young man of excellent character. They will be at home after April 15 on a farm near Sutherland where the best wishes of their many friends go with them. - Cherokee Times

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Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rembe attended the funeral of the former's uncle, George Rembe at LeMars Monday.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 18, 1918

p 3 col 4
Grandma Hulser Dead
Word has just been received here telling of the death of Mrs. Margaret Hulser, familiarly known as Grandma Hulser, which occurred at the home of her son, Fred, in Reading, Minn., Wednesday. Arrangements have been made to bring the remains to Sutherland and the funeral services will be held at the Church of Christ Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by C.V. Pence of Webster City, Iowa.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]


Sutherland Courier
Sutherland, O'Brien co. Iowa
April 25, 1918

p 1 col 2
Grandma Hulser, 1823 - 1918
[obituary is accompanied by photo]
Wednesday afternoon, April 17, 1918 at 3:25 o'clock occurred the death of Grandma Hulser at the home of her son, Fred, at Reading, Minn.

Grandma Hulser was Miss Margaret Dygert. She was born at Frankfort, New York, September 5, 1823, and on the day of her death was 94 years, 7 months and 12 days old. On January 15, 1845, she was married to Divan Holser, of Frankfort, N. Y. To this union were born five children, four sons, William, Frank, Fred and another who died in infancy, also Mrs. Frank Sill, who died at Hastings, N. Y. at the age of 57 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Hulser resided in New York state until 1869, when they moved to Chebanse, Illinois, and later to Alta, Iowa. At the latter place Mr. Hulser passed away March 7, 1880. After the death of her husband, Grandma Hulser then came to Sutherland to live with her sons. From here she moved to Reading, Minn., where she lived until she departed this life.

The deceased united with the Central Church of Christ at Des Moines and while residing there transferred her membership to the local church in Sutherland, later placing it in the Presbyterian church at Reading where it remained until her long and useful life ended.

The remains were brought to Sutherland and the funeral services held at the Church of Christ last Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by C.V. Pence of Webster City. Interment was made in Waterman cemetery.

She is survived by her three sons, William, Frank and Fred, ten grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren. Out of town relatives who were here to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulser and Mr. and Mrs. William Hulser, of Reading, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers, of Egan, S. Dak. (Contributed)

Fannie Thiesen Dead
Miss Fannie Marie Thiesen died at her home in Sutherland on Thursday, April 18. Having been a resident here only two weeks and not having yet been able to form acquaintances makes her death the more sad.

The deceased was born at Clinton, Iowa, April 7, 1886, being at the time of her death 32 years, and 11 days old. She moved from Clinton with her parents to Preston, Iowa, in 1894, where three years later her mother passed away. In 1901 the family moved to Medford, Wis. After a residence there of seven years she became ill and underwent a surgical operation, since which time she has never been well.

She leaves to mourn her untimely departure her father, Peter Thiesen, two sisters, Kathryn and Margaret, and three brothers, Chris, Paul and George, all of whom were present at the funeral services.

The funeral was conducted from the home on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock by Rev. Willis, pastor of the Methodist church. The body was laid to rest in the Waterman cemetery.

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Card of Thanks
We wish to sincerely thank those who so kindly expressed their sympathy by their deeds, words and the beautiful floral offerings at the time of our recent sorrow, the death of our mother and grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hulser
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hulser
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hulser
and families

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thiesen, of Fon-du-Lac, Wis., and Miss Kathryn Thiesen, of Menasha, Wis., arrived here Sunday morning to be present at the funeral of their sister, Miss Fannie Thiesen.

Primghar - Minnie Hughes and Emma Jones were granted divorces.

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A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage, April 15th, when Luverne Fogelman and Miss Margaret Shouse were united in marriage by the pastor. Here's wishing them a happy married life. Both young people are residents in the Hyland community.

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Mrs. Wallace Dake and Mrs. Albert Clark came up from Peterson Saturday to attend the funeral of Grandma Hulser.

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R. Clifton received a letter Wednesday from Ed Freet of Winfred, S. Dak., stating that his daughter, Mrs. Lee Marshall, died at the hospital in Madison, S. Dak., Monday. They are remembered by a great many old friends here who will regret to learn of this sad news.

Mr. and Mrs. Silas Steele went to Sioux City Friday to be present at the marriage of their granddaughter, Miss Florence Steele, to Mr. Chas. Merras which occurred Saturday evening. From there they went to Vermilion to visit another granddaughter, Mrs. Carl Erickson, but more especially to see their first great grandson. They arrived home Monday evening.

p 6 col 2
Court House Notes
Frank A. Mathers has been discharged as guardian of Laura Haas, a minor. Final reports have been approved in following estates: J. A. Spellisy, Hattie Osgood, Elizabeth Warren and Mary M. Osgood. Wills were probated in estates of Mary B. Elliott, Julius Wohlert and P. B. Peters.

N. H. Farnham, as guardian of Harry Farnham, has been authorized to sell real estate belonging to his ward.

[transcribed by A.N., December 2011]

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O'brien County